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Imminent Dawn: Callisto


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Leon was quite upset he missed a stationary tank of all things. He noticed his machine felt a little off though, perhaps something to take up with the mechanics. Still, it was something he knew certain people wouldn't let him live down. On top of that, Kazue rushed in again. Though that problem got patched up by a new mech that rushed to 'patch her up'. "...huh. Well thanks for the back up, ma'am. I know it's hard for you to tell some of us apart right now, but the name's Leon. Don't worry if I'm falling apart, keep everyone else a priority. I can take it." With that out there he went out to redeem himself and rushed at another Lancer.

Leon moves 16, 17 and Heat Halberds Lancer 3

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With how well that Lancer crunched beneath the weight of her swing, Scylla was feeling pretty good. Thank god she didn’t turn on her comms, or else she’d have been heard cackling like a maniac - only to panic like hell when she heard the other voice on the suddenly open comm line.

”Gah!” Scylla nearly fell out of her seat, but kept herself steady. With that in mind, she moved a bit closer, but taking care to not rush in like a fool.

Scylla moves to (19,18) and equips the Rotating Slicer.

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"Hahhh...!" Stress continued to exit Daeran's body in the form of exasperated sighs as Kazue appeared to be completely disregarding all forms of communication and throwing herself and her HEX at the automatous units. There'd be no saving her from this one. He'd done what he could in terms of extending an olive branch; there was no way the Captain would be able to overlook this. As for what he could do now... If she's not going to listen to being hailed over the comms then I'll just have eliminate the threats to keep her safe. What still troubled him was what had gotten into her; over the time he spent coaching her she seemed to grasp his lessons that he'd tried to drill into her. She'd seemed to understand that the unit would have her back, she didn't need to make up for how terrible of a shot she was...

Daeran to 19, 20.

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Kazue charges at Lancer 7, a trail of nanofoam clinging to her HEX! (100 to hit, 90, 44) 30 damage to Lancer 7, destroyed! 30XP to Kazue! Level up!
3, 72, 38, 8, 21, 94, 57. +HP/+SKL/+SPD!

Azame repairs Kazue for 5HP, casts Trust for 10HP on Kazue! 5XP to Azame.

Louise snipes Lancer 6! (100 to hit, 18) Critical! 45 damage to Lancer 6, destroyed! 30XP to Louise!

Iskra surrounds Lancer 5 relentlessly with cannons! (100 to hit, 7, 68) Critical! Lancer 5 destroyed, 30XP to Iskra! Level up!
25, 77, 53, 15, 24, 26, 9. +HP/+SHOOT/+SKL/+SPD/+LCK/+DEF

Bonner puts some rounds into Lancer 8! (100 to hit, 61) (26) (100 to hit, 1) 
Lancer 8's rounds ricochet harmlessly off Bonner's armor as he takes it out cleanly! Lancer 8 destroyed, 3XP to Bonner.

Esther flings grenades at Lancer 3! (100 to hit, 61) (40) (100 to hit, 75) 
They go off, causing it to buckle, but not before it returns the favor! 16 damage to Lancer 3, 14 damage to Esther, 11XP to Esther.

Leon rushes up and puts an end to things! (65, 62) 8 damage to Lancer 3, destroying it! 37XP to Leon, level up!
76, 16, 68, 87, 58, 27, 19. +MELEE/+LCK/+DEF

Enemy Phase 4


Lancer 4 retreats towards reinforcements!

Alrenne's brow furrowed further as he stared at the tactical map. He'd been hoping that Daeran's training was going to help Kazue get herself under control, but there was something of an already all too familiar headache forming...

Reed keyed her mic, responding to the hail from the new friendly face. "Glad to see you, Ensign Nishimiya. The Dawn is moving to engage the northeastern group - please assist immediately!"


Player Phase 5

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That was it. They were dealt with... They were gone and the other units had escaped around the ridge. Kazue took a deep breath and refocused. "Okay... Time to fall back in line." She hadn't forgotten what Daeran had taught her, far from it... But she couldn't stand it. These demons attacking those unprepared. Maybe they were bad people too, maybe not entirely innocent in the situation, but it didn't matter if they were or not. The strong using all their might against the weak would forever send her over the edge... "Ensign Fujiwaru, falling back!"

