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How can I bring my level up?

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I have to add a question to this..

How can you edit the title under your avatar?

I can't see any option for it..

Can you only change it once you reach the "Hatchling" group?

And also, when do I get rid of the assy Newbie title? 50 posts?

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You can change your member title once you have 250 posts. The option will appear in the My Controls > Edit Profile Information section, right at the top.

Okay thanks.

Can you list all groups, posts needed?

And all "default titles" (like Newbie is mine now), and posts needed?

Please? Thanks.

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Posts Group (Rank)				Benefits
-50   Egg (Pre-Newbie)			N/A
0	 Egg (Newbie)				N/A
50	Egg (Member)				N/A
250   Hatchling (Advanced Member) Can change own topic title/description, and change member title
750   Nestling (Advanced Member)  N/A
1500  Heron (Veteran)			 Can open/close own topics, avoid flood control and post HTML

Edited by VincentASM
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The "Pre-Newbie" thing was a joke. You can only get that rank if I "award" somebody a negative postcount.

When posting HTML you can do anything that can be done with HTML. With this answer, I'm assuming you know what HTML is.

If you don't know, HTML is the standard script language that makes up most webpages. The most obvious uses of HTML are to link to embedded web objects (eg. Youtube videos) or post tables, etc.

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The "Pre-Newbie" thing was a joke. You can only get that rank if I "award" somebody a negative postcount.

When posting HTML you can do anything that can be done with HTML. With this answer, I'm assuming you know what HTML is.

If you don't know, HTML is the standard script language that makes up most webpages. The most obvious uses of HTML are to link to embedded web objects (eg. Youtube videos) or post tables, etc.

Ah right. I knew what HTML was, since we used at school to build a website, but I didn't what "new" you could do with it.

Well, thanks then ^^.

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I would assume that HTML would be intended only for more intricate presentations of text. For example, one would be able to use horizontal rules or tables with HTML; one is not able to use the aforementioned text formatting options, or others, with the code normally available. One can post links or images using BBCode tags, but an image cannot be given an alternative title description unless one is permitted to use HTML.

Keep in mind that this is an assumption on my part; I am not a staff member, nor did I take any part in the decision to allow members to post HTML, so it is possible that my post is inaccurate.

Edit (28.04.2008):

VincentASM, it appears that I am able to use HTML in my posts. I feel safe assuming that this is an error or oversight in the way the privilege is granted because I do not meet the stated requirements for the ability to use HTML. I do not have the rights of a Hatchling or Heron so it seems that only the privilege to use HTML has slipped through the cracks.

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Hmm, no clue what's up.

I disabled HTML posting on all forums in the meantime. I'm in no hurry to renable it, since I don't see much use for it for most posters ^^;;;

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Hmm, no clue what's up.

I disabled HTML posting on all forums in the meantime. I'm in no hurry to renable it, since I don't see much use for it for most posters ^^;;;

Why disable it? If someone has the savvy to use it, don't restrict their creativity. Not like it can be used for to much evil.

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