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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. Phoenix


    What was I defending again? Oh yeah... nothing. I'm not sure whether or not purple dragons exist or not, and am not going to be a presumptous prick and try to disprove it to make somebody else's point. The last comment was about medicine. People eat unhealthy foods until they need to take medicine for the side effects.
  2. Phoenix


    I already told you faith is illogical. Were you not here? I'm not making arguments based on the whole "have faith in what ya can't see" thing. I'm making arguments based on the whole "you can't prove me wrong" thing. And with that said, you really can't. If I die believing in a God and I stay dead forever then what? Nothing... Congrats you were right. Big deal... I know exactly what modern medicine has done. It's not enough though. I think I'll take my chances and stay away from fast food.
  3. Phoenix

    Yuli's Sprites.

    Meh, try both. See what works.
  4. Phoenix


    I didn't say to disregard religion I said to disregard God. Religion is not God, religion is a set of rules for worshipping said God. Anywho it's this simple: Not having proof there's a God is not proof that there isn't one. The world used to be flat simply because there was no evidence known to man that it wasn't. Then some poor bastard notices that if he looks up for 12 hours the stars fly in a circle. Finally the evidence to support a spherical Earth is discovered upon further analysis. Just because you're not looking in the right places for the proof of something doesn't mean it's not out there. Also I don't like modern medicine. They haven't cured anything since polio cause all they care about is money. Modern medicine is like a dirty bandage. You put it on and it covers up the problem so it stops bleeding for abit but now you've got an infection. I don't care what they made medicine based off of, it's not giving people the help they need.
  5. I could give you some lessons if you're interested. Remember, a community of love :D (I swear if that Purple Dinosaur shows up it's on!)
  6. Okay I'll stop going to church then cause that feels good and I don't like sinning. Just kidding, I don't go to church anyway.I'm glad Lyle and Cynthia are friends though. That makes it all better. Now we can focus on other things.
  7. Phoenix


    It's not my stuff, it's OUR stuff.Anyway, my point is, I believe in gravity, it's causing all sorts of interesting things to happen in my home. I can't just bend over and accept evolution because there's way too much about it that still eats away at my BS alarm. Yeah religion does the same thing but that's even more reason to consider ALL possibilities. It's easy to say there's no evidence for religions or creationism when you discount anything said without looking at it. People need to wait til they hear the whole issue before they make up their minds. Another thing to try is careful and openminded study of both sides. I tried that and am closer to what I feel is the truth than I would be just blindly accepting what I was raised on. But yeah there is no way to disprove evolution even if evolution is false because the vast majority of people supporting evolution will just disgard any evidence found. That's life.
  8. Phoenix

    Yuli's Sprites.

    For the guy, try adding one more color to help with shading. Usually three colors works well for clothes. Four if you want to be really daring.
  9. Okay I'm bored, going to new topic *leaves* *comes back* Nothing out there... ... ... *flips a coin* HEADS YES!!! BYE!!! *leaves*
  10. Cynthia (9:26:51 PM): Hello. Lyle (9:26:58 PM): Hey Cynthia (9:27:04 PM): How's it going? Lyle (9:27:13 PM): Fine Lyle (9:27:14 PM): Lol Cynthia (9:27:22 PM): I see. Cynthia (9:27:26 PM): That's good I suppose. Cynthia (9:27:34 PM): What you been up to today? Lyle (9:27:58 PM): I find it kinda cool that we can argue with eachother and two minutes later we can be talking like normal friends Lyle (9:28:03 PM): With no grudges Proof enough for you? AHHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHH!!!!!! This is why seriousness scares me! Why post proof? We're just abunch of spamming morons.
  11. Cats get caught in red tape too? I thought I was the only one. Also Cynthia, I don't think you're angry, I think you're serious, which is worse for me because when people get serious about stuff it becomes boring.
  12. This new cat is dressed like a turkey and surely will be killed if he does not take off the disguise.
  13. And the cat with the guitar has no pick. His playing will suck.
  14. How's that cat gonna kill anyone when his paw's not on the trigger? Need a tutorial on sniping, kitty?
  15. Okay you're not overreacting, you're reacting more than most people would expect? Also I still think it's safe to do forum dating because people are lazy and crazy.
  16. Online couples are pretty safe if you ask me, Cynthia, even though you didn't and probably won't ask me anything after this rant. If I'm "dating" someone from some other random part of the world, oh let's say Taipei. I'm pretty safe and so are they. I could give the person my address and show'em all my pictures and there's still a low chance that person's gonna fly half way round the world to... ... ... do whatever people who join forums and date users with hot avatars do. Point is... this is pretty safe, now Myspace, that's where you can find trouble on purpose in just a few days!
  17. So basically the argument is that Cynthia is overreacting? Hm... Okay. I'm on track now. This is why guys like me exist. I love to ruin the argument with a totally non serious nonrelated joke or something to get people's minds off of what shouldn't be that important in the first place. With that said go to the SF eHarmony thread and hang out. Go ahead and tell Cynthia to not respond to every post with critisism or whatever but while you're at it, tell the Terrorists to stop killing people. It's obviously what she does. Let'er do what she'll do and call it a day.
  18. You could have just said "Gays are smarter than us" and call it a day. I don't agree with that statement but still... ... ...
  19. For those seeking internet relationship advice please contact myself or Knife. Despite the hilariousness, I am an Expert in both face to face and smilie relationships. And lastly, I beith here for the community. We must fulfill our strange digital desires because it's cool to do so B)
  20. KNIFE! Pm me when you get around to the section. It's time to help the community fulfill it's strange digital desires
  21. I like my avatar too. It took some time to make and I'm proud of it. What section would a dating threat go in anyway? I won't tell you what happens in Vegas, even though knowing ahead of time will save your life.
  22. If you've already got a gf then just be apart of my staff. Give them relationship advice and whatnot. tell them to update their avi to something hotter! Yes it's superficial but I'm in Las Vegas so who cares?
  23. NO JOKE! We seriously need to start a dating topic SOMEWHERE and help SF's boys and girls and boys pretending to be girls find love amonst each other! This will help the jealous people settle down too knowing they could find that special user with the hot avatar they've always wanted to forum *kiss*
  24. Let's start a SF Harmony dating service based on only one dimension of compatibility. HOT AVATARS!!! Come on it'll be fun! I'll do most of the work.
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