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Reclassing / Promoting: Who? When? Into What?


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Here 's a reclassing and promoting thread. I haven't seen one anywhere.


You can tell us who you've promoted, when, and whether you waited for lv 20 or not.


You can also discuss reclassing options and how you went about it.


Personally, I'm on chapter 10, with lv 12-13 units, but I'm doing what I've always done in FE, waiting for lv 20 to promote. I've arena-spammed Leif to get a lot of proficiencies so my characters have a lot of reclassing options, but I don't know yet if I'm going to go for it. I'm starting to picture Jean as a sword user, to promote into a mage knight later on... Just an idea I'm toying with.


What are your plans, or what did you try, and did it work out or not?

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As far as I understand you should reclass ASAP

1)xp gain is based on internal level so 10/5 and 15 characters are getting the same amount of xp per action

2)Advanced class growth rates are same/higher than basic class growth rates

2)You could second seal advanced class to 1 again after reaching lvl 20 and do "infinite growth" - you don't miss any gains when promoting asap

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At first, I was tempted to do like you, waiting for level 20 etc. But as Scaramuccia said, it's better you promote as soon as possible. It's a bit counterthinking for FE veteran, but that's how it works here. Better growth as advanced class (but not so much), stats gain by promoting, and access to a skill at level 5 of that advanced class. Then, when you reach level 20, you can restart at level 1 with a second seal. No levels lost here.

For my part, I did some reclassing:


As everyone, I saw her magic growth stat, and wanted to try out that. Now she's a sage, with good magic and speed. Some level below Citrinne, my main magic, but still good! Now I wonder if I should reclass her as a Mage Knight. She would loose a bit on magic and resistance (and luck), but will gain on speed and strength (and build and movement). The Mage Knight skill could be nice, but moreover, I could pair her with an Emblem that give magic boost, but also physical weapon (Like Corrin or Eirika). But, she would not be so great in physical, so I'm wondering. Now, I pair her with Corrin, but I can't make much use of the Emblem's weapons.


I really really wanted to use her since the beginning, but she wasn't really great in Axe Armor. And I wanted a lance fighter. So I reclass her fast into Lance Fighter (my mistake. I should have change her into general then hallebardier). Since then, she's doing nice. Speed is okay, and defense too. I'm happy with her skill as a hallebardier. And she can carry S lance (but I think I will give them to Timerra). For now, she's paired with Leif, because.


At first, I follow the natural path for her. Archer and then sniper. She was doing good as a sniper, and I paired her with Sigurd, to benefit from canto (being safe after shooting arrows) and momentum (she can be a back liner with so much effect). Recently, I swap her into warrior. And that's really cool. I did loose a bit the skill of sniper (but she wasn't doing so much crit) but I gain way more! Now she's a backup, so she can chain attack everywhere. Especially since I give her a longbow 80% of the time. She gain build she really needed. She's doing very great now!


That's all the reclassing I made for the moment. But I love to reclass units to find good combination. Of course, not the royals, because their unique class are nice.

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Yeah promoting ASAP is the way tbh. It's definitely weird to do however it's just better in the long run. You can infinitely level by getting to 20 and second sealing back into the same class and advanced class growths are better than base class ones and you get a skill at level 5. There really is no downside. Also reclassing in base classes is also a waste since you are just forcing yourself to level up 10 levels to promote when you could just promote asap then reclass into an advanced class straight away, no issue.

As for what I did, I did wait until level 12-15 for some units mainly because at the time, I wasn't aware of the benefits of early promoting, however now that I do, when I go to maddening, I'll be early promoting lol. I haven't reclassed much at all because 1) money is hard to come by in this game and I'm not using Anna so my pockets have been dry and seals are expensive and 2) my units have been performing fine in their base classes (I'm mainly using the royals and their classes are some of the best in the game anyways so yeah). The only unit I did reclass with a second seal you get in chapter 14 I believe is Vander to Wyvern Knight which I then changed back to Paladin with another second seal you get in chapter 17 or 18 because he was performing even worse than when he was a Paladin lol.

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I've always promoted asap, the immediate stat gains just mean more to me. No change here, though I am mildly glad to see early promotion become objective best practice.

Earliest seals went to Celine (personal class), Louis (general) and Etie (axe bow knight). Etie has kinda dropped off my radar just because of the shrinking deployment slots.

