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  1. Hi, me again (it's been a while though) Today the topic is Laguz, but not about their tiering in their respective games. It's about how they were affected by the changes between POR and RD. First, what I love in RD: transformation gauge management was a damn good improvement! In POR you could only watch the gauges go down and up passively without any active control of them, in Radiant Dawn you can revert and retransform at will (when it's full), get more exp for countering in human form, thus level up faster than tier 2 average units (opposite to their transformed state which levels up like a tier 3 or even slower), the possibility to counter in human form itself (especially for tigers and hawks, since cats barely deal any damage in human form, sucks to deal less damage as a supposedly stronger race than Astrid's RD weakling version), well, in general Laguz MECHANICS have improved. Second, what I love in POR: good base stats even in human form, since Lethe and Mordecai barely gained stats from their first encounter in POR and their first encounter in RD although RD's ennemies have like twice their POR counterparts (sure double stats, but cats loose like 6 points or so per fight, which means they're usable only if you manage their gauge like a boss, plus their base strength and claw damage really suck, basically they deal T1 units damage untransformed and just promoted t2 damage transformed with an iron lance, which is really ass, barely scratches a general for 3-4 damage in the first chapter where you can play Lethe in normal, not even talking of hard mode's stat inflation that looked like lunatic awakening to me when I started it, with early game mymidons doubling or nearly doubling everyone on my team WTF IS please playtest your games before selling them). So in POR, human form couldn't counterattack sadly, but at least they weren't cannon fodder for ennemies (I'm glad Mordecai is tanky even in human form, can't say the same about RD Lethe who gets doubled by nearly everything as a speedy class/race and dies in 5 weak hits although she has very high HP...her base speed is inferior to Volug's although her class has higher average speed). POR had amazing items called laguzguard and beorcguard. Where did they end up in RD, where they were 10x more needed due to transformation mechanics? In the unused data, as skills. They could've been given to units (Lethe with beorcguard in P2 would've been 5x better at least, especially since she could've levelled up in human form without fearing every ennemy on her joining map where you don't see anything because of annoying FOW, and really ennemy units shouldn't be able to see you in FOW, if you don't see them hw can they see you? they're not magic creatures FFS). With the growth bands, Laguz could've had bonuses to their weak growths in RD, with blossom accessible from part 2 they could've gained good level ups as soon as chapters 2-3, with BEXP to make them close to level up. But no, instead laguzguard and beorcguard are hidden in the data file with no way to get them in the game (not even with Dolphin cheats since they don't work due to weird changing code, even the unit exp gauges don't stay at the same number for the whole game, if you change them too often they just move to another number location), part 2 skills are unmovable because why would you want to move skills from one unit to another in the hardest chapters of part 2? It's not like there are 80% of the units in p2 that would benefit a lot from skills being movable (paragon, terrain nullifying skill mainly), and they didn't even give anyone wildheart before the late part 3 (how much better would Mordecai be if he had wildheart? at least 5x better in my book, with 3 more base def than Brom and 20-ish more HP, 3 more movement, and the ability to revert and transform at will...OMG I want it! he wouldn't loose 2 turns just to fill his garbage base gauge level, or be forced to waste a laguz stone for something Lethe can do from the start of every chapter IIRC). Finally, something