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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Whether you've done a favor to your father or not, Kazran was one piece that needed to be gone. Nicolas may have the next move, but we've ensured our position as the other players in this board, and better us than him." The words came to Owen quick following Syndra's own retrospection. Islexia was still playing a dog-eat-dog game, and the nature of it was well beyond their grasp. Fighting for their place was the moral right, and fighting more was their reward.

"If you can be around by the time it comes, I'd welcome it. If anything, it's a chapter of your life you shouldn't miss, if you're this determined." He was studying the Belrose's face for emotions again. Truth be told, Owen wasn't that knowledgeable about Nicolas' family issues, aside from the basic most warlords were privy to. "Do keep in mind that much like our duties, yours will only grow the day you face him. The real fight is there." He pointed towards Eslcas' port, the city taking shape in their sight. "Every day. From the way you speak, I gather you understand it, but it's always a magnitude larger to feel it for yourself. Keep preparing for it, and hope," He managed a soft smile, bringing it back to the word Syndra brought up. "Hope that the day will come." His grasp, more firm than before, held his sister's shoulder.

"Oh, I might've sounded a bit too cryptic. I don't feel bad that there's this many mages. It just feels funny to be outclassed. Once you hang with Islexians for long enough, magic makes you feared, somewhat unapproachable. Having this many around with talent far surpassing my own is almost funny." Giovanna chuckled, leaning against her seat, "I was thinking about that... about Sylmaria doing better with these people. They've changed her. She won't talk about it, but I can tell. They're much better than our 'home', for how much of one that land was." A slightly venomous lilt escaped her lips as she brought the topic of Kazran's territory on her own. She noticed it, faked a smile right after.

"I don't want to stay either. Islexia has too many painful memories, but I do have a bit of a profile. I've broken alliances and stifled rebellions under that man's orders. I'll be chased by warlords and vassals wanting my service or my silence... hah." Another chuckle, "At least Giovanna Kastille would, and that's what I've been thinking about when you approached me. The whole keep massacre is still fresh, after all."

"Eeek?!" Chris' tail shot up first, then his body in a small jump, as Bella approached him, teasing over his tendency to ramble to nobody. "Hwa... Oh, sorry, we've just been here for the better part of a day. Leave me alone long enough, and I'll just be with my thoughts for the whole day... much better than silence for my mind." He turned his head to look at her... presence as she touched his shoulder, eyes quickly darting back to his platform.

"So we are... I had a feeling, from what you talked about last time. I... hm." He stopped tinkering with the plaftorm's wheel, sitting up straight. "I'd feel bad leaving them as well, but I kind of want to go too. It's the most work this beauty got done in moons, and... well, it's more lively company, for sure." A sheepish smile followed his words, "Besides, it seems their trajectory is taking them to... you know..." Somewhere he'd never set foot before, but heard well during his time in Glacies.


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"Ahhhh... Clever. Clever clever clever..." Marigold snapped her fingers, thinking she got the meaning behind Giovanna's words. "So... You, cut the hair some, maybe you dye it... And you were always Kazran's tactician, never his frontliner. I only barely recognized you because we've been at it for so long... The others? People you've fought once, maybe twice? If you give them a false name, I don't think they'll give it a second thought. Smart. Very smart..." Marigold picked herself up and slapped Giovanna on the back, smirking. "Good thinking. Talk it over with Natalya and the Gaffneys. You'll survive Islexia yet~" Marigold was surprised that she was already thinking about it, honestly... But with enemies everywhere, plenty made from Kazran for her, Giovanna Kastille had to disappear. As long as you tough it out for Sylmaria, I know she'll do the same for you. Crazy girl really could've killed Owen and chose a different fate... "You have fun brooding. Maybe go say hi to your friend, eh? I'm gonna make sure we're actually getting into port."

"A, round stick...? Like a club? Why wouldn't someone just use a sword?" Sylmaria was getting far too caught up in the particulars of how this weapon was meant to work, trying to shake her head away from the slowly forming mental image. "Confusing... If your father prefers that, I suppose... Clouded are always coming up with strange and weird--" She caught herself, grimacing and looking away. "... My apologies." Old habits would be difficult to shake so suddenly, immediately insulting Miria's father rather than considering it novel or interesting. "Hahhh... Mmn. Thank you for all of your kind words, Miria. If you'll excuse me." She pushed away from the edge of the boat and made for the bow, needing to pull her away from that moment. Fie on my brain. Still thinking like that, despite everything... Ugh...

"Hah! Look at the two of you! Already speaking like we're going to fight Nicolas tomorrow. We still have to cross all of Islexia to meet the fucker and then we get the chance to strike. Before that, let's make sure we're ready for dinner tonight!" Cass laughed and gave Owen a hefty pat on the back, spotting Marigold coming her way. "Oi, Mari, what's going on? Everything fine? No one's started a surprised mutiny on our way home?"

"Why am I not surprised you're wearing different clothing...? Got too much gore on the stuff you left in?" The zombie rolled her eyes some. "Just coming to check on how landing the boat is progressing... Starting to get a bit stir crazy. I can see Eslcas, but it still feels so far away... Wish I could make this boat move faster. As for dinner, I'll go hunt something down if the castle chefs aren't prepared to feed a group this big. A bear should do it, yeah?" She smirked and then looked off at nothing, seemingly remembering some previous bear conflict.

"Right, sure. A bear. You've come to the wrong people for information on landing. Gean's captaining and Kieran's out main lookout... So fine them, yeah?"

"Of course... Glad to see you're still kicking, Belrose." She stuck her tongue out at Syndra. "Make sure you keep it that way until you can take responsibility for your family... Great work out there. Thanks for your help in killing Kazran, and helping bring the Tigers here in the first place. I, uh... Was probably too hard on you, when we first met."

"... Me too. My apologies, Syndra... You aren't anything like your family, and I... should've given you the chance. I'm only glad it didn't ruin things, and we're here, now." Cass sighed, shaking her head. "I'm always too damn prone to anger."

"That is all correct, yes... And, the sword only has a mind of its own if wielded. If I ever go out of control while using it, please cut off my arm. I would rather suffer the loss of my swordsmanship than be responsible for harming those I am meant to be allies with." She nodded sternly towards Versaris, who took a deep breath.

"Lot of pressure to put on a guy you've just met, you know? I'll... try. Let us hope, instead, that it never comes to that. Now, about you bring warped across the continent...?"

"Ah. Yes. I was travelling the seas with my previous companions, Genevieve and Kasim, to the east of Lufiria... We were beset by pirates of a sort." She didn't want to explain in detail that they were pirates related to her father. Ling and Van... Names she would commit to memory for the rest of her days. "At first our retaliation was going well, but they overwhelmed us when their strongest took the deck. I pushed myself too hard with the Yscavelne, and fell under its control... Were it not for Genevieve, the sword would have consumed me fully for a chance at another's lifeblood. She managed to heal me out of my stupor, enough to sheathe the weapon, and due to an artifact the pirates employed... Genevieve warped the rest of us away from the ship, else we'd have been caught in the blast. She was... I think. I don't know if she just... Took it, or warped herself, but... That was the last I saw of her. I woke up on the plains of Islexia, and chanced Lati stumbling upon me. Now, I am here..."

"... Woof. That's a... story." Versaris was at a loss. None of the names rung any bells, so he couldn't tell anything beyond the wondrous degree of this tale. "We'll keep our ears out for those names. Genevieve and Kasim--"

"And Sitonia," she cut in. "We were travelling with Genevieve's daughter as well. She didn't take part in the combat on the ship, so I didn't include her... but she is missing as well."

"Alright. Genevieve, Kasim, and Sitonia... You'll be the first to know. I guess... Welcome aboard?" It was a fantastic tale, with fantastic circumstances, but she hadn't turned on them during the fight with Kazran, so clearly, either the sword was very temperamental, or the pirates they'd come into contact with were incredibly strong. "Your word is final, Natalya, but I can't see a reason, to say no...?"