Only unit I've reclassed is Anna to mage. Realized like an hour later I should've just waited a few more levels to promote then second seal oops.

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5 hours ago, dragonlordsd said:

According to the growth rate chart, Anna has the highest magic growth in the game. Not sure how she performs in practice, though.

I'm currently on chapter 22 on my maddening run. I kept Anna as a warrior. Using the radiant bow makes great use of her magic growth and you can forget it very early. Warriors are also the only bow back up unit. She honestly is my mvp. With the tiki ring she has over 70hp and 40% luck. So I'm rarely gold starved. That being said, I am curious how she would do as a mage. I just invested too much in non mage skills to do the switch >_<. 

Emblem rings I use often on her are tiki, 3 houses, ike, or roy.  

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So some changes I did:

Etie: warrior is the superior build imo. Backup from range and getting enough bulk to live a hit. She's a beast

Chloe: wyvern rider because I didn't need the stave utility and I find chloe can easily get strength screwed. So far not impressed. If I ever reset, will try her as a mage knight or royal knight.

Jade: bow knight. A bit of a mistake as bowknight with no movement skills are underwhelming. But jade out of her armor is generally a good idea. She might be better as a hero or swordmaster though.

Lapis: griffon rider. Wanted a dodge tank that was more mobile than yunaka and also she's the least interesting swordie. Don't regret it, she was pretty clutch in certain maps.

Anna: high priest. Make that luck max and get yourself a money farm with decent offense.

Vander: general or great knight. Have done both and it makes him far more viable. Paladin is far more of an offensive class and Vander is a tank through and through.


Also shoutout to some of the madmen who built mage Boucheron. It sounds like a really cool idea that somehow could work.

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The only person I've technically reclassed is Boucheron into an axe armor. I thought he could do well as an axe general or great knight since people say his base class is hard to use/train. He is now stuck annoyingly at level 2 on maddening mode. Other than him Amber went straight to Wolf Knight (Lance) and isn't doing too bad considering his personal skill makes it so he loses 10 avoid but gains 10 crit if he fights away from the rest of the team. The only people besides them I might want to reclass are Pandreo into a martial master and Yunaka into a mage knight just to see how that goes as I've never tested these classes on my team.


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I would strongly recommend against Second Sealing your first-tier units. I reclassed Lapis into Sword Flier, and she's not gaining EXP any faster than her promoted peers. The game is more than halfway over, and she still hasn't hit level 10 in her first-tier class. If I had instead Master Sealed her first, she would be able to reclass to a promoted flier class, as soon as she got the right proficiency. 

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1 hour ago, Shanty Pete&#x27;s 1st Mate said:

I would strongly recommend against Second Sealing your first-tier units.

Thief could be an exception. It is a very good class which doesn't have a promote version so early reclass into thief could work for some units. Haven't tried that so can't say if it is a viable strategy. For everything else totally agree with you - I've done early reclassing for Clanne(to Archer) and Anna(to Mage) and while It haven't ruined them on hard/classic it was definitely a mistake.

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Most of my early game prepromote units did not make it onto my main team, with only Chloe making it. She was a Griffon knight for most of the campaign but in the end turned her into a wyvern rider since she was falling behind in STR.

Everyone else stayed their default classes because I prefer their default outfit compared to the class outfits (seriously most class outfits in this game are wack) with the exception of Panette's pivot into Warrior because Berserker's DEX cap of 23 is horrible and Panette's high DEX growth means you'll hit that very fast and still miss crucial attacks. She ended up being my main archer since people getting hit with a longbow with 40 STR is hard to survive

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I'm technically on a second playthrough, I got to Ch 16 Maddening before realizing I really didn't optimize too great and felt the need to restart and get a better feel for the game on Hard. I've been optimizing my SP gain and EXP distribution much better the second time around.

I decided to promote Chloe to Wyvern Knight ASAP after benching her early the first time and regretting it, and it's been really good. The extra strength and defense while retaining speed makes her stupidly strong. Griffin has better Magic base/growth for Levin Sword/Flame Lance shenanigans, which I do think might be a little better in the long run admittedly.

I also tried promoting Lapis immediately to Lance Hero, which I think was a pretty good choice. It shores up her mediocre base strength and bulk stats a bit while also giving extra Build over Swordmaster, and Brave Assist is just really, really good. I do wish I could give her the SM outfit over Hero's, though.

