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Imminent Dawn: Callisto


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Sia clicked her tongue as whatever had been there, or what they thought had been there simply vanished, and the instruments weren't picking anything up anymore either. Alrenne was on top of making sure that footage was being logged, and cleaned up for later viewing, but he had been right about the first part, and Sia was really starting to feel the fatigue hit her. Still, the mind needed to remain sharp, even if things were starting to heat up. The northern group was about finished, and the chatter from the southern group was frantic after Louise's pinpoint shot to the first machine, and then even more so after her second shot obliterated where the cockpit would have been on the 2nd machine. Sia's face flickered for a moment, remembering what she'd read in the woman's dossier, before shaking her head, live combat was a different beast--if someone was going to sit in the seat, and move to kill, they had to be ready for the potential of death. Louise's voice then came over her communicator, pulling her out of her thoughts, 

"Of course, Lt. Park," A bit of a pause to steady her breath, "A captain has to do what she knows how to make sure that everyone remains as safe as can be. As the XO says, we don't have time for a drawn out engagement. Do your best to salvage one of the pilots; if they can talk, then they can answer questions, and we have plenty of questions." 

Sia then turned her eyes on one of the approaching machines that hadn't heeded the range on the main cannon, "However, if they're not in the mood for questions..."

The Dawn remains put, and trains the main gun on Lancer 1-S 

Sia cleared her throat and turned once more to the communications officer, who had already begun searching for the frequency, "I've asked once before, and I will redouble my efforts here. This is Captain Selensia Silverwind of the Imminent Dawn, I request an immediate cessation to hostilities, and an explanation to what's happening here. If not, we will defend ourselves accordingly." Sia spoke as the main cannon charged, "I would prefer to talk things out, but I will not hesitate with the lives of my pilots in danger. Choose wisely." 

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"Hhhh..." Iskra took a breath, then another one. Finally, she flipped the comms back on, calling out, "Backing you up, Kliener Blitz. Good shooting." She took another deep breath, steadying her hands as she aimed, ready to dodge the second it came to it. She could do this. She had to do this. Whatever it took, she would make it out.

Iskra to 16-19, sense, autorifle Arde 2-S

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"Good shot, Lieutenant Silvavolke. I'll take it from here, we move to regroup now." With how things were looking, they'd be most  likely to miss the rest of the fight, but still...

Bonner to 22, 27,  arrestor cable lancer 7A.

"Hhh..." Still reeling for a score, Esther pushed the advance as Louise retreated. The danger... didn't seem that dire now, not with the others following suit, and she still wanted her contributions, too...

Esther to 15, 19, use Focus, grenade Lancer 4S.

Edited by Xinnidy
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Cia swore under her breath as pilot after pilot came in for repairs. "Gah, what the hell... What's the whole deal with Gen 2 HEXes if they still get beat up this bad? Ugh..." She applied a final spot weld, then slapped the HEX's leg. "Alright, good enough... Okay, everyone, get clear! Prep the catapult! Combat launch!"

Markus launches, firing as he speeds off the deck! (52, 14) 16 damage to Arde 2S. 11XP to Markus.

<<What?! Damn, from the ship...?!>>

Louise finds her target and pulls the trigger! (11) Critical! 45 damage to Arde 3S, destroyed. 40XP to Louise. The beam pierces the cockpit of the machine, and it crumples to the ground!

<<Scythe Three, cover...! Scythe Three?! Three, come in!>>

Azame restores 4HP to Markus. 4XP to Azame.

Leon twirls that halberd and swings down! (24, 77) 10 damage to Lancer 4A. It doesn't let him take it for free! (35, 51) 1 damage to Leon. 11XP to Leon.

Alrenne peered out the front viewport of the Dawn as Sia gave the order to fire - there was a bright flash as the main beam cannon of the ship illuminated the HEX... (10, 17) Critical! 45 damage to Lancer 1S, destroyed. 40XP to Sia.
It was quite the shot - the past few had been effective, insofar as a glancing blow from a ship's cannon had a marked tendency to cripple a machine - but this last cannonade had landed squarely upon the HEX, and there was little left but smoking ash.
The Dawn is certainly a fine ship...

Iskra sharpens her senses to the extreme, sighting and shooting! Sense. (1) Critical! 21 damage to Arde 2S, destroyed! 43 XP to Iskra.

<<This wasn't part of the job--?!>>

Scylla rushes forth! (99) Miss! 1XP to Scylla.

Bonner cleans up with a sweep of the cables! (18) Critical! 15 damage to Lancer 7A, destroyed! 4XP to Bonner.

Esther, hungry to make her part in things, pops the pin! (12) Critical! 27 damage to Lancer 4S, destroyed! 40XP to Esther. Level up!
94    10    7    28    2    87    16

Enemy Phase 10

Lancer 4A keeps up its counterattack against Leon! (23, 95) 1 damage to Leon! 
He puts a swift end to things! (1, 12) Critical! 39 damage to Lancer 4A, destroyed. 33XP to Leon! Level up!
16    14    11    39    45    89    64

Lancer 2S pivots, firing on Esther in the wake of the grenade explosion! (10, 58) 10 damage to Esther.
The extra arm and the cannon mounted on its hardpoint swing down for the HEX to take hold, and the cannon roars! (7) Critical! 33 damage to Lancer 2S, destroyed! 40XP to Esther.