"My, my..." Kise took Renais' hand and pulled the healer into her lap, holding her close, "you were climbing so carefully and calmly, and now, a single claw has you panicked~? Not afraid until you're involved, is it?" Kise took the opportunity to lick the blood off of Renais' cheek, grinning widely. "I'm afraid you'll have to be ready for such scratches when you get involved with beasts... As for what I know? Nothing. I've no clue what you are or who made you... Beyond my magic-- not my spells, my magic, being intertwined with what's put you together... Which is why I could feel that being inside you, that isn't you. I've got hundreds and hundreds of little shards within me. The essences of so many others... I'm good at souls~"

She wiggled her eyebrows and watched Aly like a hawk, wondering if the other half would burst forth suddenly, ready to pounce, but it seemed as though Alriana had her under lock and key again... "Besides," her attention turned to Renais for a moment, "what's wrong with us fighting, hmm? A fall to the deck wouldn't have killed either of us. I'm far too ethereal for something like that to leave lasting damage, and Aly's so dexterous, the sails or any number of ship rigging would've slowed her fall on the way down~ Such a worrier, Renais... Your blood is delicious, by the way. I won't ask for more-- I don't want to hurt you, but... If ever you prick your finger on something sharp, allow me to kiss it better...~"

Then her eyes were back on Alriana, cold and uncaring, her smile even fading some. "We are finished, little box of souls. It was an impressive little squabble... One that, on the grounds that were set, you would've won. Akai." The wolf was suddenly behind Alriana, with a knife in its mouth, held out in her direction. "You may have that as praise from me to your capabilities... Or, perhaps, her capabilities~? Hmhmhmhm... Kihihihi~ Either way. Enjoy~"

Alriana receives a Main Gauche

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Well, I'm glad to hear that you're alright. It wasn't really my intention to drag you into this so suddenly." Roxanne replied, letting a small smile adorn her face as she rubbed the top of her own head between her horns somewhat sheepishly.

"A true dragon... I can't help but be curious. You certainly look dragon enough to me, I wonder what she's like." The pirate pivoted for a moment, bringing her hand down to cup her chin as she thought. A scalier Alvira with less distinct human-adjacent features? Or perhaps far less humanoid even in shape? Roxanne couldn't help but release a small chuckle as she envisioned a wyvern-esque creature in a large hat slinging spells, though she quickly cleared her throat and returned to reality.

"Still, I'm glad that your impression of her demeanour at least lines up with my own. Makes me feel a little less crazy about the whole thing... not unwelcome at the moment. Especially coming from someone with experience in all of this. We really will need to get the Evokers take on all this. And I need to try to find folk familiar with Hecatia... I've never been myself, but those names don't match the maps I know. Someone more well-versed or local might have a better idea what they might mean..."

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"A-Ah, Sylm, wait--" Miria reached out to stop the dragon from fleeing, but she ran off after letting an insult slip. The cub retracted her hand, and sighed. She was a little confused but, it's not like she didn't understand what just happened. I know you didn't mean that... Miria turned back, letting the feeling of the wind and the sounds of the water take over for a bit. She didn't get much time to bask in sea travel like this all the time. It was okay, maybe, to leave Sylmaria be. Miria was just preaching to practice patience, and that change doesn't happen overnight, thus she'd practice that same patience.

Please don't beat yourself too much over that, Sylmaria. Papa would've laughed it off too, I'm sure. I don't give up that easy. She quietly snickered to herself, as she enjoyed some time watching the ocean.

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Seila yawned, having finished up some reading belowdecks and decided to wander in search of her two Clouded companions; Ember had been happy to see the two of them return without harm, but the two had been rather restless aboard the ship - perhaps somewhat less suited to idleness that herself. As she climbed the steps to the deck of the boat, she held her robes to avoid stepping on them in the narrow space, her hat knocking slightly against the walls of the stairway. Oops... At least I'm not seasick, but my, I certainly don't have my sea legs...

She sighed, setting her clothes back in order as she scanned the deck for a cat and dog, spotting the kitty cuddling up against the ashen-skinned Ember. "There you two are~" The witch crossed the deck, giving Amera a brief pat before giving Ember's other arm a quick squeeze - warm as ever. "It's true, Ember. We missed you out there. It's nice when you're also there to protect me... Amera did a very good job, though, didn't you~"

Laniva was leaning against the railing of the deck, absent her armor; in part to stave off the seasickness that she could never quite be free from with fresh air, and in part to give thought to the letter Syta had read her. The Kanseian royal family had been well acquainted with Kazran, his fighting serving their purposes quite well, it seemed - both for their 'tributes' and to hold the Eslcas area; and of course, plenty of anti-Clouded sentiment.

Of course, all of that was not too unexpected of a letter addressed to Kazran, though the explicit evidence that Islexia and Kansei together were essentially sponsors of the man came as unpleasant news. What had given her proper pause, though, was the signature - Tiernan MacDowell. The nephew of King Feld, and the one who had so trivially banished her from Kansei mere moments after having been on the receiving end of a sound thrashing... She groaned, unsure whether it was nausea or otherwise.

Edited by mcd900
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Gean kept a steady hand on the wheel, the sea breeze flowing through her hair. Eslcas was just in sight, she just needed to bring things home. As she looked out on the deck, most of the Tigers were mixed with their newer companions. Their group had certainly expanded by leaps and bounds since their journey began. I wonder if we'll have enough space at the guild for all these new people. Then again, I might not be there for some time. Gean thought back to the conversation she had with her Uncle, and her desire to go back. That's when the thought dawned on her: would she stay? What if they asked her to come back to Lufiria. "I need to talk to the girls then." Gean looked back towards the crow's nest where she knew Kise was... except she wasn’t? 

Gean's brow furrowed as she watched Kise and Aly who she hadn’t seen before having some sort of tussle on the beams of the ship. "What are they doing- is that Renais?” Now Gean’s other girlfriend was climbing the ropes up to the crows nest, and keeping an eye on Renais, Kise and Aly, and on the ship was becoming a lot. “Hey, can someone come take over for me?” Gean called out to one of the crew members, Dave was the name she recalled, and began her trek to the crow's nest.

When Gean finally reached the crow's nest, everyone was… sitting down? Renais was in Kise's lap and Akai was giving Aly a knife. “Ok, I know I saw you two fighting up here, unless I've gone crazy. What's going on, and what was that scream?”

“Yeah, Jesse’s the name. I can understand not getting used, every place the Tiger's tend to go, they end up bringing someone new into their groups.” Jesse looked over to the rope Kieran mentioned. “Yeah I can toss this. Shouldn't be harder than any farm work.” All she had to do was toss it to folks at port. “I thought you might have some things you need a second set of hands for.”

Kieran's demeanor was a little dismal; given his part in the Underground attack, that wasn't surprising. “You were saying something earlier? Something crazy?


Edited by Bluemask 96
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Syndra was taking in the words of both Gaffneys when Marigold had wandered over asking about the boat landing, but then it turned towards a bit of an apology. Syndra smiled at the clearing up of the situation, but she still felt a little embarrassed. "Well, thank you for saying so, but honestly neither of you said anything that required apologizing, or at least, not anything I thought was an unreasonable reaction given what you knew about me at the time. No point in dwelling on it now." Syndra said while waving her arms. Although now that Marigold had arrived it did give Syndra the chance to ask her about someone else. "How are you and Kieran faring anyway? I know you two stayed on the ship with the others, but I'm just curious seeing as I helped press him into joining us in the first place, and you seem rather attached to him."

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Despite the crow's nest being open air, it was swiftly making the lizard feel as though she was suffocating. She'd lost whatever desire she had had moments ago to be high up as possible, now wanting to scurry below deck and hide herself away. Yet as she watched as Renais was pulled into Kise's hold and, like a switched was flipped, the fox's whole demeanor changed, there was still a defiance to her body language, the demanding glare still present. "..." She didn't have much choice other than to accept what the woman was saying even if it wasn't the answer she wanted; she was no expert on magic, let alone the unique kind Kise employed, and had no way to know if she ought to know more and was withholding information. The only thing that she could maybe take as something new was the implication that the Voice had a soul - she couldn't remember in the moment if Jeremiah had initially implied that when they had realized there was another being inside her.

The woman was strange, acting far different than the how the lizard remembered Mikoto acting. Yet the way she looked at Renais was the way Versaris looked at her and, while it took the lizard a while to realize it, an intimacy to her actions. It made the sudden shift in Kise's eyes as she looked back at her all the more jarring, almost as much so as the wolf that had suddenly appeared behind her, dagger presented for her to take. She wasn't so wrapped up in herself that she would refuse the gift, taking it just as Aegean arrived on the scene. If she felt like she was suffocating before, the addition of the mermaid made the crow's nest claustrophobic. She didn't want to explain what had happened to Aegean, part of her knowing that it would likely end up reaching Jeremiah outside of her terms. She agreed with that part of herself, even if she knew it was her other self encouraging those feelings.

