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The World's Requiem: Act 1 Truth in Lies


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Taka nodded at Luce's comment, and returned her attention to Lindt. A point of a Marked who had made a name for himself as a liberator and a hero to the masses. Her tail swayed as she tried to imagine such a thing.

The ninja never imagined herself as anything more than what she is. Only as the ninja that served her princess questionlessly. But she wasn’t anymore, at least for now. Could she make herself into the 'hero she wants herself to be?' That was up to time to tell.

"Your story is... nice." Taka replied with a nod. "I hope to retain and think about the things you've said more." And she gave a slow nod. "Thank you for the story." She then turned to her other feline companion, to see what she had to say.

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Luce narrowed their eyes, staring at Lindt. It wasn't an unfriendly look, but it was thoughtful. "Hmm... Interesting. I've never heard of this Liberator. Perhaps he will be able to make a difference for the tribes. I have to hope so at least. Our homeland needs it~" They glanced up at the sky and chuckled. "Ahhh, it is good that you are wrapping up your story now. If you had gone on much longer, I would have risked being late. You have your stories of our tribes, I have my dances. We will each need to be our heroic selves in our own ways~" He smiled, before turning to Taka. "My friend, I'm afraid that I have an obligation to perform. You are more than welcome to watch, after which I would show you this festival. However, if you would rather explore on your own, I would not be offended." Look back at Lindt, Luce gave a deep sweeping bow. "Thank you for your time, Sir Lindt. It is always good to hear about my homeland, especially from one who calls it home as well. Perhaps our paths shall cross again and you can share more stories."

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"Of course, of course my good cat. I hope your dance goes well, if I have time I'll be sure to swing by." He waved at the stray cats. "With this I bid you both farewell. Until next time." The man in white walked off after one last glance to Luce and Taka. Hmm, I feel like I could have been more subtle...but that Luce. He turned a corner and pondered to himself. I suppose I'll have to ear out for their actions, if time allows. 

The festival went on for most of the day, and the group went on to enjoy the various activities it offered throughout their time. Eventually nightfall came, and each member had been instructed to gather at the inn when dinner came to reunite with Eve. Everyone had time to gather around a table and order their meals, and as their food came out the pinkette took her chance to speak. "I hope everyone had a fun time today, at least in my place. I had a lot of work to do...sorry I wasn't around as much as I wanted to." She brought out her brightest smile. "So to make up for it you all will be seeing a lot of me from tonight and tomorrow, if anyone has any questions for me I'm all ears. But before you start firing I have to put out that we have our first job lined up for tomorrow, we're needed at a port town called Jasmine south of here."

Nathan eyed Eve as she spoke out. "That was fast."

"I know, but Isolde really needs the extra hand. Some of you may know the country's history with running a tight guard, it's part of the reason why mercenaries are common. I knew we'd get a mission almost immediately." She turned her gaze from Nate to the rest of the group. "A few guests didn't make it to the festival yet, they're on their way to the port. The report said there's been suspicious activity around the town, so the princess wants us to look into it. We also have to keep an eye out for a Regalia. There may not be one there but...you never know."

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Luce had sat down next to Taka for the meal, wanting to help the other cat with any questions she might have, and also because they had enjoyed the day they had spent together. Looking over at Eve, Luce smiled, shaking their head as they dug into their food."Come on now~ I'm sure you went and found something interesting to do. Especially if you've found us a job already." Tilting their head, they listened to the job description and nodded. "Hmmhmm, Jasmine. I don't think I've heard of it before. What sort of suspicious activity is being reported? Obviously Regalia can cause all sorts of strange activity, but it seems like this isn't a sure thing. Any information we can get would be useful."

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Taka sat with Luce, as that had seemingly become the norm because of today. They had been very helpful at keeping the ninja company, and showing her the joys of the festivities. It was... fun. Taka enjoyed herself as best as possible.

As the discussion began, Taka eyed the room as she listened, taking a drink from her cup. She was quiet, and had listened intently. Apparently, they should be looking out for the potential of Regalia-armed people at the festival. This got her to perk up an ear, and she began to speak up,

"If I'm needed, I can look around. No one would know I'm there." And then she returned to her drink.

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Mikhail sat off on the other side of Eve and nodded, his mouth not stuffed with food for once.  His day of wandering and sampling the sights and flavors with Alister had been fruitful, but soon they would be starting their mission working with the nations, starting with Islode. Eve laid out the finer details of the job, but the healer's mind stuck on the fact that Eve had been too busy today to properly enjoy the festival. That wouldn't do.

Without interrupting the conversation with his own words, Mikhail chomped down on a roll of bread, while using his other hand to pass Eve a candied apple from a basket of treats he had amassed over the course of the festival. He actually had treats for everyone in the party, but he could do that momentarily. 

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Miles had largely been wandering the festival after his time at the fortune teller’s stand, with Hina. Bizarrely, he couldn’t quite shake the girl from his mind, even through his jaunt across many of the food stands and festival games. It was… odd, but refreshing, in a manner, and he wondered if perhaps there was time to speak to her again before they left.

In the meantime, Miles’ most prominent memory of this fair came in the form of a frankly ludicrously large novelty hat he’d won from a particularly persistent barker’s ring tossing game. It did fit rather nicely on his head, though, even if it clashed with his normal aesthetic, so he kept it on.

Upon reaching the inn, Miles simply took his seat at the table, nodding along with Eve’s message to the group. Although, it was difficult to nod with an oversized novelty hat on. “Do we know the particulars of any of the guests who’ve yet to arrive? Or have we been left on a need-to-know basis on that regard?” He asked, poking at the light meal he’d ordered. He was ashamed to admit, he’d indulged in a bit too much festival fare to eat much this evening.

Damned funnel cakes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Alouette sat across from Eve as she explained that Isolde was in need of assistance, and so they were going to get right to work on the morrow. She took a deep breath, fortunately, she felt much better than she had the afternoon after her Ichika's little excursion to the garden, which... ended up being so much more than Alouette had bargained for.



Alouette led both Lorelei and Ichika to the Garden, and thankfully, the garden seemed as if it had been stuck in time–exactly as she remembered it being down to where all of the various flowers were planted. Isolde’s culture revolved around flowers, so even the smallest flower had some significance within the country. Orchids, such as the blue one that bounced happily in Alouette’s hair as she explained some of the various meanings, were the major flower in the country. The explanations flowed naturally as Alouette deftly moved throughout the garden, it was almost as if her hesitations from before had melted away amidst the flowers, an exuberance in her voice that wasn’t there before. 

She kept her explanations to a minimum–there were far too many flowers to go in depth without overloading the pair–mostly focusing on the Orchids, and some of the other flowers, devoting a little extra time to the Amaryllis flower. “This one is likely my favorite… it’s not native to this area coming from one of the distant mountains. It came to symbolize determination; the flower grows in places where many flowers cannot, and blooms brilliantly. It doesn’t have the same sort of wide cultural association as the Orchids do, but… I really do like it a lot, and resonate with it…” Alouette then took a deep breath, “Alright, I think that’s most of it… unless there’s something more you’d like me to explain? We’ve been at this for a little bit so maybe a break is in order?” 

Ichika took in Alouette's words with quiet contemplation, mostly impressed by how much the woman knew. This was certainly a hobby that had to take up as much time as she spent practicing her magic for her to be so strong a mage and so well informed on flowers. As their journey through the gardens came to a close, Ichika nodded slowly, arms still folded under her chest. “I do not believe that I have any further questions. Your knowledge of these gardens is vast, Alouette. I am very impressed… If I had to ask something, it would be, when did you begin your love affair with flowers? Were they something you became infatuated with as a child, or is this knowledge handed down from family… Whatever the case, it is quite interesting. Thank you for imparting your knowledge onto me.”

Alouette slightly flushed at both the praise, and the phrasing of her question, but it was apt; Alouette adored flowers, and had spent hours both here in the garden, and studying them. “Aha… It's been a hobby of mine ever since I was a child. I, um… had a lot of time to learn, and spent a lot of time around them. Mmm…” Alouette pondered a moment, and then sighed, “I, uh, haven’t been the most forthcoming… Part of the reality is that I’m not from Phantasma, I’ve done a terrible job at hiding it so far, but I’m Isoldan, born here in Crecia, actually. So… I’ve been around flowers most of my life. It wasn’t so much an infatuation at first… more like a comfort thing before it became what it is today… I can partially blame my sister…” 

Alouette’s thoughts drifted to her, and the promise that she’d made before fleeing the country to Phantasma. I don’t really know if I’ve kept that promise.. She shook her head, and then curtsied slightly, “You’re welcome all the same, Ichika.” 

“I would not have been able to tell, but it does not matter to me where you are from. I am from a set of secluded islands and you have treated me well all the same. It would be remiss of me to think of you any less for hiding your origins.” Ichika bowed slightly. “However, now that you have revealed yourself… It is nice to meet you again, Alouette Celti of Crecia. I suppose if I had taken a moment to think about it, it would have been obvious. Of course you know so much about the town and its festival, ahahaha…~”

Ichika would never be one to judge secrets. She was carrying her own, so close to her waist, and would likely take the truth of it with her back home when this journey resolved itself. So long as nothing comes of this excursion as a bodyguard and mercenary to awaken the blade, they will all be none the wiser, and better for it… Perhaps you are hiding more secrets, Alouette. Some as devious as this? Time will tell, I suppose…

Lorelei made her way into the Garden behind the two. She did her best to keep a low profile, though Alouette did a good job of leading the group through the less crowded paths of the park. The princess looked over her shoulder as they walked along, it was very difficult to relax her guard. Goodness, what is wrong with me today…I need to relax. When Alouette and Ichika carried on a conversation about her knowledge of flowers, the magical princess stepped close to join in. “Yes, Ali moved to my homeland years ago. She’s from Isolde. Isoldans are constantly surrounded by flora and nature, so they naturally know flowers better than anyone in Arkus. Consequently, this also means they have some of the best gardeners. I’ve known nobles in Phantasma who pondered on hiring some in fact.” She turned her head to Alouette. “Ah, a break isn’t a bad idea. I’m sorry, I’ve been miles away during your teachings. I only hope that it isn't on the test.” She joked.

Alouette nodded, "I've certainly had people ask for me to help them back in Phantasma." More than a few were quite obvious about secondary intentions… Worse than those who would just say it. It was so frustrating to have to be so guarded all the time; she wanted to be able to trust the people around her, but it was a constant state of rebuffing advances and trying to prove that she was a capable mage despite her shortcomings. Which was why it was so easy to notice Lorelei's unease; she had been checking her shoulder every so often. Her issues were of a different kind. 

Phantasma was largely to blame for the catastrophe that befell the continent, and they hadn't escaped that stigma. It wasn't open hatred, but Phantasmans were looked down upon by the other nations. Lorelei also had the consideration of her uncle, and other Phantasman nobility who were… not fond of her push to formally join the alliance and assist however they could. Alouette was doing what she could; moving the group through the less populated areas of the garden, and through lesser known pathways, but it clearly wasn't enough.

Alouette flushed a little as Ichika mentioned how easy it would have been to figure out from her knowledge of the festival, "I suppose it really would be obvious… Phantasmans don't often travel to the festival for a myriad of reasons." She scanned the area and then smiled, "Aha… and that hasn't changed either." Off in their part of the garden stood a lone tree off to the side with a bench underneath, Alouette led the pair over, "This should be good enough for a place to rest for a moment or two… What's on your mind, Princess? You've been looking behind you as if Requiem itself is out to find you." 

