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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Of course I could help you if you need it. I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend if I didn't help you out now would I?" Cin grinned at Siorel before looking over at the bands again. "Hmm, I'm not really worrying too much about my fashion, no, in case you hadn't noticed. Kind of hopeless there honestly. I don't know if I'll buy another one, but something that could help boost my speed maybe, might help... Hmm... I would like to know a bit more about them, yeah." He looked around at the rest of the stall, not seeing anything that would pull him in. "Beyond that option, I don't think I would go for much of anything else. How about you, do you have anything else you're interested in?"

Koba blinked as Roxi started into yet another lecture, this one going even further over his head. "I, uh, yeah. That's a lot to take in but. Interesting. I never really did a whole lot of studying magic, kind of just picked it up on my own so it's nice to hear about what goes into different spells." He picked up the tome he had been interested in, flipping through the pages while he listened as Roxi continued talking about magic. "It's cool to hear that you can just negate someone's magical resistance with the right spell though. Not too effective on someone like me, but against someone like Tio or Lani... yeah I can see how that would be nice. It would be helpful for us moving forward, so if you need a little bit of help affording it, I might be able to chip in? Though I guess it depends on how much this tome costs, because I do think I'll buy it. Looking at it, it would give me an advantage that would play into my fighting style, so I want to give it a go. If I have any gold left over though, I could lend some to you."

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Mikoto's words stung once again, and Renais believed they were all from the heart too. When she brought up her own capture at Luthier's hands she winced and looked down. "I...mm..." She's...right. I'm useless to her as I am. All I can do is heal, and I haven't...really pushed my tome training as much. She found herself lost in thought as regret settled in. The fight with Luthier was quite a turning point for all of them, but what happened after wasn't a turn Renais had imagined. Surrounded by guards...I've always been protected it seems. I know I heal everyone but, it's so frustrating to not so more than that... She hugged herself when realization settled in, she did her best to control her shakes. "Mm..." So many people believe in me, all I want to do is prove myself...I want to stand by your side Mikoto, but you don't want me to. I can't...

Though before despair could fully take Renais, she caught Gean's name. Despite also being rejected by the kitsune she had also worked hard to prove herself. Gean...she's carrying a lot too, I still don't know how much either. Even with all of that she's still fighting. So is my sister...the Evokers, and the rest of the Tigers. When her thoughts lingered on everyone she felt her shaking body settle little by little. ...why am I like this? Everyone gave their all during the last battle, and this isn't the first time they did. This also isn't the last time I'll lend my support. 

After a short moment to herself the pinkette lowered her arms and straightened her posture. She wiped the tears in the corners of her eyes. "...Kise." She gave her a deep stare. "I can understand your lack of belief, that you believe I'm useless to your cause. I also know words won't prove anything, only actions will. But I at least want to tell you...I won't give up. I don't want to be afraid of the future, no matter what awaits the Tigers or you. I will become strong, strong enough to stay by the side of the Tigers, to help repay everything you have done for me, so my thanks won't just be limited to words. I swear right now I will get your tail back from Luthier, and I will make him pay." Her voice had some oomph behind it as she spoke out, she was determined to show the kitsune how she felt about this. "Even if you don't want to be with me anymore I'll still promise you that. Show you that I'll always be there no matter what, and to prove my love...this isn't the end, so I won't say goodbye."

The pinkette said her piece and turned around. "Watch me, Kise..." She slowly stepped away from the stand to leave Mikoto to her business. Once she was clear she turned the corner and her face immediately weakened. She couldn't help but sob a little, so she took a moment to do that. "..." Though she cut herself somewhat short and slowly walked off. I need to train, I need to find someone. Elisa came to mind, so did a few other magic users like Roxanne. Either way the pinkette walked along to find one of them.

Edited by TheRoon
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"So they are..." Syta continued to furiously pet Laniva for a moment, finally letting go of her at the suggestion of heading towards the largest table at the bazaar. Syta recognized the other seller down the way from the arena, the one that their latest add-on, the elf, had claimed was a thief. She squinted her way as Syndra began speaking with her about purchases. Hopefully she'd see through a ruse, if there was one...

