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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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This... was expected. She didn't want it to be. She trusted these two. They were different. They were supposed to be... Yet, here Renais was, outright denying her revenge, and Gean, on the fence, leaning towards a no. She sighed, heavily, like her soul was feeling the weight of it all once more. "I should have expected as much." With ease, the fox removed herself from the two of them, standing up and moving towards the ladder down. "I really... really hoped that the two of you would understand the most, as people so far removed from this 'home' of theirs, that claim to care about me so deeply. There is no other way... I do not plan to raze the country to the ground. I will not become them. Only the guilty will die-- the crown, the nobility, those whose ancestors sanctioned this decision... But I will not be deterred by words or fear or kind promises. Three centuries... Three, centuries, I have done everything in my power to get where I am. I refuse to show weakness, for even a moment."

She took a step onto the ladder and gave them both one final, sad, almost betrayed look, then shook her head. "You say that you do not wish for me to suffer alone, yet you refuse the revenge that all of my suffering is built upon. You cannot carry this weight for me. No matter how hard you try... I will be around until I am ready to act on my goals. Enjoy me while you can, I suppose..." With one final sigh, hiding the urge to cry, Kise slid down the ropes leading to the deck, landing in a fluff of tails, slowly standing up and walking her way towards the side of the boat. They would land soon.

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The ship sailed ever closer to the port, and Kieran's musing appeared to be correct--a fairly large crowd had begun forming at the docks, and the walls above. Then from atop the wall, a man pointed at somewhere on the ship, drawing a straight line from the man's finger, it landed squarely on Owen, standing speaking with his sister. A moment later, the unmistakable roar of cheers erupted from the port.

Kieran looked over from his conversation with Jesse, "Never mind, it seems like they were on the ball, and found Lord Owen."

As the ship sailed ever close to the port, ropes from the docks were thrown over the side of the boat. Kieran turned to Jesse, "We can finish this up later, help me get these ropes over to the guys so we can get off this boat, and--from the sounds of things--you guys can get your welcoming party started." The short cleric trudged off with a couple ropes around his arms.

Dwight shook his head, "Yeah, I know. Nicolas is effectively the heart of this country, nothing happens here without his knowledge, or his okay... Which makes me wonder." Dwight looked over at Krystal, "You remember the siege engines that Nicolas sent Kazran? I remember overhearing talk from the group that there was supposed to be more, soldiers, and the like. It sounded like the Belrose were going to step in... but they never did. Probably just a change of plans, but it's kind of weird... If anything, Nicolas just lost an ally--Lati won't side with him against the Gaffney, so he'd be fighting two forces. Sure, she don't got much right now, but give it some time... and it doesn't all add up to me."

He then scratched his head, "Yeah, I'm sure she's eager to get out. Not a lot of space for her on a boat like this, but it's not like she can fly from Beacon all the way here anyway. She's not the worst, and well, she's always had an easier time with a cute lady pulling her by the reins, so we should be fine with you." Dwight chuckled, and led Krystal to the rear of the ship.

Tio shook her head, "At this point, Elisa, I think good news is a luxury, so we may as well take this one in stride because if I've learned anything on this journey: It's that things are only going to get worse. Now come on, gather your things, the least we can do is go and see them, and congratulate them on a job well done it seems like..."

In a matter of moments, the Evoker pair found themselves outside, and, Lumina half sprinting towards them, with Evangeline and her wvyern. It wasn't surprising to see that Lumina was so eager to see the group--she'd been asking every day since their arrival where the group was. Frankly, Tio had half a mind to tell her to stop asking, because she didn't have any way to tell where they were. Alvira's magic was strong, and getting stronger, but locking onto the woman's light magic was a difficult exercise, and if they'd just fought like they had, it would be difficult to lock onto her anyway. The only thing that she could have been absolutely sure of was that something had happened at the castle. The sudden unleash of an absurd amount of magical energy, enough that she'd noticed it even from the castle, though it had quickly faded at displays like that were supposed to. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but given the nature of the attack, there were only two people who would have been capable of it, but neither of them should have been able to.

"Where are they?! Are they--"

Tio held her hand out to quiet Lumina, "They haven't even disembarked, though," Tio tilted her head towards the cheering, "I'd say that they're close to doing so. We'll be heading down to the docks to greet them, and after we've done that, then we'll have to get down to business. I can tell you right now, that you should probably quell any notion of leaving immediately. They've just found Kazran's forces, and come out victorious, but even victory leaves a body weary... rushing them to your sister could get more than her killed. You've assured me of your sister's acumen, we will have to rely on that, no matter how quickly or late we leave."

Lumina's face twitched, "...I'm aware, but still. I have to... I have to tell them, I have to at least know where they stand."

Tio then waved her on, "Then let's not keep them waiting. The quicker we arrive, the quicker we can assist, and then begin to elucidate the situation to the relevant authorities."

"It's Lord Owen! It's really him! They've returned! They're alive!"

The cheers grew louder and louder as the ship pulled into the dock, people of all sorts around and cheering, women and children starting to help with the ropes. Even some of the soldiers were cheering as the ship pulled in. Kieran tossed his ropes to the people below, glad that the ship was starting to come to a stop. Finally, he could fade into the background just like Marigold was known to do. Still, Kieran found it odd that there were an unusual number of guards about--the docks weren't particularly well guarded due to the wall, and the difficulties of an approach from here.

"What's going on here...?"

The ship was suddenly pulled to a stop, and then tied in record time, the cheers only growing louder, Owen and Cassandra's names echoing through out the city. Proof that they were finally back in Eslcas, more than that, that they had began to turn the tide in what had been a fight with an almost prewritten conclusion. Proof that the Tigers really had won against unfavorable odds, and had returned even stronger for it.

Kieran shook his head, unsure if his concerns were warranted, and called back to the others, "Hey, why don't you guys stop lagging around, and give the people what they want? This is what you guys earned after all."

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There was a large reception, enough to lift Owen's spirits further than the result of the attack itself. "Everyone..." Though oft reserved, he let his public smile widen at the warm reception. "Right..." He took the lead, goaded further by Kieran's words. The first to leave the ship, outdoor voice ready. "My people, we'll suffer these attacks no more." He took a wide look at the audience, all the expectant faces. "Kazran is no more! He no longer breathes! His closest associates have followed him or surrendered! We've put him down." He let the triumphant greeting speak for itself, stoking the hope of his people.

"Those that remain there have accepted our terms. Fighting will stop, and trade routes will open. There is much to settle, but we'll see an united East in our lives, friends!" Leaving the jubation to naturally commence, he turned back, fixing his gaze on Natalya. "Let the Tigers' deed today will be remembered for years to come! You fought side to side with our best, and thus, we've made a miracle out of that night. On behalf of all of Eslcas, I thank you."

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"That's right!" Cass jumped to her brother's side, raising his hand into the air, "Kazran's fuckin' dead! Charred beyond belief! A corpse in his own damn castle! Rejoice! Throw a Gods damned festival for all I care! Celebrate~!" Cass was far less formal than her brother, already getting some people cheering at her provocative words, grinning ear to ear as she smiled at Owen. "What say we throw a feast for these tired mercenaries? Line the streets with our butchers' best! Give them the heroes welcome that they all deserve..."

Versaris scoffed at Natalya's suggestion, the crowd growing larger as they approached. "If they're expecting an enemy ambush, they're in for one happy surprise." He slowly followed along with everyone else, finally giving Natalya's back a push as Owen took the floor and gave them the recognition they all deserved. "Well? Go on. These are your men (well, mostly women). Your mercenaries... And they just saved an entire part of a country from desolation and destruction. Surely their fearless leader has some words for the people?"

