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HM Playthrough


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Ch 12


Left wing: Ashtol, Dieck, Rutger, Roy, Clarine (restore staff), Lance, Alan, Lilina; Right Wing:

Gonzales, Lalum, Chad, Echidna, Saul (unlock staff, sleep staff)

The purpose of giving Saul the Unlock and Sleep staves is mainly to spam his XP up so he'll be promoted by Chapter 14. Their added utility is just bonus. On the first turn he hits the Sniper with Sleep, Gonzo kills the Killer Axe Fighter from range, no point taking chances, and the East team ends their turn in formation. The west team likewise advances, with Ashtol making sure to camp in range of the door.

On the second turn the two Fighters who advanced on the West team are eliminated. Ashtol opens the door, but is rescue-chained by Clarine and Lance out of the reach of the Armor knight. Rutger trades the Armorslayer to Dieck, who is in the A Knight's range. Meanwhile, Gonzo Devil Axes the Armorknight to death, Saul Unlocks the Door, Chad goes in and nabs the chest (Lancereaver). Lalum dances for Gonzo, who then goes and kills the Fighter. Echidna attacks the wall with a Steel Axe.

Turn three has Gonzo Devil Axe the wall twice (with Lalum's help) and it breaks, allowing access to the gooey center: a corridor full of archers and priests. This will provide amusement for Gonzo and Echidna, as they've at this point cleared everything else on their half of the map. Chad heads back this direction so that on next turn he can lift the Sniper's vulnerary. Saul goes and unlocks another door. On the other side of the map, Dieck kills the Eclipse shaman, Ashtol opens top chest (Flux). The Enemy phase was particularly unlucky this time, however, as Echidna was put to sleep, and Lalum was hit by an arrow (non-fatal, thankfully).

Next we have Ashtol opening the bottom chest (Aircalibur), Lilina supporting him up to B, while Saul head south to eventually heal, putting an Archer to sleep along the way. Chad accomplishes his goal of snagging the vulnerary, and the West team advances, doing their best to end at the corner areas, out of range of the shamans and archers, or equipping 1-2 weapons.

For the next few turns Gonzo has his hands full working with the archers after having taken care of the Sniper. Sadly he's a terrible aim with his Hand axes and doesn't always connect. Chad goes pilfers the Brave Bow in the lower chest of room #2, as wel as the Elysian whip in the middle chest. LHS team has more advancing, with Alan and Lilina taking care of archers. (Alan gets a nice critical on one, killing it outright).

Cass arrives in the north on turn seven. At this point Roy, and the Cav duo have just part of the tunnel that connects to the central area with Ray, the Warrior, and the doors to the throne room, and on the enemy phase some of these start to come at them.

Echidna awakes on the turn eight, and goes and helps Gonzales finish clearing out the corridor. On the other side, Rutger doubles with his Killing Edge, critting on both, killing that Warrior who was clogging the tunnel. Since Roy was wounded from one of the walled up shamans and needs rescuing, but Clarine is in the way, she gets rescued too. (Thank you cavs with your awesome mobility and utility). Saul approaches Chad, who moves just close enough to make an inventory exchange possible next turn (necessary so he can steal Cass's stuff). Enemy phase sees Cass unlock the door to the chest room where Chad's at.

Saul relieves Chad of his excess, and Chad then immediately goes and relieves Cass of her vulnerary, also conveniently blocking the doorway. Dieck kills a Fighter, and the path out of the tunnel is clear, so the cavalier duo move; Alan continues to carry Roy, but Lance unloads Clarine behind him into the saftey of the tunnel. On the enemy Phase Alan and a Fighter trade blows, each getting wounded. This prompts the mend priest to move his ass out from blocking the tunnel to the north central area to come heal the Fighter. This is awesome, since it leaves the path clear for Alan carry Roy through there without needing to kill him first. Furthermore, adding to the awesome, is that Cass retreats westward, the AI must intending her to open the double-doors, which is the only other thiefly thing she has access to at the moment.


Alan drops off Roy close to Cass. Chad comes out and steals Cass's lockpick, which should immobilize her as the AI won't have anything left for her to do. Since I seem to remember some reinforcements in the cards, Saul heads back south, while Gonzo and Echidna set up base there too.

On the next turn Roy talks to, recruits Cass. She trades with Chad to get a lockpick back, and will head to the final remaining chest, while Chad continues west, to Ray. On the Enemy Phase, Alan is unfortunately put to sleep. Next Chad opens the double-doors to the throne room, and Lilina ends turn 12 in Ray's range, thinking to act as bait, however it seems he doesn't take it. On this enemy phase Chad is put to Sleep. >:( Since this is unacceptable, Clarine Restores Chad. Cass unlocks the chest (Blue Gem). Since reinforcements have arrived, Lance heads south and blocks off that tunnel as preparation. Gonzo kills the Fighter blocking passage to the other enemies, then gets refreshed and doubles the Warrior with a Hand Axe, allowing Echidna to Killer Axe critical it to death.

Chad manages to recruit Ray, who has been incredibly docile on the enemy phase, on turn 14. Clarine Restores Alan who goes to join Lance in the tunnel. Dieck and Rutger approach the throne, Roy follows. Gonzo wraps up the remaining Fighter, and he and Echidna proceed to position to prepare for the Dragon Riders. On the Enemy Phase, the Boss and Dieck trade blows, Dieck hits once with the Wyrmslayer, misses once, and is wounded badly. He retreats, as Clarine was too far away to heal him, but she arrives and will do so next turn. As this point Rutger and Clarine have their A support conversation. Alan arrives next to Lance, who moves ahead a little, to be in range of the enemies. Echidna hand axes Dragon Rider #1, Gonzo then steps up and finishes it.

In the enemy phase of turn 15, reinforcements arrive and catch me wholly offguard, though thankfully nobody is killed.


The above image shows just how dire things were looking, though. Gonzo doubles the Warrior with his Iron Axe, Echidna finishes it with a Killer Axe crit. Alan/Lance go to work on mercs in the tunnel. Clarine heals Dieck, but it's not enough to be safe, so they wait one more turn before approaching the Boss again. Lalum manages to dodge queen her way alive into the next turn, at which point Killer Axe Echidna, with move again Lalum, and Hand Axe Gonzo take care of the rest of the fighters, leaving only the Dragon Riders to worry about. On the other side of the map, Lance takes care of the Hero, and Dieck resumes position in front of the Mamkute. Again, he takes a big hit, but Kills the mamkute on the double counter, when both hits connect. Fighters come up out of the stairwells and try to hand axe him, but fail.

At this point it's turn 18, and a debate between seizing, or doing a complete cleanup of the remaining reinforcements. I decide to hold off, and then seize on turn 20.

At this point I'm granted access to my long-awaited Augury, which reveals my ranks to be as follows:

Length: Splendid job

Battle Skill: Very Well

Casualties: Splendid job

Experience: Splendid job

Funds: Splendid job

Power: Splendid job

Combat seems to be acceptable, I feel I can bring it up over the next 12 chapters or so, so am not too worried. Everything else is golden.


Appendix Ch 12:

Turn 12: Hero Lv 1 Silver Sword, Mercs Lv 13 Steel Sword, 2x Merc Lv 16 Steel Sword (west bottom); Warrior Lv 15 Steel Axe, Fighter Lv 13 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Fighter Lv 14 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Fighter Lv 15 Steel Axe (east bottom), Dragon Rider Lv 15 Steel Lance, Dragon Rider Lv 12 Steel Lance/Javelin, Dragon Rider Lv 13 Steel Lance/Javelin (north east)

Turn 15: Warrior Lv 15 Steel Axe, Fighter Lv 13 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Fighter Lv 14 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Fighter Lv 15 Steel Axe (east bottom), Dragon Rider Lv 15 Steel Lance, Dragon Rider Lv 12 Steel Lance/Javelin, Dragon Rider Lv 13 Steel Lance/Javelin (north east)

Turn 17: Stairwells, Fighter Lv 12 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (left), Fighter Lv 14 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (right)

Turn 18: Stairwells, Fighter Lv 12 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (left), Fighter Lv 14 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (right)

Turn 19: Stairwells, Fighter Lv 12 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (left), Fighter Lv 14 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (right)

Turn 20: Stairwells, Fighter Lv 12 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (left), Fighter Lv 14 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (right), Hero Lv 1 Silver Sword, Mercs Lv 13 Steel Sword, 2x Merc Lv 16 Steel Sword (west bottom) [fail to get gaiden at this point though]

Turn 21: Stairwells, Fighter Lv 12 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (left), Fighter Lv 14 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (right)

Turn 22: Stairwells, Fighter Lv 12 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (left), Fighter Lv 14 Hand Axe/Steel Axe (right)


Appendix: Tactics requirements

Interested in the exact requirements, and how much leeway there is I made a save state prior to seizing the throne. If you wish to investigate, you can download it from here. Creating an open office spreadsheet using my turns taken for the various chapters (10, 11, 16, 15, 16, 22, 12, 28, 18, 22, 20, 17), then adding in the new number for turns taken on Chapter 12, skipping ahead to the Ch 13 Augury (as in order to test bad tactics ranks I inevitably fail to earn the gaiden), I make the following observations:

Tactics remains as "Splendid" until turns taken exceeds 33, putting the combined total for 5 star tactics at 240 turns (confirming Reikken's number).

Tactics remains as "Very well" until turns taken exceeds 98, putting the combined total for 4 star tactics at 305 turns.