"Well... Well, well, well, well..." There was certainly a selection at the central table, the other Tigers vying for attention as the merchants continued to get pulled left right and center, Syta settling in to staring at the wares before trying to get their attention. "Looks like they've got quite a lot... Whoa, wow..." Her eyes fell on a rather peculiar lance with a hefty guard on it, and then over some rifle, and some other weapons... finally spotting, well, that could only be one thing. "Heyyyy, that's a lancereaver~ You want it, pretty kitty? I know it's a bit smaller than you're used to, but it'd help for those pesky stabbers that can reach around your guard." There was a hook in the blade's guard, meant for catching incoming lance and pulling them aside before returning the counter. Still, it was definitely... A finer sort of weapon, not the slab that Lani was used to throwing around. "Still gotta ask about a dress and a collar, too."

Coral didn't quite take to any of the weapons and items presented. It was definitely a table for fighters and mercenaries, the kind of people that didn't care how down and dirty they got while fighting. They didn't have any money, anyway, handing their gold over to Thalia. Of course... the item that was presented to her looked, extremely expensive. Coral almost recoiled looking at it, pristine, warlike, brutish; the perfect kind of axe for Thalia, given her proclivities. "Ugh... If you get that, it's probably all of our gold. I suppose we'll be spoken for, or at least, you will, by that fox's good graces, but... Make sure you decide if it's truly what you want."

The seller then went to remark upon her being a Kitsune, Coral narrowing their eyes at him. "She's with me. Is there something I can help you with?" Despite their small stature, they pushed half in front of Thalia, arms folded, eyes cold and locked onto Barios. "Been plenty of people interested in her lineage tonight. It shouldn't matter much to you. She's just a customer."

Despite the momentary pause in shopping, things picked up quite quickly, Laela slapping the band around her wrist and giving into her urges and giving Lili's head a gentle ruffle once her mother had made sure she was calm from the lizard's audible smack. "I'm sure with enough time, you'll become a great mage, just like her. They're good parents~ You're gonna learn so much from them." She had her purchase, and as much as she wanted to keep doting on Lili, that wasn't her child, and if she was helping her parents, it wouldn't do to hold her up.

There was that other group, she hadn't seen then at the arena, but they seemed to be a part of the larger mercenary company... The, dragon? With black scales, the sword toting one next to her, and... she'd seen lavender at the arena, so they were definitely related. And they were looking at that head again. "Hey, y'all," she said, waving idly, half cocky smile plastered onto her face, carrying herself with the same confidence and importance as she had at the arena. "Fought some of your buds at the arena... Figured now that we're done punching each other, small talk might not go poorly... You, uh, interested in the 'fine arts'? Sure is a weird thing, but..."

Not going to get a better time, I don't think. Two mages about... But they won't cast while this girl is holding her. Hopefully. "I am not a weird thing--"

"KYAH!?" Laela screamed as the head started talking, eyes going wide and jumping behind Sylmaria, who was about to have a similar reaction, now having to contend with the larger dog woman clinging onto her.

"O-Oi! Let go-- What the heck is going on!? Is this some kinda of prank!?" Sylm had half prepared a spell, stopped both by her brain telling her she'd likely hit Miria, and now playing holder to a scared animal.

"You, girl, holding me, please don't throw me or panic. My name is Kleo... and I need your help. As you can probably tell."

"Hey! Hey, merchant guy! What gives!? This head's talking! What the fuck is going on!?" Laela was definitely panicking, still cowering behind Sylmaria, glaring daggers towards Barios.

"You're not hopeless, you just haven't tried yet. When we hit a nice, proper city, I'll take you shopping and get you something that fits, looks great, and can handle your flames~ Just you wait." Siorel patted his chest before letting her hand run across it for a moment, getting lost in his muscles for a moment before shaking her head. Then someone screamed from the other end of the tables, leaving her scoffing. "Always a boisterous group... Maybe we should poke around at some of the other tables?" Mikoto seemed free, now, Renais having wandered off... with a rather serious look on her face, but that wasn't her place to pry. "She's expensive, but... I do remember her having something you were interested in, and, given I'm still okay, I don't think that magic whatever she does is very harmful... Whacha think?"