“You certainly have gained a lot of attention, Alouette. Though granted it’s not all bad.” Her looks were one thing certainly, but the fact she was from another nation really bolstered her case. Although in Alouette’s point of view it hindered her case. Still, in some ways it helped her more than she may have known. Then again the princess only had her own position to take experience from. “Our nation is not fondly viewed, I'm afraid. Despite my best attempts it feels like that may never change.” She not only had resistance from the Alliance but her own nation as well, she cursed her uncle’s name every time he put his foot into her matters. “To be honest I may be one of the few Phantasmans to really explore the continent so often.” She followed along to the bench and took a seat, she wasn’t too tired but she still welcomed the break. She took in the view around her. The way the flowers were arranged really made the garden a dazzling sight. “It’s like walking through a rainbow in a way…” She mumbled her thoughts out loud. Though she didn’t stay in her thoughts for very long once the buxom redhead posed her question. “Eh? Oh…” She turned to make eye contact with Ali. “It’s just a little…awkward for me honestly. I’ve always taken measures to keep my life just out of reach of those who wish misfortune upon it, I think paranoia may have crept up on me. I suppose old habits die hard…” She couldn’t help but sigh. “I’m sorry if I worried you.”

Ichika sat as suggested and watched the princess when Alouette posed her question. She hadn't intended to bring anything up, but Lorelei had been glancing about her as if she was being followed. “If you are concerned, Princess, try not to be. I am quite vigilant. If you were truly being followed, they would have to be quite the spy to avoid my gaze.” Ichika was confident in her abilities as a bodyguard, at least. 

“This garden has been… Eye opening, Alouette. In my home, there are plenty of colorful plants, the most impressive being the sakura trees. Beautiful pink petals bloom once a year… But, I did not know the rest of the world had such beauty in nature. I thank you for opening my eyes.”

Alouette nodded with Ichika, “I thought it might be that… It’s not often that you’re without Gepard either, but, Ichika has proven to be an excellent bodyguard, and, at least in the garden here, there’s little way that anyone would be able to sneak up on us. I know this place better than most people know themselves.” Alouette smiled at the princess, “As someone who shares your worries just in a different manner, I know how difficult it is to relax, but I can promise you that you’re safe here.” 

Alouette then turned her attention to Ichika at the mention of Sakura trees, “Oh, I’ve heard of those. I’ve only ever really gotten to see them here at the festival–some of your countrymen bring them along. They’re a little difficult to grow here, so they’re not common at all… They’re always amongst the most beautiful flowers when they are here though.” Alouette found herself surprised at how open she was being with Ichika, though, on another thought, it appeared to make sense. They had similar experiences, and Ichika understood that looks were simply that, and one’s skills or talents weren’t always represented by those looks. Inferences could always be drawn though. “You’re welcome, Ichika. There are so many types of flowers; even ones that we can’t really cause to bloom here, but there’s always something new to see out there. Even in Phantasma I saw flowers that I wouldn’t see here.” 

“If we are ever in Phantasma for our travels, you will have to show me. I am starting to become quite interested in these lovely little plants. Your excitement over them is helping, definitely… I am surprised to hear that they managed to grow those trees here. They tend to prefer the warmer island climates, so it must have taken quite the feat of gardening prowess to manage. I do not suppose… Perhaps, there are still some living around here?” Ichika got her hopes up a little bit, slowly staring at Alouette. “Even if they are not in bloom, it would be… heartwarming, to see one in person after having left home.”

“I really do appreciate it, Ichika. You’re a very dependable guardian.” She nodded at the swordswoman and turned her head to Alouette. “I always surround myself with good company, be it the Gepard or otherwise. Today is no different. I should trust in you both more, I apologize.” She took her chance to jump on the topic change to move on from her worries. “Phantasma has flowers native to the region, even in the harsh cold we have Daphnes, Crocus’ and Snowdrops. I have some at my manor actually. If you come to the nation I’d be more than happy to show you Ichika.” The talk helped the princess relax a little, she even smiled for her two companions. “Still, I’ve never seen cherry blossoms. I’d like to at some point.” 

Alouette’s right, I have no reason to worry myself into the ground. Given my sight… Lorelei’s eye allowed her to see magical signatures quite easily. Ichika had her own unique aura, though it was partially due to a certain item on her. Given the girl had offered her protection it seemed rude to inquire. Alouette of course had a very bright aura, she was incredibly talented. Though she noticed the aura was significantly stronger than some experienced Phantasman mages a long time ago. You really are a curious one, Alouette. Though the princess lifted her head slightly, she sensed one more person in the garden; though the presence wasn’t nearly as strong as the present company.

Alouette visibly flushed at the compliment; it always did mean a lot to hear that someone grew interested because of her enthusiasm over flowers. “I, I can do that… if we head to Phantasma on this mission of ours…” Compliments were something that Alouette was used to but genuinely earnest compliments were so very different as she couldn’t just walk past them. It was easy to tell nowadays who meant what with their compliments. It would have been so much easier to just lean into it, but Alouette wanted something more. 

Ichika seemed to perk up hearing that Sakura trees had taken some root here in Isolde–it was true that they preferred the warmer island climates, but some had achieved it. “If I recall… there should be a Sakura tree here in the garden, it’s in one of the more traveled areas of the garden, but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. So both of you can see them.” They might have been in bloom; the air was warm enough, even if it didn’t quite match the island climate. Isolde did get quite warm around this time of the year, so there was no better time than now for the pink and white flowers to flourish.

“Let’s see… the tree will be over this way, shall we?” 

“I will keep in mind those flowers for if we ever pass through Phantasma… Though, Princess, I am surprised you knew what sakura meant. Have you studied Akatsukian before?” That was somewhat surprising, but she was royalty, so perhaps not that far of one. Even Akatsuki had to deal with other nations at times.

“Truly!?” Ichika got up immediately, all smiles. “What wonder! I would be very pleased to see how it is doing here. By all means, Alouette, please, lead on.” She'd realized just how excited she'd become, clearing her throat and letting her smile fade a bit, but it was clear in her eyes how much Ichika wished to see her reminder of home. “How delightful this Isolde is becoming…”

“The library has a lot of books on foreign flora, I did see a page on cherry blossoms. You’d be surprised how much you can learn with just a few hours of spare time in the library.” Phantasma was well known for its massive collection of books, the princess had her own personal collection at home. Once their next move had been decided the princess stood up and nodded. “Then let us proceed, I’m sure it’ll be a lovely sight.” 

Alouette had led the group toward the next part of their garden tour. A pair of cherry blossom trees soon came into view, they were cared for so well the flowers had bloomed beautifully. The petals fluttered down slowly. The single figure Lorelei sensed earlier was there as she expected, but once they had a clear view of said figure her eyes widened at the revelation that there were actually two people near the sakura tree. The issue was the second figure did not have a magical aura about them at all.

The first figure was someone Alouette would recognize, a blonde girl in a red and white dress. She was fairly pretty, and the pink petals only enhanced her beauty as they fell around the duo. Though her expression was fairly serious, she seemed to be deep in a conversation that seemed to be concluding. “...that about sums up the trade progression, is that satisfactory Arthur?”

The second figure was an elderly mustachioed man in a nice suit, he adjusted his glasses as he answered back. “It is indeed. You have my thanks for putting in such fine work, miss Baroque.” The man’s eyes spotted the trio of ladies when they approached the duo; he leaned on a unique cane and turned his eyes back to the blonde. “It seems like our business has come to a close for the moment.”

“Hm?” She had a puzzled look on, but when she followed his gaze she spotted the group. As soon as she laid eyes upon a redhead she froze for a moment. She took that moment to inspect the girl before her, realization struck like lightning and her shocked expression flipped to excitement. “Ali? Ali!” She rushed to her friend and gave her a nice big hug. “Oh my goodness! I didn’t expect to run into you here…well actually maybe I should have. Your love for flowers hasn’t changed after all!”

Ichika’s excitement was heartwarming, and a bright smile came across Alouette’s face, “Alright, then follow after me~” Alouette took the pair to where she remembered the tree to have been, and, sure enough, the tree was in full bloom. The white and pink petals dotting the tree’s branches, and fluttering down occasionally. The sight normally would have been enough for Alouette, but it was what was beneath the tree that was the most intriguing. Two figures talking beneath it–not an uncommon occurrence, more than a few conversations happened beneath this tree–but it was the fact that Alouette recognized the woman. Her blonde hair, and the complementary red dress were unmistakable, and the moment she turned to face them, the eventual recognition on the woman’s face confirmed it. 

“K-Katherine!?” The words hadn’t left Alouette’s mouth before she was pulled in for a hug. “This is… the last place I expected you to be…” Alouette eventually returned the hug, noticing it was a little harder than normal. It had been eight years, and some things had changed in that time. However, Alouette’s gaze couldn’t help but stop on the elderly man with glasses. There was something… odd about him, but Alouette couldn’t place why. He didn’t look like anyone she knew, nor did he seem like he was Isoldian. 

“Hahhh… Beautiful.” Ichika’s eyes were completely taken by the sight of her homeland so alive and well in this foreign place, likely due to the efforts of Isolde’s gardeners and careful planning for how it would be treated. She was almost so entranced, she’d barely caught that Alouette was being hugged by someone… And careful eyes showed that Alouette was, perhaps not the most content with the action? Hmm… I do not know her better than most here… Is it my place to stick my nose in? 

Perhaps interruption without direct confrontation would do, Ichika approaching the two and bowing to this Katherine, then holding a hand out to shake. “Good day, miss Katherine. It is nice to meet you. I am one of Alouette’s coworkers, Yamada Ichika. You may refer to me as Ichika, if it does not bother you.”

The blonde enjoyed her embrace for a few short moments, but those moments felt like an eternity to her. Her best friend had returned and she couldn’t be happier. “Ali, it really is you. I can tell…” The redhead could make of that as she would, but in time Kat pulled back slightly to look her in the eye. “Still as lovely as ever, the snowy peaks of Phantasma haven't lessened your radiance.”

When Ichika addressed her the blonde turned her gaze to answer. “A coworker is it? Oh…oh that’s right.” She seemed to imply she knew about their situation. “It’s very nice to meet you, miss Ichika. You seem to be from overseas as well, Akatsuki perhaps? I don’t mean to assume but…” She eyed the katanas a little. “My full name is Katherine Baroque, a pleasure.” She smiled brightly.

As the three introduced and reintroduced themselves the princess of ice kept her stare firmly on the elderly gentleman, her expression wasn’t one of fear or concern, she was more confused than anything. “...pardon me, good sir. Have we met before?” She stepped close to the man.

The old man turned his eyes to the princess, he looked deep into her green and blue pair with his own red. “Aaah, I’d remember seeing someone as bewitching as you madam.” He adjusted his glasses. “Either that or I’m getting so close to the grave that my memory has taken an early leave.” He chuckled.

“Oh, my apologies. I should introduce the man behind me.” She pulled her arms away from Alouette and turned to the gentleman. “This is Arthur Silvavolke. He’s an old friend of my father’s and the head of the Twilight Foundation, a trade company from Lohengrin. He and I were just finalizing a transaction we’ve been working on for a while.”