Kazue to 15,19

"Now you're in line!? Ghh, what's your damage...?" Louise huffed, an alert popping up behind her. "Grrrhh..." They were going to be pincered in a few minutes, but the north eastern group was still too far for them to safely engage. "Hold back this time, reload, focus on the incoming units from the north, but don't put yourself out of place! If we can weather them once, we can collapse on them and then turn on those coming from the southwest. Stay alert! Do NOT break formation!"

Louise Holds

"Whoa, I'd better fall in, then!" Whoever the bossy lady was, she sounded pretty confident, Azame piloting her hunk of junk towards the fancy new machines. "Y'see them, Junkyard? They're the new generation. Those are some damn pretty HEXs. Can't wait to tinker with 'em-- But don't get jealous! I'm not gonna replace you for anything~"

Her ears twitched as a voice came back from the Dawn, Azame smiling at the words. "Yes, ma'am! I'll make sure folks are in great shape!"

Azame to 14,21

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They had control of the central plain, and now Kazue was falling back in. Sia let out a sigh, she could at least understand what Kazue's rush was this time--as the rebels escaped into the valley, it was then that Kazue started to follow orders--and Sia couldn't say if she wouldn't have done something similar when the powerless were in danger. Still, a distinction had to be made, and the damage that Kazue's machine was more than enough reason to warn her to not rush off like that without back up. Sia felt like she didn't particularly need to issue orders, as Louise began directing people. Her own commands were almost identical to what Sia would have said, so she let Louise issue the commands, and focused on the machine that fled. They were autonomous, but there was enough sophistication to know when it was outmatched, and went back for reinforcements. The northwestern group was numerous and at this point, minimizing the damage to her own unit was more important to her than AHI's autonomous machines. 

"Gunnery officer. Prepare the main cannon. Target the retreating HEX." Sia turned on her communicator to the rest of the unit, "All units form up, and prepare for contact with the approaching group. The Dawn is targeting the nearby HEX. Lt. Vhane, Commander Bonner, keep a close eye on Ensign Fujiwaru--once they are in range, deal with them all as quickly as possible. We still have the group approaching from the south, and they may attempt to give chase to the rebels. We need them in one piece, unfortunately autonomous machines aren't going to help us with clearing things up." Sia quickly changed her display, quickly taking note of any issues that may affect the cannon blast, and finding none of them. "Gunnery officer, I'm giving you the coordinates, helmsman if you would do the honors..." 

Remember what a Battleship's main cannon means, XO. The main cannon firing is a declaration of intent. You can't take it back when that trigger has been pulled. So you have to be absolutely sure when that trigger is pulled that you know why you're giving that order. It's more important for you as well. I was never the best shot around, so I had to leave it to everyone else. You know how all of that works, and I'm confident in saying that you won't miss often. So make sure that when you fire, that you're confident in your decision, and that you're prepared for the statement it makes. 

A deep breath, "Imminent Dawn main cannon... , Fire!"

The Dawn fires the main cannon at Lancer-4! 

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"Hmm..." Hell had frozen over and Kazue actually fell back, boding well for Bonner's stress levels. Of course, more of the automatons were moving towards their position, but Bonner could enable a standard strategy, for once...

"I'll be the vanguard, take care." With superior armor and mobility, his mech was best suited to take the first shot.

Bonner to 20,21, autorifle Tank A-1

"Ghh..." Warnings were flaring all over her UI after catching that direct hit. What a great way to deflate Esther after taking one of the automated units down... "Haah.... okay, calm..." There was no worse critic than herself at this moment, an excellent way to escalate problems if she wouldn't stop.

No, that wouldn't do. Better to fall back a little, for now.

Esther to 19,18

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The Dawn unleashes a volley against Lancer 4! (80, 71) 15 damage to Lancer 4, 10XP to Sia.

The Lt. Commander takes the lead, making ready to defend his allies! (100 to hit, 30) 12 damage to Tank A1, 4XP to Bonner.

Daeran runs up to the high ground of the hillside, firing down to clean up Lancer 4! (100 to hit, 49) 13 damage, Lancer 4 destroyed, 30XP to Daeran!