"Don't want to talk about it," was all the warning she gave before she was over the nest's railing once again, leaping down the beams of the sail using her tail and the rigging until she landed on the deck of the ship, out of reach of the trio left up in the nest.

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Renais suddenly found herself in the lap of her kitsune partner; she felt her tongue against her bloodied cheek as she licked some of it away. Despite how strange it felt, the pinkette recognized that the kitsune wanted to comfort her in her own way, and soon enough she found herself settled. As she did she listened carefully and silently to her words as she brought up that Alriana had something else inside of her, which explained why she attacked Renais out of nowhere. "So that wasn't Aly..." She softly mumbled to herself. Aly was always interesting to be around in the heat of battle, but Renais hadn't spent enough time to experience her vicious side first hand the way she did a moment ago. It was a curious situation, she made sure to keep it in the back of her mind.

Kise went on to say how skilled she was with souls and that she had hundreds of souls inside of her, it occurred to Renais that they hadn't really talked too deeply on Kise for some time. Before the fox knew it the cleric put her arms around her and pulled her into a hug and put her mouth next to an ear. She spoke out gently. "You say it won't leave lasting damage, but you can still feel pain right? Just like Aly, and me, and Gean. I just don't want you to get hurt, Kise. I really mean that." She loosened her arms slightly and pulled her head back to look her in the eyes. "You're right, I'm a worrier. I've seen so much bloodshed, and because of the path I've chosen I will see more. With all of the conflict we have to go through, why create more we don't need? There's no need to fight among ourselves, I don't want that. I want you to be happy and healthy Kise, I love you and I still have so much I want to learn about you. In fact I want to spend more time with you." She took a short breath. "That being said I've never heard anyone call my blood delicious, maybe that means I'm doing something right. Also hi, Gean." She didn't turn to look at her mermaid girlfriend, she wanted to keep her eyes locked on Kise's for a moment longer.

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"Hah! We're not that close to that, no, it's a fun thought exercise, at least, but yes, dinner comes first." A fair chuckle at Cassandra's call, and a polite nod towards Marigold as she approached. Owen cleared his throat. "I don't know if bear is the best option... but maybe some of them will take to it. I don't suppose mercenaries mind eating bear... and all in due time, the ship will be by the shore before you know it." The fact that Syndra, of all people, was comfortable enough to mention Marigold and Kieran's closeness was surprising though. "Ah... I do owe all of you for staying back on guard... I suppose it's been a waiting game for you since we arrived at the Keep, huh?

"Hmm... maybe just a hairstyle change and dye, but somewhere around that." Giovanna managed a coy smirk as Marigold connected the dots, letting her speak her turn. "It would be convenient if they accepted it, huh? I guess it wouldn't hurt trying. See you out there... and thanks." Giovanna watched Marigold leave to do her own thing, and pondered on the words said about Sylmaria. Maybe it was a good time...

And as fate would have it, Sylmaria seemed to have walked away on her own, distressed in some manner... as good as time as any. Giovanna stood up from her sitting spot, walking over to Sylmaria, eyeing her expression carefully. "How are you holding, Sylmaria? Did they upset you?" Hopefully nothing that messy, but with how delicate everyone's emotions would be after that night... "Anything you'd like to talk about...?"

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Kise had been about to explain to Gean that sometimes, beasts fought, and that was natural, but her entire face was pulled into something soft before she could continue, shivering at the sensation of words so close to her ear. "R-Renais!" she managed to muffle out, pushing the girl back just a bit. "Kon... Those are sensitive..." She didn't, initially, like Renais' questions, demands, everything involved, almost about to growl, but when she hit her with the 'I love you', Kise's bristling hairs began to slowly calm down, something of a sombre look on her face. "Hmm..." It would probably hurt the girl's feelings, but... She needed to hear it, and Gean needed to hear it too. Now that Alriana had gone to lick her wounds, physical and mental, it was just the three of them.

"The both of you need to spend more time with me," she said, flatly, that sombre tone still on her face, but a serious stare beginning to form in her eyes. It was more akin to how Mikoto held herself; maybe some of her was shining through, maybe Kise was being more honest with the girl she used to be long ago... Whatever the case, "you have all of these other people around you. You met Jeremiah when he returned, and I got jealous. I attacked him because of that jealousy, and because he is Lufirian. I wanted to test myself against him to see how well things may go in the future... And I was jealous that you gave me zero attention as soon as he arrived. Is he truly that important to you, Gean? He's not even blood related to you, is he? It is frustrating to sit there and watch you prance about with him and the others and just... Be, present, and barely interacted with. Not a glance. Not a gesture, until I do something 'crazy'. I want attention."

She turned her nose to Renais and made an even more upset expression, close to crying. "And you. You barely give me the time of day. It's entirely unfair of you to only show concern when I'm doing something you don't like, and then tell me, 'Oh Kise, I love you, I want to speak with you more, I want you to be okay, we don't need more conflict', yes? Well, do it then! Your words are empty, like my heart, and it hurts to hear you use that against me!" She huffed, sniffling some, letting out a hefty sigh. "If this is what caring for others affords me, perhaps I never should have. I am unhappy. You cannot possibly be so busy as to ignore me? Most of the time between combats the Tigers are just sitting around... What are you doing? Sitting around with them? Kon..." She sank into her tails. "I gave up a part of me for your freedom, Renais. The least you could do is... is be there more. Actually do it when you say it..."

"Roxanne, I'm the best person you could've dragged into this. I believe you, I've been through this, and if I can find the freedom to do it, I'll help you when it comes time to getting her out of... wherever she is. I'm curious about this whole true dragon thing too... Surely she can't mean... No, that's actually just legend. This is what a dragon is." She flexed, and huffed, proudly holding herself up. "So don't worry about all of that. I can handle it. I will continue to handle it... Except for the maps. Didn't spend much time studying, uh, ancient maps of the old world. Ahah. If I even could! There's so little on that age... We'll really have to find a serious scholar to find out where that... gate is." There were no structures that large in Hecatia, to her understanding, so it must've been something standing long ago. Curses... Another lead with more questions...

"There's my darling Laniva~" Syta was on Lani's arm, gently, before the cat could so much as mrow, squeezing up against her with the brightest smile. "Finally decided to join us, have you? Nice to see you up and at 'em, despite the waves rocking you... I hope you managed to sleep okay." Syta knew exactly what was on Laniva's mind...

The Past Sneaks Up On You


Syta did her best to rest after everything that had happened with Kazran, staying on the ship with Laniva. The fort had plenty of space, but with the amount of people that had died there, and no telling if there were more in hiding, she didn’t feel that safe sleeping in there. Laniva wasn’t the best with the rocking of the ship, but she’d managed to fall asleep… for a while. Syta was nudged awake by the sudden shifting and whining from beside her, slowly sitting up and looking down at Laniva… covered in sweat and twisting around in her spot on the bed.

“Wh– L-Lani!?” She quickly rubbed her eyes and reached for her heal staff, bringing it over and doing her best to wash it over the woman while gently shaking her shoulder. “Hey! Hey, a-are you okay? Wake up…” She was wearing Kisara, but the fox was quiet, perhaps sleeping in her own way.

After the battle at the fort, Laniva had welcomed rest; it was fortunate that she had the exhaustion of a long battle on her side, helping to outweigh the boat’s lurching back and forth in the water. With her armor set aside, she’d finally managed to fall asleep in Syta’s arms, if fitfully. Only a couple of hours into her sleep, the young knight once again found herself amidst dreams...

She was waiting out the silence. Back in the antechamber of the tournament stadium, she sat quietly, waiting, wondering. Thinking to herself of what would be next; but in all of her thinking, all the different routes she could find in her mind, they all converged to a single point, a single point that saw her disappearing from Kansei in one way or another...