Arthur took that as his que to give the ladies a dramatic bow, with his hand on his chest and his upper body arching in a very respectful pose. “A pleasure miladies, I seem to recall Katherine speaking highly of you in particular lady Alouette.” He corrected his posture once his greeting was done. “What a picturesque scene, a reunion under a rain of petals and sunlight. Magnificent one might say.”

Alouette finally got into the hug, albeit it a little too late as Katherine pulled back. Then came the praise, Katherine was no stranger to it so Alouette could be sure of its authenticity. One thing hadn't changed though, the warmth that crept across Alouette's face, "I'm… sorry that it's taken so long to come back, things just… hadn't worked out. It's… so good to see you again, Kat." Alouette turned to Lorelei but paused as her gaze was laser locked on the older man. She hadn't caught the look on her face, but her tone implied confusion.

Katherine introduced him as Arthur Silvavolke of the Twilight Foundation. Alouette had heard the name before but it was largely unknown to her. The feeling she got from the man was odd; Alouette couldn't place her finger on it. Then he mentioned that Katherine had spoken of her to him, "Of me? Whyever–" Alouette paused suddenly as she turned to Katherine. She turned back to the man, and then back to Katherine. Is… my magic acting up again? That… that can't be right… Every living being had a trace of magic, it had always been something that she'd been able to intuit, and it had always been there, without fail. Except for this man now in front of her. There was no mistaking it, there was no magical aura from the man in front of her. How is that… possible?

“Yes, I am. I suppose the weapons are something of a giveaway… I am here on the mainland journeying for… Self discovery, one might say. Many coincidences have occurred and now I am working with Alouette in her,” Ichika pointed to the princess, “employ. It has been a short endeavor thus far, but I am sure it will be fruitful.” There seemed to be multiple levels of confusion towards the older man that Katherine had been meeting with prior to Alouette's approach. Ichika, obviously, knew no more than the other did, keeping her eyes on Alouette in case she wished to mention something off.

“Self discovery? How ambitious. Leave it to Alouette to keep good company.” The blonde continued to smile. “Well any friend of Ali’s is a friend of mine, as long as you’re in Isolde you can call upon my services for whatever you wish.” She turned her head toward Alouette and noticed she had watched Arthur with a curious expression. “?”

The elderly gentleman returned the gazes Lorelei and Alouette had given him. Well, I suppose it’s no surprise I’ve gained their attention. They are both simply overflowing with magic… “Hm, I feel I may be an odd man out. Actually…it appears I am the only man out.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wind up golden watch. “It’s nearly time for my next meeting anyway, so I believe I will dismiss myself.”

“Ah, wait. I apologize. I know I’m being rude with all this staring but I sense you lack a magical aura. We mages are highly attuned, so it really threw me off. Might I ask why that is the case?” Lorelei remembered there had been very few cases in Phantasma where individuals lacked a magical aura, she wondered if he had been a similar case.

“Ah, we have a mage in our midst. I suppose bewitching wasn’t too far off the mark then.” He chuckled for a brief moment. “The lack of aura is concerning I’m sure, but you needn’t worry. It’s just a unique medical condition I’ve had to deal with for years.” He returned his watch back to his pocket. “I assume that was on your mind as well lady Alouette?” His red eyes turned to the pretty redhead. “Katherine told me you’re magically talented.”

The older man seemed to return her gaze, and no sooner had he, he pulled out a pocket watch, and announced his departure. Alouette had no plans on speaking up, but Lorelei did it for her; of course she’d also noticed it. “...Yes, that’s what I noticed as well. It’s not… or rather, it shouldn’t be possible to have no magical signature. Even those who can’t use magic have the faintest trace of it, but… there’s none, absolutely none from you.” Alouette lowered her head, “My apologies for staring, it’s just… so incredibly unusual. I’ve never heard something that would remove one’s magical signature. 

Alouette’s concerns over this enigmatic Arthur started to grow. Surely it was possible that such a thing existed, but… even in her studies both here, and in Phantasma, nothing such ever rose to the surface. Alouette’s curiosity seemed to take over, and she focused a little more intently, nothing changed immediately, but then, for the faintest moment, there was a flicker of magic in Arthur’s visage. But in seeing that faint flicker of magic, two far stronger magical signatures took over her senses, both signatures she recognized. Alouette wavered for a second, and then doubled over, hands on her knees, “What… what was…” Suddenly, she was similarly tired as she had been at the end of combat. Her magic had caught onto too many things at once, and she could feel her circuits fraying a little, “What was… all of that?” 

It seemed the older man had no magical aura to him… Which appeared troubling to the more traditionally magically inclined in the area. Both seemed sure that it was necessary… Ichika's own connection to magic was strictly healing, and otherwise unique, so it wasn't something she'd really noticed. It was claimed as a medical condition, and given his apparent age, probably something he'd lived with all his life… Nothing to worry about, then. 

What was worrying was Alouette suddenly looking like she was about to collapse! Ichika's attention was on her in an instant, staff out, one arm around her to help her stay up. “Alouette, what is wrong? Did something happen? Do you need to sit down for a moment? I can help you to rest if you need it.”

The blonde was out of her element here. Alouette and Lorelei were both incredibly attuned to magic, it was no surprise they sensed something amiss. She showed a concerned expression as both ladies kept their eyes on the elderly man; and that expression only intensified as Alouette nearly fell over. “Ali!” She turned to her friend and gently put a hand on the girl’s back. “Ali, what happened?” All she could do was echo Ichika, she had no idea what the redhead had seen.

Arthur’s brow raised when Alouette nearly dropped to the ground. “Hm?” In the next moment his own expression widened, as if lightning had struck. …how much did she see? How is she that- He stared at Alouette, almost as intensely as the women had earlier. The woman had a magical aura too, like everyone else. Unlike everyone else it was incredibly abnormal; he saw something in there that forced his jaw open somewhat. This girl…this can’t be right. His grip tightened around his walking cane.

Lorelei turned her head toward Alouette when she heard the two call her name. “Alouette?” She didn’t feel the need to crowd around her given the help she already had; her mind drifted to an important question instead. What did Alouette see? She turned her head back to Arthur. She focused her sight on him to find what Alouette did, and as soon as she did…

The man turned his gaze to meet her own, their eyes locked onto each other intensely. ...well now. The old man didn’t move, he simply stood his ground. The garden remained silent during this standoff. “...I hope miss Alouette will be well.” He didn’t seem antagonistic, but the situation seemed to throw him off somewhat.

The princess also stood her ground, she had no idea what to make of the man. “She’s a strong woman, no need to worry for her.” I’m not sure what’s going through his head, but I saw it too…he may be hiding something. She was ready to keep Alouette safe if it came down to it, though she hoped from the bottom of her heart this was nothing serious.

“I’m… I’m f-fine.” Her response was mostly one of embarrassment, she hated having one of her episodes in front of others, but perhaps, in Ichika’s case at least, that was for the best. In that instant, both Arthur and Lorelei seemed to be at a standoff–Lorelei likely saw what she had seen, and she was sure that Arthur definitely didn’t want it to be seen. Equally as important, the man’s expression had been shocked for one moment, and one moment only, and that was when he was looking at her. If this man was actually dangerous, the princess standing between him and her was unacceptable. She was tasked with keeping her safe, not the other way around. “I… I might need… a moment. P-Princess… We should allow… Arthur on his way… we don’t… want him to be late for his meeting.” Alouette stood back up to her full height, before flopping, steadying herself against her knees again. “Ugh… darn it… Ichika… could I ask for your help for a moment?” 

Alouette looked at Arthur once more, “...My apologies, Mr. Silvavolke, my magic… occasionally does this. I’ll, I’ll be fine…” Hopefully that was enough to quell the sparks, and let Arthur be on his way. There was… definitely magic… it was… masked… but… how, and why? 

“Yes, of course. If you will excuse her, please.” Ichika bowed towards the man before hoisting one of Alouette’s arms around her, guiding her to one of the garden’s nearby benches to let her rest for a moment. “I do not know what happened,” she began, with one more glance towards Arthur, “but do not push yourself with unknowns. You are aware of your limits… It would not do to harm yourself on a whim like this.” Ichika brought her staff to the woman and began to do what she could, though it was more imparting her with mana rather than closing any wound. She didn’t know how much it would help, but she couldn’t sit there and do nothing…

Lorelei was one small step away from the first move, but when Alouette spoke up she was brought back to reality. “Alouette?” The princess turned her eyes toward her, and suddenly remembered that she was the guard not her. Even in her current state she still wants to protect me…

Arthur had also been brought out of his state when Ali addressed him. His gaze had locked onto her form once again. This girl is something else alright… He wasn’t a fan of his position, the ladies carefully watched him in case he made some kind of move. On top of that, he sensed one more presence in the garden just around the corner. A fairly strong magic aura the mages certainly could pick up as well. Settle yourself, Arthur. “Yes, quite right miss Alouette. But before I depart please allow me to apologize if I made you uncomfortable. I extend that apology to everyone else as a matter of fact.” He bowed before the group. “With that said I bid you all farewell.” He recorrected his posture and turned away to begin his stroll, his cane tapped along the ground while he walked. Soon enough he had left their sight, and the tension in the air suddenly dropped.

The princess kept her eye on the man as he left, and once he did she breathed a sigh of relief. “...Alouette, you saw something in him didn’t you?” She knew he wouldn’t have tried anything, Katherine seemed to have a contract with him. Still, she felt a little tense after that exchange. She also picked up that they were being watched at the moment, but the aura seemed more neutral than anything.

“...Mr. Silvavolke is a gentleman, it seemed like he made you all uncomfortable. But he wouldn’t do anything to harm you all. At least while I’m here.” Katherine seemed a little shaken herself. She never saw that side of the man. “I’m sorry, Alouette. I should have said something.” She helped keep the redhead stable during Ichika’s healing. “I’ll be sure to talk with Arthur next time I see him, all those stares and glares…and you hate being stared at too.”

Ichika was swift in helping her over to the bench, and away from the standoff before asking the obvious question. "I hadn't… expected to, but… my curiosity got… the better of me. It… nothing like this should have happened though…" Alouette didn't make use of her sensory abilities often, but never before had anything like this happened before. She hadn't felt drained or tired before then, so she wasn't running on empty, or she wasn't before then. In that moment she felt three powerful magical signatures, Lorelei's eye, the same signature from the sword at Ichika's hip, and… the hidden magical signature from Arthur.

Ichika's healing was helping to stabilize her, but she could tell that her circuits were suddenly malfunctioning. It was most similar to when she overloaded them, tried to cast beyond her limit. But she wasn't doing anything that should have done this to her… which meant that something happened that overloaded her circuits all at once. "Rgh… how incredibly frustrating…"

Arthur made his departure without more fuss, and with him all of the tension that has manifested. "Good…" Lorelei and Katherine joined her and Ichika, and Alouette slowly nodded to Lorelei's question, "For… the faintest moment. I felt a magical signature from Arthur. It was strong, but it happened far too quickly for me to make anything out… I, I don't know what happened but something… overloaded my circuits. I don't quite know if it was Arthur, or just… too many strong magical signatures in the same place."

