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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Well, that was that all dealt with, for now... Whew, good. Now, where's that cat~

Seila to (18, 11), Heal Amera.

"Amera~! How's my kitty doing... feeling okay?"

Laniva to (25, 8).

There was some noise coming from what looked like a room set aside from the rest of the castle... The other group seemed to be doing okay, from how much the enemy was in disarray - it seemed worthwhile to investigate what was going on in there...


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Renais heard a grunt from the room ahead, it was Giovanna. It sounded like she was in a lot of pain too, though Renais couldn't blindly run in until she was sure the area was clear. I can still sense her though, maybe I can use my magic to reach her just like Kise... She recalled the Underground mission and did her best to send her healing past the wall to her injured ally.

Renais stands her ground and uses a Mend on Giovanna.

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An odd sense of calmness washed over Syndra as she took care of the soldier in front of her, perhaps somewhat related to her new sense of focus. Now though there was a decision she had to make. There was a room off to the side that was sealed off, for what purpose Syndra didn't know, nor if anyone was inside. As curious as Syndra might've been though, she figured Kazran wasn't tactically inept enough to keep one of the ballistae in a place where they'd have zero chance of being used... right? Furthermore, if she did go to check it out, there was always the chance she wouldn't make it back to the front to help the others in case she was needed. So instead, Syndra decided to just go back to where she came from before she alerted her commander.

Syndra returns to 21-12

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Gean doubles to 14-25

The last of their pursuers were quiet now, though from the sound of the screaming ahead, there was a important moment arising. Gean hurried her pace, knowing her might would be needed ahead. "These guys are pretty tenacious..."

There was some scream, from Sylmaria again, and a bunching of forces. "Alright what's the plan?" There looked to be a meaty 

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"Ugh, of course they are. We're not exactly taking any prisoners here, so we'll deal with them as we see them," Tasha confirmed to Syndra, making it that much more important that they manage to win the battle as decisively as possible. Certainly, if Nicolas was to figure out exactly where they were going or even held Syndra hostage, they wouldn't be making it out of Islexia in as many pieces as they came in. A smaller Warlord was one thing, but without an even bigger army backing them up, the Warlord with the most power in the country wouldn't be a possible opponent for them to fight.

"Sweep around and secure the perimeter! Make it so there's nowhere for them to escape! I'm joining the other group, once you're done with the sweep, see if you can find a way to encircle the throne room!" Though they'd dealt with the reinforcements very swiftly and cleanly once more, a quick assessment told Tasha that they were about to hit the main hurdle of the fight. With the Islexians' obsession with strength, surely Kazran and his closest allies would also be the strongest fighters present, even if they would be the last to join combat...

Natalya moves to 20-11.

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"I'm perfectly healthy now, Aly, thanks to Renais, so I'll be shutting up even less... Sounds like the fun's just getting started ahead of us. Wouldn't want to miss it, yes?"

Sari moves to 13,23

"Cereza..." Lati's blood began to boil, her calm exterior remaining, but her eyes growing sharp, her body tensing. "I'll kill you."

With heavy steps, Lati equips steel greatbow, double moves to 17,23

Sylmaria took the ballista bolt in stride, clutching onto the arm that was struck for only a moment, letting the blood run down it, forcing a clenched fist. It stung, it screamed at her, but it was the kind of pain she needed to kick her adrenaline back into what little action she could muster. "You'll DIE like the rest you crowing WITCH! None of them have stopped us! You are not special! You will NOT BE DIFFERENT!

Sylmaria to 14,26, BLAST Wyvern #6!

"Mrah!? Mrrhn, Seila... You've been real focused, huh. No time for your pretty kitty... But, we're in the middle of a battle, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining. Feeling okay as I can be, now... I'm surprised these losers are going down as easily as they are. For a first job, this one really takes the cake on showing our worth." She swung two fists quickly into the air, smirking. "And there aren't any more around to keep showing off on~ What a let down, ehh? Leaves me wondering what else is hiding in this place... So let's kick some doors down."

Amera gives Seila a quick kiss before rushing for 27,12

"Eugh, battlefield love..."

M moves to 26,11

"Ahh, battlefield love~"

Krystal moves to 24,13

"Great teamwork, Roxy." Cass patted her on the shoulder, huffing, but plenty alive, and with plenty more in the tank. "I'm sure my brother is routing them on the other side as we speak... Kazran really looked down on the Gaffneys. That was his first, and last mistake... Now. Let's go find out what secrets he's hiding around here while he breaths his last, shall we?"