<<Guys?! Oh, oh shit, oh shit--!>>

Lancer 3S, last standing, panickedly puts some rounds towards Scylla as she Dodges! (44) Miss! 1XP to Scylla.

Alrenne crossed his arms, staring at the nearly-clean tacmap, musing. "Captain, perhaps we might be able to capture that one - now would be an opportune time, seeing as he now stands alone. It would shed some serious light on the situation... well, possibly."

Player Phase 11

The Dawn rushes forth, autocannons alight! (64) 9 damage to Lancer 3S. 11XP to Sia.

Iskra slows it down with a burst of rifle fire! (48) 10 damage to Lancer 3S. 11XP to Iskra. 
Iskra's too alert to stray into the enemy's counterfire!

Scylla rushes in to nab Lancer 3S and wrap things up with a weaponless punch...! (25) Critical! 27 damage to Lancer 3S, destroyed! 37XP. The HEX crumples, perhaps a little too quickly for the optimists in the squadron...
Level up!
31    65    73    68    46    98    25

"...hmm. Well, nothing is guaranteed upon a battlefield... Ensign Kiria, we are clear now, yes?"

"A-Ah... yes, XO, sir. Radar reports no hostiles..."

Map clear! SR point acquired.

"Good. Well, then. Captain, let's recall our pilots... perhaps we ought to keep a couple out of the ship on patrol, if we stay to investigate here. That... shimmer... is admittedly weighing on me somewhat."

Edited by mcd900
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"Tch." Louise walked as Scylla went to punch one of the remaining offenders... Her fist connected with the machine's head and then continued through, too far. With a crumpled torso like that, there was no way the pilot had survived. "No survivors for us to interrogate... But, I can't exactly blame anyone. I wasn't trying to keep them alive, either~" Louise quietly hummed to herself as she revved up her HEX's engine and pushed the machine towards the ship. "Time to return... And prepare myself for later. Hahh... Today went... Scarily well. I'm feeling the best I've felt in years... I'm piloting the best I have in years... Is it due to the environment? The people? Or am I just trying to push myself harder...? Mmm... Whatever the case... Sia. Once we've debriefed and been ordered at ease... I'll be coming to see you."

Kazue was still breathing heavily... And as the fighting came to a halt, she leaned over in her seat, head in her hands. "We could not... Could not keep any of them alive. They are all dead... How... How could..." The reality of it all was hitting her like a brick, her damaged HEX standing still as the sounds of combat died down to nothing, not returning yet. A shaky hand made its way towards the comms, hailing Daeran. "H... Hey. Hey. What was that?" She slowly sat up, swallowing hard-- her mouth felt dry. "Protecting those people. That was right, was it not? And those were automated models... But this group. That was... They were all people. And we all... We all, just... The Lieutenant. Her rifle. She killed... She killed those people without a moment of hesitation... I..." Kazue had seen the final shot from Louise's machine. The beam pierced the cockpit and the machine crumpled like a puppets whose strings had been suddenly cut. Unable to keep performing... For the reason staring her in the face.

"Mmgph...!" Kazue desperately yanked her helmet off, throwing up on the floor of her cockpit, the duty hoisted upon military soldiers too much for her in the moment.

"Whew... All's well that ends well." Azame quickly hailed the ship as the fighting ended, turning her cameras on as she approached to board. "Greetings, Captain Silverwind! My name is Azame Fushimiya, ensign reporting from the CEN embassy here on Callisto... I was in the area on a search and rescue, and when I saw the combat break out, I couldn't sit still! I hope I was of service, ma'am. Permission to come aboard~?" Azame was bright, all smiles, but the tole of battle was clear on her face, chest heaving despite not having participated in combat. The stress of trying to keep folks together mid firefight always wore on her just enough.

"[XO, if you wouldn't mind.]" Galatea appeared on the combat map in front of Alrenne, saluting him. "[Here is what I was able to discern from the shimmer. I did my best to recreate an outline of what it could have possibly looked like, but in all shots, there is something moving within the shimmer, obscuring vision. I believe it to be some sort of extra appendage on what I can only assume is a machine.]" The image popped up next to her, half of the outline of a machine that seemed to have been watching them. "[It doesn't match any machine outline from the CEN's database available on board the Imminent Dawn. If you recognize it, please inform me so that I may add it. If not, we are working with an enemy that we lack critical information on. Discretion is heavily advised as we move across Callisto.]"

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“… Shit, fuck.” Well, Scylla hadn’t intended to go full force with that swing, but too late for that now! She had other things to attend to. Like probably getting yelled at for punching clean through the HEX and ruining the plan to interrogate one of these people.

”Getting real tired of taking hits too hard… should see about getting someone to help bulk up my ‘bot.” Scylla muttered to herself as she re-boarded the ship, making sure to slip her speaker out with her, stuffing the device into her suit before zipping it back over her chest. Thank God for Bluetooth speakers being so small!

Elsewhere on the Dawn, shambling towards the mess hall, was a walking burrito. One wrapped in a fluffy blanket, brought straight from home, with a tuft of long, light pink hair poking out from the top.

