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Everything posted by MagicCanonBalls

  1. At least I can try Edel with Ninja Lyn or build up my Bector (but still it's a really annoying map). FE8 all I have is lance cavs, Duessel, B!Eirika, Selena, and L!Eph.
  2. Am I being numb because this batch feels very underwhelming. Selkie effect is nice but her stats aren't, especially as a non-regular 4 star unit making it difficult to get merges. Aversa is just IS trying to limit support function because they are much more meta resilient compared to combat nukes.
  3. No. I focus on F!Kris entirely so he only has few basic skills, and F!Kris herself also has poor kit (Rupture Sky, Distant Ward, NFU, and Joint Distant Guard), I was aiming for Charlotte B Dodge skill for AR-O so she does not have to rely on Thorr for galefoce but the game gave me everything but that. Young Merric himself is a almost a complete package, only his C skill needs an upgrade and that is not worth the forma for me.
  4. @SatsumaFSoysoy Nice Orochi. Even with a budget kit she is still pulling punches. @Yggi Jamke is faster than I thought. I had so much trouble with outspeeding that Axe fighter. @GuiltyLove Always good to see Catrias. I hope we get her in the next SoV Hall of Form @Sasori 58 visible defense is impressive, and putting Asbel in front of that Axe fighter is something I wouldn't even think of but it pays off. @Ice Dragon My V!Lucina is at 38 HP, she dies pretty early on without even engaging Nanna. I cleared this with Hrid on the 1st day but couldn't remember how I did it. Priam is unfortunately not a good swordie, he barely survives here just from fighting the mooks. Fortunately NFU is getting more common otherwise I would've regret merging him up even more.
  5. Used up all my ladder within 1st hour of reset is breaking a record somewhere. But it's all good fun since I am experimenting with my new Galeforece team Thorr+F!Kris, and Thorr+Kaze. Somehow Thorr being a bonus unit actually hinders her because she oneshot too many unit and can't proc galeforce.
  6. got 2 thorr and 1 L!M!Byleth in 23 pulls. Feel like this is a sign that I should stop while I'm ahead since these two are what I want for combat purpose, and no need for merges.
  7. First blind walkthrough is no fun for sure, but subsequent runs are a lot more exciting because I get to plan ahead. Probably my most memorable Silver Snow battle is Enlightened Byleth with Nosferatu tanking in forest tile while Seteth struggling to stay alive on Maddening setting.
  8. Not yet got the game as I am on a tight budget this month. But I wanna know how difficult would it be to recruit characters without looking at guide (excluding golden route). The 1st demo only has 3 recruitable and I still managed to only recruit 1.
  9. One of the rare HoF where I owned 3 out of the 4 units featured, and use them quite often. But I am not sure what to do with any of these potential forma, my Y!Marth is only +2 and Y!Merric is doing perfectly fine with his base kit. I am also really conflicted on F!Kris, am using Galeforce F!Kris in AR-O with minimal success (maybe pulled it off once every two Anima seasons). If I were to give her Ninja weapon then I might as well use Fallen Dimitri for better success rate. My copy is also +Atk -HP which is good with her default A Fury 4 for activating WoM. At the same time, I also feel compelled into spending forma soul on this HoF, since if I don't, I will most likely have to hoard until Awakening HoF to have a unit I want to build. My plan:
  10. Personally I don't see +Atk can do much here. +Spd +Def is better for her because of her weapon and her stat spread. If you are doubling with most buffs active it's not hard to kill, especially since near save red is not common, but max Arden will probably wall her completely. B skill is tough because all are useful for wall breaking and surviving counterattack, but I lean towards flow flight personally because follow up is essential for killing near save armor like Gustav. Even Seiros can be problematic if you do not pack NFU unit or Naga effectiveness. My question: Did we stopped getting Divide code 2? I left 2700 and completed 3 paths. If we can get 100 more I am gonna go back to Code 1 and get Disarm Trap.
