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How do you want to die?


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Just wondering. I've realized that I want to die a honorable/heroic death. I'd be completely be fine dying by taking a bullet for a friend or pushing some little kid out of the way of a car. Just wonder what other people's thoughts on it are.

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I wanna die having fun. I also wanna have an awesome death. Which would make my house exploding while playing video games a favorable death for me.

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The more good that comes outta my death, the better. I don't really worry about death but I'd rather die for something good other than ending up dead for something stupid like a drive-by shooting.


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Nuclear explosion. Standing next to the bomb after my lover dies in my arms :mellow:

yeah, and wipe out millions of people with the explosion and nuclear radiation, destroying the environment to the point where anything grown on it is dangerous to consume for decades, and affecting future generations with birth defects and miscarriages.



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The more good that comes outta my death, the better. I don't really worry about death but I'd rather die for something good other than ending up dead for something stupid like a drive-by shooting.


whats snu snu? I want to die quick and painless

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I want to die quick and painless

I used to think that way as well, but for some reason recently, I've been thinking of making my death a good thing. Like if I save some kid with my life, I think that kid would likely appreciate his/her life more( hopefully, seeing as someone else sacrificed theirs for him/her), try to do better in school and society, and hopefully try to spread good ethics and stuff.

Or he/she could turn out horrible scarred and completely shut-down from mental stress... :mellow:

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I used to think that way as well, but for some reason recently, I've been thinking of making my death a good thing. Like if I save some kid with my life, I think that kid would likely appreciate his/her life more( hopefully, seeing as someone else sacrificed theirs for him/her), try to do better in school and society, and hopefully try to spread good ethics and stuff.

Or he/she could turn out horrible scarred and completely shut-down from mental stress... :mellow:

Or he could've been a demented and twisted person who actually deserved death. Better know what kind of person you're giving up your life for :P

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Or he could've been a demented and twisted person who actually deserved death. Better know what kind of person you're giving up your life for :P

True... I'd probably wind up taking a bullet for my friends. Most likely Kiba, cuz he tends to not know when to stop talking <_<...

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yeah, and wipe out millions of people with the explosion and nuclear radiation, destroying the environment to the point where anything grown on it is dangerous to consume for decades, and affecting future generations with birth defects and miscarriages.



There's people in the middle of the desert? Oh right Las Vegas duh :P

Ah well, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Cause we're all dead :blink:

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I don't want to die, but then again you can't feel anything when you die, so you can't really tell.

Although, there is pain you may feel leading to your death. I guess it just depends how you go, really. A bad car accident for example, will have you feel pain for the split second your body is being crushed, then you die.

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yeah, and wipe out millions of people with the explosion and nuclear radiation, destroying the environment to the point where anything grown on it is dangerous to consume for decades, and affecting future generations with birth defects and miscarriages.



:lol: That made me laugh hard...*fears Jessie*

Ah I would like to die a peacefully. I am pretty sure no one here would like to die painfully.

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Dying in a fight always seemed ideal to me. Not because of glory, or anything, but because I have always been a "Fighter" as many people have said to me. If I am a fighter, that would mean I am dying doing what I do best, I guess. I do know that I Don't want to die until my kids are adults, which is why I've stopped doing some life-threatening stuff.

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