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  1. If you're new, read this thread first. In order to join a game, post in the respective sign-up thread. Once the game starts, you will receive a PM by the host with details regarding your abilities and winconditon. When joining a game, make sure to read the rules before doing so and only join when you expect to be reasonably active. Blacklist (The following users are banned from playing): Baldrick (by request) The official Serenes Forest Mafia IRC! Server: darkmyst Channel: #sforestmafia Ops: Strider/timaeusTestified/Reinfleche (Founder, owner), Paperblade (administrator, part-owner), Snike, Prims, Kaoz People may request to be ops for the duration of their games. Important: Do not impersonate other users on IRC. We will ban you for it. If you don't have an IRC client, you can use this applet, type in a nickname that is recognizable, and type in #sforestmafia as the channel. This can be used to communicate for Outside Contact, or OC, games, and is generally a pretty reliable method to get into contact with someone. The Search topic thing for individual users! (thank you Prims) http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&cType=topic&cId={TOPIC_ID}&search_author={USERNAME}Replace {TOPIC_ID} with the topic number Replace {USERNAME} with the CURRENT displayname of any give user This gives each and every post made by USERNAME in that topic in isolation. Hosting a game Anyone may host games here. Be aware that we have a queue, though, so don't just make a topic and hope to start a game the next week. It is also recommended that you play a couple games before hosting one yourself. In order to be put on the queue, games are required to be completely finished, so Role PMs, rules etc. have to be written out. If you host a game for the first time, you are required to get it checked by an experienced host before it gets put on the queue. Just contact any of the users on the list below. This process is also recommended for generally inexperienced hosts or if your previous game had issues. [spoiler=Checker List] If a name is written in italics, that user is currently inactive in this section. You may still ask them to check your game, but they may not respond or decline. NOC BBM eclipse Haze Kaoz Kay/San Manix Paperblade Prims Radiant Dragon SB Tables OC eclipse Haze Kaoz Kay/San Life Paperblade Radiant Dragon Tables You may apply to be on this list or recommend others. There are two queues, one for large games (16+ players) and one for small games (15- players), only one game of each queue may run at the same time. You may post sign-ups once your game is at the top of the respective queue and the current game in that category is about to end. If you're not sure whether you're supposed to put up your thread, ask here first. The complete rules for hosting a game and the current queues and ideas lists can be found here. Games that took place on IRC have a dedicated thread here.
  2. RULES 1. No Messaging Each Other To Inform Yourselfes Of The Others Roles 2. No Out Of Character Discussion 3. No Talking About Things Wich Arent In Fire Emblem ABOUT ROLES You Can Have Any Fire Emblem Character From Three Houses,You Can Have One From Awakening Fates Heroes Or Echoes But It Would Be Preverable For It To Be From Three Houses And Finally Some Last Things Sing Ups Start On 6th Of August And End On 16th This Is Set PRE-Timskip,But MIGHT Go Into The Timeskip. And You Can't Roleplay Someone Who Canoniclly Dies Before/During The Timeskip.
  3. So, what was the most notable thing any of you have witnessed in Far from the Forest? Whether it be mafia, other forum games, or just in miscellaneous conversations like the FE4 thread or Touhou thread, give some historical events from this far from the Forest here.
