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Imminent Dawn: Callisto


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Esther wasn't one to wait and congregate, at least not for now. While others in the task force had colorful personalities, she wanted to ensure they were worth their talk first, more interester in how her HEX would be adapted to herself.

Still, focused as she was, Esther was not as fast as Kazue, reaching the elevator as soon as the other batch arrived. Having a moment of hesitation, she nevertheless approached the three in wait. "Room for more?"

Edson, on his end, walked slowly through the halls, under no illusion of haste. He valued knowing the inner layout of the ship more --better to not get lost, and all.

It gave him time to think of the team composition...almost all fresh talent, while including some outliers. He couldn't help but wonder CNE's plan. A ship full of potential, for sure. But did this match the mission requisites? Edson couldn't help but wonder the top brass' goal. This will be a long one...

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"Yes, hello," she said to Markus, not giving him much attention beyond that. Iskra had decided to be brave and take the same elevator as her, Louise's smile wide as ever. "Iskra~ I just wanted to say, I didn't realize you were a hubble graduate~ We're the same age, so it's likely we went to school at the same time... It's a pity we never met before now, but they took me out of classes after... Well. You can learn about that if you're willing to stop being so scared, and be friends~" Louise was going to savour this elevator ride, talking Iskra's ear off, not really noticing that they were listening to music. "We should spend some time together and go over what our favorite classes were... I'd love to know which professors you thought were hardasses. Ohh, there's so much to discuss~ I'm so pleased."

The other newtype paused in front of the elevator, Louise pressing and holding down the open door button. "By all means~ Always room for another newtype, right, Iskra?"

A hefty yawn sounded in the hall, a woman walking towards Sia and Rosa, scratching at her hair. "Morning... How do you stay so peppy, Rosa?" She glanced at the captain, giving her a look over, then a lazy salute. "Glad to see you're doing well, Captain..." She adjusted her glasses and took another yawn, shaking her head some. "Make sure you inform all the pilots that there's free therapy on board if they need it... Not obligatory. Can't make a horse drink, or something. So long as the option's there, some will, hopefully, take it. Self care is important... Same if you need any, okay?" It was at this point that she realized they hadn't met yet, cracking a wry smile and holding a hand out. "Cheryl Hart, by the way. PhD in Psychology and a Masters in Medicine... I tell someone what they need, she'll give it to them. Given I can't help them sort themselves out before that... oh, right. Last note: tell the Newtypes that chamomile is really good for emotional overload."

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Somehow, the worst case scenario, one Iskra hadn't even begun to consider happened. Not only did Louise join her, but two more pilots, including the other Newtype piled into the elevator, leaving her trapped in the back as Louise began to talk to her. The music she had been playing hadn't been overly loud; she knew better than to risk her hearing like that, but it meant that she could hear everything Louise was saying, leaving her without an excuse. She looked at the other women, pulling her headphones down with an internal sigh, and half-heartedly nodded. "Mmm, yes. They sent me here after I graduated." She really didn't want to talk about school, if she was being honest. She suspected Louise would either tease or pity her if she admitted how hard it was, being one of the few Newtypes and dealing with people not trusting her for that, either because they doubted her abilities, or because they didn't want her reading their emotions, or whatever, combined with her natural fear, she had very few positive memories from her time there. Maybe she'll forget about it. Find someone more interesting to ask all these questions...

It wouldn't do to be rude though, no sense in making things harder than they would be anyways, so she nodded again, this time in response to Esther asking if there was space, as well as in response to Louise's question. "There's, space. Come on in." Unlike so many people in her past, she had few qualms about the powers of a Newtype, largely because she was well aware she wasn't exactly hiding her emotions usually. Esther would have a slightly better read on her than Louise, but what did it matter at that point? Everyone in the elevator would know she was a nervous wreck just by looking at her.