Tactics remains as "Fine" until turns taken exceeds 228, putting the combined total for 3 star tactics at 435 turns.

Tactics remains as "neither" until turns taken exceeds 358, putting the combined total for 2 star tactics at 565 turns.

As secondary observations it was noted that the gap between 5 star and 4 star was 65 turns, exactly equal to 5 turns per playable chapter (12 + 1). Similarly the gap between the other ratings was 130 turns, or 10 turns per chapter.

This combined with some educated guesswork allows me to construct a hypothetical table of chapter turn requirements as follows:

Rank   5	 4	 3	 2
Ch1:  15	20	30	40
Ch2:  15	20	30	40
Ch3:  15	20	30	40
Ch4:  15	20	30	40
Ch5:  15	20	30	40
Ch6:  20	25	35	45
Ch7:  20	25	35	45
Ch8:  25	30	40	50
Ch8x: 20	25	35	45
Ch9:  20	25	35	45
Ch10: 20	25	35	45
Ch11: 20	25	35	45
Ch12: 20	25	35	45

The above numbers are by no means the numbers used in the game, though I would contend they are probably quite close. They are provided "as-is" with no guarantees: If you use them as your guide I assume no liability should you fail to meet your target.

When reporting future Chapters' tactics requirements, I will only be checking the 5 star rank, as everything else would be too tedious, and I will simply rely on my extrapolation that 4 star is +5 turns, and that 3 star and 2 star are an additional +10 each.



Team: Cass, Chad, Fir, Noah, Saul, Ray, Lalum, Roy (Another gaiden, another time for the second string to shine.)

Cass, Roy, Ray, Lalum, Saul head east. Chad, Fir, Noah, head north

First couple turns are all about making progress, and stealing enemy thieves' lockpicks. I'm not going to bother killing them, as they're too fast to double, and no-one quite has the oophm to one round them. This works well for the west thief, and the south thief, but that third thief in the middle is a bother, as he manages to pilfer an Elixer, Antitoxin, and Elixer, filling himself up. At this point though he starts to head to an exit, and Cass manages to catch him and ends up stealing everything back, and his lockpick. After Cass is done pilfering from the thief in the middle, She heads to the south-right chests with Lalum. Roy and Ray have already been booking it up the SE passage towards the throne. Fir has been busy making good use of the Wo Dao I'd been saving, and one-rounding fighters, and archers, and that pesky Druid, oh my! Somewhere in the course of things Noah and Fir have a nice little chat, and Fir's obviously crushing on him, hard. <3

On turn 15, Ray gets a lucky hit on the boss, which allows him to go down to two Wo Dao crits (thank you Fir!). Since everything has been stolen, looted, or opened, and all enemies are dead, Roy goes ahead and seizes. Easy, boring, and tedious chapter.


Length: Splendid job

Battle Skill: Very Well

Casualties: Splendid job

Experience: Splendid job

Funds: Splendid job

Power: Splendid job

Tactics requirements: 20, 25, 35, 45


Ch 13

Team: Rutger, Dieck, Clarine, Noah, Fir (head north), Echidna, Gonzales, Lalum, Lilina, Ashtol, Lance, Alan, Roy, Saul (head east)

This one was a fun chapter, provided a bit of a challenge, and a bit of excitement, seeing the first set of units promote during the course of events. I had a couple failed tries, due to Killer Lance enemies getting lucky and offing Dieck or Noah, but there were no real tactical problems, so it was just a matter of trying until luck was on my side and not theirs.

The first turn simply sees me break the units up into the groups mentioned above, and advancing toward the enemies. Action starts on turn 2, with general fighting going on. The few worthwhile things of note happen on the enemy phase, when Lalum is hit by a ballista, but lives, and the Sniper leaves the other ballista to attack Lilina, who also lives. On the third turn there is more fierce battling in the north, and Rutger levels up to 20. In the south, Lance doubles the Sniper, finishing it. More general fighting happens, with the few notable things being Saul healing both Lilina and Lalum, Alan equipping the horseslayer, and standing at the ready to take on incoming cavalry. Miredy stays out of the ballista's range, while moving diagonally northeast, allowing her the flexibility to either stay and fight approaching Dragon Riders here in the south, or to go join the north group, circumstances depending. On the enemy phase the northern troubadour is annoying as she heals one of the wounded cavs. Alan unfortunately misses the paladin, and takes some heavy damage, but he did OHKO the axereaver cav.

On turn 4, Fir kills Troubadour, and Rutger visits village. Alan connects with the horseslayer, killing the Paladin, Lance then takes it from him and kills the jav cav. Ashtol steals a vulnerary, and more killing in general. Enemy phase sees, Noah kill the last cav in the north, and in the south, one Dragon Rider attacks Lilina, misses, and takes a big hit, the other Dragon Rider throws jav at Lalum, misses.


Over the next couple of turns Rutger promotes, and the north unit takes up a defensive position on the bride, where they will continue to advance eastwards. The southern unit likewise advances, killing off the few enemies still hanging around. Of note is that Alan swaps his Iron Lance for Miredy's Steel, as at this point she's still slow enough she can't really afford to be weighted down with it. Lalum and Echidna have their first support conversation, and I gotta admit to lolling at the end when Echidna is all "I'm sorry Roy...". Haha, Lalum's home cooking is a weapon to be feared. :lol:

By turn 9, the north unit has attracted the attention of some of the cavalry on the eastern side, so they'll work on them, and then turn around to handle the western reinforcements. Miredy will fly north next turn to help them out. Meanwhile on the southern front Alan and Lance are killing mercenaries, and the Hero will be attacking one of them.

On the 11th turn the Hero goes down under the combined pressure of Lilina, Lance, and Alan. Saul hits Lv 20. The north unit has finished off the enemies on the RHS, and reposition themselves to brace for the attack on the LHS. Dieck hits Lv 20, on the next turn, Ashtol advances and steals a vulnerary from a troubadour, and Saul promotes. Dieck promotes ASAP, and general fighting and advancing continue.

On turn 14 Ashtol goes shopping, buying (6x Iron sword, 2x Killing Edge, 2x Killer Lance), Lilina wounds Boss, taking heavy damage, so is rescue chained and healed. The North troops have finished off the first batch of reinforcements do a little rearranging, and prepare to handle the next wave of reinforcements. Alan and Lance are heading north to the arena. Alan does some shopping along the way, buying (2x Flux, Lightning, 2x Heal, Mend, Restore). Lance vs Brigand 810g. Lilina attacks the Boss, this time he misses his the counter, so Lalum refreshes her and she does it again. There is another rescue chain and healing.

The 16th turn has Lance vs Mage (830g), which puts him up to Lv 20, so Alan rescues him, giving allowing access for Ashtol vs Brigand (870g). The north unit is busily engaging the reinforcements, and Lilina finishes off the Boss. At this point the entire south party moves up towards the arena. Excluding Roy, of course.

Turn 17: North unit gets a workout. Alan drops Lance, Ashtol vs Pirate (820g).

Turn 18: Ashtol vs Brigand (990g). Gonzo rescues, Echidna takes/releases, Lalum refreshes, Ashtol vs Fighter (810g). Ashtol hits Lv 20. Lance rescues. Alan vs Armor Knight (980g). Saul heals Alan. North unit gets a workout.

Turn 19: North unit gets a workout, only two jav cavs, and a troubadour left. Alan vs P Knight (880g). Lalum refreshes. Alan vs Armor Knight (940g), Alan hits Lv 20. Echidna takes Ashtol from Lance, and dumps him. Lance goes to rescue Alan. Gonzo vs Brigand (650g). Gonzo hits Lv 20.

Turn 20: North unit annihilates the last of the NW. Lilina vs Armor Knight (850g). Lalum refreshes, Saul heals. Lilina vs Fighter (980g). Ashtol rescues Lilina. Echidna vs Paladin (700g). With all this arena action, I'm now just about back at the raw funds I was at entering the chapter, give or take. Roy seizes.


Length: Splendid job

Battle Skill: Very Well

Casualties: Splendid job

Experience: Splendid job

Funds: Splendid job

Power: Splendid job

Tactics requirements: 20, 25, 35, 45


Roy	   15.61  29 11 10 11 14 10 06
Dieck	 01.68  42 17 21 18 10 13 05
Clarine   20.00  23 06 11 19 20 06 12
Rutger	02.62  44 18 23 21 10 12 05
Lilina	19.70  28 19 09 14 15 05 14
Alan	  20.00  37 16 12 15 10 09 00
Lance	 20.00  38 14 14 20 10 14 02
Saul	  01.35  34 15 16 20 04 07 17
Gonzales  20.00  54 20 09 20 12 12 02
Astol	 20.00  34 11 16 17 13 09 06
Chad	  17.23  31 11 10 20 13 07 00
Lalum	 08.21  19 01 02 17 15 03 05
Echidna   03.58  37 14 19 18 06 08 08 
Cass	  08.39  23 03 11 17 11 03 04
Ray	   14.74  24 13 10 10 07 05 11
Noah	  19.26  37 12 11 16 09 11 03
Fir	   20.00  40 14 20 20 18 10 06
Miredy	14.96  43 17 17 15 09 16 04


Saul is turning out godly, above the par on every stat save resistance.

Allen is finally turning things around, growing speed, and approaching average stats.

Lance is still a mounted god in every stat.

Lilina is up on HP and way up on speed.

Ashtol fails, trading speed for skill. :(

Noah and Fir are doing good. If I need to promote extra units to help with XP later on, they'll definitely get tapped.

