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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Sari’s fights had done nothing to lessen Talulah’s frustrations, if anything she was even more vexed at his affection and somewhat carefree nature. Jesse sighed, “This is a festival Talulah, there's no harm in a little bit of l-” Jesse hadn’t finished her reply before the swordswoman reached down at a hand going for her swords, and pulled a small but rather cheeky woman out from behind her. “A thief? Today of all days?” This is some deja vu…  

The girl tried to play off her obvious attempt at stealing, which brought another sigh to Jesse’s lips. “Those mercenaries you speak of just helped their Lord win a decisive battle against another Warlord. Are you sure your word will be taken over hers?” Jesse crossed her arms as this situation continued, but Talulah let go of the girl, so Jesse let the situation go as well. There was little reason to continue anyways, as something else seemed to set Talulah off again. It seemed that Syta and Laniva’s intimacy was enough for her to leave the arena area. “Talulah wait-”Jesse called out to no avail, and she couldn’t follow after Talulah given her current commitment. “Is it really that bad? This is a festival after all…” 

This left Jesse alone with the sticky finger’s kimono wearer. “Well, I won’t harp more on things, Talulah spoke plenty. You’re free to watch the rest of the fights, as long as you leave with only the things you brought. I’d hate to make the guards work tonight.”

Gean froze as Mikoto stroked the back of her head, her questions dashed as the calmer kitsune whispered quiet reassurances. Gean wondered what brought about, until Mikoto's mention of seeing everything hit Gean like a ton of bricks. The mermaid took the flick to the nose, blushed, and simply looked down, she was unsure of how to properly answer the question from Kise. “Yeah, she explained it best.” Gean gave Coral and Thalia a short answer, since Mikoto covered most of everything. Once Mikoto was done changing Gean also rose to her feet. “Yeah we can continue our date, I wanted to continue our time together.” Gean turned towards Thalia and Coral, who were still rightfully confused.

“I’m sorry for throwing all of this at you two and leaving so soon, but me and Ki-, Mi-” Gean looked back to Mikoto for a moment, trying to determine which name to proper.“Kise, we have things we should discuss. If you spot a tall, impressive Tiger Clouded Lady, that’s our boss Natalya, but most of us just call her Tasha. Tell her you spoke to me and she can handle the rest.” Gean turned to Mikoto, and took her hand once more. “Ready when you are, love.”

Edited by Bluemask 96
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Things seemed to be just about wrapped up then, with Alvira and Koba seeming to be about ready to move on to the makeshift arena, but in a turn that left Roxanne somewhat surprised, Tio had immediately broke down into a boisterous laugh after her little head-clearing display, the Evoker taking a few moments to fully stop the giggling fit and regain her composure. The laugh was certainly infectious, Roxanne starting to giggle alongside the other woman, though nowhere near as intensely.

"Hehee... it's just meant to clear my head, really. It's not that weird, is it? If I let myself sit I might stew on what if's, so a quick jolt to wake back up helps get me on the right track!" Roxanne explained, flashing a toothy grin and a thumbs up towards Tio, despite the very obvious red tinge on her face from having elicited such a reaction in the first place. Rubbing the back of her head behind her horns somewhat timidly after a few moments and letting out a bit of an awkward chuckle, it did truly seem that things had wrapped up for their little meeting, the Evoker giving her blessing for them to move on to the festival and have a go at the arena. 

"Thank you again for all the help, truly. It gives me peace of mind, knowing where I stand after all of this. I will... miss being able to speak with you when we depart, the both of you are truly enlightening to converse with, truly. I hope we get a chance to reconvene and share notes after all of this business." Roxanne noted, mirroring Tio's curtsy towards Koba with her own in the direction of the Evokers. So few got such an opportunity to work with such paragons of their field... she couldn't waste what she had learned. Still, it seemed that Tio and Elisa had their own things to discuss, so it was time to depart.

"Right then, let's show that arena what for, hmm? I could use some nice friendly sparring, no need to worry about killing or dying." The sheep finally wheeled around in the direction Alvira had already began in, taking rather large strides until she had caught up to the dragon and lead their little trio off towards the festival grounds.