6 hours ago, Shanty Pete&#x27;s 1st Mate said:

I would strongly recommend against Second Sealing your first-tier units. I reclassed Lapis into Sword Flier, and she's not gaining EXP any faster than her promoted peers. The game is more than halfway over, and she still hasn't hit level 10 in her first-tier class. If I had instead Master Sealed her first, she would be able to reclass to a promoted flier class, as soon as she got the right proficiency. 

I did this with Jean through Mage > Mage Knight, and while I absolutely wouldn't recommend this on Maddening due to lower EXP gain, as long as you make sure he gets kills or abuses Great Sacrifice on Hard mode, it's totally workable and makes his stats a bit wild. I honestly kind of like this version of Aptitude more, it makes building the character with it a lot more interesting. This should also work with, I think, Fighter and Armor due to their growths.
That said if you fiend Healing/Micaiah spam/Chain Guard and get him to Level 10 before reclassing, you might as well just promote him lmao there's really no downside.

But yeah with the way this game works, you don't drop off any EXP gain after promotion and it's all based on internal level, so reclassing before promoting is pretty niche of a thing to do. The only times I can really think of it being potentially worthwhile is Anna going Mage and Clanne going a Phys class, but because of how late seals are it's just not worth it. I wish the Anna Paralogue came with a Second Seal instead of a Master Seal.

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Promote ASAP, there's little penalty to early promotion since you can reclass back to level 1 after capping at level 20. In addition buffing move, other slight base stat buffs, and weapon ranks, your promoted classes have higher growths that you can start applying sooner. Even if you want to reclass, it's better to promote to advanced first, then reclass to the desired advanced class.

The obvious downside to promotion is if a character is near a level-up, they lose that experience on promotion. You can, however, use some planning and the arena to avoid this issue for promotion, and it's not a big deal to delay reclassing from one advanced class to another until after gaining that level. I have read some places that using a seal increases internal level by 2, which would result in a small decrease to exp gain as a downside, but I'm unsure if that's speculation or confirmed. Only other theoretical caveat I can think of is if a character just hits level 20 promoted near the end of the game, and would not have without the early promotion, then you are spending more money on the second seal. On the flip side, if they gained extra stats thanks to better growths, then the second seal cost is equivalent to a stat booster.

Promotion Priorities:

  1. Chloé - Extra movement, staff access, and stats on your early flier is strong. She can fall off later (and, to be fair, I think that may be more Griffin Knight's than Chloé's fault), but she will contribute a lot Chapters 7–13.
  2. Citrinne/Céline - I like benching Framme and Jean, so promoting these two for staff access helps me do so sooner. Whichever one you don't promote likely gets replaced by later joining mages (and honestly, both can be easily replaced regardless). Céline is faster with a bit more bulk while Citrinne is pure magic power. Dire Thunder through Leif's bond rings (there's an RNG exploit to get it fairly cheaply), makes Thunder into a 3-range brave tome which synergizes best with slow but mighty Citrinne. Céline has better survivability, an easier time getting SP for early Canter, and Ignis for a chance to boost her power. Citrinne can promote at base and Céline should be able to hit level 10 by the end of Chapter 7. Note, if insta-promoting Citrinne I wouldn't feed her much exp on her join chapter since she'll lose it on promotion (unless you can get her at least 70 experience during Chapter 7 to hit level 11 with the arena).
  3. Boucheron/Anna - Warrior promotion gains access to Long Bow for a 3 range back-up. Nice side-effect of promoting a warrior early is being able to bench Etie sooner. I like promoting Boucheron into Warrior on Chapter 9, which is usually enough time for him to hit level 10 (since he helps set up boss kills with chain attacks, rather than getting them himself, he usually lags a bit in experience gain). Anna can promote by Chapter 9 as well, but I recommend recruiting her ASAP and spamming Micaiah's Great Sacrifice to secure level 10.
  4. Diamant - Gaining access to more range in Hand Axes as a backup unit is high-key worth it. Diamant also gets Sol at level 5 successor, which improves his tankiness. Diamant can promote at base and I either promote him right after his join or on Chapter 11. He's usually level ~14 after Chapter 10.
  5. Alear - For what it's worth, Wyvern Ride minigame becomes available starting Chapter 12 only if Alear is promoted; my Alear is level ~14 at this point. The minigame itself is shallow, but it is an opportunity for some more bond fragments. Alear also gets a good skill at level 5 promoted reducing the length of their engage meter to help get off more engages.
  6. Louis/Jade - Promoting to Great Knight helps their mobility a lot as other units promote and gain move. They do lose the armored class ability to not be broken, however. I usually promote one of them (other to the bench) at Chapter 12, level ~13.
  7. Alcryst - Luna from his personal class is good to shoot for sooner than later. Alternatively, you can make him a Warrior for more chain attacks (true to my username, however, I dislike the Warrior outfit on him, so shy away from it). I usually promote him on Chapter 12, ~level 14.