Gonzo is just waiting on that third Hero's Crest... As soon as Lilina hits 20 (after softening a mamkute or two in the coming chapter most likely), she'll take the bench and wait for a Guiding Ring with him, as Clarine will be taking the one Sophia digs out of the sand.

I'd either forgotten to give Lance the Knight's Crest last chapter, or his inventory had been full or something, so he'll promote next time he gets the chance. Not ideal, but, eh, what can you do.


Appendix Ch 13

Turn 2: Miredy appears and recruits herself.

Turn 8: Paladin, Troubadour, 5x cav (from top to bottom, Lv 16 Killer Lance, Lv 14 Steel Lance/Javelin, Lv 14 Axereaver, Lv 14 Steel Lance/Vulnerary, Lv 15 Steel Lance/Javelin) in the NW, Percival leaves

Turn 12: Paladin, Troubadour, 5x cav (from top to bottom, Lv 16 Killer Lance, Lv 14 Steel Lance/Javelin, Lv 14 Axereaver, Lv 14 Steel Lance/Vulnerary, Lv 15 Steel Lance/Javelin) in the SW,

Turn 15: Paladin, Troubadour, 5x cav (from top to bottom, Lv 16 Killer Lance, Lv 14 Steel Lance/Javelin, Lv 14 Axereaver, Lv 14 Steel Lance/Vulnerary, Lv 15 Steel Lance/Javelin) in the NW,


Ch 14

Tentative Team: Roy, Saul, Lalum, Lilina, Echidna, Chad, Cass, Ray, Thany, Ellen, Miredy

Everyone on horseback has to go. Thieves, Magic users, and Fliers are the gods of the desert. Saul will probably be fed the Boss kill.

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Hm, I was about to suggest to save your Sleep staff for Ch16 Douglas, as my usual method of keeping him alive (unarmed Clarine) will rape the combat rank. Of course, you can still lure him by staying one square out of his range.

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Hm, I was about to suggest to save your Sleep staff for Ch16 Douglas, as my usual method of keeping him alive (unarmed Clarine) will rape the combat rank. Of course, you can still lure him by staying one square out of his range.

Oooh, you know, that would have been smart. I completely forgot about that. Granted, since previously I always have led him around on a circular (clockwise IIRC) wild-goose-chase, which is annoying and a bit bad for tactics, I had just been assuming I'd do that again, and forgot to consider other options. We'll see what ends up happening, I guess. :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've started S ranking hard mode too.

Just a theory, but if you go to Ilia, Shin would help a lot on the exp rank. He'd kill some pegasus knights and gain a lot of exp.

I'm not too sure but it's possible.

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The thing that's frustrating is that I basically did all of 12x with thieves (and a low level Oujay) getting the kills, and 13 while feeding kills to Tate/Geese/Miredy and I'm still on track for a 3-star.

But now my PKs have gained a total of about 6 levels so I can start using Shin without worry. I can use Tate on 14 as well since fliers are awesome in the desert and her stats aren't that bad.

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Just a theory, but if you go to Ilia, Shin would help a lot on the exp rank. He'd kill some pegasus knights and gain a lot of exp.

That's been out there for a while. The problem is that Shin sucks defensively when underleveled, he can't one round Pegs (iirc), and he hurts Combat rank (on player phase because you have to weaken when you could have killed, on enemy phase because he doesn't counter).

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Just hacked to Chapter 18 on hard mode, the pegs have 6 def and 30-34 HP and Shin could probably one round them with a Steel Bow.

As long as you keep Shin out of harm's way, then it could help.

Edited by Julius
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  • 2 weeks later...

Long time, no post. I haven't given up, I've just been spending time in the real world, with friends and family. That's mostly over now, so I'll get back to posting some semi-regular updates, though things will probably be slowed a bit, as I have some new games to play, as well as breaking in my new laptop, and tinkering with linux. That said I have a few more chapters under my belt at this point.

Ch 14:

Team: Roy, Saul, Lalum, Lilina, Echidna, Chad, Cass, Ray, Thany, Ellen, Miledy, Cecilia, Sophia

On my first attempt of this chapter I left Echidna, Lalum, and Ray behind to deal with the Brigands. Unfortunately, I completely underestimated/misremembered how many of them there were and they were horribly overrun, so I started over.

The general strategy taken on my successful run was as follows: Roy stocked up on a Heal and Thunder to give to Cecilia. Together with Chad, Echidna, Lalum and Ellen they headed north, though Chad et. al. eventually leave them to go east; Lilina and Saul deal with western enemies while Cass just digs up the western treasures. Miredy, Thany, and Ray went southeast.

In the beginning Saul and Lilina moved west, just at the edge of range of the Dragon Riders in the NW. Lilina was lucky enough to snag the talisman, meaning less work for Cass, who adjusted course for the Speedwing. The next turn sees Thany manage a lucky grab on the Silence staff, Chad acquire the Boots, and Saul moveing into range of the D Riders. On the enemy phase Sophia was put to sleep. Next we see Cass snagging that Speedwing, Lilina and Saul killing most of the D Riders that attacked him on the enemy phase, and Ellen Restore Sophia.

Turn 4, has Saul killing the Dragon Lord that was molesting them, while Miredy finishes the eastern Dragon Lord with a Killer Lance critical. More general purpose combat happens, and the enemy phase once again sees Sophia put to sleep, to again be Restored by Ellen. Miredy now heads north to help take out the mercs, while Saul puts himself in range of the Mamkute, to wound it enough so he and Lilina can tag-team it next turn.

More random battling with nothing really noteworthy until just after turn 7 when the Bandits begin appearing. At this point Cass just manages to go collect that Silver Card. Everyone else continues moving away from the Bandits and taking care of business.

Turn 9, has Lilina wounds a Hero, reach Lv 20, and get some awesome stat-ups.


At then end of the turn, things have essentially firmed into the following two groups, North unit: Cass, Cecilia, Roy, Sophia, Saul, Lilina, Thany; South unit: Chad, Ray, Miredy, Ellen, Lalum, Echidna. (With the two fliers having the flexibility to swap back and forth as needed.)

Starting around turn 12, Saul, and Lilina head down southeast to help deal with the Mamkute menace, they'll get there and kill the Northern Mamkute two turns later, at which point Chad acquires Silver Blade, Sophia acquires Guiding Ring, and Miredy equips Axereaver to fuck up the Bandits that have begun appearing in the SE. After this Saul heads back north to work on the Boss, leaving the other mamkute to Lilina and anyone else who's around, while stops retreating and positions herself to handle the swarm of Bandits trickling in from the west. The mamkute eventually goes down to the combined efforts of Lilina and Ray, while Saul begins chipping away at the Boss.

A large tag-team of units (Lilina, Sophia, Cecilia, and Roy) combine enough firepower to take out Maggie, on turn 18, and the same group (minus Roy) finish Rose on the next turn, which is also the turn Saul KOs the Boss. Chad is dodging and slashing the SE bandit reinforcements, still trying to make his way down to the Warp Staff pickup.

Turns 20-25 consist of me realizing there's a huge swarm of Bandits coming from the NW, so I feed Cass some kills when she can get them, but also send Lilina and Miredy over to one-round them despite being capped at level 20, in order to try to help out Combat rank. Cecilia C supports with Roy on turn 22, Lalum gets a B with Echidna on turn 25, and the throne is seized just in time for the gaidin.


Length: Splendid job

Combat: Very Well

Survival: Splendid job

Experience: Splendid job

Funds: Splendid job

Power: Splendid job


Appendix Ch 14:

NB: Due to fog of war, much of the reinforcement information is incomplete. I'm providing my best guesses, though.

Turn 7: Rose Lv 6 Berserker Devil Axe (Brigand Lv 16 Steel Axe, Brigand Lv 17 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Brigand Lv 15 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Brigand Lv 16 Killer Axe) & Maggie Lv 5 Berserker Halberd, and their bandit hordes (Brigand Lv 17 Steel Axe, Brigand Lv 14 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Brigand Lv 16 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Brigand Lv 16 Killer Axe) x2

Turn 8: Rose Bandits x2, Maggie Bandits x2 (Brigand Lv 17 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Bandit Lv 18 Steel Axe)

Turn 9: Rose Bandits x2, Maggie Bandits x2 (Brigand Lv 17 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Bandit Lv 18 Steel Axe)

Turn 10: Rose Bandits x2, Maggie Bandits x2 (Brigand Lv 17 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Bandit Lv 18 Steel Axe)

Turn 13: Bandits on the far right. Brigand Lv 18 Poison Axe, Brigand Lv 17 Poison Axe, Brigand Lv 16 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Brigand Lv 17 Poison Axe/Hand Axe

Turn 14: Bandits in NW?

Turn 15: Bandits on the far right. Brigand Lv 18 Poison Axe, Brigand Lv 17 Poison Axe, Brigand Lv 16 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Brigand Lv 17 Poison Axe/Hand Axe

Turn 16: Bandits in NW?

Turn 17: Bandits on the far right. Brigand Lv 18 Poison Axe, Brigand Lv 17 Poison Axe, Brigand Lv 16 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Brigand Lv 17 Poison Axe/Hand Axe

Turn 18: Bandits in NW?

Tactics: 5* = 25


Chapter 14x

Team: Roy, Lalum, Echidna, Ray, Thany, Miredy, Dieck, Rutger, Clarine, Cecilia

Mixing the team up a little bit. I find out I'm damn glad I have two fliers, as the disappearing tiles would have otherwise screwed all chance at seizing in the appropriate time.