  11. More Saint Seiya, preferably Gold Saints. Seiya was the lead but he is the least popular among the five main characters, and Gold Saints are way more cooler. Gintama too. Other series have either too much less popular side characters I like that will never get in Jump Force (Naruto, Bleach, and Black Clover), or don't like the series (One Piece, Dragon Ball)
  12. This whole banner was a genuine surprise line-up from beginning to end. Delthea- I am sorry but your description is too long and still get countered by A!Fjorm. And Atk/Spd Catch 4 fodder. IS is also gradually coming up with 5 space menace since that cav healer who can inflict flash, at this point they should just stated nearest foes, the map, particularly AR, ain't that big to hide from 4 or 5 spaces away. Maria- Could be the underestimated unit like Hatari Karla depending on her Def stats. Henry- Don't get me wrong I like this guy, but why him? He already got Halloween alt and some Shepherds don't even have one (yet, where's my Donnel alt IS). Dual Rally being available on 4 star special is nice. Definitely gonna hoard it up. Duo- I thought for sure Sonya won't be here, since she is a candidate for Fallen hero and the list is getting shorter. She should have come with Catch skill instead of Delthea. Rein 4/Hold skill is, um, good for scoring purpose? It can be good in AR-O if you are running Galeforce/WoM team, like your ally transport to Sonya, activate galeforce and move to 2 spaces away but fighting foes within 3 spaces. Overall probably gonna pull a few rounds to see if I can get lucky. FEH pass expire this week and not gonna keep subscribed so no sparking.
  13. How long does AHR banner usually lasts? I want to grab more Priam merges from the current banner but I am also saving for AHR.
  14. This doesn't look good for my indecisive brain. 3H and Awakening/Fates would do a lot of good for my merge projects. Fixing -atk on my Fallen Dimitri and Fallen F!Morgan, and at the very least I can merge Gatekeeper up to +5 with an extra as fodder (I like this guy but close reversal is too valuable), and more Caspar merges is always nice considering I dumped so many orbs on his banner but only get +4. POR/RD: I only want Lethality here, but oh boy it's so good. GBA: Louise is a whole package. Miriel has Atk/Spd Ideal 3, either the PoR Lance Cav or Roderick has rally def/res (can't remember which one), so a bow unit can inherit Rein Bow+, Ideal 4, and dual rally+ from her. However, my barrack has no use for Rein Bow+. Same with the 2 far trace down the line, it's not my play style. Heroes/Genealogy/Thracia: Fury 4+NFU is gonna be a great combo for some of my units, and my Brave Claude can be merged up instead of being Fury 4 fodder. More merges on my V!Henriette can't hurt, and made it easier to fodder off the PoR Lion King for Distant Defense 4. Heroes/Mystery/Shadows: I want Zeke and Katarina as actual units I can use. Catch 4+ Lull A/D can be useful, if only I have units that want both of them. A/D Catch 4 would be great for my Hrid in AR when paired with Far Save units, but lull can't replace his B skill. At the moment I only have one Lull A/D fodder so not sure I want to waste it like that. Overall the selection of A skills here are nice on surface, but really it's not suitable for Arena cuz most mergeable units need Duel Skill 4, and AR is so crazy that these won't even help my barrack. I tried to make a Galeforce team with my unmerged F!Kris and she is struggling, she wants Fury 4 for recoil damage, but also Atk/spd skill cuz she ain't outspeeding sometimes, she also wants NFU + Desperation, and blade seal + Fury to be WoM beacon and activate Galeforce. Why does a simple chart made me think that the game isn't fun anymore.
  15. Had to forfeit an easy win because I forgot Hatari Azura Duo skill can refresh Astrid, and then 2nd match missed a pot cuz Gatekeeper killed Rhea in enemy phase unexpectedly, so I'm at 45 Aether energy currently. That 45 really irks me to no end. Also, if I take one more defense loss I would dropped out of T37, which is a shame because not every week I have so many bonus units at my disposal (Duo Chrom, V!Lucina, and Elimine).
  16. This is so funny. Did you came up with it or is it an actual description somewhere in the game? Anyway, I was on the train for an hour so got a lot of time to figure this out. Y!Merric really do a lot here, not only outspeeding Caeda but provides healing as well. Galeforce F!Kris is something I built for AR-O that hasn't found any success, yet. Y!Merric has Flashing Blade 3 as a seal because he was supposed to get hit by the cav staff, I forgot to move Hrid out of attack range, but it works out at the end. @Xenomata That's a really fast and bulky Walhart, and a rare Nina, +10 no less.
  17. While replaying the 1st demo I realized something, we could recruit all 3 optional characters here. But we don't know the choices the dev made in the previous chapters, does this means we could get locked out of recruiting them without knowing until later on? Like maybe 5 chapters later then only we will discovered that we don't have enough points to recruit them.
  18. That's really good to hear. I usually only bring 1 or 2 snipers but will try to bring more. I replayed the mission those assassin girls 1st appeared just so I can defeat them again in much more satisfying way (bullet to the face, and explosion, so much explosion). I actually have lagging issues with Divinity 2 too, which I liked more than the 1st one so it really sucks. Still saving/waiting for BG3 final specs to get a new pc/laptop.
