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Pokemon Trainer


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I don't like any of his Pokemon. They all are near the average/below average line. Anyway, as far as offensive ability goes:


Charizard feels like a weaker version of Bowser.

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I love using Squirtle. Speed demon and he's got awesome mindgames. Ivysaur is about equal. If I have trouble beating an opponent with one of those two, the other one tends to cover the problems I previously had. As for Charizard... One of my less favored characters...

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Chrizard is excellent, Squirtle is meh, Ivysaur is "what can Ivysaur do?"

you fail, squirtle and ivysaur are better than charizard for the pokemon trainer

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you fail, squirtle and ivysaur are better than charizard for the pokemon trainer

Squirtle has the worst smash set in the game and horrid specials.

Ivysaur can't do ANYTHING except rack up damage if s/he manages to get Bullet Seed in. Charizard is an absolute god if you actually know how to use him. Killer smashes, awesome aerials, and Rock Smash, which is one of the best killing moves in the game.

But then again, Ash just sucks in general.

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Charizard is slow and heavy. He thinks he can jump around and fly but he can't. He's good against slow moving bosses. Nothing that can move 5 feet in an hour, though.

Squirtle's got his up-smash, his down-smash, his recovery gimping move, and is fast.

Ivy's got the best up-smash of the three. It's awesome. His aerials are nothing to laugh at either, as they're strong and fast. Plus, his tether's REALLY quick and it has a very long range. He's also the best of the three. ur playing as him wrong

Edited by Itsuki Koizumi
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The Pokémon Trainer isn't Ash. V_v

Anyways, I can kill level 9 Snakes with Squirtle without getting hits, but I can't do it against anyone else, and humans are too unpredictable.

I do NOT fair spam

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Chrizard is excellent, Squirtle is meh, Ivysaur is "what can Ivysaur do?"
Squirtle has the worst smash set in the game and horrid specials.

Ivysaur can't do ANYTHING except rack up damage if s/he manages to get Bullet Seed in. Charizard is an absolute god if you actually know how to use him. Killer smashes, awesome aerials, and Rock Smash, which is one of the best killing moves in the game.

But then again, Ash just sucks in general.

ur dum lolololol

Charizard is shite, he's just bowser with wings and a lack of epic side-B action. His strong moves are too slow to use, and his fast moves have no priority, and aren't even that fast. Also, he's a heavy character in a metagame that revolves largely around chaingrabs, so that doesn't help much.

Squirtle's smashes are meh, but his tilts and aerials are full of win, and he doesn't need smashes to kill you, thats what his fair is for.

Charizard is slow and heavy. He thinks he can jump around and fly but he can't. He's good against slow moving bosses. Nothing that can move 5 feet in an hour, though.

Squirtle's got his up-smash, his down-smash, his recovery gimping move, and is fast.

Ivy's got the best up-smash of the three. It's awesome. His aerials are nothing to laugh at either, as they're strong and fast. Plus, his tether's REALLY quick and it has a very long range. He's also the best of the three. ur playing as him wrong

I bolded the part I disagree with. Squirtle is faster and can kill better (Ivysaur's killing moves are just soo slow), I'd say Squirtle > Ivysaur. Its a pretty close call, though. My friend and I are currently working on a double Pokemon Trainer combination for team battles. I start as Squirtle, he starts as Ivysaur, and we both skip Charizard :P

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Side-Smash is pretty fast, as are up-air and down-air. I admit that Up-Smash is slow and that Down-Smash is terrible as a killing move, though. However, Ivysaur has a tether for a grab. It's much easier to pull throws off with him. His forward air and back air are pretty fast.

Also, that's a great idea for a tag team.

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I don't like any of his Pokemon. They all are near the average/below average line. Anyway, as far as offensive ability goes:


Charizard feels like a weaker version of Bowser.

Ivy plays a great keep away game, squirt can pressure and charizard can do... idk because I didn't really look into him

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Ivysaur's up-smash is full of win. Seriously, what is that? First time I saw it, I was like WTF!? Razor leaf sucks. What's the point of that move again? The rest of his moves are ok.

I hate Squirtle's moveset just cause I suck with fast people. His up-smash is really good though.

Charizard's too slow. His smashes are good if they hit but they usually don't and his other moves are pretty meh.

I suck with Pokemon Trainer but I like the Pokemon he uses, just not that much in this game. I'd say Ivy's my best of the three cause I'm not good with really fast/slow characters.

Edited by KSFF2150
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  • 4 weeks later...

Razor leaf is nice for camping and racking up some damage. Incompetent players will take loads of damage before they can force you to stop. Good players will still take some, or just get set-up for an attack.

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