really bothers me. Base stats/stat caps: Tigers: POR: 28 hp, 8>15 str, 2 mag, 6>10 skl, 7>10 spd, 7>10 def, 2>5 res, 75 hp, 30>37 str, 20 mag, 33>37 skl, 34>37 spd, 40 lck, 30>35 def, 24>27 res. RD: 36 HP, 6>12 str, 0 mag, 6>12 skl, 5>10 spd, 4>8 def, 1>2res, 75 hp, 23>46 str, 5>10 mag, 18>36 skl, 15>30 spd, 30 lck, 22>44 def, 10>20 res. If their caps were just as high as in POR, tigers would be infinitely better for endgame. What about their base strength, def and res all being lower than POR's? at least they have more HP but their strength is really bad. They could use higher magic cap to be decent imbue users for better performance as tanks, but not only have they less cap, their base is also 0 vs 2, loosing magic from the previous game. Kiza would've made a wonderful tiger if he was really the weird tiger he's supposed to be (which he isn't at the end of the day because he's just a worse Muarim in every way but availability). Kiza could've been the tiger who tanks magic in endgame, the tiger who doubles late game bosses, the tiger who can use imbue better than the garbage skill named renewal, useless after part 1 and even then only Volug can get anything out of that ****. Kiza could've been the Fiona of tigers (with more usable bases than hers even if he's weak at start). But instead you have 3 tigers, the tank with amazing availability but really lackking even in strength and who doesn't even have access to wildheart before 3-8 or something like that (even then, I bet hawks make better use of it at that point), and Muarim and Kiza being clones or not far from it but Kiza having a shitty start and not even good availability. Female cats (because Ranulf is a whole other class): POR: 26 hp, 6>12 str, 4 mag, 6>10 skl, 8>11 spd, 3>8 def, 3>6 res, 70 hp, 26>32 str, 20 mag, 34>38 skl, 36>39 spd, 40 lck, 27>32 def, 27>30 res. RD: 47 hp, 7>14 str, 6>12 mag, 11>22 skl, 11>22 spd, 7>14 def, 8>16 res, 65 hp, 18>36 str, 10>20 mag, 20>40 skl, 20>40 spd, 30 lck, 14>28 def, 16>32 res. Radiant Dawn cats have less max stats compared with Radiant Dawn in all decisive areas except strength, where they make up for lower comparative cap by having S and SS ranks with +5 and +10 damage. they loose 13-4 def with stats capping up to 10 points higher than in POR, which means they loose 5 hp, 24-8 real skl cap, 26-9 real spd cap, 20 real luck cap (highest luck cap is 50), 23-14 real def cap and 21-8 real res cap. There isn't a single stat cats are as good in in RD as in POR! Cat (Ranulf): POR: lv 9: 46 hp, 19>25 str, 4 mag, 17>21 skl, 17>20 spd, 13 lck, 17>22 def, 6>9 res, 70 hp, 29>35 str, 20 mag, 34-38 skl, 35>38 spd, 40 lck, 30>35 def, 24>27 res. RD: lv 26 (=6): 55 hp, 14>28 str, 6>12 mag, 16>32 skl, 15>30 spd, 23 lck, 13>26 def, 10>20 res, 65 hp, 18>36 str, 10>20mag, 20>40 skl, 20>40 spd, 30 lck, 16>32 def, 14>28 res. Base RD Ranulf is 3 comparative levels lower than POR Ranulf, has decent availability for a prepromote-like unit, good base stats in cat form, but in human form he gets doubled by early every ennemy in his joining map, has inexistent offense (just like Lethe 1 whole part earlier), less defense/hp than Mordecai one whole part earlier, his only saving grace being res. In POR, he's a bit slow for a cat but I guess he should double fine for the most part since POR scales reeeeeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyyyyyyy sloooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwlllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy even in hard mode, to the point you barely need more than 20/3 on your units to get the job done for most of the game except endgame where, according to forums, ennemy stats suddenly jump from the underground to the roof (never got past the chapters in Beignion, don't remember which one, I've recruited Shinon, Beaten Muarim but I don't recall in what order it is, even recruited Danved and done the next chapter, but the game is so sluggish that I got bored at that point). What's even worse, with 14 levels up left he only has 30% str growth, 35% speed, 55% lck that will absorb most of the first 