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"Right... I suppose that would make sense, especially for myself." In-processing examinations were an excellent idea; everyone stationed on the Imminent Dawn already had physicals on record, and many of the recent, but Sia knew well that anything could change and rather quickly. "I'll be sure to let everyone know as we debrief from our upcoming exercise, and will probably start off the process. I feel fine at the moment, but, you already said that I'm at the top of list; best to lead example in cases like this." 

They were joined by a second doctor, nowhere near as chipper as Delarosa was, but carried every bit as much weight as the brighter doctor did. "Aha, yes, Doctor Hart." I really just haven't been down that way of the ship, have I? You're going to be there often dummy. "Selensia Silverwind, it's nice to meet you as well. And I hope that your time on the ship will be peaceful. That is to say, I hope we don't become in desperate need of your services." Sia thought back to some of the dossiers, Louise's in particular; she had been cleared to fly, and was selected for this mission but some of the elements within were... troubling when linked together. "I'll make sure to inform the pilots of all that I can."

Sia took in a deep breath and then sighed, "This really is a little more than I'm used to. Nothing I'm not used to, but its just... more." Sia waved her hand, "Oh, sorry. Just venting a tad. I suppose we have some time before the exercise formally starts... Is there anything that the two of you have further for me?"

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Leon stepped into the hangar with everyone, and as soon as he did he let out a whistle. "Woo, fancy fancy..." The merc had been in his fair share of ship hangars before, but this one took the cake. "CEN really didn't spare any expense, eh?" He turned to the mechanic that hailed them and responded back with a wave. "Gotcha. We'll be waitin'!" He had to admit, he missed shooting the breeze with the maintenance crew. As he walked along he took a good look at all the HEX units lined up, another familiar sight. That being said, a certain plane stood out to him right away. Hang on a sec...an aircraft? Don't that beat all... He wondered who would be crazy enough to pilot that, maybe Bonner.

As everyone had gathered in the elevator Leon couldn't help but join them too. He noticed Louise had poor Iskra cornered, he decided to leave that be since he was sure he'd make her even more of a nervous wreck. Then he took a quick glance at the other pilots. Sure got a lotta wallflowers, on top of people who are hard to approach. I guess all things considered that only leaves... He turned to Markus with a grin. "Buongiorno! Markus, right? Had a glance at your profile. Call me Leon." He folded his arms. "We're gonna be out in the thick of it, but don't worry. Your bro's got your back!" His confidence bled so much one could almost see a sparkle around his eyes.

Edited by TheRoon
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"Doctor Hart, you know I'm always like this~" Rosa replied with a smile to her companion. She listened as she introduced herself to the captain. "Yep, I do all the prickly stuff and a couple of questions, and Doctor Hart does the deeper stuff. At your service~"

"As for 'anything else', I did ask if I may observe the exercise today, if that's alright. As much as I appreciate your willingness to pass on my message to the squad for me, I'd like to familiarize myself with everyone." She inquired as she put her hands together. "Pleaaaaaase Captain, I promise to be good~" She tilted her head with a smile.

Markus gave a nod and left Louise and Iskra to themselves. Esther seemed to have come in as well. Markus set himself at a corner, gazing out at the hangar. He was ready to turn to Esther and strike a conversation, as this was his first time meeting newtypes, when...

Buongiorno! Markus, right?

Markus was taken aback. What was just said to him, he turned to Leon. The clown. No, there has to be more to him, Markus thought to himself. What did he even say? It seemed... French or Italian, maybe more Italian. Some sort of greeting. The blonde nodded back until Leon talked about peeking at his record, "Yeah, hmm..." He didn't have a good response regarding that. However, it was being called 'bro' that got Markus to have a flatline in his brain. He stared at Leon, blinking multiple times.

"Huh?" He shook his head, "Well, I appreciate you having my back, thank you." Then he gave another nod. "I just hope you're alright keeping up with that." Markus motioned his head to the fighter in the back.