She sighed, and sheepishly looked at Katherine, "It, there's nothing for you to apologize for Katherine… his glares started because of mine." Katherine was partially correct, Alouette did not care for the glances, or the stares that her beauty brought her. She hated the single minded focus on her beauty and assets, but she didn't mind them in concept. She didn’t mind her beauty, and at times was proud of it… but it was all anyone ever saw. Not her magic, not her intellect, not the struggle that she went through daily with her faulty circuits. This one was different; Arthur hadn't been gazing at her as an attractive woman. His gaze had been one of disbelief, and awe… as if she shouldn't have been able to see what she did. Somehow that gaze frightened her more than the others.

“Mmm… You will be alright, at least. Your circuits have overloaded, but they have not broken, or worse. You will recover… just rest.” Ichika thought hard about Alouette's words. ‘Too many strong magical signatures in the same place’. Her eyes fell to one of her swords for but a split second, then were back on Alouette. She sighed internally. It would do for me to tell her, at the least her, so that she may be aware. If I had any hand in this, I cannot contribute to it again unknowingly. She should be made well aware of what danger I carry so that she does not look into it, or can shield herself if need be.

“Alouette,” She started, quietly, “there is something we must discuss back at the inn. Privately. Whenever we return, I shall come to see you.” She left it at that, not wanting to invite attention from anyone else.

“Ali…” The blonde watched her friend carefully. She’s always had a lot of willpower, but her body can’t keep up with it… It was Alouette’s greatest weakness, she burned out too quick when she pushed herself too far. Katherine did everything she could in the past to help her friend and she refused to let that change now. “Miss Ichika, could you help me carry Ali along for a short walk? She can rest at my manor.” She took the redhead’s free arm. “It’s a little early, but we can celebrate your birthday now. I’ll make sure you’ll be well taken care of.” She gave her friend a gentle smile. “And of course miss Ichika and her highness are also welcome.”

“Aha, I suppose you recognized me from the castle, did you miss Katherine?” The princess nodded. “I can stay for some time, sure. Though I may have to leave in between to take care of some important errands.” This…Arthur Silvavolke worries me, I need to do some research. I may be mistaken, or perhaps not… She turned her head to the side and pondered some more. The magic he hid isn’t far from my eye, and yet...hm… The princess lifted her head to check if the other magical presence had remained. They’re still nearby, but not hostile. I think they were here to make sure the situation didn’t get out of hand…I’ll have to thank them next time I see them.

“I… I can tell, I’m just…” Alouette could feel her frustration beginning to build, alongside her embarrassment. Even something as simple as that tripped her faulty circuits, and now she was just out of it. She’d be fine with rest, but… she was supposed to be showing Ichika and Lorelei around, not being taken care of. "Huh?" Ichika was whispering now, something she wanted to talk about when they got back. It sounded important… "I, of–" Katherine started helping her up, and mentioned her manor, and Alouette started to squirm, “W-wait, your manor… K-Katherine, what if…” The sudden stuttering was not Alouette’s exhaustion getting the best of her, it was tangible concern. While she had no qualms of returning there to celebrate her birthday and rest, there was an ever present threat, one that she would have preferred to keep away from when she was well, and one that she wanted to be the continent away from when she was having magical issues. Perhaps the biggest reason she fled the home that she loved. However, Katherine knew all that had transpired there, and was one of the people who risked a lot to get her out of the country and to Phantasma…

“...Is, is Bars away then?” Alouette’s voice lacked any of the confidence, or poise that she’d demonstrated thus far, instead replaced by one of quiet concern. 

Alouette was once again distressed by something. Before, she hadn't pressed her for an explanation, but now, she couldn't let it rest. “I would be happy to assist with moving Alouette, but… Alouette.” She focused her attention on the woman, smiling softly.

“I am to be bodyguard for everyone in the group. That does not mean I will fight your battles for you; you are plenty strong enough to contend with that which ails you. However, it does mean I will shield you from harm. If this Barusu seeks to cause you harm, I will hold him back.” She nodded. “That is all you need concern yourself with. You are among friends, new and old, yes? Let us bring you somewhere comfortable to collect yourself.”

The blonde knew Alouette would be hesitant to take the offer as long as her little brother was around. “Bars is actually supposed to be on a boat to Lohengrin tonight, so he’s on his way to Jasmine. We’re fine, Alouette.” She stepped up to her friend and took her hand. “Even if he was here, I would do everything I can to keep him from you. We haven’t seen each other in so long, Ali. I will not let him, of all people, ruin this day.” When Ichika made her input she turned her head to the swordswoman. She was absolutely glad her brother had left the capital, Ichika seemed like she could snap him like a twig. “Thank you, Ichika. It won’t take much to handle him though, just leave it to me.” Barusu? Huh…

Lorelei was impressed by Ichika’s dedication to her duty, it reminded her of Gepard. I suppose a knight’s code and a samurai’s honor aren’t that different. “Well, it sounds like we have our destination.” The princess spoke out and turned to Katherine. “Miss Katherine, I truly appreciate the invitation. Know that you have my thanks.” She curtsied before the blonde business woman. “I hope you don’t mind if I ask you a few questions about your elderly associate when we arrive.”

“Arthur? Yes, I’m sure you’re curious after…whatever that was.” She turned back to Lorelei. “That being said, he and I have a contract. I can’t tell you anything tied to it. That being said, I don't have anything significant to hide from you, Arthur is a very private man.” With that settled Katherine turned back to Alouette and gave her a warm smile. “Ready when you are, Ali.”

Alouette exhaled deeply as Katherine confirmed that Bars was going to be away. That was a weight off of her shoulders, both now and into the future; that would mean that Bars would be away for sometime, and that she could enjoy the festival fully. Well, almost. Her mother would not be pleased if she was discovered here. Alouette could barely imagine how incensed her mother had been learning about her departure. But at least she was manageable, and Lyria would help as well; Bars had no idea how to take no for an answer, and any action she thought to take against the boy would end poorly for her family. "I… haah… alright. T-Thank you Ichika, Katherine…"

It was strange, Ichika seemed to get it more than most. It was always one or the other; complete disregard for her abilities, and believing that she needed to be protected, or simply no acknowledgement of her abilities at all. She never minded being helped or protected–she was no stranger to needing help due to her circuits–but so many thought that her need for help extended far beyond that. It was why she hated her circuits malfunctioning in front of others, and having to ask for help. Because most of the time it ended with people thinking her a fragile doll, and not the capable magistra that she was.

Alouette wobbled a little with Ichika and Katherine's help taking a moment to steady herself, glad that she was amongst friends at this moment, "Alright… Let's go then… apologies if I waver… this takes a lot out of me…" The embarrassment on her face was unmistakable, but there was a small smile forming. She hadn't expected to celebrate her birthday much, if at all. Maybe this wasn't as dangerous as I thought it would be…

“It’s quite alright, Ali. It has never been a problem between us.” The blonde continued to show as much support as she could toward the red head. “With all that said, allow me to lead.” Katherine turned to lead the group of the garden. Poor Ali, being a mage is one thing…having her circuits is another story entirely. Still, she knew how strong Alouette was. The woman had enough willpower to outlast everyone.

Lorelei followed behind the group closely and kept her eye out for any danger that the group may come across. The onlooker seems to be content with the garden for now, otherwise there’s no other eyes on us… She kept a few fingers over her radiant eye to reduce any attention that it may bring. This eye has been a blessing and a curse, but I’m glad I can at least use it to keep everyone safe… Another concerned thought crossed her mind, she simply did her best to ignore it and move on.

The final presence in the garden gave one last glance toward the group, when they left he decided to do the same. A troubling sight to be sure. Arthur Silvavolke…hm. He kept his thoughts to himself and left the garden in a hurry.

Fortunately for Alouette the Baroque manor was exactly where she remembered it, a short walk away from the garden. Even among the fancy mansions in the noble district Katherine’s home still stood out well enough thanks to the ornate statue on top of a fountain and the outdoor garden. “The lobby is just past the front door, Ali can rest in there.” She hastened her steps toward the door to open it for her guests. Yet another familiar sight greeted Alouette, the lobby was high class but not too gaudy. Katherine directed the group toward a small group of chairs and a couch; it was all set up right next to a window that presented the garden for the ladies. “Take all the time you need to rest, Ali.”

“And here we are…” Ichika helped Alouette towards the couch and set her down, taking a look around the place. It was quite the fancy estate, nothing like the single floor layouts back home, with their sliding doors and paper walls. This was a grand place of living, with all the accoutrements to boot. “My my… This is a very impressive place. Perhaps once you have caught your breath, you would be willing to show me around, Alouette? I am learning quite a lot today, and would not be opposed to learning more…”

Eight years, and nothing had changed about the Baroque manor, aside from how Alouette had come to view the building. Once a wondrous building where she’d spent much of her time, and now, a building that she looked at with a little skepticism, knowing the demon that lay within. Fortunately for her, that demon was absent, and that filter of skepticism was also absent. Even the lobby was the same from what she remembered it being; the couch being right next to the window, with the Baroque garden right outside. 

Once Ichika and Katherine had set her down on the couch, Alouette melted into the couch. “Y-yes, it is rather impressive, isn’t it? The Baroque family… are rather well to do in Isolde… perhaps second to only the Royal Family at this point in prominence.” Alouette took a deep breath, “W-with Katherine’s okay… I could certainly… I think, I don’t know how much has changed.” Alouette leaned back on the couch, trying her best to gather herself, and think on what had exactly happened. She could tell that this wasn’t just a case of her running low on mana; that would have been a more gradual wave of exhaustion, and one that was far more manageable. She’d overloaded her circuits, a consequence of asking too much all at once, and was both using too much mana, and not having enough all at the same time. They’d fought yesterday, but she’d rested, and ate, and hadn’t gotten too exhausted. So it had to be her sensory magic but even for how little she used that aspect of her magic, it had never done that to her. Perhaps it had been feedback of some sort? Too much wasn’t making sense…

She shook her head, she’d have to try to make sense of it later, “So, uh… how have you been, Katherine? A lot… has changed in eight years, hasn’t it? Well… maybe not this, but…” 

Once Alouette had found her seat the blonde let out a small sigh of relief, it didn’t change her concerned expression though. “The Baroque family used to be one of the most prominent military families, second only to Celti and Grayson. There’s a lot of history behind these walls…” There was a hint of slight regret in her tone, but she shook it off and continued. “But yes, a lot has changed. Still, I’m perfectly fine with you taking a tour of the manor once you’ve recovered.”

The princess of Phantasma took a good look around the manor, it wasn’t far off from the usual sights she saw in her homeland. Refined yet tasteful. Used to be…ah right. She recalled a certain incident that happened years ago during the capital’s raid, while she didn’t have all the details she heard rumors the Baroque family had been heavily tied to that event. Maybe they were disgraced…but considering the lack of manpower in this country that might not be the case.

Katherine briefly pulled aside a maid and whispered something in her ear, and with that she hurried off as soon as she could. “I’m perfectly fine, Ali.” She took a seat from across the redhead. “I’ve just been rather busy, stressed in fact…” She crossed her legs and did her best to settle back. “I’ve taken over some duties from my father, and I’ve spent the past few weeks working with his clients and meeting associates on top of other duties. It’s a miracle I even found some time to breathe during the festival.” She giggled a little. “I really am happy we ran into each other when we did, certainly makes things easier on me.” As happy as Katherine was she expected to be questioned about Arthur soon, especially given the look the colorful princess gave her. “...but let’s get the important thing out of the way. Any questions you have about Arthur I’m willing to answer, to the best of my ability anyway.”

