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I'm actually quite surprised...


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At how many people took my personal opinions towards Lyle's decision as a personal attack. Really, though me and Lyle aren't sworn enemies, and I don't go around looking for posts of his to disagree with and debate on. Same goes for anyone else, I don't hold grudges.

You can be in the heat of a debate one minute and talk to me elsewhere the next and things will be as if it never happened. Hell me and Lyle were talking like normal two minutes after.

Too many people take things to a personal level, and see any kind of disagreement as if it's some kind of attack on someone. It's not though. I can't tell ANYONE how to run their lives, I can however disagree with something they do and then state why. I think some people out there use these kinds of disagreements to lash out at people they don't like.

Lyle and I BOTH think that some people just wanted an excuse to lash out at people you don't like, which is pointless.

I said it a MILLION times. I am not going to hate you over a disagreement, or several disagreements. I don't hold grudges, so why people have this impression that I'm "out to get someone," is beyond me.

The problem isn't my posts always being serious or having my opinion stated, the problem is people over react to them, and point the finger at me or someone else, or whoever. You're ALL entitled to your opinions, just because I state mine doesn't mean I expect you to follow it. It's just my two cents.

This topic isn't about me in general though, it's mostly about how people jump the gun.

If you don't like someone's opinion, you DO have the option to NOT RESPOND TO IT. When you respond you accept that you can get a response back. If you don't respond, chances are you won't get a follow up, at least not from me you won't. If no one responds, I say nothing.

Also this idea that I never hold my tongue isn't true, as I have SEVERAL opinions I keep to myself, because they aren't relevant to any conversation. I only state something if the subject is brought up as should the rest of us.

The point is that I mean no harm, and people need to stop assuming things. I ask all of you, how well do any of you know me? I know a good deal about a lot of you through speaking, but none of you really know anything about me.

Lyle, I know where you live, how old you are, what you do for fun, what your views on life, politics and other things are.

MaSu, I know you love your little sister, and what kind of place you're growing up in, and your philosophy on the opposite sex and other things.

ZXValaRevan, I even know your first name, and I was one of the first few people on Serenes Forest besides members from FEU to realize that you were a guy.

The point is I know a LOT of you pretty well, so I have somewhat of an understanding of how you think about stuff.

The question is, what do all of you really know about me?

Do any of you know what I look like? What my favorite food is? What my favorite anime is? Hell no one here even knows my REAL gender except Bizz. So I ask, if your going to make statements about my life, or assume things about it, how's about you know a little first?

I know Lyle pretty well, so I formulate an opinion based on what I know, and I say nothing about what I do not.

If it's an opinion on what someone says, then I don't need to know you to know what you said, and what I think about it.

If you WANT to judge me, judge what I say, because it's the only thing you have to go on. I saw a lot of posts along the lines of, "Oh you are a killjoy," or, "perhaps you're of a bad upbringing..." These aren't the exact words, but they were along those lines, but you get the point. I even got some nasty PMs from SEVERAL members stating that I was brought up by bad people, and thus I am a bad person. Some of them said that I like hurting people because people hurt me in my past.

No one knows about my past.

I honestly love everyone that speaks to me, even if I don't always agree, even if I sometimes come off as I am intentionally trying to argue with you, because I'm not. I love all of you, and no matter how many times I disagree with you, I shall never hold a grudge on you. I don't think ANYONE is capable of doing anything serious enough to do that. I value my values and morals MORE than popularity. I don't care if something I say makes me have a lowered popularity, if I believe it needs to be said, it shall.

You all are friends, even those of you who probably hate my guts, and existence. I love all of you, and no matter how much you think you've angered me, you really haven't.

Holding grudges gets no one anywhere, and just makes future disagreements much more irrelevant. Go ahead disagree with me, I will NOT make it a mission to personally attack you. However I hope that at the same time you will not personally attack me.

Love is the key to a community, and part of that love is knowing that you can disagree and still be there for each other.

I love this community, I love the members, I don't always love their ideas. I'm human like the rest of us, and although I seem like an android to some people, I do enjoy jokes, and I admit I do need to work on being able to joke around a little more, but it's not like I don't catch what's a joke and what isn't. I don't take things SO literal.

I mean if someone makes a topic like, "this topic is lulz." and I post saying it's pointless, it doesn't mean I didn't get the joke, it just means I didn't find it funny, and at the same time the topic doesn't need to be there.

I hope a lot of this clarifies some of the things that people have seen.

Edit: Just in case I see some, "tl;dr" comments, please don't post if you're not going to read...

Edited by Cynthia
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Yey. I'm good at guessing and figuring out things about people though, so I may know more than you think. ;)

Also guys, just so you know, if you don't respond to a point I make, I'll take it as you conceding the point, which means I WIN! :P

MASSSSSSSSSIVE EDIT: Wait, you got PMs saying that you had a bad upbringing or that you hurt people because other people had hurt you? Lawl. That's significantly more than one and a half laughs. :D

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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Yey. I'm good at guessing and figuring out things about people though, so I may know more than you think. ;)

Also guys, just so you know, if you don't respond to a point I make, I'll take it as you conceding the point, which means I WIN! :P

Well remember, "assuming makes an ass of you and me."

To each his own though.

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Hey, I agree with you, I like science and logic but the fact is that people are still stupid enough to see you as an asshole for using it.

I see what you're saying...


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its a natural human instinct to get on the defensive when told that they can improve on something. (it is for me anyway...) but that didnt make my argument against you just...and for that, cynthia i am sorry.

Edited by Return Of Gatling
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I kind of stopped reading once you drifted into talking about how no one knows you.

Point out where I said "No one," likes me? I never said that. I merely said some people do not like me, but I'm certainly not upset with them, if you read the entire thing. I don't expect everyone to like me, so it's safe to assume there are people who don't like me.

Secondly, read the edit at the bottom, which states don't post if you didn't read it.

Edited by Cynthia
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Hey dude, remember doctrine:

If it feels good, it's probably a sin. :P

Okay I'll stop going to church then cause that feels good and I don't like sinning. Just kidding, I don't go to church anyway.

I'm glad Lyle and Cynthia are friends though.

That makes it all better. Now we can focus on other things.

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I think you misread Meteor's post.

He's also just as entitled to say he didn't read the post as you are to note that you find a topic to be pointless, assuming he doesn't do so in a disruptive manner.

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the fuck is up with people today all you need to do is penis and coffee then you win now its time to sleep I hope

Edited by Lambo
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I think you misread Meteor's post.

He's also just as entitled to say he didn't read the post as you are to note that you find a topic to be pointless, assuming he doesn't do so in a disruptive manner.

This is true, however I was stating it'd be wiser and preferred if he read the entire thing before making a statement.

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I do try to open up and have a sense of humor online, but I'm just not funny when I try, and people stop taking me seriously if I do it because my humor is rather poor...
I could give you some lessons if you're interested. Remember, a community of love :D

(I swear if that Purple Dinosaur shows up it's on!)

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I do try to open up and have a sense of humor online, but I'm just not funny when I try, and people stop taking me seriously if I do it because my humor is rather poor...

Don't worry Cynthia, not everybody wins at humor. You're good at other things.

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