  4. Welcome to Waifu/Husbando mafia! First a word from our sponsors: Now I know that was a great video, very informative but now let's move on to the important things! First off the rules! Rules: (Prims set) - I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will annoy me, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes. - No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise. - Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP. - Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM. - Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving too many prods is likely to result in a modkill. - Don't screenshot anything outside the game thread. - Don't edit your posts. - Don't post after hammer. - If you get yourself modkilled, you lose the game and your alignment may be subject to further punishment to circumvent any advantage your death could result in. - Have good integrity. This includes not being a jerk. - Play to win. Mechanics: - Day 1 start. - Day 1 will be 72 hours, day 2 and onwards will be 48 hours long. Nights are 24 hours all the time. Night phases can potentially end early if all actions have been submitted. - Lynches on Day 1 are determined by popular vote: the player with the most votes at phase end will be lynched. A tie will result in an extra 1-hour Super Sudden Death phase, at which point the first player to have more votes will be lynched. If nobody is lynched in that time period, No Majority will be reached. If a player reaches majority (half living players rounded down + 1) at any point in the day, they will be lynched early and the phase will end. - Lynches past Day 2 are determined by majority rules: Majority (half living players rounded down + 1) is required to be voting for a player for a lynch to be acheived. Failing to reach Majority results in the phase ending in No Majority. - Once Majority has been reached hammer will apply and the phase will end. - No Majority results in a No Lynch the first time, and a universal loss the second. No Lynch may not be voted. - You will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail (as a general note, this accounts for stuff like roleblocker / safeguard / etc., a kill attempt that failed because the target was protected by a doctor will still be considered successful). You will also be told if your action was redirected. - Killing roles get infinite no-kills. - LYLO and MYLO will be announced. Whether a loss is potential or guaranteed will not be. - There is also one more new mechanic that is being added into the game but it will have it's own section entirely. Look down for more info on this. It is called "My waifu isn't trash." Set-up info: - All players are on the player list. - All players have a role. Roles may be wacky and/or slightly bastard. - Players may request that any theoretical anonymous day actions be used at a specific time in advance for whatever reason (not wanting to be caught on the online list, not being available when they need to use it, etc). - Cardflips will contain a pretty picture, player name, character name, alignment & role name and phase of death. Cardflips will also never lie to you, but they might not describe a player's role in detail. - If your role PM doesn't say you can self-target, you can't. - Flavor is irrelevant to alignment. - The town win condition is: "You are aligned with the Holy Order. You win when all threats to the Holy Order are Eliminated." - The anony account you are playing on WILL BE NAMED AFTER WHOEVER YOU PICK FOR YOUR ROLE. IS YOUR WAIFU TRASH? Hopefully no. My waifu isn't trash: (Game specific mechanic) - This is a second voting mechanic in the game. - This is basically a popularity contest. Who's the best Waifu or Husbando? - All votes must be done in private; via your Role PM. - Votals will NOT be revealed; barring role mechanics which could potentially reveal them. - Since obviously everyone thinks they are the best, voting yourself is not allowed(unless your role pm states you can). - The player with the most votes at the end of the phase will get some special added benefit for that night only. - This action can change based on role/alignment. - This benefit can include but is not limited to: Motivate, Self doc, 1x announce, 1x self watch, strongarm, ninja, janitor, 1x track, 1x role cop, etc. The list goes on and not everything will be listed here but this is just for people to have an example of what the person with the most votes can get. - Now because all Waifu's and Husbando's are fair beings, after winning the award you will not be eligible for the award for the following TWO day phases. - Example: Player A wins the award day 1. They cannot win again until Day 4. They can however be voted still which means if they potentially 'win' the award on day 2 or 3, nothing happens. This is a Choose Your Own Role game! PM me a character Living or fictional humanoid being that can qualify as a waifu or husbando. No trolling. I will decline anything that does not at least fit the bare minimum requirements. Your flavor and Role will be based around what you send me (To an extent.) This is an anonymous game. To sign up, PM me or message me on Discord. DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD UNTIL I GIVE THE OKAY. This game will NOT start until at least 1 week after all signs up have been filled. If possible I would like to start this game before August 31st though. Current sign ups: (First come first serve; anything after 15 will be subs) (If you would like to sub just message me that you are willing to sub should someone drop out.) 15/15
  5. Hie thee to the ocean city... To the Yggdrasil Labyrinth. It's time for another GraceSetup(tm), strap yourselves in for a ride. (stolen from SB and edited): Playerlist: Sunwoo Prims Via Weapons Kokichi Athena Omega Bluedoom Shinori Eury Bartozio Clarinets You may also provide a character name upon signing up, via PM or in thread. This has no effect on the game, it's just small flavor things.