Tamarinne was exhausted, staying awake for as long as they had to perfect their newest - and, for the sake of this job, hopefully greatest - painting, and just as they finally managed to finish and try to sleep… combat. Granted, they knew the risks, and it wasn’t as if they were in any real danger here, but it did little to change just how damn tired they were after working as long and hard as they had on their latest masterpiece

”Ugh… beauty sleep can wait.” Tamarinne mumbled from beneath their blanket cocoon. For now, they were also very hungry, and needed to grab some sort of sustenance. From the sounds of it, they wouldn’t be alone for long, since it seemed like the pilots were getting back… maybe they should try chatting up some of them, and some of the crew, too, now that they weren’t so damn busy.

After they stuffed their face, of course. This figure didn’t come easy, and Tam didn’t want to waste away and end up one of those cliche starving artists.

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The last enemy had gone down. Markus eased his hands off the controls and sat there. That happened, there was real combat today. His fingers felt... numb. Whether that was his holding the controls too hard, or the thought he was on his way to Death's door... 

"Deep breaths... Deep breaths Markus, come on. You knew we'd be here by now." He took a moment to collect himself. Viewing the scraps across the field. There's no way this is everyone, right?

"Captain." Markus called the bridge over comms, "Requesting permission to scout the nearby perimeter." That fear wasn't gonna take him yet.

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Sia waited a moment longer for a response, but it seemed like the decision was made for their target as his compatriots continued their push. "I hoped it wouldn't come to this... Gunnery Officer. Target lock, and fire!" The third time the cannon fired, it was clear at the calculations were spot on this time. The machine moved to try to evade, but its entire area of movement was obliterated by the blast of energy, leaving almost nothing left of it. Sia clicked her tongue, knowing that was one of the few that they might have been able to capture, but perhaps that show of force would have-- Sia's vision blurred for a second, and she felt her lungs tighten. Shoot... Sia's hand immediately went for her pocket, and pulled out an inhaler as her breaths became shorter, and shorter. There was a calm in her movements despite the labored breathing, an experience with what was happening. The instrument touched her lips, and Sia breathed deep as she pressed the button, and after a moment, she removed the inhaler and put a hand to her chest as she took another deep breath, "...Damn it, what a time..." Sia waved at Alrenne, acknowledging his suggestion, "All units... try to... capture that last unit. Have the Dawn strike first." Sia puffed out, face starting to warm... Just keep focused on the mission, things are almost done... 

Sia plopped herself back into the command chair, and the Dawn was back into the fray, followed by Iskra, and then Scylla went in for the capture... all too well, her strike wasn't too heavy, it was too precise and it was clear from the crumpling of the machine that its pilot wasn't long for this world. "Damn it..." In the end, everyone was still alive, well... they, and the rebels were still alive. The terrorists were no longer amongst the living, one or two frustratingly so. "Yes, we'll have some of the less damaged remain out on patrol... everyone else I want back in for repairs..." Sia was starting to regain her breath, but she was no less embarrassed. 

Sia perked up a little as her communicator switched on, first for their new arrival, and then for Markus, "Ah, you're from the CEN Embassy, Ensign? It is a... a pleasure to meet you. Sorry if... I appear a little out of breath. But... a search and rescue? Are there... specifics that you can share about that?" If Sia didn't already have a bad feeling about all of this, a lone CEN ensign on a search and rescue would certainly push her over. The terrorists and the shimmering were bad enough already, this was another wrinkle. "Lieutenant Stewart... I... tentatively grant you permission to be on patrol, but you will remain close to the Dawn--you took several... bad hits, and I won't be risking more at this time. Lieutenant Commander, and Lieutenant Silvavolke, I'd... like the both of you to remain on alert for the moment, everyone else, return to the Dawn. I'm... unsure if we're done with all of this." 

The fight was hectic; more than a few of the machines had come in and out for resupply, and repairs, but Amy felt almost right at home. She breezed through her repairs, quickly, and efficiently. She couldn't watch the engagement, lest she make herself anxious, but she had a feeling that everything was going at least reasonably well. None of the other engineers had started panicking or anything, so the only thing she could do right now was keep her head down and focus. Especially because she didn't want any of the others to give her trouble if she started to lose focus. In truth, she much preferred working outside of combat because she wasn't going to have to worry about working with the others, she could do it easily, but there was always that implicit disdain, always that look of derision. 'Hey, isn't that the Plans thief from Boston?,' 'Careful with her... she might steal your work,' She kept a smile on her face, but it certainly wore on her. 

Well, the chief didn't seem to believe any of that nonsense, and neither did Tristan, so she wasn't quite interested in trying to prove anyone else wrong. Just keep her head down, and do what she needed to do. She could do things on her own time. Speaking of which, Amy moved over to her communicator as things slowed down, and opened Tristan's chat, [Hey, are things alright up there? Are things finished?] 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Louise heard the order to return, but one look at Markus' machine made that sound like a terrible idea. "Captain, permission to join Lieutenants Silvavolke, Stewart, and the Lieutenant Commander. If I'm spotting for them, they'll be able to scout out further, and I can keep a better eye on Stewart to make sure nothing blindsides him. That damage won't go away without repairs, but if he's adamant... I'd have offered to replace him, but I doubt we're going to run into further danger. I do believe that was everything they had." There was a certain lilt at the end of Louise's request and explanation, but no one could see the smile accompanying it.

