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Must.... Meteor.. Smash...

Destiny Hero


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  1. 1. SMASH!!!!!

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I HAVE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I meteor all the time with Mario and Nana! AAAHHH!!!!!!!

Meteor Smashing is THE way to kill someone!

Meanest thing I've ever done in Brawl:

Smash Ooglypoof off the stage. Chase Ooglypoof. METEOR SMASH! Ooglypoof. Fall down with her. Footstool jump her. Back onto stage.

That's right. I meteor smashed, then footstooled a Jigglypuff.

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One time when my friend and I were playing random dittos, I got Ness and he got Pit. I dair'd him, then when he came back up I footstooled him, and then I chased him down and dair'd him again :P

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Best Meteor Smash I've ever done:

My brother and I were playing a team match against some computers for fun. He was Falcon, I was Wolf. We had 1 opponent left with 1 stock left. The CPU and my brother were knocked off the stage; my brother ^B'd the CPU, held him in place, and I Meteor Smashed him to hell. It was cooler on the replay, trust me.

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In Melee I edgeteched a meteor smash completely by accident; I didn't realize that I had done it and fell to my death =X

For melee, I've tech'd off the side of Yoshi's story from Marth's D-Air and lived afterwards.

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Masu, Kiba, and I have epic battles known as Spikefest. The goal: get as many spikes as you can. The best one: I tried to spike one of my other friends on Warioware, and as I spiked them (They were recovering above the highest platform) they flew at incredibles speeds INTO Masu( recovering low), which spiked him to his death as well. Masu, a few weeks later, did the EXACT same thing to me.

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Masu, Kiba, and I have epic battles known as Spikefest. The goal: get as many spikes as you can. The best one: I tried to spike one of my other friends on Warioware, and as I spiked them (They were recovering above the highest platform) they flew at incredibles speeds INTO Masu( recovering low), which spiked him to his death as well. Masu, a few weeks later, did the EXACT same thing to me.


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A meteor smash is a kind of spike, and the only type of spike that exists in Brawl.


Edited by Mac
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Excuse me, but why the hell do we need to complicate things? The given term is "meteor smash", not spike. T_T

No, you're wrong. Spike and Meteor smash are two different things. I'll use melee as a prime example.

Captain Falcon's D-Air is a Meteor smash

Marth's D-air is a spike.

The difference? You can cancel a meteor smash so you stop going down. However, for Marth and Falco's D-airs, you cant cancel the spike and live from it most of the time. You can meteor cancel in brawl as well, but spikes still exist (like Marth's D-air tip)

Edited by Rei
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I use Ike's Dtilt on edgehoggers. Particularly useful in matches where there's three or more in a Brawl.

It's best when they're unsuspecting, and they suddenly see themselves plummeting off the screen, helpless.

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I use Ike's Dtilt on edgehoggers. Particularly useful in matches where there's three or more in a Brawl.

It's best when they're unsuspecting, and they suddenly see themselves plummeting off the screen, helpless.

It's hard to hit when your enemy properly spaces for auto-ledging though... Ike's D-air is great though.

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Marth's Dair is good, but only when used at the right distance from the enemy. If it's the edge of the blade, that's when it becomes a spike, almost as deadly as Ike's Dair.

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