Sylmaria ended up giving into her feelings and hugging Giovanna, squeezing her tightly as the ship finally docked. "Thank you... I promise that I won't let you regret this. I promise." With the risk of her dear friend disappearing slowly fading into nothing, Sylmaria turned to the growing crowd, the miniature speeches, the cheers and the claims. "Hah... This is what it's supposed to feel like. Isn't it? When you do something good... What a wonderful display. I suppose... even if I don't feel like much of a savior, we should, partake in the festivities? If there even are any...? Can, she really claim something like that and have it be ready? What a wild and raucous woman..." Whether or not Cassandra's demands for a feast and festival would be met, it was still wonderful to see...

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Miria had remained at her spot on the starboard, and watched as the ship prepared to dock. Once they were officially at port, she stood up straight and watched as the crowds of people cheered for their return from Kazran's castle. She prepared to leave, but stopped once she saw Owen give his speech. That, along with the continued sounds of crowd, almost began overwhelming the little cub. She dreamed of being a real hero, and when she's recognized for it, it made her lightheaded. Or she was still beat from the battle. But it felt good. Seeing the excitement of the people felt like Islexia would hopefully be truly changed for the better one day. Something was building in the cub. She felt... truly proud of herself.

Then, something that truly did excite the cub. The idea of a great feast to celebrate, courtesy of Cass's own little follow-up speech. It pushed her to getting ready to leave, before seeing Versaris try to push Tasha forward, like he was trying to get her to speak too. To inspire not only the people, but even her fellow Tigers, Miria threw her arms together and began cheering as well.

"WOOOOOOOOOO!" Miria's yell was loud and proud, trying to match the crowd's energy to the best of her ability. Once bringing her arms down, she threw two thumbs ups at Tasha. 

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Seeing the crowd turn from anticipation to cheering brought a smile back to Tasha's lips. They'd won, and this was their proof of it, their proof of having done something that would improve so many people's lives... but while she'd figured she would just hang back and let Owen take both center stage and the glory of it, she was instead put on the spot by both the man himself and Sari pushing her. "Hey, what-- I don't have anything prepared!" she quietly quipped to the not-elf, but instead of backing out of it, she was left with the greatest challenge of all: public speaking.

After a brief moment of looking like she really didn't know what to say or do, looking over the crowd, Tasha let out an awkward laugh, tail fidgeting behind her a little. "Ahaha, uh... Sorry, but I really don't have anything to add. We were just doing our job, but knowing it was for the good of all of you makes me happy to have done it." She might have had more to say to the Tigers in specific, but that could wait until they had less people watching. In spite of her feelings when Lati stepped up to claim victory for them, she'd never been the type to have achievements get to her head, and truthfully, this wasn't even what they'd come to Islexia for. That feast sounded pretty good right about now, though!

"Ugh, you're right. They deserve that much, even if our business is too urgent to worry about staying hidden." Elisa kicked herself up from the bed and followed her wife, doing the bare minimum for concealment by putting her robes on inside out to hide the distinctive patterns on it.

Upon meeting Lumina again, the same woman who'd checked on them earlier and very eager to resolve the matter she'd informed them of, Tio's calming was quickly followed by the strawberry blonde adding her own to it. "I get you're anxious out of your mind, but we can't hurry, like she said. Not just because they're tired from a long battle, but also because if you tell them they're needed right as they land, some of them are going to try to ignore their state and try to leave immediately. Which they can't do, but they can't help themselves when someone needs them... and right now, what they need is the celebration they deserve. I would only tell Natalya and Owen at first." The Tigers were a good-natured bunch, that much was obvious given what had happened all the way through Hecatia, but right now they needed to put on the brakes for at least one day.

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Lumina simmered over the two Evokers quickly shutting her down, knowing that the two of them were right, but that she couldn't have them being right in this moment. Pashmina was in harm's way, and even if she was tactically gifted, tactics could only go so far. "Rrgh... Fine. I know better than to bite the hand that assists me, but... that doesn't mean I'm pleased about it."

Lumina let her shoulders fall, and she followed after the two legendary mages, and from the cheering now erupting from down below, it sounded like it genuinely was Owen and these mercenaries. I guess I just hope that they're as good as they say... they'll have to be even better if we wait for too long.

June 17th, 1218 PAF 8:30PM
Location: Eslcas Castle Town

The docking of the Maelstrom was carried out in record time, young and old came to help and see their heroes in the flesh. The fighting over the Eslcas corridor had continued for years, a long battle that Owen and Cass stepped into when their father was felled by the man who they had finally extinguished. What was expected to have been occupying Kazran's lands, and then likely more fighting, turned into installing Kazran's own daughter, Lati, as the next steward of those lands, and gaining ally, and control of the northern coast of Islexia. This alone changed the entire landscape--with control of the northern coast line, contact with Glacies had become that much easier, strengthening the Gaffney's claim ever more. There was so much to celebrate, and so, with Owen's blessing, and a few words from the Tigers' commander, the people of Eslcas scurried about putting together what they could in order to repay the Tigers for what they had done. The damage done from the embargo, and the cessation of trade from Lord Tristan in Hecatia had left Eslcas strapped for supplies, but today, and hereafter, was a time for celebration, and now assistance from Glacies could be requested as a stopgap.

For the first time in what felt like ages, the streets of Eslcas were alive, and breathing, filled with torches, people, and the evening sky above their heads. Human, clouded, and monster, all together under an Islexian sky, once thought an impossibility, but an idea given form and shape via the tempering blade of the Tigers. Yet, the merry was tempered by knowing that there was another sword hanging above their heads, a drastic shift in the landscape. The Tigers agreed to assist the Gaffneys for guaranteed passage through Islexia, so one might have understood the surprise on Owen's face learning that even he could no longer guarantee that right. Islexia had always been a bee's nest, and now, someone had come along, and disturbed it all. There had been a single question about the Tigers' conquest of Beacon Castle--why had Nicolas not sent more troops to reinforce Kazran? They were allies in the sense that Kazran perpetuated the status quo, and Nicolas had not been shy about furnishing the man with armaments. Yet, in the moment, so few had been present. The answer became disturbingly clear: They were all spoken for. Hot in pursuit of the assassin who tried to take Nicolas's life. That news came with new faces, and their own request.

Lumina Celea, a daughter of the Celea Family, the only merchant family who had successfully resisted the siren call of the Westermark family's influence. Long besieged for being the final piece through which the Belrose would achieve complete mercantile control over the country, now, right at this very moment, the Belrose's agents chased Pashmina Celea, Lumina's older twin, charging her with aiding and abetting the assassin. Were that all, perhaps it could have been ignored, but the Celea Family were the contacts for the missing envoy. If their missing envoy was to be with anyone, it would have been Lady Celea. Suddenly, the Tigers found their mission potentially under the eye of the most powerful warlord in Islexia, and army that dwarfed Kazran's by an order of magnitude, and with the tactical understanding to make it all the more frightening. A threat of far greater potential.

Despite it all, the people of Eslcas continued to dance, and smile as if all their worries had been lifted. Their voices carrying into the night, this was a reality not to be overlooked, a night in which the victors should bask. So, with payment from Owen and Cassandra, the Tigers endeavored to spend their time--today, and tomorrow--well, and recover their strength, knowing that their battles were only going to get tougher as they pushed deeper into Islexia...


Make use of the shops, bazaar, make-shift arena, or just chat with your allies, companions, or locals! As a final warning, this is the last time before the end of arc 1 that we will be able to visit shops! Once we set off for the next map, there is no turning back! So please use your time wisely!

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Miria took a big stretch, before going to her bed and picking up her beret, fitting it onto her head. She looked down at the dress she had put on and spun around, watching her skirt flow around. It was an old thing she bought back in Eibar, and she had waited for a time to finally wear it. With a big festival celebrating their victory, it seemed good enough. She wasn't used to so much blue, but the little cub wasn't shy about trying on new outfits. She softly giggled to herself, and prepared to walk out the door. She thought about taking her weapons, but, she hadn't. She wasn't planning on fighting this night, but if it happened, she had her shroud. She'd just transform and try her hand at fist fighting.