"Oh, sorry if I'm getting in the way, I'll be quick!" Azame chuckled quietly as orders were flung about on the open channels of their comms. "I'd be willing to share the specifics once I'm on board, yes! No issues there. And since you've given the order... I think I'll go ahead and do just that~! See you in a bit, Captain!" Azame started up the slow burn on her gen one HEX's engines, pushing it towards the ship. "Let's go, Junkyard... We'll get you tuned up by some state of the art repair technology on board the Dawn~"

Tristan was about to check in on the Captain's state, but she'd pulled out an inhaler and was managing to give orders from her seat-- she'd be fine enough. If things escalated, the XO would call for assistance. Instead, he peeked at the message he'd received, smiling a bit. "I can take care of that much... All hands, we have concluded combat with the enemy forces in the area. Remain cautious, but we will be returning to regular activities aboard the Imminent Dawn." He addressed the ship's hands and its guests, quickly tapping on his keypad to send Amy a quick 😉 emote in response to her questions, hoping that answered things.

"Mmm? Combat's over? Did that twerp croak?" Viv yawned and flipped over to the hangar cameras, poking around from different angles... No one had landed just yet. Looked like one of them was coming in at that moment, so they'd been ordered to, at least. "Time to keep a vigil out for Esther and then give her some shit~"


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"Ppppbbbbbbbffff..." Gean exhaled as she leaned back into her chair, taking in everything that just happened. The commander guided her like a dream on that last shot of the main canon, though that dream, though she wish she hit some of her shots a bit better. We could also use some crowd control here. Maybe someone in RD can get us some spread options, maybe missiles... That was something to bring up to the higher ups for sure, but probably when the Captain was up for conversation. Gean turned to her fellow ensigns. "Good work out there Kiria! Not bad for first contact eh?"

Roku felt that things were dying down before the announcement was made. He was prepared this time, so the heightened emotions didn't hurt him as bad, just a slight headache that the young man pushed through. Well, people probably would be hungry, and it was a cook's job to fill those hungry stomachs, or serve something to calm any battle tension. Before he exited his room, Roku thought of one of the pilots, "He was nice the whole time..." taking a deep breathe, Roku opened a chat and sent a message to Leon, though it took a few retypes before the cook hit send. [We'll have things hot and ready for you guys in the cafeteria. Also I talked to some of the cooks, they're up for planning for a cookout next time we stock up.]

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Leon seemed to have overdone it, the Lancer he smashed looked a lot worse than one expected. Leon on the other hand laughed it up. "Ahahaha woo! That felt great!" He huffed. "Getting fired up! Who's...oh, it's done." He scanned around briefly and was hailed by the beautiful captain. Ease it back, man. Almost let your hand show a bit too much... He took a deep breath when he realized he lost control for a minute, old habits die hard. "Want me to stick with Markus? I can do that, captain. No worries." He replied, he ever heard Louise would join them too. "I second that, actually. Having her eyes would make things more comfy for me."

When things settled down he heard a ding, it seemed like he got a message. The ex-merc took a look to find it was a certain chef he met. [Oh, Roku right? Heh, you're the man, man. Looking forward to the meal, though I gotta stick around for a bit to make sure we're golden. Just keep doin' what you do best alright?] Before he could get back to work something hit him, and he messaged Roku back. [Actually hold up, mind if I use the kitchen again after I eat? Got something to make for someone.]

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Markus gave a sigh before returning to comms, "Understood, Captain. And the support is appreciated Lieutenant Park and Silvavolke." He gave a light smile even if no one saw it. A part of him didn't want to leave the cockpit only for another attack to happen. He was pretty certain he could handle himself should trouble happen, but the worry was made apparent at least in the captain.

He started to slowly pace around the perimeter of the Dawn. Markus needed to gather himself just a bit more before he landed. "We're fine, Micky, we're fine..." He kept his eyes peeled, carefully watching between both his radar, and from his camera.

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Tristan took over her duty of announcing an end to the hostilities, obviously picking up on her trying to catch her breath. Definitely was going to have to see Rosa after this, just for clearing's sake. Louise took some issue with her orders, also offering herself to patrol as an overwatch, "Very well, Lieutenant Park... All four of you remain on patrol for now... Haah... and yes, we'll talk when you arrive, Ensign Fushimiya." The communications clicked off, and Sia further deflated into her chair before looking over at the XO. "What... did Galatea find out? I missed... all of that conversation." 

Amy rejoined the other engineers as they started to get ready for the returning machines. With everything that had just happened, she could expected that there was going to be a lot of work to do, and that the Captain was going to want the machines back in fighting state as soon as possible in case of another skirmish like this. Something told her that it was going to be a late, long shower tonight, or perhaps tomorrow morning. Her phone buzzed surprisingly quickly, and Amy flipped through it and smiled at the simple, '😉' emote. Combat was done, but there was still stuff to do it seemed like. Amy thought about what to send back, and then quickly sent back ❤️❤️. She slid her phone back back into her top--it was safest there--and zipped back up, hurrying over to wait for further instructions. 