Adrift in the land of dreams, things shifted as ever they were wont; clad in her armor - one small mercy, she supposed, that they let her keep it, some last shred of her dignity - and a full pack, put together from a few of her fellow squires’ offerings - the sympathetic ones, at least; others had been - less than kind - and she walked, walked on beyond the castle gates, beyond the village bounds, through the dirt footpaths between fields, her boots staining with dirt and mud, the sheath at her side hanging empty...

She tossed and turned, rolling over, finding herself face to face with Syta waving a staff anxiously, blinking herself slowly awake as she slowly tilted her head to the side quizzically. “Mmh... huh...? What, what’s with the staff.? I’m, I’m fine, look, see...” 

“Ahh, thank goodness… You looked like you were having a nightmare, but between all the fighting and the boat, I… was worried you were getting ill. Maybe a wound wasn’t caught or the rocking was getting to you… But… You were, tossing about pretty badly.” Syta set her staff aside and sat down gently next to Laniva, sighing quietly. “Just gonna calm down a little… Are you okay? I know you said that you wanted to discuss that letter after we got some rest… Is that what’s on your mind?” 

She couldn’t help herself, knowing Laniva was fine, she reached a hand down and gently began to pet the hair between Laniva’s ears, idly allowing a finger to rub against one. “As always, you know you can tell me anything. Especially when we’re alone. I’ll listen to all your worries and help as best as I can~” It wouldn’t do to stay dour now that the panic had passed, Syta all smiles as her usual self.

“Mmhh...” The cat Clouded rubbed her eyes, blinking the sleep away as Syta sat next to her. “Mmn, no, I’m not sick, or hurt, or anything... nn. Just a bad dream...” As Syta sighed, Laniva took a deep breath, leaning against her as she began to feel the rocking of the boat under her once more, closing her eyes and letting out an uncomplaining grumble as she began to feel the hand between her ears, sighing. “Mraah. Hey.”

Her tail flopped against the bed with dull thuds. “Mhm. I know I can... mrrh... can tell you anything... it’s, it’s the same thing as before. Home, and... l-leaving home. One day, and the next... suddenly the whole castle town wants nothing to do with you.” Laniva leaned in closer, lowered her head slightly, not quite resting against her just yet. “Mmn, the letter... I-I need your... help, with that...” She fumbled around the small cabinet next to the bed, hand finding the letter she’d hastily left there after methodically setting aside her armor for the night. “H-Here. See, the Kansei royal family crest... I’d know it anywhere. I saw it a lot... not every day, but when really, really important nobles were in town...”

“My poor dear…” Syta couldn’t help consoling her when she was so defeated like this, knowing just how hard it must have been for her. Her home, the people that claimed to care for her… Suddenly gone. Uprooted, and by what? A decree. A pointless and foolish decree… Syta slowly laid down on one arm, the other continuing to caress and pet Laniva’s head. Maybe it was demeaning to treat her like such a cat, but she knew how much the woman enjoyed the feeling. “The letter, right… You told me about that, but… Why do you need my help with it? If I might ask…” 

Syta gently took hold of the letter from Laniva’s hands, inspecting the seal… It certainly looked like quite the authentic piece of wax, with the detailed crest stamped into it and everything. It hadn’t been opened yet, so either Kazran had been waiting for a time to read it, or he’d forgotten about it with all the chaos surrounding Eslcas and his conflict with Owen. “You sure you want me to read this first? It feels pretty personal.”

“Yes, the letter... mmh...” It was embarrassing, there was no doubt about that. No less so with the way Syta was so eagerly giving her ears attention, ears fluttering and squirming under all of those pets. “I, um, well...” She sighed, staring for a moment at the seal on the letter, turning it over in her hand. Something she’d never actually bothered telling Syta before, but this time it did happen to matter...

“Mrrh... w-well, I mean... I need your help because I can’t...” She gestured with the letter vaguely for a moment, reddening, ears flopping slightly. “I, mmh... I can’t read it...” Laniva put the letter down in Syta’s lap, sighing. “S-So, here... mrrr...” She rolled to face away from Syta, too embarrassed to be seen in the moment, tail flopping around nervously.

“... You can’t read?” Syta paused, felt her lips starting to curl into a smile, about to laugh at how cute this was, but she caught herself, Laniva clearly, clearly beyond embarrassed by the situation. “That’s okay,” she said, voice measured and calm, gently rubbing Laniva’s back. “You spent your life learning how to be a knight and wield your sword, right? Especially at their size, it must’ve been very difficult. You’ve got time for it all in the future… I’ll teach you how to read and write your own name, for starters.”

Syta smiled and continued to pat her back, finally managing to stow away that mockery, guilty as she felt for having it happen at all. “I’ll pry this open and give it a read, then…” Syta popped the seal and slowly pulled the letter out… Began reading… And any joviality in her nature melted away completely. A letter about trading slaves for more magical means to continue capturing them. “Disgusting…” She figured that was what the silence staff they’d proud back was for. “Mmm… Does the name… Tiernan MacDowell mean anything to you, Laniva…?”

“Mrrrrhhh...” Laniva sighed heavily, embarrassment not entirely gone, but somewhat reassured by her words and her gentle rubbing. “Mm... yeah, I just... they never taught me, and it was never important, and I just... never learned... mrahhh.”

She relaxed a little more as Syta kept patting her, hearing the faint rustling of paper as Syta drew the letter from its envelope and read through it, her hand slowing to a stop. At first, Laniva heard a quiet mutter from behind; then a question, at which she tensed up suddenly, drawing a heavy breath. “Mgh... Tiernan MacDowell...? That’s...” She bit her lip, turning into the pillow. “...King Feld’s nephew...”

A clashing of blades; a man, you could hardly call him that - barely more than a boy, flat on his back in the dust, proudly, proudly clutching a helmet, her helmet -

“...I beat him. And... then, I...” Only silence followed, but it spoke volumes.

“... Laniva?” Syta crawled a bit closer, trying to see Lani’s face from where she’d rolled over to. It sounded like it was very serious. “It’s alright if you don’t wanna talk about it… I’m sorry if this is, painful memories, we don’t have to talk about it. It’s okay, Laniva.” She didn’t go back to petting her ears, gently rubbing a hand against her back and trying to calm her down. “Hey…”

Slowly, Syta laid back down, wrapping an arm around Laniva, pulling her into the softest little snuggle, trying to provide warmth and security. “It’s okay… Everything’s okay… It’s just you and me, here…”

“Mmrhhh...” As Syta laid down, hugging her - she sighed long and slow, letting the woman’s warmth envelop her. “Mmh... I... hahhh. I’m, I’m okay, Syta...” Laniva leaned her head back, resting her head against Syta’s chest, listening to her heart. It wasn’t something she thought about often; the sadness that even the briefest of musings brought kept her from it, and so she kept her days busy - her hands on blades, her legs in motion, training and fighting.

But as Syta soothed her, she let herself linger; and spoke, quietly. “I won, that day... and then, I had to leave. Just like that... it was so easy for him, because it... he wasn’t trying to fight, that day... mrahh...”

“Was this… when Kansei decreed the removal of Clouded?” Syta hugged her tighter, holding her close, gently rubbing a hand over her head, purposefully avoiding her ears at the moment. She didn’t want her to be the kitty, she wanted to give the woman proper consolation. “So… Do you think this is, something bigger, than it sounds? I mean… Clouded slavery is awful, yes, but Kazran is dead. Should we bring this up to the Evokers? Natalya? If you want to let sleeping dogs lie until it, becomes a bigger issue… That’s fine. Just tell me what you want.”

“It... it wasn’t just about me, I just... it was all already happening. He just... he took my helmet off, and... after that, I couldn’t... couldn’t stay any longer.” A long pause, letting Syta rub her head, leaning against the woman, just accepting her comfort. “I... I don’t know what it means. Maybe he’ll come and see what happened, now that we dealt with Kazran... or maybe we’ll never see him. I don’t... know. We can tell Tasha, I think... She might know what we can do. If there’s even anything we can do...”

“Oh, Lani… I’m so sorry.” She hugged the woman tighter, holding her close. Getting outed as a Clouded in Kansei must have truly been horrifying. Syta could only imagine how Laniva felt, holding her tighter and tighter, wanting nothing more than her memories to not harm her anymore. “We should tell Tasha, yeah. I’m sure, even if he tries to check on Kazran, we can handle him. You all handled Kazran, didn’t you? There’s no way this guy is bigger than him… And you’re so much stronger than you used to be, aren’t you? You’re so strong. So powerful. So very good at what you do… No one’s ever going to hurt you like that again. No one.”