Finally reaching the arena, it was clear that despite being a rather slapdash setup, the Tigers had drawn a bit of a crowd. The stands seemed lively, and a look at the defending lineup dispelled any doubts as to why. Roxanne didn't recognize all of the fighters, but a few Tigers were present among them, and it was a formidable bunch. Cinead, Jesse, Laniva and finally... Versaris. Pulling at her collar as she observed the gauntlet, perhaps things wouldn't be quite so easy as Alvira had made it seem before they had gotten here...

"Geez, what a lineup... no, you can do this, Roxi. Just show them what you've got, deep breaths..." Breathe in. Breathe out. In, out. Stepping forward towards the arena, with a snap of her fingers, a luminous glow from her conduits shone a spotlight onto the sheep as she moved into position to challenge, bobbing her head as she got into a rhythm. Just ooze confidence Roxanne, bring the hype!

"Iron Tigers! We may have fought side by side, but you can't really know someone's potential until you clash with them yourself, right? So here I am, ready to bare my soul! To new allies, show me what you can do!" Roxanne announced, allowing her voice to well up in her throat beforehand, for a proper booming introduction. As she did so, her armour formed around her, engulfing her frame in crystal, the gemstone shimmering underneath the spotlights still shining upon her as it settled into place. Her arm coming down to point towards the lineup of fighters as she awaited the first challenger.

"That... Yes! Nailed it! Now just don't beef the fighting part, Roxi..." She concluded underneath her breath. Hopefully no one would catch that bit...

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Alistar listened intently to Lucretia as he had before. She was clearly a woman with standards, which wasn't a bad thing at all. Alistar himself hadn't ever dated someone before either, but not as much because he was looking for the right person and more so he didn't want the idea to distract him from his duties. Still, he was getting older now, a fact Ryfia often teased him for. Maybe it was time for Alistar to start considering the next phase of his life, especially given how fast things were beginning to move around him. Even if it didn't end up being with somebody like Lucretia, asking her about what she wanted in a partner wouldn't hurt. "Well, if you don't mind me asking then Lucretia, what is it that you are looking for in that special somebody? Of course, don't feel like you're obligated to tell me if you don't want to."

Syndra was observing her friend's attempt at finding out what was going on. The concept of these items prices being inflated due to 'the Belrose tax' hadn't slipped her mind at all, it was more the idea that they were pretending not to be able to recognize the daughter of public enemy number one that felt laughable.  Although then Barios let something slip in an attempt to explain his wife's actions away, so Syndra started having a look around. "Keeping on eye on your daughter? Strange, I hadn't seen anyone else since we entered and our commander left, and I haven't heard anything to suggest there's a child potentially on the loose." Then Syndra just out and out asked what everyone in the room already knew. "What my friend is trying to ask, and what the two of you seem to be trying to dodge, is that she wants to know how much the band would've cost her if she hadn't walked into the store side-by-side with one of the Belrose children. The two of you are both rather intelligent, and judging from the magic I'm sensing in the room, quite powerful as well. Still, it isn't an excuse to take out what is more than likely a justifiable grudge towards my father out on the friend of one of the people who had just put an end to Kazran herself. Especially with everything she's already had to put up with being a Clouded in this hellhole of a country."

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Siorel clapped along with the rest of the crowd as their mystery visitor to the arena was defeated by the dragon, proving that he wasn't just a stepping stone in the gauntlet. "See, you can totally do it~! Even against the folks around here, not just those Islexian blockheads." She wiggled her brows and crossed her legs over the other way to get more comfortable, nodding along. "Some free time would be pretty nice, so I guess they're waiting until the sun goes down fully before sending everyone on their way? It's getting real late, but it's also closing in on summer, so it'll still be bright enough for a few moments. Guessing you wanna... have a little date, when you're done here? Some late night hanging out~?" She smirked heavily, and then, a certain sheep made her presence well known. "Guess that answers your question on more challengers... Do your best~"

Alvira couldn't help but cover her face, in slight embarrassment of Roxanne's giant announcement, but it was cute in its own way, so she was smiling behind the facepalm. "Geez, Roxanne... Alright, Koba, take a seat somewhere. We'll be next after her... You can go ahead before me." Alvira was thinking about who she was meant to be fighting here, wondering if watching would give her some insight into how things went before she had to take her shot. And there's Versaris at the end of it... Whose sick, twisted joke was it to rope him into this? Honestly... What a terrifying combatant. I get bewildered watching him fight on OUR side. Going up against him? Wugh... I'm gonna have to give it my all.

