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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Ha. Hahahahaha. You hear that Kay? Go sit in the stands and cheer your girlfriend on." Tana walked off towards the arena, still chuckling to herself as Kay, bright red suddenly, stalked off to the seats, glancing at the various women collecting in the area. "Thank you for the God wishes, fair lady. I'll fight, thinking of you~ So I hope you enjoy the show~"

The woman walked out onto the arena floor, almost looking casual as she brought her sword up in a flourished salute to her first opponent. The battle went quickly, as did the next few. Tana was seemingly untouchable, dispatching each of her opponents in a few quick thrusts. But then she got sloppy, turning to wink at the woman who had cheered her on, only to collapseĀ to one knee as an arrow took her in the side. She turned, arm wrapped around her body and perfectly thrust, dropping the longbowman but the cheerful casual look on her face was gone. The final two opponents were quickly dispatched, Zeit getting a single hit in on her before dropping, and soon she was left, panting slightly before repeating the salute, this time to the crowd.

Kay quickly disappeared from the stands, and made his way to her side as she exited the arena. He quietly whispered in her ear, a message too quiet for most to hear, but the frustrated expression on his face unmistakable. Pulling away, he shook his head. "Dear sister, your inability to not flirt with a cute girl will be the death of you some day."

"Oh, hush." Tana winced, gingerly checking her side where an arrow had been not all that long ago. "It was all fun and games, you know that. I'm just lucky they didn't manage to hit me! Especially that one with the lance, he could have been dangerous~"

"Mmm, this is more like it. It looks delicious." Cin tucked in, happy, warm, and content, and looking forward to having a full belly soon. "Yours looks quite good as well. I'm glad we stopped here, we got lucky with how good the food is." He focused on cutting up the steak first, before leaving one hand to eat the food, and reaching out with the other one to gently rest it on Siorel's knee. "You look lovely today, by the way. In case I hadn't told you that yet."

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Gean hadn't noticed that she was starting to frown. Alvira was making good points, considering the topic at hand, privacy would be wanted, and the fox clearly was interested in being in the Tiger's good graces... for the most part. It didn't explain why she'd made her exit in such a grand fashion, on top of that the pang in Gean's chest belied her other reason for disliking the situation.

"Yeah you're right, I'm probably overreacting. It's just, I haven't been in the best headspace recently and I kinda jumped to... that. If you're willing to accompany me that'd be great." Gean sighed, feeling more tired than earlier. Since they were gonna walk and talk, Gean thought to continue their other conversation. "Huh, that makes two people with misplaced memories in our group. This Cyro fella was revealed to be Lufirian by some outside help, but he insisted he had to speak with you about something private. Considering everything that's been happening in Hecatia lately, we decided to not tell him where you were. If you want to meet him still I won't stop you. Just, be careful. Something tells me he's hiding his intentions." Gean was probably being overly cautious but given the nature of everything it felt worth.Ā 

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"Mhm." It didn't take a genius to know that the big man was judging what kind of fighter he was, but Ɯllr didn't have to worry himself overmuch. "I fight to live. And to help, now." He wasn't that good with words, but surely Balsa understood what he meant. "If I can hold them, I'll try to learn. Not all enemies will let me fight up close, it would help to have another way to deal with them." He returned Balsa's comments about Sixteen with a slight smile, "Thank you." He hadn't stopped to think much of it, but it was nice to have a friend. That was a good reminder.

When Armin returned with the weapon, Ɯllr leaned over the counter to get a good look at the rings. "Huh. So I throw those." They seemed big enough to handle, and he could understand the benefit of throwing something sharp like that. "Hmm... yeah. I will try. If these are good weapons, I'll learn to fight with them." He was committed to it, no hesitation in their effectiveness --this man seemed like he knew what he was doing. "700..."

Sixteen was bubbly and ecstatic as can be, digging through her own payment to offer the blacksmith. "I think I can buy it, Sixteen. We still have to see magic for you, right?" The concept of spending money, as far as scale went, was lost onĀ Ćœllr, but he still had it in mind that they had more to buy, probably. "How much are some knuckles?" It seemed fairly affordable... even if it was half of his payment.

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"I always look lovely," Siorel said, sticking her tongue out. "Mmm... You're pretty new to this dating stuff, huh?" She didn't mean it negatively, Cin had just been going in circles with praise and happiness... It wasn't that surprising, not to her. He didn't seem like a player, so this was probably new for him... Still, they had to talk about something He couldn't just keep laying it on thick for the rest of the day. "Cin. You wanna tell me about your family?" She stabbed the fork into her omelette as she asked, watching how he'd react. "Maybe some more details... So we can get to know each other, better. Not that I can share back. Family sold me when I was three... So I don't know what they're like or if they're even alive anymore, but... Would be nice for you to share more, I think."

"It's all good. I guess it'd be surprising to have her spirit one of the Tigers away right in front of me, so I can't blame your reaction. I bet Renais is just getting peddled to somewhere. Fox really wanted sales... I can't complain about it; I did pay her, and I don't regret it, but she was pretty desperate for them. Wonder why... Can't just be as simple as living longer with that kinda unique energy. Gotta be living longer for something..." Alvira pondered aloud as she walked along with Gean. The fox was mysterious, but whatever she'd done to the dragon, it hadn't hurt and the tiredness had left her quite quickly. Nothing had come of it since, so it was likely exactly what she'd said on the tin. There's a lot of these types that like to tell half truths along with their full truths... So they can say that they never lie, even if you never get the full picture. Hmmmm... Pushing her wouldn't get her to tell us, and she's strong enough to stop us from forcing it out of her. Just gotta deal with it until she gets bored of us, I suppose... IF she gets bored. Hhh...

Alvira shook her thoughts off and nodded at the comment about Cyro's origins. "I won't go out of my way to meet the guy, but if he's from Lufiria, that gives more weight to his claims of knowing me. I know you guys picked me up in Glacies, but I'm from Lufiria. Lived there almost my entire life, so it's not a long shot that I used to know him, but... I don't know what he'd be looking for me for. Unless it had to do with my siblings, but someone else would be contacting me. Someone I do remember. So... Mm, dunno. We'll see?" Alvira shrugged and glanced around, hoping to spy the ever bright pink head of hair.


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Tasha blinked in surprise, seeing that the innkeeper not only had everything already paid for, but that she seemed to know the Evokers. Maybe they'd been through here before? The lady seemed to be a mage, so there could be another connection. "Saves me the trouble of getting everything set up, huh?" She briefly looked over the receipt, just to check nothing weird was going on there. "I know we're traveling with some famous people, but I wouldn't have thought they'd be known by name this close to Islexia. Sounds to me like you know them better than just having had their patronage once." The tiger's gaze shifted up at Danica with a hint of curiosity, though she realized she was being a bit rude. "Oh, right. I'm Natalya E. Liberia, commander of the Iron Tiger Mercenaries, tasked to escort the Evokers, as you already seem to know."

Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, she took the keys and straightened herself out. "Since the payment and rooms are all set already, I guess all I'd really need to do is to check the rooms before I head back out to distribute these."

"Hehe, you're right. I bet there's at least someone here who's looking for work, no matter how dangerous." Good points as always from Tio, but Elisa was more interested in the proposition than anything. All she really needed to do was make sure her wife wasn't getting too relaxed before they had done what they'd have to. "I'll gladly accept that threat~ And I'll make sure to make it worthwhile for you... Just how you like it." Only that one thing to do before they could have their long, fun moment of peace, heading toward the Knights' outpost at a leisurely pace. "That dress still looks fabulous on you too~ I knew you were packing some casual outfits too, but this one? You were just dying to give me something nice to look at, were you?~" Elisa put on a teasing grin, appreciating the gesture as much as was decent while out and about.

Though, while she did, she saw something else in the corner of her eye, stopping in her tracks. "Hold on. Stop just a moment. Why is she here, and why is she with Renais?" Neither of the crafty fox and the pink-haired cleric seemed to notice them for the moment, and while they were watching, Mikoto pushed herself rather aggressively onto the poor girl. "I... think she needs help. Let's go." Elisa quickly separated herself from her wife, halting only a few steps from the two with a questioning frown. "I get you're a merchant and a city is a natural place for you to be, but what's going on here?"

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"You're such a treat~ I could just eat you up... Or, I would, but it seems our fun is going to come to an end~" Mikoto leaned back and gave Renais enough space to breathe. She kept her hand on the girl's waist as Elisa approached them, giving her a cordial wave and a friendly smile. "My, my, I'm just having some fun with Renais... She wanted to ask me some questions and I wanted to see what made her tick... She's adorable, as I'm sure you know. She thinks quite highly of you and your wife..." Mikoto stuck her tongue out at Renais for a moment, not about to out the girl's fantasies so directly. "Why are you so concerned? Am I not allowed to flirt with pretty women~? She hasn't told me to stop, not a once, so I don't think I've done anything wrong... Are you upset, Renais? Shall I let you go? Feel free to speak your mind... I promise I'll listen~"

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Renais torture had finally come to an end! As soon as she heard Elisa's voice she turned around to see them, and her eyes widened to an extreme point. At first, out of relief, but when Mikoto teased her about her crush ever so lightly the cleric gawked at the fox again. That being said, she was still far too staggered to properly answer Mikoto, it would pretty much come out as incoherent babbling. So she decided to let actions speak louder than words.

As soon as Mikoto finished her question to Renais, she stood up from her seat and immediately bolted toward Tio as fast as anyone really saw her run. Renais may not have been an athlete, but with an adrenaline rush and proper motivation she still looked impressive. The girl ran straight into the safest place she could think of... and Tio suddenly got a hug from the smaller girl, on top of a pretty little face firmly nested between her breasts. "......" Renais didn't say a word (she couldn't for reasons anyway), she just held onto her idol and crush for dear life.

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Tio looked over at Elisa with a knowing smile, perhaps closer to a smirk. "Well, I have to have some fun cards to play. We may be on business for the brunt of this, but regardless of the status of the envoy we would be off to Lufiria for a time.Ā Surely, we would be afforded some relaxation?" She then winked at Elisa, "Make the most of it, I say. It's a lovely mix between conservative and flas-- Elisa?" Tio hadn't realized that Elisa had stopped paying attention to her, and had turned down the street. Tio turned, and Elisa's change in demeanor made perfect sense now.Ā 

There was Renais, and as asked, she wasn't alone. But of all people that she could have been with, she was with the 'Merchant' from Liste. At a glance it seemed like the merchant was being rather forward with Renais. Elisa spoke the words that came to her lips before she could, and the pair made their way over. "I'd ask you to define fun, but I suppose that this ends up working perfectly, miss merchant. I would like to know why--"Ā 

Before Tio could finish, she noticed that Renais was no longer being held by the merchant. She was striding, no, sprinting towards her. Tio didn't think too much of it, before she found herself in a hug, and with Renais's face resting right in the center of her chest. Tio looked at Renais, and then at Elisa and then finally the merchant. There was a long pause of silence, and Tio could tell that there was a growing blush on her face, even amidst the heat. Tio cleared her throat, but didn't move the clearly frantic cleric, "I, well. I-I was going to say that I was aware of all that, miss merchant, but I imagine that, may, be obvious now. Right. Focusing on, other things now... your timing happens to be a little less than perfect, but this works out nonetheless... would you mind explaining... Voima? I've never heard of energy being referred to as such."

This was not the way that Tio expected any of this to occur. Given that the merchant was a gorgeous woman in her own right, her manner of fun was probably winding Renais up, which further explained the merchant's tease about Renais's other thoughts. Tio internally sighed.Ā It's fine, this shouldn't take too long, and Renais, obviously, was in need of assistance.Ā Tio patted Renais's shoulder throughout all of this.

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When Renais broke away from Mikoto so swiftly, the fox was, admittedly, taken aback. She hadn't even hesitated a moment or said anything further, leaving a moment of sadness on Mikoto's face. She finally managed a wry smile and sat back down. "I suppose Lufirians and I just don't mix." The Evokers were upon her now, Tio immediately asking her about the biggest elephant in the room, despite the girl buried in her chest. "My, my, my... You're not even going to pry her free? She's going to suffocate between those~" She couldn't help herself, needing the jokes to cheer herself up. She slowly reached a hand into her sleeve and pulled out a pipe, lighting it with a flicker of her blue fire, and softly taking a puff from it. Whatever she was smoking had a rather sweet and pleasant smell. "Would I mind explaining? For free? No no. That's not how information works... We either trade, or you pay me. Ten thousand gold, or... Whatever you learned inside that little lord's manor~ Take your pick. Otherwise, you're free to ogle me with those needles you call eyes... I can tell when I'm not wanted, buuuuuut, I don't have to leave just because you're wary of me~"

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"I appreciate your concern for dear Renais here, perhaps my concerns about your goals aren't terribly founded." Tio returned with a smile of her own. She would have greatly preferred if Renais had both explained and asked first, but, her face was already there and she expected that Renais would probably explain once she came down enough. "Though..."