7 BEXP levels alongside the 70% hp, 15% def and 10 res% that are unlikely to get better at all although they're already BAD in p3! And about his caps, much like females cats, all defensive caps are obvious downgrades from POR, on top of his growths being 40 to 50% lower than in POR except in skl, spd and luck (-10, -20 and +20 respectively). Meaning his 9 level ups left in POR are 40% or so more effective than in RD, and if he only gains 4 levels in POR then I don't even imagine how many he'll gain in RD with even lower exp gains although more chapters to achieve it, still with his massively sucking growths totally unadapted to his game, he won't do anything better than in POR past a few chapters after recruitment. Even worse, Janaff has better base stats in everything but res, with only -4 res in bird form, nearly capped lck for better BEXP levels, Marksman's spd cap as his base value, higher skl base than most beorc classes, more hp base than many beorc classes and good offensive/defensive growths (40% str, 45% skl, 25% spd, 35% def) even though his bases already trivialize endgame as a full form falcon. So, Ranulf, councellor to the next king of Gallia, Giffca's future replacement, is inferior to a young falcon general for their whole availability in bases, growths and utility (hawks have both shove + super canto) on top of having a worse transform gauge and Janaff having wildheart from join. Hawks: useless to say hawks are far better than in POR at base since Janaff's bases are quite similar to Stephan, who's tower ready from the get-go, only their strike rank is less than desirable, so I'll only go for caps here: POR: 65 hp, 26>32 str, 20 mag, 34>40 skl, 36>39 spd, 40 lck, 26>30 def, 26>30 res. RD: 65 hp, 19>38 str, 5>10 mag, 23>46 skl, 21>42 spd, 35 lck, 16>32 def, 12>24 res. Although much better than tigers and cats put together, hawks still have the same magic cap issue as tigers (unable to use imbue at max potential), overkill speed to double but still 25-7 less comparative spd cap (which highly affects their avoid), 15 comparative luck cap (again highly dents their avoid as 15 is a full earth affinity avoid boost), 20-8 less comparative def and 24-16 less comparative res in a game where endgame is filled with magical threats! I think you see what I mean, when Laguz loose this much in stat caps, even if they weren't reaching them on average, the difference between having more def than a general, more speed than a swordmaster, equal res than a bishop and more hp than a general and on the other side better speed/skill than a swordmaster by little, same strength as a wyvern master and same def/res as a swordmaster...means they just lost half of what made them good in POR, namely durability difference with Beorcs in late game. Even the skill deficit is affecting their crit rate since their weapons have 0 naturel crit rate (not even 5 at SS sadly) and their skill activation rate. As for tigers it's the differece between doubling most non-Ashnard to every non-Ashnard ennemies vs not doubling any fast/boss unit in endgame, it's like tigers speed cap is in a permanent wildheart state... On top of that, add the fact that demi band was movable at all times from one laguz to another and didn't take a skill slot, demi form still had full unit's base stats so you barely lost any stat from half to full form (well, I think actually half transformation was better handled stats-wise in RD than in POR but the availability of wildheart and the human form base stats were the real problem on top of the class caps I already criticized earlier). Add to it the beorcguard or laguzguard and Laguz had much more potential in POR than in RD, they just needed better endgame weapons (like double damage on blessed weapons for endgame or something like that). If IS just combined POR stats with RD mechanics and let the guard items available in game, while fixing character availability and growth rates of Laguz forcing BEXP or blossom abuse...we'd have the most satisfying experience of Laguz units we could according to me. What do YOU guys think of this?