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"Hey, same... Though I wish I'd gotten more live fire experience, but what can you do~" Louise shrugged as the elevator continued down, giving Esther one glance, before focusing on Iskra. "Hey, hey, we should really spend some time together after the sims... Get to know each other much better, since it seems we didn't share classes. I wanna know your piloting specialties, Iskra. I need to know how we can best work together~ One simulation won't tell me everything I need to know, surely." The elevator hit the hangar floor, Louise smirking before stepping out and walking towards her machine. "Make sure you think about it... I'll see you on, 'the field', my dear." She gave her a wave, a big smile, and another giggle.

"I'm all good, Captain. Just on my way down to the hangar... Rosa, honey, you know you don't have to ask her for permission, right? We're military doctors, not civilian passengers... We can just go." Cheryl stuck her tongue out, slightly, before yawning, stretching, and starting to head off. "Don't be a stranger yourself, Captain. If you need someone to talk to, I'm your woman~"

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Scylla grumbled at having everyone apparently just… cram into an elevator. What were they, a pack of fuckin’ sardines? Sure, the elevator had room for them all, but it just seemed ridiculous. Although, she noticed too late that there was a second one, so… that one’s on her, now. Well, whatever. She wished she had her music player on her, but she’d have to make do with the HEX’s internal stuff. Besides, she wasn’t the only one trying her best to ignore the… uh, chattier ones of the group, so it wasn’t obnoxiously loud in here.

She just hoped they had gotten her customization request. After all, it would make her even more comfortable, and maybe it’d even make her more willing to chat with some of these people like they may have wanted.

”Come on, shitty elevator, go faster…” Scylla muttered, her foot tapping against the floor. “Lemme get in that robot already…” While it was going down, at least, she wanted it to be in the hangar already - in fact, she arguably needed it.

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When Markus began his blinkfest it got Leon rethinking his approach real hard. He still kept his confident grin, but it slightly lowered as the sparkles were replaced with gloominess. "Aha, yeah no worries man..." He wondered what he said to get such a reaction. When the elevator opened up he noticed Markus approach the aircraft in the back, and his eyes widened a little. "...oh, you're the flyboy huh? I'll be damned." Leon was familiar with fighting along side jet pilots, he even controlled one himself a few times in his Blackwell days. "Heh, no worries there. I've backed up wings before, I'll do the same for you. Sure got a strong pair to pick that over a HEX though, mind if I ask why?" He stepped after the younger man.

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"Nnngh..." Why won't she just leave me alone? I'm not interesting! Ugh, the headache is coming back, let me out, let me out let me OUT! Just then the elevator door dinged, and Louise sauntered out with one final remark, soon followed by Markus and Leon. Iskra burst out of the elevator after them, almost sprinting to her robot, quickly taking the rope up to the cockpit where she slid into her seat with an audible sigh of relief. "That's, better." She popped her headphones back on, letting the soothing music wash away the headache as best it could as she sunk further into her seat. She had been up here the other day, so she knew the layout well. Suddenly, she sat back up with a frown. She had forgotten to change into her piloting suit in her rush to get up here. Well... It was just a simulation. That wouldn't cause any problems, right? Besides, this way she could avoid Louise's stare. This was for the best, yes. She settled back down into her slouch, waiting for further instructions.

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Sia nodded, and then smiled. "Well, if there's nothing else, I suppose we could all head to the hangar together. Dr. Hart is correct; I couldn't stop you from coming to watch the simulations--at least these ones, nothing top secret is occurring--and if you'd like to inform the pilots yourself about the routine checkups, then all the better." 

Sia started her way over to the door, "And thank you for the offer, Dr. Hart, I have a feeling that I'll be making use of it quite a bit... Work can very easily get at you, especially when you're placed in a new position. Alright, I'm off then." Sia gave them both a salute and a smile, and started her way down the hall. 