Tio's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. "...You can tell that Renais is Lufirian?"Ā Neither she nor Elisa were Lufirian, so she could only be talking about Renais. Which meant that she probably knew now as well. Differentiating between a human and Lufirian was notoriously difficult, and could only really be done as a magical level. There were two routes here; either the merchant had directly interacted with Renais's magic and knew what to look for, or she was so in tune with magic that even Renais's presence was enough to correctly identify. Both troubling but for entirely different reasons. Her answer to Tio's request made things even more troubling.

"So you won't say without compensation? That's worrying. Further, what could you possibly gain by knowing what, if anything, we learned at the Manse? Ten thousand for this... I suppose I could part with that much, but it seems like this is something you'd rather keep to yourself. Which worries me about your potential goal, since you're asking for that energy from individuals. I'd like to believe that my worries are just me being overly cautious, but..."

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"How rude." Mikoto huffed. "You two are radiating immense magical energy and you don't see me being so painfully cautious. You're so afraid of me, just because you don't know, when I've been nothing but kind and gracious towards the Tigers. Even Renais, all I've done is tease her a little. I even answered her questions for free, yet I'm treated so coldly... It's a little frustrating, I must admit. How would you like to walk into a town and be stared down and questioned, hmm?" Mikoto sighed. These women were quite annoying, which was extra frustrating because they were both so hot. What a waste.

"I've set my price. I don't actually care about what you learned at that lord's mansion, but a trade is a trade; a secret for a secret. If you don't want to, then it stays with me, and you can walk along... My goals are none of your concern, just like yours are none of mine unless you're that desperate to know~ So choose, Tio. Come now. I'm not busy, but you are being rude, and let me tell you... The customer is not always right."

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"I don't think a little teasing is what you call it when she's bolting off as soon as she sees a chance." Elisa raised an eyebrow at Mikoto's characterization of what had happened, though Tio's insistence on finding everything out without giving an inch wasn't helping. "If you're able to tell, then your ability to manipulate this 'Voima' must give you sensing capabilities similar to mine, or your overall abilities are stronger than you make them out to be. What I felt from you back then makes sense now, at least, though I doubt you were lying when you gave a different answer either." Being very long-lived would explain much of her fantastical inventory, as well as an ability they'd never even heard of before.

It was true they were being almost oppressive with their questioning. They didn't really have a good reason beyond a suspicion that the fox was up to no good, founded only on the fact that they as magical scholars had no idea how her powers worked, but... they'd seen a number of other things like that recently, right? Alvira and Miria's problems, both based on kinds of magic the users themselves didn't really understand either. The only difference was that the vixen here seemed to be well aware of her own. "I have to apologize on my part for how suspicious I was at first. We're researchers, we're trained to strongly question anything that doesn't follow what we already know... and usually don't expect to have to trade to find out. Maybe you'd call that complacency in our station, but. This isn't our country, and we don't have the right to just hold you up for interrogation." Renais's safety was her priority, and it didn't look like there was anything more than heavy fluster going on there.

The strawberry blonde looked back at Tio and Renais, shrugging. "If we want to know so badly, we might as well give her what she wants, while we still have the chance to make use of it. Were she actually trying to antagonize us, she could easily have done a lot more than just teasing to Renais."

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Tio looked at Elisa as she appeared to acquiesce, realizing that they had nothing save the fact that they didn't understand what the merchant was up to. To be sure, stockpiling the life force of individuals, and being incredibly secretive about it was worrying, but it wasn't anything that they could truly press her on. Even if it did involve them in a roundabout way, the merchant was correct; the Tigers had been in perfect health since meeting her, if not stronger.Ā 

Tio looked down at the still burrowed Renais, remembering what she had told them when they spoke back at the manor and then sighed. She gently lifted the girl's face out of her cleavage, not wanting to gather any more confused glances, "...Yes, Elisa is right, as are you. My worry is a bit of a learned habit from even before I really began studying magic, and, despite similarities, it's terribly rude of me to be so distrusting. Especially when I know how much I despise my own intentions being unfairly scrutinized." Tio offered a small curtsy, remembering that Renais was still essentially right in front of her.

"A secret for a secret, yes? All I ask is that you keep it to yourself for the time being. Not particularly interested in the Knights breathing down our backs for information that we shouldn't have. I'll even add a fraction of the gold for an apology. How does that sound?"

Gone and done it again, Tio...Ā 


Danica nodded from her seat, "Natalya, what a lovely name. Well, I certainly know Tio quite well--I mentored her at Solara for her first years there--Elisa a little less so, but she and I weren't students together at Solara. She's a lovely woman, pulled that bright smile right out of Tio. I met her a handful of times in Glacies, and once or twice after we came here. Husband finally got his dream of running a proper inn, and I wasn't going to let him do it alone."

Arios sighed listening to his mother recount stories that he'd heard time and time again. "Yes, I checked the rooms earlier, but uh, I've never really helped out this much with a outfit like yours, so I uh, probably missed things. Mom and Dad usually handle stuff when there's someone important, or a large group, but..." He tilted his head toward Danica, "Mom's energy is focused elsewhere, and Dad's unfortunately out and about with all of the mess out there. He helps planning Knight movements, messages and the like. But, yeah, if you wanted to check them over that's probably a good idea."

Balsa smiled at Ullr, the young man was committed. Not a firecracker self assured in his skill, but open to learning if it helped him become stronger. There were plenty of strong fighters that came through the forge, but very few of them seemed to have a clear reason as to why they were fighting, why they were getting stronger. The wolf wasn't one of them.

"Depending on the make, they're either 500 for the iron--same with all the other iron weapons--or 800 for the steel. Tell you what, though. I'll take 200 gold off whichever you choose. I like a fighter who knows what they're about, and where they really are."

He looked at Sixteen, with a shrug. "Yeah, I suppose I am rather tall. You're also quite small, but that's fine, the two of you can make an even taller person than me, figuratively speaking. That's why you take care of him as much as he takes care of you; you're typically capable of more than just me. But you seem to have that down already."

He looked back at Ullr, "So what'll it be?"

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Renais' thoughts were scrambled, but she just focused on the embrace she put herself into. It seemed to be working actually, and her mind slowly settled down...for the moment. There was still the fact she was IN this situation to begin with, but with her thoughts a bit more clear she was able to hear parts of the conversation, like the Evokers knewĀ Renais was Lufirian as well,Ā and that they had overstepped the fox's patience. Renais also realized she may have crossedĀ Mikoto given the 'coldly' line. Given everything that had happened she still helped Renais, so it didn't sit right with her to just stay silent. When Tio lifted the cleric's face out of her bust, the girl looked up at Tio's eyes. She was flushed, but of course she was! That being said, she still seemed calm enough to speak out. "...sorry, Tio." She mumbled. "I'll...talk to you about things soon but for now..." She took a step back from the Evoker and turned back to Mikoto after she cleared her voice.

"I need to clear something up, Elisa. While I can't really speak for her limitations on teasing, I agreed to talk with her about my past. It was very important to me, and she didn't ask for anything in return. She didn't even hurt me, she stayed true to her word." She looked to the Evokers for a moment, almost hesitant to say the next thing on her mind. "Mikoto...you're right, I am a massive pervert. I do like cute men, but I prefer the company of women like yourself and the Evokers. That all said, I have no idea how to handle teasing and...my brain went haywire, so I bolted to Tio and...I owe her an apology now." She took a sigh. "Nevertheless,Ā I just wanted to apologize to you, Mikoto. You kept your promise and helped me shed some light on my missing memories." She took a bow to the fox. "And from the bottom of my heart, I thank you..."

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"Good luck to you then if you're planning on fighting Laniva." Syndra gave a well-wish to her cat companion, then turned back towards Miria. "Noodles? I don't think I've ever had those before. I'll give it a shot, lead on Miria." Syndra tucked theĀ gold she won into her bag, and stood up, ready to depart.

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Miria gave the lady going in to fight a thumbs up and a smile. Unfortunately, she and Syndra had a long day ahead of them. One of food and clothes and all the sort. Especially now that she learned Syndra has never heard of noodles (Miria's more recent exposure notwithstanding). The girl was quick to start her way out, "Well, come on! Noodles are the best!" She gave a wave to Luia at the desk, and then to the medics as she stepped out, waiting patiently for Syndra to follow.

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"Mmm... Well well... Look at you all being reasonable." Mikoto was almost pouting, the faintest red on her cheeks. She'd been ready to play the stubborn role, but they'd folded and been understanding of their mistakes rather quickly. Even Renais apologized when she hadn't really done anything wrong, leaving the fox whining ever so quietly. "F-Fine... Sit down. All of you. And don't patronize me with an offer like that. I definitely don't need the charity, so your secrets or your gold will be fine. On or the other." She huffed quietly and puffed on her pipe, just a little frazzled.

"I'll give you on thing for free, you're off on Voima allowing me to tell Lufirians apart from normal humans. I've an intimate relationship with the country so it's become second nature for me to tell the magical signature apart. That's all."


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"What's cute?" Her brow furrowed lightly,Ā staring at Versaris. Sometimes he would just throw the word out after she did or said something and it was always just vague enough to prompt the question from her.Ā "Didn't choke on the sword, won't choke on shell. If there proper way to eat will try, but if it's annoying just going to eat." She was open to try, curious at the prospect of a new way of eating being taught to her, so long as the not-elf was willing to teach her. "Mhhh... Dessert for after arena. Not going to have before fight. Not only place that have either, probably. Want churro..."

Alriana paid no mind as the waiter turned tail and fled at the sight of her teeth, she was well and used to that sort of reaction whenever someone caught sight of them; even some of the Tigers were still afraid of her and her maw.Ā Though, being complimented on them was certainly new. "Impressive? First time anyone other than Grelbiria say anything good about them. Most just get quiet or run away." There was no self pity in her voice, merely neutralĀ fact stating. "Why would bite you? You weren't that annoying. Also not an enemy. Probably." A slight curve took to her lips at her own attempt at humor.

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"You are. Just the, blatant disregard for the norm... I dunno. It's cute that you just ignore those sorts of things and can get away with it. Conjured up a mental image of you just biting into a whole lobster without a care and that's... Cute." He could explain it further if she needed it, but he was confident he was right-- "Wait what's a churro...?" He'd... He'd never heard of that. Some sort of desert, it seemed... He didn't pay it much more mind, nodding along with her claims on her teeth. "You wouldn't bite me, not with those, heh. It's a sign of affection between people, to give little play bites on the neck or the shoulder when you're close, but... I fear I'd lose parts of me if you tried. Let's stick to kisses if we get that far~" He smiled, leaning onto the table and sighing a little. "You truly are an impressive woman... I really hope I can learn more about you. Both from you and from Grelbiria once we find her... I want to know everything I can~"

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"Huh, another Lufirian. That makes three- actually that'd be five of us." Gean counted on her fingers as the two walked down the street continuing their search. "Let's see, there's me, you, Aly, Sixteen, and if the fox is telling the truth, our missing healer is number five." Gean pondered for a brief second wondering if Renais would want her sharing this newfound info so quickly, but Vira was trusted enough that she felt it would be fine, for now. "I guess if you count Sari that's six."Ā Not to mention we have a infamous Hecatian criminal,Ā the daughter of Islexian warlords, andĀ all the stuff with Miria. Geez Tasha how'd you manage to get all of this working under you? And why am I the one to learn all theseĀ secrets?Ā Gean shook her head and let her dreads shake free the pondering of what luck she rolled to be in the same group of all these unique individuals, or Tasha's luck in getting all these folks hired under her. For now, she should be devoting her thoughts into the task she set her eyes on.

Focusing on the current situation at hand, Gean's heart started to churn and stirĀ again, not just because of Mikoto's antics, but because she really did something a bit brazen earlier. More than anything, she was concerned about how things would proceed once she reunited with Renais. The mermaid was already nearing the end of her rope emotionally due the bombshell at Liste and some sleepless nights following, and she loathed to think what the notion of rejection would do to her. "Hey Vira..." Gean started up a new conversation as they turned another corner. "You and Tasha seem to be doing well together, mind giving a girl some advice?"

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"Sure do seem to have a lot of Lufirians in our group... Wonder if it means something. We do get caught up in a lot of stuff, too..." Alvira shrugged. If there was a greater meaning to it all, it would make itself known eventually. "Huh, wha? Advice? On, like... What, getting someone? I... Look, Gean, I'll be honest? I have no fucking idea how I got this close to Tasha. She's a beautiful woman, she's smart, she's strong, she's created something amazing up from scratch-- The Iron Tigers are a wonderful group of people that have been brought together from all over the world... If you ask me, it's more amazing that she's been single for this long. I just... dunno. I flirted with her a little and vented my worries and she..."

Alvira blushed a little, fumbling with her claws. "She was, just... There for me. Gave me amazing advice. Helped me calm my worries. Being around Tasha is... Is, uplifting. Her looks aside, she's just... So heart warming and calming, that she makes me feel like I can just do anything. So... I-I know I'm gushing a lot-- sorry. You asked for advice, not my thoughts... uh... Just be honest? Open? Close, to whoever you're interested in, I guess. Be with them, help them, tell them how you feel. I wouldn't do anything rash like pushing advances on them or anything. I didn't kiss Tasha until I was sure she felt something for me... I don't think rushing that sort of thing is good. But that's just me, and this is my first relationship, so what do I know... Who, are you interested in any--"

Alvira paused, gasped, stopped in place for a moment and then jogged to catch back up to Aegean. "Renais? You're crushing on Renais?"