Once out the door, the girl considered if she should ask someone if they wanted to join her. Festivals should be celebrated in groups! At least, from the days back in Kansei it seemed that way. She expected most of the group to have been out by now, but maybe... Her thinking was stopped by a new idea. Maybe her new dragon friend had cooled off now. She helped beat Kazran, and as far as Miria was concerned, she deserved to celebrate a little too. And off she went to find Sylmaria!

After asking a few people around to find where she was bunking, Miria finally found her way to the door that should've belonged to the dragon. Even from venturing the halls, she could hear the partying in the city. It lit a fire in her. A fire that involved partying, and having fun, and having enough food to bankrupt the whole city! Maybe not that much food. She chuckled at the thought of it, and stood at the front of Sylmaria's door. She went to knock, but hesitated, wondering if she was still upset at herself... Miria steeled herself. If she was, it was up to the cub to show that there were no hard feelings. We're gonna work it out! Can't back out now! With a few knocks at the door, Miria backed up slightly and cleared her throat.

"Sylmariaaa? Are you in there?" She wore her best smile as she asked.

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"Thalia, do keep up. Looks like we arrived at the perfect time." A voice as smooth as silk and as high as any idol's rung out in the direction of the large and fluffy pair of ears behind them. "We need to fight whatever arena these people have and recuperate our purses, or we'll be eating very, very light tonight... So even if you're tried from all the walking, don't lag behind."

Coral walked through the streets of Eslcas, dress bouncing ever so gently, eyes looking about for-- "Ahah~" They smirked, doing a small spin to stare at the fox behind them, walking backwards without missing a single step. "It looks rather unprofessional, but there seems to be a gathering of fighters in the centre of town~ Shall we introduce ourselves?"

Said gathering was a large amount of the Tigers who had set up an impromptu gauntlet of sorts. Cinaed, Laniva, Versaris, Jesse one of Syndra's vassals, and the two women that had told the Tigers of their needs in regards to the blonde one's sister. Versaris glanced towards the incoming pair, Coral and Thalia, and the elf they'd picked up, Talulah, seemingly ready to jump at all of them. "Ladies, you going to be up for all this? I'm sure you're competent fighters, but this is more about stamina than skill..."

Eva looked at Versaris like he'd said something incredibly dull, rolled her eyes, and turned her attention back to Lumina. "Can you believe these guys? THEY killed Kazran? And they can't even judge a book right? You know exactly what you're doing, geez... Guy's good at swinging a sword around and it makes him so cocky..." She sighed and then reached out and ruffled Lumina's hair. "But, they did kill Kazran, which means they'll be strong enough to save your sister. Ain't that great news, hun?" She grinned from ear to ear, stretching out the arm that wasn't messing with Lumina. "Figure I can give all these twerps a run for it as well... I'll make sure to guard the gates if they knock you over. Feel free to lean on me if you get tired, babe. I'm good for it."

Talulah fidgeted with her hand on her sword. Things were still getting set up, and she wished to begin. Any chance to get stronger, any chance to learn something...  Especially that man with the silver hair. His attitude was carefree, but he'd gone toe to toe with Kazran without breaking a sweat. "He's a demon," she mumbled, getting more and more excited. "I must fight him."

"Alriiiiight~! All challengers, please line up over here~!" The Tigers new pink haired cleric was standing to the side next to a set of benches, leading all the challengers in. Talulah finally relented her staring at Versaris and moved over, taking a seat. "First come first serve and then we'll go down the line... I'll make sure to keep everyone topped up, but don't go too hard, okay? This is just for fun! No fights to the death-- I will step in if people get too serious."

One final face joined the fighters on the other side of the space, the large circle that the citizens had prepared for these exhibitions. Laniva, shoved towards the others of the gauntlet, by a very, very pleased looking Syta. "You look great, hun! You'll knock them silly and look wonderful doing it~ I'll make sure to watch, do your best!" Before the cat could complain, Syta was already jogging over towards the viewing stand where a group had formed of Eslcas civilians, ready to see their saviours put their skills to show. Ahhh, I can't believe she hid that dress for so long... It looks so wonderful on her. Not to mention... her embarrassed face is beautiful. Oh, Laniva...~

"Hahhh... They said they'd be in the park, looking after that Jane girl. Probably aren't bothering them..." Alvira idly mused as she walked towards the Evokers with Roxanne at her side, going over all of what they'd learned. Someone had tried to kill Nicolas. SUCKS that they failed. Do better next time. That did explain why Kazran's fort wasn't suddenly overflowing with reinforcements... Jeremiah was strong, but also, one man. He couldn't hold off battalions by himself. They'd just go around him, and eventually make it to the Tigers... Must be hell turmoil over there. Good~ Let them squirm about it for a bit before we're sent in. We killed a warlord, and this will achieve the Evokers' goals. We can do this, and then I will go to Lufiria to kill a God... Hah. Hah, geez...

"Wait, is that...?"

Everything felt like static. The cheering, the celebration, it was all noise in one ear and out the other. M walked in a daze, guided along by members of the Tigers, heading towards the place she'd been told her daughter would be. Her only reason to continue... Her footsteps were heavy, her boots filled felt like lead. She kept walking, eyes staring at nothing... until... "... Jane."

Sure enough. As promised. As Roxanne had said... The child, coddled in the arms of a blue, snake woman, resting against her under a tree in the park surrounded by Eslcas' walls... "Jane." Her voice got louder, her steps lighter, the color slowly returning to her world as she continued forward.

Miredy's gaze slowly turned towards the woman as she spoke Jane's name, seeing the pain and surprise on her face, almost gasping. "Jane. Jane, wake up. I think you'll be quite happy to do so..."

Jane had gotten comfortable, finding it easier and easier to be with Miredy, and even Miss Tio. She had a similar softness that reminded her of her mother. But for now, snuggled into Miredy's arms, she dreamt of that familiar smile looking down at her, the soft clicking and clacking of metal as she took apart her gun, cleaned it, and popped everything back together as if it had never been broken. It had been so long, it felt like, looking up and seeing her mother's eyes--Miss Tio and Miredy were incredibly kind, but there was something different with her. It was happier times when she could just watch her mother take apart the gun, and put it back together again.

Then, for the first time, the dream spoke. It was her mother's voice. Not once before had it done that, not even when she wished so hard for it to be so. Then, gentle jostling, where was that coming from? There was no one around her in the dream, and her mother, still focused on the gun beneath her hadn't turned. Then, her eyes slid open. The night sky was different, and...


Jane blinked the sleepiness out of her eyes. As everything came into focus, she only got clearer, crisper. Jane shook her head, wiped her eyes, but she was still there. It was... it was her. Then everything became blurry again.

"Momma... Momma! Momma!"

Jane hopped up, out of Miredy's arms, and barreled right into M's legs, holding tight to M, hands squeezing, making sure that this was not a dream that she was going to wake up from and have her hopes dashed.

"Momma! Momma! It's... It's, It's you, right, please! Momma!"

Jane looked up at M, tears already streaking down her face.

"It's... It's you, right?"

M crumpled, falling to her knees beside Jane before wrapping the girl in the tightest, softest, most caring hug. "Jane! Jane...! My girl... My baby, baby girl, you're okay...! You're okay... Ahhhhhghhh...!" Something of a choked cry left her as she almost buried the spider girl against her, a hand so softly running into her hair, tears flowing like a stream, the weight, the emotions, the pain that everyone had been through...

"Yeah," her hoarse voice responded, "it's me. It's momma... I'm right here. I'm okay. You're, okay... I'll never leave you, ever again." It hadn't been her fault that Jane had been taken, but it felt like a personal failing nonetheless. "Never again... My baby... Ahhh, Jane..."

Alvira felt something in her twitch as she watched the scene. Jealousy? Envy? It was a touching, painful moment, but... ... Ah. You... won't ever have that. That's why... The Evokers were sat off to the side, Alvira taking a wide berth around the mother and daughter moment, not wanting to interrupt them by any means. "Guess we really did some good, huh, Tio?" She gave the woman something of a wry smile, before stepping to the side and giving Roxanne the floor. "Unfortunately for you and Elisa, we have some, uh... News."