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Unlike the rest of his peers, Daeran was not in any particular hurry to reach the hangar. He kept his pace measured, eventually falling in line with the Lieutenant Commander. "Greetings, Sir." He addressed the senior officer with a salute even as he walked along side him, a respectful distance away. "If you don't mind my prodding, and a bit of a presumptuous question, what do you make of our measure? I don't mean to imply that anyone here is underqualified, just... Curious as to what someone as experienced as you makes of our situation." He wasn't expecting an answer, truth be told. Or at least none other than to mind his business. 

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He looked over as Leon asked about the plane. "Well, as I said in our briefing, I much prefer planes over HEXes currently. Not that I can't pilot a HEX, just, planes are currently more mobile, and I prefer that." He nodded. "Besides, if we have any run-ins with ne'er-do-wells, it may be much more terrifying to see a plane in a squad of HEXes being their problem."

Of course, Markus had realized Leon's change in tone. This got the blonde to take a moment, he was already feeling something. "Shit," he spoke softly, and turned his head away. He sighed, and turned back to his compatriot. "Sorry, sorry, just... Not used to people wanting to... 'big bro' me. Except for my sister, 'big sis'ing me." He plainly explained. "I appreciate it, thanks." Markus nodded. He didn't smile or anything, but his face said everything. He didn't want to make things awkward between himself and one of his wingmen.

Rosa stuck out her tongue as Cheryl left. She turned back to the captain with a smile. "Thank you Captain, I just had to be sure I was allowed~" She said as she saluted the captain back. "I have yet to really see one of our HEXes in action, and if I may be a little selfish, my little brother is one of your pilots, and I want to see how well he does." Her tone suddenly lowered to something more sheepish, but her pep was still there. Her smile was kept as she followed Sia to the hangar.

"So," she started, "I did peak a bit at your past records, Captain. I'll have you know, if you'd like, I will have a room in our medical bay prepped for when you need it. I just need to know what kind of snacks you like, and if you'd like anything special to drink~" Her voice returned to being fun and welcoming.

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Louise held herself with all confidence as she walked through the hangar, making her way to her machine without a pause in her step. Pilot suits could wait; simulations were just that. Besides, I look terrible in that thing, and I want to look my best for Sia and Iskra~ Once again adjusting her gloves, Louise grasped the lift to her machine, secured her good foot, rode it up and gently sat into her pilot seat, fixing any crinkles in her skirt, her uniform, pulling a strand of hair out of her face. "Perfect... Now, let's see... Good~" The mechanics and engineers had outfitted her HEX with the experimental rifle, as she'd requested. "Experimental or not, it needs the best pilot it can get to showcase its proper performance... I'm not going to disappoint~"

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Mobility was certainly an important factor in combat, so Leon understood why Markus had his choice. He simply nodded to his explanation. "You make good points. If the enemy gets their ass beat by a plane that's only good news for the rest of the squad, right?" When the younger man tried to clear up his misunderstanding with Leon, the redhead just gave a smile. "Don't worry about it man, I just like breaking the ice in my own forward way. But I'll hold back the bros until you get used to me." He gave another nod. "You got a sis huh? I can kinda relate, had two myself...but anywho, I was serious. I'm here to back you guys up. This unit lacks real combat experience, I guess that's why they put me here. I'd rather make the most of this though, so let's go and kick some ass together eh?" With a small chuckle the man waved to Markus and walked off to his own machine.

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"Mm." Esther could already pick up that Iskra wasn't exactly comfortable, making do with a simple nod and leaving her and Louise to her talk... some of the others definitely seemed to enjoy a small talk, though Esther wasn't particularly interested in contributing, what with her different lived experienced. 

Most pilots left the elevator in somewhat of a hurry. Iskra to get away from Louise, as Esther could tell (though that really didn't take extra-sensorial abilities), and others to check their machines, for the most part. Esther was a bit interested in how her HEX would handle her, though she wasn't exactly ecstatic to get in her specialized suit and all that it entailed. "Hmmm..." Walking towards the mechs, she noted the fighter standing out --belonged to one of the guys, by the look of it.

Esther could feel some of the members already in their cockpits... it was terribly faint, but it was still there. Still weird to just be able to sense it.

