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The Serenes Tier List


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Middle tier? Awww... I thought I'd be higher... Oh well, it's only a matter of time until someone finds I can do something special to help my metagame...

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Middle tier? Awww... I thought I'd be higher... Oh well, it's only a matter of time until someone finds I can do something special to help my metagame...

Try posting that female Leafeon girl more.

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some mistakes. the blue ones deserve higher, the black ones deserve lower. ^_^

So the people in the high tier should go down for being intelligent? Tsk tsk what a world.

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Why are all you complaining? I'm not even ON the list!! *cries and rocks himself*

Naw, just kiddin'. In fact, now you guys don't know how good I am because no pro has used me in a tournament yet. So I might be #1, but I haven't been in a tournament yet. Or I might be right down there below DestinyHero. Mysterious, huh?

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I was actually going to make my own list. For real. But then I decided it was boring and stupid.

So I didn't.

Which goes to show that those who make teir lists have a lot of time on their hands and enjoy doing stupid things.

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The Absent Horror with the weird avatar has a point.

Btw, just what the heck is that avatar from?

Eternal Darkness for Gamecube. Really awesome psychological thriller.

<--- Skip to 1:45
so, god/mesohorny tier?

Uhm...I'm not sure. Maybe.

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