As soon as the crowding began, the cheers, the spotlights on them all, Sylm became incredibly uncomfortable, escaping to the rooms that Owen and Cassandra had provided for them. She stole away some hot water and soap, going about cleaning herself, her hair, her dress... She removed the bandages from her legs. As always, her scales had healed. They never failed to heal. She truly hated it before, but now... A part of her was glad that she hadn't caused permanent damage.

She cleaned herself of the blood, washing her hair, letting her dress soak in the water as she could. Most of the blood on her clothes was her own... It wasn't any surprise, fighting like that, but the white dress had seen better days. With a combination of the soap, the warm water, some mundane household magic and some effort scrubbing, she'd gotten most of it out... She'd have to find new things to wear, though. "Mm..." It was one of the last things she had from home. There were no good memories of her life there, but it was... home. "Can't walk around bloodied, though. Unsanitary... This will do for tonight, but... Things will need to be purchased."

She set about drying herself and her clothes off, finally finishing off her hair and putting the dress back on, fixing things, making sure she wasn't caught on it anywhere with how tenacious her wire of a tail could be at times... Then she caught her reflection in a puddle of the water on the stone floor. All that fear and anxiety. All that fighting and pain... For now, it was all gone. She was still tired, yes... But she was, safe. Without baggage. Surrounded by kind and good people. "Hahh..." She ran a hand through her hair once more, the smooth and velvety strands falling idly against her back. "Cursed with beauty, in a sense. In the eye of the beholder, I suppose... Hm?" A knock at the door-- "Miria?"

She approached the door and hesitated a moment, before slowly opening it, glancing up, ever so slightly, at the girl. "Yes? Did you need something? ... ... I am, sorry for leaving you on the boat, if I might... offer that. I will try my best to hold such comments... until I can remove them from my thoughts entirely."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Gean wandered the streets of Eslcas, her gaze moved back and forth between shops. Despite the festive spirit around, Gean held a more somber vibe in her heart.

The news of the Belrose family and the plight of the Celea's was a surprise for sure, but It wasn’t where Gean's focus was. As long as the Tigers were carrying out this mission Gean promised to put her all into wherever they went. No Gean’s mind was still on her conversation on the ship with Renais and Kise. Jeremiah had yet to return, if was still around in the area. News of this magnitude would not sit well with the man, and Gean expected he'd be on the move again soon; still, she needed to speak with him. Gean needed to know more about the kitsune and Lufiria’s stance on the matter. I have to find a way. There has to be some path to avoid them fighting. Kise… 

Kise said they should enjoy their time together while she was still around, and Gean wanted to capitalize on that immediately, so she invited the Kitsune out on a date through the festival. "For an improtu event, the town wasted no effort in celebrating, don't you think?" Gean reached out to hold Kise's hand. "There’s a bazar nearby, it's actually where I got my new axe from. You might like it, if competition isn't an issue."

Jesse looked out at the growing crowd of the Tiger's makeshift arena. The festival had been soothing so far, and as usual, the Tiger's had found ways to keep things interesting, hosting a gauntlet for the town despite having just returned from a mountain of a fight.  A healthy spar and show was fine, especially if it gave the people of Eslcas more joy. A joy that Jesse would help create, she was third in the line of fighters for people to challenge, decided by Versaris, the head honcho. This shall be interesting, I didn't get to much outside of watching the ship, and there's a number of new faces here. "Let's give it our best, Charlon. I'll make sure you get some tasty hay and apples after this ok bud?" Jesse patted her horse, Charlon gave the rider a gentle nudge. Out of the corner of Jesse's eye another combatant entered the arena alongside the fighters… in a dress? It was an interesting choice, for sure, and Jesse could see the chainmail underneath. The purple cat ears let Jesse know that this was Laniva of the Tigers. “Cool… Oh right I should probably armor up myself.”

Edited by Bluemask 96
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Pulling into Eslcas had been quite the experience. The gathered crowd cheering them on as soon as they had confirmed the Maelstrom was still controlled by the Gaffneys, the increased security that had been caused by, of all things, a reported assassination attempt on Nicolas Belrose, and the swift pivot into celebrations on Cass' urging. Really, everything had moved so swiftly once they had touched land, with no signs of slowing down. Roxanne herself couldn't help but feel charmed by the display... it seemed some of the Tigers as well as a few others were putting together a makeshift arena gauntlet, and the bazaar appeared to have a different set of wares than before their departure to peruse. No doubt the coastal town's food vendors would be preparing something too... the sheep could already picture Miria laying waste to an alleyway of unsuspecting carts, the image in her head eliciting a small chuckle from her.

But those things were for later. Alvira had managed to find out where the Evokers intended to be after the briefing, and the pair were on their way to meet them and pick their brains. Along the way, however, Roxanne had spotted Jane resting with Miredy not too far away from the ladies of the hour. And when M came by not too far behind... Roxanne couldn't help but watch the reunion, sniffling just a bit as she wiped a tear or two away as they slowly closed the distance to Tio and Elisa. It hadn't... it hadn't all been worth it. Too many lives had been lost that could have been saved, but at least the mother and daughter had been reunited. That much, at least was a blessing. If M too had passed... Roxanne didn't want to think about it. Leaving the pair to themselves, Roxanne turned her attention back just in time for Alvira to present her to the Evokers.

"Err... news, yes. That's one way to put it, hmm." Roxanne hummed and hawed a few moments, fidgeting in place as she pondered how to begin. Flipping open the notebook she had hastily scrawled her notes into, the sheep's nose crinkled as her eyes scanned the various things she had written down.

"May as well get right into it I suppose. Have either of you come across the name Miz'Githon in your studies? Alvira can vouch for this but... someone claiming that name spoke to me... in my head. Alvira said that, lack of animosity aside, the experience wasn't too dissimilar to her being contacted by the spirit Mercuria..." Roxanne settled upon, notebook closing with a light thud as she lowered it, holding the pad against her stomach just below her chest.

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Alistar had made his way to the little makeshift arena the town had set up for the festival. When the idea had been brought up to create one for the celebration, Alistar volunteered to be one of the members of the gauntlet. He figured it would be the fastest way to see the strength of his mistress' traveling companions for himself. Not that he had that many doubts considering the feat the group had just accomplished, but there was always something that words alone couldn't convey. While the well-asseted pink healer went over the rules Alistar inspected his sword and his gear, it thankfully hadn't been that used during their travels, so he was all ready to begin, when he got approached by a pair of familiar faces. "Oh no."

"Oh no? What do you mean 'oh no?' What, are you not excited to see us or something?" Ryfia had dragged Syndra with her to the arena. She wanted to take part in it, partly because of a need to keep sharp since; barring the encounter with Lumina and Eva, their trip was mostly smooth sailing. The other part being; "You really thought I wasn't going to take the chance to rock your shit for fun? Come onnnnn." Syndra gave a little chuckle at her friend's declaration, which led Ryfia to be a little confused. "What? It's not that funny to want a little fight after travelling all the way here, especially knowing what we've gotta do coming up right?"

"No, no it's not that." Syndra explained. "It's just funny to see how little has changed between you two after being away for so long. I've missed having the two of you around." Syndra reached up and ruffled Ryfia's hair a little. It was true what Syndra said, she did miss her friends and confidants, even as she found new ones in the Iron Tigers. She did need the morale boost, given the news that followed the pair with them to Esclas. Incredibly troubling news; someone not her being bold enough to try ending the life of her father Nicolas, and then they turned that into an opportunity to try and get revenge on Pashmina Celea. The whole situation had Syndra uneasy, no matter how she tried to put on a brave face.

Alistar noticed the shift in his mistress' expression. It wasn't something that surprised him, he knew Syndra would rather have rushed off to help the Celeas then stay here, but her group needed the moment of R&R. "I know how you feel Mistress, but we can't just rush out towards them without a plan. Kazran was one thing, your father and all the forces at his disposal is another entirely. With how resourceful Miss Pashmina is, I'm sure she's able to keep herself safe until we arrive."

