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Our real first look at the new Mario movie soon


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Bold move hyping up a trailer two weeks in advance. Nintendo Directs get, what, 24 hours of warning?ย The last news we've got on this project was Nintendo buying its own film studio. And that implies to meย they're committed to doing more movies, but couldn't bare working on a project quite like this one ever again. But for what it's worth I hope this movie is good. Because I kind of just want the idea of "video game movie = bad" to die off already. Like how the reputation of comic book movies did a total 180 after Sam Raimi's spider-man and in the years since we've seen masterful artworks derived from the freaking Guardians of the Galaxy. No video game I've seen is weirder than that, so you can make a good movie out of any of them.

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5 hours ago, Emotional Support Himbo said:

Can't wait to see how low the ratings for the movie are gonna be, because chances are this movie is going to be god awful

I do hope the movie is actually good, mainly because I am sick and tired of all these bad video game films. Warcraft was the first one to at least come across as having been made by people who wanted to make a good film; the films before it didn't even do that much. It wasn't until Detective Pikachu that we finally got a video game movie that managed to be good, and even then, people were pointing out that Detective Pikachu would likely continue to be an outlier since the Pokemon Company is a multimedia company that already made an anime and multiple direct-to-video animated movies, so they knew what to do when it came to having a theatrical adaptation of one of their games made, and those predictions turned out to be true; Detective Pikachu is still an outlier.

Not only that, but it was the terrible firstย Mario movie, combined with the bad 90s cartoons, that made Nintendo give up on the idea of adaptions for two decades. One bad adaptation will send Nintendo right back into not wanting any adaptations of their games made. We already saw a bit of this several years ago when Netflix made a deal with Nintendo to make a live-action Zelda show. Nintendo and Netflix wrote up a contract for the show, and then Netflix immediately went behind Nintendo's back and breached the contract, leading to Nintendo cancelling the project. For this Mario movie, Nintendo's been repeatedly insisting that they've been looking over Illumination's shoulder the whole time, and I'm inclined to believe them simply because of how wary Nintendo has been when it comes to adaptations. So, they're still clearly wary about stuff like this. If this goes badly, I don't see Nintendo as willing to try again with any of their franchises anytime soon.

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I hope it turnsย out to be good, simply because I want to be able to enjoy a good Mario movie. The fact Foreman Spike will apparently be in it intrigues me, as it makes me wonder if this is going to be an origins story like I've pitched before. Jack Black as Bowser and Kevin Michael Richardson as Kamek are particularly curious choices, as is the fact Martinet won't be the main voice of Mario in the film.

Edited by Lord_Brand
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Finally. I'm glad we're going to get something tangible after a year. I'm indifferent to Illumination (I liked Despicable Me and have a soft spot for the Sing films for being solid family night movies, and don't really care for anything else), so I'm not expecting aย masterpiece. I just hope it's a fun family film at the end of the day.

What I doย find more interesting is that Nintendo acquired Dynamo Picturesย back in July and renamed it to "Nintendo Pictures". Dynamo Pictures were people that did the Pikmin shorts, and they've done a lot of CG work and motion capture for other movies and games, including Death Stranding and Persona 5, and even did post-production on Metroid: Other M. I am incredibly curious if Nintendo found the process of making the Mario Movie to be fun or lucrative and decided it would be a good idea to make more in-house. It will probably be a year or two before we see anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo games get a animation boost and we start seeing more movies or TV shows based on Nintendo properties in the future.

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4 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

It will probably be a year or two before we see anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo games get an animation boost and we start seeing more movies or TV shows based on Nintendo properties in the future.

If that's the case, then I hope it's mainly TV shows. The only remaining Nintendo franchisesย I can really see being adapted well into a movie would be Metroid and Kid Icarus. The rest would probably be a lot better as TV shows, especially in the case of The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem.

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I remember one of the many leaks flying around before the Nintendo revealed the September direct was thatย a Star Fox game would be revealed with a tie-in TV show. While I'm not placingย bets for that to happen anytime soon, I can see that being a possibility in theย future. Star Fox is already divided into levels that could translate well into episodes, and lettingย allies and enemies banter and bicker outside of combat could be something a show could accomplish better than a game. Heck, the animation promoting Star Fox Zero already showed that suchย a template could work well.