Cass to 26,11, Physic Roxy

"Eyes are open, Natalya. Don't worry." Alvira moves with the tiger, not knowing what she was thinking, but thinking the same as well. Probably has the people he trusts the most closest to him... The strongest people, because that's all this damn country cares about. Might makes right. She quickly flipped through her light tome... It was on its last legs. Something that Tio would probably be happy about, but nothing that helped her in the moment. "Let's get this show over with..."

Alvira to 20,13


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"Hmph... for Kazran's so-called elite and mighty Islexian regulars, they sure seem tepid when actually given the chance to take on monsters set to fight back." Roxanne huffed, returning Cassandra's pat as she watched the remaining soldier flee off towards another hallway. Channeling her magic into her hand, a pair of small crystals began to take shape in her palms, the gemstones giving off a visible glow, rapidly increasing in luminosity as Roxanne continued to channel her magic into them. As the seconds passed, the gems seemed to begin to vibrate with energy, a small grin forming on Roxanne's face.

"State secrets seem like more of a you and your brother vibe to be honest, Cass. I'm gonna make sure our little runner doesn't stir up too much trouble." The sheep noted, letting the healing light from Cass wash over her, bringing her back up to proper fighting form, quickly directing some of her magic to Cass to return the favour as she looked towards the Easternmost hallway of the keep.

"Feel free to watch, but here's your warning... it would not do you well to stare." Roxanne added before darting after the soldier, catching sight of his back as she turned into the hallway... and as expected, several men in formation ahead of him, likely reinforcements he had been aiming to call in. Winding up, Roxanne hurled both of the crystals clear over the man's head, by this point vibrating and glowing to the point of feeling hot to the touch. As they arced over the soldier and began to fall in-between the man and his compatriots, both of the improvised weapons burst, loosing a blinding flash of light alongside a concussive blast and shrapnel into the centre of the nearby enemy formation, Roxanne already directing her conduits to suppress them as they fell under a daze. 

Roxanne to 28,13, Physic Cass and Introduce Kazran's men to the concept of a Flash Grenade!

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Closer. He could hear the sound of combat, just a little more and he'd be able to help...

Üllr to 14,23.

"Ugh... I don't need to hear her voice right now..." Giovanna was still a bit dazed through everything, sighing as soothing magics came to heal her recently inflicted wounds. "Thank you." It was time to step back, there were a bit too many coming there for their comfort, and their numbers were quite thin here... "I'll follow up on you, Sylmaria. We need to clean up here, they've gained some ground." And they'll stay that way as long as that ballista stands, ugh. "Sara, continue with your healing, the rest, handle those near the southern stairs." Intent to slow down the pace for safety, Giovanna opened a tome, intent in manipulating the spell a bit further. "You're just in my range..."

Giovanna to 15,24, extend lightning flash's range and target wyvern 8.

"Goodness..." If Owen had any doubts on Giovanna's allegiances, they were well shelved after her charge. Wyvern knights were no joke, and if Sylmaria and Giovanna had it handled, then... "The ballista is still an issue, I'll recoup with the others." A few of the fresh faces were catching up, including the archer woman that seemed somewhat... familiar. "Apologies, his strongest soldiers are ahead, we'll need a bit more force to push through."

Owen to 15,22

"Mmm... this place cleared up nicely, now for the next... are we checking that room? I wonder..."

Chris to 21,7.

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"Foolish girl...!" Talulah rushed ahead of Sylmaria, shoving the dragon back some... She'd succeeded in her attack, but wounded as she was, her life was in serious danger. "Come, soldiers of Kazran! You will find I do not bend so easily..."

Talulah to 14,27, shove Sylm

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Koba glanced around, taking in the battlefield in the moment of brief peace that they had. Moving ahead slightly, he poked his head around a corner and nodded. His suspicion had been correct, and it looked like there was another locked room up ahead as well as the closer one. "Hey, uh..." What was her name again? "Nyx? You want to take this room and I'll move ahead with Roxanne and handle the room up there." With that, he moved the rest of the way forward, wind swirling around him as he did.

Koba to 28-13

Cin frowned as he looked at the battlefield in front of them. They were in a lull but things up north were rapidly coming to a head from what he could see. He started to move, flames swirling around him before stopping, an irritated grumble escaping. There was no chance he would reach the rest of the group before things exploded and there were still enemies here that could use his fists to take on. "Stay safe everyone..."

