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Ranking the emblems, because why not


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Hi all ! Okay, I think we've gotten to the point where our understanding of the game and the amount of information we have on each emblem is sufficient to attempt something like this.

This is just for fun and definitely spoiler-y, feel very free to ignore it. I'm going to stop at bond 10 because there's too much we don't know beyond that, and ignore skills only available through inheritance (or inheritance in general), but whoever wants to join in, obviously use the format you want.
Also note that I consider Engage less important than Disengaged, but that may not end up being too accurate in the game itself.

So ! Apparently you're supposed to post the list first, so, here.



Marth :


+++ Provides a Spd bonus early on, when it's presumably the most useful. Also gives Str.
+ Perceptive makes attacking enemies one cannot break a bit safer.
+ Break defenses is a good, easy to apply damage boost.
- Unyielding is very situational and likely won't help all that much.
++ Both the Rapier and the Mercurius are excellent engage weapons. The Rapier for its dual effectiveness and +20 Avo, and the Mercurius for its high Mt and x2 exp bonus.
++ Divine Speed is a straight up constant damage boost.
+ While only single target, Lodestar Rush is a solid, safe kill confirm.

Celica :


++ A rare source of +Mag, but also provides +Str.
++ Favorite Food allows you to change the bento item(obtained by cooking) into an engage refill, at will. And that's extremely good. The only reason its not rated higher is because the bento may or may not be farmable.
+ Resonance is straight up a good trade. Unlike magic in Echoes it's also unlikely you'll get killed for using it, most of the time.
- Holy stance seems exceedingly situational.
++++ Warp Ragnarok allows you to cheat, plain and simple. Now I feel it won't OHKO nearly as much on higher difficulties, multi lifebar bosses means it won't 1 turn chapters on its own, and the user has to survive whatever's coming for them afterwards, but regardless, this is an incredibly strong tool to have.
++ Echo is simply a great option that will probably be at its most useful against multi lifebar foes.
+ Seraphim is a bit specific, but it's also the only access to magic damage most units will likely have for a while. Recover is just nice to have on hand.

Sigurd :


+++ Provides +Mov, no much more needs to be said. +Bld and Def is nice as well, though.
+++ Canter is an extremely flexible skill that basically everyone wants.
++ Momentum is a great, easy to use damage boost.
+ If you can bait freeze staff charges with Headlong Rush, it's pretty good. Otherwise, not so much.
+++ Let's casually give +5 move to people, why not.
++ Ridersbane is okay. Brave Lance this early(and stronger than the regular version at that) seems quite busted.
++ Override is both specific and really good when it works. Also unlike other Engage attacks, it seems that it can crit, which is potentially very exploitable. Either way, even only for positioning it's excellent.

Leif :


+++ Vantage has always been one of the best skills in FE, I don't see much of a reason it'd be any different here.
++ Arms shield is a pretty strong defensive boost, especially when coupled with Adapt.
+ Leif seems to primarily give Bld as a stat bonus. While to our knowledge giving Spd would accomplish the same and more, it's still a niche others don't provide.
-- No third skill to our knowledge.
+++ Adapt is obviously very good, and arguably makes Leif the best enemy phase emblem by default, when engaged at the very least. Adapting to the triangle is one thing, but to range as well? Yeah, that's just good.
++ Killer Axe and Master Lance is a solid selection, Master Lance especially so.
+ Tetra trick is a single target kill confirm. That's fine.

Roy :


++ Hold out is very exploitable both offensively and defensively.
++ Advance is basically +1 Mov. You need a target however, and can only use it to attack in melee range. That being said it likely ignores terrain.
+ Roy seems to primarily provide HP and Str as stat bonuses, which is fine but not game changing.
-- No third skill to our knowledge.
++ Rise above is a very potent stat boost that is easy to underestimate.
++ Blazing Lion can potentially kill more than one target in a single action, which is a rare commodity in FE. The flame terrain effect might not be very helpful however.
+ Roy's engage weaponry is only okay. Lancereaver is mediocre, and Wyrmslayer is good at what it does, but not much else. This might change with the Sword of Seals, but for now, 'tis what it is.

Lyn :


++ Predictably, Lyn gives speed, and likely more than Marth.
++ Speedtaker, if it works the same as it does in Fates, is a very strong skill with ... dlc balancing.
++ Desperation's inner workings aren't clear yet, but it doesn't seem to be tied to low HP this time around. Either way, it's a strong effect.
-- No third skill.
+++? It's is unclear whether or not we get to control Lyn's clones or if they just walk alongside her(if it's the former, make this ++++). Regardless, free meatshields are and will always be completely busted. This ability is ridiculous even before taking the chain attack properties (which we now know will deal 10% of the foe's  HP each) into account.
+++ See all those emblems with 1 range kill confirms ? Lyn gets a 10 range one.
++ Weapon selection is difficult to asses as we have not seen the second one in action yet(outside of clones, which may use a different version). But if it is the Mani Katti, that's really good, and the Killer bow isn't bad either.