Despite what it had taken, it seemed the fire was finally lit under Renais, the girl's words still being just that, but at least containing goals and methods forward. "Best of luck," Mikoto offered her, without a hint of sarcasm or snide venom. She truly did wish the best for Renais, in her goals and in her personal life... She was young. She could afford these kinds of mistakes and issues, it just... was something to learn from, not an indictment of her character. Still, it was enough to put things away for the moment. If she truly followed through on all of her goals, her wants, her wishes, and put herself in a position where she could challenge or help the Kitsune... I hope to see great things from you, Renais. You and Gean both.

With the girl walking off, there were still things to take care of. "Tigers~!" She called towards the other tables and the commotion ongoing, "you're going to make me feel like a pariah if you ignore me so blatantly... Remember. The discount is forever~ And I know some of you have some heavy coffers to empty, after everything. Please take care to visit me and offer your patronage~" Her wares were certainly expensive, but still of the finest quality, and with how strong the Tigers were growing, they could definitely use them better now.

Iris picked up the tome in an instant, eyes wide. "For real!? Heck, thanks! I'll treasure it and do my best to learn it fully!" She'd definitely have to ask Mt. Titopolus about light magic later, but that left Ullr, Iris flexing her thighs to lock herself onto her shoulders, leaning over to stare at his face. "Whacha want then, Ullr? I'm all covered! You can use my gold for whatever you'd like... Get yourself something nice~!" There was some screaming about a head or something near the magical trinkets, but Iris was focused on the wolf below her, not paying it much attention. "Choose your poison~"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Heh. Hanging in there okay, Sylm? I was thinking about a tome I've chanced to glimpse... maybe a band if I could haggle it-- Huh?" Giovanna was surprised quited suddenly by Laela's outburst, looking at her and Sylmaria with confusion, before turning to Miria. "What the--"

She approached Miria, cautious of the item --person?-- she'd picked up. "Are you... hmm... shopkeepers? Where'd you find that" Giovanna looked back to the family in confusion, sparing a glance to Sylmaria and the hiding jackal... the sight was a little comical.

"Mrr?" With a whimper, Üllr's ears wiggled at Iris' pat, a little guarded as she told the shopkeeper their latest achievement. He wasn't used to sharing that kind of stuff so directly... but these humans didn't like Kazran, it was fine. Old habits rearing their heads.

"Free... thank you." It was more than fine, Iris had a point. "Hmmm... I don't know. Most stuff I can punch with is... the same, a little. Just pricier." He was looking at the display, finding a few intricate designs. "But I should, uh..." He got a bit distracted by the commotion, but it  seemed like enough people got it handled. "...Weapons for fist fighters? Maybe one will be interesting." He turned to the shopkeeper again.

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"I see..." Miria was careful, when taking the head in her hands. She observed more. It really was well made. "Wow..." Papa would like a weird little treasure like this. Her thoughts were cut off by a new person coming in. When Miria turned over, she took immediate note of the woman's ears. Some kind of dog from the looks of her. Miria offered a smile, before deciding to reply,

"Kind of. My dad's a treasure hunter, I thought it'd look good a--" She stopped, and her eyes were first still on the new woman, before she retreated behind Sylmaria. Miria blinked a few times, then turned to the head. Exchanging a few blinks before she continued. Her name was Kleo, and she needed help. "Kleo, okay..." She was still more... confused than anything, but it began morphing more into... intrigue. Her gaze sharpened, it looked almost like she was never hungover to begin with. Despite the ladies around her freaking out, it looked almost like the calmest Miria had ever been. Her head tilted from one side, to the other, and waited as both the new woman and Gio asked questions to the shopkeepers about what was happening.

 Miria decided instead, to ask the being in front of her. "Well... alright. Hi Kleo. I'm Miria. My first question is, well... I guess first, how are you talking when..." She looked down, under the head. "Second, I guess uh... mmm, what do you need help with?"