"Alright... focus. Watch. Take in everything you can from Roxanne's run... Hahh, hoo boy... Getting nervous, all of a sudden."

Lumina had lost again, but returned in brighter-- literally-- spirits, Eva's grin widening as she let out a laugh, immediately putting an arm around her. "I'm impossible~? You're the woman that keeps putting stops to my advances... By being way, way too cute~" She'd been about to put the moves on her as someone interrupted them, the masked woman that had just been stopped by Cinaed. "Who's asking?" Eva went into guard dog mode immediately, standing her full height and putting herself in front of Lumina, eyes scowling down at the masked woman before them. "Hopefully you're just coming to let her know how nice it was to go a round with her..."

As the arena hustle and bustle continued, someone kicked their legs up from the viewer's seats, smiling and tossing aside their now finished cup. Their clothes, if the shreds could be called clothes, draped in haphazard strips of cloth and leather all over her body, seemingly on purpose, but with enough chaos to make it unclear whether they were designed that way or shredded for aesthetic effect. "Drinks here are pretty nice. So are the fighters... Was getting my kicks just watching, but I'm itching to throw fists, now... That one with the greatsword, yeah. That's my mark. See how well that slab of metal holds up against my body..." She sat up, things shaking, raising her bandaged arm and cracking her knuckles underneath all the wrappings. "Just gotta make sure my body holds together~"

"Curious, huh... Mmm, it's a long list. Taller than me, at least a foot. Big, strong. Can pick me up, preferably with one hand, but I'm not gonna be too fussy about that one. Deep voice. Loves me~, for more than just the tits. I get it, they're a focal point, and I'm not ashamed of them, but there's the rest of me too~" She smirked and stretched for some emphasis. "Hahh... Willing to travel with me. Not one for getting tied down, not while I'm still so young... Jeremiah misses some of those marks, but he's just so wonderful, I cut him some slack. I'm flexible~ As for women... Someone just as big as I am, with all the previous features, if possible~ The leader, Natalya, hot, damn, what a woman... That dragon doesn't know how lucky she is~"

"I, h-hey! I was trying to go about it plenty of other ways, your blockhead just wouldn't, get it! Rrghhh..." Lezard came by with some food, almost taking her mind off of things, before commenting on the both of them-- "BOTH of us!? What do you mean I'm-- I don't-- that's not possible, old man!" She grew redder, as red as she was going to get, matching the average blush of someone else, denying the possibility that it was even happening in the first place. "Gods, dammit, the both of you... E-Eat your damn, fish, and... And we can go anywhere else. Rrrhgn... Mmn, at... at least it's good. Can still taste food... Hahhnnh, Dammmiiiit... I'll get you for this, Kieran. Mark my words." She squinted his way past the red on her cheeks, already thinking up ways to make sure he was the ONLY lightbulb between them.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Mmm, yeah, if they wait too long to shut things down, it'll get dangerous to fight. It's one thing to risk fighting in the dark when you need to, something else entirely to risk it just for entertainment. Besides, if the crowd can't see the fights, what's the point?" He looked around at the crowd as he talked, enjoying the energy they brought to the arena. This had been a good idea. Letting the people here see that life could be fun, that there was more than just pain and sorrow,  that-- "W-wait, I, what?" Siorel's words had taken a second to really sink in, but he found himself blushing now that they had. "I, I mean, I did want to have a date, yes. Spend time together, all of that. Maybe even talk about some important stuff... Why did you have to go and make it sound so... dirty..." He was mumbling now, looking anywhere but at Siorel. He wasn't going to lie and act like he hadn't thought about what she was implying but it hadn't been just that. 

Thankfully, he was quickly provided a distraction as Roxi made her presence known, calling out her challenge and striking a pose that she almost certainly thought was intimidating but mostly left him doing his best not to laugh. "Aha... ha. Yeah, time for another fight. Keep an eye on her. She fights really well, even if she is... well whatever that was..." He stood up, stretching as he made his way over to wait for his turn. It looked like besides Roxi, Alvira and maybe Koba were looking to challenge the gauntlet, so hopefully it would be a good set of fights. If he was lucky, it would also be one of the last sets, so they could all have some time to relax. 