  6. Guten Tag, It's your friendly neighborhood Zeonth here, along with my always amazing co-host, Lil Bean, bringing you a holiday EIMM miracle. Allow me to present to you: Everyone is Mafia Mafia: Edge of the Lord Edition Rules: To join the game, please do the following: Type a post in this thread declaring your intention to join (a simple /me in is fine). PM either me or Lil Bean on SF forums or on Discord with an alias you wish to play under and a character you wish to play as. Include both of us in your messages for our convenience. Winners (4): Aliases: The Dead (No need to fear them) Contact info for hosts: EIMM official discord server (lots of players, new and old here already): https://discord.gg/DNB3Qn5 Zeo: Zeonth#7293 @Zeonth Kat: Lil Bean ?#4320 @Lil Bean Sign-Ups will close on December 22nd, 2017 at 12:00 PM EST Game Start will be December 28th, 2017 at 3:00 PM EST
  7. I decided to do a Mafia. Rules: *There will be eleven players including me. *No lynching allowed *You have three Bullet Proof vests. *To Join you need to PM me and tell me your alias. *The Mafia will be held on the thread, no PMs for the Mafia *You have three respawns. *It will take three hits to kill a member (nine for the host, me) *It will last until January 1st, after that it will be locked. *The day/night phases will last two hours. *And last but not least have fun!
  8. Is anyone planning on starting a new game? I want to play one but I am terrible at managing these things.
  9. Hello and welcome; to the first Serenes Forest Survivor! *Excitement intensifies* We're here in the dark, mysterious woods of Begnion, where in the next few days, 14 Fire Emblem enthusiasts will begin the adventure of a lifetime! Together, they will have to adapt to the rough conditions, terrible time-zones and to each other, to thrive in the wilderness. They will have to collaborate with their enemies and back-stab their friends, and be sure to not be the one voted off! Who will be eliminated, who will be the last one standing? 2 Tribes, 14 people, ONE.... SURVIVOR! THE GAME: The 14 players will be randomly divided into 2 teams before the game starts. When there are only 8 players left, the tribes will merge and all challenges and immunities become individual, in a free-for-all style. Once there are only 10 players left, all eliminated participants will become part of the jury, who will vote one of the last 3 remaining players to become the holder of the title of Sole Survivor. The game will run in a 2 phase basis, each lasting 24 hours (so you should be able to chip in at least once a day regardless of your timezone! :3 ). During the Challenge Phase, both Teams will compete against each other in simple tasks (ranging from puzzle solving, internet scavenger hunts to dem paint skillz!). The victorious team will receive immunity, and the game will turn to Voting Phase, when the losing tribe will eliminate one of their member by voting him/her off. Once the results are out, the Challenge Phase starts again. THE TWISTS: Exile Island: After a challenge, the winning Tribe/Player will select someone from the loser Tribe/Players to go the Exile Island, where they will be incomunicated from the rest until the next Voting Phase ends.They will still vote, but they will go on blind. However, Exile Island is the only place where a player will have the chance to find the Hidden Immunity Idol Hidden Immunity Idol: After arriving Exile Island, the exiled player will receive a clue to the location of the Idol. The player must then guess its location. If successful they will receive the Idol in private. Said Idol can be played up until there's only 4 players in the game, it can be gifted to another player, and can only be played BEFORE the Voting Phase results are announced Once used, the Idol will return to Exile Island, where it will be placed in a new location. THE RULES: Starting private conversations is not only allowed, but recommended. Throughout the game you should be strategizing with multiple people. There are two rules however. In all game conversations you should add me as a participant. This way I can monitor everything that’s going on in the game. I won’t post in the conversations or let it affect the game, but I will keep up with all the game talk. You must keep all In-Game activities in the official Serenes Forest Survivor server, or this thread. No tribe/secret alliance server, please. Be cool :3 THE PLACES THE PLAYERS: Sign in by typing "/in". The game will take place in THIS Discord Server. This thread will remain for signups, game discussion and updates More details will be given in the Game server. Feel free to ask any questions! Game will start December 18, finishing right before New Year (What a better way to celebrate than being crowned Sole Survivor!)