Despite this being an interesting level, my report is pretty boring. It's mostly units advancing, killing enemies with no real threats (save the boltings, which are minorly troublesome).

Ray got stranded in a water tile early on, but he managed to fend for himself against approaching Pirates, using Nosferatu to heal as needed. He eventually hits his Lv 20 cap, at about the time there are no more enemies left around him. Dieck picks up both of his B supports in this chapter, within a few turns of each other. Also, somewhere early here, Lalum got a sweet level up.


The main army was waiting a bunch of turns for bridge to the center segment to re-appear, which it never did, while Miredy and Thany went flying around the outside, killing things. When the enemies were almost gone, and I was sick of waiting, Miredy ferried Rutger, who owned the Boss, while Thany ferried Roy. Surprisingly despite my lackluster handling of the ferrying, I still seized on turn 20.


Length: Splendid job

Combat: Very Well

Survival: Splendid job

Experience: Splendid job

Funds: Splendid job

Power: Splendid job

Tactics: 5* = 20


Chapter 15

Team: Roy, Lalum, Echidna, Miredy, Dieck, Rutger, Clarine, Cecilia, Saul, Lilina (to recruit), Alan, Lance

Lalum and Echidna stay back, recruit Percy on turn 3. Dietgarine blaze ahead, critting and killing, and generally having a good time. Lance and Miredy get some action too, Igrene cleans up the scraps.

On turn 5, Garret throws a Hand Axe at Clarine; whe counters with a critical, but doesn't kill him since he has obscene HP. Also, her Fire was at 1 durability and broke. :) Lilina recruits the following turn.


Lalum sells 3x Red Gem, buys 2x Thunder, 2x Lightning. (Using Silver Card discount.)

This chapter was dead easy. I could have seized as early as turn 12. I held off to slaughter the reinforcements, though, hoping to help boost Combat. Actual seize occurred on turn 16.


Length: Splendid job

Combat: Very Well

Survival: Splendid job

Experience: Splendid job

Funds: Splendid job

Power: Splendid job

Tactics: 5* = 20


Appendix Ch 15:

Turn 3: Garret, 2x Brigand Lv 18 Poison Axe/Hand Axe.

Turn 12: Two cavs from forts, two from Castle Lv 16 Steel Lance, Lv 16 Steel Lance/Javelin

Turn 13: ""

Turn 14: ""

Turn 15: ""


Ch 16:

Team: Alan, Lance, Chad, Echidna, Lalum, Saul (RHS); Roy, Fa, Dieck, Rutger, Clarine, Cecilia, Ashtol, Miredy (LHS)

First turn, Alan promotes. Within a turn or two it's obvious that Hugh is headed to the RHS, so Miredy picks up and carries Roy that way, where he recruits him on turn 5. Lalum actually got hit by that Bolting mage, so Echidna rescues her. Hugh retreats south on his own power, while Miredy grabs Roy. Douglas is also headed this way, so retreating will need to happen soon, but I try to clean up as much of the enemy in the NE corner as possible. The next couple turns have Saul kill the mamkute, Lance javelin a pesky Purge Bishop from across a wall, and general death and destruction all around.

Turn 8, the LHS group is at the gates, someone left a wounded Armor Knight, so Fa finishes it, and Ashtol opens double doors. Rutger and Dieck form a blockade. Saul heals Chad, who opens the door to the RHS treasury. Alan and Lance do defensive posturing, Hugh trades the Member Card to Miredy, and everyone else advances/retreats.

I manage to manipulate the AI to get Douglas to follow Alan and Lance, leaving Chad free to loot the treasury (it really wasn't hard to do). Lalum trades Silver card to Echidna who trades it to Miredy. Clarine gets nice criticals on the snipers.

On turn 12 Dieck had tried baiting the mamkute, Wyrmslayer equipped, but it failed; the Bishop took him up on it, so he goes ahead and kills him instead. Less enemy Physic staves is always a welcome proposition. At this point, I'm seeing that reinforcements are going to come from the stairs and eventually reach and hurt Chad, so I offer Douglas a choice, hit Lance in the upper right of his movement range, or hit Alan in the lowerleft. The AI will go for Alan who has lower D, so Lance will sneak north to protect Chad from the reinforcements, while Douglas will continue futilely chasing Alan, only to get left in the dust.

Turns 13-18 see Fa eat the reinforcements for breakfast. Mmm. It's like they were custom build for her to snack on (especially the mages).

Turn 19, Ashtol steals the red gem from the mamkute.

Turn 20, Miredy and Cecilia go to break down the wall, Lalum will help. Chad prepares to pilfer from Narshen, and Dietgarine and Roy approach the throne as well.

Turn 22, Miredy recruits Zeiss, Ashtol trades her two red gems, Lalum dances for her, she visits the secret shop, buying (2x Guiding Ring, Hero Crest). Rutger double criticals Narshen for 36 damage. Dieck finishes him with a Wrymslayer. 13730g left, Roy Seizes.


Appendix Ch 16:

Turn 1: Zeiss.

Turn 11: Stairwells: Fighter Lv 15 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Mercenary Lv 14 Steel Sword, Mage Lv 16 Elfire, Mercenary Lv 16 Steel Sword

Turn 12: Stairwells: Fighter Lv 15 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Mercenary Lv 14 Steel Sword, Mage Lv 16 Elfire, Mercenary Lv 16 Steel Sword; Mage Lv 14 Bolting.

Turn 13: Stairwells: Fighter Lv 15 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Mercenary Lv 14 Steel Sword, Mage Lv 16 Elfire, Mercenary Lv 16 Steel Sword

Turn 14: Stairwells: Fighter Lv 15 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Mercenary Lv 14 Steel Sword, Mage Lv 16 Elfire, Mercenary Lv 16 Steel Sword

Turn 15: Stairwells: Fighter Lv 15 Steel Axe/Hand Axe, Mercenary Lv 14 Steel Sword, Mage Lv 16 Elfire, Mercenary Lv 16 Steel Sword


Current Status:


Length: Splendid job

Combat: Very Well

Survival: Splendid job

Experience: Splendid job

Funds: Splendid job

Power: Splendid job


Roy	   17.08  31 11 11 11 15 11 06  <B> Cecilia, <C> Alan, <C> Lance
Saul	  08.88  40 18 19 22 05 08 19
Lalum	 15.89  21 02 02 20 20 05 07  <A> Echidna [speed maxed]
Lilina	20.00  29 20 09 15 16 06 15  <C> Gonzales, <B> Ashtol
Echidna   04.78  38 14 20 18 06 08 08  <A> Lalum
Chad	  20.00  33 13 10 20 16 07 01  <C> Lugh
Cass	  14.90  29 06 12 20 14 03 06
Ray	   20.00  28 16 14 13 07 05 12
Thany	 19.17  29 11 17 20 18 08 10
Ellen	 15.12  20 09 08 10 14 00 14
Miledy	04.13  55 24 24 23 10 19 06 [speed maxed]
Cecilia   04.70  32 12 07 10 11 08 13  <B> Roy
Sophia	02.86  15 07 02 04 03 01 08
Dieck	 04.53  45 18 21 18 10 13 05  <B> Clarine, <B> Rutger
Rutger	06.07  48 20 25 22 12 13 06  <A> Clarine, <B> Dieck
Clarine   08.17  29 10 13 25 24 08 18  <A> Rutger, <B> Dieck [speed maxed]
Lance	 05.11  45 17 18 22 10 17 06  <A> Alan, <C> Roy
Alan	  02.03  41 18 15 17 11 11 03  <A> Lance, <C> Roy
Percival  05.00  50 20 16 20 14 15 13
Garret	02.11  56 21 17 12 15 10 05
Igrene	01.40  32 16 18 15 09 11 10
Fa		10.83  28 10 09 09 21 04 10
Zeiss	 07.00  36 20 13 11 09 15 04  [unpromoted strength maxed]

Ch 16x:

Tentative Team: Roy, Lalum, Echidna, Lilina, Gonzales, Miredy, Cecilia, Ray, ?, ?

Promotions ahoy!


Too many damn long-range magic, staves, and archers. As much as I'd like to train up Zeiss now, I think he needs to sit out. Am I wrong? Also, is getting attacked by status staves detrimental to Combat rank as well as regular combats? Will I want to save the bolting I have for something later on, or should I have Lilina fight fire with fire as far as long-range magics go? Who should I give the other two slots to on this chapter?

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It seemed overall you could have seized earlier, but then again it seems tactics is almost a futile rank. If it continues to work like this, with you finishing under the enormous limits every time, I think tactics will have to be reconsidered as a difficult rank. It seems very lenient.

Lalum trades Silver card to Echidna who trades it to Miredy.

Just wanted to note you can get a free 10 EXP dance out of this by letting Echidna take it from Lalum, then having Lalum Dancing for Echidna, who then trades to Miledy. Not sure if you did that.


Combat: Very Well

Good thing you're about to enter Ilia, with its Pegafrails.

Too many damn long-range magic, staves, and archers. As much as I'd like to train up Zeiss now, I think he needs to sit out. Am I wrong?

I don't think you're wrong. Zeis sucks in this map. Also, lol @ maxed Str at base.

Also, is getting attacked by status staves detrimental to Combat rank as well as regular combats?

I want to say no, but I've never wondered.

Will I want to save the bolting I have for something later on, or should I have Lilina fight fire with fire as far as long-range magics go?

I think this is the best opportunity to use it, though I had another idea...

Who should I give the other two slots to on this chapter?

