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How's puberty going/how'd it go?

Metal Rabbit

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Please explain what you mean; I have no clue where you're going with this. Are you actually saying that erections are an insult to your wife? Shit, whenever I get an erection, I practically give my girlfriend a high-five.
What no! I don't want to bang fifty asians before I meet my wife. That'd make me feel bad :unsure:
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What no! I don't want to bang fifty asians before I meet my wife. That'd make me feel bad :unsure:

If they were meaningless yes.

What if you sincerely loved each and every one of those 50 Asians? An erection is powerful stuff, it has control over your brain.

Erection=DIRECT NEED FOR SOME LOVE MAKING....which means you CANNOT resist. Your body WILL NOT let you.

From a religious person to another: If you can't hold it, you'll be forgiven. By God and your wife.

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I'm glad God'll forgive me and maybe my wife... wait fifty? A woman can forgive fifty?

Anyway, my point is I gotta at least try right? Right? :(

And you'll prolly succeed. I was just saying.

Don't let what I say discourage you. That wasn't my point.

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I don't recall any major hiccups when I went through puberty, acne was the only notable problem I faced. I remember when I first noticed that I could no longer make any high pitch noises though; my voice would (and still does I suppose) fade away fairly sharply as I increased the pitch.

Shit, whenever I get an erection, I practically give my girlfriend a high-five.
I will try this.
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From a religious person to another: If you can't hold it, you'll be forgiven. By God and your wife.

I might as well start raping and killing people, then. I'll be forgiven!

Not quite how it works.

Edited by Meteor
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I'm too young to be getting married anyhow which sucks even worse. I'll just get back to the ninjitsu studies in the mean time and try to focus on killing instead of premature steamy lovage :P

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You don't have to. 34 of them should do the trick.
Ah 34! My favorite numbah! But still, having a clean slate is important to me, regardless of how hoooooot some of the women out there are. Hey! Maybe I can have one of them. THen I wouldn't be tempted during the marriage either B)
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I might as well start raping and killing people, then. I'll be forgiven!

Not quite how it works.

Lol. What would drive you to kill in the first place? Murdering pretty much seals the deal of you having no care for life anyway.

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To erase the evidence. Anyway, this is not where I wanted to lead. Having a desire to do something is not a good reason to follow through. Just because you can or want to doesn't immediately make it the best option. It doesn't make it the worst option, either. If you trust God's principles, follow them. If not, do whatever makes everyone involved better for the experience.

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To erase the evidence. Anyway, this is not where I wanted to lead. Having a desire to do something is not a good reason to follow through. Just because you can or want to doesn't immediately make it the best option. It doesn't make it the worst option, either. If you trust God's principles, follow them. If not, do whatever makes everyone involved better for the experience.

Wrong topic?

Anyway, I think we can all agree puberty wasn't a good experience anyway.

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It's going/gone well. Being 20 in three months probably means I'm slowing down/about to stop. I'm pleased to say that everything's gone right for me, from the voice to the sex organs.

Edit: I need to shave like, every two or three days recently... it's annoying. I hope it doesn't get as bad as my Grandfather's growth. He shaves in the morning, and has stubble by the evening...

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Definitely not the kind of drama people make it out to be.

Yeah, the cracking voice was annoying. Acne was limited, though.

And I thoroughly enjoy the new 'activity'.

It's a shame my class contains nothing but seven girls and they're all equally poor (still in the uncontrollable giggling fits phase). I'm patient in waiting for them to mature, but goddamnit, they're taking their sweet time.

In the meantime, I somehow have a crush on a guy. That's good for killing time, I guess.

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Puberty was/is annoying. I'm constantly plagued with ROBs, which constantly gets me into predicaments. Other than that, a few zits here n there, occasional voice crackage, and a fatal attraction to women is all I got. Which is basically all of it. lol

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Lol, it somehow got me into liking over half the girls who I'm really good friends with. Making me a good subject for jokes and bets, and making everything hella awkward.

And the hair. Musn't forget the hair.

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Puberty was an interesting time, I'm pretty sure I'm done with it at 21. Heck I started puberty at age 10 if I recall correctly. When I think about I remember how much I hated the fact I had hair growing every where. By sixth grade I could already grow a decent goatee and mustache. Nothing like making fun of on my teachers because I had a thicker goatee then he did.

My voice cracked here and there but it wasn't common at all compared to most of my peers. The most disappointing thing actually was I started getting tall so young and so fast that I was such I was gonna be at least 6' if not taller... I hit 5'9 when I was 12-14 and by the end of high school I gained only one more inch to my height. :-/

As for acne I never suffered any major break out the worst was maybe two pimples at once... then again good hygiene generally takes care of that...or maybe I just got good skin. :?

Now that emotionally nonsense ... lets put it like this I went from being an immature jackass to the guy I am now over the course of one good shit pretty much. I pretty much had an epiphany when I was in 7th grade.

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