Alouette paused for a moment as Katherine corrected her, “...Used to be? Wha, what happened?” Alouette missed that her friend had tasitly revealed that Alouette was effectively nobility, and quite well-to-do herself, but Alouette was laser focused on that. The Baroque family stood above the Celti family, really only second to the Grayson family–the Celti only had longevity over the Baroque family. Before she could get her answer to that, the conversation took a detour into the man of the hour, Arthur Silvavolke. Really, there was a single question that came to Alouette’s mind involving him, “...What… sort of work are you doing with him, if you don’t mind me asking… Kat. It certainly is rude of me, but there was… something about him that seemed troubling. To… say nothing of what I felt in the end.”

It seemed not everything was paradise at this estate. Ichika wasn't privy to any of the private ongoing of these two women, so she listened in stride as they spoke, only chiming in when Alouette mentioned this Arthur they'd run into. “He was… Intense. I felt as though, one wrong word would have caused combat, and I do not believe I could have stopped him. We must be careful around that man now…”

“Aaah yes, you were gone before the incident…I’ll catch you up on that soon I promise.” Kat realized that topic was going to be quite a discussion; she prepared herself for a rough conversation later. But for the moment she decided to focus on Arthur. “Mr Silvavolke is the head of the Twilight Foundation, a company that specializes in weapons development. He worked with my father more than he has with me, but father wanted me to have more experience in the field so we were just working on a trade agreement to help reinforce Lohengrin’s defenses against Garmr. I don’t know him too well personally, though I can say he’s quite spirited when you get deep in a conversation with him. He really enjoys sight seeing as well.”

“Alouette, you sensed something startling in him. I did as well.” She turned to her red headed companion. “The eye I have is quite powerful, and I didn’t sense anything from him until after he let his guard down for a brief moment. What I saw could only be described as…the eye of a storm. Something not very far from a Regalia one might say.” Lorelei took a seat next to the blonde. “What sort of work does the foundation do exactly? If he’s a magician then perhaps I could assume magic weaponry is in his line up.”

“That certainly is the case, yes. The Twilight Foundation specializes in a wide variety of weaponry, from a simple sword like the one Ichika has to machinery beyond our imaginations. Granted, the latter isn’t easy to mass produce, but from what I’ve seen recently I believe we are on the verge of a new era of innovation.” She sighed. “I’m not surprised the conflict overseas is getting worse by the day. It’s terrifying. I’m sorry I can’t help you much more than that.”

Alouette frowned slightly, magical technology was one thing but the thought of magical weaponry always made her hair stand on end. As a practitioner, it wasn't so difficult to see just how potent magic could be; it had been the crux of Requiem so many years ago. The situation in Lohengrin had to be deteriorating at an alarming rate, for the Baroque family to be assisting in that manner. There appeared to be more to this, as she even mentioned that something had happened to dislodge the Baroque family from their position. Perhaps the two were related.

There was the other fact about Arthur; he had been masking his magical signature, and Lorelei proved it. Even Ichika seemed to pick up on how dangerous the man could be; while Alouette picked up on his magic, Ichika picked up on something different. “Then… why would he be hiding his magic? He even said that it had been a condition just to hide it…" The important part was that it was powerful, the likely cause of her circuit overload. Alouette leaned back into the couch, trying to overcome the wave of exhaustion washing over her. It was so frustrating to be such a capable mage, and to simultaneously be so fragile. Being used to it, and working around it didn't make it any less upsetting when it did take her out. 

"Lorelei, you seemed more wary about him than I had been, did you–"

Barely a couple moments after the maid had departed with her lady's request, the door quietly slid open. In walked a bright red haired woman with a pair of glasses. Not terribly tall, nor imposing but the shimmer about the woman, and her bewitching smile gave her all the presence one could ask for. "My apologies for just dropping in unannounced, Katherine. Your maid came to find me, and well, she didn't need to wander far." The maid appeared from the doorway, bowing to Katherine with an apologetic look on her face before disappearing once more.

Then her eyes turned on the other red head in the room, her eyes lighting up, "Eight years, and you're still somehow surprising me, Alouette. Just when I thought you were all grown up, you return and prove that I was a fool." At a glance, Alouette was resting, her magic did feel a bit off. "I wish our reunion was on a bit of a higher note, especially for today, but… welcome home, Alouette."

Then she turned to Lorelei and Ichika, "I was told that she was with friends, so I have to assume that meant you two." She curtsied, "A pleasure to meet you in person, Princess Lorelei, and you as well… I guess from your outfit and the sword at your hip you're from Akatsuki? I apologize for waiting so long for an introduction, but my name is Lyria Celti, Captain in the Isoldan Military, and Alouette's older sister."

This Arthur fellow seemed to be causing no end of headache for everyone involved. It made Ichika feel somewhat useless in the moment. No real ability to sense such magical things; knowing that if it had come to blows, she wouldn't have been able to stop anything. “How troubling.” There was nothing to be done about it now, nor did she want there to be in the future. From how it all sounded, it would be best if their collective paths didn't cross again.

They were joined by yet another woman, though one that both resembled and recognized Alouette. The final mention of older sister made things slot into place, Ichika standing and bowing towards her. “I can see that it runs in the family.” What it was, she left vague. “It is a pleasure to meet you. I am from Akatsuki, yes. Yamada Ichika is my name.”

It seemed like Alouette had been piecing together everything as best as she could, though there were still a lot of questions in the princess’ head that remained unanswered. “Whatever his reason may be it must be tied to something staggering if he went to such lengths to hide his magic…” I can’t do much considering my position, I’ll just have to hope that he doesn’t do…anything rash. She remembered the look he gave Ali when she collapsed, it was one of disbelief. It led her to believe he also was adept at sensing magic. She turned to Ichika and wondered if he picked up on anything from her as she did. But her thoughts were cut off when the redhead asked her opinion. Though once again she was cut off, as another woman entered the scene. Someone who looked quite similar to the other red in their company. “Lyria Celti…ah, yes. It’s a pleasure indeed.” She nodded, relieved someone from the military had come onto the scene.

Katherine had a look of concern about her, she kept her eye on Alouette closely. Hm…at least he didn’t do anything, I doubt he would have as long as I was around but…oooh I don’t like this new angle I’ve seen about him. When Lyria came inside the blonde stood up and was about to greet her, though Ichika brought up something that ‘runs in the family’. ...did she mean the hair…or the- She cut herself off and cleared her voice. No no! No gutter for me… “You came much earlier than I expected, Lyria. You must have known ahead of time…but no matter. I’m glad you came either way.”

The door swung open and Alouette tensed instinctively until the woman’s red hair became visible. A wave of relief washed over the woman, replaced by surprise. Last Alouette had seen her, she was barely a lieutenant, still a rising star to be sure, but had a rank more befitting of her age. It had been eight years, but even then, captain was only just below the more administrative positions, and should have still been well out of reach. Alouette looked over at Ichika, and for the faintest moment, she could see a look of frustration on her face. So far, the conversation seemed to dance all around her until Lyria’s arrival. Alouette pushed up using the side of the couch as leverage, before deflating back into the couch, “S-sister… Haha, I didn’t expect… to see you here. Though, I didn’t… expect to be here, either.” 

Ichika introduced herself to Lyria, but the Akatsian swordswoman mentioned that ‘it’ ran in the family. “Huh? It? Do you mean our hair, eyes, or…?” Alouette trailed off, leaving the last one unsaid. Lyria’s uniform tended not to hide her physical beauty, and while the difference between the two was impressively substantial, Lyria was no slouch. “Ah, uh… Ichika already introduced herself, and it… sounds like you already know Princess Lorelei…” Ichika’s words still hung on Alouette’s mind, the threat that man posed seemed to be more real than any of them realized. Not to mention that there was the question of what exactly she meant by ‘it’? She did bring them up before… 

“How… did you know where to find us? And, you knew Katherine?” Alouette pondered a second, and realized that the maid she’d spoken to earlier was the one that returned with Lyria a moment ago, “Was… that what you asked her to do?” 

Lyria smiled back at Ichika, “I can assure you that ‘it’ runs in our family… though, depending on what you mean, you’ve met the brightest of the Celti. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Yamada; I’m guessing that if you’re with my sister you’re one of the people that I should be thanking on behalf of the Isoldan Military for your help yesterday.” Lyria turned her focus to Katherine, “You’d be right about that; I was going to stop by anyway because I knew that if Alouette was going to go anywhere besides the garden, it would be here, and with you. However, let’s say a very attractive bird told me that something happened in the garden with Alouette, and she was suffering from a moment of overload. I’m not entirely sure what happened, but that’s another thing I’ll have to thank you for, Miss Yamada. It really does mean a lot that you’re helping Alouette; she appreciates it more than she lets on.” She winked at both Katherine and Ichika before looking at her sister, “You seem alright, but you couldn’t even stand up really–I saw you try. I suppose that hug will have to wait a moment or two…” 

Lyria sighed, and then cleared her throat, “Speaking of that bird… they also mentioned a name that I might have overheard before I walked in… An Arthur Silvavolke? Yes, I’d… like to ask about him a little…” There was the faintest glint in the woman’s blue eyes, “I’d just like to figure out what happened… and see if I can help out in any way.” 

Ichika simply smiled and pressed on without answering what ‘it’ was. “There is nothing you need thank me for, Miss Lyria. People were in trouble and it was my duty to assist in keeping them and my charge safe. Now I am tasked with assisting a group that involves your sister as a whole, thus I shall be there when she requires my aid. If you wish to stand, Alouette, please do let me know. You require rest, but we are out of danger at the moment. It could not hurt.” If helping her up to transfer her into Lyria's arms was all that was needed, it wouldn't be much effort on her part. 

“Yes, we ran into this Arthur in the gardens when we stumbled upon Katherine… There was a tense moment with Alouette as she appeared to see something she was not meant to. Whatever that was, it caused this exhaustion.” I fear that I, too, am responsible for aiding in her nearly fainting, but that will be discussed later.

"S-s-sister…" Alouette flushed brightly, there really wasn't any other way to take what she meant by brightest. Nearly all of her siblings had bright red hair, but of all of the girls, she dwarfed all when it came to both magic, and figure. Alouette's flush turned into a pout, "You haven't changed a bit, Lyria. Still teasing me…"

Alouette shuffled in her seat when Ichika offered to help her up. It was still embarrassing to be so out of sorts in front of the Princess, and Ichika, and now her sister after eight years… Well, can't get anymore embarrassed, can I? "I-if you would, Ichika. It's… been years, so, uh…" When was the last time you got to hug anyone before today…? That question would remain unanswered for a moment as Ichika confirmed her sister's question, "Err, yes. He was there in the garden, and… at first he had no magical signature–an impossibility–and well… I couldn't quite believe that. It goes against everything that I know about magic and all, and… I tried to sense if he was telling the truth or not… and discovered that he hadn't been. Unfortunately, my circuits gave out before I could get… anything more concrete."