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Gean had a feeling this could happen when she popped the question. Alvira's attraction to their boss was so bright it may as well have been written in the sky with light magic. There was still some pointers to gain nonetheless, it felt good to just chat with Alvira, and Gean wished the two could do this more often-

"I didn't kiss... I don't think rushing that sort of thing is good."

Yeah about that...Ā Gean internally facepalmed at the thought. It was that point she realized she had been leaving Vira behind. She turned and stop to let her catch up, when the dragon called the name of the person the two were looking for and guessed just who it was Gean was falling for.

Gean's internal face palm now turned into an external one. "I don't know when it started, but yes, I'm falling for our healer, and I kinda made a hasty decision earlier thanks to a certain fox." Gean felt a tinge of heat on her cheeks. "Now I just need to find her and see how she feels about me."

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"I, uh, buhhh... I-I thought you liked Cinaed-- Now it's Renais-- huh?" Alvira had certainly not been keeping up with the group's relationships. It wasn't exactly her business, but it was a little surprising. "You're not, like, rebounding onto Renais cuz Siorel's got her tail around Cin now, are you...?" Maybe too much for Alvira to ask, but she did raise an eyebrow at Gean. "I mean... Renais is really pretty, sure, but she's... Iunno. Pretty closed off and keeps to herself. What started it? I know for me, Tasha, she kinda blew me away with all the care and attention and comfort, so it... Felt pretty natural. Sorry if this seems rude, I'm just, er... Just surprised. Figured you'd have more on your mind with this Jeremiah guy coming after you and all that, stuff from your past..."

Edited by Mel the DM
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And there was the elephant in the room, not that Gean helped her case back in Liste. "No, no, me and Cin are just friends. There might have been a spark somewhere, but nothing to catch fire. No, if I had to pin a starting point... Like you said she tended to keep to herself a lot, and I wanted to change that. Thanks to the Evokers and Miria's help, she started to get more comfortable around us, and I think somewhere around our trip to Liste it just, clicked? I wanted to be with her. Making her smile, blush, it just works for me y'know. Yeah I got A LOT on my plate, but spending today with her was gonna be my way of clearing my mind for just a bit since I was getting nowhere thinking on it. It's just, the whole Mikoto thing kinda sped up my plans."

Gean didn't know what to feel at this point, there were too many feelings in her to tell what was the strongest. Finally picking her eyes up she saw it. Indistinguishable pink hair. Somehow Gean and Vira weren't the only ones to find Renais, Tio and Elisa were already on the scene talking to Mikoto. Regardless of the company Gean's leg's took off before her brain could register and she was hugging Rene before her brain could catch up.

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"Tch." A click of the tongue as a lone horse galloped over the Altair Province's countryside. The wyverns in the sky were just further confirmation that everything was going terribly wrong. Everything had been carefully planned out to the point that he'd been told to continue other work, other searches. Those searches had taken him off the grid, which was nothing unusual for Lufiria's top intelligence officer, and so he'd left things in the hands of Certificus, and other intelligence officials. Though, even if his movements were unclear; a break down like this would have immediately come to him, no matter where he was. Either someone had screwed up spectacularly--not an impossible prospect--or he was tactically kept out of the loop, right at the moment everything began. With how cosmic the past couple weeks had been, it was a possibility that he could consider.Ā 

First, he found one of the Astuikami, alive. The daughter of the lord bastard himself.Ā 

Past Family Matters


Jeremiah sighed deeply. He knew better than to have gotten his hopes up over information like that. Heā€™d spent all yesterday, and nearly all of today searching for leads on his target. Everyone heā€™d spoken to regarding his target had said that the woman had disappeared an indeterminate amount of time ago. There had been talk about an odd looking monster that lived with her, but no one seemed to know where it had gone either. Cursesā€¦ A waste of time amidst whatever is going on here. It had only been a day since speaking with Lizaā€™s sister, Renais, and ran into another dead end. Sheā€™d given him a little to think about, but nothing concrete. The best he figured was that she, and Sera were somewhere in Islexia still. Hopefully they werenā€™t interfering in anything there, but he imagined that he would have gotten some information regarding that.Ā 

He already had way too much to look into here. He was working as fast as he could, but he was only one man, and unfortunately, his tasks werenā€™t those that he could just hand over to anyone. Not with the threat of information being leaked. The political situation in Lufiria had been steadily growing worse since Mercuria awoke, and issued her warning. For every Lufirian, clouded, and monster who wished to carry on as they had been, there were a growing number who were terrified of the prospect and wanted to take matters into their own hands. Behind those were hateful people who simply wanted revenge on the alliance for what theyā€™d done to them.Ā 

That thought brought him back into reality as he headed to his next location. Twenty-six years ago wasnā€™t too long ago for him. The Islexian Collapse was a horrific time for anyone who had been involved, and Jeremiah was chest deep in it. His hands bristled thinking about it. How close theyā€™d come to being destroyed, and all because of a large faction of traitors. Theyā€™d spent years afterwards stamping them out; many of whom fell at Jeremiahā€™s hands. But it appeared that some of them had escaped, and survived. One such had found her way to Glacies, and Jeremiah had a need for answers. Jeremiah allowed himself into the small home. He made sure to lock the door once more. Heā€™d rather have them expect nothing was wrong until it was too late to do anything. It was lightly furbished, but welcoming. It reminded him of the Levion home. He looked around a bit, and found an embroidered cloth that confirmed that he had found the correct place.Ā 

ā€œAstuikamiā€¦ Hah, I only wish it had been longer since I had to see that name again. But perhaps this is for the best.ā€ Jeremiah found a chair, and sat down. He now only had to wait for his target to arrive.Ā 

Tamrir Astuikami made her way down a familiar street, quietly humming an old fire dragon lullaby to herself. It was quiet at home these days, Kenneth usually out late and Cinaed moved out to bigger and better things, his parents left behind. But most days she didn't mind that. She unlocked the front door, busying herself with the groceries as she made her way inside. "Mmm... Kenneth, honey, are you home?"

She wasn't expecting an answer from anyone. The house was dimly lit by the setting sun through the windows, but no other light source was contributing. True, he might have simply forgotten (for a former mercenary he was quite scatterbrained at times), but she suspected he was simply late from his job again. It seemed they'd been asking more and more from the University guards these days. Thankfully that same demand wasn't made on the teachers, so she was able to get home and make dinner before Ken got home. "A quiet home while I make dinner then. That works for me."

It didnā€™t take long for the door to swing open. A womanā€™s voice called out for Kenneth. It would have been rude for him to respond to that, but he supposed that it made sense that she had a loved one. A small grimace across his face, but he expected that he wouldnā€™t have to do anything. Jeremiah stood up from the chair he sat without a sound, ā€œI suppose you wouldnā€™t mind making dinner for three, would you, Tamrir Astuikami?ā€Ā 

One glance at the woman told him all he needed to know. The golden scales alone were enough to know. ā€œMy apologies for letting myself in, but I couldnā€™t be turned away. Mind if we have a chat?ā€Ā 

A sudden voice, unexpected, knowing her name, was the first indication Tammy got that there was someone else in the house with her. But her reaction was perhaps not what would have been expected from many in her position. A gasp of surprise escaped, true, but she instantly whirled to face the voice, groceries dropped in an instant, and an intricate, almost delicate wall of fire thrown up in between her and the stranger. Watching him in the gaps in the curving flows of her wall, she gave him a once over. Human. Armed. Dangerous.Ā 

"Normally, people I want to talk to knock." A slight quaver in her voice, combined with wide eyes betrayed her in a way her words did not. "I do not know how you know my name but I will have to ask you to leave my house. And please do not go for that sword. I would prefer that we do not come to violence, but I will defend myself."

Jeremiah cocked an eyebrow at the impressive display. Erecting a shield of fire that quickly, and well controlled was the mark of a skilled practitioner of fire magic. But she paled in comparison to someone like Virion, which meant he had no reason to fear. ā€œI have no need to draw my sword today. But to be clear,there areā€¦ no less than ten ways from where the both of us are standing that I could have simply ended this. Hopefully thatā€™s enough to tell you that Iā€™m not here to hurt you..ā€ Jeremiah bowed to her, continuing to study the room, and the wall of flames. Going through it would be dangerous, but so long as she had no idea about the threat of his sword, it wouldnā€™t be a problem if it came to blows.Ā 

ā€œAs to why I know your name, Miss Astuikami. I think introductions are in order.ā€ He stood up to his full height, ā€œMy name is Jeremiah Noire, and I am the head of Lufirian Intelligence. Iā€™ve beenā€¦ looking for you for quite some time. As I said though, I wonā€™t be turned away. I will be leaving here with my answers, and I would implore you to assist me in that. Iā€™d rather not harm a teacher of magic if I could help it.ā€Ā 

His threats didn't have a visible effect on her or her magic, but if she had tried to speak, the fear would have been audible. She didn't know who he was, or why he was looking for her, but she knew she was outclassed. Even if Kenneth came home, in his less than prime state, nothing would change. But what he said next changed everything.

The second he said Lufirian Intelligence, she let out a gasp full of years of pain, the Wall disappearing as she collapsed to the ground. "N-no. You're. My family... They're dead, aren't they? I mean. I knew they were. Deep down. Why else would they have not come for me? They promised they would send for me once Lufiria was safe again. And then they didn't..." She looked up at this Jeremiah Noire, tears in her eyes. "But. But why come find me? And why now?"

Jeremiahā€™s eyes narrowed at her response. It was almost exactly the opposite of what he would have expected. For a moment he wondered if she was simply a skilled liar, and was trying to misguide him. The gasp, and her words betrayed that line of thought, however. She genuinely believed what she was saying. ā€œ...Yes, your family is dead. As far as I know, anyway.ā€ This also posed a new problem. It sounded like Tamrir had no idea as to anything that had been going on in Lufiria, nor what happened back then. Which meant the likelihood of her knowing what he needed was quickly evaporating in the summer heat.Ā 

Was it worth it to tell her the truth? To let her understand everything that had happened? ā€œMiss. Astuikamiā€¦ just what do you know about the Islexian Collapse? What did your family tell you? If you answer me that questionā€¦ Iā€™ll tell you what I know about what happened to your family. My reasons for being here now are something that I have to keep to myself. For your own safety.ā€Ā 

"I was young..." The words were mumbled, her arms wrapped around her stomach, the pain of twenty-six years ago brought to the surface once again. "A teen... I was set to marry my sweetheart from the village nearby, a blacksmith. My control of fire helped him, you see." She wasn't intentional not answering his question, she simply couldn't help but explain it all. "My father. You probably know. Was the leader of the clan. When everything started to point towards a war, I wanted to stay. To help fight, to help make weapons, help my clan however I could. But his decree..."Ā 

She looked back up at him again, sorrow evident in her eyes. "I tried to stay! But he told me to leave. Told me that a fortune teller had shown it was the only way for me to survive. I never really believed that. It was his excuse to the rest of the clan. For why he was saving me and not the rest... So they sent me to Glacies, where I studied magic... Eventually, when no one came for me, no one answered my letters... I knew something had happened. So I finished my studies and stayed here. Married. Tried to move on." She didn't really know why she was telling him all of this but some small part of her mind told her not to reveal that she had a child. Protect Cinaed. No matter what happens to me. This man is dangerous and he can't know about my Cin.

Jeremiah let his facade break for a single moment, surprise on his face. She didnā€™t run, she was sent away before anything occurred, if her story truly lined up the way it did. ā€œDamn. Someone saw fit to protect you from what was about to happen. For a couple moments, I thought you were lying to me. But everything youā€™ve told me lines up with what you said before, and why you wouldnā€™t know the truth.ā€ Jeremiah ran a hand through his dark hair. ā€œI did promise. So Iā€™ll tell you the truth. Your family is deadā€¦ because they were traitors to Lufiria. They were conspiring with the Alliance in order to install themselves as a government loyal to the Islexians, in exchange for the promise that the monsters and clouded would not be purged again. The Astuikami family was at the head of that, and helped the Islexians to kill hundreds, if not thousands, of Lufirians. They would have even successfully assassinated Princess Rosaria, and only failed due to a stroke of luck.ā€Ā 

Jeremiahā€™s eyes met the womanā€™s, his neutral face faded away to one of deep disdain, ā€œThey were all found, and they were all slaughtered for their part in the madness. Or so I thought. There had been rumblings that not all of the Astuikami line had been extinguished in Lufiria. My search for themā€¦ those traitors, led me to you. Nowā€¦ I ask you exactly once to confirm. You donā€™t know anything about what Iā€™m saying, nor have you had any contact from anyone in your family, right?ā€ Jeremiah had let his calm facade slip for longer than heā€™d realized. Malice dripping from every word.Ā 

"Y-you're lying. You have to be. My family would n-never..." The pure hatred in his voice caused her protests to halt, fear overriding the sorrow in her eyes. She stared at him, trying to understand his words. Surely it was wrong. This was some sort of trick, to her to reveal something. But to what point? She didn't know anything.