Koba walked slightly behind Roxi and Alvira, fidgeting nervously as they approached the arena. It took a feather being shaken free from his wing for him to realize how bad it was, and he took a few deep breaths to try and calm down. He could do this. He flashed back to just a few moments ago, the look of satisfaction in Tio's eyes as she acknowledged the change in him, something he had been unable to respond to, not knowing what to say to that sort of approval. It had been something powerful, almost as if she was proud of him, even if that made little sense. He hadn't even done anything yet, just said words. He'd done that before and nothing had changed, so why did she believe him this time? Whatever the reason, he had found himself unable to respond, instead just giving a nod and following after Alvira, but she had agreed to help him. He wasn't going to let that opportunity slip by him. 

He shook himself, focusing on the here and now again as they entered the arena, Roxi announcing herself in a flashy maneuver that left him wide eyed. "I'm not... I don't need to do something like that, right Alvira? I can just go fight? I don't really think I'll get anywhere near as far as she does, or you will, so I don't think trying to be all flashy is the right move, you know?" He sat down next to the dragon, pulling out a wind tome as he did, thumbing through it mindlessly. "Honestly, as long as I can win one fight, I'll be happy. That, and getting to see other people fight will be good for me." He realized Alvira was busy looking over the competition and stopped talking, letting her focus as he did the same. One step at a time. It's not about the strength of the magic, but how I use it, like Tio said. I might not be the best one on one fighter but if I can just win one... I can do this.

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"It's okay Iris. I don't get it... but think I can see why I don't get it." It was a start, at least. Life was worse before Nicolas. Life is still bad but more for people like me. For a human that's fine. There was a flash of a dark mood in his face. Guess if I could leave somebody that treated me better but humans worse I would also not care... He still didn't want to think of the Islexians as justified, if his furrowed brows were any indication, but...

"Mmmr... mmph." He took another bite, salmon was so good... and it did wonders to a busy, stressed mind. "Good... mm, if our fights keep making people thankful like this, where can eat without concern, then I'll keep fighting." It was best to clear his conscience for the time being, or the thinking would drag down the rest of the day. "Means Tigers are choosing well."

If they had to fight Nicholas eventually, then he shared the same sentiment that they could hold their own. "Could also go after that guy that tried to capture some of us. Seems like big issue." Üllr nodded to the waiter, grateful for the service, before chowing down more fish...

And so Giovanna's confusion continued, she just has to press for more --even with that defensive companion putting her height *notably* in the way. "At ease, guard dog~. I don't mean to bother overmuch, you can go back to getting frisky soon." Maybe Giovanna was pushing it, but the air of confidence she was gaining with this persona tempted her to try. "It's a bit of a long story to summarize. You know me as much as I know you and your family, which is 'some'. If I say my original hair color is white and that my name is not 'Alma Faris', surely you can tell..." She removed her mask for a moment, staring straight at Lumina, fully expecting it to go either way --there couldn't be many albino Islexian thunder mages to pick from.

"My house name is effectively gone, but  yours isn't, and yours is also getting hounded fiercely by the Belrose every day..." She took a breath, putting her mask back on. "Am I right to assume you're back to address that? Are you properly caught up?" 

Edited by Xinnidy
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Roxanne's sudden roar and cheek slap made Elisa recoil in her seat just a little, but even more surprising than that was Tio going into one of her giggle fits from that. Sure, it was funny and unexpected, but wasn't that a little insulting toward the girl just trying to clear her thoughts? "Hey, c'mon, it wasn't that funny..." She nudged her wife a little, but knew that the only thing that could stop her from her fit was it naturally running its course. Regardless, their business was pretty much done by that point, and the group had other plans to continue their evening off. "I don't know where our path goes once we reach Lufiria, but I hope it'll cross yours again someday. Maybe by then, you'll have a mysterious True Dragon for us to pick their brain too, huh? Even if it's good training for you, don't forget to have fun at the arena too!"

