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Rate the Unit 29: Rosado

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2.1.) mention the diffculty on which you rate the unit 

2.2.) what classes your unit went through, what skills they had and so on; don´t consider obviously suboptimal builds.

2.3.) no DLC rings, no non-unit DLC bonuses

2.4.) no grinding in skirmishes

2.5.) no rng abuse (no resetting for bond rings)

2.6.) cooking is allowed

2.7.) ratings to be given in the format X/10

2.8.) if it isn´t mentioned above, it´s fair game

2.9.) no "Kagetsu exists and obsoletes Lapis, 0/10", explain your rating


Unit: Rosado

Class: Wyvern Knight

                     Lvl   HP    STR   MAG   DEX   SPD     DEF    RES   LCK   BLD

Bases:          3     44      16       7         19     21         15       11       8        8

T. Bases:      20   19        7       6          11     12          9        6        5        2

Growths:      /      75      45      25        40    45        30      30      20       5


Personal Skill: If foe is male, inflicts Avo-20 on that foe during combat.

Innate Proficiency: Axe

SP: 1800


Support Bonuses:

C    Hit+15
B    Hit+15, Avoid+5
A    Hit+20, Avoid+5
S    Hit+30, Avoid+5


Tools and mo stats:

Average Stats - Fire Emblem: Engage (FE17) (triangleattack.com)

Engage Numbers - Google Tabellen


Rating: 4.92

Next unit on Thursday

Edited by Imuabicus der Fertige
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He's alright as far as filler goes, but it takes a while for his strength growth to fix his base stat, and we're spoiled for choice with physical combat units. He starts in a good class, but we get infinite seals two chapters after he joins, so at best he just saves a bit of gold if we don't have all the flying units we want already. It helps that he's fast, so he can use an emblem like Roy for damage, but when going up against late game enemies on Maddening it's much better to have a good magic stat or an overwhelming strength stat because fixing speed is easier to do, and Rosado just doesn't have that.

Edited by samthedigital
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My first playthrough of the game was on Hard, and in that Rosado was fantastic.  Then I brought that same build over to Maddening (more or less standard Wyvern Rider) and it simply did not function.  Part of that was definitely on me for not knowing how to properly build units for Maddening at that point, but it did also lay bare the problems that Rosado has.  Unfortunately, though not poor in either Rosado does not stand out in strength or speed, and top of that his build is poor.  This makes it very challenging to get him to effective damage levels on Maddening.  It's possible to patch problematic stats with abilities and emblems, but needing to patch so many stats makes it very challenging, and limits the types of build you can try.

After that first Maddening run I did not try Rosado again in later playthroughs when I better understood unit builds, so I'm willing to believe that it may be possible to build him into a contributing unit.  But I'm skeptical that he has the ceiling to be a very strong unit.  Given that he shows up so late, with such middling stats, and his personal ability ends up being pretty unnecessary considering the existence of weapon engravings, it's hard to recommend him.

I'll leave him at a 4/10.

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Rosado is fine. If you want to use him then he can turn out decently well. If you don't want to, then you aren't really missing much. Which is not really a great situation to be for a late-joining character. By the time he joins, you probably have most of your team in place and aren't likely to have much need for filler. Somewhere around about 5/10 seems right to me.

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Cuteness combined! Time to talk about our lovely femboy Rosado. This is assuming hard since as of now I don’t have experience with him on maddening but I am on his joining chapter.


Rosado joins you along with Goldmary turn 1 of chapter 16. Wyvern Knight is definitely one of the better physical classes in the game and he’s fortunate enough to start out as one. He also gets Erika starting out to show off what she can do as an emblem. Unfortunately for our cute crossdressing friend, his base stats aren’t impressive. But his growths are some of the highest in the game. So in a way, he’s basically Est.


In terms of level of investment, you probably don’t really need to switch classes with him, although Warrior can keep his strength high while improving his build which is very mediocre while staying as a Wyvern Knight. After chapter 17 he could easily inherit canter from sigurd, maybe even piggy back off of Ike to improve his strength. Regardless of what you do with him, you will need to baby him for him to pop off. Especially if you want to use him for maddening.


5.5/10 for me. He can be rewarding if you’re patient and have been saving stat boosters for him. Favoritism for sure but we’re all guilty of it at one point or another so that’s why we choose to invest into these characters.

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20/3 Rosado:

62 HP, 28 Str, 12 Mag, 29 Dex, 31 Spd, 25 Def, 18 Res, 13 Lck, 10 Bld, 6 Move

That build is a problem, because Axes & Lances are both heavy...  he's gonna be eating a 2-4 point Speed hit even at max level from a Silver Lance/Axe.  It might be worth instantly class changing him into a Sword / Axe Wyvern Knight to give him a lower-weight option, or giving him either Sigurd or Leif as those two Emblems offer a Bld boost.  (Hector, too, if playing with DLC.)


Rosado is...  fine.  He's perfectly serviceable and usable, but unlike Kagetsu / Merrin, doesn't knock the early-joiners socks off with super stats.  He has a mild Est / Nino archetype, yes, with weak bases but good growths, but even then it's not THAT extreme.  (The Zeiss archetype?!)  If you're doing a Classic Ironman playthrough or the like, he's perfectly valid to slot in to a missing deploy from a death.  But you don't really NEED to use him, and if you didn't suffer a death as already noted, he doesn't really bring much new to the table.  (More fliers are always appreciated if you're doing a "no Second Seal" challenge, though...  did you know that Chloe & Rosado are the only physical damage fliers in the game out of the box?  It's just those two & Ivy / Hortensia...)

I do think his passive is fine, though - means you can thwack male enemies with a Steel / Silver Greataxe reasonably reliably for OHKOs.  It's something.

5/10 it is.

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