"I can't... My father would never put innocent people in danger like that. He was wise and caring and..." It didn't matter. She could say a thousand things, give a hundred examples, that hate in his voice would not be changed by her words. She slumped further to the ground, staring at her hands as she shook her head. "They never... Once I left Lufiria, I never heard from them again. At first I assumed my letters were simply not reaching them. Eventually I realized what must be the truth." Surely her father had not been the mastermind. Maybe that was why he sent her away, to save her from what the others were plotting. But if the Astuikami were intended to rule, that put him in the center of it all, for only he would lead from her line. There were no other realistic options. "They couldn't..." The whisper escaped her lips, as tears began to fall.

Jeremiah relaxed ever so slightly with her response. He understood the feeling, what she was feeling. It was difficult to have everything you know about someone you knew flipped so harshly on its head. The people that allowed her to grow to become who she was today. The same people who had protected her. Catherine and Tica only knew so much about what he did. Regardless of his reasons, it was still bloody, callous work.

"...You don't have to justify your feelings for your family to me. I despise them. I despise them for all the lives they were willing to trade for their ambitions. I was there. There the day that they enacted their plan. Stabbed Lufirian militia in the back, traded their lives for a 'chance' to save Lufiria. A chance that never existed by the way; the Islexians werenā€™t going to hold up their end of the bargain. As evidenced by them turning on their ā€˜alliesā€™ the moment things turned sour. Found plenty of documents involving how they were going to carve Lufiria up when they ousted the Shiva, and none of them involved the dragons, or monsters at all." Jeremiah sucked in a breath. It was all he could do to keep from spitting on her very real feelings. "That saidā€¦ I do believe what you're saying. Your family protected you, and perhaps there were elements that didn't want this. I only wish that had come to light sooner."

Jeremiah put a hand to his forehead. He never thought that he would be agreeing with an Astuikami. After everything their family had done, but intelligence work was never straightforward. "I came to interrogate you about your family. Clearly you have no idea about anything, nor have you had recent contact. For your sake, you should keep it that way. The Astuikami name is a surefire way to put yourself on a Lufirian hit list. You're very lucky that I'm the person who showed up first. If I hadn't and it was someone else, you would very likely be dead."

The more Jeremiah talked, the more Tamrir became convinced that what he was saying was true. You didn't get the hatred that was in his voice without true hurt, true pain. Lufiria had been betrayed by her family. Innocents slaughtered by a power grab and an empty promise. The tears picked up as she found herself mourning both her family and the loss they had caused her homeland. "I. I'm sorry. For the pain my family caused. I know that means nothing, not really, but I still. I still want to say it."Ā 

She slowly began gathering the groceries from where she dropped them but froze when he made the comment about her name making her a target. If Jeremiah was watching, he would see as her eyes quickly flashed towards a nearby set of drawers, with a few picture frames on top of it. She very quickly returned her attention back to the groceries, trying to keep her voice casual as she asked, "My, name. Yes. Of course. I suppose all of Lufiria knows about the dragons who betrayed them now... At least my husband is safe, he may share my name but he's human after all. But. What if I were to have a child? Theoretically of course. And they inherited the rather, well, distinctive traits of my clan." She looked down at her hand, golden scales flashing in between the green ones. "I assume this same threat would some day apply to them if they ran into someone like you."

ā€œYouā€™re right. It means nothing. You appear to have had little to do with it.ā€ Calm down. Youā€™ve already acknowledged that this woman knows little. Sheā€™s as much a victim of their schemes as anyone else. Like it or not, she is Lufirian first and foremost, which means your oath covers her. Jeremiah kept his eyes on Tamrir, sure she wouldnā€™t try anything silly, but he hadnā€™t lived this long by being confident. In his line of work, it wasnā€™t power that mattered, it was ingenuity. Even the most powerful individual could be killed by a child if they chose the right time, the right weapon, the right words. She froze for some reason, and her eyes shot to something. Jeremiah turned to see a set of drawers with pictures on them.Ā 

Tamrirā€™s tone changed from apologetic to casual in an instant. Her words were stilted, almost as if she was stumbling over something. Noā€¦ not stumbling, avoiding. ā€œLufiria does know the names of those who would have sold them out. They are an enemy to Eastern Lufiria while there are many in Western Lufiria who remain sympathetic to their ideals. Your husband would be safe, so long as he doesnā€™t approach Lufiria.ā€ Jeremiah moved over to the drawer that Tamrir had glanced at to take a closer look at the pictures. Her question was pointed. She had a reason for asking that, and he didnā€™t think that it wasā€“Ā 

Jeremiah picked up one of the pictures. Tamrir, a human man, and a tall dark skinned boy with Tamrirā€™s golden scales. Jeremiah turned to her holding the picture, ā€œTheoretically, you say? Wellā€¦ Theoretically, if this boy in this picture was your child, then the threat would extend to them as well. The scars that the Astuikami and others carved into Lufiria have not healed. Many still exist who had their lives upended by people they trusted. If the boy met me, I could guarantee his safety. I donā€™t quite believe in placing the blame of your ancestors at your feet. However, if I wasnā€™t the person who found him, knowing that they were your child, and not one of the fools who managed to escapeā€¦ His life would be in grave danger. But I suppose thatā€™s just theoretical, right?ā€

There it was. Sheā€™d known asking these questions was a risk. The man knew too much, saw too much, for it to not be. But she had to know. ā€œH-his name is Cinaed. Heā€™s even more innocent in all of this than I am. His only crime is to have been my son. Heā€™s. Off to Hecatia right now. To find a mercenary group to join, to try and make a name for himself. Please... Iā€™ll do anything for you, anything. Just please promise that youā€™ll protect him if you can.ā€

The tension in the room was high, disdain and hatred on one side, pain, sorrow, and fear on the other. But into that moment of pleading came the sound of the door opening and a man whistling. ā€œHoney, Iā€™m hooooome~ Heh, so corny, am I right?ā€ Kenneth Astuikami entered the door, dark brown skin glistening slightly from sweat, an indication that heā€™d been training new recruits past his scheduled shift end, quickly noticing the strange man who was in their house. ā€œAh, Tamrir, you didnā€™t tell me we were having a guest over tonight! I would have been home on time if Iā€™d known that. Good evening sir, Iā€™m Kenneth, but you can call me Ken if you prefer. Do you know Tamrir from the university? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen you around before.ā€

Jeremiah opened his mouth to respond when the door swung open, and the man from the picture that he had been holding walked in. His dark brown skin shining thanks to the sweat. Jeremiah simply blinked at him, almost completely taken off guard by how clueless this man appeared. He cleared his throat, and then offered the man his hand, ā€œAha, no, Iā€™m not from the university. Iā€™m anā€¦ old friend from a long time ago. I simply saw Tamrir on her way back from the university by happenstance, and we both took the time to catch up.ā€ Jeremiah knew he could easily handle the both of them, but fighting, and hurting people who had loved ones was always difficult. Even more so when they were together.Ā 

ā€œMy name is Jeremiah. I havenā€™t seen Tamrir inā€¦ twenty-six years, I believe? Almost couldnā€™t believe that it was her. Iā€™m a merchant, dealing in fabrics and such. I wish I had the mental acuity for teaching, but thatā€™s not what I got. We were just talking about your son, Cinead.ā€ Jeremiah glanced over at Tamrir with a gentle shake of his head. Donā€™t try anything silly.Ā 

ā€œOh!! A friend from back home, thatā€™s wonderful! Tamrir, here, let me get dinner started, you relax and enjoy your time with Jeremiah. Itā€™s always a pleasure to meet a friend, especially one that you havenā€™t seen in such a long time.ā€ Ken walked over to his wife, giving her a quick kiss before grabbing the groceries out of her hand. ā€œGo on, go on, Iā€™ll make enough for all three of us. And if I burn the house down, well Iā€™ve been trying to convince you to move anyways. Now go on, tell him about our Cin. Heā€™s following in my path you know! Well, the path I was on.ā€ He gestured awkwardly at his left arm, or what was left of it. It ended shortly above the elbow in a mangled, scarred mess. ā€œWe worry about him, of course, knowing what sort of path mercenaries tread. But heā€™s stronger than I was at his age. Heā€™ll do just fine Iā€™m sure.ā€ With that said, he made his way into the kitchen, humming quietly to himself, assessing their food supply and beginning to plan out their meal.

Tamrir looked at Ken as he walked into the kitchen, quietly sighing and shaking her head. ā€œWell... Jeremiah. Why donā€™t we sit down and talk? Kenneth will be fine in the kitchen, unless he stabs himself with the knife. Again.ā€ A small piece of carrot was flung at her after that comment, and a shaky smile was her only response. Gesturing to the chairs in the living room, she sat down herself, self control mostly regained at this point. ā€œHeā€™s a good man, you know.ā€ Her words were quiet, but fierce, as she stared off into the kitchen, watching the man she loved. ā€œHe probably knows something is wrong. I donā€™t have friends from Lufiria, he knows that. But. He also knows his limits.ā€ Her voice was still quiet enough that over the noise of prepping dinner, Ken would likely not be able to hear them, but she still kept an eye on him just in case.

ā€œCinaed is a good boy.ā€ This was louder now, safer. ā€œYou didnā€™t miss him by much, itā€™s a shame, I would have loved to be able to introduce him to you. A week earlier and you may have caught him. Heā€™d been looking for work in Glacies for a while, but he ended up deciding to head to Hecatia instead. Life there has a little bit more demand for those who can fight than we do over here. He was headed for Ismia, I believe. Hoping to find passage on a ship there over to Hecatia.ā€ She looked at Jeremiah, pleading in her eyes. ā€œPerhaps youā€™ll run into him, during your travels as a merchant.ā€

Strangeā€¦ It had been the second time since his search began that heā€™d been told that someone was heading to Hecatia. Coincidences were certainly possible, but it was odd that two potential threads were leading him to that place. Chris and Marianne should have been on their way to Hecatia at this moment as well, and with the warning that had been issued to them. It was starting to become a little troubling. Perhaps he would have to cut things short here, and move into Hecatia earlier than anticipated. Hopefully that would be over and done with quickly; seeing the house, and how the pair spoke of Cinead, there was a little bit longing for Serena, and his daughters.Ā 

ā€œAs long as he doesnā€™t do anything reckless, I have no intention of harming anyone.ā€ He replied with an equally quiet whisper. The man was missing an arm, but Jeremiah quickly realized that his assessment of the man had underscored him just a little. ā€œHmmā€¦ Yes, I would have liked to meet him. The both of you seem like you would have instilled good values in him. Perhaps I will see him on my travels.ā€ The pleading in her eyes was enough. It reminded him more of Serena, and he could only sigh. Haā€¦ Seems like youā€™re missing home more than you thought, Jeremiah. First, Renais, and now this.Ā 

ā€œHopefully ships to Hecatia arenā€™t too hard to come byā€¦ Iā€™ve been hearing that Islexian pirates have greatly upped their piracy in the area. Iā€™m surprised that your son was able to find a ship on its way out.ā€Ā 

ā€œWell, we donā€™t know for sure that he has, but I would be surprised if he hasnā€™t. Maybe he signed on as a guard for one of them, that would be nice.ā€ She leaned back in her chair, allowing a small amount of hope to make its way back into her heart. ā€œHopefully heā€™ll write to us soon. The boy has to know my poor heart can only take so much missing him with no word. He and Kenneth are all I have left in my life after all.ā€

ā€œOh come on, I know my parents arenā€™t the best, but you have them too!ā€

ā€œYes dear, of course I do.ā€ She shook her head, not able to help the smile as they revisited a well worn argument. ā€œHis parents never approved of him marrying a no-name dragon you see,ā€ she said in a loud stage whisper for Kennethā€™s benefit. She was still tense, the strangely kind man with a grudge against her family was too dangerous for her to relax, but it was too easy to fall into her familiar patterns with Kenneth, even with the threat that was sitting across from her. She would have to believe his promise that he wasnā€™t going to harm them. ā€œI suppose youā€™ll let me know if thereā€™s any way that I can help your business here? Any contacts you need, that sort of thing?ā€ She had meant what she said. She would do anything in her power to protect her son, even if it meant working with a man who wanted to kill the rest of her relatives.

