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Skills for Lunatic


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I want ask some question. I haven't play Fire Emblem Awakening for a while. Now I want start play Lunatic mode. I have tried before, but I mostly give up on the first chapter.

So my question are, what is a must have skills for Lunatic, maybe Lunatic+ if i ever beat the lunatic mode. Of course i have DLC.

I have other 2 question too.

I plan make female MU and let her married Chrom. what asset and flaw I should use for lunatic?

And last question is, if i want have the 2. generation children, can i pair my favorite couple or i have to pay attention for their stats and skills?

for example, i like Lissa and Lon'qu, but i heard Owain stats and skills aren't very good. Since i only play hard i feel, he was strong.

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2 hours ago, Thunderschock said:

for example, i like Lissa and Lon'qu, but i heard Owain stats and skills aren't very good. Since i only play hard i feel, he was strong.

The thing is, thanks to Lissa's influence, Owain is most likely gonna be magically inclined. This means to get the best out of him, you'll want him to have a magic father.

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In general, +Spd / -Skl is considered "optimal" for Robin.  You'll get lots of Hit bonuses from Support & Pair-Up bonuses eventually, so if you can survive past the first few chapters by just lucking out, the skill flaw will even out.  (It will make for a kind of crappy Morgan, but oh well.)  Getting doubled is extremely horrible so +Spd is always handy.  You can also consider -Lck as a flaw if you don't mind rolling the dice on unlucky critical deaths early, but a Lck flaw will also mildly hurt your Strength & Magic as well.

I wouldn't worry too much about kid eugenics.  If you want to go deep into the postgame DLC, the kids are very strong.  But you probably don't need hyper-optimized kids if you just want to beat Grima and call it a day, and even in the postgame, you can generally make most combinations work.  The main thing to note is that certain skills are class / gender-locked, so if you want kids to get those, you'll need to arrange that first.  Most notably, Galeforce is locked to Dark Flier, so if you want Galeforce on the likes of Inigo, you need to grind up a Dark Flier Olivia first.  It's probably not worth it!  But it's there and something to keep in mind.  (Same with M!Morgan and the likes.)

Most of the notably good skills are the late L15 promoted ones.  Galeforce, Weaponfaires, Weaponbreakers (especially Tomebreaker).  For notable early skills...  if you have the DLC, the free DLC map vs. Marth grants the +2 to all stats skill every time you beat it, which is excellent (it's the equivalent of +4 levels).  There's also Armsthrift which is a complete garbage skill in the maingame, but can be handy in the very lategame or postgame once Lck creeps high enough as a way to get much more use out of a hyper-forged weapon.  That said, it's really Galeforce that defines the "optimal" Lunatic experience, especially Lunatic+.  It lets a pair of fliers bounce across the map and assassinate the boss by potentially taking 3 turns in a single turn, rather than having to sweat surviving ninja reinforcements.

Owain is usually built as a magic swordsman with a Levin Sword or the like, yeah.  If you're worried about a kid being bad, just wait until recruiting them...  the longer you wait, the better their stats-on-join will be, and you can catch up their level in the DLC grind map.  (If you're doing a no-DLC run, this gets much dicier, because the Risen scale with your level on Lunatic - you won't have any safe grind maps for your lowbies.)

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+spd/-skl? Ok, i will use that,. Thank you for the answer.

Since I am using DLC skill, then i don't have worried about pairing. Ok, i got it. To be honest, I don't really care about Galeforce. If the mother like Olivia or father can pass it to the children, then i will pass it, If not, is also fine for me. Then can have other skills. At last I don't have look at the best children list.

Well i am not an expert playing lunatic. So best is to  put limit Break and All stats skills in their build, they should be fine. Or should i only use one of them and replace other skills?

ok, best grint the parents then get the children, I see. No, i will use DLC and the lv map. I forgot the name, what is called again. I don't think i will survive without DLC skills. At last i dont have worried using my favorite pairing.

One more question.

Hawkeye from the enemy. It says it will always hit the target. So event i have the breaker skill, they will hit me?


Thank you for the answer

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1 hour ago, Thunderschock said:

One more question.

Hawkeye from the enemy. It says it will always hit the target. So event i have the breaker skill, they will hit me?

In a word: yes. Hawkeye ensures that their attack will hit, short of a dual guard.

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15 hours ago, SnowFire said:

For notable early skills...  if you have the DLC, the free DLC map vs. Marth grants the +2 to all stats skill every time you beat it, which is excellent (it's the equivalent of +4 levels).

Isn't it the third one in that series that gives you that skill?

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