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Front page difficulties


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So, I have to ask what's going on with SF right now. For the last few weeks the search bar on the site had disappeared and while it bothered me somewhat, it was awkward trying to just use one word searches with it checking the newsfeed and the rest of site content so if that was why it had been taken down I kind of get it. However, SF has now lost the rest of the contents of the sidebar, which included links to articles throughout the site and others and sections for each game, which at least the latter does have a means of accessing from the bar at the top of the page but the rest do not. Is this as part of a wider change for the site or did something go wrong recently and these had to be taken down for that?

I understand if that's not going to be a priority at the minute with VincentASM currently away (which, I hope you're alright, especially with the infodump that just happened), but I felt I had to ask.

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Hey, thanks for letting us know. It seems like some of our settings got nuked during an automatic update... I think I've fixed it now, but if you don't mind, could you look again and let me know if you see the sidebar menus now?

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Looking right now, sorry, hasn't changed for me. Sidebar still missing the elements I've mentioned. I inspect elements and it does have the sidebar, but it indicates their dimensions include a 0 if that matters.

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Well, looks like the sidebar is functioning as before. Thank you very much.

I'm curious if the search bar was taken down for a reason, as I noted before it was missing before today and still is. Looking in the inspect function "advanced_menu-1" is absent and I'm assuming based on the order of things that was the search bar.

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It was initially broken when I looked before, but it seems like it's possible to add a widget for itย back now. I've done that now and it should show up eventually once the caches are invalidated, but it's not as though you had no way of accessing the search. You can just type /?s after the URL for nearly any wordpress-based site and use the built in search if it's not explicitly disabled.

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Thanks again Jyosua.

Well, it showed up on the home page once, then didn't again. I went and intentionally got a 404 error and found the full sidebar there, so it just seems like I'm just finding ways to eff up and stumble into answers anyway.

1 minute ago, Jyosua said:

You can just type /?s after the URL for nearly any wordpress-based site and use the built in search if it's not explicitly disabled.

add an = before the search item people, I didn't and was confused when it obviously didn't work.

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