"He's got a point. If there's anyone capable of hiding out from your folks it'll be her. So relax! As soon as the little festival's done we'll be right on the road after her again, and I don't care who we've gotta fight to rescue her, me and Alistar'll follow you anywhere, you know that!" Ryfia said mostly to try and reassure her boss.

"Mm, thanks. Both of you. You're right. It wouldn't do to lose composure here. Especially since from what you've told me she hasn't been captured yet. We'll find her, I know it." Syndra said, taking in what her friends were saying. "So you're going to be here for the whole festival then Alistar? I'll admit I hadn't decided whether or not I want to take part in the arena, but I do know I plan on visiting the bazaar later. If there's anything you'd like me to get for you let me know."

"Hmm..." Alistar pondered Syndra's offer for a bit. "I think I'll find my way there myself before we leave Esclas, but thanks for the offer. If I may; perhaps you should give our arena a try while you're here. The people of Esclas would probably enjoy seeing one of their heroes' strength for themselves."

"Me being in public like that Alistar? Hmm... I suppose they'll have to get used to the idea of a Belrose standing side-by-side with them eventually no?" Syndra contemplated the idea again. She really wasn't for this brutish concept before she left Glacies on her mission, but she had been slowly coming around to the idea the more she participated in it. "Fine, I suppose I will. Come on Ryfia, let's go speak with Lucretia and tell her we're joining." Syndra told the wolf while pointing at the pink-haired healer.

"Woohoo! Alright! Let's go!" Ryfia exclaimed before talking off, but she stopped and turned back towards Alistar with one last promise. "When I get to you Alistar you better not pull your punches, or else I'll kick your ass! Come on boss!" She said while dragging Syndra by the arm.

"Woah! Easy, Ryfia! Haha you really are excited about this." Syndra also looked back towards Alistar. "I'd take her seriously Alistar, an energized and motivated Ryfia's an unstoppable force. As am I..." When the two got towards the healer Syndra announced their intent. "Hello Lucretia. Ryfia and I are planning to try and run the gauntlet. She wants to go first, is there anything we need to do to get ourselves ready?"

Alistar watched as Ryfia dragged their boss away towards the signup area. Both seemingly well intent on beating him. He laughed at it a little, mostly because of the idea of having to fight the person he'd been tasked with protecting for over a decade, even in what was just an exhibition match, was a possibility he never thought would've happened. "Well if they want me at my best, I'll try not to disappoint either of them."

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Kise's mind was anywhere else than this festival. It was all so pointless. Kazran had been nothing but a beast given a place to play, and now that he had been put down as expected... They cheered, despite the true threat being on the horizon all the same. It was so... tiresome. Humans were so easily pleased by the things right in front of them. "Hahh..." As much as she wished to retire and brood over her discussion with the two, Gean had demanded they go out together and see the festival... a not all together terrible feeling, being wanted so desperately by Aegean. It seemed as though things had sunk in for her... Maybe not better than Renais, but that remained to be seen.

"I am not a general vendor, so I feel no sense of competition. These unfortunate peasants would likely be unable to afford any of my wares... I suppose seeing their items isn't a terrible waste of my time. Feel free to lead me along, Gean." She hadn't held Gean's hand back yet, but slowly she closed her claw around the mermaid's hand, holding on and feel a faint warmth reach her cheeks. Accursed emotions... Had they been any others, I would have torn them to shreds for denying me... but I cannot deny feeling this way, hahh... Terrible.

"Mmmm? Oh, hello there~ Yes, just sit down here with our other competitors... Miss Talulah got here first, so you'll have to wait your turn, but it shouldn't be that much of a wait. The fighters are just getting themselves ready~" Lucretia stepped aside to give them room to sit, Talulah still focused, staring off at nothing as she readied herself for combat.

"And us?" That same high, feminine, smooth as silk voice came out from behind Syndra and Ryfia, a head of long, long, luxurious purple hair peaked out at Lucretia, their bright and beautiful smile staring up at the woman. "We were here first, my compatriot and I..." They turned towards the fluffy set of platinum blonde ears behind them, ushering her forward. "My friend Thalia and I. Coral Durandal, by the by. We'd like to take part in this little fighting challenge of yours... What is the prize, if I might inquire?"

"Oh. Hello... I didn't notice you there. Uhm. Well, it's not all that important what order people go in... The prize is for who does the best-- which isn't gold, by the by, our apologies, but~! The challenger that performs the best against the gauntlet gets to take one item from the bazaar free of charge. How's that~?" Lucretia winked at... Him? Her? Them? Them.

"Hmm... That, is a bit disappointing, but a reward is a reward. If the two of you wish to go first, by all means." Coral curtsied with their dress, neatly taking a seat on the prepared benches.

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Miria was shocked at first. When Sylmaria first opened the door, the cub got a good look. She looked... almost entirely different than when they were on the boat. She was... radiant, at least that's the way Miria would've described it.

"Wow... You're so pretty..." she let out by accident, before shaking her head. "A-Anyway, Sylm, it's okay. Promise. I told you I'd be there to help ease you through it, remember?" Her smile was brightly ear to ear as always. "But yeah," Clapping her hands together, she followed up,

"Would you like to go and celebrate at the festival together?" It was clear in question she was nervous. From her shifting feet to her fingers scratching together. Her face reddened a bit too. "I'd go myself, but, it's way more fun to party with a friend, you know? And I thought... it'd be good for you. Even if we just walk around and eat, or something. I'm down for whatever you'd like." And she ended with a nervous laugh. Either way, Miria was gonna head out, but she wasn't gonna not try. "If not, I-I get it, just thought I'd ask."

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"I suppose I am," she stiffly replied to Miria's sudden comment on her beauty, stepping outside of the room. "And I suppose it would not do to stay wrapped up in that room the entire time... I cannot promise to be an entertaining partner to view a festival with, but, if you wish for me to accompany you, I shall." She paused, then turned back into the room, picking up her sword and its belt, tying it around her waist, before putting a claw on the hilt and rejoining Miria in the hallway. "Lead on, then... What would you like to do first?"

She had no idea how these were supposed to work... Was it all free for them? Since they'd saved the place? All the food and drink and merriment... She wasn't sure. Hopefully Miria would be a good guide for these things. If it's even right for me to... Stop it, Sylmaria. You came here with the initial intention of harming Owen, yes... but you never did, and you even fought back against Kazran. It's... it's okay. You don't have to be the star. The hero. The focus... but you're allowed to celebrate all the same. You are allowed... She fought a sigh out and tried her best to quiet the upsetting thoughts that continued to plague her.

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Miria almost felt like she had gotten goosebumps. She stepped back as Sylmaria stepped out the door, agreeing to go see the town, holding back her excitement as to not weird out the dragon. Taking her hands, Miria gave a happy little laugh. "It's fine, I..." Is saying she doesn't need to be entertaining the right thing to say? Miria paused, her face going blank for a moment, blinking a few times. "Yeah. It's okay, you don't have to entertain me tonight. Come on." She removed one of her hands and started to lead the dragon out of the castle. "What matters is we enjoy ourselves. And it'll be fun!" Miria could tell she was starting to be a little too bouncy. She hadn't quite figured out how a beret went on her head yet, and she adjusted it so it wouldn't fall off.

Once they were at the entrance, the cub looked out into town. The sun was on its way down, but there seemed to still be a shrivel of light still in the air. It gave her time to for the Miria-sense to go into overdrive.

"Okay. First objective is food! Though, if it's okay, I'm sure food will be an objective multiple times tonight, I do eat a lot." She gave a chuckle. "After food though, we'll... figure it out!"

The girls wouldn't have walked very far. There were already several places that were serving food. Miria's nose was almost overloading with scents. If she lacked any self-control, the festival would run out of food to give. She took Sylm to the first stand she looked at. "Good evening, everything smells so good. What do you have to serve tonight?"