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Syndra eyed up the stall's wares as they were being described, and some of the objects looked familiar. The tomes didn't seem to be anything uncommon, especially compared to some of the books she was carrying on her now, but there was something off. The way the stallkeeper described them, it seemed as if she just wanted to get rid of them, but why? Then Syndra looked around a bit more. It was a lot of items on display, including a few bows. They looked just like the ones Nyxied had been using. Wait a minute... those ARE the bows she was using. This woman stole from us and is trying to pawn them back? Accusing her of it though would've likely made a scene, so for now Syndra decided just to play along. "You said these belonged to a mercenary? Did they have a name or a particular guild they belonged to? After all you did say they had a long career, I'm just curious if they're someone I heard anything about during my travels."

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Kiri smiled as Laela rubbed Lili's head. Normally, there would be a level of discomfort given their location, but Laela was a clouded woman so it was lessened ever so slightly. Ullr finally spoke up with a request of his own, "We have a few but if you would excuse me for just a moment," She turned her attention to Alvira and Natalya, "I apologize for taking so long to respond... you were planning to look at the rifle, right? Sharp eye, it's a very unique model that we acquired from a friend, it's--"

Kiri flinched as a scream echoed throughout the bazaar, "The hell was that?" There was a faint chill around Kiri as her eyes narrowed, scanning the bazaar seeing a group converging on the dog, including Barios. If he was handling things, it was probably best to hold here, and handle their customers. "Apologies... if I'm needed there, I'll be told... where was I?"

Barios raised an eyebrow as the elf with the kitsune stepped in front, clear hostility in his eyes. Barios sighed, "You are correct, certainly. She is just a customer. I'm afraid not everyone sees it that way, though. If you would prefer that I leave it be, I will; you are right that it is not something that I should be concerned with--" A shrill cry pierced the air, and Barios's eyes snapped to the cause... the dog woman from before. "This... head is talking, huh, what?" He was then approached by Giovanna, "...I." Barios rounded the table to approach the group.

Lili, unperturbed by the scream was looking at the head in Miria's hand. She was sure that she'd heard it too, the head was talking. Lili pointed at Kleo as her father approached, "Dad, Dad! It was talking!"

"Err... the head? Was... talking?" Barios looked at Laela, and then Giovanna, then Miria and then finally down to the head in Miria's hand, "...What?"

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"Yes, hello, Barios. I am talking." Kleo continued, tilting her eyes as far as was possible without being able to move her head. "My apologies for not saying something for so long, but your wife is terrifying. I was waiting for someone with less magical capabilities to put their hands on me... and so here we are." She then turned her eyes back onto Miria, almost rolling them. "I'm clearly a magical construct... Rather, hosting my soul within one. I'm not breathing, so I don't need air to make noise. It's just a voicebox. As for what help I need... My body is somewhere in Hecatia. I have to shut down from time to time to recharge... And this last time, I woke up in a wagon, bodyless. I suppose some 'lucky' thief found me resting and assumed I was some... intricate construction, or what not, and didn't appreciate my facial features."

Her doll-like head was intricately and beautifully designed, with no blemishes, perfectly sharp features, with the smallest bit of pudge to the cheeks, a soft feeling to the touch, long, gorgeous, grey, barely green tinted hair, and hauntingly glowing orange eyes, all framed against porcelain, pale white skin. "Now, I can feel my body, but I can't control it unless I'm attached, obviously, else I'd pick it up and walk it back, issues or not... So, if you wouldn't mind committing to some help on that?"

Laela was shaking behind Sylmaria as the head continued to talk, the logic falling on her deaf ears, eyes growing wider and wider until she simply couldn't take anymore-- "Good, Gods...!" She let out a gasp and collapsed behind Sylmaria, half fainting to the floor in her sheer fear of something like this.

"Oi, hold on, hey! Ugh, is anyone around here a healer? Ahh, dammit..." Sylmaria was similarly off put by the talking head, but now that things were being explained, she could at least make sense of them, enough... Not where such a thing came from or the magic behind it, but that it wasn't some macabre decapitated head that had been re-animated.

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