Enemy Phase 5


Markus comes under fire from a broadside of 3 tanks!
Markus chooses to evade all 3!
Tank A2: (93) miss!
Tank A3: (19, 38) - hit!
Tank A4: (38) miss!
Markus takes 6 damage and gains 3 XP.

The Lancers close in on Scylla as she makes her advance!
Scylla chooses to evade all 3!
Lancer A2: (50) miss!
Lancer A3: (5, 90) hit!
Lancer A4: (64) miss!
Scylla takes 7 damage and gains 3 XP.

Alrenne braced as the main cannon fired, waiting for the wave of force to resonate through the ship; but there was nothing but a flash of bright light as the beam shot across the sky. ...Damn.

He grimaced. There was just a faint shake to the hull as the battery of beam cannons blasted a Lancer. The instructors had been such sticklers for tradition in the academy, making them train with traditional gunnery... that was admittedly one weakness of his - never could get over the habit of flinching, not of any fear of combat, but - gah. Focus. 

He cleared his throat. "A-hem. We need to press this initiative. If we can defeat these automated units before those HEXes approaching from behind us arrive, the battle will be much easier for it."

Kiria piped up from her seat. "I-It looks like the worker HEXes are leaving the area! I-I think they made it out... I wonder who they were...?"


Player Phase 6

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Louise flicked over her options... Nothing was in range, currently, but that was fine. With the Ensign finally listening to advice and pulling back, for the moment, they had managed to regroup. Which was why... Her next idea didn't sit completely well with her. "Captain, permission to scout the approaching enemy group. I will keep my distance and fire from outside of engagement range... I realize we've just recovered from the Ensign's solo scare, but... I believe I can handle myself solo just a bit better." With or without the Captain's okay, Louise began to position herself to open fire on them from a distance as they approached.

Louise to 14,15

"Machine... Stable... The squadron has caught up to me. Okay. We engage anew!" Kazue realized her machine was being held together by that new woman's assistance, barely functioning properly. She had to be careful... But she couldn't sit still.

Kazue to 15,25, Heavy Sword into Tank A-1

"Hey there! Gonna fix you up, mister Kleiner Blitz~!" An odd callsign, but Azame wasn't one to judge given hers had a heart in it. "And there we, go... Hey, Krile Three! Park here! I'll fix you up!"

Azame to 18,21, nanofoam Markus

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Gean smiled as she lined up the reticles on a Lancer trapped in her sights, once the captain said the magical words, Gean pressed the triggers and the Dawn treated her to a lightshow. 

Coming back from that moment, Gean checked all her monitors. "Ready for the next wave Captain."

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Markus was almost in the clear as he took the brunt of attacks. One unfortunate hit, but he'd live, thankfully. It wasn't too bad. Then came a new person, apparently in an older gen HEX spraying some nanofoam to keep his own HEX fighting. His face reddened a bit at his callsign. He had forgotten that's what he called himself. He kept a cool head, as he replied,

"Appreciate it, Nurse Heartsign." A small joke was fine in battle as long as he could keep his head in the game.

"Alright, time for a little payback."

Markus Autorifles Lancer A-3, H&A to 21,21

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And more enemies were showing up. With Esther's machine in such state, she couldn't afford to play aggressive, and as such the mental chiding continued. Before she could think on it further, for a blessing, someone in open comms demanded her attention. "Ah... This is Krile Three. Understood, I will move to position." Getting the mech's integrity back to stable quick would help, for sure.

Esther to (19, 21), equip the blade array.

"Careful. Stay close if you don't want to suffer unnecessary damage. My unit's armor is strong enough to cover these blows." Confident in his abilities, Bonner planted his mech's feet on the ground, continuing to issue fire at those surrounding foes.

Bonner stays, autorifle Lancer A-1

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Finally, some room to breathe... Daeran let out a heavy sigh, finally catching some normal breaths as his bullets rained down on the artificial intelligence powered Lancer. Now that Kazue had returned to her senses, and Markus and Scylla had evaded the majority of the tank fire they were well positioned to deal with this group of tanks and Lancers before they could get pincered. Louise proposed her own plan to go solo, but as the squad's sniper, it at least made sense and it had been openly communicated. 