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3 hours ago, Lord_Brand said:

A Zelda anime could be fun, though I wouldn't undersell the potential of a Zelda film either. Kirby's got potential for a new animated series or film as well.

I suppose. I just think that the format of Zelda stories would much better fit a TV show than a movie.

I suppose a Kirby movie would work, and I think the original Kirby show was generally well-received.

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1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

I suppose. I just think that the format of Zelda stories would much better fit a TV show than a movie.

No denying, the more lengthy adventure feel of Zelda lends itself well to an episodic format, hence my own idea for a Zelda anime. But they could have films set in the same world as the TV series.

1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

I suppose a Kirby movie would work, and I think the original Kirby show was generally well-received.

You could probably adapt a lot of Kirby games into films. Though I imagine we're talking original stories rather than adaptations?

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3 hours ago, Lord_Brand said:

No denying, the more lengthy adventure feel of Zelda lends itself well to an episodic format, hence my own idea for a Zelda anime. But they could have films set in the same world as the TV series.

You could probably adapt a lot of Kirby games into films. Though I imagine we're talking original stories rather than adaptations?

True; they could have films set in the same world as the TV series. If they made a Zelda anime, I could see them making a Zelda anime movie, if only because I've watched and enjoyedย a few different anime films recently (The Last: Naruto the Movie, My Hero Academia: Two Heroes, and Jujutsu Kaisen 0).

Probably, but the only Kirby game I've played is the most recent one: The Forgotten Land, so I wouldn't know if directly adapting the story of a Kirby game would be better or worse than writing an original story.

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  • 2 weeks later...
25 minutes ago, Lord_Brand said:

We got a screenshot of the film already, at least!


One thing that gives me just a little bit more hope that the film will be good is that the screenshot looks very detailed, especially for Illumination given that Illumination's standard policyย is to make their films as cheaply as possible, and their films don't usually have much detail as a result.

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Apparently the Mario design leaked.


Regardless of how you feel about it personally (I think it looks alright), letโ€™s hold our breath for now until the trailer releases to see if itโ€™s real or not.

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16 hours ago, Lord_Brand said:

Well, I guess they wouldn't dare cut corners when asked to work on Nintendo's flagship IP.

Yeah. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo had it in contract that Illumination couldn't cut corners in any way, shape or form.

Nintendo is really distrustful of people adapting their franchises (and for good reason, given the terrible Mario and Zelda cartoons in the 90s and the terrible live-action Mario movie) to the point where, for the longest time, they outright refused to let anyone createย any TV or film adaptations of them. And after they finally decided to try again, the first attempt was a Netflix-original live-action Zelda series, and that got cancelled by Nintendo after Netflix blatantly violated their contract.

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Now that the trailer is finally here:

The animation looks nice and there isn't much dialogue here yet but Jack Black's Bowser sounds surprisingly good. Chris Pratt basically sounds like himself with a slight imitation of Mario's usual voice, so we'll see where that goes.

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Looking good so far. It was a good call to start off the trailer with Bowser. The design and voice acting seems on point for the Koopa king so far.ย 

I haven't heard enough of Chris Prat to really have an opinion on his Mario yet. It seems we'll be seeing Mario's origin story here which was kinda expected.ย 

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I will say that this looked surprisingly good, and I'm saying that as someone who was hoping it would be good.

Bowser's attack on the penguin kingdom was a good balance of comedy and seriousness that avoided the two tones clashing. The comedy coming from the penguins' best offense being snowballs and the king seeming to genuinely think that would be enough to hold off Bowser is funny and doesn't clash with the fact that the scene is Bowser utterly destroying the outer walls of the kingdom. And of course, Jack Black does a good job as the voice of Bowser; I honestly won't be surprised if it turns out that he steals every scene that he's in. I hope this is reflective of the overall comedy of the movie; that nothing clashes or ends up being jarring.

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On 9/23/2022 at 8:59 PM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Can't wait to see the same generic terrible soulless Illumination-style animation for every character.

*SpongeBob "I...am a man!" GIF* I was definitely wrong and I'm SO HAPPY to be wrong. Based on that teaser trailer, the animation and the visuals look very good. Bowser's voice, Kamek's voice, and Toad's voice are all great. I'm not quite sold on Mario's voice yet but we've only heard, like, two words, so. The trailer shows a lot of promise, I hope the full movie is as good as the trailer.

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