Cin to 26-8

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Miria kept an open eye as their fighting force pushed forward. She was so tired, but they all had to have been as well, to some degree. She gave her chest a few bumps, and took a deep breath. "Okay, Miria, we can do this." The cub told herself as she pushed forward. Roxi and Cass were heading to a different route of the keep. As much as Miria thought they should rendezvous with everyone going to face Kazran, she had to make sure the duo was covered.

Miria uses her second action to move to 27,14!

"I've got your backs," Miria affirmed to Roxi and Cass, giving a thumbs-up. "Whatever you gotta find Cass, they've got a nice, shiny target to keep them off you." The cub did her best to still stay positive, despite everything that was going on. That was her best trait, and she was going to maintain it.

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Giovanna strikes from three range using Currentweaving, and targets Wyvern Knight 8!

[11, 99] (82) shockingly, it hits.

Giovanna gains 26 EXP, and +2 Anima

Sylmaria B L A S T S Wvyern 6!

[17, 5] Lightning crackles around Sylmaria's hand, as she launched another beam of pure energy at the wyvern rider, piercing his body, and pinning him and his wvyern to the wall, crushing him with the weight of his steed for good measure.

Critical! Lightning Detonater Activates!

Sylmaria gains 26 EXP!

Seila heals Amera with her Heal Staff!

Seila heals Amera for 1 HP, and gains 6 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Renais uses her mend staff on Giovanna with Staff Technician!

Renais heals Giovanna for 19 HP, and gains 20 EXP!

Cass uses Physic on Roxanne!

-3 HP!

Cass heals Roxanne for 13 HP, and gains 17 EXP!

Roxanne returns the favor with her own Physic!

Roxanne heals Cass for 11 HP, and gains 16 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Cass reaches level 17!

36    31    46    53    34    56    68    14

+HP, Str, Spd, Lck!


Sara moves to 14, 24 and uses Healing Breeze!


Sylm for 14 HP
Giovanna for 9 HP
Amalda for 8 HP
Talulah for 10 HP

Combined 41 HP!

Sara gains 31 EXP! (Total 130 EXP!)

Amalda targets Bow Knight 4 with the Iron Poleaxe

[57, 47] With a crunch, Amalda's Axe finds its mark, and the kill!

Amalda gains 26 EXP! (Total 156 EXP!)

Ronan takes aim at Brawler 10!

[92, 5] The arrow connects for 16 damage!

Ronan gains 8 EXP (Total 164 EXP!)

Salem used Mire to finish the job!

[38, 83] The ranged dark energy drags Brawler into the depths of unconscious...

Salem gains 26 EXP! (Total 190 EXP!)

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"Tch." Giovanna and her new compatriots were proving to be a rather overwhelming force, their numbers increasing while theirs were dwindling. Sylmaria and her barking was easy enough to tune out, she needed to focus, and figure out how best to moun--

"What...?" Their eyes locked but for a single moment, but the shiver up her spine was enough to tell her that the moment was genuine. There, wedge between the pillars of the main hall was a woman in heavy armor. But it was her eyes, her face, the ebon hair supporting all of it, and the look of malice that face wore. There was no mistaking it.

"No... that's not possible..."

Elsewhere, Kazran was listening. The din of combat that he had become so accustomed to. Fighting was all he'd known, all he'd needed to know... then why was the shiver running up his neck? It was a fear that he thought he had quelled over nearly twenty years of combat, twenty years of struggling to take everything he could to rise to the title of Warlord. He had survived horrors that the minnows now at his doorstep could only dream of...

"Enough." Kazran stood from his throne, and took his axe, and slammed it into the ground, sending a loud shockwave through the room.


Kazran pulled his axe from the crater next to him, and hoisted it onto his shoulder, "That goes for all of you. Stop wasting my time. If you're here to kill me. Then brush aside these minnows, so I can crush you. Cereza. Whatever has you confused, stow it. Gut whatever, or whoever it is. I'm tired of waiting. ALL OF YOU! FORWARD!"


"Hastings, wait up, we're supposed to all attack together! Cereza's orders!"

A lone spear wielding man hurried ahead, "Pipe down. Cereza's in the main hall, and we need to regain control of things. At the rate you all are moving back there, they'll be breathing down our throats before you guys catch up."

