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What older games would you love to see remade with current graphics?

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Seiken Densetsu 3. More yes.

Why not both of them? They're certainly better than the other games of their franchise by far.

Also, I think Zelda: a Link to the Past would be very fun to play with in 3D.

Updated F-Zero X ( with 64DD content, of course ) would be awesome too.

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Why not both of them? They're certainly better than the other games of their franchise by far.

If they were competing for a remake I'd say seiken densetsu 3. Though as I really like 3 the way it is I probably should say Secret of Mana instead. If both were remade I'd be happy.

Sunset Riders with modern 3d graphics in 2d (like smash) would be lovely.

And the Donkey Kong Country series deserves better remakes than the gba games.

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Why not both of them? They're certainly better than the other games of their franchise by far.

Also, I think Zelda: a Link to the Past would be very fun to play with in 3D.

You mind reader, you.

SD2 and SD3 would make my dreams come true if both were remade.


How could I forget to mention FE Gaiden?

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I'd have to say both the original Zelda (in 3D with new content) and Pokemon Silver/Gold. I even know what to name them. The Legend of Zelda: Revolution and Pokemon Shining Silver and Glittering Gold. Link to the Past would be cool as well.

And this may be too recent, but I think a Fire Emblem 6+7 combo would be sweet. They could make a love system like FE4 and put it into FE7 (which you play first) and your characters there would affect the characters in FE6.

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I'd have to say both the original Zelda (in 3D with new content) and Pokemon Silver/Gold. I even know what to name them. The Legend of Zelda: Revolution and Pokemon Shining Silver and Glittering Gold. Link to the Past would be cool as well.

And this may be too recent, but I think a Fire Emblem 6+7 combo would be sweet. They could make a love system like FE4 and put it into FE7 (which you play first) and your characters there would affect the characters in FE6.

Sometimes great minds think alike.

@Bolded: How would they be able to pull it off?

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A lot of the ones I like have been done already (FF4, FE1, Bionic Commando) but I would like to see (as others have said) Seiken Densetsu 3 (which I enjoyed a lot more than SoM) - it actually still looks quite nice but I would like a UI update as the menu screen was quite slow.

Also, Bionic Commando - Gameboy (not GBC). I really like the more 'cyberpunk' feel of it, and I think they dealt with some issues the original game had; the GBC Bionic Commando was poor in comparison. Most importantly, the music must remain intact!

Space Station Silicon Valley has some of my best gaming memories too. Though part of the charm was exactly how it looked though...

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Rollcage, or Rollcage Stage II. Those were some epic racing games, right there.

As was Destruction Derby 2.... And Crash Team Racing.

Also, the old Sonic games for the Mega Drive with a graphical update would be appreciated.

As would a graphical update of both Sonic Adventure games. Don't screw with the formula, just update those rough edges...

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@b_p - Mega Man 9 says hello. It might not be the exact same scenario, but you get the picture.

He said remake a game from now. Not make a completely new game in the old style. They're not the same.

A good example would be to take Megaman 1 and remake it with Atari graphics.

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Like I said, not the exact same scenario, but it's the concept of going back to the roots. Ok, fine a better example: Take Sonic Unleashed (and get rid of any of the crappy elements, i.e. basically anything other than straight up speeding to get to the end of the level) and take it back to the Genesis era. I bet it probably would turn out for the better.

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it doesn't need to be totally redone, maybe some decent voice acting -heh, as if- and a few tweaks to the effects and graphics, one of my favorite old games is Eternal Eyes, first strategy RPG ever for me heh, still pretty awesome whenever I replay it on a whim

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Like I said, not the exact same scenario, but it's the concept of going back to the roots. Ok, fine a better example: Take Sonic Unleashed (and get rid of any of the crappy elements, i.e. basically anything other than straight up speeding to get to the end of the level) and take it back to the Genesis era. I bet it probably would turn out for the better.

Then to translate the game to 2D they'd basically have to change the level design drastically to get it to work in 2D. Resulting in a completely different game, rendering the "remake" part moot.

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