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  • Birthday July 16


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    Internet Coolguy

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    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. Hey, was just poking around to check for the yearly-or-so update. Glad to know you've managed to stay safe so far, and I hope you continue to do so brother. Everything in the update looks solid, obviously I'll need to go out there and experience the numbers themselves but the map design and overarching concepts seem good and faithful translations of, if nothing else, the intent behind similar areas of the maps in FE4 proper. Either way, I'm just happy to see an update. Every day is another day closer to Johan and the Substitutes. I was just gonna grab the patch to go for another playthrough, for shits 'n giggles and what have you, and then I noticed that DisgruntledFerret is a playtester for this, which is cute. It's weird how small the immeasurably vast internet can feel sometimes, I love MSPaint Masterpieces.
  2. Oh, hey. I don't really use this account, nor did I really ever in any meaningful way, but I'm still head-over-heels for this Hack and am ecstatic to see updates on it. Seriously, I pretty much only ever visit the forums to check on if any news has sprung up here, and it's nice to be pleasantly surprised! Keep up the good work!
  3. Good to hear from you, Pi. I just recently returned to the forums myself, so this was a pleasant surprise.
  4. Alright, the boy is back. Thanks, people. Now where's my Johan badge?
  5. Yo, I just logged on for the first time in eons and my Leif badge is busted. What's up with that hot nonsense?
  6. Happy birthday!