  10. The Setting New Arkham, Minnesota was one of those quaint little Towns that straddled the border between the idyllic purity of rural lifestyle and the decadent convenience of modernity. It was blessed with the peculiar quality that the young teens growing up in it felt a stifling oppression from the seeming lack of options it provided, yet come fifteen to twenty years later they would find themselves longing for a return to the simpler, more refreshing days of their youth. Indeed, one such generation of friends had grown up, moved away, and returned. Each of them had acquired and brought back with them their own experiences. To call the tensions that have arisen from the clash of newly competing and dissimilar worldviews a civil war would be overstating the matter. Yet such a sentiment is not completely without merit, and indeed, the days to come would find that a conflict not wholly unexpected had finally reached a flashpoint. One spark from the outside was all that it took to bring to the surface something that had long been brewing underneath. The discovery of the unexplainable tragedy at the Whateley Farm--the incomprehensible, otherworldly horror behind the deaths of that poor family, and the events that followed from it--was just such a spark. The streets are now lined with daily lynch mobs, ostensibly for the purpose of bringing justice and restoring the Township to a state of peaceful serenity. Whether or not such a goal will prove possible is yet to be seen... Introduction This game is a game for 17 people, and it is a "Bastard Mod" game. In the interests of being upfront and letting players know, at least somewhat, what they're getting into, I'm outlining whether or not the game includes particular elements that I would consider to fall under the "Bastard" umbrella. If there's a specific concern of yours that is not addressed, and may affect your desire to sign-up for the game, don't hesitate to ask. This game has the following Bastard elements: 1) Players may have exceptionally ridiculous sounding roles, with equally ridiculous powers. 2) Players' roles may change due to events outside their control. 3) Players' factions may change due to events outside their control. 4) Players may be given incomplete information by the Host. 5) Players may be given superfluous information by the Host. The following Bastard elements will not be present: 1) The Host will not explicitly lie to any player. 2) Nothing in the game will be "made up as it goes along" (except for flavor). Everything that happens in the game will happen for a reason. Rules The game's ruleset will mostly follow my traditional ruleset, with a few tweaks here and there. Barring any last minute changes, the rules you see below will be the rules used throughout the game. 1) Have fun. 2) Be active. 3) This game is NOC. 4) Every user has a Role PM. It will tell you your character, your role, your alliance, and your win conditions. 4a) If anything in the Role PM stands in contradiction with these rules, the Role PM takes precedence. 5) Voting must take place in a ##Vote: USER format. 5a) At the end of the day, the user with the most votes will be lynched. 6) If you have an action and do not wish to use it, you must send the host a PM saying PHASE X: IDLING. 7) The game will begin with Day 1. 8) Day Phases will last 72 hours. Extensions may be granted, but do not take them for granted. 8a) A Day Phase will end early if the lynch target has more than two thirds of the total votes. 9) There will be a Twilight Phase following the conclusion of the Day Phase. It will last as long as the Host damn well feels like. 9a) Posting in-thread during Twilight Phase is prohibited. 10) Night Phases will last 48 24 hours, with no extension available. 10a) Night Phases will not end early. 11) There will be a Dawn Phase following the conclusion of the Night Phase. It will last as long as the Host damn well feels like. 11a) Posting in-thread during Dawn Phase is prohibited. 12) There may be an occasional Eclipse Phase. Since both solar and lunar eclipses are possible, the Eclipse Phase may occur during any other Phase, and will last as long as the Host damn well feels like. 12a) Posting in-thread during Eclipse Phase is prohibited. 