"Hm? Oh, Lieutenant Vhane." Bonner was pleasantly surprised to be reached out by one of his own crew so soon, figuring most of them to be caught in their own preparations this early --workplace communication tended to be a cultivated art, as it were. "Don't concern yourself for asking. I've been thinking on it myself." He reassured the junior grade while walking, "Having multiple fresh graduates tend to be a risk, so I assume our team was chosen with hopes that a diplomatic route was likely, or to experiment new tech, considering the Newtypes. If you had asked me a month prior, I'd have expected CEN to elect a more experienced roster for this sort of mission." Bonner was quite straightforward and speculative. As Daeran would soon find out, the senior pilot had a bit of a penchant for gossip. "It's not lopsided by any means... well, I suppose it's too soon to say that. Better to find out in practice, though I believe our other castings were picked to round out the new tech." For a moment, his expression soured. I really doubt the top brass expects a peaceful option, though.

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Scylla saw the other pilots file out of the elevator as it finally reached its’ destination, and she practically rocketed out as soon as she had the chance, to her own HEX. The comfort of being in her own bot… it was something she’d grown perhaps a bit too comfortable with the idea of, but… well, she had her vices, she guessed.

It was disappointing that they hadn’t approved her customization requests beyond the paint job, but she could make do. “Haha… oh, man, this feels amazing. Can’t wait to really test this baby out…” She said to herself, perhaps hoping that the more she spoke it into existence, the faster they could deploy in them. Plus, now she actually had something to talk about with the others, so they wouldn’t think she’s just some freak! Bonus.

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As the pilots settled in - both with one another, and with their machines in the hangar - the maintenance techs hurried about, finally finishing their rushed preparations as the voice of the XO came over the comms channel in each cockpit.

"All pilots, this is the bridge. The simulation will be commencing shortly. I expect each of you to treat this as a true engagement with lives on the line - that of your own, and your allies beside you. And be prepared for anything."

The viewscreens in each cockpit (and, in Markus' case, the entire cockpit bubble) faded to static, then formed into the inky black of space, dotted with shining stars. In the distance loomed a colony, gently rotating to simulate gravity within; and an asteroid belt, composed of both stone and debris from many a battle before between. The more perceptive amongst the crew might have seen the faint lights of distant engines scattered around...

Alrenne leaned over the bridge's tactical console, waiting, snapping a brief but crisp salute to Sia as she reentered the bridge. "Captain. The sim battle is ready to start as soon as you're prepared."

The holoprojector on the tactical console stirred to life, displaying the field.


Map 1 begins!

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It was time for the simulation... Louise adjusted herself in her seat, opening comms between the rest of the squad, keeping it on close and closed frequency. "Alright~ Let's all take this by the book. It's a routine simulation, but we're in space, so the lack of gravity might mess with some of you if it's your first time off world. If you need any help, just--"

"勝負!!" Kazue's machine suddenly rocket off from its starting position!

Kazue activates Blitz! Kazue moves to 16,3!

"E-Ensign!" Louise grumbled, her talks getting interrupted by the quiet woman's sudden declaration in Japanese. "Ugh... All units, engage, watch your allies, provide cover where necessary! I will bring up the rear and provide fire support... Take care not to get too damage if you take to the frontlines!"

Louise to 20,4!

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Iskra to 23-5

Iskra frowned as she flipped through the display, seeing what weapons were loaded onto her machine. Two guns, as expected, and then two weapons suited for her newtype skills. An additional stress that she hadn't thought would come into play in the simulation, but that was how things went sometimes. Louise was calling out orders, almost like she was the captain, but Iskra wasn't going to object, it wasn't her place. For now, she would just move forward and wait to see how the enemies were going to move.