  2. Hi, I was wondering why everyone seems to think Hinata is trash. He comes usable with good base spd and def, has many pair ups to boost either one or the other and even his mediocre strength with Rinkah pair up (or maybe MoA Hana pair up I don't know her personal pair p bonuses nor MoA's since I used it only once on Mozu who was obviously pair leader). Hell guys, instead of trash talking about him, look at yourselves kneeling before Dieck/Deke's base stats and shit growths and at Gerik who was Hinata before Hinata was born and whose promotion gains were shit because FE 8 had rather trash promotion gains to compensate for better unit growths. So Gerik comes later in the game than Hinata (45% in the game unlike Hinata's 30-33% in game progression chapter-wise). Gerik couldn't get out of his classline like Hinata can, couldn't get wings like Hinata can even in his buddy seals, needed instant dragonshield if you were to not feed him much exp or early promote him (I tried to use him early promoted as both promotions in chapter 13 Ephraim's route and he was dying to 3 or 4 little soldier attacks in hard mode LOL), Gerik didn't have access to such insane things as tonics and pair up bonuses and guard stance, he was overshadowed in no grind by Seth (like most of the cast), Duessel (maybe even better than Seth without any stat bonuses invested in them cuz diz beiz stats are ameizing and 1 pure water allows him to take the whole ennemy army by himself from his join chapter until he has to face stupid dragonzombies' absurd 30 true damage), Innes in his Eirika join chapter (silver bow and 14-15 speed makes him OHKO/ORKO his whole joining chapter by himself, give him an iron/steel bow for weakling and that's it whilehe can still ORKO dragonzombies at base with a hero bow, which no other unit can pretend to be able to). Meanwhile Hinata comes at the same level with a weapon that allows him to hit even with his low skill (steel blade in FE TSS is true shit unless you gave 4 body rings to Joshua/6 to Marisa and gave it to them but you might as well go for magic swords or killing edge/shamshir at this point), he can get those insane bonuses from gameplay "improvements" (they aren't in my opinion but 0% growth players who can emulate Fates would say otherwise), he can get boosts to his res, he even has access to a whole class that gives him res base, growth and anti-magic skills on top of the possibility of getting falcon knight's lv 15 skill by endgame if he was given enough exp (meaning you forbid Ryoma use or made it minimal) so he can do what is supposed to be the opposite of his physical tank job if given the chance. Meanwhile Gerik can only kill magic units by himself if given a pure water and if he can double the sages (thanks to tomes insane weight and agic classes having the worst base stats of the whole game though he should be able to double the chapter 17 Fimbulvetr sage before getting 2-3 shot, but don't let him against the trios of druids on open field or against any group with 1 or 2 magic units and 2+ physical units like this should happen by lategame and in the endgame chapter or say goodbye to the best mercenary of GBA FEs since you just killed him). Ike in RD comes with the same speed growth as Hinata and I think Haar (sorry, GOD) shares the same speed growth too. They have better base stats but in RD they make high level oifeys and leaders close to their base class's max stats to cap them easily but struggle more to max in t3 classes and usually ests or other growing units have very little more stat points than these OP starters except for Edward who is simply the best in his classline if you invest in him, Nolan who's better for endgame than Boyd because of a higher speed average, only tanky unit before long in his team, and the other axe user in DB coming with trash bases and overlevelled for her growths to catch up before the end of part 1, and even then she stays way weakier than Haar for the whole game, not any point on using her outside from dawn brigade exclusive chapters and their objectives don't even give decent BEXP so it's useless to even try and end the levels with every optionnal objective completed, meaning those stat boosters you use on her could be given to Volug instead for x1.5 effectiveness in half beast and x2 in beast (1 dragonshield is 2 to 4 def for him, meanwhile it doesn't allow Jill to go anywhere near an archer or a group o physical ennemies without a few potions/30hp recovery potion, and Volug has twice her base HP or not far from it and still 26+ levels to grow, with lower max stats to use BEXP even better than her, his weakness to fire is irrelevant for most of the game past the 