Jeremiah shook his head at Tamrir, lowering his voice and leaning in a bit closer, ā€œItā€™s much too dangerous for you to give me any sort of contact. I donā€™t want, or need other parts of intelligence finding you.ā€ He sat back, and quickly switched gears, ā€œOh, I have my ways with contacts here. Merchants code, and all of that sort of thing. Iā€™m quite positive that your son is working right alongside someone I know right now. I will keep the assistance in mind; thereā€™s always a new wrinkle in the market.ā€Ā 

He smiled wryly at Tamrirā€™s whisper over her husbandā€™s parents, ā€œHa, my parents were the same. They were a fairly well to do pair of merchantsā€“bitter rivals at one point before falling for one anotherā€“and they didnā€™t take kindly to me marrying a lowborn teacherā€™s daughter.ā€ Jeremiah bit his lip at having to call Serena that, but it was mostly accurate to who she was before she alongside Virion, himself and Rosaria became the Celestial Knights, heroes of the Islexian Collapse. ā€œAlas, my father never came around before he passed. Mother went shortly after he did.ā€Ā 

Tamrir closed her eyes, fighting back the panic, before nodding. He was right. She couldnā€™t bring attention to herself, not when it would risk Kenneth too. She had to keep her family safe. All of it. ā€œWell, I hope that your contacts will treat my son well if he runs into them. I know how you merchants can be, always out for your profit. Not you of course, just merchants in general.ā€ She would have to trust him. Cinaed would be safe. She had to believe that. No matter what her family had done, he deserved peace.Ā 

ā€œFamilies are tough like that. You think you know them and then something changes and you find that they view the world completely differently from you.ā€ She really did mean the words. Kennethā€™s parents had been perfectly ok with him being friends with a dragon, even messing around with a dragon, but the second that he told them that he wanted to marry Tamrir, their tunes had changed. Sure, they had gotten better over the years, but she would never forget that initial reaction. ā€œIā€™m sure that whoever you married is a perfect match for you. Your parents' opinions matter less than yours after all. And you always were a good judge of character.ā€

ā€œDinner should be ready in five minutes~ā€ The call from the kitchen was unexpected, Kenneth having been mostly quiet for all of this. But he poked his head out now to smile at his wife. ā€œI admit, I cheated. I stole some of the leftovers from yesterday, but it should still be good. The chicken just needed a sauce and I wasnā€™t going to be able to make one quickly, so I took that mushroom and peppercorn sauce you made last night and repurposed it for today. That along with a quick salad should do us. And look,ā€ He held up his hand and wiggled it. ā€œAll five fingers still.ā€ She seems better than when I first got home. Whoever this man is, heā€™s changed his tune at least somewhat. I donā€™t sense that same hatred I got initially. Still, Tamrir is going to have some explaining to do after all this. If only I could still fight like I used to...

ā€œHahaā€¦ I suppose I am. I was friends with you after all, Tamrir.ā€ The woman had him figured out there. Serena was about as perfect a person as he could imagine. Surprisingly though, her husband peered out of the kitchen at an almost inexplicable pace. His eyes narrowed for a moment, before evening out his expression, offering the man a smile.Ā 

Jeremiah watched Kenneth closely. The man was much more attentive then it appeared. It was a familiar sort of act; Serena came across to many as an airhead marching to the beat of her own drum, but those same people were surprised when they learned of her station, and skills. If he still had the arm that was missing, he could have been a legitimate threat to most. People were too easily disarmed by seeming incompetence, and the ability to weaponize that proved to be dangerously effective. Heā€™d spent enough time here, and the last thing he wanted was for Kenneth to get an idea into his head. He wasnā€™t concerned about his own safety, but there was no need to get into an altercation.Ā 

ā€œWell, that all sounds quite enjoyable.ā€ Jeremiah looked at Tamrir, putting a finger to his lips. Waiting for the man to disappear back into the kitchen, Jeremiah then moved like a specter across the room, impossible to follow. He whispered into Tamrirā€™s ear on his way by, ā€œYou have my word that Iā€™ll protect your son. Iā€™ll not punish him for what your family did. But I can make no promises about othersā€¦ pray that I find him first.ā€ With that, Jeremiah silently opened the door, offering Tamrir an apologetic smile, before vanishing out into the evening.Ā 

Tamrir stared out after Jeremiah, the hope in her heart matched only by the fear in her head. He would protect Cinaed. Others from Lufiria would try to kill him. All she could do was follow his instructions. Pray that Jeremiah found him first. Her thoughts were interrupted by a cough, and she turned to see Kenneth, leaning against the wall, arm tightly gripping what was left of his other arm, his worry given away only by his finger tapping against his arm.

ā€œSo. Who was that really?ā€

ā€œDamn it all.ā€ Jeremiah looked towards the evening sky as he quickly retreated from the house. Heā€™d gotten answers, just not answers that were going to point him in the direction that he needed to be going. After all this time heā€™d found an Astuikami, and she was entirely uninvolved, and offered information that there were some of the Astuikami that may have been against it all. That confirmed some information, but it made things that much more difficult. The Astuikami were to have been destroyed for their part in nearly causing the downfall of Lufiria, but there had been some that worked with the Lufirians. Dealing with the traitors in exchange for their lives. Many had been against it, but it was decided that was for the best.Ā 

Turned out that the people who had been wary were right. There had been sparse information that there had been movements in Western Lufiria. It wasnā€™t entirely confirmed, but the mention of golden scales was more than enough. He wouldnā€™t be finding any links to what was going on there, here. More importantly, heā€™d gotten yet another missive that would be leading him to Hecatia. An Astuikami with no understanding of what his name meant could be disastrous, and heā€™d sworn to Tamrir that heā€™d do what he could. He sighed loudly, ā€œEverything just has to be crossing all at onceā€¦ā€Ā 

Then, Jeremiah heard something in a tree to his left. He looked to see a bird staring directly at him. A single glance told him that it wasnā€™t a normal bird, it chirped, and Jeremiah could tell immediately that it was a familiar of some sort. The bird flapped its wings, and sped towards him, stopping directly in front of him. He recognized the bird immediately, and he chuckled a moment. ā€œWell, well, Ingverd.ā€ He paused for a moment. How did Ingverd know where he was? The only people who would have known his movements wereā€“The bird had a note attached to it. He took the note, and quickly read it.

ā€œWhat? Heā€™s on mission? Mission for what?ā€ There was a pang of concern now. Ingverd shouldnā€™t have known where he was, and he hadnā€™t been notified, through any channel, that Ingverd was on mission. Had Hilda not sent anything, or had the message simply not gotten to him? Both were worrying, especially noticing that Glacies was in uproar about the closure of the trade route. It was troubling that everything seemed to be accelerating right as the Asteria was supposed to begin their investigation in Amaranth. The Princess should have arrived at Axios now, and both Chris and Marianne should be enroute to her location.Ā 

All of this made this sudden message from Ingverd all the more concerning. It had been quite a few years since heā€™d seen Ingverd, but he knew for sure that the man tended not to ask for him directly. Ingverd knew not to trouble him with anything but things of the utmost import. He cursed under his breath. It appeared that he would be leaving Glacies ahead of schedule after all. Unfortunately, there wouldnā€™t be any way to do anything now, so he would have to wait for tomorrow. He would have to wait for tomorrow to see if he could find passage, which meant he had just enough time to finish one more task.

Yet, she knew nothing. Nothing about the truth of the Astuikami, and the Islexian Collapse. Perhaps there had been an element of the Astuikami who had been against the betrayal, as he and Serena had proposed. It was also likely that the Astuikami simply had a moment of clarity before they descended into madness. It didn't matter either way. That night also proved that something was terribly wrong. A message from Ingverd, detailing a mission that he hadn't been made aware of. It necessitated a quick departure from Glacies, but with Islexian piracy spiking, very few people were willing to take a chance on an unknown "merchant". It had been a bit of a blessing in disguise as his inability to secure passage allowed him to end a search ten years in the making.

When The Tide Finally Comes In


The night had been long. Unfortunately, Jeremiah couldnā€™t get a straight answer on whether there would be any ships on their way to Hecatia. The pirates had become even more brazen with the Glacians than had been expected with the closure of trade, and Lufiriaā€™s slow but steady militarization. He figured it would eventually cause him problems with movement, but now wasnā€™t really the time for it.Ā 

Once the sun started to peek above the horizon, Jeremiah found himself back down towards the docks. Surely there had to be someone who could offer him passage across the channel. I now get the benefit of having the ability to flyā€¦ If there was one thing he knew about Glacian sailors, it was that they began their work early. They subscribed to the idea that the sooner they began work, the sooner they could return to other parts of their lives. The approaching summer heat made the time before the sun was high in the sky rather valuable, and sure enough, many were already down on the docks preparing themselves.Ā 

Jeremiah looked around gauging the sailors likely the most help in finding what he needed. For as many grisled, and barrel chested men, there were also those built like runners, some women that were larger than the men, and people who looked like they had no place among the rest of them. It wasnā€™t unlike the markets of Lufiria, but Jeremiahā€™s eyes had locked onto an elderly man conversing with a small group of men and women towards the end of the docks. He briskly moved over to the group, before he heard something that made Jeremiah freeze in place. He turned to a group of fishermen that he hadnā€™t paid any mind. Iā€¦ Iā€™m hearing things, right? Jeremiah stopped and listened to the conversation of the fishermen, led by a man with a full beard tinged with gray, but a voice vibrant with energy and excitement.Ā 

ā€œAhaha! Right! Levionā€™s off for today, ainā€™t he! Ahaha, it appears the heat is affecting my head alreadā€“Hmm?ā€ The man looked directly into Jeremiahā€™s eyes. A grin formed on his face before putting his arms out. ā€œWell. It appears my voice has stricken someone something fierce! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen you before around here.ā€Ā 

ā€œHaā€¦ā€ Jeremiah took a moment to calm himself. He couldnā€™t believe it. It had to be a coincidence, ā€œRight, I must say that your voice is quite striking. But my pause was moreā€¦ something you said. Ah, right. My name is Jeremiah, Iā€™m a merchant who has been looking for passage to Hecatia. I hadn't much luck in finding someone willing to ferry me across, butā€¦ I couldnā€™t help but notice that you said Levion. Is thatā€¦ someoneā€™s name?ā€

The man tilted his head for a moment, detecting somethingā€¦ odd in the manā€™s cadence. ā€œAyeā€¦ Heā€™s one of our best fishermen. Damn, Iā€™d said heā€™s probably one of the best in Glacies. Duncan Levion.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah looked at the man in complete disbelief. Before slowly bursting out into laughter. ā€œAhaā€¦ My apologies for thatā€¦ I havenā€™t heard that name inā€¦ what, fifteen years? I can believe heā€™s one of the best fishermen around. We used to work closely together, he and I. Up until he just vanished. Swore he was dead or something, but it does my heart good to hear that heā€™s alive and well.ā€ Jeremiah could feel his hand sliding to his concealed weapons. After all this time, Duncan was alive. He maintained his amiable facade, ā€œYou wouldnā€™tā€¦ happen to know where he is right now, would you? Iā€™d like to drop in and say hello.ā€

Duncan took a sip of his tea as he peered over the maps sprawled across the dinning table. She loved to talk about all her favorite hunting spots when we first started dating. I could use those as a starting point. Maybe narrow down potential hiding spots.

Gean had finally decided to stand on her own and face their past. With his daughter essentially throwing herself into the maws of danger, Duncan realized he couldn't just stand by either. There were things he could do two, but more importantly there was a certain someone he needed to find. Serena and Jeremiah would be hurdles, but he at least knew they'd be easier to track down. "Where might you be Mahaliaā€¦"

Something seemed off and Duncan shot his head up at the door. It was the same feeling a hunter would get when they realized a target was much more dangerous than it let on. everyone knows I'm off, and it can't be Geanā€¦ Duncan slowly made his way towards the hunting rifle lying against the wall next to the sink.

Jeremiah gently knocked on the door. Heā€™d told the man who led him here that he would be fine on his own. It had been simple enough to give the impression that he was just here to talk with Duncan. Which, honestly, he would have preferred, but if it came down to it, Jeremiah was perfectly ready and willing to draw his weapons.Ā 

Ten years had led to this moment. Ten long, agonizing years.Ā 

Jeremiah didnā€™t announce himself, letting the knock speak for itself. It was a pattern that he knew Duncan recognized. He kept an eye on the window, and a hand on a knife, just in case Duncan got any clever ideas. He was not going to get away. This trip might not have been a waste after allā€¦ Time to answer, Duncan..

Duncan froze in his tracks. It had been 10 long years, but he knew that knocking pattern anywhere. Picking his rifle up, but placing it on his back, the bearded man made his way to the front door. He had always thought about what he would do should this day come. If there was anyone who could find him other than his wife, it would be his brother-in-law. What Duncan realized though is despite all the scenarios he played in his mind, the only thing he could do was steel himself.

