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I just happened to be shopping on ebay and found this F-15E Strike Eagle. Now the forum has it's own Fighter jet! We can use this to crush our enemies. Of course this is for self defense purposes. A staff is needed for maintenance and a flight crew. I'm only working part time as the pilot so several more are needed. To make sure our enemies don't know we have a fighter jet I suggest we keep this thing hidden in the secret hanger I just finished building. It has a retractable launching ramp right next to the introduction section so it might be alittle loud over there during take offs and landings. Lastly, don't put stupid decals on the jet. This is community property. How would you feel if your face was community property? Would you want decals on it? Yeah there's already a decal on it but it wouldn't scrap off. See what happens? Okay that's it. B)


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F-15? Is no match for superior FESSRian MiG. And how can it be a real Fighter Jet anyways without decals of scantily clad women?
I couldn't buy any MiGs cause Russia hates me for using their accent all the time.
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The Ghosts of Razgriz Emblem should go on there somewhere.
Ace Combat 5 rocked.

Tell ya what. Let's see if the Adms will let us start a Serene's Air Force. Then we can solve this decal issue, and incase some idiot wrecks the 15, we'll still have some back ups. I'm heading over to Russia to kiss some ass and see if I can't get them to give us that Su-37. There's only one Su-37 on Earth and we might get it if I can just brown nose enough to convince them.

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Okay I managed to get them to let me hop in the cockpit and I gotta tell ya, this thing is cool. They're working on some Su-35BM or something to replace the Su-35s so they won't need this soon and maybe I can get them to let us have it.

Also just curious. Is anyone getting a nitroplanes.com ad on the top of the page?

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Okay I managed to get them to let me hop in the cockpit and I gotta tell ya, this thing is cool. They're working on some Su-35BM or something to replace the Su-35s so they won't need this soon and maybe I can get them to let us have it.

Also just curious. Is anyone getting a nitroplanes.com ad on the top of the page?

I'm getting a Final Fantasy ad. XD

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Okay guys more good news! Russia wouldn't give me the MiGs or the Su-37 Flanker-F but they agreed to let me have the Schematics- Ugh! Schematics I hate that word. Did the Germans make that word? Anyway they gave me the Schematics to build these bad boys and now we just need a 1 trillion dollar grant from the US government and a work force and then Serene will have it's own Air Self Defense force composed of an F-15E, an Su-37, and about 30 or so MiGs. B)

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