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"Guuuh..." So, Esther got some shoot down, but as the curtain came down on the battlefield, her  mech... was doing terrible, barely holding it together. "Damnit!"

Hearing the orders, it was clear that she was going to need to come back for repairs-- way more than most, for sure. "Krile Three, coming back..." At least she got among the highest score, but for the rest... "Back to the sims." Live fire seemed to take... a lot more, she couldn't take the same risks. "Jumping." And back to the hangar, her HEX went.

"Roger, remaining alert." A simple change of objectives. Bonner's HEX was still in pristine condition, and those that remained were about the same, save Markus. "We still have the insurgent civilians to worry about. Lieutenant Silvavolke, we should remain on point towards the direction they went, in case we pick up a signal." Having the most capable HEX of the bunch, Bonner felt most confident in that formation.

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Alrenne turned first to Galatea as the AI projected itself onto the tactical map, contemplatively placing his hand on his chin as the shimmer took a murky form. It was hard to tell much about it from an outline; but Galatea's theory was more than likely right. Interesting... An extra appendage? These machines are designed, not born... it cannot be vestigial - not unless someone is hunting us in some kind of... luxury HEX. No, it must have some kind of functional purpose... that's a terrifying thought. It's clearly some kind of machine under active R&D...

"Hmm. No, Galatea, I don't recognize that machine. In fact, I've never seen anything with that kind of capability. If that's all the data we have... well, we can draw a few conclusions from this. That kind of persistent shimmer could have been nothing less than some kind of all-aspect camouflage, else some of our sensors would have picked it up. Advanced technology... someone is watching, and doesn't want us to know." But did they tip their hand too early? Surely we weren't meant to see that... this is becoming too damned complicated. "Your suggestion regarding discretion is acknowledged."

He glanced back towards the captain's chair - a more than reasonable addition to the deck, given the potential... risks - and observed Sia, already recovering after her inhaler. She could take care of herself, clearly; of that he had no doubt. A commission such as captainship - and at such a young age, no less - meant every single aspect of her performance had been under a fine lens, and such a potential impairment would not have been let slide if there was so much as an iota of risk. He nodded his assent as she replied to each pilot's request to return or remain on patrol; her judgement was none the lesser for her current physical condition, that much was clear.

Looking at the holomap once more, he took stock of the situation; the rebels had come from the north, escaping to the west, the automated HEXes having followed them until they ran into the Dawn. The shimmer hid northwest, and the fake AHI security pilots had approached from the southwest. Hmm... The southwest? That's hardly plausible for AHI security to patrol in the first place at such a remote location, especially since it seemed like they were supposed to be returning. And given the exchange Lt. Park had with them, they had very little intent to maintain any kind of real cover; so they weren't planning on having us come along quietly for a talk. The emblems on the side of their machines were very apparent... some kind of false flag attack, then? But to lose as one-sidedly as they did - they must have underestimated us, there's no other reason to throw away their lives like that. 

Amateurish work, no matter how you view it...

He keyed the comm. "Commander Bonner - as you return from patrol, recover the remains of that lead Arde. It was a clean shot through the cockpit; I doubt any of the information equipment is still functional, but we might as well take that chance." A brief flick, changing the frequency. "Hangar - this is Alrenne. Prepare to receive damaged pilots and a captured enemy unit."

Kiria, for her part, was spinning in her operator's seat (she'd been far too excited with her own discovery of this fact upon boarding the Dawn, but had managed to not let it show too much) with a boundless, anxious energy. The radar reports came back clean one after another, checking each spin.

She went right past Gean, stopping herself mid-spin, slowly turning it back to face her, listing a bit dizzily to one side. "O-Oh! Um, yeah, I guess that was pretty good, huh? Oh, but, I didn't really do much myself, it's just a radar... um, but, you did great, miss Gean! I mean, with the cannons and all, it looked like everything was great! Um, is that weird to say? I don't-- I don't think it... is? Whoa--"

She listed and leaned right out of her chair, almost falling to the ground if not for Lt. Reed to her side catching her, pushing her back into place. "Easy there, Ensign... The battle may be over, but we're still on duty, you know? Even if you did a good job~" Reed was smiling, though her brow let the mildest hint of irritation at her antics.

Kiria squirmed back into her seat, giving Gean an abashed smile. "Right! Right. Yes. Thanks, Lieutenant..."

"Understood, sir." Cia stuffed her communicator back into her jumpsuit after receiving the message from the XO, grimacing at the thought of the repairs the engineering team would have to be doing. Just their luck - there just had to be something suspicious going on, the mission couldn't just go like the briefings. Ah, damn... Doesn't help half these pilots are green. Except the Lt. Commander. That guy knows how to actually use his armor...

Taking a moment's break, she let out a deep breath. The pilots were still on their way back to the ship, and once they arrived there wouldn't be so much as a breather until everyone's machines were back in shape, so now was the best time. Glancing to the side, she caught a glimpse of Amy on her comm. "Talking to anyone interesting~, Amy? I guess there's not that many options... crew's only so big after all, haha!" It could have been anyone, though, for all she knew; and the smirk she'd briefly given Amy was wiped right off her face as Esther's HEX landed right on the deck.

