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Everything posted by Armagon

  1. Fire Emblem fans when they play Unicorn Overlord
  2. You can't do the Rite of the Covenant at all until you finish the Elheim arc. And the game at multiple times tells you you need to do it to defeat Galerius. The climax of the final battle scenes also have variations for each and every partner Alain can choose. So I'd say it's definitely integral to the plot. Yeah on one hand, Monica's team (her, Clive, Laurent, Auch and Ramona) were kinda struggling towards the end. On the other hand, Pike Lance go brrrr. Wild Rush go brrrr (the 3 Valor cost becomes less worth it the later in the game tbh). It does not. Strangely, Sylvalum is the only continent without any rivers. Though, on a related note, Oblivia's Yawning Giant is actually physically possible. It's what happened to the Mediterranean millions of years ago,when tectonic activity closed off the Strait of Gilbatral. Thousands of years later, the Mediterranean sea was the Mediterranean desert, thousands of feet below sea level and probably the most inhospitable place on Earth in recent geological time. These are probably more optimized than what I was doing lol. Word of advice for the final battle: You'll want Alain and his chosen ring partner in the same squad. Get Alain's prf sword. Have someone with multihits in the same squad (Swordmaster with Meteor Mash does wonders). This will make the final fight smoother.
  3. Well paired up in the sense that as long as you gave the ring to someone, you'll avoid the bad ending. The pairing doesn't necessarily need to be romantic. That's not gonna stop people tho.
  4. The bridges? Man I'm more upset the thing crash lands in Lake Ciel. Ruining the vistas. The epilogue is after the ending slides. It invokes the DnD necromancer vibes so I feel it works. How do you even do the first phase on foot? Tbf, you legitimately get the bad ending if you don't pair up Alain with someone so at least there's an actual plot incentive to get Alain hooked up with someone. It's not that bad at least. There's no Alain-sexuals. Yeah like the Alain/Travis Rapport was actually Alain/Travis/Lex.
  5. The sickest fight in the whole series honestly.
  6. Yo this is pretty damn cool. I'll likely post pictures of the UO artbook in the future.
  7. A step above Kaga I'd say. There's the ending slides because why wouldn't there be but I wasn't talking about that. I was referring to the epilogue. The playable epilogue. Fair. But I'd still say UO is overall better written than Fire Emblem. Baltro is definitely a Ruben character honestly. Old garbage man with beard. Voice acting enhances it. With Vanillaware, I just kept getting collector's editions on accident. Both GrimGrimiore and Dragon's Crown were the deluxe editions. And a friend of mine has the cards that came with 13 Sentinels and he plans on giving them to me. So I said might as well and get UO's Monarch Edition.
  8. The twist is pretty dumb ngl but as for the ending itself..... it's elevated by the epilogue. The epilogue is genuinely pretty damn cool, I can't think of many games that did it that way. At least that I've played. I'd agree but the British Royal Family pulled the same stunt so if anything, that was genius writing. Old FE wishes it had the level of worldbuilding UO does. That's actually what elevates UO writing for me. Every single town, every single fort, every single church, has an entry in the logs. They didn't have to do that but they did. Additionally, practically everything gets a log. People, places, terminology, etc. It also has visual worldbuilding too. Let me ask you something, could you actually tell the difference between Fire Emblem countries on a visual standpoint? And I don't just mean "oh this one's in the desert, that one's in the north". Being able to explore every book and cranny of Fevrith did wonders for it's worldbuilding. I payed $130, you guys are weak. Imma need a Death Battle between you and Brightbow to see who hates video games the most. I mean it doesn't have Metroidvania elements exa- *Remembers how some characters will unlock stuff on the map for you* .... actually maybe it does have Metroidvania elements for real.
  9. After Albion (or whatever region you did last) there's really not much else left to the plot so there isn't enough of room for it that to happen tbh. I'm lost. I don't think there's a single bad map tbh. I mean, apples to oranges cause the Fire Emblem comparisons don't always work but aside from specific mechanical moments, I don't think I actually hated doing a map. Which is cool.
  10. Ok the post game is genuinely pretty cool.
  11. See, I feel like the final battle does overall have pretty good story/gameplay integration. I just kinda wish you were....warned about it? I mean for what it's worth, you can save mid battle so honestly maybe it's not full Kaga. I may have overreacted. But definitely is kinda ass that you're more or less forced to change your team comp at the last minute.
  12. Alright, so, all your team comps you had for most of the game? Yeah they don't do shit against Galerius. You have to withdraw everyone and make a very specific team to actually beat him. You will not know this if you're playing blind. This is the first genuine negative I have towards the game, this is some Kaga-tier "punished for trying to play the game" bullshit.
  13. OK SO THAT'S VERY COOL! There is an actual bullshit mechanic in the final map. One that you can counter only after the fact. What i'm saying is it cost me Virginia's whole squad and i had to pop an Ash to get her back. I had no way of seeing it coming either.
  14. And without the useless heroine that becomes a green unit. Busy in the final battle. Which is a long one. I'm in the home stretch but i think i'll wrap it up tomorrow lol.
  15. Yeah the Oshi- Aw man, beaten to it. He literally said the war would lose all meaning if he lost Scarlett lmao. Give him time.
  16. Literally the first main quest is Alain agonizing that Scarlett was kidnapped lol. Alain/Scarlett is above a few other pairings at least: Alain/Virginia is sus as hell (cousin that looks like mom that acts like sis). Alain/Chloe is bad because that'd be NTR'ing Lex and I just can't do that to my boy. Alain/Monica for the same reasons as Alain/Chloe. Alain/Ochlys because Ochlys belongs to Sharon only. Those bitches gay as hell, good for them. Actually based as hell.
  17. Fire Emblem Awakening (2011) and Fire Emblem Fates (2015) For the record, i'm doing Alain/Scarlett for the main file because that's very obviously the pairing they want you to do but i have a second save here so i can see the other outcomes. Because yes, the marriage has plot relevance.
  18. Hmm. It sounds more like it's roguelite in the same way Mystery Dungeon is? And it specifically mentions the card battles being roguelite and not the traversal itself.
  19. I was more joking about how you said you might go for the Alain/Aramis pairing iirc. I do wonder how you'll feel about Noah/Mio when you eventually get around to it. This one isn't roguelike at least, thank God.
  20. Not if Observer has anything to say about it.
  21. Wreck it Ralph meets Battle Network. They should've let you go harem route with how these A-Rapports tend to end up lmao. These are so funny if Alain already married someone.
  22. Alain rizz levels reaching critical mass. How does he do it? This def kinda a double edged sword but on the other side, it stops chains from being longer than they need to be and thus, they don't have to always come up with a new scenario for B and A. They seemed perfectly fine to me so i guess we'll just agree to disagree here. See the reason you dislike Scarlett is because you're also a tsundere and can't stand when there's another tsundere in the room. Gottem.
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