“It is nothing to be embarrassed about, Alouette.” The shuffle and her stutter were easy enough to read. “You encountered something that you were not prepared for or expecting. Even I was taken aback, so your exhaustion is not your fault, nor a bad thing. Now, here we go…” Ichika sat down and slid Alouette's arm over her shoulder, slowly raising her up to stand, then bringing her over to her sister. “There. Not so bad… If you would not mind, Lyria.”

Lyria's eyes had drifted back towards the door where she entered, and where her smile had been was now a look of exasperation. "I hate being right sometimes… Ichika, dear, could you hang onto my sister for a moment longer? I don't want to give our guest the satisfaction of watching us embrace." While her face remained neutral, the tone and words were anything but. 

Alouette had resigned herself to the teasing that was going to come along with the hug, but it would all be worth it. While she never had a shortage of people who were willing, the amount of people she actually trusted with a hug were so few and far in between that it had been a long while since her last. Long enough that even Ichika just helping her was satisfying; Lyria always called her a cuddle bug, but she had to curb that desire when…

"L-Lyria?" Her sister's comforting smile was replaced by an all too familiar sight. If there was something that Lyria was known for aside from her magical talent, it was for her bewitching smile that never seemed to fade from her gentle face. Except for a handful of things, and judging by her mention of a guest, Alouette's anxiety shot up. No way… didn't Katherine say that… She looked over at Katherine, panic starting to set in. Of course he would show up at her most vulnerable. Of course this would happen now. Alouette clung a little tighter to Ichika. 

Lyria's sudden change in demeanor, Alouette's clinging, the talk of an uncomfortable brute from before… Ichika nodded wordlessly, sliding an arm around Alouette's side to keep her close, her other landing on the hilt of her sword. “I will keep you safe,” she finally said, eyes already scowling towards the door. “Whoever this Barusu is, he will not lay a hand on you.”

Katherine followed along as Lyria explained a little bird told her about the situation. “Little bird…?” She wasn’t sure who she referred to exactly, but at this point it didn’t seem to matter. Alouette and Ichika both did a good job informing the military officer, it saved Katherine some time to cut right to the chase. “Yes, that’s more or less the gist of the situation. I can tell you more over some-” Her train of thought immediately cut off when Lyria turned to the door, and brought up a guest. “...oh.” She sighed deeply, and realized who she meant. “Miss Ichika, my only request is to not kill him. Everything else you had in mind is perfectly fine with me.”

The princess of Phantasma kept her gaze on Lyria, she noted how strong her magic aura was. She certainly is Alouette’s sister, though she doesn’t seem quite as potent as her sister. She was curious about the difference between the two. “Little bird, is it? The other presence I sensed in the garden.” She remembered there was a neutral third party in the garden, but beyond the aura she saw she had no idea who it was. But before she could ask about that everyone had turned to the door to greet a newcomer. “?” She turned her eyes toward the door as well, and sensed a magic aura nearby. Though this aura was…significantly smaller than average. Not nonexistent like Arthur, there was magic there; it just was incredibly underwhelming.

“Aaah! What good fortune! It appears the rumors were true…you HAVE returned to Crecia, my true love!” An ill wind filled the lobby from the direction of the open doors, as a slim blond man stepped through with an almost comically oversized bouquet of red roses. “Alouette! As soon as I heard you’ve returned I had to postpone my trip to Lohen to greet you!” It seemed like he tunnel visioned directly only Alouette (or perhaps her charms), because he walked right up to her and ignored everyone else…right up until he finally noticed Ichika in a menacing stance. “GUH!” That brought him straight out of his fantasy world and straight back to reality. “W-who are you?! Who let this samurai in my home?!”

All Katherine could do was sigh in disappointment.

Lyria only barely stopped herself from reaching out and grabbing the man as he marched by her towards her sister, but one look in Ichika’s direction was enough to let him try. If a look could slay a man, Ichika would have slain thousands with every step the man took. “Yes, glad that you’ve returned to the land of reality, Bars. Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be anywhere but here?” She marched around, standing next to Ichika, but in front of Alouette. “Yes, she has returned, but no, she’s not here for you, so if you could do me a favor, and perform your march backwards, and preferably back onto the boat that was supposed to take you to Lohen, that would be great.” Lyria’s flowery, and amiable language had all but gone out the window. 

Alouette on the other hand shrank when the man walked in and marched up to her, trying to draw herself back away from him. Eight years had done nothing to him; he was still exactly the same. He’d ignored everyone in the room except for her, and it felt like the first couple moments of him ‘acknowledging’ her had his eyes fixated on something not her face. “...You were supposed to be away… why are you back?” Lyria appeared to have known that Bars was supposed to be away, and Lyria had started to lose her temper. It was always nice to have Lyria with her when Bars started to do his thing, “T-This… samurai has a name, and you’ll remember it, it’s Ichika.” Alouette tried to find some firmness in her voice, but between her panic, and exhaustion, it lacked conviction. Alouette tried to conjure some of her magic as she usually did to deter the man, but nothing was coming; her body still recovering from her overload. No good… I’ll have to rely on the others then… 

“So this is the creature I was warned of.” Ichika kept her arm firmly on Alouette, helping her standing behind her sister, but in a flash of steel her sword was drawn, eyes drilling holes into Bars. “I will give you one chance to turn around and leave before you run from this room with less than you came in with. Are you BLIND!? Do you not see the distress you are causing her!? If you so much as care about a single hair on her head, then open your eyes, you foolish man!” Ichika did not care about who he was supposed to be or how important he was, sword pointed at his throat. “Unless all you care about is her body. Perhaps I should pluck those eyes from your skull so you cannot ruin her with your gaze any longer…”

The blond man was stunned stiff when Ichika directed the tip of her blade at his vulnerable neck. “N-ngh!” Sweat began to form over his brow. “You…what gives YOU the right to threaten me you foreigner?!” Though despite the rage behind his words he couldn’t move a muscle, it was clear he was intimidated.

“Brother, please. You’re embarrassing yourself, and our family. Lyria’s right, you have to be at Lohengrin. Father entrusted you with an important task, are you just going to let him down because you can’t…you can’t keep yourself from being horny?!”

 “You too, sister? Tch, what’s wrong with me greeting my old friend after so long? Why am I being threatened in my own home?! This is obscene!” He stomped his foot on the rug below him. “I demand you lower your blade this instant, I have an officer of Isolde as my witness that I’m being assaulted! Isn’t that right, madam Lyria?” He turned to the older sister.

Lyria looked at Bars with the most dumbfounded look on her face, and then towards Ichika and Alouette. She opened her mouth to say something, and then smiled at Ichika. “...Oh you’re right. Ichika is a foreigner, isn’t she? Which means she wouldn’t necessarily be beholden to the same penalties if something were to happen as those infractions would be handled by the General, and he’s plenty busy nowadays what with all that’s happened recently, and, oops,” Lyria ‘tripped’ and knocked the glasses off of her face, “Oh, boy, there go my glasses, I can’t really, see anything without those, gosh, if something were to happen, I wouldn’t be able to respond to it in my capacity as an Isoldan officer, how unfortunate~” 

The fury from Ichika was comforting, if a bit concerning given what Bars’s standing meant in the moment, but then, Lyria laid out everything plain. Alouette almost couldn’t believe how petty Lyria was being, but in the moment, it was exactly the amount of petty that she could get behind. Alouette simply clung onto Ichika for support, and looked Bars in the eyes, “...Leave, I have nothing to say to you. You… and I are not friends, not with the way you’ve treated me. I-Ichika… if he comes any closer… please…” 

“Ahhh, you are one of those cretins. Blind to your own actions and a refusal to see what you do as wrong… Would that we were alone, I would strike you down and the world would be better for it. Alas… However.” Ichika’s grip on her blade only tightened, eyes narrowing. “I am employed as Miss Alouette’s bodyguard. She is currently being harassed by a beast, and as such, it is my duty to see her safe. I may not be able to harm you, but that lasts only so far as the distance you keep… If you so much as touch her then I will do everything I can to make sure you cannot do so again.” It seemed as though Lyria had the same idea as her, that they would do whatever they could to keep him off of Alouette. Her terror told Ichika everything she needed to know, that this Bars was nothing but a stain.

Lorelei had more or less occupied herself with a glance at the garden from the window, she didn’t want to give Bars another witness to what was about to come to him. That being said, she hoped the man would leave sooner than later. Keep yourself stable, Alouette. She pondered if she should make an ice statue of him, but that might put her in a lot of political trouble.

“W-wait no NO! Lyria!” He shouted out as she pretended to be in distress. “I know this is an act! How could you…ngh!” He turned back to Alouette and Ichika, and the two could see the very moment his heart broke. “AUGH! A dagger through my heart, Alouette!” Though the redhead may remember he was a bad actor. “And this samurai I…you’re very lucky I’m unarmed myself or I’d-”

Katherine sighed deeply and stepped up to her brother. “Bars!” Without a hint of hesitation she slapped the annoying pest across the face.

“?!” Bars stumbled back somewhat and huffed in frustration. “Katherine?!”

“Don’t you KATHERINE me! It’s time you grew up, Bars! Alouette left Isolde for a reason! She left because of you!” She stepped closer and forced him to the wall. “Alouette has been uncomfortable just at the mere mention of your name, so even you could imagine your appearance has left her in shambles. She doesn’t like you, not one bit!” She thrust her finger toward the door. “Now take the hint, for your own safety, and get lost!”

“...tch I…ngh…” He brought a hand up and scratched his head furiously. “Argh…FINE!” He shouted back and turned to the girls. “...I’ll admit defeat for now, but this isn’t over. You will learn the meaning of fear soon enough, samurai! And Alouette…I will win your heart no matter what.” He tossed the bouquet on the ground and turned to the door.

“...” Alouette got quiet as Bars seemed to continue his antics, not getting the hint. There was no universe in which Bars could hold a candle to Ichika’s sword play; she was sure that Lyria could have bested him, and Lyria had nearly stabbed their father last she’d seen her use a blade. Katherine finally decided that enough was enough, and–not for the first time–slapped her brother. But even that wasn’t enough, he still believed that there was a way to ‘win’ her heart. Alouette shivered, though, not from anxiety like before. “Why don’t you get it?!” The words burst out of Alouette like the spell she’d been trying to conjure. She pushed herself out of Ichika’s embrace for a moment, and stumbled, legs barely able to hold her up, but Alouette kept herself standing. 

“I’m, I’m not someone to be won! Why can’t you even see anything beyond what you want!? This false bravado, these flowers, am I so worthless in the end that you can’t fathom that there could be things that I want!?” A spark ran up Alouette arm, and Alouette winced as it did, “...You don’t know a single… thing about what I enjoy, or what I love to do… only how good I’d look standing next to you… How could anyone… How could anyone want that? How could anyone want to just be… looked at as window dressing?” Another spark ran up Alouette’s arm, and she wobbled, barely catching herself, “Ichika… is a friend… of mine. Harm her… and I’ll… I’ll…” 

“Ichika, if you would please grab her. She’s going to collapse again…” Lyria turned her gaze on Bars. “Leave her be. You have places to be… Not here, not riling Ali to the point of collapse again. Hopefully you’ve learned something.” Lyria turned away, and started moving towards her flickering sister. 