"Damn! Hey, what the hell are you doing jumping like that onto the hangar deck when you're this damaged?! You know how long it takes to replace the leg on one of these from the knee down?! There's like thirty of this model in existence, we're not tripping over spare parts like Peacekeepers!"

Alrenne paced the bridge - briefly - while thinking, then turned to Sia. "Captain, I think we should move on as quickly as possible. We're almost certainly within sensor range of the capital. We should probably make our best time to the capital, lest we make an, ah... poor impression. Especially seeing as we're not here on a combat mission." We weren't, that is...

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Daeran let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding as the final enemy HEX was rendered immobile by Scylla, though more 'immobile' than everyone had been hoping for. Whoever the southern group were, their intentions... It was worrying that they arrived in tandem with the additional automatous units from the northwest. He didn't know the details of what happened, having stuck to dealing with the automated units, but the fact that a group of manned HEXes had tried to ambush them from their flank rubbed him the wrong way. Someone more was afoot here, but such thoughts would have to wait until later; Kazue was hailing him.

It was her first live combat after all, she was sure to be shaken up. He had been planning to hail her to ensure everything was alright-- It quickly became apparent that she was not okay. He should have expected it, with how passionate she had been to protect the rebels. He flinched as he heard the sound of her helmet bouncing off her cockpit, followed by the ungracious sound of Kazue losing her lunch. "That was live combat, Kazue." He kept his voice firm, something stable for her to hold onto as he reassured her. This was likely the first time Kazue had seen someone die. "And what you saw were the consequences of their actions. Whatever their reasons were, they meant to do us harm. Their deaths are unfortunate; however, they knew the risks when they stepped into those HEXes. They are the same risks we take, that we may not return should something go wrong." He shook his head and paused, giving Kazue time to process the information and voice any complaints.  

He muted his outgoing audio to Kazue and hailed the bridge on a separate line. "This is Lucky Thirteen. I will remain out here until the Ensign is fit to return to the Dawn. She is having difficulty processing the deaths of the unknowns. Once she is able to operate her HEX we will return to the Dawn."

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"Yes, ma'am." Louise gave a small salute to her voice comms, leaning back in her seat and slowly removing her helmet. She let her hair fall down upon her suit, slowly flicking on her HEX's long rang scanners. If all she had to do was stick around and babysit the boys for a moment, she didn't exactly need to move. "Leon," she changed channels to him, leaning her head to the side some as she took on a more casual tone, "just make sure if something does show up, you call for myself, the Lieutenant Commander, and Markus. The last thing any of us need is someone getting cocky and getting in trouble... Even if you're skilled enough to handle it, the more damage you take, the longer repairs will take. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you any of this, but just in case... You took quite the beating today." She smirked, checking the damage on his machine. Nothing that couldn't be fixed, but for someone that seemed so confident... Meanwhile, I didn't get hit at all~ Hahhh... It's difficult being so perfect, sometimes.

"This is, live... C-Combat..." That was the reality of it all, Kazue gasping for breath as she sat back in her pilot's seat, wiping at her mouth. I had thought I was ready for this. That I could handle being around it, even if I did not do any of it myself... How naive. How ridiculously naive... "Yes... I... i knew all of that, I... I thought... Ugh..." She still felt sick. She couldn't stop herself imagining the interior of the machine as it fell. What was left of-- "Mghn...!" She managed to hold back this time, taking deep breaths, trying to calm down. "T-Tell me! Anything! About yourself! Your past. Your interests. Please. Anything... I cannot continue to dwell on this, I, I feel like I will pass out. Anything, Daeran..." She needed an escape, anything would do, her mind was spinning and she was doing everything she could to keep it away from her immediate thoughts.

"Touching down~!" Azame announced herself as her clunker landed gently in the Dawn's hanger, settling it against one of the repair and refuel stations and popping off her helmet. "Whew! Hahhh... Even when I don't face combat, all that live repairing is so very stressful. Gonna need a shower after this... Oh! I hope they have extra rooms! Sheesh, I hadn't even considered... Ahhh, I hope I don't have to wait until I'm back at base to change..." She began her miniature panic as she opened up Junkyard's cockpit and rode the lift down, running a hand into her hair. "Hahhh... Hey there~!" It seemed like some of the engineers were already up and about, Azame making her way towards the one more similar to her in some respects. "Greetings! Ensign Nishimiya, reporting!" She saluted and smiled. "Joining the Dawn temporarily on assignment from the capital's embassy. My machine's in tip top shape, but I could use a refill, if you don't mind! And, I do mean that he's in tip top shape. Ol' Junkie's been clunkin' on for several years now, but he always stays together."

"Looks like a right piece o' work. Didn't think anyone'd be usin' a gen one HEX model anymore... Y'sure y'ain't underfunded up here?" Avery walked herself into the conversation, tipping her hat at Amy and then sighing in Cia's direction. "I'll deal with 'er... You jus' focus on keepin' the incomin' pilots alright."

"Oh! No, trust me, we're all doing very fine here. The majority of pilots are using gen two models, I'm... Just really attached to Junkyard. I know exactly how outdated he is, and that I could probably be doing better for combat in a gen two, but... Mmm. He keeps me safe, and I'm just here to fix folks. I don't need the speed, just the safety."

