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What's your favorite post-Fates theme song?


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Since Fates, Fire Emblem has had something of a tradition of each individual mainline game having its own theme song separate from the general Fire Emblem theme that plays during the opening and/or end credits. Fates itself has "Lost in Thoughts All Alone", Echoes "Heritors of Arcadia", Three Houses "The Edge of Dawn," and Engage "Fiery Bonds". I wondered what people thought of all of them.

I think my favorite one is probably Heritors of Arcadia. It's got some great lyrics and it being from Mila's POV is really interesting (though it would have been more interesting if it was a duet with Duma). It's not as plot critical like "Lost" but it provides a good emotional capstone to the game.

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I'm of the opinion that Fates has the best overall OST in the series, and that is a hill I will proudly die fighting on, so "Lost In Thoughts All Alone" is a pretty easy pick. I might be pushing it by saying it's up there as one of the best video game songs ever made, but I'll die on that hill, too.

Maybe it's just me, but I definitely feel like some recent Nintendo games have gotten a similar treatment with having a big theme to market alongside the game itself. I'm sure it's something that video game companies have been doing for years already, but it's just something I've noticed more in recent memory with Nintendo. It's pretty obvious with games like Super Mario Odyssey (Jump Up, Super Star!) and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Lifelight), but I think it can be traced back to Fates to some extent. I'm probably supremely wrong about that, but again, I feel like it's something I've noticed more of now compared to the past.

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While I agree that Heritors of Arcadia is probably my favourite overall (Echoes in general has my favourite soundtrack of the series), I'd like to put in a good word for Fiery Bonds as well.

I think the lyrics in general are actually pretty good (particularly with the references to all the Emblem summon quotes). It also gets bonus points for rearranging the main theme of the game but in a more emotional way. Yeah, Edge of Dawn did it first but I kinda like it more here. Honestly I wasn't expecting Fiery Bonds to be that great but it really is.

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  • Lost in Thought, All Alone. Decent song, but it got used so often that I grew sick of it. And being so integrated with the game's plot might be an advantage if I liked said plot, but I don't.
  • Heritors of Arcadia. I literally have no recollection of this song. I went and looked it up on YouTube and I still have no recollection of it. It's not a bad song, but it clearly failed to leave an impression on me.
  • Edge of Dawn. I like this one. Nothing much to say about it beyond that. It's a song that I remember and that I enjoy listening to.
  • Fiery Bonds. This is the only one of the bunch that I'd say that I dislike. It's not that I think it's objectively bad; it just doesn't work for my musical tastes.
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My favourite is definitelyย Edge of Dawn. It's a good song that's nicely sung. The song being from Edelgard's perspective and being about her internal conflict is really interesting and it certainly helps that Edelgard is actually a compelling character, unlike Byleth or Anankos, giving the song a clear edge over Lost in Thoughts, All Alone in that regard, but the latter is definitely in second place.

I don't remember Heritors of Arcadia at all; not only has it been a long time since I played Shadows of Valentia, but none of the music really grabbed my attention when I did play it.

I have yet to play Engage or watch any videos that include its theme song, so I can't say anything aboutย Fiery Bonds.

Edited by vanguard333
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Heritors of Arcadia is definitely my favorite, it isn't even a contest. Any future song in FE will have a very hard time beating it, though I do still like most of the songs they've written up. Fiery Bonds is the only one I'd say I really dislike, and I dislike it strongly.

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The Edge of Dawn no doubt: Its beautiful, and it captures the whole conflict of Three Houses not exclusively from Edelgard as well.ย  Second would be Lost in Thoughts All Alone, and then Emblem!Engage for third. Honorable mention goes to Lost in Thoughts all Alone: Remembrance, which Shigure sings at the end of Heirs of Fate.ย 

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1 hour ago, ZeManaphy said:

Honorable mention goes to Lost in Thoughts all Alone: Remembrance, which Shigure sings at the end of Heirs of Fate.ย 

Actually yeah I forgot about this one but honestly it is amazing.

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Engage's, because it, the Heroes Book 3 theme, and Annette's goofy cake song are the only English vocal songs in the entire FE canon that don't butcher syllable stress in order to cram a lyric where it doesn't belong. Also, the instrumental version goes so hard, and I adore it.

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Heritors of Arcadia is a pretty easy pick, Edge of Dawn slaps hard as well, God Shattering Star is another that I should point out, Tearing Through Heaven is also a song that stuck out to me, and for Fates Thorn In You, Road Taken are some solid picks, butย End of All is my favorite out of the Fates OST, it's very good. Overall, the OSTs from Fates and beyond is pretty solid, but I think I prefer the music from pre-Fates.

Edited by Orpheus Telos
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