1st chapter he's playable and act 1 endgame maybe but he could as well kill them in 1 hit at that point, + base 9 movement if I'm correct and he can shove unlike Jill, only thing she beats him on is canto). Speaking of which, Hinata is a little like Volug, muscular, fluffy, middling strength and def, high luck and hp, bad res, the only things Volug beats him on for the whole game is spd and skl but Fates likes to give you stat screwed units so Hinata's speed is good for the main campaign in hard (like Nyx's unsalavgeable base stats, even in her specialties she has shit bases and her skill to patch up accuracy needs her to fight at 1 range XD so she get OHKO easier by 20-26 MT physical ennemies a few chapters after she's recruited at most on hard difficulty, hell even Micayah is more usable than her and at least she has utility in her base class and can level up through it even to the point you can get her to 20 in act 1 by spamming her suicide heal and using Laura/potion/herb to heal Micayah, and she can kill most act 1 bosses in 1 hit with her 2 personnal tomes for free exp). After this whole novel of comparisons between ~comparable~ units between older games and Fates, I hope you understand my point and that you will remember it before thinking ill of him. He isn't stellar by himself, but he comes usable (13 def in chapter 10 is about as much as lv 13-15 MU with HP boon, or def screwed def boon holding the DRAGONSTONE), his issues can be patched or fixed for cheap and his bases carry him for a while. Meanwhile Hana starts with glass cannon issues that will never be fixed by any means (unless you play a solorun Hana and give her all stat boosters including bonus path dragon herbs for her to mimic Gandalf in the prologue of The Lord of The Rings when he talks peacefully with Frodo while playing with smoke). And after having seen Ryoma again for the first time after like 1.5 year because this game bores me before reaching his recruitment most of the time, I think he has good strength but nothing Hana can't reach (with much higher skill, res and maybe equal to better luck) so if his OP sword didn't carry him he woudn't be so stellar (15 def with a katana for a level 4 male swordmaster is simply unforgivable, it's 2 points higher than Hinata's 13 levels+promotion lower level def with only 11 more speed for a unit supposed to be fast LMFAO any est-type speedy unit should've reached 28-30 by this point, my lv 8 general Setsuna who spent 12 levels as a knight and 7 as a general has 30 as a dark flyer with only 2 points from stat boosters gotten from the herbs I gave her, and everything else isn't high for his level, I bet Hinoka at his level with an equivalent personal weapon would do everything better than him even as a falcon knight with flying and maybe beast weaknesses).
  3. How is Donnel bad? He can learn skills such as Armsthrift, Sol, Counter, and Aptitude and the main excuse is "he is too hard to train" but his growth rates are superior to any other character and it isn't even an Est situation because you get him very early. Proof that Donnel has better growths than Chrom. Here is the photo. Some might be mad that I made him a merc instead of a villager but that is what he will be for most of the game.
  4. Hi players, Subaki is said to be one of the worst units in the game. I wanted to see what I could do to help him get awesome or at least good. I searched for spear fighter, basara, oni savage and oni chieftain on the wikia and with his personal growths I decided to make him an oni savage into chieftain in my revelations run. Well, he class changed just after Rinkah's recruitment chapter (which was a real pain in hard beginner because ennemies are designed around MU's fighting ability while your other units are 3 levels or even 4 levels lower than random ennemies level 8 in this chapter, taking 15 damage per attack with those f***ing ninjas all around the map debuffing your def into abyss, MU was literally OHKOing everyone except a few with dragonstone, +mag -lck, while taking little to no damage) and my level 8 Subaki had 17 def, 21 with Rinkah pair up, along with 11 str and 16 with Rinkah, and 9 spd, 15 skl, 27 HP (now 31 level 13, with 12 or 13 str, 17+ skill, 12 spd, more than 20 def, 6 or 7 res). That means My Subaki takes literally 0 damage 5 levels lower than my Corrin. Sure it was a pain getting him through the next chapter's Mjolnir sorcerer but well, he still had around 14 HP after getting hit, and my female servant weakened the sorcerers near the boss so he could kill them in one throwing axe +1 hit (largely overkilling them). He soloed this chapter except for the sorcerers mentionned and the boss (the