"That right... Suit yourself; you got aboard in one piece, so maybe there's somethin' to that hunk of metal. Cia!" Avery turned her attention to the lead engineer, waving at Amy and Azame as she moved on. "They just got done in battle, girl. Engines off. We'll get 'er fixed like we always do, okay? I get how ya feel, but this ain't the time fer barkin'." She adjusted her hat tightly onto her hair and sighed. "You let me take 'er off yer hands iffin y'can't keep yerself calm, yeah? I can deal with the radical folk better."

"Heyyyy, there she is... Looks like she's already getting chewed out by the engineers. Dumbass, ahah~ Mmm, time to rub it in..."

Vivian rolled onto her back and started texting Esther, licking her lips some as she did.

[Heyyyyyyyyy you look like shit... you get spanked too hard out there? i thought u were some kinda ace, yeah? handle anything? sheeeeeesh one fight and you're almost toast... what's goin on esther? were your wins in the simulator... all luck?]

"Khhhhhahahaha~ Ahhhh, she's gonna be so mad! Based."

Tristan saw the hearts and he felt his face getting a bit red, shaking his head and focusing. "Returning the ship's trajectory towards the capital. Ready to move in ten minutes... Captain, orders to remain in this sector, or shall we continue forward?" There was also the rebel group to consider. The Dawn could easily catch up to them, even with the time they'd been gone... Would it be worth it? That was for the Captain to decide. While he waited for orders... He couldn't quite help himself, gently tapping his communicator and sending back, [dinner later?] to Amelia.

Galatea turned the screen towards the captain, taking in Alrenne's words and not pushing for any answer to her suggestions and analysis at the moment. "[It appears that we are under observation, Captain. That is all. You should discuss with the XO on further decisions. I can only provide information; I am incapable of giving a proper opinion on a course of action.]"

Alriana was leaving... And from the signals on her monitor, their little group had been a bit too little. "Hahhhh... Can't expect the weeds to get the job done. Guess I'll have to scout them out in person... Oi, Tanvir. Our cover's setup, right? We've got the credentials and everything... So we'll pose as workers for AHI and meet this Dawn crew in person. I wanna see who we're dealing with... Especially that sniper, damn~ Ruthless. A soldier after my own heart..."

Tanvir was quiet for a moment. Eyes focused on the hex with the sword, "Huh?" He clicked his tongue as he returned to the real world, "Yeah, I got everything done not too long ago. Credentials, tags, and everything--they won't know a thing. I've... seen movements like that... The hell is a martial artist doing out here... and one so hesitant? The movements were flawless, but the HEX itself... heh. Maybe this could be more interesting after all. Something more than just sowing chaos... "I guess they're a little better than was expected... the info said that this was a mostly green unit? I can see it, but it didn't exactly feel like it. The dead certainly won't agree..."

"The dead don't get a say in anything~" Toki was gleeful as usual, opening up her machine and jumping out in a flash, landing down on their hanger floor with a loud metal on metal thud. "Phew... Hahh, gonna have to get some nice clothes if I'm gonna look like head of security... I mean, I am, heh, but I gotta play the part, not just be assigned it~ Hope you're ready for some acting, Tanvir." She smirked over at him and her tail wagged fiercely, slowing stepping in his direction. "You wanna... Work off some steam, first~?"

"Yeah, yeah... At least it'll be more involved than just sitting here and watching this." Tanvir hopped out of his machine, landing with a heavy thud, standing to his full height and towering over Toki. Tanvir just stared at her, "I'm bored, not suicidal. I'll go and find something to do that isn't also putting my life at risk. Not exactly enjoyable to fight with someone who's trying to kill. Wait until Aly come back if you want to satisfy that bloodlust--I'm sure she'll oblige as she always does."

"Tch." She pouted, but started to walk away. "Fine, fine... I'll put the lizard in her place for getting so antsy and almost breaking the plan. That'll get my urges out... Can't wait to meet you, Dawn crew~"


Edited by Nanami Touko
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Iskra let out the breath that she hadn't even realized she had been holding as Scylla punched through the final enemy mech, leaving the last combatant dead. With the sudden quiet that fell over the battlefield, she suddenly found herself left only with her thoughts and all the emotions that were crowding her brain. She had killed someone. She had said she would do it when it was required but she hadn't expected that to be so soon. This was supposed to be a peace keeping mission. How had it turned so sour so fast? Her breathing was growing heavier as her machine remained stationary, the panic that was setting in overriding the knowledge that she needed to return back to the Dawn. I'm going to need to do that again. And again and again and again. Feeling their emotions just disappear as I rip their life away. There's nothing I can do about it either. I'm stuck... stuck...

Suddenly, a soft but cool something headbutted her cheek. "Ion... t-thanks." The robot cat was doing its job, keeping her from spiraling too hard for now. The emotions would come back later, they always did, but she didn't have the freedom to deal with them now. "Silent Dusk, returning to the Dawn." Closing her comment after her announcement, she piloted her Hex back towards the ship. It hadn't been a bad battle, all told. One unlucky counter, but overall she had done her job. There was nothing she should get lectured about, so that was good. She had fought like she had been taught to do, and besides... No, she couldn't think about that now. That would come later, in her room with the door locked. For now, she just had to make it through the return trip and the debriefing that was sure to come after.