Eirika :


++++ Free 100% activation Sol is insane and I don't understand why they did that. Only thing worse would be 100% Luna in the same skill, am I right?
+? It is currently unclear what the second skill does. Considering it has a Sol/Luna visual, I'll assume it's not terrible.
+ Eirika's stat boosts don't actually seem very good(Lck and Dex), but we haven't seen if she gives Bld or not.
-- No third skill to our knowledge.
++ If your normal state is having Sol all the time, having Luna on top of it is definitely nice, but, you're already broken to begin with, so this is a bit hard to rate. This definitely makes this emblem even more of an enemy phase sweeper, if you can avoid breaks.
+? The twin weapons skill does something to every ally on the map. What that is, I unfortunately don't know, but map-wide skills are rarely bad.
+? Weapon selection is incomplete, we've only seen the Rapier, which is good but doesn't have Marth's 20 Avo.

Ike :


++ The +5 Def and Res under 75% HP is super nice, and will likely make already tanky units very difficult to take down.
++ Ike seems to boost HP, Str and Def from the get-go. That's pretty good.
+? It is completely unknown what his second skill does, or if he has a third one.
+++ His halving damage but 0 Avoid skill is interesting. Obviously, it is an incredibly busted effect when taken at face value. At the same time, the primary way to avoid breaks is probably going to stack avoid. Furthermore, this skill forces this very polarizing effect on you the moment you engage it seems. Regardless, I mean, this is still ridiculous, and certain weapon types likely won't have to worry that much about breaks, so, yeah.
+++ Radiant Aether definitely seems very strong, if not a bit brain-dead considering how bulky the rest of Ike's kit will make the user. Basically a "send Ike at a group and watch it die" kind of ability, on paper anyway.
+? Engage weaponry is also incomplete. The hammer provides Smash and very potent armor effectiveness, but it's a bit specific for a first engage weapon.

Micaiah :
4.5/5? (but if she can aoe warp... yeah.)


++ Giving staff access to anyone is definitely extremely good, considering how few classes get them and how many options they give you even at low magic. If this skill can level up and grant better staff rank then C, add one +
+ Micaiah's stat boosts do not seem very good at bond 1 (+1 Mag, +2 Lck, +2 Res), but Mag is rare, so there's at least that.
+ Healing light is fine, especially when you have Great sacrifice on your kit.
+? Silence Ward is quite dependent on how prevalent silence is. It could actually be pretty good.
++++ Great sacrifice is absurd. You could have an unit doing just that for the entire game while safely moving to unused gauge refill tiles, and that'd still be amazing utility.
+++ Warp has 5 range. Micaiah's warp has 10, I think that's self-explanatory. That's not all either, since it makes staves aoes, we already know of ridiculous applications, but, imagine for a second if that applies to Warp, or Rewarp. I won't assume that it does, though.
+++ ... oh and also she gives Nosferatu. Shine is unremarkable, but that's kinda fine when that's taken into account.

Lucina :


+ Giving chain attack to every class type is neat, especially those with better range options than backup classes usually get. The reason it's good however, is the next skill.
+++ "Distant" chain attack is great. It's a constant damage bonus for everyone in a really wide range.
++ Contrary to what the recent Hortensia footage suggests, Lucina does not seem to give Str, HP or Def to our characters. She still gives Spd however, that's never bad.
? Unclear if she has a third skill or not.
++ Dual guard being limited to one attack still makes it pretty good, but it is worth mentioning that Qi adepts provide something somewhat similar, just for one attack period, not one attack per character. This is difficult to rate as a result.
+ All out attack I'd argue just isn't that special. It's another single target kill confirm, except it requires very specific team positioning to work. That being said, unlike the others of its kind, it can completely bypass defense stats because chain attacks get to do that. So it's potentially both the best and worst of those.
+? We don't know her second weapon either, but the Noble rapier isn't as strong as in Awakening it seems. Wait and see.

Corrin :


++++ So either Dragon veins is once per map and you can shave off two or three pluses, or this is another strong candidate for best synchro skill in the game. It has absurd utility on most unit types and lets you basically control everything. Most of its effects simply are that good.
++ Draconic Hex was very good in Fates and something tells me it's gonna be very good here as well
+? I don't think we know what Corrin's second skill does still
+ Stat bonuses (HP and Res) aren't too great.
+++ The ability to immobilize enemies in an aoe, as 3H taught us, is amazingly useful.
++ Aoe engage attack with actually useful terrain effect and slightly more advantageous range than Roy's(outside of Alear Roy's). Also applies all of Corrin's debuff effects. The only question mark being how good the forced Dragon Fang will be, and if forging eventually makes the other comparable skills better in comparison. It is also worth noting that it presumably cannot break as a result.
+ First engage weapon, just like Roy's, is pretty bad(worse arguably, as Roy can at least use it in his engage attack to aoe break), the second one should be a ranged sword, but depending on how accurate to Fates it is, it could also be pretty meh.