“Mmh...” Laniva laid there for a moment, quiet, letting Syta hug her, taking deep breaths to calm herself. “Nn, okay... we’ll tell Tasha, and... mhm. If anything happens, we’ll be okay. There are so many of us here, now, and... mm.” She wormed free of Syta’s hug for a moment, just to turn over and face her, returning the hug. “And, I have you now too... we’ll be just fine. I just, mrrhh... y-you understand.” She pressed her face into Syta’s shoulder, sighing deeply against her. “Mmn. Thank you...”

... So she didn't want to push the cat any. Just be the support she needed for all of the memories she was facing. If it came to blows, Syta would be right there at her side, fighting back against the bastards that had dared to hurt the woman now most precious to her.

Those thoughts don't suit you, Syta. They're the sort of things I'd be thinking~ Who knew you could be so vicious... Kisara was ever present, and ever ready to prod at matters.

Laniva doesn't deserve this, and if people are going to come and harm her, they'll get a face full of fire for their troubles. I'm sure you'll be helping me when the time comes.

... Mmm... Rather stoic of you. Of course. You're my best friend, after all. There wasn't a hint of a tease, Kisara meaning the embarrassing term with full endearment.

... yeah. You're my best friend too. Thank you, Kisara.

"Syndra, don't--"

"Really? Him?" Cass' eyes were squarely on Marigold now, with the most raised eyebrows coupled with a squint that someone could manage. "You've gotta get better taste in people, Marigold, like--"

"Ahhhhhh, I'm not gonna hear it! Guarding the boat was fine! Things are fine! Have fun chatting!" She cut off Cassandra before the princess could turn her admonishment into a lecture, disappearing into a nearby shadow and fading from sight.

"Pft... Wow, I've never seen her run off so furiously. Good, lord... I guess that means things are just fine~"

"Giovanna, leave m--" She caught herself once again... Old habits died incredibly hard, it seemed. "Mrrhghn... No. No, Miria was... She was fine. More than fine. Incredibly kind... and I still..." She shook her head and balled up her face, punching it into the wood of the ship's bow rail, wincing from the pain, but holding her fist there all the same. "I must change! I must! Kazran was wrong! Islexia has been wrong! It's all so, damn, fucking, wrong... And yet I still, without a second thought, insulted her father as if it were second nature. I know nothing can be shifted in such a short amount of time, but... Fuck. What a joke I am... I'm, the real beast. Not because I am a Monster. Because... of how I have dared to carry myself. So many years wasted, being... Nothing." She shuddered a sigh, feeling too empty to cry.

"... I'm sorry. You... have put up with this for long enough. You do not need more. How... How, are you h-holding up? Giovanna..."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Whatever happened up here, Aly seemed to not want to speak on it, and left before Gean could get a word out. What the hell?  Renais mentioned something about that wasn’t Aly, but someone else, which only prompted more questions, questions which Gean felt she wasn’t going to get answers to any time soon.
Kise was beginning to speak before Renais cut her off. It was true, there was no reason to fight each other, but from what Gean could see on Kise's face, the kitsune wasn’t happy at all about these words. That's when Kise gave her demands, and called both Gean and Renais out on neglecting her. Any and all words Gean had at this point were dashed away, and her choice back at the training grounds flashed through her mind. Kise was right, and it shook Gean.

Gean took her steps until she was right in front of Kise, and sat down on the floor of the crow's nest.  "Uncle… I haven’t seen him in over a decade, when my family got splintered and we fled to Glacies. No we may not be blood related, but he’s my father’s brother-in-law, and he was there for me whenever he could be, which made losing him hurt even more. For years I had feelings of longing, guilt, frustration… that I never thought I’d be able to find closure on. Then I ran into him and Lucille, and those wishes and desires came flooding back. He even told me about new family members I had in Lufiria and it sparked a joy in me, a desire to go back even more so than before, if only to see them one more time. It was like a high of nostalgia, and it blinded me to everything else." Gean reached out for a clawed hand. 

"If I want to find that closure, reunite with people I haven’t seen in over ten years, I can’t forget about the people who got me here. So I’ll sit here. I’ll sit here and listen to everything, your frustrations, your wants, everything. Just saying ‘I’m sorry’ or you’re right won’t solve anything, but I hope this might change things a little.”

Edited by Bluemask 96
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"I didn't mean that, Alvira. From the look of things, if I had to drag anyone in, you are certainly a top choice. Just... it all feels like so much. Quite a lot to just drop on you out of the blue." Roxanne corrected, giving her head a shake before her eyes narrowed somewhat at Alvira, the dragon seemingly recalling something but then dismissing it.

"What is just legend, Alvira? At this point, I'd be willing to consider almost anything to be at least worth hearing... as for the maps, you're certainly right. Tio and Elisa have a wide base of knowledge, especially in the realm of magic, but would this Gate be prominent enough to enter their studies? The only other person... is Jeremiah." Roxanne finally put the man's name out into open air, scratching her head as she did so.

"No one has as many surviving records of that time as Lufiria, and someone so influential in Ametrine doesn't get to his position merely on martial prowess. At the same time... even if it is within his purview there's no guarantee he'd actually divulge anything. Perhaps I'm overthinking it."

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Kieran shrugged, "It's nothing to worry you're self over. Just kind of crazy that all we needed in the end was you guys to turn the tide on Kazran." He had no reason to explain to someone he likely wasn't going to see much after this boat landed, and certainly not to anyone associated with the Tigers. "If you're on about stuff that I'll need hands with," Kieran pointed at the anchor, "Fraid to say that I was never a menial sort, so I'd get that anchor about a foot before my arms threatened to fall off. Probably need the both of us to get that where it needs to go, but that's the thing we need to do last anyway. The ropes come first, and then the sails, and finally the anchor."

Kieran sighed, and slowly started gathering the ropes, looking to the docks, "Heh, looks like you guys are gonna draw a crowd. Scouts much have been on the lookout for every ship passing by." Not surprising that they would be, this was effectively seen as a suicide mission by much of the populace--I don't think any of them expected this ship to show up again, except as Kazran's spoils. Still... alert's really high. Weird...

"Hey... How long you been a part of the Tigers, anyway? Really does seem like you guys always end up with more people than you set off with. You speaking from experience, or have you been around for a while?"

Dwight flinched as Krystal reminded him, not quietly, of what they had done not so long ago. He looked down at his hand, "Yeah... You really are right about that. From the day you're born here in Islexia, one of your first memories is how your parents, and their peers told you about the terrors of the monsters, and magic. Your first memory, and then your second, and third... until they all blend together. After a while, it's just reality. Then after that, all you need is once... one monster doing something wrong, or magic being so terrifying that it's all you fear, so that they can tell you to fight like hell."

Dwight looked over at Krystal, "It's not something that you just break overnight. Me? I guess I could say that I'm lucky. You, Giovanna, hell, even the Kazran's Wi-- Sylmaria, I was given time to see that maybe... just maybe there's something else to the lies that we've been fed all of our lives. Not many people in Islexia get to be that lucky. Many are going to try to kill you all, and then die trying, die believing that they were in the right... Maybe if we had known, maybe more of them would have lived that night... but they died at Kazran's beck and call, and as time goes on, it will become more clear that they all died for nothing. That's... why I couldn't stay. Not even to help Kazran's daughter to make things right... because I know that I'll realize that what I did in that castle, in that man's name because I was afraid will break me. No... Maybe one day when I've finally got things figured out, but I don't quite deserve to help make something of this place yet."

Dwight shrugged, "I have work to do, and things to learn... but I'm glad that I'll get to learn them in the end. So, thank you for sparing me, Krystal. You had every right not to, and perhaps that's the point... perhaps that's why it matters that you didn't. So thanks."

Eslcas Castle was starting to buzz as the familiar sails of the Maelstrom appeared on the horizon, the castle city moving as the news started to waft over the populace. Could they have done it? Did they truly find a way to win? Footsteps echoes through out the castle, Nita hurrying her way to the Evokers' room. She nearly tripped as she tried to stop, the excitement in her legs urging them forward even when her brain was telling them to stop. She stopped for a moment before dusting herself off, clearing her throat, and then knocking on the door, "Lady Tio and Elisa! The Maelstrom's been spotted! It's but minutes away!" Nita didn't hear anything, but then suddenly, the door was pulled open and Tio's violet eyes weren't far from her own.