Odd as it sounds, I'm thinking you could try out to use Klein/Igrene with Longbows to hit the Bolting Sage in the middle (may be some other unreachable enemies as well). I was going to suggest using Ray with Eclipse, but it seems that the only one you're gonna get is on Niime (you get a second one in Sacae, but fuck Sacae). I would recommend using that Eclipse to break walls in 20x, btw (it reduces enemy HP to 1).

Also, I see you are fielding Cecilia which is good. I'd recommend adding Saul/Clarine as well (perhaps replacing Cecilia, or one of the low Res people like Gonzales...it's not like he doesn't have lots of lancers to feed on next few maps). This chapter throws lots of long-range at you (let's not forget the Heavenly Arrows), and this allows you to get a little more flexibility in splitting up. Oh, I would also try to get a Hand Axe or two on your Gonzo and Echidna, for obvious reasons.

Obviously from here you should be working on combat. Sounds like a job for Rutger, and odd as it sounds, Lilina (since she has 1~2 range...but ugh, the durability).

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I recall doing massive arena abuse on my first playthrough and getting a B in tactics. It's literally a nonfactor when ranking this game.

Also, I have no idea how you managed to get such high levels on a variety of combat units. I have literally 4 just-promoted units upon completing ch16 and a bunch of units in the teens (as a result, my EXP rank is suffering). I'm not quite sure how to remedy this either, aside from milking reinforcements and arenas when possible.

Edited by dondon151
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You can try whoring (unpromoted) staff users with expensive staves as much as you can, maybe killing things using thieves...obviously using underleveled people may hurt your combat rank, which will be even harder to get on par without hurting EXP again, etc. Though know that the last chapter with its Mamkutes is a blessing for both combat and EXP ranks.

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It seemed overall you could have seized earlier, but then again it seems tactics is almost a futile rank. If it continues to work like this, with you finishing under the enormous limits every time, I think tactics will have to be reconsidered as a difficult rank. It seems very lenient.

It certainly doesn't hold a candle to the difficulty of the FE7 tactics rank, that's for sure.

Just wanted to note you can get a free 10 EXP dance out of this by letting Echidna take it from Lalum, then having Lalum Dancing for Echidna, who then trades to Miledy. Not sure if you did that.

Probably did, but honestly can't remember at this point. It's not liable to have been an issue though, as if the trend continues Lalum will max her XP well before the end of the game, and she's already accumulated some pretty decent stats, as well as the defensive oriented Echidna supports, so it's not like there's a rush to try and increase durability on her, though I suppose every bit helps.

I think this is the best opportunity to use it, though I had another idea...

Odd as it sounds, I'm thinking you could try out to use Klein/Igrene with Longbows to hit the Bolting Sage in the middle (may be some other unreachable enemies as well). I was going to suggest using Ray with Eclipse, but it seems that the only one you're gonna get is on Niime (you get a second one in Sacae, but fuck Sacae). I would recommend using that Eclipse to break walls in 20x, btw (it reduces enemy HP to 1).

Also, I see you are fielding Cecilia which is good. I'd recommend adding Saul/Clarine as well (perhaps replacing Cecilia, or one of the low Res people like Gonzales...it's not like he doesn't have lots of lancers to feed on next few maps). This chapter throws lots of long-range at you (let's not forget the Heavenly Arrows), and this allows you to get a little more flexibility in splitting up. Oh, I would also try to get a Hand Axe or two on your Gonzo and Echidna, for obvious reasons.

Obviously from here you should be working on combat. Sounds like a job for Rutger, and odd as it sounds, Lilina (since she has 1~2 range...but ugh, the durability).

Huh, you know, that's actually not a half bad idea on bringing out the Snipers. Replacing Gonzo with another Staff user is probably good too, as that way I can have dual Restore stave action, in case one gets silenced. Yeah, I've been trying to focus on Combat, but keep getting minorly side-tracked it seems. Though, I think now that there's a very solid team built, and very few usable new characters will be joining and need to be trained up to par, hopefully it will only improve. Very good advice all around, thanks!

I recall doing massive arena abuse on my first playthrough and getting a B in tactics. It's literally a nonfactor when ranking this game.

Certainly is seeming that way, though that said, the range of acceptable turn values for B rank is huge (as of chapter 16 the A rank cut-off is 370, while 465 is my estimated cut off for B). So the A-B gap may not necessarily be entirely indicative of the A threshold. On the other hand, I literally seem to have an entire chapter's worth of turns as a buffer at the moment, (345 turns used compared to 370 expected), though there are a couple of chapters where I really should have spent the extra time, specifically very early on. The hardest chapters so far for me on this playthrough have been (in approximate order of difficulty), Chapter 1, Chapter 5, Chapter 4, Chapter 11, Chapter 7. Now for most of those I don't know their exact requirements, but I know for sure that I could have spent a lot more time on Chapter 1, which I honestly probably tried too hard to rush through. A more laid back approach would have been less risky. It's harder for me to judge whether spending some extra turns taking things easy would have helped on the other levels, but it probably would have helped, with the exception of Ch 11 where you need to rush to keep that village from being burned.

Also, I have no idea how you managed to get such high levels on a variety of combat units. I have literally 4 just-promoted units upon completing ch16 and a bunch of units in the teens (as a result, my EXP rank is suffering). I'm not quite sure how to remedy this either, aside from milking reinforcements and arenas when possible.

I guess I'm not entirely sure either? I have access to the XP levels at the start of every chapter, so I've produced a table that shows the XP growth levels, but I don't know if that sort of reference will really prove helpful or not. At the very least you can take a glance at who is getting used, and what they're getting out of it much more readily than trying to comb through my various reports. It should show you the general trends, but may not answer the underlying questions of "how" as well as you'd like. Most of the decent units seem to get 1.0-2.0 levels per chapter fielded (some exceptions exist), which I seem to remember hearing somewhere was reasonable. Fir, Gonzo, Lilina, Miredy and Fa, have been XP rockets, and I expect Zeiss will be too in the near future. Feeding the thieves some kills also shoots them up rapidly.

I'll try to mention some of the things that I've done that I think may help, though you're probably already aware and have been doing some of them yourself. Some of these may not be entirely advisable, as it seems my Combat rank suffered somewhat because of them (my best guess as to its current state to be honest. Not sure how your Combat rank is doing, though I would expect they're somewhat inversely proportional, and one needs to work hard to try to find a proper balance.)

  • Marcus does not get to kill anything until Chapter 7. He exists solely to soften up units for others to finish. I don't have specific numbers, but I think he probably only got around a total number of kills in the low teens, nearly all of his XP and levels were from wounding XP. Up until Chapter 5, Dieck served a very similar role for me, allowing the cavalier duo to get good XP.
  • Healers are constantly healing. No HP loss is too small to be staved back to full; no Status ailment too negligible to be Restored (with the possible exception of Poison, if you want to milk HP healing and no other units are getting wounded). Barrier, Torch, etc. Staves serve a primary purpose of spamming for HP, leaving a scant few uses alone for their "intended" purpose.
  • Divide your troops into three general classes: Your A team, your B team, and your benchwarmers. On gaidin chapters, feel free to field your B team. If a unit on your A team is getting overlevelled, switch them out for someone on your B team.
  • Boss killing. In this game, on this mode, I've noticed that it seems that Boss killing will net your characters almost (if not exactly) an entire 100XP of experience, regardless of how overlevelled they might be. Never feed Boss kills to someone at or below your median level, but always to your most advanced unit (barring pre-promotes). After the first couple of chapters, I relegated Rutger solely to Boss Killing duties, and nothing else, and he continued to stay the most overlevelled member of my team (until Saul promoted and got ridiculous XP bonuses on his kills. That surprised the hell out of me, as well as earned him a spot on the bench for awhile.)
  • Kill every enemy. Always. (Exceptions granted for enemies unreachable due to being walled off and long-range, or if there's a vital need to seize, e.g. gaidin turn limit.)
  • Make full use of Arenas whenever possible. This will involve multiple rescue/drop operations, as well as dancing. Try to get a good 2-3 arena battles each turn. I haven't done what I would consider "abuse" so far, though on Miredy's chapter I did stick around an extra few turns to top off on XP.
  • Dance every turn. Not only does that pump more XP into Lalum, but also into whoever gets the dance and attacks again. Not only that, but try to dance more frequently for your underlevelled units, as they get better returns on every strike and kill.
  • Don't completely ignore the shitty units. As long as they're on the field, at least try to give them something if it's not too inconvenient.

Not sure how much of that you can still make use of from where you're at in the game, if any, but those are the main things I've done, that I can remember doing. Though, my playstyle has always had me be rather conscientious about trying to spread the XP around, and avoid "wasting" it on XP-hogs (whether permanent or temporary).

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I'll try to mention some of the things that I've done that I think may help, though you're probably already aware and have been doing some of them yourself. Some of these may not be entirely advisable, as it seems my Combat rank suffered somewhat because of them (my best guess as to its current state to be honest. Not sure how your Combat rank is doing, though I would expect they're somewhat inversely proportional, and one needs to work hard to try to find a proper balance.)

I'm on track for an A in combat, so I can afford to use a few weaker units.