mjolnir sorcerer's skull got split in half in 1 hit BTW). Subaki's got 3 magic for now, I hope he grows more so I can give the spirit dust to my incoming Basara or something like that Beruka who will marry MU. Gotta spend a few levels as a dark flyer for magic growth and speed+res. Why hybrid/magic-oriented Subaki and Beruka? I wanted some real tanky units to fit the role of magic weapon users. Magic weapons give -20 dodge (or avoid, can't remember which is what), so giving it to squishy units who double all the time isn't worth. Subaki has darting blow, perfectionnist that makes up for -20 dodge or avoid, Beruka has enough speed as a dark flyer and has more res than Subaki so she can tank on both damage types just from personnal def + Dark flyer res. Subaki has a good HP bar and oni savage makes it insanely high (70 or 75% growth), meanwhile his 30% str get to 50% with oni savage and his magic growth is still 30%, no waste in his already good skill (50% personal) and 65% def growth with 10% res growth (why even waste anything into his forever shitty stat anyway?). Beruka will get both seals from lance fighter and lance master, so she will make any unit that's not dead perfectly trash for the next PP. MU's personnal skill will grant her +2 def/res anyway soa few levels into dark flyer won't hurt too much her def. Hinata: Samurai Hinata is like samurai Benny (both have innate 15% growth in speed, which is the lowest in the game), why even use it when you have much better units for that role? Blacksmith gives him enough of everything to be a good frontliner (except res but it's not his role). It's the perfect balance between swordmaster and master of arms, good hp, good str, good skl, good def and enough spd to get some spd level ups if needed. Anyway with 55-60% def growth and his base, not many will damage him on the physical front. Also swords are actually his worst weapon type, since Nohrian swords don't give anything while hoshidan swords sacrifice his only good stat (def) aside hp to get his lowest trash tier stat (spd) a +1 bonus (not enough to stay relevant but that -1 res is gonna hurt him and early -1 def isn't too funny to suffer from against those 25 damage axe users in EP). His good HP is helped by blacksmith so why not? Hero is good too but maybe a little too much speed oriented for him compared with blacksmith, correct me if I'm wrong. Class swap Hinata and Oboro and both would be amazing from the get go though...
  5. Hello everyone, I was watching an FE6 Let's Play today and the player made the comment that Wendy is the worst character in any Fire Emblem game. I couldn't tell if they were exaggerating or not. Anyway I commented on their video explaining that I always use Wendy in every playthrough of FE6 and she always ends up great. We got into a debate with my argument being she's worth the effort because she has great growths and their argument being she is bad because she requires effort to be good and that effort could be spent on better characters. Your thoughts/experiences on Wendy? Some food for thought, in my current playthrough of FE6, this is how my Wendy is turning out, and I'm only on chapter 14x. I also didn't use any stat boosters on her (click to enlarge): Gryphon
  6. Well, I did exactly as the title says. Please, tell me all of the horrendous, terrible things I did wrong, (preferably also tell me how to fix it), and offer general advice about things that I tend to not think of at all, such as color scheme. If you want, that is. I guess I'll show you guys what I have. Please note that I am very bad at this, and just think it's fun to do, that's why I have these in the first place. Also, there's only one. C: I really only do these from boredom, and with school and all being here, that probably will happen less. Because I was inspired by the Radiant Collection, I also made Takumi in GBA form. Well, tried at least. I think if I ever manage to fix it, I'll definitely be doing more Fates characters. I'm still working on it, but it may take a while, as shading is a thing that I'm bad at. Obviously.
  7. And tonight, we begin what may be my shortest, most canceled, lamest, or moderately amusing LP yet! It's going to be one or two of those adjectives at max, really. It is... THE RECKONING! The Reckoning is a hack made by Marisa the Crimson Flash, and can/could be found here. EDIT: After certain requests, It would be best to have no further descriptions. Let's get started, this hack kind of speaks for itself. The Reckoning: Episode 1: Chapter 11: The Horror Commences
  8. Well, here it goes... [spoiler=Splices] [spoiler=Splice Competitions]#115 #116 #120 Uhh... yeah. Give feedback please. Thanks!