++? It is unclear what looks like Professer guidance does, but it seems to have considerable range.
++? Divine Pulse is very unclear as well at this point. I suppose it can be considered a massive boost to hit rate, but how massive, we don't know.
+ Byleth seems to primarily raise Lck, which isn't exactly awesome. We don't know enough in general, though.
++++ There is no question in my mind that the instant Byleth joins, every advanced strat will gravitate around Dance of the Goddess.
+++ Byleth's engage weapon selection looks to be considerably better than everyone else's, even though there's a lot we still don't know. it just seems to give very strong relics to almost eveyone from the get go, and notably good ol' Thyrsus.
+++ There's no sign of rally skills at this point, except from Byleth, and those are very strong effects in a very wide aoe. The only problem I have is that this and the previous point kinda cannibalize each other, as you usually won't be able to take advantage of both, and Byleth doesn't even buff himself.

Do you agree or disagree, like, comment and subscribe, etc

Have a nice day everyone.

Edited by Cysx
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S Tier

Sigurd - the degree of movement increase he offers is nuts, his movement-to-damage skill is potentially broken, and he has a solid multi-target skill. 

Byleth - multi-target dance, great weapon selection, rallies.

Corrin - lots of situational stage manipulation, but I think the Gambit is the thing that really sets her up here.

A Tier 

Marth - dodge tanking and damage. 

Eirika/Ephraim - lifesteal tanking and a strong damage increase.

Lyn - a strong player phase, single-target sweeper, but that seems to be all there is to her.

Micaiah is an emblem likely to be underappreciated by average players but massively exploited by advanced ones. She might be S tier in the right situations.

Lucina - I think her damage and support capabilities are both really high. She's an emblem you have to play around, but the reward is considerable.

Leif - weapon versatility, strong enemy phase, effective break immunity while engaged, and a solid kill confirm.

B Tier 

Ike - he'll definitely want specific characters (Diamante, Louis, Amber, Vander), but his enemy phase tanking should be solid, and his AoE has potential.

Celica - I think people are grossly overrating her based on Warp Ragnarok alone. She certainly has the potential to make plays, but mages aren't the ones who should be moving across the map. And the rest of her kit is situational/underwhelming.

C Tier 

Roy - His kit seems extremely underwhelming in general.

Three Houses leaders - uncontrolled Emblem swapping at start of turn is going to make them unreliable. Unless their mystery skills are truly broken, they're likely to be pretty subpar.

? Tier

Tiki - We don't know enough to even guess.

Edited by Fabulously Olivier
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Oh this is fun, and definitely interesting to look back on as the meta develops once the game releases!

I don't think any Emblem will be low-tier, because at the absolute worst you're getting at least one useful skill, stat boosts, and weapons, so here's my best guess considering the information we have thus far:





--Availability is playing a huge part here, but adding movement and build (which might as well just be speed in the early game) just by syncing has huge promise.
--+5 Movement when engaged as well as dealing more damage the further you move, repositioning, and getting even more movement with override seems huge.
--Effective weapon and brave weapon as first two engage weapons, as well as granting +Hit skills as inheritance? Reliability is the name of his game.

--Flexibility seems incredibly deep here, whether it's the weapons or rallies.
--Alright, and Dance of the Goddess is also going to be game-changing. Fully expecting this to be the final emblem, outside of that mysterious empty emblem gauge.

--Flexibility once again seems great, and dragon vein seems to be one of the best ways to deal with one of the most worrying elements for me, the mysterious terrain that give huge bonuses to enemy corrupted if memory serves.
--Torrential Roar and Dreadful Aura also seem great.
--Sword units have flexibility now on what they can break/be broken by.



--+Magic seems rare, also boosts strength, and units can inherit several magic- and attack-stacking skills, as well as instant engage via favorite food.
--Warp Ragnarok in a normal game would be absolutely busted, and it still might be, but enemies might have multiple health bars.
--Echo gains +10 Damage when engaged with a Mystical unit, which could allow for kills otherwise slightly out of reach.

--Grants staff rank, hopefully more as bond rank increases, and boosts magic.
--Source of multiple proficiencies and joins early.
--Staff expanded range is huge, especially for Warp.
--Grants Nosferatu and Silence Ward might be important.

--Boosts speed, steals speed, grants desperation, and gives multiple proficiencies.
--Engage attack from across the map, but I have a worry about the attack power calculation and it not being a confirmed kill.
--Unknown factor in how the shadow clones operate, so withholding further judgment on that.