"It's them?"

Nita took a step back focusing her eyes up as to not look down the older woman's dress, "Some of our scouts report that they've seen clouded on the ship, and the banner is the same as when they left--it's almost definitely them."

Tio turned back into the room, "Elisa, it looks like we'll be having our conversation sooner than we might have expected." She spun around back to Nita, "Nita, could you go and find Miss Celea and Evangeline? I'm sure they're about ready to explode from waiting, as well as, what were their names... Alistair and Ryfia. Tell them to be ready for us in a couple moments; I need to clean up my materials."

Nita nodded vigorously, "I'll hurry and tell them!" Nita didn't wait for anything else, and hurried away, off to find Lady Celea and her companion.

Tio walked back inside, and waved a hand to begin cleaning up her desk, the wire on her desk shimmering. Fairly good timing too... I just finished this as well~ But things are only going to get more difficult from this point on. I hope you all made it through all right...

After another 5 minutes of running through the city, Nita found herself at the inn. She pushed open the door, and immediately, the four in question were all in the lobby conversing with one another. Lumina looked over as Nita ran in, and immediately moved over to her, "I'm going to assume that you're here for us? We noticed that everyone in town has been abuzz, and well... hoping that means that the ship that we've been waiting for is here?"

Nita nodded, "It appears to be them, they're not too far out--Lady Tio wanted all four of you to meet her and Lady Elisa at the castle." Nita looked over at Alistair, half squinting at him. He, along with the wolf clouded standing next to him were apparently on the Belrose's payroll, but Syndra, and not Nicolas. It was still difficult to trust them; Syndra was a different story, especially now that she had helped to deal with Kazran--Serdio willing.

Lumina breathed a heavy sigh of relief, "Finally. For a moment I thought Eva and I were going to have to go and find out thing for ourselves. Time is of the essence, and unfortunately, we're wasting it. Eva, let's go." Lumina waved at the group, and was already out the door well before Nita, or anyone else could follow.

"...Gosh, she's in a hurry."

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Ember watched as Amera approached her, nearly tempted into grabbing the damn cat, but threw those thoughts aside as the teasing ceased. She knew Amera meant every word as she cuddled up to her arm, that she believed it was a good thing she cared, but the hellhound had been reconsidering since Kansei. She'd already been burned once and, coming off the heels of this magic scare, she knew caring meant she risked a second-degree burn or worse. She hadn't thought much on how serious she was about these feelings and she wasn't going to start right now. Now was the time for celebrating, not whatever the hell was going on up in her head. Things would probably work themselves out, anyway.

As the cat had finished up, Seila had appeared and added herself to the standing cuddle pile that the trio now made up. "Hell yeah I'll be joining you two next time. Sitting around on the damn boat as both out employers go out to fight ain't really the best look, especially when I'm supposed to be the muscle of our little group." She huffed, still a fair bit miffed about being on boat watching duty and not getting to knock a single head. "When's next time gonna be, anyway? We sticking 'round with Owen? Or have we not figured that out yet?"

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The kitsune took a moment to respond, and after she did the floodgates had opened. For the first time in a long while, she was open, honest and straightforward with her frustrations. Frustrations that were entirely understandable, but she did it in a way that reminded Renais of Mikoto. The truth did hurt, and Renais visibly showed some surprise, but she didn't react harshly beyond slightly widened eyes and an open mouth. Gean had been quick to respond to her issues, and it was one Renais resonated with. She wanted to be with her family, but she also wanted to be with Kise.

But Renais was her own woman, she carried her own responsibilities and regrets; and right now she felt a lot of the latter. The Underground incident had changed a lot going forward for Renais, and part of that was how she felt about Kise which was a scary topic. But the truth was despite how she felt, she still had a kitsune who wanted Renais to return her feelings. "I can't be scared when you've shown me so much heart..."

So the pinkette took her other hand and gave her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Kise. I know it doesn't mean much to you right now, but know that I am. Honestly, after we got you back from the Underground you've felt very different to me. Things haven't felt the same since then, and for a while I wasn't sure how to approach you. But even with that being the case you've still given so much to me, you've listened to my troubles and frustrations, you've sacrificed a part of yourself to ensure my safety, and I've met that dedication very weakly. It's entirely unfair to you. You deserve so much more from me." She tightened her grip. "But like Gean said, sorry won't meet the standard. So from here on out expect to see more of me, a lot more of me. I meant what I said when I wanted to learn more about you, and that includes your magic. I want to learn magic from you. I know it's a selfish thing to ask when all I've done is take and not give, but it'll give us a chance to be with each other more. But even if you don't want to teach me, that's ok. I will give more no matter what, starting with listening to your frustrations and desires with Gean right here. That is my promise to you, Kise."

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"Oh, just... The idea that true dragons exist. It's all fairy tale, even more so than the Gods. If this Miz is truly making such a claim... I won't believe it until I see it. So don't worry about dragging me into things, until I get to go to Lufiria, this is all business that I can get behind. Of course, my apologies, if I do get the opportunity to head south, I will be taking it as soon as I can. I have extremely pressing matters to attend to down there. If not... We'll go crack this 'dragon' out of a crystal and test her claim." Alvira nodded, as well as Roxanne's assumptions.

"The Evokers might know more than Jeremiah just due to their proximity to Hecatia. Probably have access to a lot of old maps that others wouldn't, given their position in Glacies... We tell them about Miz and ask at the same time. If they draw a blank, Jeremiah... If he draws a blank... Personal research?" She shrugged and smiled, unsure of where to go about things. "Looks like the ship is landing... So we'll have time to tell the Evokers, at least."

"Hahhh... At least you get that much." She sighed and idly drew circles against his arm, pouting a little bit. He got it, but he wouldn't be quick to change. Islexia was just like that... "Owen and Cassandra and Lati will all work towards getting rid of Nicolas. This only goes on as long as he's in charge... And as soon as he isn't, the whole country can begin to heal. Slowly, but it'll be better than the nothing that's going on right now." The boat seemed to be coming into port, finally, Krystal picking herself up and tugging that coat over her bits some more. "Come on, come on~ We've gotta get your wyvern off the boat, right? That'll be one heck of a hassle, I'm sure..."

Eva groaned. "Hooohhh, girl moves at her own pace... Gosh. Alright, you heard her. Ailstair, puppy dog, if you wanna come along, better get up and get moving." Eva took a moment to breathe before picking herself up and walking after Lumina, not nearly as urgently. "Wait uuuuuuup... You're gonna trip if you rush that much." Eva stepped outside, Lumina well down the road. "Khkh." She looked over at her big lump of a lizard, clicking for him to get up and go with her. Sasha shook a bit and flared his wings before closing them again, taking a few steps up to Eva. "Good boy. Snacks for you when we get back to the castle... The people of the hour are here, so you've gotta be there too, yeah?" She walked around to his side and hopped on, gently tugging on the reins. "Let's go, Sasha. Giddyup..." The wyvern grunted, but began to move, faster than her walking pace, but with zero urgency. "Ahhh, come on you big lug... I'll give you a whole rabbit?"

His head turned back and his ears perked up some, swiftly getting into a gallop to chase after Lumina. "That's better~! Rabbit for Sasha! Good boy!"

"Yes~! I did a great job. Seila didn't even get scratched~" Amera proudly puffed out her chest as Ember asked about their employment, shaking her head when Owen's name was brought up. "No way. We gotta get in with these mercenaries... They're perfect, aren't they? More clouded and monsters than humans, plenty strong, crazy friendly, making real change int he world around them... isn't it so romantic? It's like a storybook group came to life. Like. We just killed a WARLORD. An Islexian Warlord! Not some two-bit criminal, someone that will shake up the whole power balance of this country! That's crazy, mrow. Don't you two wanna do more of that? Even if we're just bit parts... Contributing, it makes this whole job feel so much more worthwhile." She shivered a little. "Course, being involved in stuff like this is real, real dangerous... So I get it if you two don't wanna risk your necks an' all. Mmmm..."