The strawberry blonde gave the trio a spirited wave goodbye, doing a little huff as she looked back to Tio. "Geez, way to embarrass the girl! What am I gonna do with your random bursts of laughter, huh?" Her sheepish smile and light tone made it clear she wasn't being all too serious, even if she did think that was uncalled for. "Anyway... I'm guessing you want to go over the problems of taking more people across the Sands, and if you've got something else in mind about this whole Miz'Githon business. Oooooor you're gonna ask me to carry you to a nice soft bed where we can relax for the rest of the evening. How far off am I?"

"Hahahaha! Silly girl, you've always been allowed to. Or do you remember me ever getting on any of your cases for being too informal with me?" That Renais even still had that as a concern tickled Tasha's funny bone, slightly wondering what exactly she thought her relationship to the Tigers actually was. She'd never been particularly sure about staying with the group, but at this point, that wasn't really in question anymore. "I'm not well acquainted with Kise, but I know Gean like she was my own daughter, yeah? Keep up with how headstrong she can be and you'll find the sweetest girl who'd do anything to make the people she loves happy. Sure, she's got her secrets too, but who of us don't? ...Well, except for me, I guess? I don't think I've not told people about something they'd wanted to know about me, not that I've got the most exciting of backgrounds."

Though she was selling herself short a little, Tasha was also veering things off topic, reminding herself to answer what Renais asked about. "Anyway, Syta, right? Human girl, blonde, bit shorter than you, Lani's girlfriend so you'll probably find them together more often than not.  Don't know where they are right now, but they shouldn't be too hard to find, yeah?" She let go of the pinkette and took a step back, letting her pursue that avenue if she wanted to-- wait, was that Alvira? The dragon wouldn't have seen her in turn with how out of the way they were, but sure enough, her girlfriend just passed them by behind Renais. Maybe that shopping could wait a little, and they could go do some together later if Vira wanted to. "Oh, uh, I just saw Alvira, so I'm gonna go after her. Have fun with the rest of your evening, will ya?" the tiger noted, giving Renais a passing pat on the back as she slipped past.

Until the group of Roxanne, Alvira and Koba stopped at the arena, Tasha was content keeping her distance while following them, not wanting to interrupt whatever they had going on, and just caught the sheep's rather bombastic entry to her challenge. As much as she wanted to chuckle at how seriously Roxanne was taking it, she was still keeping herself hidden, until the moment that the remaining two sat down to watch their friend - and then, the dragon would feel a familiar softness against her back and wings, hands gently rubbing her shoulders. "If you're feeling nervous, I can massage some of that out, yeah?" The tiger punctuated herself with a quick smooch to Alvira's ear, all smiles behind her girlfriend.

Ferid's gaze panned around the arena viewership, people moving about with each lull in battles. His head snapped toward the elf woman at the call of a thief, but it seemed she had things under control... at least until she stormed off, curiously incensed by the loving displays of some of the fighters. Hm. I can understand where she's coming from, but this is leisure time. Single-minded pursuits only lead to frustration, or a loss of identity. Of course, his thoughts were mere conjecture, not knowing much at all about her. To him, though, the little he'd heard her say and the specific things she was frustrated by told him she considered martial prowess the only thing worth her attention. Not for any other reason, but because he'd thought similarly about his own service in the past.

The sheep's boisterous entrance to the arena pulled the wolf's thoughts away from the mysterious elf, and his lips into a small smile. Someone was feeling enthusiastic, but with the thief still present, he made sure to not get too distracted, lest he be looking the other way if and when she tried to make a run for it.

With little fanfare, Bella made her way from her room to the castle baths, not needing to attract any extra attention to herself from whoever might still be lurking around the castle instead of being at the festivities. There was only one person whose attention she really cared about at the moment, and should he not chicken out, she'd find him joining her soon enough. Regardless of how that went, she really needed a bath... With a soft sigh, she lowered herself into the warm water, closing her eyes as her long hair flared out to float on the surface. One of the best parts of working for the Gaffneys... free access to the baths.  Ahhh, I could spend entire days soaking in here, but one needs to work for their privileges too.

Despite how relaxed she was already feeling, Bella's heart was still running instead of calming down. Sure, she was experienced and comfortable when it came to relationships, but it had been quite a while since she'd actually entertained one, and in a situation where she'd been ready to put her life on the line only a day ago, too... plus she already knew she might have found what she'd been looking for.