He maneuvered into the cover of the base at the top of the plateau, dropping a grenade off the edge and onto the unsuspecting Lancer at the base of the plateau. One less enemy to worry about.

Daeran to 22, 21, Grenade Lancer A-3.

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Okay… okay. Not too bad. Scylla could deal with this. Markus looked like he was having a rough time, but Daeran was seemingly handling covering him… so, Scylla switched gears.

”Hit the fuckin’ dash! Let’s see how that goddamn tank likes a bit of crunch time!”

This was… probably not a good idea. But Scylla needed to try. The sooner these things were scrap, the less people would have to risk dying to deal with them.

Scylla activates Accel! Moving to (20,26) and attacking Tank A-2 with the Heavy Metal Sword!

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A clean shot, though, unfortunately, the machine was both quicker and more durable than was calculated, and the machine still stood--albeit barely. Sia clicked her tongue mentally adjusting the calculation in her head, and then the machine blew up as Daeran was quick on the draw. "Six enemies left on this front, one to the west, and the group behind us..." Louise's voice entered her communicator ask for permission to double back into the approaching group. Sia pondered a moment, before noticing the pause that entered the XO's candor. It didn't seem like it was fear, or anything of a sort, just... Focus on the mission for the moment, the XO is capable, that's why he's here. "I'm not fond of the plan, Lieutenant, but I can't deny that it's sound. Any change in their movements or behavior, you inform before you act--I expect that we'll be finished with what's in front of us before the second group breaks your perimeter." Sia turned her eyes back to the console, "Let's finish up here everyone, we still have the group behind us to prepare for!" 

Kiria's question did linger in the air, even amidst the fighting, the rebels didn't quite explain why they were here only that they were rebelling against AHI's heavy handed tactics. More questions, and before they'd even met with Ambassador Shiva, and the head of AHI. Leon and Bonner seemed to have the nearest Lancer handled, as did Markus and Daeran with the other in range. 

"Bring us in closer, but remain wary of those Tank cannons!" 

The Dawn moves to 19, 20 

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Kazue cleaves yet another tank into two neat halves! (100 to hit, 35) 19 damage to Tank 1A, 37XP to Kazue!

Leon stalwartly pushes his HEX forward yet further, closing in and putting a slug in Lancer 1A, sending it reeling! (18, 32) 6 damage to Lancer 1A, and as it fires back (76) the rounds make dull thuds against the heavy armor! 2 damage and 11XP to Leon!

Markus dips and dives, firing his rifle and darting back! (100 to hit, 8) 9 damage to Lancer A3. It fires back... lucky shot! (10) 11 damage to Markus. But he finishes, following up properly! (100 to hit, 98) 9 damage to Lancer A3, 11XP to Markus.

Bonner stands his ground as a shield, shells falling into a rough pile to his HEX's side! (21, 60) 12 damage to Lancer A1, and as it suffers the blows, it fires back, nailing Bonner... (28) but harmlessly pinging off his armor! Bonner cleans up neatly. (12, 56) 12 damage to Lancer A1, destroyed, 4XP to Bonner.

Daeran drops the grenade squarely onto the control unit of Lancer A3! (100 to hit, 15) Critical! 27 damage to Lancer A3, destroyed. 37XP to Daeran, level up!

Scylla charges hard, sword coming down onto Tank A2 as its machine gun sprays back! (11, 63) 13 damage to Tank A2. (75) Scylla takes 0 damage from the counter! 11XP to Scylla.

Enemy Phase 6

Tank A2 fires at Markus, cannon shells landing wide! (0 to hit) 1XP to Markus.

The other two tanks fire at Scylla, out in the open! Scylla chooses to Evade. (74, 82) (16, 38) 11 damage to Scylla, as the first tank's second shell lands directly!
Panic Switch activates!
(36, 51) The other tank fires wide as Scylla gets dodgy! 2XP to Scylla.

