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Meta Knight Not banned


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I don't want Meta Knight to be banned, because I think that due to having even and arguably disadvantaged matchups, banning him would be ultimately unnecessary, but I recently realized he's fun to play, but if I play him I'll be contributing to this idea that the game focuses too much on meta knight or something, and as somebody who doesn't want him banned it's like my obligation to prove he can be beaten.

It's like damn. Oh well, Snake

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MetaKnight is good, but its been clear from the start that he's not ban-worthy. Its not like playing as MetaKnight garuntees you're gonna 3-stock even the best of players just because they're playing other characters. Hell, I've seen Ganondorfs and Jigglypuffs hold their own against some well-played MetaKnights. Besides, real smashers main Snake or WsnakeWario, and alt the entire low tier.

This is old news, btw.

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MetaKnight is good, but its been clear from the start that he's not ban-worthy. Its not like playing as MetaKnight garuntees you're gonna 3-stock even the best of players just because they're playing other characters. Hell, I've seen Ganondorfs and Jigglypuffs hold their own against some well-played MetaKnights. Besides, real smashers main Snake or WsnakeWario, and alt the entire low tier.

This is old news, btw.

I logged on smashbaords yesterday and saw so I figured it was

I haven't logged in in like 3 weeks

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Ehhh, I don't go on Smashboards much anymore. Too crowded. I get all my latest smash news from VegasSmash since I know pretty much all the members IRL (I haven't gone to a tourney in a few months, so I don't know the newer members)

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Ehhh, I don't go on Smashboards much anymore. Too crowded. I get all my latest smash news from VegasSmash since I know pretty much all the members IRL (I haven't gone to a tourney in a few months, so I don't know the newer members)

Me neither I haven't been to one in a while I really wanna get back out there though

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The only topics I go to on Smashboards are the tourney boards. The character discussion boards aren't the greatest, everything is better when you just go to tourneys and play friendlies n shit.

Regional zone boards are great, just because I've actually met MOST of the people I've talked to on there.

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Bullcrap. Metaknight (and Snake) need to be banned. They're way too good.

Then that makes Dedede the best character, and then everybody would start bitching about how OMGBORKEN his chaingrab is and he'd be banned, and then Falco would be banned for having the best (and more importantly, the easiest) 0-Death combo in the game, and then G-Dub for having so much goddamn priority, and before you know it we're left with just Link and Ganondorf. Brawl isn't a LOZ game, thereby we can't ban characters.


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Then that makes Dedede the best character, and then everybody would start bitching about how OMGBORKEN his chaingrab is and he'd be banned, and then Falco would be banned for having the best (and more importantly, the easiest) 0-Death combo in the game, and then G-Dub for having so much goddamn priority, and before you know it we're left with just Link and Ganondorf. Brawl isn't a LOZ game, thereby we can't ban characters.


Don't make fun of Link, I'm not good with him but i have fought awesome links.

But ido agree with the rest.

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There are some good link players out there, sure, but you can't deny that he's a pretty crappy character compared to the rest of the cast.

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There are some good link players out there, sure, but you can't deny that he's a pretty crappy character compared to the rest of the cast.

Jiggs is bad but ppl don't compain(btw there is a good jiggs here) and wtf happened to ur name?

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Jiggs is bad but ppl don't compain(btw there is a good jiggs here)

Jigglypuff has a good air-game (though nowhere near as good as MK) and a great recovery (again, not quite MK). Link, on the other hand, can't jump.

and wtf happened to ur name?

I got rid of it.

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Then that makes Dedede the best character, and then everybody would start bitching about how OMGBORKEN his chaingrab is and he'd be banned, and then Falco would be banned for having the best (and more importantly, the easiest) 0-Death combo in the game, and then G-Dub for having so much goddamn priority, and before you know it we're left with just Link and Ganondorf. Brawl isn't a LOZ game, thereby we can't ban characters.


I'm going to disagree with your logic. I've seen people who are high level tourney players in Brawl resort to using Metaknight (who they are WORSE at using compared to their normal mains) just because they're tired of losing to inferior players who are using Metaknight. Just because a character is the best, doesn't mean that they need to be banned, since I'm highly doubtful this game is that imbalanced that every time you remove a character the next one in line becomes too powerful.

Honestly, I don't care much if he's banned or not since I prefer Melee and my Wii is broken anyway. I just see so much bitching over Metaknight, I figure there's a reason.

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Link is seriously underused/rated. I use him, and I absolutely kick ass. Yoshi, too. Just because of Melee, people assume that Yoshi is shit and has no recovery (he has one, and it is actually very useful). People need t chill out and use Yoshi, who I'd say is simple the best in the game if you can use him right.

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I'm going to disagree with your logic. I've seen people who are high level tourney players in Brawl resort to using Metaknight (who they are WORSE at using compared to their normal mains) just because they're tired of losing to inferior players who are using Metaknight. Just because a character is the best, doesn't mean that they need to be banned, since I'm highly doubtful this game is that imbalanced that every time you remove a character the next one in line becomes too powerful.

Well thats dumb. They should just get a main/alt that doesn't have a disadvantage against MetaKnight, like Snake or DK. Of course, Snake is starting to prove less useful against MetaKnight because they're both so overused, MK's need to worry most about Snake battles and MK Ditto battles.

Nah. Metaknight has no bad matchups, it's pretty much 50-50 with Snake which is even. Everyone below MK have bad matchups that aren't Metaknight.

Still, despite having no bad match-ups, MK doesn't have very many completely incredible match-ups. Against most of the better characters, the match-up is only slightly in MK's favor. He counters D-cube and Game&Watch like a beast, but the rest of top-tier and high-tier hold their own against him.

Link is seriously underused/rated. I use him, and I absolutely kick ass. Yoshi, too. Just because of Melee, people assume that Yoshi is shit and has no recovery (he has one, and it is actually very useful). People need t chill out and use Yoshi, who I'd say is simple the best in the game if you can use him right.

Yoshi had a recovery in Melee, too. It was shitty but it was there. And I use Yoshi in Brawl, and I wouldn't go as far as to say he's the best in the game, he's just extremely underrated. Also, the Yoshi-MetaKnight match-up is pretty evenly weighted. Just throwing that out there.

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Link is seriously underused/rated. I use him, and I absolutely kick ass. Yoshi, too. Just because of Melee, people assume that Yoshi is shit and has no recovery (he has one, and it is actually very useful). People need t chill out and use Yoshi, who I'd say is simple the best in the game if you can use him right.

You are obviously dumb

I have a friend who is pro and mains link

And I use yoshi

Not the best

Yoshi and link do have alot of at's though

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^How come you got no name? Weren't you Krevin?

Yes I was, and I still am if you look at my sig, but I don't like having a name.

Yoshi and link do have alot of at's though

Yoshi's only got the DR, his lame excuse for a chaingrab, and a handful of techniques that really can't be described as "advanced". Link seems to have a lot, though. And he needs them pretty badly, since his standard techniques aren't any good.

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