  • Marcus does not get to kill anything until Chapter 7. He exists solely to soften up units for others to finish. I don't have specific numbers, but I think he probably only got around a total number of kills in the low teens, nearly all of his XP and levels were from wounding XP. Up until Chapter 5, Dieck served a very similar role for me, allowing the cavalier duo to get good XP.
    Yep, although Allen and Lance caught up to Dieck very quickly...
  • Healers are constantly healing. No HP loss is too small to be staved back to full; no Status ailment too negligible to be Restored (with the possible exception of Poison, if you want to milk HP healing and no other units are getting wounded). Barrier, Torch, etc. Staves serve a primary purpose of spamming for HP, leaving a scant few uses alone for their "intended" purpose.
    I haven't been abusing non-HP staves, but even abusing HP staves only got Clarine to level 16 and Ellen to level 12 so far. I think I need to spend a few more turns on chapters finishing healing every unit.
  • Divide your troops into three general classes: Your A team, your B team, and your benchwarmers. On gaidin chapters, feel free to field your B team. If a unit on your A team is getting overlevelled, switch them out for someone on your B team.
    Well, there's only two gaiden chapters before chapter 16, and you're not allowed a lot of units for the Western Isles gaiden =/ Usually I bring along the A team and 2 members from the B team per chapter so I can still play through it efficiently while feeding kills.
  • Boss killing. In this game, on this mode, I've noticed that it seems that Boss killing will net your characters almost (if not exactly) an entire 100XP of experience, regardless of how overlevelled they might be. Never feed Boss kills to someone at or below your median level, but always to your most advanced unit (barring pre-promotes). After the first couple of chapters, I relegated Rutger solely to Boss Killing duties, and nothing else, and he continued to stay the most overlevelled member of my team (until Saul promoted and got ridiculous XP bonuses on his kills. That surprised the hell out of me, as well as earned him a spot on the bench for awhile.)
    Usually a non-core unit isn't strong enough to take on a boss =X
  • Kill every enemy. Always. (Exceptions granted for enemies unreachable due to being walled off and long-range, or if there's a vital need to seize, e.g. gaidin turn limit.)
    I think I may have neglected this a couple of times, not sure.
  • Make full use of Arenas whenever possible. This will involve multiple rescue/drop operations, as well as dancing. Try to get a good 2-3 arena battles each turn. I haven't done what I would consider "abuse" so far, though on Miredy's chapter I did stick around an extra few turns to top off on XP.
    I kind of forgot to do this in the Western Isles, and I couldn't do it in Missur because had I taken one more turn, I would have risked a whole lot of units dying. I kind of got myself into a hairy situation (i.e. forgot about cavalier reinforcements up north) and didn't want to restart the chapter. Luckily Lilina landed a OHKO with a Thunder crit on Flaer when I needed it.
  • Dance every turn. Not only does that pump more XP into Lalum, but also into whoever gets the dance and attacks again. Not only that, but try to dance more frequently for your underlevelled units, as they get better returns on every strike and kill.
    Yep. Lalum's getting riskier to use as the 10 range tomes are making their entrance, though.
  • Don't completely ignore the shitty units. As long as they're on the field, at least try to give them something if it's not too inconvenient.
    I ignored crap like Wolt, Dorothy, Wade, Lot, Bors, etc. because they were too hard to use early game. I've gotten Oujay, Noah, Lilina, Ray, Chad, Astol, Fir, Geese and Tate (maybe a couple of others) into the high teens, however.

Not sure how much of that you can still make use of from where you're at in the game, if any, but those are the main things I've done, that I can remember doing. Though, my playstyle has always had me be rather conscientious about trying to spread the XP around, and avoid "wasting" it on XP-hogs (whether permanent or temporary).

The thing is, by a certain point in the game where the B team is sitting at level 20, I can't really do much to improve the EXP rank since promoted units aren't gaining a whole lot of EXP. I guess next time I see an arena I'll drag along Lot and Treck or something. I should also probably start deploying Saul once Clarine promotes.

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dondon, I'll get to your comments below.


Chapter 16x:

Team: Roy, Lalum, Echidna, Lilina, Gonzales, Cecilia (left); Miredy, Ray, Saul, Igrene, Douglas (right)

I went to go implement Mekkah's suggestions, but I noticed I only had one Longbow, so I decided to take Igrene (holdover from preferring her from NM since without his HM bonus's Klein couldn't really seem to compete with her). I also noticed I had a Silence staff sitting in my inventory and figured now was as good a time as any to make full use of it. First time saw Saul Silence the boxed in Bolting Sage, while other units advanced and promoted. On the third turn, Saul could advance far enough to Silence the Bolting Mage in the upper right, while Lilina doubled (with Bolting) the other Bolting Mage on the upper left. At the enemy phase Igrene is Berserked by the Boss. Next turn Saul Restores her, and with some help from Lalum she finishes off the Silenced Sage. Douglas and Miredy form a wall for oncoming RHS paladin, while Ray presents target for across wall javelins or magic. The LHS is well covered with Lilina, Cecilia in the back, and Gonzo, Echidna in the front, all equiped for 1-2 range. Igrene is once again Berserked on the enemy phase, though nearly all of the enemies in the lower half of the map are decimated. Something like only the RHS paladin (wounded by Douglas), an archer on the LHS (wounded by Echidna), and the axereaver cavaliers survive.

Igrene is again Restored, and she decides to work on the Longbow Archers, starts with the one on the left. By turn 7 she's killed it, gets healed by Cecilia, and moves to work on the RHS one. At the Enemy Phase of turn 8 I was finally close to reaching other enemies after my previous devastation. For some reason I had assumed the Purge Bishops were stationary. They proved me wrong. Since the Silenced Bolting Mage regained normal status, Saul re-Silenced him.

By turn 13, all normal enemies were dead, began chipping away at Boss. Boss was killed on Turn 15, throne seized.

Heavenly arrows proved to be only a minor annoyance, as one can easily note locations where they will not rain down (any column with an enemy starting there at the beginning of the chapter). When Igrene was critically hurt after her standoff with the second Longbow enemy, I parked her in one of those so she wouldn't get killed to a stray one and make me restart. Everyone else was usually healed to full health, so the few times a Heavenly Arrow managed to connect it just gave an excuse for more healing, but no real threat was posed. Silencing the Bolting foes, and fighting back with Bolting of my own made this map a cakewalk.

Augury: Very good! Perfect, in fact.

Length: Splendid job

Combat: Splendid job

Survival: Splendid job

Experience: Splendid job

Funds: Splendid job

Power: Splendid job


Turn 8 (Upper Left ?, trying to infer a pattern, but at this point the upper left was occupied and he wouldn't have been able to arrive.)

Turn 10, Upper Right Hand Corner: Lv 8 Bishop Divine/Silence/Physic

Turn 18, Upper Left Hand Corner: Lv 8 Bishop Lightning/Silence/Physic

Turn 20, Upper Right Hand Corner: Lv 8 Bishop Divine/Silence/Physic

5* Tactics requirement: 25 turns (This seems ludicrously many to me.)


Chapter 17

Team: Rutger, Dieck, Igrene, Lalum, Ray (Arena); Gonzales, Lilina, Echidna, (Sandbar); Roy, Cecilia, Alan, Lance, Miredy, Zeiss (Islands, RHS)

Since Igrene had scored some amazing level-ups last chapter (she ended at Lv 4 with 34 19 19 18 10 11 11), I figured I may want to train her up to possibly end up making use out of Miugre (misspelled I'm sure, but whatever), so I brought her along.

Not a lot special here. Begin whoring out the Arena on turn 2, do not stop this until seizing on turn 17. Igrene, Dieck, and Rutger all got some rotation in, but since Igrene's Con was the lowest she got most play, as she could then be rescued by Rutger allowing Dieck to step in. Rutger got least play, because for some reason his payouts were rock-bottom. While I clearly have the Tactics to spare, and could have used this opportunity to relentlessly abuse, I don't like excessive stalling, the boss was dead, my shopping was done, and Roy had reached the throne.

I actually did two bouts of shopping. The first was on turn 5 when Ray bought (2x Killing Edge, 2x Killer Axe, 2x Killer Lance, 6x Hand Axe, 4x Javelin, 2x Iron Sword)

The enemy with the Sleep staff proved minorly annoying, but what was more troublesome was the seemingly endless streams of reinforcements. Cecilia got wounded badly, and no-one was close enough to heal her, so she parked on a forest for Avoid and managed to dodge well enough what the others couldn't fend off. Roy managed to see more action this chapter than he had in a good long while too.

I had thought that after Miredy had taken care of the initial archers on the ballistae that Zeiss would be home-free, but the surprise appearance of archers in the reinforcements proved me wrong. Luckily he had the Def to take a hit, though it did leave him in pretty bad shape. Once he grew a point of speed he was able to double the Steel Lance Pegs, though, and that kept him happy.

Gonzo, Lilina, and Echidna marched across the Sandbar and over to the castle, killing those who stood in their way. Lilina got hit at one point (by the axereaver cav, I think), but still had enough HP to press on. She stood on one of the forts for a turn or so, got to 23 HP, and then baited the Boss into throwing javelins at her. Since reinforcements were still coming, there ended up being some rearranging and the next turn it was Hand Axe Gonzo that was in range, who I full expected to miss, but he got a counter critical and Arcard went down like a sack of bricks. That was on Turn 14.

Turn 17, had me finish up healing, arenaing, and Rutger did some last minute shopping (Killing Egde x4, Killer Axe x4, Killer Lance x4, Killer Bow x2), before Roy seized.

During the course of the chapter Roy filled out his final support, <A> with Cecilia, while Gonzo and Lilina picked up a <B>.