“Alouette!” She moved to hold the woman up, sword still out, just in case, letting out something of a huff. Her eyes glared towards Bars and she spit on the floor as he left. “Demon. You truly are that blind. Leave us.” He didn’t matter any more, slowly trying to keep the poor woman standing. “No matter how upset you are, now is not when you should be exhausting yourself… Please, deep breaths. You will be okay. He will leave and you will be safe.” Hopefully her words would reach the woman. I cannot believe… someone that disgusting truly exists. And in such a position of power. Today has been eye opening… I shall become stronger, to excise things like that from this world.

From her moment of fury, Alouette quickly deflated back into Ichika’s grasp, all of her energy expended once more. Alouette tried to catch her breath as instructed, but she also glared at Bars, “...even in only two days of knowing each other, Ichika has understood me, and… what I’ve wanted… more than you ever have… in years.” 

Lyria hurried over, “if that’s the case, Alouette, please listen to your friend, and stop wasting your strength.” Lyria smiled at her, “I have to say, that’s probably the most upset I’ve ever heard you… the last time was when mother was shouting at me when I was ill.” Lyria’s smile widened as she looked at Ichika, “I don’t think I’ll have any thank yous left for anyone else by the time I’m done with you, Ichika. Let’s get her back over to the couch; she certainly didn’t do herself any favors by getting herself all fired up. I don’t suppose you have a staff or something on you?”

“Alouette, please, peace.” She held back a sigh. It was pleasing to see the woman so upset, rightfully, but she was going to pass out at this rate. She pulled her back onto the couch and finally sheathed her weapon, pulling a small staff out of her robes, before folding it out into a full one. “Yes, I am something of a healer. Not exactly the most practiced, but all women in my clan are taught how to fight and how to mend. I do not believe I have the magical power to truly fix what has happened to Alouette today, but I will do what I can…”

Bars stopped for a moment when Alouette spilled her heart out to the man, he didn’t turn to face her however. “...” Though her final words to him got his hand to twitch. “Really? This samurai has your heart now? Hmph…” He shook his head, in complete denial over pretty much everything else she said. Immediately after he said his piece he left the mansion and made his way to the gate ahead.

Katherine felt nothing but frustration, she put a hand to her head and let out a deep sigh. Ever since mother died he’s…lost it. All it took was Alouette… She turned to Alouette in Ichika’s grasp, exhausted and infuriated. “...Ali, I’m so sorry.” She looked her friend in the eye. “I wish I could just take those last few years he ruined and make it right.”

The princess turned back to the situation, concerned for Alouette’s well being. “What an absolute animal of a nobleman…” She stepped up to the group. “Ichika, thank you for helping Ali in her time of need. I wish I could have helped but…I sensed he would have made this a political nightmare for me.” She looked at Ali. “But that shouldn’t have stopped me, so I’m sorry Alouette…”

Lyria nodded, “No need to be able to fix what happened with Ali, all we need to do is get her stable. Rest will take care of what remains. What magic power you have will be more than enough.” Lyria turned to make sure that Bars was gone, true to form, his very presence made everything worse. Lyria sighed, today was Ali’s homecoming and her birthday, and even still, things weren’t going well. “Hmm… perhaps it will be best to let things cool down for the moment, and let Ali try to get some actual rest. Lest we forget that today is her birthday, and I still have something to give you, as well as some words from the Grayson family. However, none of that now.” 

Ichika hoisted Alouette back over to the couch, and Bars, finally, left. Although, he still hadn’t acknowledged anything she had said, aside from her final jab at his inability to understand her, and what she wanted. After a long moment, and Lyria’s words, Alouette let out a long sigh, “...S-sorry… I completely lost my temper. I just… how can someone be so removed from reality? Mmm… T-thanks, all of you… There’s… nothing you could have done, Katherine, and you… princess, you already… have enough to worry about without getting into… trouble on my behalf. S-still… even, even if it’s… like this for a bit… this… this has been…” Alouette turned away slightly her face flushing a bright red, “This has been… a better birthday than I had in a… while. So, uh, thanks. E-especially, you, Ichika… thank you for standing up so fiercely… for me.” 

You… should tell her. The whole story of things… Just in case, because… you know Bars will be back with some crazy idea, and try to put her at risk… the others at risk… mmm…

“Fie on such a beast. You have nothing to apologize for… Someone so completely out of touch with reality was going to make my blood boil, no matter the situation. You do not deserve such attention, Alouette… And if I had known this was what had you apprehensive before, I would have guarded the door as to refuse him entry. What a complete and utter imbecile…” Still, he was an imbecile of high status, so surely he had something up his sleeve. “For now, just rest. Anything else can wait…”

Katherine just nodded at Lyria’s suggestion. “Yes, I agree. Please take a seat, all of you. I’ll have the maids hasten the cake.” She left before Ali could object. When she turned the corner she stopped briefly down a hall and thrust a palm into a nearby wall in frustration. “...if only you were alive, Kit. This family has only gotten worse without its pillars of support…” The blonde did what she could to fight back her sadness, she remained as strong as she could for her friend. After another sigh she rushed to the kitchen.

The princess didn’t know what to say, she was stunned that a deranged man had so much impact on Alouette. I know he’s a maniac, but he must have done something truly unforgivable to break her like this. “...would you like me to freeze the door shut, Ali? I’m certain that will keep him out.” She partially joked in an attempt to lighten the mood, but it wasn’t far from what she actually wanted to do. “But no, please get your rest in. Don’t let a lunatic ruin what should be your day, take it from someone who’s been in that position before.”

“N-no, princess, I… I don’t think he’ll come back… not yet anyway.” Bars was persistent, and somewhat self-destructively persistent, but he did realize when he was outmatched. What followed then was him trying to figure out a way to overcome that barrier. This time, that barrier was Ichika; he wouldn’t return until he had something that allowed him to get past her. Alouette sighed, “...I probably should have just… said why I was so apprehensive, so, maybe you could have done that, Ichika…  I… should really do that. You… already know that I am a noblewoman now, so… considering that Bars is going… to try to one-up you now that he believes that you have my heart… I should explain, that, eventually…” 

She leaned back into the couch, “Mmm… I think, I am going to try to rest a bit… so I can actually try to enjoy today… But… I do remember that you had something… you wanted to talk about… later. Just, uh, remind me…” Alouette nestled herself into the couch, and, rather quickly, nodded off. 

“...Haha. Leave it to her to just crash like that.” Lyria sighed, “To think I was here to ask questions about this Arthur Silvavolke… it really was for the best that I was notified early.” Lyria plopped herself down next to her sister, “Goodness, if not for all of the extra curves, I’d really say that nothing has changed with this girl…” 

Lyria looked up at Ichika, “Well, I suppose while we wait for her to recharge, you and I can chat a little, Miss Yamada. I do have a lot of thanking to do after all~” 

Today had felt like the longest birthday she'd ever had, both for good and ill, but a glance over at Ichika convinced her that it had narrowly won out positive. What she did know was that she was going to pass out tonight, and hopefully things didn't kick off immediately in the morning. She'd gotten back to lucidity soon enough after she'd well and truly crashed, but they had to speed things along as Lyria needed to return to her post. She got her hug at the very least, but while nothing seemed to have changed on the surface, so much had changed in the background. She'd never quite gotten her explanation as to what had happened with the Baroque family either with Katherine buzzing around and trying to help Alouette enjoy what was left of her birthday and time with her sister. 

"Not... entirely surprisingly that we're called upon immediately..." Alouette was on her second plate of food at this point; the other side effect of her magic fizzling out like it had, she tended to be rather ravenous afterwards. Had Lyria been around she'd have joked that the habit was what was responsible for her endowments, but thankfully, she wasn't--she couldn't handle that right at the moment. "There are... a couple ports to consider, so is there a specific one that we're to be investigating?" 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Ichika quietly sipped at her tea, nodding towards Alouette as she glanced her way. It had been a roller coaster of a show through the city, between what happened with Arthur and then that pig showing up and causing further trouble. At the very least, speaking with Lyria after Alouette had passed out made things very interesting. I shall break down her walls that she might enjoy her time here and make more friends. Do not worry, Lyria.

She set her cup down and folded her arms under her chest. "I am ready to assist whenever we must move. Do not hesitate to give the order, Miss Eve."

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Eve happily took a candied apple from Mikhail and gave him a charming wink. "Jasmine's an important port town for Isolde, it directly leads to Lohengrin. So naturally all the trade and general cruising routes are set there." She took a small bite and swallowed. "It seems like the guard around the area spotted suspicious activity around the docks and some movement after curfew. The problem is they haven't really caught any concrete leads as to who's doing the moving and why. My guess is either the suspects are about as experienced as shinobi..." She eyed Taka for a brief moment. "...or there might be magic afoot, which also potentially means Regalia. Either way everyone here has something to offer in both scenarios, so yes I know you'll be needed soon Taka."

She turned her attention to Alouette and Miles. "The guests are really just Lohen nobles for the most part, the staff at Jasmine have more information in that regard as well as details on where we can start with our investigation. This is a little...touch and go so I only have so much to work with, but I think it'll smooth out when we get there." She smiled. "If anyone has any other questions for me you can find me in my room tonight, or right here right now."

Nathan eyed Eve as she spoke, but his gaze drifted over to Ali as Eve answered her question. Hmm...maybe tonight? No...tomorrow morning. She must be exhausted. He turned back to his own plate. "I have no questions, none right now anyway."

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"Hmm, well, it should be an interesting first excursion then! The mystery of the famous fighters of Akatsuki," Luce winked at Taka before continuing, "or the magic relics that we are ordered to find. Either option will be their own challenge, but I'm sure we can find a way to overcome it. I have no further questions, though I will let you all know that I will not be available tonight. I have stumbled into plans~ I will be ready tomorrow morning though, I swear it." They held a hand to their heart as they said that, grinning at Eve. They would have enjoyed spending more time getting to know the others of the group, but they had made a promise this afternoon and they planned to keep it. Luce wasn't going to hide the reason if Eve or one of the others asked, but they didn't see a need to announce their date to the group either. It should be enough to say they had plans after all. For now though, they continued eating. There was still time before the promised time, so they could enjoy a little bit more time with the group.

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Miles hummed. “Lohen nobles, eh? I suppose I might need to speak to the Princess at some point, then. Perhaps she’ll know if there’s any familiar names of interest there.” Miles wasn’t entirely privy to the travel plans of his countrymen, so he himself was of little aid at the moment. Though, once he knew who these nobles were, he’d have a better idea of what to expect of them.

As Eve turned to leave, Miles couldn’t help himself as he looked over towards Luce. Normally, he wouldn’t care one whit what plans his cohorts had, but perhaps he’d had one too many funnel cakes and lost his usual inhibitions. “That was rather quick of you. I will admit, you do have me… uncharacteristically intrigued by that notion. Might I ask to learn more about these plans of yours, if you can deign to tell?” Miles tipped his novelty hat towards Luce, almost as a gesture that this was all in good spirit. Really, he supposed that it would be better to be kind rather than cross over his current assignment, and was simply making the most of it.