--Stat spread seems to be meh, but technically boosts reliability (in a game with a turnwheel...)
--Damage boost seems significant in Luna, survivability in Sol, and engage attack being boosted by a mounted unit is looking good.
--Combining Luna and Sol on every attack? Might be the best pure damage emblem just for reliability and survivability that doesn't involve mobility.



--Combat seems like slightly worse Eirika, but he does boost speed and is available for almost(?) the whole game.
--Still boosting speed and damage early on is good, and Mystical units can use Lodestar rush to deal magic damage while getting closer to sword proficiency if they want.
--Pure combat, but has some avoid-boosting inheritance and I think some minor HP regeneration.

--Combat seems fine, and stat boosts might be really impactful, but maybe not, and guaranteed survival is nothing to sneeze at.
--Allows sword wielders to change the weapon triangle against lances, and potentially wield a 1-2 Range Engage Weapon in the Binding Blade.
--Inheritable Attack and Strength Boosting skills.
--Engage Attack can also remove the nasty enemy terrain.

--Defense boosts seem okay, and halving damage seems situational, but really not my style for what this game seems to be setting up.
--Don't know other engage weapons, but theoretically 1-2 Range Sword eventually and Axe Proficiency?
--Can tank, but the delayed Aether seems meh to me personally. Looks like it can kill though, and damage several enemies, so eh.
--I love Ike, but as an emblem is the one I'm looking forward to the least. Really hoping my opinion changes on him.



--Really looking forward to Leif more than most other emblems, but no real wow factor yet for me.
--Tetra-trick doesn't seem to deal enough for a guaranteed kill, but I guess a break is okay.
--Really like the synergy of vantage, swapping weapons, and boosting defenses with weapon advantage.
--Potential 1-2 Range Sword is nice, and possibly multiple weapon proficiencies.
--Might boost build which might as well be speed with some weapons.

--Really surprised to put her at the bottom; really thought it would be Ike.
--Chain Attack might be nice, but it's only ever an 80% chance to hit for 10% of foe's health.
--Chain Guard seems nice, so that's a plus, but not guaranteed unless using Qi Adept. If you rely solely on the chance, might be burning turnwheels.
--Engage Attack technically guarantees a kill, but the 80% worries me with all of the chain attacks, and also requires ball-of-deathing for maximum effect.


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It is really hard to judge now as so many different things are attached to emblems.

Just an example - Micaiaha and Marth looks like a "normal" emblems - some strong skills, but nothing that puts them in SSS++ tiers. However Marth provides 2 avo skills that you will be able to learn very early for 30+ avo and Micaiaha provides 40 avo on the engraved weapons. It is too early to judge the power of dodge tanking in Engage, but by normal standards easily available +70 avo as early as chapter 5-6 is busted.

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I'm most interested in inheritable skills since you get to keep those between reclassing and other emblem equips. They're tough to pick because you only get 2 on each unit. Here's the ones I'm most interested in grinding emblem supports just to get:


Canter (Sigurd) - Obviously want this on as many units as possible. Even mystics and qi adepts. Get in, break or blast something, free repositioning?

Favorite Food (Celica) - Depending on how easy packed lunches are to get, and how broken engaging is, this might be the most optimal skill in the game.

Advance (Roy) - This is pretty much +1 mov when attacking with melee, no? Hopefully it also works on diagonal squares.

Break Defenses (Marth) - 2nd or 3rd attack when breaking, seems especially good on slower units who won't get to double otherwise.

Momentum+ (Sigurd) - Base momentum seems fine, but if momentum+ is even 2 dmg per space moved, that becomes pretty common to stack 10 or more extra damage on attacks even from unmounted units.

Dual Assist and Dual Strike (Lucina) - The "within user's movable attack range" part of this seems nuts. Combined with Dual Strike on a cavalry or flier and you're rolling for chain attacks across like half the battlefield if I'm understanding this right. Sheer number of combats might make up for the 35% activation. This combo is also the only way to get chain attacks from mages I guess.

Resonance and Magic+ (Celica) - These seem mid on their own, but I could see equipping them together just to max out how big of a glass cannon nuke a mage can be.

Lance Power (Sigurd) and Sword Power (Roy) - A little boring but going up to +6 might is nice.

Resolve (Ike) - Not sure about the more defensive skills, but giving +5 def and res will let you make some units extremely tanky. 75% health isn't that hard a threshold to meet.

Hold Out (Roy) - Might be nice on a squishy unit just to ensure they can even take doubles from rogue fliers and such.

Avoid+ (Marth) - Tempted to put this on Diamant just to cancel out the hit bonus he gives enemies lol

Going by https://serenesforest.net/engage/pre-release/skills/ and not caring about DLC

I'm going to be passing around Sigurd, Celica, Marth and Roy like crazy

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