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Leon sat back in his seat and waited for a response from Roku, though truthfully even if he didn't get approval he'd probably sneak in and fire up the grill anyway. Just as he was about to get into his thoughts and plans he was hailed by a certain pretty sniper. "Heh, how kind of you to be worried about me miss Park! Don't you worry, I won't go running off on my own here." She probably aimed it as a jab, but Leon was used to rolling with the punches. "I'll be straight with you I should be the last person you worry about, I've been around this kinda crap for way too long. My machine gettin' beat up ain't no biggie, if anything I'm helping the mechanics earn a fatter paycheck." He chuckled. "That being said...look at you! Fresh and untouched, seemed like you did a hell of a job. Even against human opponents."

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"Of course I did. It's what we were trained for... As soon as you step onto the field of battle with intent to kill, you'd best be ready to be killed in return." She didn't bat an eye; the subject didn't worry her in the slightest. If anything, these people masquerading as AHI and causing unrest were less than human. It made it even easier to kill them, not only was she accomplishing her job as a pilot, she was aiding in quelling unrest on the moon. Two birds with one precise laser rifle. "As for your assumption... The mechanics are paid yearly and for the deployment, not by the degree of damage they repair. And gen three HEX models are rare. The more you keep yours in shape, the less we'll have to worry about... I imagine the ensign is going to have the repair team tearing their hair out if she continues as she has been. Don't add to that, Leon."

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Sia took another breath before turning to Alrenne, "We'll move on... as soon as we're able... If we're in sensor range, then they should... have picked up combat... they'll know something's happened." Sia shook her head, air was starting to flow normally, but it was difficult get back to normal after an episode--it would be a little while longer before she was up and about again. "Understood... Lieutenant Vhane, please... keep us updated on the ensign's wellbeing, and if necessary, hail if you need further... assistance. Navigation... we'll remain her until all are back aboard, and then... full speed towards the capital..." Perhaps two of them would need to be looked at by Doctor Delarosa, but for now, focus, she didn't need to have her breath completely to do her job. Galatea responded, turning the screen to her, with the shimmer still on the screen, and the harrowing phrase, 'We are under observation.' Sia clicked her tongue, and pulled her hat down over her eyes for a moment, "Well... until we can figure things out, I suppose we'll have to give our onlookers a show to remember... We'll talk more about this when we have... time to debrief... Haah... Hopefully my breath comes back by then..." 

Amy jumped as Cia caught her chatting, and not actually yelling her, more teasing her, "That's for me to know, and for you to find out, chief~" She almost finished zipping back up when the phone buzzed again, rather quickly, but her attention was taken by the first HEX to land, and one that was in rather bad shape. Cia was not pleased with the seeming lack of care over the damage, "Easy, easy..." Amy looked over the HEX--the damage was pretty bad, and a lot of parts were going to need to be fixed, or swapped out but there was nothing that couldn't be dealt with. "This one'll get put on expedited repair... joints look pretty exposed, and banged up... but they still work, or we'd have a HEX faceplant." One of the other engineers was already stepping up to the plate, so Amy unzipped, and took her phone back out, first smiling at Azame, "Hiya~ Said something about a refill?" A quick glance, and stepping out of the way as other engineers started to rev up work, "Your machine looks in fine shape, so that's probably gonna be one of the last things we do--you weren't on the ship before, I worked on all the machines before... Anyway! I'm Amelia, another of the engineers! We'll get it done, but... if you weren't here before, you'll probably have to get an okay from the captain--believe me, you can't miss her." 

Amy took a deep breath, and then finally looked down at her phone--likely the last chance she was gonna get for a little bit--and a smile crept across her face, and the faintest of blushes. Her hands typed quickly, [We'll see how things go down here... a lot repairs, and stuff, but I'd be delixcited... Might be a little pooped but yeah!] She hit send before she noticed the portmanteau, and tapped her forehead. Too late, it was sent, and now things were getting underway, the phone had to go into the safe place. 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"Lieutenant...?" Not even an acknowledgement Bonner's way, but it was fine. Seemed like Silvavolke and Park were chatting up instead, and... Vhane and the Ensign were preoccupied. Their movement halted, without any heads up to the others, curious, they had clearance to load their HEXes back on the ship. That was enough to cause some concern. "Lieutenant Vhane? Ensign Fujiwaru...? Are things okay?"

"Uh, sorry." Esther wasn't expecting the chewing out, feeling a bit dumb. "Figured it wasn't doing more to integrity than what was already done." A bit sheepish, Esther opened the cockpit, preparing to leave, stopped only by a beep on her portable comm. "Hm?"

And of course it was Vivien, who had been judging her performance on the field, to boot. "This bitch..." Of course, this demanded Esther's attention for a quick response.

[sorry i didnt hear you out there trying to fight AI and real people all at once]
[got 4 down while you were hiding btw]

"Hmph!" It was fair to say, in gaming terms, Esther was tilted, making her way down from the cockpit. "Ughh... need to improve my reactions, so banged up." It just wasn't her day...

Edited by Xinnidy
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