  19. I really like the abundance of class options, but later on I feel like many of them just fall back to the same mechanics/feats selection. But I never play any DnD before so this might be the norm in games like these or I am missing out. Story and dialogues are great, I went with Trickster for my 1st route. Currently stopped playing at Act 3 cuz every time I booted it up it would overheat my laptop, but I like the options so far. Have you tried Baldur's Gate 3 then? Based on the gameplay footage on youtube I think the combat has much more dynamics, and classes has bigger impact since the choices are smaller than Pathfinder. I got this game on switch when I was quarantined in a hotel. Absolutely love it, but then I hit the level where there is this icy mountain and the parachute-soldier falling from the sky, and I just stuck there for the whole day (which feels really long when you're stuck in a hotel with no laptop). After that I just stopped trying and forgot about it when quarantine ends and started working. Is the parachute-soldier gonna be appearing much more frequently from there on out? Cuz if not I might switch to easy mode and force through it someday.
  20. Future Game of the Year (Industry)- Elden RingFuture Game of the Year (Personal)- Digimon Survive (if it even comes out this year), if not then FEW 3 HopesFuture Worst of the Year (Industry)- Midnight SonBiggest Sales Flops- Midnight SonsBiggest Controversy- Elden Ring. There is already some minor outrage about removing gender selection and replaced with "choose your body type". Xenoblade 3 Better than Anticipated- Suicide Squad. And Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, which is already out and much better than I can ever imagined.Your Most Anticipated- Baldur's Gate 3. I never played DnD in real life, nor have I ever played the previous titles, but Pathfinder and the gameplay footage honestly sold me on it. Digimon Survive Gotham Knights New chapter for Path of Wuxia.(It's technically in early access according to Steam, but developer said they will release chapter by chapter) Vampire Masquerade Game/Franchise You Most Want Announced- Mainline FE or remake (or 3ds games port for Switch) Pokemon A long stretch but I want a Cardfight!! Vanguard single player game that isn't Japanese Exclusive. New Dragon Age or Mass Effect. Seriously DA news has been negative so far with changing teams and multiple staffs leaving the project, and changed from live service game to single player focus (thank Andraste). While ME is still a franchise in a rather rare genre with a balanced 3rd person shooting + RPG elements, no other shooting game ever filled the void ME left me.
  21. Nice clear. I honestly forgot about green Elise existence. It's been 4 years and I still don't have a Base Elise. I really hope IS adds lunatic difficulty to these ghb maps. I brought base kit Fjorm (Atk/res unity + base weapon) with Kaden and she cleared the whole map since it's mostly range units.
  22. He is not in the 1st demo. He is a bow unit on foot with ability to set trap, so far that's it. If enemy pass by the tile the trap is on it deals some dmg. I like his character so far but combat wise I prefer the ice mage for his ice wall skill, and magic just look fancier personally. I stumbled upon character portraits and can't help but feel like they should have switched Roland's with his brother This is supposed to be a guy who is adventurous. And this is his brother who is all about pride of noble and disagree with his younger brother lifestyle.
  23. Pelleas. Back in the day when Swift Sparrow 2 is considered premium and I gave it to Roderick thinking I was gonna use him for a very long time; I thought I could make Athena works in Arena, now I barely use them. Talk about bad decisions and terrible vision. Cain did put in a lot of work in AA as brave sword cavalry, and helped me clear a bunch of early PvE maps. Lif. This is easier than I thought, but kudos for being the map that forced me to give Fallen Julia a movement assist skill after all these years. And I gave Altena Ignis because I forgot flier can't use steady breath seal.
  24. I think this is the problem for me simply because I like using different team and units. Especially now AA is only every other week. I also have a Far Save Flora team with caltrop dagger + Arthur because they were my Corrins' S-Support in Fates. When I am at outside VoH and against not so difficult team I would use these "lesser" team. I don't mind losing or wanted to win every match, but I do have tendencies to lose all my ladders on 1st day of AR (fully upgraded too), just because I underestimate the opponent team and brought my lesser team. I am just worried that Duo Chrom would be common like Bride Catria is all. Nonetheless, I think Anima with Elimine would be my new playground now. Just last week I was able to kill far save Fjorm with my Kaze thanks to false start. Matthis is a meme. Ryan is actually part of Kris squad like Cecil. Both Yuliya and Jubelo have early plot revelance, and Yuliya is one of the early serviceable magic unit. But the scraping the bottom of the barrel is also true, all top 5 ranked at 300th and below. I love FE12 and its characters the most in the entire FE, so it hurts me when I joined forums and reddit to find out Kris is universally hated, when he is the reason why I even tried out and like FE12 in the 1st place.
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