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Thingy Person

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I've heard some jokes about Santa Clause, how he condones slave labour and spies on children, appearantly. Well, get a load of this.


This, ladies and mentlegents, is Sinterklaas. He comes from 'Spain' to Belgium and some other countries each 6 december. His full name is Saint Nicholas (see: Saint Nick) and he was famous for loving children a whole damn lot. On those nights, he walks on rooftops. Mounted on a horse. An old, stinky horse. But there's more.

Sinterklaas has a series of subordinates at his disposal, named 'Zwarte Pieten' (litterally: Black Dicks). These Black Dicks crawl down the chimneys for him and drop off the presents. And these presents are only candy and other delicious treats, unlike with Christmas (see: "I know you asked for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, but I thought you'd like Wii Family Ski more!) However, certain commoners have complained to the good old Sint that he shouldn't treat his many dicks as slaves, so he just pulled an excuse out of his ass that the ashes from the chimney make them look black, but they're actually white, thereby justifying everything.


Sinterklaas, and one of his Black Dicks

Another trademark of the Sint's is that he dispenses chocolate in the shape of what just so happens to be the first letter of your name, seeing as he knows everything about you, including when you masturbate.

The best part is, though, that thanks to capitalism and the tendency of American things to reoccur in Europe (as with Global Warming, unfortunately) we celebrate both Sinterklaas AND Christmas.

Take THAT, malcontent elven labourers.

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See... see this is why I'm through with traditional holidays. There's just no point anymore. I'd rather celebrate something with alittle more meaning to me... like the day something I order off of eBay get's here, or something like that.

Also... is that a pope hat he's wearing? W.T.F. my child. Go in peace, you strange dick inslaving bastard. :huh:

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Sinterklaas, My santa > Your santa

Fail. The Olensero (Basque Santa) >>>>>>>>> all other holiday personifications. He wears blue, keeps the presents in his magic hat and doesn't afraid of anyhing.

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5th of December, actually. A few weeks earlier in fact, since Sinterklaas doesn't arrive just to leave that same night ;)

But he takes the naughty children with him in a sack and spanks them when he's back home. What does he need to stay here for?

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