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Any Three Houses Run Ideas to Stream?

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Anyone have ideas for a fun Three Houses (completely limitless) run to stream? I streamed so many Three Houses iron man runs, was maybe thinking of a PMU, but idk, I'm trying to find ways to make this next run as creative as possible 💀 Just super memed out run that would be fun to watch lol. Not a for sure thing whether I will stream it soon since we just came off of Three Hopes and I even said I was taking a break from Three Houses, so it depends. But I would like to garner ideas to make this next run as entertaining as possible. Some can be just aesthetic changes to just makes the run feel unique and funner to watch so don't be afraid to give ideas for things like that too!! For example, I may turn music off and put my own playlist to give a different vibe to the run, since I'm tired of hearing the same music on stream after all the runs I did haha


Edited by TheChoZenOne
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Three Housesless challenge. It's the one where you play a different game instead. Think you can handle that?

Make everyone fortress knights.

Alternatively, if you want a run that could possibly be any fun at all for anybody: Three Houses but the units are only allowed to use and learn their banes, as well as promote to classes that have at least one of their banes as a requirement. If the unit has no weapon or unit type banes, I would allow one neutral rank of choice. No boons or budding talents under any circumstances.

Yes, this means the only units that get to use battalions are the ones who have an authority bane. We call it the Teach Pushes Everyone Out Of Their Comfort Zones challenge. Have fun.

Also use Hanneman

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Commoners Only--Show those Nobles!

You can only use the following characters: Byleth, Dorothea, Petra, Dedue, Mercedes, Ashe, Raphael, Ignatz, Leonie, Cyril, Yuri, and Hapi. Also no Crest relics or signs.

Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Three Housesless challenge. It's the one where you play a different game instead. Think you can handle that?

Make everyone fortress knights.

Alternatively, if you want a run that could possibly be any fun at all for anybody: Three Houses but the units are only allowed to use and learn their banes, as well as promote to classes that have at least one of their banes as a requirement. If the unit has no weapon or unit type banes, I would allow one neutral rank of choice. No boons or budding talents under any circumstances.

Yes, this means the only units that get to use battalions are the ones who have an authority bane. We call it the Teach Pushes Everyone Out Of Their Comfort Zones challenge. Have fun.

Also use Hanneman


10 hours ago, Morgan--Grandmaster said:

Commoners Only--Show those Nobles!

You can only use the following characters: Byleth, Dorothea, Petra, Dedue, Mercedes, Ashe, Raphael, Ignatz, Leonie, Cyril, Yuri, and Hapi. Also no Crest relics or signs.


9 hours ago, Palasid said:

You COULD do a no magic run. No casting reason or faith spells. That might be a little extreme though.

Okay so here is what I have compiled from everyone's suggestions on here and from the discord suggestions that I got. I tried to incorporate as many silly things as I can from as many people's suggestions as I can 💀


- Everyones uses bane skill (a few necessary exceptions, you'll see why 👀)

- Maddening with Divine Pulse or Hard with no DP

- Hapi is set to auto play every turn. PROTECT HER AT ALL COSTS

- No aux battles allowed (if maddening, no gold battles allowed)

- Golden Deer Route cuz memes

- Limited Deployment for certain battles (still thinking on how to do this exactly)

- No shopping, use only weapons you have in convoy/Shopping is limited maybe?

- No healing. Every attack counts!! Only healing items allowed maybe?

- Limited inventory.

- No flying

No music lol (I will obviously play my playlist to make the run have specialized "epic" music that perfectly fits for a run like this. The most "epic" of songs will play for our map bgm's)

My units. I tried to pick some I barely used in the past:

Cyril (Warlock)

Bernadetta (Fortress Knight or Dancer)

Lindhart (warrior)

Caspar (Sniper)

Claude (Bishop)

Byleth (Dismounted Falcon Knight)

Annette (sniper)

Ingrid (sniper) or Ashe (Warlock) (Not sure which of these two I'm picking)

Mercedes (Brawling allowed cuz of THAT meme 😏)

Hapi (Fortress knight but fights with Brawling cuz why not. Maybe dancer since it will defeat the point since shes on auto play, but maybe her dodge rate can balance the gimmick 💀 Still deciding what to go for)

Constance (Warrior)

Hanneman (War Master for Ruben)


There may be some changes by the time I start if you guys have any more ideas to share, or if there's any suggestions you have to add for the ones I listed to alter, let me know!!

Edited by TheChoZenOne
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