Finally opening the door, he was now looking face to face with the man he had treated like blood. "If I had known you were coming I'd have trimmed my beard"

Jeremiah just stared at Duncan as the door opened. It was completely, unmistakably him. After taking in his visage, Jeremiah closed his eyes, and shook his head. Then he drew one of his knives, pushing Duncan back inside, and closing the door behind him in the same motion. ā€œI feel like if you knew I was coming, youā€™d have run, Duncan. Donā€™t stand there and lie to me.ā€Ā 

He pushed the knife to Duncanā€™s chest, but not close enough to draw blood. ā€œTen years. Ten years that Iā€™ve searched. Ten years that I thought that you were fucking dead. But now I find you here, and that means that I have to ask you questions. Questions I never wanted to ask. Questions I never thought I would have to ask. That doesnā€™t matter anymore, I suppose. I want answers. All of them, and you can start with telling me where Mahalia is.ā€Ā 

Truth be told, the knife didn't surprise Duncan. The anger didn't surprise him either, in fact he welcomed it at first. His eyes remained dull and jaded through most of Jeremiah's demand. However one name, one single word hit him harder than anything.Ā 

Gripping the knife with no regard to cutting his hand in the process, he stared Jeremiah back down. "Do not speak her name. You, nor the men who work with you have any right to mention Mahalia. Not after you betrayed us. My dear brother, I would love to know where my wife is. If she hadn't be separated from us that night!" Duncan was never an outspoken man, however the feelings of losing the woman he loved and not knowing anything about what happened to her, after being chased out from the country he called home had never truly died in his heart and now they had come surging back like a wave coming towards the shore.

Jeremiah had long since released the knife that Duncan took hold of. Reading his intention long before he moved, but it was no less confusing or infuriating. ā€œI will speak her name as long as I have to, Duncan. Iā€™m afraid I have no idea what youā€™re talking about. By the time Serena and I arrived after your home, you, and Mahalia were long gone. Without a single word as to where you had gone.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah quickly unsheathed the sword at his hip, and almost immediately the white-hilted blade broke into two smaller blades. ā€œMost importantly. Donā€™t ever let the words ā€˜betrayalā€™ ever cross your lips again. I didnā€™t want to believe it, and to be frank, I still donā€™t. But for you to concoct some tale of me betraying you as the reason you fled, makes me inclined to believe it all.ā€ Jeremiah pointed one of the blades at the taller man, his eyes cold, and unflinching. ā€œSo Iā€™m going to ask you one more time, Duncan Levion. Where is Mahalia? If I have to drag you back to Lufiria to get the answers out of you for what youā€™re accused of, I will. The only potential traitor standing in this room is you, Duncan. You and Mahalia.ā€Ā 

"Don't know? Jerry it was Lufirian Intel that attacked us! Don't tell me you didn't see the broken glass and crushed piano in that house!" Duncan was losing more and more of his temper as Jeremiah continued on. He hadn't even noticed that he had dropped the bloodied knife and was holding Jeremiah at gunpoint. "And don't say it wasn't you guys because I know what the uniform looks like. We tried 'staying put' like you said as the two of you went off, and then what? I'm running for my life with Gean in my arms while Mahalia stays behind to fight assassins bearing the Lufirian crest."

Ā Duncan took more steps closer to the other man forgetting about the blades. Or rather, not caring that Jeremiah at any point could cut him to ribbons. Eventually he put the gun to his side, emotions on full display and aqua blue eyes staring right back at the younger man's emerald eyes. "My family did nothing. We believed in everyone with us. And then those same people came for our lives. For my daughter's life. I haven't seen nor heard word from Mahalia in over 10 years. Hell there's not a night where I don't fear my wife is dead and gone. So you tell me this Jeremiah Noire. Who betrayed who?"

Jeremiah hardly flinched at being held at gunpoint. This was all expected. This was all expectedā€¦ wasnā€™t it? For a moment, Jeremiahā€™s resolve wavered. Things werenā€™t making sense. Jeremiah shook his head, and stared back at Duncan, ā€œYou know as well as I do that if I betrayed you, Duncan. There is nothing the two of you could have done. I would have killed the both of you right then and there. I wouldnā€™t have told you to wait. Hell, Serena would have killed you personally. But neither of us did. The both of us put our standing, and lives on the line.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah lowered his blade and stepped closer to Duncan, face as close to his as the height difference would allow. ā€œIntelligence was told that I, alone, was to deal with you and Mahalia. No one else.ā€ Jeremiah continued to gaze into Duncanā€™s unyielding eyes. Even after ten years, they were exactly the same as he remembered. Which was why it was easy to see the pain they now held mixed with the resolute will that he knew the Levions for. ā€œHaā€¦ Youā€™re not lying to me. Youā€™re just stupid. You believed for even a moment that I, Serena, or even the royal family would betray you. What a joke. We believed in you for ten years, but you couldnā€™t believe in us for more than a single day.ā€ Jeremiah stepped back from Duncan, reformed the blade, before quickly sheathing it, and crossing his arms.Ā 

ā€œYouā€™re still going to tell me everything you know. Starting from the beginning, Duncan. If this really was Lufirian Intelligence, then you can be assured that I have nothing to do with it. Rosaria and Virion themselves, along with Queen Hilda further okayed my order. So if it was intelligence they went over my, and the royal familyā€™s command. Forgive me, but thatā€™s not a plausible outcome.ā€Ā 

Well it seemed Duncan's outburst had reached through. However now the web of confusion was bright as the sun. "We understood the orders the two of you had given before you left. We were to remain at the house until you two returned and then we would undergo trial. Unfortunately for everyone else, your order wasn't relayed fully. Two nights after you left the house was surrounded and we were assaulted."Ā 

Duncan made his way over to a chest sitting near the fireplace. Opening the chest up, he pulled out a white jacket. The upper portion was stained and pieces of the jacket frayed from being cut, but the insignia on the back would be familiar to Jeremiah anywhere. "We had no way of contacting you, and until now no way of knowing who made the call to have us silenced. That night we ran not because of trust, but because we had a 10 year old daughter to protect. I can only imagine the pain and trial you and Serena went through, but I do not regret the decision to save Gean's life that night, and I'm positive Mahalia didn't either. That's why she opted to stay back and fight off the assailants until we were out of sight."

Jeremiah looked at the jacket that Duncan pulled from the chest. He only needed to look at it for a moment to know that it was a genuine article. The symbol that had been emblazoned across his back for almost thirty-one years. The shattered sword, with a knife piercing the blade and a crescent moon in the background. Jeremiah closed his eyes, ā€œA true warrior can fight off death in combat, which is why we come for all in their sleep.ā€ Jeremiah clicked his tongue. ā€œSo thereā€™s a leak of some sort. One that answers to neither myself, nor the royal family.ā€ Jeremiah had looked into this possibility, but information had been scarce. Now it appeared as if the scarcity had been on purpose.Ā 

Jeremiah frowned at Duncanā€™s last assertion, ā€œ...I understand that Geanā€™s life was in danger, and I suppose I canā€™t fault you for this, now. But it honestly feels like you never attempted to reach out again, and in fact, were actively trying to hide. Do you know how long Iā€™ve searched? Do you think I was idle all this time? Iā€™d even been here, to Glacies, several times over these ten years. There was not a trace of you, Mahalia, or Aegean. Iā€™m glad that you can understand the pain that I and Serena went through, but I donā€™t think youā€™ll ever understand what Lucille and Soleanna went through.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah sighed, wondering if that was too much to place on them. What more could they have done without putting themselves at risk? He understood that, and stillā€¦ still his heart ached. ā€œSo then Mahalia really has just vanished, has she?ā€Ā 

"Trust me, I tried reaching out. I just couldn't believe at first thay my sister would allow for something like this to happen. However, the one time I sent a letter to her name, it was intercepted. I know because the response I got back was clearly written by 'The Grand Cleric' and not Serena." Duncan reached back into the chest and pulled out a letter now for Jeremiah to look over. "I had already traveled a few towns over to send it, but I moved us again just to cover tracks. That's how I ended up here."

Duncan then took a deep sigh. "I haven't heard anything at all from Mahalia since. We had planned about coming to Glacies ever since the suspicions began should things come to worse. I don't want to think the worst, and Gean has been keeping the faith alive all these years, butā€¦" His voice trailed off. Duncan's heart couldn't bear to finish the words his brain had come to. Once again his eyes dulled. Gesturing to the table beside them. "I had been collecting maps of the seas between here and Lufiria. Some even for Hecatia. The benefits of being a fisherman. Thought I might be able to pinpoint a Seafolk colony or maybe an old hunting ground of hers before she joined the navy."Ā 

He looked back at Jeremiah. "So now what? I've told you my story, and despite my outburst from earlier I have no desire to fight the man who gave Serena so much joy. Do what you must Jerry, if it's you I'll not object."

Jeremiah rolled his eyes, and then lightly punched Duncan in his chest. ā€œDonā€™t ask me to do that again. The only reason I came prepared to fight was if you were prepared to fight me. Because as far as I knew, you had the possibility of being a traitor. Youā€™re Serenaā€™s brother, you wouldnā€™t sit here and lie to me, so if thatā€™s the case, I have to figure out why this story makes so little sense.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah took the letter, and scanned it. It looked like the handiwork of an intelligence scribe, but it was simple enough to pick out the inconsistencies with Serenaā€™s handwriting and word usage. The writer clearly had never seen a letter between the two of them, since it used none of Serenaā€™s nicknames, or shorthand. ā€œThe fact that it was intercepted without me knowing is troubling. It appears Iā€™ll be doing some investigating when I return to Lufiria.ā€ Jeremiah sighed. The thought of having to immediately return to work after getting home was unpalatable. Heā€™d been away for so long, and he wouldnā€™t show it, but was desperate to see his family. Hecatia unfortunately would be his first stop, he had to meet with Ingverd to talk about what heā€™d discovered.

Jeremiah shook his head to get himself back on track. ā€œThere is one thing Iā€™m sure of. Mahaliaā€™s alive. You, and Gean wouldnā€™t be if she wasnā€™t. If there are people in intelligence whoā€™ve been moving against my will, then they easily would have removed you. This furtherā€¦ā€ Jeremiah let those words trail. This line of reasoning reopened a line of thought that Jeremiah had placed on the backburner, but it was once again starting to burn.Ā 

ā€œSpeaking of, where is Gean? I canā€™t imagine that she would be up and out before you.ā€

"Consider it done. Iā€¦ I missed you Jeremiah." Ten years. Ten years of being quiet and out the way. It seemed to have worked out, but the wear and tear on Duncan from all this hiding was clearly showing. It was then that he realized he had a hand that was still bleeding from his moreā€¦ brazen action. "Sorry, let me clean this up." Duncan got up and moved to the sink so he could wash the cut.

"I see you're still the busy body you've always been." Jeremiah had always been a man on the move. It was what made him so good at his job, how he was able to keep so many tabs on things for Lufiria. However, Duncan was never blind to the toll Intel work took on the rest of the family. "I know there probably would be little, but is there anyway I can assist you? If you're looking for sea passage I know a number of sailors that owe me favors." Duncan paused while he wrapped a bandage over his hand. "And it's probably best that we send Serena a letter, or contact now."

It was then that the younger brother-in-law asked the other most pertinent question. "Well since you've last seen her, your niece has grown up to become a mercenary of some success. In fact she's currently out on a mission." And then the gears clicked in Duncan's brain. "One that, apparently, is going to take her towards the Sands to escort Glacies ambassadors to Lufiria." Duncan knew this might spell trouble for Jeremiah but it was much better for him to know now than not.

Jeremiah managed a small smile at Duncan. The fire that burned from being abandoned without a word still burned, but a different flame was starting to take the fuel. ā€œEveryone has missed you as well. None more than your baby sister.ā€ Duncan mentioned sending a letter to Serena to which Jeremiah quickly shook his head. ā€œItā€™s best we donā€™t do that yet. One, because I donā€™t know how they intercepted your message last time. Two, because the moment you do, and she reads that letter, she will find you, and Iā€™m not sure sheā€™ll be anywhere near as forgiving as I currently appear. Youā€™ll have to let me handle that.ā€ Explaining things to Serena, and keeping her from exploding would probably be one of the hardest tasks that Jeremiah would ever have to undertake.Ā 

Jeremiah looked over the maps that Duncan had strewn across the tables. ā€œIf you have someone who would be willing to take me to Hecatia, that would be appreciated. Things have started getting too hectic on the seas, so not a lot of ships are willing to go even for a high price. Otherwiseā€¦ I think what you could do is continue to mark off places where you think Mahalia might have gone. Youā€™re the best chance anyone has at finding her. I bet you that she knows more about this situation.ā€Ā 

Duncanā€™s last sentence caused Jeremiah to freeze, and slowly crane his head over to the taller man. ā€œ...Iā€™m sorry, what did you just say? I know Iā€™ve been away for a bit, but my last report from Lufiria informed me that Glacies had dispatched an envoyā€¦ over a month ago. Why would they be sending another?ā€ Jeremiah had been off-the-grid for a little while as to protect his missions, but news of this caliber certainly would have found him.Ā 

Duncan pulled out a chair. ā€œYou might want to sit down.ā€ As Duncan sat down he readied himself to break this news. "Now Gean didn't give me all of the details, but I can piece together what's likely happened thanks to both of you. Now, knowing Glacian royalty they most likely did dispatch an envoy. Lufiria basically cut off all trade, and we're heavily dependent on you guys. However Gean's mission is to escort the Evokers, two of Glacies' top most mages. Now you and I can probably guess. If you're sending big brass accompanied by a mercenary group, that envoy hasn't made it to his destination by now."

