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Everything posted by Jave

  1. Yup, next Resplendent Hero is Hel Micaiah. Quite the unusual choice, but she looks beautiful. And won't say no to free Miccy.
  2. This year's Spring banner was probably one of my best banners ever. Around 120 orbs got me every Focus unit including TWO Duo Myhrrs, plus a Special 4* OG Minerva. Of course I'm out of orbs now, but that was quite the haul I got.
  3. Damn, I kinda want all of these characters. I hope I can at least pull a Minerva, glad she's the demote.
  4. Yeah, that's definitely Severa/Selena. Other one looks like Inigo/Lazlow, but it could be someone else.
  5. I'm calling: - Minerva - Two siblings (Specifically two FE4 Gen 2 characters) - Father and Daughter (Specifically calling Brom and Meg. Feels like a good time to release those two) - One more filler character. More likely a girl. Either the Sibling Pair of the Father/Daughter pair is a Duo unit. That gives us the four banner units + Freebie.
  6. Update's out, by the way. Don't have all the details, but the highlights seems to be Ishtar getting Swift Sparrow 2.5 + Null Follow-Up, and Lyon getting a conditional (HP >= 70%) guaranteed Follow-up attack.
  7. Guess I'm supporting Lynja because I don't have her.
  8. Nice banner. Dunno how much I'll spend on it but I do want Marianne. This leaves the following (playable) 3H units which are not in FEH in any form: - Caspar - Ignatz - Ashe - Leonie - Manuela - Hanneman - Alois - Jeralt - Gilbert - Cyril So they could technically finish them all up with two Banners + Freebies.
  9. A couple of days ago I FINALLY got Henriette, in the same circle that I got my FOURTH Duo Lif. I'm glad it's over now, and I also got a +1 Duo Lif in the process, with the other two being saved if I decide to merge/fodder later on.
  10. Of course the first seasonal to get a refine is one I don't have. Hopefully I can pull a free one in the inevitable refine banner. Happy Seasonals are getting the refine treatment, though. Some of them REALLY need it.
  11. Elincia has got to be one of the best Resplendent artworks yet. Love the Fairy aesthetic and Elincia as a Nightmare Fairy looks beautiful.
  12. My quest to get Henriette has bear no fruit, but I guess the game decided to throw me a bone with Valentine Soren with my one and only pull on the Tellius Valentine banner. Didn't have him, so he's welcome.
  13. Might skip this one. I'm still trying to get Henriette and I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel for orbs. Claude looks insane though.
  14. Oh, I misread there. Didn't notice it was about characters who shared named in both languages. My bad.
  15. I wonder if Kiran is affected by Nailah's Glare given their eyes are covered There's also Kamui, who in addition to the Gaiden/Echoes character, is also Corrin's default name in Japanese Fates. They actually made a joke about this one (back when the comics were being still fan-translated), when Kiran summons Kamui (Corrin) and Leon wonders when did Kamui (FE2) get so handsome.
  16. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the cloud smoke serves no purpose other than to tell you you're not pulling a 3*. I honestly prefer it that way, as I like the suspense of not knowing until the character appears if I pulled a 5* or not.
  17. I have to say that, after seeing so many people debate on how should the early 5* units be demoted, I think the way IntSys did it was probably the best way to do it. I never liked the idea of demoting them to 4* (fattens up the 4* pool and makes 10+ Merge projects costly on feathers), but with this method, you can get a legacy 5* unit at any given pull without getting pity broke. It's also pretty exciting seeing the night background with the silhouetted hero. So far I've gotten OG Celica, Zelgius and Sigurd. What about you, people?
  18. Used up my orbs on the FE4 banner and got 4* Special Zelgius, 4* Special Sigurd (how appropriate for this banner), 5* Lex and 5* Erinys. Currently I'm at 32 pulls and out of orbs, but I'll continue until the 40 pulls so I can spark Annand (Or Azelle if I get Annand first). Also, last new banner gave me free Brave Lysethia! Woo!
  19. I thought Xenoblade 2 was a fantastic game that was nearly ruined by its protagonist, so this was the best way to represent the game in Smash.
  20. Google to the rescue! https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Díthorba
  21. Daaaamn, whyyyyyy? Why did Erinys had to show up when I'm out of orbs? I spent all of them trying to get Henriette and I still don't have her (got THREE Duo Lifs instead!). Anyway, glad this is a spark banner so at least I can keep saving to get the 40 pulls. Took me a while to figure out who the hell Annand was but then I realized it was Mahnya from the old translation. Btw, the GHB is Dithorba (Deetvar in the old translation).
  22. Recap of these past banners. Mythic Banner was TERRIBLE. I did my usual of "Pull until you get a 5*" with these banners, and I got a pity rate of 13.50% until I finally pulled a Seiros (had I been pity broken by someone I already had I would've screamed). Hero fest were ten ticket pulls. One of them gave me Shamir whom I didn't have so I'm happy. Valentine banner used up all my saved orbs plus all the new ones. I ended up with four Alfonses (one of them 5*), a Kiria that pity broke me (Love you girl but this wasn't the time), my first (and only so far) Special 4* in the form of a Celica (VERY welcome. One of my most used early units) and finally Duo Lif. My quest for Henriette will sadly have to wait. I'll see what future bring before deciding where and when to pull.
  23. Nintendo has just released a short video involving Marth's origins and legacy, as well as a quick promotion to the FE1 re-release. It's pretty cool.
  24. Got Pirate Tibarn. Didn't have him so he was a welcome pull.
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