"... Mikon..." Kise shrunk a bit in the face of both of them admitting their failures, expecting some push back or excuses-- that was just how Lufirians were, but the both of them opened up and accepted the fox's claims. "I always knew you two were different," she said through some sniffles, pulling Aegean in close on the other side, holding them both tightly. "Fine... Okay. This... may be a lot for you two to hear. But please, listen, and take it all in. It... is a long story." Her tails bristled some. Of everything she'd forgotten over the years, this, she would never forget. "Three, centuries ago... Lufiria and those around it, killed almost all of my people." She sighed after saying it, knowing there was more, knowing the fault laid on both sides, but... but...

"They... Kisara, and others of her ability, were dabbling in techniques that were seem as blasphemous. The same magic I use to take bits and pieces from others... From the two of you. The magic itself, is harmless, beyond the year it takes from you. I cannot use it to rip a person apart, harm someone, or take more than I can fit in myself-- more than a single piece of them. The road to acquire it... was not. I played no part in its creation, but... Kisara and the others were playing at old magics from the time Lufiria was a continent spanning empire. One that, was not afraid to use human and monster experimentation to achieve results. Lufiria and Islexia found out about these practices and decreed them a sin against life itself... I must agree. Truly, they deserved to be punished, fully, for their crimes... But... BUT..."

Her tails shook and her anger peaked. This. This would never be forgotten. "Like a wave of hatred and fear and fury and terrible, terrible motive, they crashed down on us. ALL of us. It did not matter who participated. Who was guilty. Who was innocent... My race was a blight. One to be expunged from the world... I ran and I ran and I ran. Mikoto is my shield. She is my guardian against this world. The only thing that kept me safe over the years... And now she is gone, and I am free to exact what is deserved on those who deserve it." She was staring off at nothing, at some invisible threat, almost growling. "To play a part in Islexia's downfall is nothing but empty victory. The world of monsters stands against this place, united and in agreement that this Nicolas and those like him should be removed. And what of Lufiria? Where is its due recompense? So many monsters live there in blissful ignorance. Some still under the yolk of history, hated by those 'superior' to them. When will it receive its due? And who will give it to them?"

"I will. I will speak for all of those that died. I will sing for all the souls forced from this plane. I will fight for every child that died that night, out of nothing but fear and a twisted sense of power. I will crush this nation for what it has done. To me. To my kind. For what it continues to do... Lufiria is built on rot and until it is razed to the ground it will never recover."

She took a deep breath and slowly did her best to calm down, shivering some. "And if you cannot agree to that... I will make sure, you are not in the way when I begin." Kise shook her head and shrunk a bit further, glancing between both women.

"I will help you with magic as best as I can, Renais... I do not have an affinity for healing magic or anima, but I can teach you the practices and the theory. Gean... if your family does not stand opposed to me, then I will not harm them. Jeremiah... Yes. I let myself go too far. He did not deserve all of my ire in that moment... So long as he does not stand against me, it won't happen again, but... Knowing him, that is impossible."

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"Ahah, my, I've never seen her give flight this quick." Owen was amused by Marigold's quick egress at Cassandra's quips, a battle the zombie was wholly unequipped to handle, it seemed. "Well, if that's all our words for now, I suppose I should get my belongings. The coast's just a jump away now."

"Mmm. I'm glad she's been kind to you, Sylm. Sounds like she helped make up your mind on this." Giovanna continued, spirits still low, from her voice. "Good. It never made sense that you were to be shunned when we looked so similar back then... It's their fault. Kazran's, everybody's. You can be Sylmaria here. I wouldn't want you to try holding those old ideas."

"And... don't feel bad. I'm not used to having so many monsters around, either. I didn't know they could be in so many ways." Giovanna offered a cynical smile. "It's not the same, but it's still a lot to take in. Still better than Kazran by far.

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"Much better than Kazran... Giovanna?" Sylmaria turned to face her and slowly took hold of her hands, holding them tightly in her claws. "Stay with them. With me. You're... you're, my best friend. My only, real friend. And I have been unkind to you for so long... Too long. You have given me, everything. A person to rely on, a reason to keep on going, a way to hide the worst parts of myself... And all I have done is spurn you for it. Please. Please, stay. I beg of you... I am so, so beyond sorry for everything I have done to you, and I regret that now, only now, have I made up my mind to do something about it..." She squeezed tighter, looking down and stifling a sob. "Please. I have no right to ask more of you. I don't deserve all that you've already done... but if you have room left in your heart for me, I promise that I will be your friend. Honestly. Truly. Confidently... from now on."


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Marigold had left just as soon as she arrived after Cassandra teased her a little bit, leaving Syndra chuckling at what happened. "I thought that was just an innocent question, but I guess she didn't feel like talking about it in front of her boss. Still, how she reacted to you was good enough of an answer. It's good to see them in good spirits, even if they don't want to say as much." Syndra stretched her arms over her head. "Perhaps I should be getting ready for when we disembark as well, but thanks for giving me the chance to speak with you two." Syndra said with a bow before walking away.

Ryfia's eyes lit up at the messenger's announcement, and the wolf lady couldn't contain her excitement. "Aw shit! Come on Alistar let's get moving, we can't keep the nice ladies waiting for us!" She exclaimed as she started dragging Alistar by his arm.

"Geez Ryfia relax a little would you? I know you're excited to see Mistress Syndra again, but we-"

"Save it for later, we've gotta move! The boss needs to know what's going on, plus we gotta help out Lumina still, so let's gooooooo!" Ryfia exclaimed, while Alistar just sighed.

"I suppose you are correct, just let go of my arm, I'm perfectly capable of keeping pace with you Ryfia." Alistar then turned back towards the messenger and thanked her before following Ryfia out of the inn.

Edited by Billy12510
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"Sylmaria..." That was the first time Giovanna had seen her friend be so open. For a moment, her smile turned from cynical to genuine, holding her friend's claw firm in return. "Well, that's hardly fair... I can't say no to you like that." Her smile widened, and she pulled her friend into a hug. "I'm very happy to hear this, Sylm. I was worried even after all of this, all their horrible words would stay with you... I couldn't be happier that you're still here, still alive, still... still fighting." The hug hid the tears that finally escaped her, that she thought all but suppressed, but her shaky voice belied her state. "Of course... of course I will. You're my best friend."

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Kise accepted the two through her sniffles, Renais could only smile at the kitsune to reassure her. But that smile wouldn't last very long once her recollection turned grim almost immediately. Lufiria was responsible for the destruction of her clan three centuries ago due to a type of magic that was created by a circle of her fellow kinsmen; though Kise herself did not participate in its creation someone named Kisara did. Renais had heard the name Kisara among the camp, she seemed like a member she hadn't met yet. Given everything she had been told the pinkette now knew she was another kitsune just like Kise.

"So the magic you used to take pieces of Gean and myself originated from ancient magic from Lufiria's golden age, but Lufiria and Islexia didn't approve of it..." The conversation certainly kept the pinkette invested, not just because it was important to the fox she cared for but the magical theory behind the spell caught her interest. But before she could think too deeply on that Kise moved forward, and her rage ignited like a raging fire. The pinkette's mouth opened slightly when her tails flared out to match her anger. Kise wanted revenge for her people, to put Lufiria through judgement. Renais gently put her arm around the kitsune. "And you've held onto all this for three centuries, your sorrow and hatred, and your desire to put Lufiria through a reckoning..."

When Kise finished Renais lowered her head and closed her eyes for a few moments, it certainly was a lot to take in. "...I'm so sorry for everything you experienced, Kise. I can't imagine how painful time has been to you, but I can see you carry so much passion and conviction with you. It's such a tough story to really take in." She lifted her head slightly. "I'm only a Lufirian by blood. I don't remember my original family, though Jeremiah has told me they still live. I'm honestly a little scared of what might happen to me once I do remember, maybe I won't be the same..." She looked Kise in the eye as her face closed in. "But I've met a lot of people on my journey, people I want to support. Not just the Tigers, and our Islexian allies, but the Lufirians too. Sari, Jeremiah, and of course Gean." She pulled her other arm around the mermaid. "But it's because I know good Lufirians that I cannot support your plan, not if it involves judging the wrong lives. If there is rot in Lufiria then we should work together to drag it out into the light and bring the justice your people deserve, but you shouldn't risk your own life for recompense."