  7. Speaking of, do you have any interesting events or somesuch planned for ol' Kruge? He's not a bad unit by any stretch, but I don't quite see many people giving up the classic Hol for him as it stands now.
  8. Hey, you don't see me complaining! Happy to help, though. Yeah, though, I wanted you to get some good data on Eve because I super dig her personal skill and ability to use Light Magic, and hadn't seen anyone else even entertain the idea of using her in the thread. She was overall a really fun unit to use, I'd definitely recommend people who haven't yet to give her a chance.
  9. Sprite work's solid as always, Errant. Love the level of detail and depth of design you manage to convey in the tiny battle sprites. I am curious about Drake's mask, though. Can't quite judge what it's made of from the art. Is he like, Bane or something? I'm in love with Axe Cavaliers as a whole, though, adn the fact that your's is blue just gets my pavlov goin' with how much I appreciate Lex. Gotta say I prefer Ra(e/y)nah with a plain, ponytail-less short haircut. Though, I'm incredibly biased on that point as girls with short hair are the source of my otherworldly power. (Sad to see I'm the only one who voted for Saela, the idea of a Bowlord's always interested me. That might just be because I get a huge kick out of TearRing Saga's sociopathic Holmes.)
  10. Short haired girl? Alright, I'm on board. Concepts seem pretty solid, even if the way that capes fits over quiverboy's arm makes it look like he's been Largo'd.
  11. Just finished a run of the hack, decided to actually remember to screenshot my final team this time! Some thoughts about the hack in general and the aforementioned squad 'neath the Spoiler. [spoiler=Johan When] First and foremost I'm absolutely in love with this hack. It's nice to be able to re-experience FE4 without making as huge of a commitment and having it in a generally more "bite-sized" fashion. It's a lot easier to pick up and play, in any case. I'm a huge Jugdral fanboy so I have a handful of things that were changed that I'd rather have not been, but that's not really so much an issue with the hack itself as it is with my rampant bias, so it's not really worth going into detail. I had a lot of fun and am eagerly awaiting future patches. The mug sprites that are finished/nearing completion are absolutely beautiful and so are many of the custom animations. There's just no question about how much love and effort went into this hack, and that's something I really admire. Anyway, onto the team; This is Sigurd. He sure is Sigurd, in this hack. You've gotten enough of an earful about him, I'm sure. Azel's great! I adore his personal skill, how it encourages sticking to his native element and what have you. He's good at what he does. He nukes things, and he does it twice pretty often. It's an admirable level of specialization. Noish is fantastic, no two ways about it. He's not particularly lacking in any major stat, he's got a horse and two weapon types, and a downright fantastic personal skill. You can't go wrong with this guy, really. Congrats, Pi. You turned a walking (or... slowly stumbling) joke into an unstoppable juggernaut, provided nothing sparkly and wizardly comes his way. I like what you did with the ol' dude, needless to say. He has a couple very specific jobs, and he does them with no problem. Jamka's an archer, he arches with extreme prejudice. I had my second thoughts about rolling with him over Midir in this run on occasion, but in the long run I'm happy with what I got. He hits things, he crits things, and he shits on everything! (... as long as they're not adjacent.) Lex is the fucking man. He could've gotten empty level-ups the entire way through and I still would've used him because I fucking love this guy. He did his job well this run, I didn't expect much from the speed growth, but was always holding out hope for a bit more. He hits like a truck and can take blows almost as well as he can dish 'em out. The personal skill is great, and saved my ass more times than I can count with a clutch insta-kill. I probably could've used ol' Memeadon Girl more often, but I didn't. She played a significant enough role, and cleaned shirtless ruffians right the fuck up once I set her up with the Lady Sword, she was basically untouchable for any asshole who thought he could just walk right up with an axe and step to her. You have no idea how excited I was to use Eve once I saw her new skill. I'm already in love with Light Magic and mounted units, and having a gambling skill is right up my alley. I don't have much to say other than I was extremely biased for her and wanted to see her be really good. She's solid in about every stat, and generally a really fun unit to use. I can't wait to see if she ever gets casting animations. I set her up with the Florid Opal for bonus random stat-boosting shenanigans, and it was a grand ol' time. One thing that struck me as a bit odd is the odd rust color her battle sprite was, considering what a vibrant red her hair and eyes are. I guess she can't look too much like an enemy unit, huh? Hi Kruge. He wasn't as balls-to-the-walls as some of the Holyns in this thread, but he's solid in all his most important stats, and having a B rank lance user after I decided I wasn't going to use Fin helped me out a lot. His personal skill isn't the best out there, and it's pretty heavily situational, but it's a neat novelty for the character. I wish I got to use it more, but things just didn't turn out that way. Ethlin was my staffbot of choice, by virtue of having a horse. She didn't see much combat as a result, and wound up handing her sword over to Ayra, but she was still an invaluable member of the team I would've been completely lost without. I don't think there's much I can say about Fury, really. She's the only flier I got my hands on, and she did her flier thing really well. She made a lot of clutch rescues, and... y'know, flier stuff. Solid character overall. This is Sylvia. She's a dancer. She dances. Sword Dance is really goddamn cool, though. Digging the custom animations so far, too. Beo Boy here was a last-minute addition to the final chapter team. He performed very well considering it was the first time I ever fielded him after being recruited, and I'm in love with his in-battle palette. It's very plain, but it fits a simple guy like Beowulf. I've always been fond of the character, but wasn't really considering using him as a full-time member on the team. That might change next time, though. Back-up healer for the final few chapters, as well as providing that all-important veil and getting Eltshan the fuck out of my face. I didn't use her much, so I don't have much of an opinion. Ended up giving her the Thief Knife for a while, though. That was pretty fun when I could actually get her in there. She's a great character, just not one I felt like using here. Oh hey, Dew. He, uh, opened chests and doors. That's really about it. I kind of neglected him early on and it was all downhill from there until I needed to pop open some boxes.
  12. Hey just a minor thing of no real consequence, just something I picked up on. Is Eve's gender actually mentioned anywhere in FE4? Japanese is a language that's a lot less specific with gender pronouns in the first place, so it could be a non-issue, but both of the wikis (not a reputable source, I'm aware) refer to them as a 'he,' whereas you seem to do the opposite. Chances are there's nothing officially stated one way or the other, leaving us only to go off on their character art which is pretty much the generic 'dude' clothes for FE4 characters. Though I prefer the idea of her being a cool-ass lady paladin, it's just something I noticed.
  13. Amelia had a songbird at one point in her life, from her supports with... Neimi, I think.
  14. Huge FE4 fan here, just started the game and I'm having loads of fun. Some of the unfinished spritework is understandable wonky, but those that I'm assuming are nearly or completely finished look pretty great. Lex in particular looks amazing, and he just happened to be one of my favorite units from Geneaology. Even if mine hasn't managed to proc his Speed growth once yet. Personally I like the more bite-sized versions of FE4's giant maps, and the maps here still feel pretty grand and like you're fighting a real war, which is one of the main draws of FE4 for me. Keep up the good work, and I can't wait to see the finished product. Once I finish what you have so far I'll probably drop in with my units and their stats, just wanna help out however I can.
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