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What Are Your Favourite Video Games That Don't Have a Saving Feature?


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I thought this would make for an interesting thread.

So anyways, what are your favourite video games that don't have a saving feature? So for example, you are allowed to list the first three Super Mario Bros. games on the NES as favourites since they don't have a saving feature, but Super Mario World and any mainstream Mario game after that isn't allowed since they all had saving features. On a similar note, if the original version of the game didn't have saving, but a remake on a later system did (for example, Super Mario Bros. on the NES didn't have saving, but the Super Mario Bros. remake on the Game Boy Color did have saving) the original version is allowed to be listed, but the remake isn't.

As for games without saving but with a password system, I'll allow that for this thread (and kudos to you if you had the patience to jot down and use passwords, since I know I didn't for games like that).

Also, if you happened to be born way after the era of video games without a save feature, and/or don't know or never played games without a save feature, feel free to state that, too. There's no shame in it. I mean, it's not like you can control what year or what era you were born in, and it'd be really silly to hold that against someone.

As for my favourites, the Super Mario Bros. trilogy on the NES, Solomon's Key on the NES, Gradius I and III, and Contra I and III come to mind.

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i was a pc child so i mostly played games that had modern features like memory, but mega man 4 was pretty fun. that or gradius 2/3. maybe fantasy zone.

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Streets of Rage 2. What's great about Streets of Rage compared to other beat em ups is that it isn't a compromised console port. Streets of Rage is Streets of Rage, and Streets of Rage is undeniably Genesis. It's fun to get good at by yourself, or with friends. Friendly fire is toggleable. And I like to play as Max and dunk people.

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Lots of good choices here (including basically every arcade game ever made) but I'm going to say Pong. Yeah, it's incredibly basic by modern standards (and by "modern" I mean "1980 or later") but it's still a super fun casual multiplayer experience. You absolutely need to have the proper paddle controls for it though. Pong with mouse/keyboard/gamepad/joystick sucks.

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Wii Sports. Think about it - when has the game, ever, asked you to save your progress? It just doesn't happen.

Serious answer: Tetris for Game Boy. There's no need to save; all it would do is keep your high scores posted. You can have fun with it as-is, as one of the best puzzle games of all time.

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6 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Wii Sports. Think about it - when has the game, ever, asked you to save your progress? It just doesn't happen.

Serious answer: Tetris for Game Boy. There's no need to save; all it would do is keep your high scores posted. You can have fun with it as-is, as one of the best puzzle games of all time.

Tetris is a damn fine game. I think if I were ever stuck on a desert island with one game to play, it would be Tetris. Or Ikaruga, as it'd probably take me a life time to get good enough to beat that game without infinite lives.

To give an answer not mentioned already, but related to Tetris, Dr Mario is also a pretty great.

As for password games, the original Metroid...enjoyable, but I'd hesitate to say good. Pandemonium! was a pretty good 3D platformer back in the day though (well for a given definition of 3D, 2.5 maybe).

Edited by Jotari
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Ah, something short, sweet, and arcade-y. Are password games counted as "saving"? If so, that eliminates most of Mega Man.

I've got fond memories of Disney's A Magical Quest and Super Star Wars for SNES. And of course I've enjoyed Sonic 2, one of the benchmark examples.

I can see the appeal of old-school platformers and beat 'em ups where you see how far you can get in one sitting. Such games tend to have a breezy design, with fast-paced, satisfying gameplay and levels that rarely last longer than five minutes, if that. As much of a convenience as saving games is in the modern day (most of the time), the lack of such a feature helps add tension to the game; if you die off and lose all your lives/continues, you go right back to start, but you don't lose progress that you can't quickly recover in another play session.

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On 7/8/2023 at 4:03 PM, Lord_Brand said:

Are password games counted as "saving"? If so, that eliminates most of Mega Man.

Games without saving but with a password system are allowed for this thread.

Edited by Randoman
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The original Tetris Attack - both on GB and SNES. I liked how it was challenging but also quite fair in opportunities to come back from a worse position, and unlike the more recent iterations, the SNES and GB had Yoshi characters.

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