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"Oh! Well... if you and your friend were here before us then by all means go ahead, we can wait for our turn." Ryfia said while scratching her head and smiling. She and Syndra had been approached by another pair, a foxgirl and what looked like a human who were also looking to fight in the arena. "I'm Ryfia! This lady here's Syndra. I'm her bodyguard! Well, one of them, the other one's a taller man named Alistar, he's one of the people in this gauntlet you'll be going up against."

Syndra took that as a chance to step in, knowing how gung-ho Ryfia was about fighting in this little event. "Ryfia, you can go first after Talulah if you'd like, I'll wait until our new guests have taken their turn if that's all right with the two of you." The fact the prize was an item from the bazaar made attempting the challenge herself feel like a more practical use of time, considering where Syndra wanted to go afterwards, but it still felt a little rude going before Thalia and Coral, even though they seemed okay with Syndra doing so.

Edited by Billy12510
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Posted (edited)

Lumina simply let out a deep sigh. The significance of the festival was something she understood, and wasn't going to take any significance away from, but knowing that Pashmina and her entourage were still out there, likely locked in combat left her simmering. Fortunately for her, the festival had plenty to do, and Eva was around to keep her mind off of the obvious, and then rumblings of a makeshift arena--more of a tournament than an arena by the sounds of things--and Lumina had her evening figured out. She could only express her surprise when she saw the group with Lord Owen: She'd encountered, and fought several of them back at Cerezia. She'd fared well against them, a fairly positive record until the evening came, and then the heavy hitters seemed to come out of the woodwork. One of which was now looking dead at her, as if he'd never seen her before, and questioning her qualifications.

"Two years." Lumina craned her head over to Versaris, "Two years, probably two-hundred battles, and nearly a one-hundred and fifty of those finished in my favor. Certainly, different rules, and I'm to wear padded armor in the arena where I don't have the luxury of such here, but I'm far more than qualified to assist, thank you very much. Have you really already forgotten that I fought you at Cerezia? I fared poorly against you, certainly, but not a single person in our arena could hold a candle to you in the first place." Lumina huffed, and then Eva ruffled her hair.

"Eva, enough of that... Whether they can save my sister remains to be seen, but I suppose that's what this arena is for. Defeating Kazran is a boon, but we're not dealing with a buffoon whose eyes gravitate to the largest thing in his vicinity--we'll be dealing with folk who control the country."

Tio couldn't help but be relieved seeing Natalya's face after all that had happened. The Tigers really had succeeded in besting Kazran, and it sounded like there was even more to report. Something about Kazran's own daughter returning to kill him, and now allying herself with the Gaffney, effectively giving them control of Northern Islexia. Incredibly positive news, so much so, that sending a letter to Queen Iseria on their behalf was sounding more and more valuable. The Tigers would likely receive extra compensation from the Queen over this one--it meant that piracy within the channel would drop precipitously. So it bothered her more to have to be the bearer of such bad news. They all agreed on one thing at least; that there was no way to have the group moving so soon after a mission like this, and to allow the Tigers to take the time to recover before setting out, and attempting to rescue Pashmina Celea.

Tio had intended to get some more work done, but between Elisa, and Jane, she was completely unable to stay away from the festival, and found herself in the park. She was just watching the festival unfurl. Hiding their presence wasn't completely necessary at this point, so she was appreciating relaxing her magic. She was finally back on her feet in full, but if things did go south, she and Elisa would likely have to make the crossing, and that would need them both at their full strength.

Tio's eyes shot immediately over to the quick approaching... moth? woman calling out Jane's name. The look of desperation on her face, and the relief in her voice... Is she...? Jane's reaction was enough, as the young girl practically flew out of Miredy's arms, and barreled into the woman. A touching embrace, a mother and a daughter reunited. Tio smiled at the sight, but, her thoughts drifted to the reality of how long it had been since she'd had an experience like that. The comfort of her mother's arms, the steady heartbeat when her own was going a mile a minute, a comfort that she'd only found against in Elisa's arms, but... there was something different about the event happening in front of her and she knew it.

Alvira's voice dragged her out of her reverie, looking over at both her and Roxanne, "Ah, Alvira, Roxanne... it's good to see that you're both alright, and," Tio looked back at M and Jane's reunion with a brighter smile than she had a moment ago, "You certainly have. I think Queen Iseria would pay the unit extra solely for that sight. She's a bit of a romantic you know, despite her moniker." Alvira then stepped aside, and giving the floor to Roxanne, "News?" Tio looked over at Elisa, and then back to the two of them, and then an unamused look came across the older woman's face as her hands fell to her hips. Roxanne was mentioning another voice. "...Another voice?" Tio's voice was flat, and then she shook her head, "No, I'm afraid the name itself doesn't ring any bells at all. Not from my studies, or any of my own research..." Tio looked over at Elisa, "Dear, has anything come up in your research with that name? I wouldn't think it would, but best to be sure."

Elsewhere, Kieran was up on the walls of the city just watching things unfold. It had barely been two weeks, and suddenly everything was so very different. If things hadn't happened the way they had, he knew that he would be down there in the city with everyone, celebrating their victory over Kazran. It was what so many of them had dreamed of for years at this point, when the news spread, more towns would be celebrating Kazran's influence being lifted. The man was nothing like Nicolas; the man's entire control was through fear, and strength. Nicolas had the capacity for inspiring people to follow after him, and at least give the appearance that he was looking out for the people under him. So dislodging someone like him would be so much more difficult. Though, death didn't care about how much better of a leader Nicolas was, and someone had come so very close to offing him. An unfortunate turn of events. If he had perished, then perhaps there really was a wave of change in Islexia.

A wave of change that he had no right playing any part in. Sleep had always come easy to him, but in the days since his decision... sleep had proven difficult. Putting on a strong face had always been a talent, so masking it was at simple as breathing. But... watching the man, Istavion, die with a smile on his face... it reminded him of how quickly he had compromised his own values in order to prolong his own life. He, and the Tigers were so incredibly different, and he had no right basking in the light that they were bringing with them.

"Damn... they really did break you, huh?" Kieran looked up to the evening sky, "...You sitting in the shadows over there, Marigold?" There was no guarantee that she was, she could be where ever she wanted to be.

Miria was met by a tall, burly, man with a toothy grin, "Haha! I'm glad you think so!" The man took a deep breath in, and then exhaled, "It's a scent I've known for much of my life, but has become so rare... until today that is!" He looked Miria, and then Sylmaria over, taken a bit aback by their dress, and then grinned, "Just by yer clothes, you're probably with the mercs, ya?" The man lowered his head, "Then I have every intention of making sure these are the best fish you've ever had! It's a specialty around here, close to the sea, so fish dishes are rather common around here. Cook them well, add the proper spices, and it's finished~"

The man nodded, "We had been saving some of our fattier fishes, and some of ours sauces--some alcoholic--but tonight, it is best to show what we are truly capable of when freed of Kazran's assaults. So we have all sorts of seafood here, predominantly fish, but there are some more delicacies, so you may take your pick!" 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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As Syta suddenly arrived at her side, Laniva smiled, the woman squeezing up against her with a big smile. "Mm... Hi, Syta. I slept okay, even with the waves... I'm getting a little more used to it." She returned Syta's smile with a smaller one, thoughts clouded but mood improving with Syta around. In truth, the troubling thoughts had given her something to occupy herself with as she tried to fall asleep, and in some slight sense that had at least helped her deal with the waves. "Thanks, Syta." She reached down, reaching for her hand, giving it a little squeeze.