Reclass Priorities:

  1. Clanne - I'd say he's better reclassed into bench status, but he has good speed and better strength than magic growths for going outside the mage line.
  2. Anna - She joins a bit underleveled, but has super high magic + speed growths. You can make her a Sage for power or a High Priest to improve her luck and proc her personal skill more often (however, she does end up stuck at B tomes here).
  3. Fogado - Warrior with access to B rank bows is nice for said chain attacking. Alcryst and Etie can also do this, but Alcryst's personal class is, in my opinion, the best archery-focused class in the game and Etie should be replaced by Fogado or an early warrior.
  4. Jean - Another character I'd say is better benched, but his personal class doubles class growths and he can work in any class. Note, since he joins at level 1 you actually can instant reclass him with little downside—he has to gain 9 levels in a base class no matter what. As a staff bot he has an easier time gaining levels than going for kills, but you can also give him Micaiah to retain staff access while spamming Great Sacrifice to get him those levels he sorely needs.


Ivy/Fogado - I don't think they are as high priority for promotion since they have good stats and movement in their base classes. However, if you do want to promote them ASAP, I recommend you don't feed them much exp on join since they'll lose that on promotion, similar to Citrinne.

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57 minutes ago, FashionEmblem said:

Reclass Priorities:

  1. Clanne - I'd say he's better reclassed into bench status, but he has good speed and better strength than magic growths for going outside the mage line.
  2. Anna - She joins a bit underleveled, but has super high magic + speed growths. You can make her a Sage for power or a High Priest to improve her luck and proc her personal skill more often (however, she does end up stuck at B tomes here).
  3. Fogado - Warrior with access to B rank bows is nice for said chain attacking. Alcryst and Etie can also do this, but Alcryst's personal class is, in my opinion, the best archery-focused class in the game and Etie should be replaced by Fogado or an early warrior.
  4. Jean - Another character I'd say is better benched, but his personal class doubles class growths and he can work in any class.

Wanted to add some later reclasses that aren't necessarily a "priority" but are appreciated nonetheless:

  1. Pandreo -  Sage gives him access to A+ tomes for Thoron, Excalibur, and Nova and he gets A staves in the class. With his dismal strength, he gets nothing out of body arts outside some bulk from Shielding Art (at the cost of running another tome/staff) and if I recall correctly the S rank staff is locked behind donations and might as well not be in the game; High Priest doesn't do much for him. Note, you can wait to do this do until after gaining some A tomes since the class skill from Sage is unimpressive (mostly if gold is tight for another Second Seal).
  2. Goldmary - She has stupid good tanking stats and enough SP at base to get Corrin's Pair Up skill. Easy opportunity to reclass her to Great Knight and replace Louis/Jade if you used them and they are struggling to gain SP. Too bad I find her an insufferable character and really don't want to use her.
  3. Citrinne - High Priest. If Citrinne is using Dire Thunder she has little reason to use any tome besides Thunder. Give her a shielding art for defensive trade strats (she will get doubled and die with Thunder, especially if you engrave one with Roy or Ike) and fill out the remainder of her slots with staves. She now gains access to those A rank staves instead of being stuck at B as a Sage (note, the best staves are at B, aside from the near-inaccessible S rank one, so this is a fairly minor boon).
  4. Panette - Warrior/Hero. I've never used her, so just a theory-craft, but in my opinion Warrior or Hero are better class than Berserker. Warrior for aforementioned 3 range chain attacks off a Long Bow and Hero for level 5 class skill to double chain attacks.
  5. Kagetsu - Hero. Brave Assist is better than what Swordmaster gives him and a physical backup with access to throwing axes and lances is better than Levin Sword. Unfortunately, you will have to wait a few chapters before the option becomes available.
  6. Timerra - Picket/Hero. Also haven't used her, but she's good to insta-promote to either rush your way towards Sandstorm on her personal class or a fairly easy reclass into Hero for Brave Assist.
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As several people have said, promoting ASAP is always better in this game. And this is coming from someone who generally like to push up to 20. This game lets you infinitely level, so there is no reason to grind out the 20 in the prepromoted class. In other games, if you went 10/20, then you were capped and missed 10 levels of growths. That is not a thing in this game, because you can just second seal back to level 1. So, instead of going 20/20, you should dedicate that same exp to going 10/20/10. You pushed those ten levels to the back end, with promoted class growths.  