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Mikhail returned Eve's wink with a smile, before moving to give treats to the rest of the table. For Miles, Lohen cookies. Luce got fudge brownies from Sar. Taka recieved dango, something of which Mikhail was surprised he'd find outside of Akatsuki, though it didn't quite compare to the dango of his childhood. Nathan was given cookies, and both Alouette and Ichika were given pastries model after flowers from Islode. "Just gifts from my time at the festival. Will see you all in the morning." Mikhail didn’t have any further questions for Eve, he was more than comfortable working on a touch and go basis. "Hmm, star gazing sounds nice tonight, maybe a light drink as well."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Jasmine, huh?" One of the bigger Isoldan ports, and considering that Lohengrin was spearheading the effort against Garmr, exports through there were paramount. The mention of magical artifacts could only really have been aimed at one person, and Alouette let out a sigh. "Well, I don't plan on letting anyone else ruin the festival, so just say the word..." Alouette melted onto the table, "Just... after some sleep. Today was an exhausting birthday..." 

Hopefully after a good night's rest she'd be back to normal; more and more she was glad that today was when she suffered an overload, and not in the midst of things. That did remind Alouette as she looked over at Ichika, the swordswoman had something to talk to her about. Luce mentioned something about plans this evening, and Miles, the other swordsman, was already asking what exactly was on Luce's agenda. Then the healer, Mikhail, placed a series of gifts in front of everyone at the table, notably all food. "Oh, uh..." Alouette could feel her aversion to the offering rising to the forefront but, Alouette took a deep breath. "T-thank you," Alouette said quietly enough that it likely would have been missed amidst the conversations. She could try to trust the group a little more. Alouette had completely missed that she'd admitted what today was, her exhaustion getting the better of her. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Yes, Alouette. Today was... Quite something." Between meeting some of the woman's immediate family, and her disgusting fly of a betrothed, Ichika had met far more people than she'd expected on this journey, and had far too much excitement for one day. The treat was sudden, but amusing, Ichika smiling gently. "We match," she said to the red head with a smirk, nodding a small bow towards Mikhail. "Thank you for the treat, Mikhail. I hope your rest is well." Ichika let out something of a sigh, picking herself up from the table. "I think rest is a good idea, yes. If we are to be moving out in the morning, I will excuse myself. Pardon me, everyone." She bowed properly and turned to leave, pausing to glance back at Alouette. "I had something to tell you, but it can wait for the morning, if you are too tired. If not, I await your knocking at my door." With that finished, she made for the stairs and let out a very tiny and composed yawn.

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Nathan took a good look at the cookies in his hand, and he let out a chuckle. "Much appreciated, Mikhail. I'll return the favor." He smiled at his companion. Maybe being in a group has it's perks. He turned to see Ichika address Alouette again, and he looked like he wanted to say something but he withheld.

Meanwhile, Eve took a good look at Alouette and Ichika. Seems like they had a busy day. The pinkette simply smiled at the team. "By all means get all the rest you can tonight, we'll be leaving an hour before noon tomorrow." When the group began to disperse she leaned back in her chair and sighed. So much to do, and I feel like there's not enough time to do it in. Soon enough she decided to call it a night too, and soon enough the night had shifted to the next day.

The sun had lifted above Crecia and the inn the group stayed at, while some of the group slept in for a while longer a certain swordsman from Lohengrin was immediately called downstairs for a surprise meeting between Eve and Alexandra. The discussion was brief and to the point: Alexandra had to return to Lohengrin and she needed Miles back, Eve didn't protest she simply let the two leave the inn. Though she looked aside with a furrowed brow and a tsk from her lips. "Damn..."

Nate stepped down as soon as her meeting ended, he noticed her expression and stepped up to ask. "Did something happen?"

"Ah, Nate. Morning." She turned her head toward the fighter and softened her expression. "Well, I hope you didn't get attached to Miles. Alex took him back, apparently something changed. Before you ask, it's not about the war. It's about Saratara, the nation near Lohengrin and Garmr." She sighed. "It doesn't concern us immediately, but either way it cost us some help."

The blond looked over Eve's shoulder and watched the princess and her retainer leave. "All the more reason for whoever's left to put in their all then, I'm sure they can handle whatever happened."

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Mikhail was up bright and early, despite spending a portion of the night on a balcony enjoying the moon and some nice “spirits”. Much like the day before, the priest reentered the inn, a half eaten biscuit in hand and a basket of what one could only assume was more food in the other. He wasn’t quite looking where he was going, but rather behind him as Miles and his liege walked away from the inn. When he turned around he was greeted by the visage of Eve and Nate.

“Morning.” Mikhail spoke before filling his face with more biscuit. Taking his now free hand and reaching into the basket, he produced a muffin and presented it towards the two. “Want some? This is from the first batch of the day from the baker.”

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  • 2 weeks later...

Luce wandered down the steps, smile bright after a lovely evening, showing no sign of any lack of sleep. "Morning all~ Ooo muffin, don't mind if I do!" Grabbing the muffin out of Mikhail's hand, Luce quickly made themself comfortable, lounging on one of the chairs as they grinned at the small group. "So then~ Do we leave today? Obviously we need to wait on the ladies no matter what, but I assume we will leave shortly after?" Luce glanced at the door, having heard enough of Eve and Nate's conversation to know that they had lost a party member, an unfortunate occurrence to be sure but at least everyone was still healthy. They took a bite of their stolen muffin as they considered the changes to the group and then mentally shrugged. They would survive. They had no other choice after all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alouette saw Nathan's hesitation, but Ichika took her attention again, confirming that she did have something that she wanted to say to her. Alouette shook her head, "If I'm being honest, I can already feel myself giving out again, so I believe it would be best if I waited until morning for that. Apologies, but I... want to give what you have to say all the attention that it deserves." It didn't feel forced to say the words, as it might have been with people back in Phantasma, other researchers, and people simply interested in her bewitching figure. Ichika wasn't like that at all, and so far, she'd done nothing but been in her corner, ever since their rocky start in the carriage. Alouette slowly got her feet, and turned to look at the group, "I think I shall turn in myself... won't do to be exhausted for our first endeavor." For a moment, Alouette considering telling Eve about her faulty circuits--unless she'd spoken with Lyria, it's not something that had come up before, but that was always something that she could do in the morning. It wouldn't affect them as long as she got some rest.

Alouette gave the group a lazy bow, "I hope all of you enjoy your evening." Alouette turned, and started making her way to the stairs.

Morning arrived, and while it wasn't on her usual time, Alouette was up and about, feeling a lot better than she had when she'd gone to sleep. A few basic exercises just to see where her magic was at; still a little frazzled, but if she needed to, she'd have no problems. So she gathered herself, and got all of her things together, corset, and harness--lamenting again that the harness was starting to fray a little--and made her way to Ichika's door. How ironic that yesterday started with her at my door, and today starts with me at her door? Well, my day anyway...

Alouette walked up, and knocked on the door, "Ichika? It's Alouette, sorry about waiting until now... but you had something you wanted to explain to me?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ichika was prepared, morning as it was, only adjusting her hair a bit as Alouette knocked on her door. "Hello, yes. My apologies for leaving it until now." Ichika opened the door and ushered the woman inside, moving past her and sitting on her bed. She pulled her sword onto her lap, holding it steadily in front of her. "I cannot tell you all of the details, as this is a secret held by my family... But you have glimpsed some of it due to your abilities, and not knowing further will chance causing you pain in the future. This blade... Is cursed." She held her gaze firmly on the red head, making sure she understood the severity of her words. "It is incredibly powerful, disguised to look like any other sword, but I will never draw it..."

She sighed and set it aside. "I am allowing you this knowledge because I trust you will avoid peering too deeply into it... The women in my family go on pilgrimages with the blade at their side in order to grow accustomed to the sensation of it, as we take care of its safekeeping. That is... all. All that I can safely tell you, at least. If there is anything else that you wish to ask, please ask it now. I will not be bringing this back up in the future... And will once again hope, that you do not peer into the blade further. By accident before, I can forgive, but... It is a temperamental sword. Too much attention could awaken it, and I am not yet suited to resealing it."

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"Good morning, Luce, Mikhail. I take it you heard some of that?" Eve turned to the cat and lad as she took a muffin. "At this rate I won't have to worry about my stomach around you, Mikhail." She took a quick bite and swallowed. "Mm...but yes, Miles is returning to Lohen with the princess. It's unfortunate but I've been told she received troubling news. Though that's not something to concern ourselves with for now. As soon as the girls come down we'll be headed to Jasmine."

Nathan folded his arms and nodded. "We'll make up for the loss of man power in other ways, maybe we'll come across new friends to fill the hole." He looked up the stairs with some concern. "So what's the plan once we hit the road, Eve?"

"Get a wagon or two ready and go from there, though we'll have to be on high alert. I've also been made aware that there may be unruly guests along the road, which doesn't surprise me. Given all the commotion that happened the other day the capital defenses are all here and patrols are light, so you all keep on your toes and I'm sure we'll be fine." She put a hand on her hip as she looked down at her scarfed neck. "The choker is a good fallback, but it won't keep us from the fire forever."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Taka had been out already, scouting the town. She had to ensure their group could safely leave for their next destination. She was eating at a diner down the street from the inn, now that she had tried the food from the inn, she had to see what it was like having food from somewhere else. She thought, this would be a good way for her learning to live. Some eggs, bacon and a type of cinnamon toast cooked in egg. It was good! She didn't have much thoughts aside from that, but had she not been in her cloak, her tail swaying would've made her thoughts clear. 

Her ear twitched, and her attention went to outside, seeing a cloaked individual, and a close observation revealed a scarred hand, and a letter. From what she could see, they were on their way to the inn. She left some money on the table she was at, enough for the food and some extra for her server, giving a random staff and thanking motion, before quickly making her way out the diner.

Observing her surroundings, she made her way up the diner wall, and hopped along the buildings keeping her eye on this person. If they were heading for the inn, they were a suspicious individual. And that was what it had seemed. When the man approached the entrance to the inn, she hopped along the windows until she is able to safely land in front of the indivdual, putting herself between them and the inn.

She peered into the individual's yellow eyes as she stood. Taka's were her normal eyes, she wasn’t ready to strike just yet. She tilted her head, just barely revealing her mouth, 

"What brings you here?" She asked, only giving a simple question first.

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Alouette stepped inside, and waited as Ichika pulled one onto her lap. The faintest feeling of magic overtook her, the identical to the one that she'd noticed in the carriage, and one of the multitude that she'd felt back when her circuits malfunctioned. The gaze that Ichika met her with when she expressed the importance with which this secret was to remain a secret. "Cursed...?" The existence of cursed items was fairly well known, but... Ichika's look seemed to imply something... darker about the blade. More intriguing still was that there existed magic strong enough to almost completely mask a magical signature. Similar in some respects to what had to have been protecting Arthur... there really is still so much... 

Ichika confirmed the blade's power, further affirming that the presence of the blade was partially responsible for the feedback that wiped her out. "I understand... I apologize for any issue that I may have caused with what I saw. That said... from the sounds of it, that ability of mine is why I was asked to take part in this mission. I must admit that my control over what I see when I do that is limited as I have very little experience using it on purpose." Alouette shrank, faint blush appearing on her face, "I can't say for certain that I won't accidentally resonate with your blade again, especially if it's nearby. I suppose that... does bring me to a question, provided that you have warning, is there anything you can do to safeguard the blade? Once again, I will promise not to look into the blade more intentionally, but that is the single aspect of my magic that I don't have complete control over, and you've already seen what happens when I overdo it." 

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