As her two dear companions exchanged thoughts about what the next steps for their little band would be, Seila gave the two a warm smile, a little smug as Ember got a little pouty about missing the chance to fight. Amera, for her part, was excitedly mrowing about the chance for a more exciting future, and the witch couldn't say she disagreed. "It's true. It was nice getting to do 'guard' duty in a nice castle town and all, but I think this group has the potential to take us all over. And they'll probably pay us better, too. I don't really have a long term plan other than 'whatever we're doing, do it with you two', so if you're both interested I'll happily go along~"

She reached up (far up), giving Ember a quick pat, and then reached over across her towards Ember's other arm and the cat clinging to her, giving the kitty a quick scritch too. "No rush to decide, there's still time left on this little cruise~"

An annoyed voice came in reply to the high voice ringing out in Eslcas' streets, along with a huff. "Gawds, Coral, I'm coming, I'm coming. I know we need to win, this happens in every town..." Thalia's ears flicked in annoyance, chasing to catch up to the half-elf as they spun on a heel, walking backwards. "I think it's the best we're gonna get, so sure..."

As they came to the gathering in the middle of town, the kitsune glanced around at the congregation of people - quite a number of people who looked in fine fighting form, here... she tuned back into the conversation as Coral was introducing Thalia and themself, greeting the few members of the group that had come out to welcome them. "Oh, hmm. It's not gold...? I mean, I guess it'll do... I hope this bazaar's got something good in it." She shrugged with a sigh, glancing over at the elf who Lucretia had called 'Talulah'. Huh, what's up with her... she's either super focused or just... not really here right now. Weird.

Ryfia was rather excited, it seems; but Syndra was a little more obliging as far as Coral's statement, allowing the two of them to go first. "Thanks... Maybe we'll tire them out for you some."

She followed Coral to the waiting benches, though settled on a nod to Lucretia in favor of mimicking Coral's curtsy. She sat down, making room for her tails on the bench, looking over towards them. "It looks like pretty serious competition here, actually. A lot of Clouded and monsters here... I'd say we don't have to worry about getting shorted on a payout, but... meh."

Laniva grumbled under her breath slightly as Syta pushed her out to join the rest of the arena fighters - this wasn't exactly how she'd pictured it when she'd volunteered to join the gauntlet. "Mrow..." Syta had spotted that dress from what felt now like forever ago, back when Alvira had gone shopping with her, and 'suggested' that she wear it while fighting. I have to look so strange... I have all of my armor on except the chestplate, I feel weird... 

It had been impossible to say no to Syta's excitement, though, and as the woman excitedly ran off to the viewers' stands, the knight made her way over to join the rest of the waiting fighters, blushing rather openly. It almost feels like she's happier about how embarrassed I am... jeez. There were already some challengers lining up.

"Er, hey... looks like there are some people waiting already. Are we going to be starting soon...?" Laniva didn't say a word about her own attire; the others were going to get to it soon enough, anyways...

Seila wandered the streets of Eslcas, one of each of Ember and Amera's hands entwined with hers, having traded in her robes for a slightly more casual dress back at the castle. As they walked the streets together, she wore a smile across her face, enjoying the sights and sounds - it was the most excited she'd seen the town. She was making something of a rare exception, truth be told; she was far from the type of person to enjoy the hustle and bustle of a dense crowd, but there was no better way to celebrate their victory, having gotten a bit attached to the locale. Plus, Amera's energy had jumped right up upon seeing the streets this way, and both herself and Ember had found it difficult tor refuse her...

"Hmm hmm, see anything interesting? Maybe we should join in the festivities and have a drink or two ourselves~?"

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A few minutes after the Maelstrom had docked she left the ship and parted ways with her companions for the moment, she had spent her time walking through Esclas in deep thought. Kise's desire for retribution was unwavering, even before two people she cared for. She wouldn't drop it for anything. It was something Renais had to respect at least; even if she disagreed. A mission held over three centuries, over a massacre brought upon her own people. I know I can't hold that weight, no matter how hard I try...but that doesn't mean I can't do something to ease your pain, Kise. Matching such resolve wasn't easy, and the pinkette felt she had so much ground to cover from this point. But she didn't want to give up, otherwise she'd lose Kise. She needed more information to start, and she hoped once she found it she would give the kitsune a stronger answer. The name Kisara was a good place to start, so she'll ask around when the group reunited. I just hope I can find an answer before she leaves. I can't let her go...

The pinkette was pulled from her thoughts the moment the sounds of a robust bazaar had reached her sensitive ears, she lifted her head a little and found herself right in the middle of it. Aah here I am lost in thought, I've done that a lot recently. No there's so much to be done, and I've been slacking. Renais finally had an opportunity to fulfill a few things she's neglected. Starting with her missing sister Liza, it had been so long since she was able to ask about her sister. The cleric's eyes fell upon a vendor in the bazaar, it reminded her to replace her Mend staff soon. So she straightened her white dress and approached the shopkeeper with a small nod. "Pardon me, could I have a moment of your time? I was looking to replace my mending staff, but I also hoped to ask you a few questions as well. If you don't mind."

Edited by TheRoon
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"Mmm... Food and enjoying ourselves. I'll do my best to accommodate." It felt... off, to not be so angry at everything. She had to find her footing in this new world, taking a deep breath and steeling herself to at least manage not pissing Miria off. I'll try to manage doing that much, at least. Sylmaria told herself that, but she found her anxiety growing as they left the castle walls. The castle contained the Tigers, Owen, Cassandra, Giovanna... Maybe some maids, butlers and staff, but it didn't contain... Civilians. People. Merriment... Joy and gaiety, things that she severely lacked a method to absorb and put back out into the world. "Mmm, it's... It's, loud." Insightful commentary... "It... does smell good around here, at least. Yes."

Despite the sudden and quick nature of this festival, people had managed to put up several stalls of food, handing it out to the festival goers. Drinks were being passed around, people were so... pleased. "We... did this." That, was the moment she needed. Suddenly, the awkward feeling inside her melted away. This wasn't people celebrating for nothing. For fun. For pleasure... They were celebrating freedom, freedom from an oppression they thought they would always feel. They're all, just like me. Hah. Haha... Why would any of them think less of you? Or be upset you're here? You wanted this just as badly as they did... So badly you turned on kin and country for it. Hah... I'm so, damn, foolish.

"Give me your best fish and your strongest drink," she demanded as she approached the encounter, a slight redness on her face. "I want... I want, to get wasted! Join in the fun! Have a great time! So get me started, as best as you can! ... P-Please."

Talulah suddenly stood, walking herself, sword tightly in hand, towards the challengers' end of the fighting space. She was prepared, mentally and physically, for what was about to come. Placing herself in wait for the first rung of the gauntlet to step up and she eyed the mage that had just been mouthing off her records to Versaris, wondering if she was all she was cracked up to be. "We shall see."

Versaris squinted, looking deep into Lumina, when-- "Oh! So you are! Goodness, it's been a time... I didn't even recognize you, hah. You're right, you couldn't hold a candle to me, but I do remember Miria being especially upset that day... We'll see if you rested on your laurels or if you continued training. Magic needs practice just as much as muscles do, I'm sure." He was making small talk and banter, but his eyes kept drifting away from the rest of them, glancing towards Alriana, sitting in the viewing area. She... had elected not to join them in this, much as he wanted to fight back to back with her. I can't, blame her... So I just, need to do everything I can not to focus on it.

"And good to see you here as well, Jesse. Make sure that armour's tight! Looks like Talulah over there isn't going to let any of us have an easy time... Wouldn't want to lose your balance because of a loose plate, yes?" He patted her on the back, before, "oh, right, and feel free to mount your horse if it helps. Not a lot of room to manoeuvre around here, but enough for those that know their way around a mount." Speaking of starting soon... "Seems so, Laniva... nice dress." He smirked, heavily. "Looks like you're up, Lumina. Give it the best you've got."

Eva couldn't help a shrug. "For now. If they were fully in control, their boss wouldn't have almost died, eh? Smells like Islexia's starting to fall apart, and we're gonna spearhead it. We'll save your sister, put a sword through Nicolas, make the country a better place. Everybody wins? So make sure you do too, yeah? You said it yourself. Two years. Put all that practice to work~"

Coral idly crossed a leg under their dress, smiling calmly. "There will be no competition, Thalia, darling. I will win as I always do and then we'll enjoy what delicacies a seaside castle town like this has to offer~ Only enough to recuperate from the exercise, though. Can't go pigging out just because there's something of a festival going on... I wonder what they're celebrating? Hm." They shrugged, eagerly waiting for the first matches to begin. "You can go ahead of me, by the way. I want to see how much you've improved~ Give me a good showing, won't you? Even if it's with that axe of yours... Really, are you sure you can't start to learn the sword again? Axes are just, so... Barbaric."