So, if you are planning on using a unit long term, you should promote them as soon as you have the master seals to spare. In reality, you should likely spend every master seal the moment you get it, up to the moment all of your units are promoted. 


As for reclass, I would recommend someone going Warrior early. This will turn any unit with a decent strength into the best archer you have. Warrior is a better archer then sniper, bow knight, Cupido, or Alcryst's class. It comes with a noticeable bonus to strength and gaining the back up tag while wielding a longbow makes for one hell of a unit. 

If you want to use Anna, she really appreciates a reclass as well. If you have the DLC, I would recommend promoting her to a second Warrior for another Bow user during Tiki's paralogue, and then reclassing her after beating Tiki's map. Just on the base stats of Warrior alone, wielding a steal bow, she will do a lot of damage there. 

Alfred feels a little lacking in his personal class imo. If you like him, he is a solid choice to be your warrior, but if you want to make use of him closer to how he presents (bulky, spear, horse unit), great knight feels good too. [+1 HP, +1 Str, +5 def  -- and the speed is a wash, because it is -1 Spd +1 Bld].

Priority for promotion are the units that might stay on your team long term: Prioritizing Your Warrior Choice, and if you are using her, Anna. Then your second (and third if not using Anna) should just go to who ever you think will be with you for the long haul. 

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I made Anna and Chloe into Mage Knights. I was planning for Anna to be a Sage, but didn't realize I needed staves prof until too late.

But either way, you can't go wrong with 6 movement magic users with option to still use a weapon for breaking and for high res opponents. In fact, might just be a better option than Sage for most, assuming you do have a couple staff users, but especially Anna and Chloe who start with a weapon proficiency and have good speed growths.

There's not much difference between Sage and Mage Knight by stats. Sages have a bit more MAG, Mage Knights a bit more SPD. The extra mobility is a huge point in MK favor. Staves are pretty nice in this game, so that's good for Sage, but as mentioned MK can use a weapon and break enemies (and obviously Emblems can temporarily grant staves to MK and weapons to Sages if really needed). Sages have higher MAG cap, but even Anna won't hit the MK mag cap until level ~45 or so. Really only applicable in post-game play. I think Chaos Style is better than Spell Harmony, too.

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28 minutes ago, ra2bk said:

I think Chaos Style is better than Spell Harmony, too.

On the flip-side, Sages are Mystical so get the terrain negation effect. Granted that doesn't come up much in the main story, but it can help in Tempest Trials and some skirmishes.

Thank you for all of these posts, everyone!

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3 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

On the flip-side, Sages are Mystical so get the terrain negation effect. Granted that doesn't come up much in the main story, but it can help in Tempest Trials and some skirmishes.

Ivy had a 7% chance to hit against an enemy on an avoid tile in a level 50 trial

Her Thoron was also engraved with HIT too (Eirika) :') Her and Diamat get screwed over with their low DEX. I get they wanted to curb their proc rates but Ivy's basically only does damage on other mages 

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7 hours ago, EaterOfFarro said:

Her Thoron was also engraved with HIT too (Eirika) :') Her and Diamat get screwed over with their low DEX. I get they wanted to curb their proc rates but Ivy's basically only does damage on other mages 

That's odd, my Diamant has pretty okay accuracy. Not the best, but passable. He has Caladbolg though, so that may be why. I have the same experience with Ivy though, at least when she's not surrounded by Supported allies 😕

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Up to Ch 23 on my first run (Maddening):

Probably the best reclass/build I've done that I haven't seen get much attention is putting Goldmary into Wyvern Knight. A lot of people have been saying to put her into Great Knight but haven't seen much about her as a wyvern. I needed a lance user and noticed that if you reclass her to Wyvern, her bases are just better than Rosado's. I wasn't really expecting that much from her but she's really become one of my absolute best units.