Turn 5: Sandbar appears

Turn 8: On forts: Cav Lv 15 Steel Lance, Cav Lv 16 Steel Sword, Archer Lv 17 Steel Bow, SE: 2x P Knights Lv 13 Steel Lance/Vulnerary

Turn 9: ""

Turn 10: ""

Turn 11: ""

Turn 12: ""

Turn 13: ""

Turn 14: ""

Turn 15: 2x P Knights (potentially the others might have arrived if I hadn't killed the Boss)

Augury: Very good! Perfect, in fact.

Length: Splendid job

Combat: Splendid job

Survival: Splendid job

Experience: Splendid job

Funds: Splendid job

Power: Splendid job

5* Tactics requirement: 20

Roy 19.16 32 11 12 12 16 11 06 <A> Cecilia, <C> Alan, <C> Lance

Lalum 19.00 25 32 03 20 23 06 07 <A> Echidna [speed maxed]

Echidna 05.64 39 15 20 18 06 08 08 <A> Lalum

Miledy 06.26 57 25 25 23 11 19 07 [speed maxed][strength maxed]

Cecilia 06.41 33 12 08 10 12 08 14 <B> Roy

Lilina 03.92 33 25 13 20 18 07 17 <B> Gonzales, <B> Ashtol

Ray 02.72 32 20 16 16 07 07 14

Gonzales 04.17 60 24 14 25 15 17 02 <B> Lilina,

Dieck 08.18 49 19 22 19 13 13 06 <B> Rutger, <B> Clarine

Rutger 08.03 50 21 27 23 12 13 07 <A> Clarine, <B> Dieck

Alan 02.98 41 18 15 17 11 11 03

Lance 05.65 45 17 18 22 10 17 06

Saul 10.18 42 18 20 22 06 08 21

Igrene 09.19 36 20 19 20 12 12 11

Zeiss 14.67 42 20 18 13 10 19 04 [unpromoted strength maxed]


Chapter 18

Tentative Team: Rutger, Dieck, Igrene, Gonzales, Lilina, Echidna, Lalum, Ray, Roy, Cecilia, Alan, Lance, Miredy, Zeiss, Clarine

Now that my Augury is coming out perfect, and combined with large amounts of Arena last turn allowing me to bolster XP and Funds as well as stock up on Killers in case Combat ends up needing more help in the future, I'm starting to feel really good about the final outlook, considering that Tactics is a joke.


I haven't been abusing non-HP staves, but even abusing HP staves only got Clarine to level 16 and Ellen to level 12 so far. I think I need to spend a few more turns on chapters finishing healing every unit.

Huh, that's very interesting. I was using pretty much all three healers for the longest time until I finally put Ellen away, and they all managed to get well higher than that. Are you making use of the Mend staves they come with as well as purchased Heals? This seems to be something you really need to work on, as by Ch 16, your healers should have already been promoted for a chapter or two, IMO. And I'm not talking about early promotion, but full-on Lv 20 promotion. I'm guessing sticking solely to Heals hurt you big-time there, as Torch, Barrier, Unlock, etc. give fairly massive XP for free. As Mekkah pointed out it's probably best to save Sleep for Douglas, so you might not want to spam that, and Silence is clutch for neutralizing Bolting mages, so you'll want to actually use that one wisely as well.


I kind of forgot to do this in the Western Isles, and I couldn't do it in Missur because had I taken one more turn, I would have risked a whole lot of units dying. I kind of got myself into a hairy situation (i.e. forgot about cavalier reinforcements up north) and didn't want to restart the chapter. Luckily Lilina landed a OHKO with a Thunder crit on Flaer when I needed it.

Ahh, I know how that can happen sometimes. That said, I think the Arenas are probably one of the single best methods of augmenting your XP, so try to do a bit better in the future. If you're going to Ilia route, I just found that you can easily use the one on 17A for nigh-on 15 turns non-stop with 2-3 characters per turn. This will likely be a godsend for you.

The thing is, by a certain point in the game where the B team is sitting at level 20, I can't really do much to improve the EXP rank since promoted units aren't gaining a whole lot of EXP. I guess next time I see an arena I'll drag along Lot and Treck or something. I should also probably start deploying Saul once Clarine promotes.

True. If you have extra leeway in funds you might stock up on spare promo items for a few of the B team if you want. I haven't seen that be a problem yet for me on this PT, but then again, I started off being very paranoid about XP and have been trying to work it well enough.

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Good call with Silence, I hadn't thought of that, and there's very few better excuses for using it. You've probably had the worst hit on the combat rank right now (16x is the most long-range infested chapter in the game), and with your new-bought Killers, I can see this run getting a bright future.

Cecilia A Roy surprised me, but really, Anima x Fire is good as ever. Just Cecilia isn't.

Using Igrene for Miugre is a good call, though surprisingly you may want to bench her in Ch21 to avoid her becoming a burden to your combat rank. I am not entirely sure how good she would be in the final chapter - I personally tend to end up with lots of extraneous units, but she would be a very efficient reinforcement cleaner at least as long as she remains out of their attacking range. She wouldn't need a healer left behind due to her range, and Mamkutes die to anything that is even remotely holy.

I am wondering at the moment if breakable walls affect the combat rank, and whether a "kill" on a wall counts for twice the WEXP. If the former is true and the latter is false, then it may be a good idea to have Igrene bash on those walls for free WEXP. And obviously I will keep repeating my recommendation to use Eclipse to break walls quickly, because the damn tome isn't good for anything else without savestates.

I've also been thinking how your Warp staff could be put to good use. One of them could be saving the eastern villages with minimal stress in The Frozen River (I think that's the next chapter?). Most other uses of Warp involve speeding up the game for tactics, which is hardly something you need (though it can come handy in 21 and 21x, but then again the thing has more than one use and the Hammerne Staff is there as well).

If you're paranoid about Combat going down, you may wanna try to experiment how much Funds you are ahead of the curve, and use stat boosters you may have lying around to compensate. I don't think this is the case, but it just occurred to me.

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Good call with Silence, I hadn't thought of that, and there's very few better excuses for using it. You've probably had the worst hit on the combat rank right now (16x is the most long-range infested chapter in the game), and with your new-bought Killers, I can see this run getting a bright future.

Good to hear. I thought it was probably the best time, but had trouble remembering if there were any other instances that would come up. At any rate, even if there were other stretches of long-range magic ahead, I figured preventing the 15 failed combats due to snipes would have pretty much the same effect whenever I chose to use it.

Cecilia A Roy surprised me, but really, Anima x Fire is good as ever. Just Cecilia isn't.

Yeah, I'm somewhat quirky I guess. I did mention briefly back at the beginning that Roy was going to get A with a girl and marry her. One of my longstanding FE goals is to get all the "paired endings", which in FE6 only consists of the weddings as fair as I'm aware. In 7 and 8, this was relatively easily accomplished when I was collecting 100% supports by making a save a few chapters prior to Final, then sitting around and acquiring supports before going, finishing, and watching the end credits. Since FE6 has the different support system, unlike the others it seems to require pretty much complete playthroughs rather than one trunk and branching (actually it probably doesn't but since there's also the goal of unlocking Trial Maps, etc...), I'm essentially requiring myself one girl per playthrough. I had originally planned on eventually trying a 100% supports for FE6, but since the game doesn't have a gallery, and the system is much harder to do it with, I may never end up devoting the time to that.

My first run was botched, as I messed up the gaidins, and the short endings suck. My second run was a NM ranked in which Roy wed Lilina. For the HM ranked my judging of the girls was pretty much: Sue involved Sacae = do not want, Sophia is far too fail for any ranked run, so it was down to Thany, Cecilia, or Lalum. Thany is a flier, so didn't want to be tethered to Roy, while Lalum tends to stay in the rear similar to Roy her growth rate was slower, so I decided to give Cecilia a try this go around. She's not a good character, but she's passable, and has her uses. I'm aware it's probably not an ideal choice to be making, but then again I have a history of not making ideal choices but preferring choices that serve my goals, interests, or enjoyment (see using Lilina over Lugh).

Using Igrene for Miugre is a good call, though surprisingly you may want to bench her in Ch21 to avoid her becoming a burden to your combat rank. I am not entirely sure how good she would be in the final chapter - I personally tend to end up with lots of extraneous units, but she would be a very efficient reinforcement cleaner at least as long as she remains out of their attacking range. She wouldn't need a healer left behind due to her range, and Mamkutes die to anything that is even remotely holy.

Ch 21 is the one with flocks of Wyverns, and heading down to Murdock at the Shrine of Seals, right? That definitely is something I'll have to consider, as the waves will be many, and if she gets surrounded, even if she dodges and survives you're right on the blow to Combat. Then again the effective weapon damage is an attractive prospect.

In my NM playthrough in Ch 24, I had Shin and Miredy take clean-up crew, and it worked out rather well. Since I'm not using the nomads this time, depending on who else I'm struggling to include, she may or may not be picked up for that this time.

I am wondering at the moment if breakable walls affect the combat rank, and whether a "kill" on a wall counts for twice the WEXP. If the former is true and the latter is false, then it may be a good idea to have Igrene bash on those walls for free WEXP. And obviously I will keep repeating my recommendation to use Eclipse to break walls quickly, because the damn tome isn't good for anything else without savestates.

Interesting idea, I'll try to test it out if I can. Your point on Eclipse is duly noted (forgot to comment on it last time, but I did think it was a great idea then as well). It usually just gathers dust for me either in Merlinus, or on Niime. It's kind of expensive, but some of the breakable walls in this game have ludicrous health, so it would probably be worth it.