Amera was already halfway into a fish on a stick, the food idly hanging from her mouth, hand taken prisoner by Seila, listening intently to the witch's offer of having a few drinks. "Mfnmfink vat whhbdlt... Mhrahhn!" She quickly forced the rest of the fish into her mouth with her tongue and spat out the stick, huffing. "I think that wouldn't be a bad idea at all! It's a festival! We killed that bastard, we should celebrate about it! Right? Right??" She doubletook swiftly between Ember and Seila, tugging herself closer to the mage and giggling. "Besides... We, have to be on the watch, for, you, to, get, a mmmmmman~ Right, Ember?" Amera wiggled her eyebrows up at the hellhound, not forgetting part of the woman's initial goal when they'd left. Women just didn't satisfy her right.

"There's GOTTA be someone around here that's brave enough to take on your heat, and if you're a little, less... ssssssstiff, in the response, maaaaaybe it'll go more swimmingly? Hmmm? What say ya? Get a few drinks in ya and see how much it livens you up?"

There was nothing but silence and wind as Kieran spoke out to where Marigold might've been, nothing responding to his words... until-- "Not over there, no." She slowly lifted out from his own shadow, invading his personal space as swiftly as possible, pressing a finger against his chest-- for a moment, until she grabbed his shirt and tugged him down a few inches to her height. "Why are you here?" She raised an eyebrow at him, shaking him a little before letting him go. "You get emotional and want to brood? Ehhh? You should be down there with the rest of them celebrating and shit. Me? I would, but I can't get drunk. Shit sucks. Imagine drinking ale and all you get is something bitter, none of the fun. Blegh... Mead's alright, I guess. Sweet, little taste of honey, but still... Anyway. You? I bet your five foot ass gets drunk in seconds, so?"

She took a small step back to give him some space, hands on her hips. "Why are you here? Feeling sorry for your dumb ass?"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Yes sir, we are!" Miria first responded to the man with a salute and a bright smile. "But yes, the smell of cooking fish, even if it's something I make all the time, it's so... fulfilling." The cub reminisced of her many exploits with fish just from smell, and some vision. It was something she made a mental note of. She did promise Üllr she'd teach him how to cook one some time. Before getting caught in the scatterbrain trap she'd have, she got ready to order, until Sylm stepped up.

There was what felt like a bit of fire in Sylmaria's request. She was ready to enjoy tonight. And it made Miria excited. The duo were going to have a night they'd remember. One thing did trip up Miria though. The request for alcohol. She herself never really drank. She'd seen her father drink at social gatherings, and Nyxied was always drunk, but the young cub hadn't even touched anything with alcohol. But(!), it was a night of fun. She was willing to try something new!

"And for me, may I please have your spiciest dish? And also your strongest drink." Miria was ear-to-ear, and her confidence in drink choice would seem almost foolhardy to anyone who'd touched any alcohol before.

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Gean smiled a bit as Kise closed her claw around Gean’s hand. Her words were… brutally honest, but she was willing to stay, and that spoke deeply to Gean. She gave Kise’s claw a gentle squeeze, and began walking towards the bazar. “Right, let’s go on then. I figure we can see the bazar, maybe watch some of the arena matches that the others are holding, and then meet up with Renais since she wanted to eat with us.” Renais seemed to want to run a few errands, so Gean and Kise left her to her own devices for the time being. “Um, are there any stories of your past you’d be willing to share? I’m not trying to bring up any bad memories, I just want to know more about you, while I still can.”

It didn’t take long for the two to reach the bazaar given that they were already in the shopping district, and Gean held the door open for Kise to enter. “Hello again- oh.” It seemed that meeting with Renais would happen much sooner, the pinkette was in conversation with the shopkeeper. “I guess we’re meeting together sooner than later. Hello shopkeep, thank you for the axe, it was incredibly useful in the fight against Kazran.” 

Jesse looked back as Versaris greeted her. “Sure thing, though if you’ve seen Miria’s armor you should know that loose armor won’t be a problem. Speaking of armor-” Jesse closed her gloved hand in front of her chest, and with a flash of green light she was fully in her Shroud. “Thanks for the advice. I’ll feel better on Charlon’s four than my own two feet, though so horse it is.” Jesse looked towards this Tallulah that Versaris mentioned. She was a very serious woman, who apparently joined the fight against Kazran mid siege. Jesse felt something strange when looking at her however… as if her glove was being drawn towards her. “Does she know something about these shrouds? I should speak with her after this is done.”


Edited by Bluemask 96
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The fox bristled at Gean's mention of Renais wanting to eat with them, narrowing her eyes. She decided to focus on the rest. "Depends on what you want to know... I've been alive for over three hundred years. I have many stories. You would have to pick a subject, an interest, perhaps a place... You'd have to be much more specific, Gean~" Kise followed after her, still idly looking about the place, one of her tails snatching a grilled fish on a stick as they walked past a cart offering food. It was all free, right? At least they know how to cook rather well... I can't help myself around fish.

As soon as Aegean opened the door to Renais, Kise stopped in the doorway, huffed, and swiftly turned around, walking away from the place of merchandise. "I'll be wandering into the middle of town. Feel free to come and find me when you're done, Aegean." She didn't want to face Renais right now, not after everything on the boat. Couldn't even give me a maybe... Work together to figure it out, what can you accomplish? You couldn't even save yourself from Luthier... Ugh... She huffed and snatched the rest of her fish off that stick, tossing it away, a small portal absorbing it before it hit the ground. She was above littering.

And then-- "What...!?" She froze. A sensation. An impossible sensation. "No. That's... This is a lie. This cannot be. How...? How could it...!?" She suddenly took off running, dashing towards the centre of town, frantic and furious in her need to see--

"... H-How..." She poked in through the crowd gathering around the circle that had been made in the middle of Eslcas, eyes focused not on the fighting that was about to begin... but the woman waiting in the challenger's section. Blonde hair, fox ears... But that, feeling. That magic. It was unmistakable. It was impossible, but it was... and her tails. Two, tails. "It can't... It, c-can't be... Hahh...!" She fell to her knees and covered her face, having to force herself to calm, else she would've dashed through everything to get close to her. Wait until the rounds are over. Wait. Just wait. This could be a trick. A lie. Some weird fetish. Your feelings could be wrong. Her magic could be similar, but not the same. Wait... Wait...

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Taking some time for herself as the day of rest and merriment was designed, Giovanna started to work on her image on the assigned room she was granted. "Tch..." From fixing her hair to a new sidetail style, dying it lavender, and appling some make up to for her face to appear less like the porcelain pale it was, Giovanna had her work cut out for her... it took quite a bit, but after finding an acceptable look, she took her leave of the room to explore the town, donning a black half-mask, hiding her face from the nose up, and leaving her half-plate behind --it was no time for martial gear.

Finding a person who'd known her didn't take long, and it also happened at an unexpected place. Krystal, tending to a wyvern, of all things. "Mmm, hello, Miss" Seeing the self-proclaimed succubus brush the animal seemed to imply as much, which invited some curiosity? "Apologies for intruding, but I couldn't help but find the scene a bit mismatching. You don't look like a local... but then again, neither does this wyvern." She smirked, figuring Krystal could tell her from her voice by this point. She held a chuckle. "Didn't expect you to hold much sentiment to the boys at home."

"Iris..." Üllr felt it was a proper moment to take her around town. Especially since they weren't going anywhere too soon. The festival seemed fun. There was food, for starters. Couldn't go wrong with that.

He held her hand close. "Where do you want to go? Got some money. Could eat first, then go buy you something." Figured it was a good use of his earnings, especially since she didn't get to do much during it.

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