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The door to the bridge slid open as the XO finished his call to action. She'd taken a few moments on her way just to give herself some time to breathe before she would need all of her mental faculties, and the notebook she carried at her side. "At... ease, XO. It appears that it's--" 

Before Sia could get her words out, she heard Louise's voice calling out. As her eyes fell on the simulation, one of the machines had already taken off and flown ahead. She half expected it to be Leon, but the flight pattern was odd--not any that might fall under a military or even a mercenary's flight book. Sia already found herself taken aback as it was Kazue's machine, of all people, who had charged ahead and much faster than any of the others were prepared to follow. "Well, it seems like the simulation is already underway." She took a deep breath, ran a hand through her hair, and focused, "This is Captain Silverwind, all machines, keep your wits about you and cover one another. Establish control of the area so that the Dawn can move forward, and provide support." I suppose this does make sense... Kazue's record shows that she has limited to no skill with firearms, and so, such an open battlefield is anathema to her... she'd have to close the distance as soon as possible, but... hopefully the others can keep up with her, and cover her movement. 

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Markus gave Leon a nod, and followed with a light salute. "Maybe he's not so bad," he said to himself, as he made his way to his fighter.

With the simulation under way, his fellow squadmates have already moved on to engage the enemy. He took a quick read of his weaponry, and gave a nod. When Louise gave orders over comms, he gave a nod, and was soon followed by the Captain. Then, he entered communications himself, "Copy. I'll start heading towards our twelve, it would do no good for us to get flanked."

Markus moves to 23,8


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"Well, well..." The HEX provided to the Lieutenant Commander needed little introduction, with an extra layer or armor and decoration to denote its status. With a balanced loadout to shore up close to mid-range combat, it was mostly what he'd ask from ground crew.

Getting into the simulation, Bonner began adjusting his controls as the XO began instructions. Quickly, Louise started giving some pointers which were not objectionable... and then there was the Ensign. "Ensign Fujiwara, closing the distance is important, but make sure you're not exposing yourself needlessly. To everyone else, fighters should close in soon, follow as Lieutenant Park spoke. Make to the debris, pick between nine and twelve."

Bonner to (20,3).

The simulation was messing up with her sense of space a little, but Esther could still rely on her visuals. Sighing, she gave a passing glance to her weapon loadout as the others spoke. It was a bit... unideal against fighters, but she'd have to make do. "Alright. I'm going twelve."

Esther to (26,8).

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Leon got in his HEX and as soon as the hatch closed he took a sigh to himself, relieved he finally had a moment of solitude. "This is some rodeo I got myself in. Majority of these pilots are graduates and testers, I sure got my work cut out for me." When the announcement came to operate and his screens flashed the battlefield, the redhaired man rolled his shoulders a little. "A familiar sight alright, simulated or not." The equipment Leon had on his HEX built him up to be a bruiser, just the way he wanted it. So he was about ready to lead the charge...when he suddenly heard a Japanese battle cry. "...huh?" That was a real shock. The withdrawn wallflower suddenly bloomed out into a wild rose and decided to lead herself. "...ahahaha." He couldn't help but laugh at that, out loud on the comms as well. "How bout that! Well, can't let her go out there alone! Guns ablazin' it is!" With his own shout he turned on his rocket boosters and charged after the martial artist.

Leon, with the help of the Rocket Boosters, reaches 22, 6. The boosters are purged off of the heavy machine after, reducing Leon's movement by 1.

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Finally, some real combat. Okay, it was a sim, sure, but for Scylla, that was a moot point. She was positively giddy to be in a HEX for real, and it showed - gone was the perpetual scowl on her face, instead replaced with a wide grin, maybe a little manic, as she advanced.

Scylla to (23,7)

As she moved forth, she spotted a fighter on the horizon - ah, shit, what was the name of that one guy again? Not Leon, but the other one? Macy, or something? “Hey, flyboy!” She called out over the comms to the fighter next to her. “Sorry, didn’t quite catch your name, tell me later. Anyways, just know that I got your six, okay? This baby’s pretty sturdy, and I’m good at knowing how to brace myself.”

Scylla wondered if maybe that was weird to say, but hey. Maybe someone would be interested to have her watching their back.

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