She gently put her forehead onto Kise's as she continued. "No one should live such a long time with so much pain alone, and I know you deserve so much. That's why I want to show you that your path doesn't have to be the only way forward, that you shouldn't suffer alone. You've trusted me with so much, and I want to repay that trust with my heart." She didn't lose eye contact at all during her declaration, and she kept as close as she could to the kitsune. "But one talk and a hug won't be enough, so give me the time to prove myself, to prove we can all walk a brighter path together."

Edited by TheRoon
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"Aha... I see. My knowledge on dragons is a touch scarce, so I'm having a but of trouble envisioning what a so called true dragon might even be. If I manage to find her, I hope I'll get an opportunity to tell you, if you can't witness it yourself." Roxanne nodded, Alvira’s pressing business in Lufiria clearly related to the heavy topics she had promised to clarify later... Fomalhaut, Mercuria... spirits supposedly, but powerful enough to masquerade as Gods...

"Truth be told... I haven't a clue what I should do from here if I can't find any sort of lead. Hard to remain a crew of pirates without a crew, even if we went back the way of Old Asqua now that Serdio isn't really a target anymore. M hasn't looked me in the eyes since that night... I've no idea what she intends to do. I thought... we'd either win and continue as we were, or lose and I would perish with the rest of them. Never really thought about a world where I survived without them." Roxanne leaned back, a sigh escaping her as the thoughts creeped back into her head. Absent-mindedly twirling a lock of floof between two of her fingers... was this business with Miz'Githon meant to be her calling, then? It all seemed too surreal to be a coincidence, happening now just as her old life was lost...?

"Well... hard to make plans before finding out if they know anything, I suppose. All I can do is move forward. If we're coming to Port, then I'm certain I'll be closer to an answer soon." Roxanne concluded, pressing her hands against the crate she had been using as a backrest and using it as an anchor to pull herself off the floor, soon standing to look off the side of the ship to the shores of Eslcas. Just a few days ago, she would have assumed she would never return to this city, and yet...


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"Quite the condition you're putting on your employer..." Tasha echoed Versaris's sentiment, not sure what she should make of the woman's seemingly casual attitude toward actively considering the loss of an arm due to uncontrollability. Still, that probably wasn't going to be an issue given how strong they were, but she'd prefer not to have such potential risks if possible.

Then came the actual story of how the elf lady had gotten here. Pirates possessing some sort of artifact that could threaten a mage strong enough to warp people entire countries away? Didn't sound like any Islexian pirates to the tiger, at least -- the fools were deathly afraid of magic most times, and harboring such items, much less knowing how to use them, sounded off. Especially since Tasha hadn't heard of Islexian pirates going that deep into Lufirian waters... the few times she'd seen Lufirian Navy ships visiting Glacies, she was convinced that if they tried, they could simply siege any city within firing distance of the coastline and never lose, much less in actual naval combat. Certainly, what they'd been told sounded hard to believe, but she'd seen how Talulah had been back in the keep after using the sword... with the whole cursed sword part being true as per her own eyes, little doubt remained as to the veracity of the rest of it. More names to remember... hope I can keep track of everything. I'll have to write them down soon just so I don't forget. With a quick look to Versaris, she nodded to their prospective ally. "Don't count on us running into any of them soon, if they were scattered all over the place like you apparently were. But, as long as you don't do anything reckless enough to make that sword of yours go cuckoo, you can stay with us and see if we end up finding your missing friends along the way, yeah?"

Tasha's smile was tempered a little by her looking past Talulah, toward the nearing shore of Eslcas. "Hey, Sari... I don't know if you can see that far clearly, but there's a lot more soldiers running about the harbor than I'd have expected. Doesn't look like they're preparing to fight with all the civilians around, but you think they're just prepared in case we failed and Kazran decided to use the ship to pull a Prince Gala on the city?" Surely they'd figure out what had happened with Owen on the deck, so not a real cause for concern.

Bella let a soft chuckle out from Chris's very uncatlike squeak, but didn't push any further regarding his skittishness. They were talking about something important, after all. "Lufiria, yes... That was their condition for helping Owen, wasn't it? Get them safely through Islexia, and there's only one place they could be going in that case, considering they came from Hecatia." She, too, had heard plenty about Lufiria while at Glacies, spoken in much more positive tones than anyone in Islexia would. Perhaps not by the common people, but certainly by the professors at her academy... A land where magic was on a completely different level to the rest of the world, far from the backwards nature of this country she came from.

"I heard your pet project got quite a lot of work done during the fighting... and I'm sure plenty of that is thanks to its user.~" Slipping in a compliment, her hand briefly pulled up from the cat's shoulder and to his head, giving him the quickest of pets. "I'm sure Owen would understand the same way he did for me. Call it a rare opportunity for field research, hm? I don't particularly desire to go to Lufiria myself, but I could use that assistant to make my services a little less makeshift on the road..."

While their days effectively in hiding at Eslcas Castle began uneventful, things had become anything but, thanks to what Tio had found out. Elisa hadn't gone out into the castle town simply due to her attire being rather unmistakable, and being seen together with her wife practically guaranteeing they'd be discovered, instead opting to ease back into her training regimen following her recovery... but with the Tigers' ship now pulling into port again, she felt a small spike of anxiety, smoothed out by Nita's report of it likely being them without issue. "At least that's potentially good news... we need some of those right about now." She sighed and flopped on her back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling while they waited for their new contacts to show up.

"It's always something on this trip, isn't it? Can't have even one part of the mission go as planned..."

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Jesse looked back at the rest of the ship, Kierans's comment about how much change the Tigers brought on her mind. “If this keeps up, change is gonna be the Tigers calling card.” It was almost comedic, first their aid in retrieving Escaflowne, their encounter with whatever force was attempting to take the sword. Even now the Tigers were doing uncanny things, helping to take down an Islexian Warlord. “Sure, I can throw some muscle in, just show me the ropes, forgive the pun.” Jesse rolled up her sleeves for the work ahead, then turned her head towards the harbor at the crowd forming. “Seeing the ship returning must have everyone in a frenzy, and it’s gonna be even crazier once we land I figure.”

Keiran then posed a question to Jesse, which got the knight girl to look away from the harbor. “I’m the former one. I first met them… gosh, it’s only been two weeks if I remember correctly. We met in Hecatia, and I entered a contract with them due to similar goals with one in particular.” Jesse looked back out across the ship, spotted Miria, and pointed a finger at her. “Miria over there, she and I carry similar artifacts, and I’m hoping that journeying with the Tigers can get me some answers as to what these things truly are.”


Gean gave no resistance as Kise pulled her into an embrace, the three of them together in the crow’s nest. There was a moment of peace, a moment where there was nothing else in the world, but that moment came to an end. It had to end. 

Kise began to talk of her past, of the kitsune’s past. It wasn’t completely new news to Gean, every Lufirian kid was taught about the genocide that was brought about on the species, and how it was one of the darkest moments in Lufirian history. No school lesson could beat a first hand description of the event however. The anger, the pain, the hatred Kise threw out at Lufiria and what it stood for in her eyes, was powerful. Gean shook in fear, but it wasn’t fear of her girlfriend, it was fear of what Kise’s goal would mean. Gean knew, if Kise stood against Lufira, her uncle would fight. Her aunt would fight too. Lucille, Anna, everyone would stand up to stop Kise, and Gean would once again feel the same pain she felt in the Serdio Mountains. That pain, that fear, it gripped Gean, unable to speak even as Renais began to respond, speaking of all the good there is in Lufiria and why Kise should let go of that pain. “I…”

“I know you’re telling the truth. They used to teach us as kids how bad what was done to the kitsune was, but your emotions alone tell me so much more. I know so little about my home, or what used to be my home.”

“What scares me… is the thought of the loved ones I found fighting the loved ones I miss, because yes, uncle won't stand by. Him, Luci, and everyone else I care about in Lufiria would fight you to the end, and either result pains me.  It hurts more than any of those pure weapons Islexia totes around.” Gean’s voice cracked, her emotions winning over. “I- I have to learn more, I need to know if there’s a way to get you the justice you deserve, without the doom and bloodshed I fear this path will result in. I can’t heal three centuries worth of pain; I can’t even imagine what that’s like, but I have to find another way. There has to be another way, or I-” Gean fell silent, but hugged Renais and Kise, in a desperate hope to keep everything she loved together. No, I refuse to lose her, or them.

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