The man stopped, as he noticed something tossed into the hallway, "What the fuck is--"

The three other men caught up right as the object was highest in it's arc before it shimmered, "Is it supposed to--"

Then a blinding flash over took the four men in the hall, only the furthest back being spared of it's blinding effects!

Soldier 9, and Myrms 5 and 6 all will now take Hit -30 for two turns!

Myrm 14 engage Talulah with the Steel Greatsword!

[48, 97] The heavy blade breaks Talulah's guard, dealing 11 damage!

Talulah counters!

[61, 66] With a flick of her wrist, Talulah's strike nearly knocked the man off of his feet! 23 damage!

Talulah gains 1 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Wyvern 7 throws a Spear at her!

[95, 46] Well the throw certainly looked impressive. Miss!

Soldier 9, eyes still stinging, rushes Roxanne!

[25, 72] somehow, someway, still manages to hit, where the fuck was this earlier?! 9 damage!

Roxanne deletes!

[18, 1] (Christ I didn't mean it)

[Plays Mobile Suit this time as a man gets melted]


Roxanne gains 18 EXP, and +2 Light EXP!

Owen takes Ballistian 3's ire!

[22, 87] Owen takes 13 damage!



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While that barking might've intimidated some and invigorated their opposition, it only served to steel Lati's will further. "Yeah. Yeah, you're here. This is the day that I put this behind me and make this name worth something."

Lati spends her double move to 19,25

"Cereza!" Lati wasn't going to be Sylmaria. She wasn't going to make this a shouting match. That wasn't her way of doing things... "You know who I am! You knew my mother." She pulled her greatbow off of her shoulder, an arrow in the other hand. "And you know she was always a better shot than you... Come on. We're Islexians. You gonna follow that worthless oaf's orders, charge down my allies, waste your talent on the rabble? Or are you gonna prove that you were the right choice for him. Make good on all your did to my mother. Come on, Cereza! Fix your mistakes! She lived. I was born. You gonna let that go?"

"Hello, shining and golden. We meet again~ It must be fate... Or you, must be incredibly strong. You wanna keep showing off that strength? Gotta say, really loving your work." Krystal pressed a hand against Miria's arm and stroked along it to her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Gimme more of a show, would you~?"

Krystal to 28,14, rizz up Miria

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Miria prepared to activate her ice powers again, but was stopped by a familiar voice. It was the woman from earlier who asked for a reward for her work. She took the cub's arm and started to stroke it, causing Miria's face to flush red and making her jump. "W-Well, I gotta keep trying, I'm one of our v-vanguards after all..." She tried to answer modestly, but the feeling of a burst of energy got her to stretch herself out. She felt... surprisingly, a lot better. And now this woman was asking for her to show off some more.

"Yes ma'am~!" Miria gave a thumbs up and a confident smile. She felt almost back in the zone. "Just, um," She slid the woman's hand off. "I don't know how this works on other people." With some focus, her armor gave off a chilling aura, as the armor's trimming gave it's blue hue. "And, name's Miria~ Thank you again!" She charged ahead, as she needed to make a path forward. That was her job, and she needed to remind everyone that she was good at it!

Miria to 30,15, Iron Sword Myrm 5!

"If you don't wanna die, then you should run while you can!"

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"Looks like we got here right on time for the party!" Versaris ran into the room just as the man bellowing from ahead let his voice be heard. "Charming. Excuse me, miss, you look a bit undergeared."

Versaris to 14,26, trade Silver sword to Talulah

"And I don't think I'll be needing it for this rabble, so keep an eye on it for me, would you?"

Iron sword stick Merc#13

"Aly, take care of the other one, would you!?" In truth, he could feel the magic radiating almost sickeningly off of the woman's sheathed blade. Hopefully an alternative means she won't resort to that... And, I'll have to ask Tio why magic is suddenly more sensitive for me. So many new things today...

"Knock knock!"

Cass to 29,8, crack a skull with her swordreaver!

"It's the Gaffneys, and they're fucking pissed!"

"Rrrr, so loud... So boisterous, annoying, ringing in my ears... The only loud sound I want to hear is--"

M to 28,9, bang! Into the myrm

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Out in the distance, it seemed the big man of the house was getting impatient. That was just fine for Tasha, because an impatient warrior is a warrior who isn't fighting to their best, regardless of how mighty they may think themselves. "Yeah. You fuckers constantly attack Glacies just because we dare to be civilized people unlike you. If the battlefield is all you know, might as well die stupid," she mumbled under her breath, certain she wouldn't be heard from this far back even if she shouted as loudly as Kazran was. Human ears weren't as sensitive as a tiger's, after all. This was a fight she didn't want to miss out on, if only for the chance to taunt one of the bastards responsible for most of the work the Tigers had been doing before embarking on this journey... and complicit in the earlier kidnapping on top.