  9. Tell me your favorite meme and why. I was only nine-years-old, and I loved Shrek so much, I had all of the merchandise and movies.
  10. So! Smash Brothers for 3DS! Watching Gameplay for the Wii U, it must be hella' lotta easier to use a controller, I'm guessing. So I'm used to using customized fighters against other customized fighters. By customized, I mean both custom moves, and custom items, such as those involving Attack, Speed, Defence, the whole sha-bang. I tried For Glory last night. I played for 5 matches. ...I lost all five. For the majority of them, I used my star Marth. While I'm used to using customized moves, again, the Marth I had made only varied when it came to his counter, which lasted a bit longer. But I got friggin' crushed. I don't know how people do it, I went up against, what, three damns Yoshi's? Their air attacks are just... Too much. But I realized, well, I've known, but it only began to frustrate me that Marth has so many laggy moves. His aerial attacks are hard to land, and if they miss, you WILL be punished. The same can be said for his dash attack. Oh, GOD his dash attack. I'm guessing that playing on the Wii U is much more flexible, or easier than the 3DS. But does anyone have any tips for Marth? Any Combos, or anything?
  11. This is a game about Fire Emblem pun making. Rate the above persons pun /10 with anything, but it has to have some type of pun or wordplay. They can be sad just please have them make sense. I'll start with this pun. I wish I had a car... Especially a Forde.
  12. Until the Lightsworn Structure Deck finally gets released in the US. I haven't been this excited about a release in a LOONG time.
  13. Who do you guys think? Feel free to mention those not mentioned in the poll. Gavin get's both of my votes. That perm...just ruined!
  14. One asks "Where is an elephant's genitalia?" To which the other replies; "Where else but it's foot? If it steps on you,you're fucked." tell me sf blog what do you think of my nonexistent comedic talent
  15. So I came up with this weird idea in math last week. What if we did a draft with classes instead of units. Eventually I came up with this the weirdest draft ever. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 4 players. 2. Great lord, Grandmaster,Dread fighter, bride, and Dancer are free for all to use. 3. The game will be played on Hard Mode Classic. 4. The last round of drafting is reversed. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may: pair up with undrafted units and trade with undrafted/drafted units (but must not be in range of a drafted unit when battling) 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to: pairing up with drafted units, meatshielding, healing and supporting with drafted units. 3. NPC units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Paralogues are optional and are free up to 10 turns. 5. Challenge battles are banned. You may have undrafted units clear a challenge battle to shop, though any items obtained must be discarded/cannot be used or sold. 6. Map shopping is allowed, excluding items sold from Anna Merchant shops. 7. Mothers are drafted with their children, but are drafted at the same time as the rest of the units. 8. Use of items obtained from event tiles, the barracks and renown items are banned. 9. Use of DLC and Spotpass (including Free Content) is strictly prohibited. (See below) 10. Forging is allowed. 11. Renown is allowed up to the large bullion. 12. Each DLC is optional with the exception of the golden pack and is free up to 10 turns Extra: 1. The Rescue staff can only be used once per turn. 2. A unit that activates Galeforce may not move. Taking another action with Galeforce other than using a healing item is worth a penalty of 10 turns. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units performing any disallowed action is worth a penalty of 4 turns, 2. Undrafted units pairing up with drafted units is worth a penalty of 20 turns instead. Exceptions: 1. Ricken and Maribelle are freein Ch.5. 2. Nowi and Gregor are free for Ch.8. Teams: Bearclaw: paladin, dark knight, battle cleric, swordmaster, bow knight, villager Dragon: Great Knight, wyvern lord, sage, manakete, berserker, sniper Horace: falcon knight, griffon rider, trickster, taguel, sorcerror, Valkyrie Randa: hero, warrior, dark flyer, lodestar, assassin, general Classes remaining Basically you draft a promoted class and any unit that is in a class that can promote into that clas or any unit that comes in that class can be used. (You can also use three second seals to get characters into those classes.
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