I've also been thinking how your Warp staff could be put to good use. One of them could be saving the eastern villages with minimal stress in The Frozen River (I think that's the next chapter?). Most other uses of Warp involve speeding up the game for tactics, which is hardly something you need (though it can come handy in 21 and 21x, but then again the thing has more than one use and the Hammerne Staff is there as well).

Good call! I'd actually just been pondering the best way to collect the villages, as I was hoping to avoid spliting up Zeiss and Miredy. I'll look into it.

If you're paranoid about Combat going down, you may wanna try to experiment how much Funds you are ahead of the curve, and use stat boosters you may have lying around to compensate. I don't think this is the case, but it just occurred to me.

I'm not too paranoid about it, but I like to at least try to prepare for the worst. I'd been sort of toying with the idea of trying to figure out just what sort of leeway I have with Funds anyway. Do you have any idea how the Augury would work if, for example, one were to discard chunks of their inventory? Would it give you the same Augury with nothing changed, or would it be updated to reflect the new situation?

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Yeah, I'm somewhat quirky I guess. I did mention briefly back at the beginning that Roy was going to get A with a girl and marry her.

In the end, it's your playthrough, and all I can do is give advice. I personally try not to mix in personal preferences when there's an S-rank at stake, but who am I to determine what you should do? And besides Lilina, it looked like Cecilia was pretty much the best choice anyway.

Ch 21 is the one with flocks of Wyverns, and heading down to Murdock at the Shrine of Seals, right? That definitely is something I'll have to consider, as the waves will be many, and if she gets surrounded, even if she dodges and survives you're right on the blow to Combat. Then again the effective weapon damage is an attractive prospect.

Yeah, that's the chapter. The effective bonus is why I said "surprisingly"...it seems counterintuitive not to field your best Archer on that map, but you have two weaklings to shield anyway (Roy and Yodel, both forced), and may have more depending on who you field (I can see reasons why Lilina would not want to face two full Wyvern armies).

In my NM playthrough in Ch 24, I had Shin and Miredy take clean-up crew, and it worked out rather well. Since I'm not using the nomads this time, depending on who else I'm struggling to include, she may or may not be picked up for that this time.

I usually have mounted units at the front, doing rescue trains with Roy and Lalum to make sure I can capture every throne well under 3 turns each (as well as get Roy as much combat as possible for EXP reasons). I forgot exact amounts, but I'm sure 2 is still very managable, though even if you took 3 for every one of them you would still be under the turn limit.

Interesting idea, I'll try to test it out if I can. Your point on Eclipse is duly noted (forgot to comment on it last time, but I did think it was a great idea then as well). It usually just gathers dust for me either in Merlinus, or on Niime. It's kind of expensive, but some of the breakable walls in this game have ludicrous health, so it would probably be worth it.

If walls do affect your combat rank, it'd be in your best interest to Eclipse the things anyway (they have like 100 HP, with even Gonzales not managing the 2HKO, iirc). Actually, since you have been using Ray, and since Eclipse is 3~10 range, you can put Niime and Ray on the same squad and have them trade Eclipse around. Together with Lalum you'd be able to bring down 3 walls a turn. You would probably want that chain on the squad that advances the quickest, so the initial thought would be Roy, but three people + Roy + his 3 support partners may be a little much. Then again Roy gets plenty of durability from just Cecilia, and the cavs get plenty from each other. The only matter left is that you'd have three of your healers, two of which have A staves, clogged into Roy's team, when there's status staves around.

For it being expensive, I wouldn't worry too much, since your funds situation doesn't seem to dire. And you probably still have cash that can be converted to double its worth using Silver Card.

Oh well, I'm prolly overthinking this chapter too much, it's actually quite easy and 25 turns is verily enough.

Good call! I'd actually just been pondering the best way to collect the villages, as I was hoping to avoid spliting up Zeiss and Miredy. I'll look into it.

Yeah, from what I recall, this chapter is quite fit to be a little of Zeis' training ground (barring the ballista), and it'd be a waste. Still, I'm not sure who can be Warped to that place without dying to Purge + Shamans + angry Brigands + Wyverns, other than supported people.

I'm not too paranoid about it, but I like to at least try to prepare for the worst. I'd been sort of toying with the idea of trying to figure out just what sort of leeway I have with Funds anyway. Do you have any idea how the Augury would work if, for example, one were to discard chunks of their inventory? Would it give you the same Augury with nothing changed, or would it be updated to reflect the new situation?

I want to say that he changes his vision on your funds if you change things. I mean, the guy even says that he needs to think before giving his augury, and in FE7 I've lowered my funds ranking in Battle Preps before by selling stuff.

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Huh, that's very interesting. I was using pretty much all three healers for the longest time until I finally put Ellen away, and they all managed to get well higher than that. Are you making use of the Mend staves they come with as well as purchased Heals? This seems to be something you really need to work on, as by Ch 16, your healers should have already been promoted for a chapter or two, IMO. And I'm not talking about early promotion, but full-on Lv 20 promotion. I'm guessing sticking solely to Heals hurt you big-time there, as Torch, Barrier, Unlock, etc. give fairly massive XP for free. As Mekkah pointed out it's probably best to save Sleep for Douglas, so you might not want to spam that, and Silence is clutch for neutralizing Bolting mages, so you'll want to actually use that one wisely as well.

IMO Mend or Heal doesn't make a difference, since 100 uses of Mend over Heal gives you an extra level... I haven't been using the Barrier staff, though, and Unlock has been collecting dust because my staff users never end up going by doors >.> I had to use Sleep on Douglas and Hugh (didn't have 5000G until I opened that chest), and I'll probably be using Silence in the future.

True. If you have extra leeway in funds you might stock up on spare promo items for a few of the B team if you want. I haven't seen that be a problem yet for me on this PT, but then again, I started off being very paranoid about XP and have been trying to work it well enough.

Ugh, this isn't happening until ch21... By the way, do you get concrete funds (i.e. gold) anytime soon after 16x? I have a crapload of gems sitting around in my inventory and hardly any cash money left, and I'm really paranoid about selling my gems.

Edit: eh, I guess you don't. I should keep my eyes peeled for those stealable Elixirs then.

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and I'm really paranoid about selling my gems.

As long as you buy with the Silver Card, you have nothing to lose. For cash, there is an arena in Ch20 (which conveniently also produces EXP). Sadly it's attached to a sidequest requirement, but at least until turn 20 or so you can make use of it.

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So I just did 17A yesterday... About 18 turns of arena abuse netted around 19 total levels for Lot and Cath (even more if you count dancing and healing) and 40 000G, which I used to buy lots of killer weapons. A couple of the "B team" members reached level 19-20, namely Lugh, Oujay, Fir, Noah, and Geese; Zeiss and Shin got approximately 14 levels between them.

I'm still on track for B in EXP >.< Granted, my "A team" promoted units are hanging around levels 1-3, so at this point I'm still far behind Balcerzak's standard.

In retrospect, I think I probably should have used Treck/Wade/Sue instead of Cath for the arena in 17A because they're more useful in 18A, but whatever. I think I'll deploy Lot for 18A since he can do decently against those PKs with a Killer Axe, and I'll probably use something like Treck/Wade for the 20A arena. Shin's going to see more use too. I also completely forgot about using Fa, who gets like a level per kill at her base.

I suppose I can also keep track of some data if you want, since I'm basically at exactly the same point as you are... Namely, reinforcement data. I don't think I can really help you with anything else =/

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I'm from 5-10 for my main team in Chapter 21, but my EXP/Power are still B rank as far as I'm aware. The only units that I don't regularly use that I'm using are Klein and Igrene. >_> I have Oujay and Fir at Level 15 and I bothered to train Lilina (not because I like her, but I find it easier to baby Mages... not that I babied her, I just gave her finishing blows since some of my units couldn't really one round early on and they were like 9 levels higher).

15 Wyverns and 4 Pallies on the first couple turns is murder, by the way.

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To be honest the group I sent down (Klein, Lugh, Ray, Clarine, Dieck, Karel, Percival) is taking them pretty well. It's just the eastern group (why did I even put Ellen in this chapter, she's 12.99 and has poor speed) because it has Lilina with 29 HP and only a B Gonzales/C Roy to fall back on (Roy has C Lilina, B Lance and B Alan, and they're a raping trio; Miledy and Zeiss are also destroying everything ever). >_>

Still though, the reinforcements in this chapter are crazy.

My supports:

Roy: B Alan, B Lance, C Lilina

Alan: A Lance, B Roy

Lance: A Alan, B Roy

Lilina: B Gonzales, C Roy

Gonzales: B Lilina

Miledy: C Zeiss

Lugh: C Chad, B Ray

Ray: B Lugh

Rutger: B Dieck, A Clarine

Clarine: B Dieck, A Rutger

Dieck: B Rutger, B Clarine


B Power

A Funds

A Battle Skill

A Tactics

A Survival

A Overall

Highest level: Level 13 Lugh

Average level (main group): Level 7ish

People honestly think 21 is the hardest, though? Because I found 7 a bitch (relatively). The game really isn't that hard especially ranked, IMO...

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With the completion of 18A, I'm now on track for an A in EXP - Lot and Shin are now level 16, Tate is at level 19, and Ellen is at level 18. 19A allows for Torch staff spam, so Saul will be getting a bit of EXP from that.

18A also net me a Guiding Ring. Now, I have Ray, Lugh, and Ellen all near level 20. Should I use the Guiding Ring or preserve it for Funds? I'm thinking that promoting Ellen will slightly help EXP since Bishops get a class bonus, but is it worth using the Guiding Ring for?

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