Natalya sprints to 20-21.

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Syndra was thinking about how she was going to handle taking care of this next ballista. If she could get there it would be all over in an instant seeing as how these machines weren't designed around being that maneuverable, but Syndra couldn't get there by her own power without winding herself. There was an idea that sprung to mind though, Nyxied was nearby, and she could help her close the distance, probably. So Syndra turned around to her girlfriend and asked. "Nyxied dear, do you think you could give me a shove? Not too hard though, I remember last time you used all your strength on me."

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Things were starting to clear up, though, the bellowing from further in reminded Nyx that this fight wasn't anywhere near over... They had control of much of the castle at this point, everyone doing their part. From fighting drunkards and racists to Islexian soldiers and racists... movin' up in th' world, ain't we? She chuckled before hearing Syndra finally call out for her assistance--Synnie had deathly focused on everything in front her. 

Nyx moved over with a frown, and light blush on her face, "Oi, ain't got t' remind me about every lil' mistake..." The specter of that arrow continued to loom in Nyx's mind... Nyx placed her hand on Syndra's ass and, intentionally this time, shoved her girlfriend forward, "Give em hell!" 

Nyx moves to 22, 15, and gives Syndra a shove!

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In the middle of combat, a very discerning voice thundered through the building... the man himself, Üllr gathered. "Hmm..." He didn't know what to expect before, but it seemed like this Kazran truly ruled by his own strength. It... brought some memories. Memories better left in his early years. Üllr bit his inner cheek.

"Hmm... fight. I'll see what kind of man he is." His wounds from earlier were closed enough, it was time to warm up his muscles again. "Hrahh!!"

Üllr to 16,26, chakram at lance armor 4.

Even at this distance, the resounding shout was distracting. "Miaou... I hope they'll be okay over there. Still a lot of bodies to deal with on this end. Bah." Chris realigned his ballista, aiming at the newly opened room. "That one looks like trouble. Just gotta make sure he's not that much of one~."

Chris to 26,7, fire at Hero 3.

There he was. The man of the hour. The blight of his land. "Kazran..." In contrast to his opponent, Owen spoke in a hushed tone. Truly a beast of a man, huh. Nothing I could match up to physically... For a moment, Owen felt his weakness, but quickly gripped his sword again. Still, I don't need to. I just need to live.

Owen to 18,24, wind edge lance armor 4.

"Hah... hahahah..." A dark laugh escaped Giovanna, a somewhat trained look downwards to the floor following. That shout wasn't unfamiliar. Kazran was mad and, for once, his anger was justified. "I really am fighting him... haah..." A deep breath, Giovanna steeled herself, pages from her tome flipping with sigils hovering. Doesn't matter how strong he is. They spared Sylm, he didn't. I know what future I want, even if it kills me. Nobody needs to carry this burden.

"Out of the way." The outcomes were running through her mind. Even if he's strong, I have cards to play.

Giovanna to 18,25, elthunder sword armor 4.

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"Woah, haha, you enjoyed that didn't you... thanks Nyxied." Syndra remarked. With her being cheered on like that, it would only feel like she'd be letting her down if she took it easy on the ballistician, not like she intended on that in the first place. "You know if I didn't see the crest on the side I would never figure these to belong to the Belroses... after all, there's no reason they should break this easily. Well, I guess that's more my benefit then my problem."

Syndra moves to 22-22 and encloses Ballistician 3 in a Blizzard

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"Geez, a voice that loud could wake the dead." Gean could only assume that loud barking was Kazran himself, and from the sound of things he was entering the battlefield. "The sooner we take care of this guy, the sooner we're out of this hell hole." Gean looked towards their new armored friend, who seemed to be calling out a woman in the center. Gean paused on a moment, wondering if she should give her some assistance, but decided the best way to assist, was to clear this area, any lingering forces would make taking on their leader much more difficult. "These small fry have to go! I call dibs on the wyvern!" 

Gean moves to 16-25 and fries Wyvern 7 with her Bolt Axe

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