I gave her Sigurd to patch up her kinda low Build, which also gives her a nice little boost to damage in Momentum as well. Since she already has Canter, she can invest that massive 1800 starting SP elsewhere. I gave her Speedtaker which she was able to acquire not long after joining, and then with the remaining SP that trickles in, I've given her Spd +1/2/3/etc. With that higher build, she can use a nice heavy forged Silver Lance no problem. Honestly, she feels pretty flawless - hits hard, doubles everything, has absurd bulk, and is super dodgy on top of all that. 

Pretty often I'm seeing the enemies come up to her with triple 3s - 3 damage, 3% hit, 3% crit - it's absolutely pathetic. 

For me this build feels very low investment and was very easy to set up and get going. It kinda depends where you want Sigurd to be though - depending on your team composition you might really need Sigurd elsewhere. There's maybe not quite so much competition for his emblem as, say, Lyn's, but he's pretty good and he is one of the only two emblems that gives Build...

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Part of me really wish there was a way to keep track of internal levels. I'm playing Hard/Classic just finished Ch 22, and have been switch class a lot for some characters, and keeping others in their personal classes. The visible displayed levels are wildly different. I sometimes have reclassed after one map or only a few level ups lol, and I'm really not keeping track of who I use more often, or distributing exp properly. It's probably not the most efficient way to play, but I wanted to get a feel for things. 

So far I've really enjoyed Alcryst as a Bow Knight with Axes. He has good dex and Killer Axe makes for a good close range option. I also really like coverage with the Longbow and Luncina Ring. He basically keeps appearing out of nowhere all the time x'D. His personal class is also decent, I might eventually switch back because the outfit is nicer lol (and for Luna). 

I'm not 100% sure with Chloe. I think she's amazing early/mid game as a Griffon Knight with Lances and staves, but fall off quite a bit later on with her mixed mag/str. I don't think she's that good at magic tanking later on either compared to Horsentia or Pandreo. I've reclassed her to Mage Knight for now, but have been thinking about dropping. (Having said all of that I'm also not sure if it's just because she's far behind everyone else cause she was one of my first promotes and I haven't second sealed her compared to some of the others. Her actual level might be lower than it looks.)

Alfred has been ok. I've jumped around Avenir, Paladin and currently on Wyvern Knight. His strength is good so it's ok with Brave Lance. I quite liked Paladin with Leif before, it gave him some more weapon options when engaged, but the class limited to only on weapon type was sad. Maybe I will try Wolf Knight after I get over the furry armour with tails and everything lol

Lastly, I am so happy to find out Mauvier is recruitable! He's late, but it's ok, I've saved some paralouges! Once I get through Ch 23 I'd like to try him out in as Martial Master (or Sage if I'm feeling daring. He seems to have good magic growths but is slow.)


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You should promote lvl10, and reclass only in tier 2.

However, Magister are limited in the first tier of the game, so you should promote wisely. It depends on what you need. 

For example, I needed an other staff user --> I promoted Chloé into Griffon.

I needed my Diamant to be an axe user --> I promoted Diamant.

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12 hours ago, hdawgsizzle said:

Up to Ch 23 on my first run (Maddening):

Probably the best reclass/build I've done that I haven't seen get much attention is putting Goldmary into Wyvern Knight. A lot of people have been saying to put her into Great Knight but haven't seen much about her as a wyvern. I needed a lance user and noticed that if you reclass her to Wyvern, her bases are just better than Rosado's. I wasn't really expecting that much from her but she's really become one of my absolute best units.

Rosado has much higher offensive growths, so he'll usually eventually exceed her in strength, dex, and speed in the same class by the endgame, though probably not Def (and they'll both likely cap Res at the low ~20). Def is a bit less important in a flying class, though, so Rosado I definitely give the edge to Rosado (for the late game). Goldmary can do well in any of Hero, Wyvern, or Great Knight for sure though.

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