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Rate the Unit 34: Veyle

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2.1.) mention the diffculty on which you rate the unit 

2.2.) what classes your unit went through, what skills they had and so on; don´t consider obviously suboptimal builds.

2.3.) no DLC rings, no non-unit DLC bonuses

2.4.) no grinding in skirmishes

2.5.) no rng abuse (no resetting for bond rings)

2.6.) cooking is allowed

2.7.) ratings to be given in the format X/10

2.8.) if it isn´t mentioned above, it´s fair game

2.9.) no "Kagetsu exists and obsoletes Lapis, 0/10", explain your rating


Unit: Veyle

Class: Fell Child

                     Lvl   HP    STR   MAG   DEX   SPD     DEF    RES   LCK   BLD

Bases:          35   35      20      26      24     23         17      29      18     7

T. Bases:      35   15       17      19       20     18         15      22      15     3

Growths:      /      40      25      45       35     30        25      35     20    0


Personal Skill: Adjacent allies deal +1 damage and take 3 less damage.

Innate Proficiency: Tome

SP: 2500


Support Bonuses:

C    Hit+10, Dodge+5
B    Hit+15, Dodge+5
A    Hit+15, Dodge+10
S    Hit+15, Dodge+20


Tools and mo stats:

Average Stats - Fire Emblem: Engage (FE17) (triangleattack.com)

Engage Numbers - Google Tabellen


Rating: 6.4

Next unit on Thursday

Edited by Imuabicus der Fertige
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Are emblems next or?

Anyway, this one is pretty simple for me. 7/10 seems about right for Veyle. I'm docking points for her availability and defensive bulk, but there isn't much to criticize otherwise. I never make use of her bases, but I guess it says something about how good an all stats instruct is at this point in the game. It's when enemy stats start to skyrocket, and I typically have been using Alear in some other role. Otherwise she has enough speed to double most enemies even without heavy investment and her attacking stats are pretty good. I give her Canter in her base class; she can get Speed+5 and an HP tonic to help her double a few things and avoid getting doubled and/or one shot, but I'm typically just using her as a Byleth bot so it really doesn't matter.

Theoretically speaking in a speedier class she could reach ~40 speed (with a 9 base speed class she gets there with an emblem, speed+5, a tonic, and a rally, but I'd give the speedwing that we get in chapter 22 to make things easier)  and be a pretty good offensive unit. I want to try that out eventually just because it sounds fun; it just requires me to play differently than I normally do lol.

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We’re at the end! Or are we? Anyways, Veyle. This is someone who I admit took me a while to like as a character and why she’s here. I mean you can be onee chan or onee sama right? As far as hard/maddening goes I think she’s quite good.


Veyle joins you at the start of chapter 22 with admittedly low stats for a fell child but those stats really don’t matter too much since she’s a dragon type unit, she can do everything that Alear can do. What sets them both apart is that she’s more magic based whereas Alear is mostly physical.


Her reclassing options are where her potential as a combat unit truly lies. Her stats get a giant boost if she were to go Griffin Knight, Mage Knight, Sage, Bow Knight with Radiant Bow and so forth. Especially if given a variety of options like canter, speed + x, draconic hex, and so on.


While we shouldn’t technically include dlc for this unit rating, it should be mentioned that she is the best candidate to use Emblem Soren. Reason being is that, combine that with Hold Out++, her own personal tome forged and given a crit engraving, while engaged with Soren, she gets Flare which not only absorbs the HP based on damage dealt, but since she’s in a dragon type class, her critical hit rate doubles and she can just decimate enemies like that!


I give her an 8/10. She’s very good for a late joining unit compounded by the fact that she is basically Alear 2.0

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We do still have Anna and Jean left to rate, since we skipped them initially.

Pretty sure I'm going to be an outlier here, but here goes.

I have the same issues with Veyle that I have with Mauvier. With my play style, by the time you actually recruit them, the difficulty curve of the game has become so irrevocably broken that they aree complete afterthoughts. Compared to Mauvier, Veyle does have access to the dragon unit type and a better personal skill, but she also has way worse bulk, doesn't have staff access, and arrives a chapter later. I'd say that's probably about a wash overall.

Sure, you can completely ignore her combat stats and just use her as a vehicle for Byleth, but the game is so broken by that point (for me, YMMV) that even the Rally Spectrum effect just isn't particularly impactful. (And doing so also means taking Byleth away from a combat unit, with the loss in performance that that entails.)

I can easily see that she could be a better unit if you play the game in a way that means it isn't completely broken by the time you get her, but I can only judge based off my own experiences, so I give her 3/10.

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1 hour ago, samthedigital said:

This is still based on your playthrough on Hard mode right?

Yep. I did start a Maddening play through after finishing with Hard, but I got bored with it a fair while before getting to Veyle, so I don't have any experience with her on Maddening.

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Veyle is OK.  She's a magic based unit, so at the very least she can do decent chip damage, and getting daggers is handy for dealing with enemy mages.  However, on a pure stats basis, she's not impressive in a noteworthy way.  She has good, but not great stats.  Her speed is so-so, and her build is a bit on the low side, and combined it makes her difficult to use as a damage dealer by the time she shows up on Maddening.  Her personal ability is OK, but is a worse mirror image of Alear's.  She's recruited at a high level and comes with a large amount of SP, which is nice.

What separates her from Mauvier to me is the fact that she gets access to a dragon-type class.  I've mentioned before that I think there's a good deal of usefulness in the dragon-utility you can get from certain emblems, and Veyle provides a second unit that can do this sort of thing.  This dragon utility comes with a different style, as Veyle is more magic based while Alear is likely to be a pure physical unit.  As such, Veyle makes for a pretty handy wielder of Corrin or Byleth in the endgame with basically no investment.

Veyle is not going to light the world on fire, particularly how late she joins up, but it's very easy to find her a role in the party when she's recruited, especially considering that you pick up extra deployment slots when she joins.  I'll give her a 6/10.

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I'm giving Veyle an 8/10.

Honestly, her magic is high enough that when she joins she can become one of your better mages with some investment (most notably a class change). You probably already have a few amazing combat units though, so you might not really want more. That's fine, because she can also play as a great support unit.

Byleth lets her boost every stat by 3 with either a Godess Dance or a Rally. The only other unit who can do this is Alear, and they don't like the boost to magic nearly as much as Veyle does. If you somehow prefer having Byleth on someone else though, she's also pretty good at using Corrin. Her personal is pretty useful as well, though mostly for filler combat.

All in all, she's the best user of a support Emblem (similar to Hortensia and Micaiah) while also having the option to be build as a strong combat unit. Only reason I'm not giving her a 9 is because she's going to be lagging behind units you already invested a lot into, and investing too much into her can be a hard sell so late in the game.

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