Duncan then pointed to one of the maps on the table. "Due to the current pirate attacks, a straight sea trip would definitely spell more trouble than it's worth, so my bet is they're gonna sneak to Lufiria via the Sands."

Jeremiahā€™s eyes narrowed. Heā€™d never gotten a chance to meet them, but heā€™d heard all about Glaciesā€™s evokers, and what theyā€™d accomplished. Dealing with an errant mana storm without Lufirian assistance meant that they were mages easily on par with Lufiriaā€™s best. Mages that powerful wouldnā€™t be sent into the thick of things unless something troubling was happening, and Duncanā€™s line of logic was verytroubling.

ā€œThe Evokers? Oh hellā€¦ā€ Jeremiah pinched his nose, quickly thinking about his own path now. Everything seemed to be pointing him directly into Hecatia. Heā€™d considered how difficult it would be for the envoy to arrive safely in Lufiria. Jeremiah had instructed intelligence to keep tabs on the envoy, and to offer the minimum amount of assistance to keep them alive. ā€œYouā€™re mostly right, a direct sea trip would be impossible as of now; Parliament and Hilda has the navy stationed on the route, and theyā€™re ordered to turn everyone away. Those who donā€™t are to be sunk, and thereā€™s no navy that can take Lufiriaā€™s in a direct confrontation. So it would be a land routeā€¦ through Islexia.ā€Ā 

There was a considerably more troubling thought that crossed Jeremiahā€™s mind. If the envoy hadnā€™t made it to Lufiria, that means that the envoy was likely dead, and the only people stupid enough to do so was the Islexians. Jeremiah had heard of Queen Iseriaā€™s brilliance in leadership, and seen it first hand. Sheā€™d definitely have accounted for this possibility, and chosen the best. The Islexians were capable, but their intelligence paled in comparison to Glacies, they wouldnā€™t have just found the envoy.Ā  What the hell is going on in Islexiaā€¦Ā 

Jeremiah looked at Duncan, ā€œDuncan. I need you to put in for one of those favors as quickly as you can. Something is very wrong hereā€¦ and I need to find out what. Listen very closely to me. You need to keep looking for Mahalia, but you also need to keep a very close eye on your surroundings. This whole thing seemsā€¦ off. I canā€™t place why though, and thatā€™s a problem.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah was suddenly very tense. Things seemed to be escalating out of a number of peopleā€™s control. ā€œWe can have you leaving by tomorrow morning. Most people willing to do it would either be out fishing now, or coming back and not ready to turn around and make such a journey.ā€ Duncan looked back over his maps again, this time the one of Glacies. ā€œYouā€™ll stay here tonight, and we can use these maps to plan our next moves respectively. I know a couple of hiding spots here I had for something like this. Once I have an idea of where to start though, Iā€™ll be using a boat of my own and traveling to find Mahalia.ā€Ā 

ā€œI wonā€™t send a letter, but I do think itā€™s best to talk to Serena sooner than later. As angry as I can imagine sheā€™d be, your stress makes me believe this isnā€™t something to tackle alone. We should also talk tonight on what to do when I find Mahalia. Someone is purposely targeting us, so we should think of a new way to contact each other.ā€ Things were definitely gonna get hectic soon, and this one talk with Jeremiah had given Duncan the boost to finally face his past. huh, took being held at bladepoint to have the same courage my daughter threw out in an instant. Her time with the Tigers has done more for her than meā€¦

Ā ā€œI canā€™tā€¦ say I trust Lufiria still, but I want to trust you Jerry. Thatā€™s all I can say right now.ā€

ā€œMmmā€¦ I was afraid of that.ā€ Jeremiah finally sat down in a chair with a long sigh. Losing an entire day with this information could be a problem, but there wasnā€™t any other alternative. ā€œWhat a messā€¦ Everyday I spend in Glacies my list of things to do just gets longer, and longer.ā€ That bit of steam expelled, Jeremiah sat up, ā€œYes, weā€™ll have to use these maps to figure out our upcoming movements. Yours more than mine, my course is set.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah pondered a moment over his next point. Serena would be an incredible amount of assistance. If she wasnā€™t married to her tasks, and swamped with work, Serena likely would have been a devilishly effective intelligence officer herself. However, heā€™d have to contend with the fact that Serena would almost definitely slaughter Duncan the moment she saw him again. Jeremiah decided that it would be better to leave out all of the anguish and abuse that Serena took because she refused to disavow her brother and sister. ā€œYouā€™re certainly right. Serena will be furious, but sheā€™s too capable to leave out of this. Honestlyā€¦ it is probably better to just send the letter, so her temper has time to cool. She wonā€™t be able to leave Lufiria any time soon, anyway.ā€ Thoughts of Serena put a small smile on his face.Ā 

ā€œContacting each other will beā€¦ difficult. Until I can figure out how they intercepted your message before, letters arenā€™t terribly safe. Neither of us are particularly magically adept in a manner that would allow us to communicate that way. Hmmā€¦ā€ Jeremiah ran a hand through his hair, before he tapped one of the maps. ā€œThe only way I can think to do this is for us to acquire a courier of sorts. Allow us to operate outside of the normal view of intelligence. Granted, the courier will have to be highly skilled, and not willing to turn on us. I can work on finding someone like that.ā€ Shaw admittedly was the first that came to mind, but that would be difficult to pull off since he was off with Lucille. ā€œIf you have any ideas on that front, letā€™s hear them. Otherwise, Iā€™ll probably have someone sent here, and donā€™t worry. Theyā€™ll be outside of intelligence, I canā€™t exactly trust my normal channels. Iā€™ll have them use a modified version of my knock, so you know who it is.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah then smiled wryly at Duncan before closing his eyes again, ā€œTruth be told? I havenā€™t trusted Lufiria for years now. I trust, and believe in people within it. Thatā€™s why I do what I do, for them, not for the country. Iā€™ll make sure Iā€™m worthy of that trust. I always thought I was, but sometimes I have to tighten my grip on it.ā€Ā 

"We can send it, in your writing of course. Probably best for you to send it once you've touched down in Hecatia. As for messengers, there's no one in particular I can think of. I've kept my connections here small. I'll wait until you send a messenger before I head off, just so contact is established, maybe a common point to exchange info on the mainland would be best." The two of them could further hash this out tonight, for now they needed to wrap things up and Duncan needed to head to the docks. Gus or Vyland would be the best options. Tyrell and Dawson would be willing, but not ready for an assault should things happen. Which they probably would.

"Worthy of trust, yes, I wouldn't have let you marry my sister if that wasn't the case. Sorry, it's been hard these past few years." Duncan knew his pain was lesser than that of his loved ones back in Lufiria. However he couldn't stop the years of regret and anxiety from showing on his face. The bags under his eyes. His weariness.Ā 

"I should get ready to hit the docks." Duncan got out of his chair and proceeded to grab his jacket. As he finished putting it on he stopped. "Knowing you, you'll probably run into Gean while in Hecatia. Just, promise me you'll talk to her. She doesn't like to show it, but she's one of the people who's most hurt here. She wanted to be strong, to stand on her own, but I can tell she misses everyone deeply. Anyways, you'll find her traveling with a group called 'The Iron Tigers'."

That did make sense. Even if intelligence was looking out for particular messages, looking at a letter from him to Serena would be hard to justify, especially when Serena was quite protective and attentive to her letters. A simple but elegant way of making it work. ā€œIā€™ll get right to work on that then. Donā€™t have to ask me twice about writing to Serena. If I work quicklyā€“and I will--I have someone sent in a couple days.ā€Ā 

Jeremiahā€™s face remained neutral as Duncan asked him to promise to speak with Gean. ā€œIā€™llā€¦ do what I can regarding that. If we cross paths, then we cross paths. There are so many things that I have to look into that I may not have the time to do so.ā€ Thoughts of Gean made Jeremiah worry about the girls, and the Asteria. If all of this was going on, what was the possibility that even that mission was in more jeopardy than they realized? If something went wrong with that mission thenā€¦ Jeremiah shook his head. He, Virion and Rosaria were doing everything they could to keep that from happening, and so were the Asteria.Ā 

Jeremiah then grinned at Duncan, perhaps the most genuine smile Jeremiah had since arriving. ā€œHa. ā€œLetā€ me marry Serena, hmm? Apologies, Duncan, but I donā€™t think there would have been much you could have done to stop me from marrying her. Remember that sheā€™s the one who propositioned me.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah quickly filed the name of the mercenary group awaā€“ ā€œWait. The Iron Tigers? Thatā€™sā€¦ Hahaā€¦ Damn it, I must have missed her then. I had been there apparently the day before they were to set off. I spoke with another of the Tigers about an unrelated missionā€¦ which may not be so unrelated after all.ā€ There was a lot of work to do. Too much even, and things finally seemed to be clicking into place. So it appeared that he was going to have to go find the Tigers while he searched for Ingverd. That was another message he would have to send. ā€œYou go and head to the docks, by the time youā€™re back, Iā€™ll be finished with this letter.ā€

"Ha. And what you don't know dear brother, is the task I challenged her to in order to propose in the first place. Not that she would let me tell that story in the first place. Swore me to take it to the grave." It seemed Jeremiah would at least abide by this one wish regarding Gean. She had to deal with so much of this, and none of it was her fault. Duncan just hoped that she wouldn't have to sacrifice more because of her parents actions. "You probably arrived there when she came to talk to me before leaving. I gave her Mahalia's necklace, the one Serena enchanted. Just to keep her safe." Duncan left things at that. For now the two men had a lot of work to do, and no more time to waste. "I'll be off then." With that, Duncan was out the door, headed off to the docks.

Duncan and Mahalia had been attacked, and that was what necessitated their flight from Lufiria. Mahalia had spear headed the plan, and she was still missing. As it stood he could't rule out involvement on her end, but the fact that it was Intelligence that had attacked them indicated that elements of intelligence were working against him and the crown. He'd had an inkling, but it was difficult to act without proof even with at the behest of the crown.Ā 

With Duncan's assistance, Jeremiah made it to the Hecatian mainland. Albeit, losing several days avoiding bad weather and Islexian pirates. He may have been in a rush, but if he lost a couple days to keep someone safe it was preferable. The moment he landed, it was clear that things were wrong. Eibar was in a strange uproar, and a few questions later, Jeremiah learned that something had happened at Axios.

The first thing to do was check in with an operative, and find out what was happening. Now he was torn between heading to Axios, and continuing on his mission. He just about scared the life out of the young woman, and she remained a wreck as she sputtered the little that she was aware of. The Knights of Altair were in pursuit of a thief who had stolen something from Axios, and that they were currently unable to confirm who it was or what had been stolen, but she did know that they'd fled toward Islexia.

That happened to line up with where Ingverd was supposed to be heading, which made his path clear. He did the best he could, but he was behind, and lacking information. Fortunately, knowing that the Evokers were with Ingverd made it simple to figure a path that they would have taken. They'd know of Glacies's routes, and, if he wasn't overestimating them, pathing a route that would limit their exposure to questions. Using friends and connections to facilitate a need-to-know basis path.

So if there was anywhere to stop on his journey. It would be the hamlet of Liste. The Evokers had been here once before; a very strange magical contagion had ravaged the small town. Jeremiah had visited after it was all said and done to investigate for himself. Left a charm for the skittish innkeeper. Sarasin Flouche was the name he remembered, a well connected merchant and rather fond of the Evokers. If anyone heĀ could reach in a timely manner knew more about the situation, it would be him...

Liste Of DutiesĀ 


Sarasin clicked his tongue as he looked over more documents pertaining to the theft of the Escaflowne. According to his messengers, other merchants, and Favio's contacts, the Knights were not making headway on capturing the thief. They'd done reasonably well in sealing off the border with their Wyverns, and apparently, Islexiaā€™s wyverns were also out in force with numerous sightings near the border. Either something was also happening in Islexia, or theyā€™d just caught wind of something interesting, and wanted to be prepared. The former was more likely than the first; Islexia suddenly being coherent in their operation was uncanny. It would be a while before he found out any information from Islexia, so he could only rely on information from inside Hecatia.Ā 

The Knights had found nothing so far, and there was little chance that the rider was simply just in hiding. For someone to be able to outmaneuver the Knights as a whole seemed to indicate that the rider either had friends within Hecatia, or was just far too good as a rider. Both possibilities were worrying since both meant the likelihood that it was just a lucky thief started to plummet. Sarasin wandered back over to the map, matching his notes with the marks that he had made. By now, the Tigers should have arrived in Cerezia provided that the Knights or some other issue hadn't cost them time. They'd probably seen the wvyerns overhead a couple times, though, they were more concentrated towards the border, and Tio wanted to enter Islexia to the east of Cerezia, since the border was at its weakest there, and make a straight shot for Attise.Ā 

Sarasin looked at another of the reports; one that had been personally handed to him by Favio. Some of the Knights had encountered other nondescript units and engaged in skirmishing, almost always ending with the nondescript units escaping. It was unclear what they were after, who they were, or what they were doing. Another click of the tongue; there just wasnā€™t enough information to intuit what was going on. The sole positive in all of this at least was that there were delays in Hecatian military mobilization. The Tigers were more than three weeks ahead unless Saint Veras had a vanguard dispatched, which meant that the likelihood of them getting caught up in anything regarding the military would be extremely unlikely. On the flip side, the delays meant that Veras was probably preparing to devote a large number of soldiers to finding the Escaflowne.

