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The Odd One Theorem: Why "Fixing" Crimson Flower isn't Straightfoward

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31 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

While accurate, I do think players (myself included) tend to overestimate how much their Strength stat is offsetting weapon weight by. Like, take Aymr, with a modest 11 Weight. To totally offset that, organically, Edelgard would need a whopping 55 Strength. Even with Weight -3, it still takes 40 Strength - a tough sell, even by Endgame. Whereas, with just 30 Strength, a Fortress Knight Edelgard isn't losing any Speed. Incidentally, the builds "break even" here, since Emperor has 2 more Speed, but I'm not sure how fair a comparison it is if we're giving one a skill slot (for Weight -3), but not the other.

And this is magnified for heavier weapons, such as the Bolt Axe and Hammer, with 15 Weight apiece, or the 14-Weight Brave Axe and Axe of Zoltan. Throw a shield, or any weighted equippable into the mix, and the weight keeps piling on. Again, it's situational, and there'll be plenty of cases where Emperor outspeeds Fortress Knight. It's just funny to me, with the class's reputation for slowness, that Fortress Knight can (under the right conditions) outspeed Emperor.

Agree with this, but to be fair... you bring up heavy weapons, but there are plenty of lighter weapons too. The Iron Axe+ and Mace+ are the go-to choices for accuracy, and have 7 and 6 weight respectively. Even the Silver Axe+, the go-to choice for raw power (it's basically superior to Zoltan assuming you can't forge Zoltan, except against armours), has 10.

(Aymr is obviously very good, but I would generally try to avoid being in a situation where its weight matters; you want to use it for its combat art, Raging Storm, which can't double anyway, and if you're being caught with it out on enemy phase you might burn a use of the weapon which equals a lost shot of Raging Storm the first time it happens.)

36 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Actual gameplay answer: yeah, letting her use Magic, like a Baron, would be cool. Even if they have to cut her down to half uses for "balance". I would also consider an additional class skill, such as Commander, which she held as an enemy. Could be great for the class thematically, too.

Yeah, Commander would be a cool thematic skill although interestingly, as impactful as it is for bosses, it be quite a minor perk on a player character in practice, I think. Arguably the most interesting effect it might have would be on the AI, as it would likely discourage enemies from using gambits which, even if inaccurate against Edelgard-level charm, is something you'd rather enemies don't use because it means you're not countering them (and also if they do land, it'll muck with your strategy next turn, necessitating a nearby Restore-user if you have one, or a lost turn by the unit hit if not).

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1 hour ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

All I would really ask for is that she gets to keep her Flame Emperor outfit. Such a cool suit of armor and mask, only to be replaced by a mess of red amd gold. ...Okay, her post-skip outfits aren't the worst, but we were robbed of a chance to play as Flame Emperor!

Actual gameplay answer: yeah, letting her use Magic, like a Baron, would be cool. Even if they have to cut her down to half uses for "balance". I would also consider an additional class skill, such as Commander, which she held as an enemy. Could be great for the class thematically, too.

She actually uses it as a unique class when you fight her in the Holy Tomb 😕 but alas, no access for us at all.

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