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Thalia blinked as Coral withdrew themselves from shielding her, the kitsune before her eyes plentifully calm, delivering a rather abstract explanation... and then further transforming herself, her kimono becoming rather more elegant in its increased coverage. “Uh, yeah, I’m... I’m pretty confused.... But I mean, if you’re still... Kise, behind Mikoto... I guess nothing’s different? Maybe?” W-Wait, that... that doesn’t make sense... does it? Am I crazy? Is this actually fine? Gawds, ugh... She shot Coral an expression that could only be interpreted as wha? and we really gotta talk after this briefly; not that she expected them to advise her with anything other than caution, but the kitsune felt she needed to express her befuddlement to someone familiar...

“Um, yes, if there’s something you want to tell me about, that’s fine... a-and if you helped me with my magic that’d be great. I-I mean, like, I’d appreciate it, and all... g-gawds, um, wha...?” She looked up - at some point she’d slipped into not looking at anyone in particular, and in fact had landed her gaze right between her boots. Which - she wore fine boots, and kept good care of them, but their finery was not the reason for her gaze in such a direction.

Thalia reached out a hand, gingerly accepting the pinky promise without a word, thoughts running through her head as she interlocked fingers. Wai, wha... why are we doing this? Is-is this a mom thing? Oh, gawds. Oh gawds it TOTALLY is. Ughhh, Coral is gonna laugh or be weird or SOMETHING about this, I just KNOW it... A blink, and then as they withdrew their fingers she blushed slightly. “O-Oh. Date? Um, wait, yeah, d-do that. Um--” She looked to the mermaid for some solace in the conversation (any despair being of her own manufacture, naturally) and gave her a thankful quick couple of nods, her ears flopping along with her head. “Y-Yeah! Thanks, um, she’ll... probably be hard to miss, I guess. We’ll... yeah.”

Oh, gawds. At least they’re going out of earshot soon. There is soooo much Coral and I have gotta unpack here...

“A-A collar...?!” Laniva stuttered it out, struck with disbelief at the woman’s words. “U-Um. I-I, uh...” She was so, so very red, now, only deepening as Syta continued on with her explanation. And what was with the way Syta had said it? Gods, she was... it was almost as if she’d reached deep into her own mind, searched earnestly for that which she desired most, and had come back with something, almost... almost perverted... W-Was she always like this? D-Did I make her realize something just now...?

“I-I... um... d-dresses and, and a c-choker are okay, but um... w-wow, Syta...” She squirmed. There was nothing else she could do, after all. “Wh-- I, I mean, I told you I’m not like... an actual cat before... n-nice clothes are okay, but, um...?” It was more embarrassment than protest, and she certainly wasn’t following along with what Syta had left unspoken...

“Who, me? I’m nooobody-- whoa--” Ai stumbled on one foot as she fell to the ground, unceremoniously dropped by the elf, finding her balance after a moment as she stuck her arms out to balance herself - and in rather specific defiance. She paused briefly, considering as Jesse revealed the unlikely nature of her alibi, unfortunately. Oh boy, these aren’t like... beat up peasants in another country kinda mercenaries. Oookay. Maybe time to go. "I could just like, you know, leave, if you wanted...?” The other woman seemed to drop the subject, though, fortunately.

She put on a face of false shock, hand covering a gasping mouth as Talulah explained the blade’s rather violent tendencies. “Oh woooow...” Then, once she sighed, her eyes narrowed, lips turning up, smug - with a laugh. “Snrk-- suuuuure~. Woooow, a magic sword that just kills you. And you’re worthy, huh~?” She blinked, ignored as the elf set her anger upon... a cat and a girl? Lovey dovey? They’re not even like... making out. Wha? Is she like some kinda perv? She tilted her head, inquisitively gazing at the two off in the distance, and before she even realized - the elf was already making her way off into the side streets, angry steps echoing on the cobblestones. “Wait, whoa... uh... okayyyy, bye then. Oops.”

She paused, considering the offer she was given. “Fights? I mean, they’re kinda interesting... buuuut~, I think I’ll go see that whole festival and all. Y’know? Okay, seeya~” Ai hopped up without another word, taking the opportunity of Talulah’s exit to find her own way out, wandering back into the festival in search of a less vigilant set of marks friends for the night.

Edited by mcd900
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