Sarasin sighed, as he plopped down in a chair, "Oi... Worrying so is going to give me wrinkles long before I'm 50..." Sarasin's ears perked up as he heard knocking at the door. The weight of the knocks suggest Favio, "Yes, my good man?"Ā 

"Lord Sarasin... there's a visitor to see you."Ā 

Sarasin turned towards the door, "A visit...or? I wasn't expecting any the locals just yet, has something--"Ā 

"No, sir... It's... it's someone else. He just arrived. Shall I send him in?"Ā 

Favio's hesitation was strange. The man was rarely pulled off balance by anything. Sarasin took the map that he had been working with, along with the reports, and filed them away. "You may both come."Ā 

The door swung open, and Favio entered with a confused, but concerned look on his face. "My apologies, Sarasin, but apparently, there's a merchant here that wants to speak with you. Rather urgently actually." Favio stepped aside, and a man with a green jacket draped over his shoulders walked into the manse. A hand in his dark hair, and despite his fairly messy clothing, there was a regal air from him. "...I recognize you... You... were here, several years back... Leon, wasn't it?"

The man smiled warmly, "I'm impressed that you remembered my name, and appearance. We'd only spoken once before I had to make my way elsewhere, but the hospitality of Liste was spectacular, and so I figured I would find my way back on my journey now."Ā 

Sarasin gestured over to a seat, "Come, sit. I'm not so boorish as to not offer a seat, even if it seems like you are in a hurry. Now then, what exactly would it be that I could help you with, Leon?"Ā 

Leon stood gently waving him off, "That's fine, I don't have too much time in the first place. I just needed to ask about someoneā€™s whereabouts as well asā€¦ whatā€™s going on around here, and seeing how meticulous you tend to be, Sarasin, I figured that either you, or your man there would know."

Sarasin felt a wave of unease. Sarasin knew he had a reputation, but Favio was a former Hecatian Knight, and officially now serving as a bodyguard. His other activities were under the table through Sarasin's merchant connections, amongst other things. "I... can help as best as I am able. I may be a merchant, but there are things that I cannot sell. You would know that as well, knowing your profession." Sarasin shot Favio a look of unease, before continuing, "What is it that you would like to know?"

"As I said, I'm searching for someone. I've learned as of late that he may be traveling with a rather unusual group, and that his path may have taken him through Liste. Does the name Ingverd ring any bells. or perhaps, Versaris?"

Sarasin remained quiet, but his worry was betrayed by the look of surprise on his face. Favio looked at Sarasin, and his hand slowly crept towards his blade, when Leon chuckled.Ā 

ā€œI thought not. Well, perhaps you can clear up some gossip that Iā€™ve heard. I arrived in Eibar from Glacies, roughly a week ago, it would have been earlier but there was a lot of trouble on the high seas. Bad weather, and an unusual amount of Islexian pirates cost us a couple days. But Iā€™ve been hearing that the Altair Knights, and Hecatia as a whole actually are in uproar. Iā€™ve heard various theories, but I was wondering if you could confirm that something has happened at Axios?ā€

ā€œ...Yes. A couple days before you would have arrived in Eibar, Axios was assaulted. Something was stolenā€“I donā€™t know exactly what, but it has our illustrious leader in a panic trying to recapture it.ā€

Leon put a hand to his mouth, seemingly deep in thought. Sarasin couldnā€™t help but feel concerned about what was going on here. How did he know either of those names? Versaris was the elf that was with the Tigers.Ā 

ā€œIf I may be so bold to cut in.ā€Ā 

Sarasin looked up as Favio stepped closer to him, wrapping their guest until he stood by his side. ā€œMight I ask exactly why youā€™re searching for this Versaris?ā€Ā 

ā€œHe requested my assistance with some logistics. Iā€™m a wandering merchant, but I have a fair number of connections in various locations. He wanted something clarified, but as I said before, I had trouble arriving from Glacies.ā€ Leon shrugged, ā€œNow I have no idea where heā€™s gone.ā€

Sarasin narrowed his eyes, ā€œIt may be puffing my chest out, but given my connections here in Hecatiaā€¦ I feel like I would have heard about you, more than I have, anyway. Surely, you could operate in the shadows, but even then. You are asking for my trust, good sir, I would ask that you do the same.ā€Ā 

Leon nodded slowly, ā€œOh, well, my merchant work is often below board. Iā€™m not nearly as reputable as you are, Sarasin Flouche. I deal in information on less savory things.ā€ He leaned on the back of the couch. ā€œIā€™m searching for Versaris because I need to speak with him urgently, and given what Iā€™ve gleaned from you that urgency seems to be rising.ā€

Favioā€™s hand rested on the weapon at his hip, ā€œThen perhaps, you can give us your real name then, sir? Ever since you asked for that nameā€¦ Iā€™ve had an inkling that you are not who you say you are. You look like someone who was described to us, not too long ago.ā€

Sarasin looked over at Favio in bewilderment. ā€œFavio, what are youā€“ā€Ā 

The man sighed. ā€œItā€™s fine, I suppose. I already figured that the Tigers had been here. Youā€™re a clever man, Sarasin, and your guard is impressive as well. Leon is not quite a lie; it is my middle name. My name is Jeremiah Noire. I donā€™t think I need to continue explaining if my appearance had been given to you. Now that weā€™re in the openā€¦ may I ask where heā€™s gone?ā€

Sarasin felt his blood run cold. If he remembered correctly, if this really was the Jeremiah Noire that Aegean had spoken about. That meant that he was the Royal Advisor. He wasnā€™t entirely sure what that meant in Lufiriaā€™s politics, but it surely meant that he was incredibly influential. It also meant that he was the head of Lufirian Intelligence. Sarasin took a moment to compose himself, ā€œRightā€¦ What exactly would the Royal Advisor of Lufiria be doing here?ā€

ā€œPlease donā€™t make me repeat myself, Sarasin. Iā€™m here to find Versaris. I have to speak with him.ā€Ā 

Favioā€™s hand gripped the hilt of the dagger at his hip, ā€œSpeak to him about what?ā€Ā 

Jeremiah looked at Favio with a smile, ā€œThat, Iā€™m afraid, is information that you have no need to know.ā€Ā 

Sarasin stood up from his chair, staring Jeremiah down. ā€œThen how about information that I can know? If you tell me whatā€™s going on here, Royal Advisor, Iā€™ll tell you where Versaris has gone.ā€Ā 

Jeremiahā€™s eyes narrowed, ā€œIā€™m afraid I donā€™t follow.ā€

ā€œYou know whatā€™s going on here in Hecatia. The Knights in uproar, and the attack on Axios. You know the attacker, donā€™t you? You know whatā€™s happening.ā€

Jeremiah remained silent, but gestured for Sarasin to continue. Sarasin saw the faintest glimmer of confusion on the manā€™s face. What? Hold on a momentā€¦Ā 

ā€œThe attack on Axios. It was a precise attack, and of all things, one of the relics was stolen. The Escaflowne, Galariā€™s chosen blade. There is yet confirmation that the potential thief is a highly skilled pegasus rider, which narrows things down to Lufiria. Through other reportsā€¦ itā€™s been theorized thatā€“ā€

Sarasin found his airflow blocked as Jeremiah was no longer leaning on the couch, but was in front of Sarasin with a hand around his throat, and a sword pointed in Favioā€™s direction. The look on Jeremiahā€™s face was one of detached fury, ā€œ...Youā€™re telling me that the attack at Axios resulted in the Escaflowne being taken, and that reports involve a pegasus rider? For your sake, youā€™d best tell me that this is a sick joke.ā€

ā€œGhkā€¦ This isā€¦ no joke. Whatā€¦ do you know?ā€Ā 

Jeremiah dropped Sarasin, knocking the manā€™s glasses to the floor, but kept his blade pointed as Favio. Favio hadnā€™t tried to move, or do much of anything. He was stunned. Heā€™d never seen the man move, and he hadnā€™t seen any weapons on the man when he walked in. He kept his eyes on the white blade; it was unlike anything heā€™d seen before. ā€œLord Sarasin, are you alright?ā€Ā 

Sarasin took a series of deep breaths, before returning to his feet. ā€œIā€™mā€¦ fine, Favio.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah appeared to be in thought. For the first time, concern was visible on the Advisorā€™s face. Sarasin let the man ponder in silence, before repeating his question.

Ā ā€œWhat do you know?ā€Ā 

ā€œ...None of this is supposed to be happening. Only the Escaflowne was stolen, was it?ā€Ā 

ā€œ...As far as I know, it was only the Escaflowne.ā€ Sarasin took in several breaths of air, and picked his glasses off of the floor. ā€œYou seem surprised about all of thisā€¦ You donā€™tā€¦ know whatā€™s going on?ā€

Jeremiah lowered the white blade, and broke the blade into two smaller pieces before turning to the door. ā€œ...I had a gut feeling of something wrong in the air. Heed me, Sarasin. You and I never spoke, and I warn you; telling any of your acquaintances about my presence, or who I am will result in both you, and your friend disappearing. Iā€™d rather not, I have much more important things to do. All I will say is that this shouldnā€™t be happening. Where is Versaris?ā€Ā 

Sarasin opened his mouth to speak, ā€œBy now, heā€™s in Cerezia.ā€ Sarasin turned to Favio, who had beaten him to the punch. ā€œArenā€™t you the head of intelligence? Why donā€™t you know whatā€™s happening?ā€Ā 

ā€œ...Because I wasnā€™t informed. Iā€™ve been away, performing other tasks and leaving trusted subordinates to handle things. I suppose that I should have seen this coming with everything I know nowā€¦ Remember, donā€™t tell anyone I was here.ā€ Jeremiah turned, and walked out the door.Ā 

ā€œWait!ā€ Sarasin shouted, ā€œOne last question.ā€

Jeremiah stopped himself, but didnā€™t turn to face Sarasin. ā€œIā€™ll thank your assistance with a simple yes or no. No more, no less.ā€Ā 

ā€œThis rider. The possibility was aired that she could be Lufirian Royalty. Is that possible?ā€Ā 

There was a long pause. The question permeated throughout the room. The dark haired man looked over his shoulder, ā€œ...Yes.ā€ Jeremiah took off, leaving Sarasin and Favio behind.Ā 

Favio and Sarasin both turned to one another, and Sarasin fixed his crooked glasses. ā€œ...Fuck.ā€Ā 

Jeremiah hurried to his horse outside. His mind was racing. None of this made any sense. Theyā€™d been so careful, theyā€™d prepared contingencies, and they knew the risks, but for this to have happened now was against any sort of plan that theyā€™d crafted. This went against everything. The Asteria hadnā€™t even performed their mission in Hecatia yet, Lucille was just supposed to be checking on the Axios mission figuring out what theyā€™ve learned, and whether the contingency would work if it was necessary. He didnā€™t even know if it really was the Princess.Ā 

Everything was lining up so unfavorably that there was only one conclusion that could be drawn, and yet, that conclusion was so implausibly far-fetched that it was comical. Only the upper echelons of those loyal to the crown, and Lufiria were given the specifics of the mission. The soldiers handpicked, and told to adhere to secrecy of the highest order. There had to be a mole, a traitor within the mission, but they would have needed information from the highest levels of the government. Because the timing couldnā€™t have been more perfect. The Princess wasnā€™t even supposed to be presentā€“it was an unannounced visit that only a select few knew. Everything lined up perfectly, and there was little way of wiggling their way out of it. If the princess was the thief, she definitely realized it; that theyā€™d been betrayed and she did the only thing she could do in the situation.Ā 

ā€œThings are moving far too fast for this to be a cosmic coincidenceā€¦ Damn it. Someone must have found out, and paid off some of the soldiers. But even thenā€¦ what are they after? Surely, they know that this willā€¦ No, none of that makes sense. There is a reason that this was doneā€¦ but what is it?ā€ Jeremiah shook his head, and quickly mounted the lone horse outside of the estate. The Asteria had to know what was going on by now, and were hopefully either with, or enroute to Lucilleā€™s location. He had to do his part as well now; finding Versaris and acquiring the information that he had, and finding a way to warn Lufiria as to what had happened, if Lucille hadnā€™t found a way to do so herself. ā€œ...I hope that letter has reached Rena by now.ā€Ā 

He was still well behind, but by his estimate, he was only a week or so behind the group, and no closer to finding the thief. No, calling her thief was inaccurate, Lucille was anything but a thief and honestly, she was the only person capable of doing this. He had to hurry. With any luck, Lucille may have crossed paths with any of the intelligence operatives based in Cerezia. Judging by the movements of the knights, if it was her--and it almost surely was--she was still in Hecatia somewhere. If not, he'd still be in better shape if he checked in there.

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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