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How can I contribute to main site content?


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I'd like to help fleshing out incomplete Engage content when I come across it. Looks like a lot of the content is still pieced together from pre-release data. For example I noticed today that the page on emblem rings is incomplete and I could easily fill it out. 

Can regular users add things to the main site like a wiki or are only certain verified users allowed to edit? Could I possibly become a verified user? Thanks. 

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short of it is, the way sf is at present, only verified users with full site access can contribute at all to the main site. vince handles most of that end, so that much is on him, and you can contact him if you really want to try to bend his ear. the wiki was kind of a failed concept we haven't really maintained, unfortunately. there's a percolating idea to get a better system together that jyosua is working on but there's no ETA or details on that, so don't hold your breath.

On 2/6/2023 at 8:00 PM, Armchair General said:

only he and the site admins can

fun fact, it's actually more locked down than you think - i had to ask to have an account manually created completely irrespective of my sf admin account to help make edits from the admin account on the forums. it's a bit of a pain point but we're working on it

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