Esther comes under fire from Lancer A2! (71, 23) The rifle fire can't find it's mark! Esther unleashes the blade array on Lancer A2! (100 to hit, 22) Critical! 27 damage to Lancer A2, destroyed! 37XP to Esther, level up!
+SPD / reroll option
+SPD selected!

"Lt. Drachenheim! Stay in formation!" Alrenne cursed to himself in his mind; just when one loose cannon was getting tightened up ever so slightly, the other had to slip free. At least the Captain's tactical command was keeping everyone else well in control, and in good health; hits here and there, but with their new addition things were getting a little more manageable, at least...

As Louise turned to set her rifle sights south, he almost spoke to rein her in as well; but the Captain had given her approval, and in truth he wasn't all that opposed to it as well; if anything it was the habit of telling people to stay close that was kicking in, here...

The incessant beeping of the radar console from in front of Ensign Kiria grew quieter briefly as some of the active targets were wiped off the map; then louder again as a new line of units followed hot on the heels of the last. Her face fell for a moment, then she shook herself back into focus. "O-Oh... F-Five more! T-They're trying to close in on us again...!"

Elsewhere, not-too-distantly...

"Did - did we make it...? I can still feel my arms. And my legs. And my everything else."

"I think we did... w-what was a CEN battleship doing all the way out there? That was the CEN, right? I, I didn't see a symbol anywhere but I wasn't like... looking. At all."

"I... I mean, who else... the captain lady did say they were CEN, right? Oh, man, it's a blur..."


Player Phase 7

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"... I don't recognize those models." They weren't CEN standard, that was for sure. Louise parked her HEX, shadowed by a nearby facility... Destroyed, empty. It wasn't evident how long it had been out of use for, but it would work as cover. "Hailing incoming forces. This is Lieutenant J.G. Louise Park of the CEN Celestial Navy... Identify yourselves and lay down your weapons, or I will use lethal force. This is an active battlefield and you are approaching it armed and loaded." She didn't believe for a moment that this would work, but it was protocol. More shooting practice for me if you don't respond...

Louise to 14,14, wait.

"More!?" Kazue grimaced, but she didn't waver, pushing her HEX's thrusters once more! "You face me!"

Kazue rushes to 21,25 and engages AHI Tank 3-A with her Heat Halberd!

"Aren't you cute?" She giggled over Markus' response, pushing the buttons and routines for Junkyard to pull its arc-welder out. "Now, sit still for just a second, Krile Three! I'll have you fixed up in a jiffy~"

Azame stays put and uses her Arc-welder to repair Esther's HEX!

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Louise was making contact with their newly approaching foes, fortunately, they were making quick work of the northern group so all they would-- "What?" Kiria called out yet another unit of approaching enemies. What did they take? This is absurd for the number of units that were present! There has to be something we're missing... This is more like responding to a full on armed insurrection! 

Scylla broke formation and engaged, only bringing a sigh from Sia. As frustrating as it was starting to get with people acting on their own, Scylla's movements were at least in the direction they were likely going to have to push in. Sia could at least hope that Louise knew when to fall back. "Everyone, down those tanks immediately, and then form up for the new approaching unit!" Sia quickly scanned information that she was gathering on the tanks, before smiling, "Helmsman, take us in close on the tanks. We can exploit a weakness in their stated weaponry. Defensive guns at the ready!" Sia could feel herself starting to tire--this engagement was stretching on, and she was going to have to focus more to keep everything together. They weren't going to be done here for a while longer. 

The Dawn moves to 22, 23 and attacks Tank A-3! 

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"Agh...!" Markus' shot made it, but he was also hit as a result. "Goddammit, why am I off my game?!" He was almost amidst panic, but he took a breath. He needed to focus.

"I gotta fix this. I'm supposed to be better." And he planned to. He owed someone a date after all.

And reinforcements were arriving. He needed to get himself together.

Markus switches to the Revolver Cannon, fires at Tank A2, H&A to 22,24

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Well, she tried, she really did. But Scylla once again bit off more than she could chew. “God fuckin’ dammit! Why am I so shit at this?!” She really needed to stop getting into these messes.

“Pulling back for now!” She yelled into the comms, not accounting for the fact that even pulling back still put her uncomfortably close to the front of the line for now.

Scylla moves to (19,22)

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