12b) Time spent in Eclipse Phase will not count against the time limit of its parent Phase. 13) When in doubt, ask the Host. ISOs Mods: Balcerzak Sunwoo Sign-ups: 1) eclipse the Town Time Anchor 2) Crysta the Traitor Neighborizer 3-shot Lie Detector. 3) Snike the Town Doctor 4) Iris, Lord Gaius 5) Wen Yang the Cult Role Cop 6) kirsche, Paperblade the Town Ascetic Nurse Voyeur. 7) Blitz the Mason Inductor 8) Marth the Town Ascetic Nurse Voyeur. 9) Terrador, Snike the Cult Astral Cop. 10) Weapons the Mafia Claim Sniper. 11) Izhuark the Cult Recruiter 12) Darros, Randa 13) Rapier, Crysta 14) SB. 15) Hunter Nightblood, the Independent Vigilante. 16) Neopolytan, Chen the Cult Martyr 17) MancerNecro the Town Astral Cop. Subs list: 1) ??? VIEW PHASE COUNTDOWN HERE
  11. hey there, i'm from a different forum site, and i recently got into mafia and was looking to see if there was maybe another site with more active games and such. figured i'd still make an introduction post to see if those who do frequent this forum's mafia games could lead me int eh right direction. i've only played fire emblem awakening so far, but i figured this was be a great place to start my FE journey along with expanding my horizons on more than just tbt.
  12. Rumors say that thousands of years ago, when the internet had just been created, people used to play a game called mafia. The whereabouts of this mysterious game have long been lost in the depths of the Ruinternets, leaving the knowledge of its mechanics to mere guesswork. Until this day. A leading Ruinternet research team has made a revolutionary claim: In an ancient computer, buried under infinite folders, they’ve been able to find the complete info for hosting a mafia game that never ended up taking place, and a note: "Oh god I’m so ashamed of this setup - Mitsuki" The game is ready to be hosted. 12 players are needed to get it running. Are you going to join? ~ Checked by Kaoz and Vhaltz [spoiler=Rules] 1. NOC game. You know what this means. Please don't contact players, regardless of whether they're still playing or not. If you're not playing/dead, you may only contact people/players who have access to the graveyard QT as well. Feel free to request the graveyard QT if you're not playing. 2. 72 h day phases, 24 h night phases. Nothing new to see here, just remember to send in your actions at least an hour before deadline. 3. You may post anything between 3 and 50 posts each phase. Anything more or anything less will result in a forced sub. If your postcount is on the lower edge, make sure you have some content posts. 4. This game requires hammer to lynch. Hammer is half the number of living players rounded down + 1. You may not no-lynch, and if it were to happen, a random lynch will be decided. 5. No posting after hammer. Don't wait for mods to appear and announce phase has ended to stop talking. 6. LyLo will be announced regardless of whether it's LyLo, MyLo or the potential variant of those. 7. If something interfered with your action, you will be notified. 8. No bastard mod elements, no jesters. 9. Flavorspec, rolespec, winconspec... are heavily discouraged. Assume scum have been granted any tools necessary to render those useless. If you still want to attempt it go ahead, just know that it won't work. 10. Don't quote private conversations. Don't take screenshots of those either. Paraphrasing is still ok. 11. If you're modkilled or forcesubbed out you lose. You'll be modkilled or forcesubbed out if you break the rules, depending on severity, or if you act like an asshole. Don't keep it up until you recieve a warning, because I may not give you one. 12. Your PM and the rules may contradict. If so, follow your role PM. 13. Has some sort of conflict arisen in this game? Please contact me, I'll make sure to solve it. It's always a smarter option than yelling to someone else in the thread. If I'm not around, here's a list of people you may contact as well for the same purposes, in order: Vhaltz Kaoz Balcerzak Eclipse I don't accept IOs, but spectators are allowed to request the graveyard QT once the game has begun (read rule 1). Signups: 1. Eclipse 2. Dmnt 3. Cam 4. Strawman 5. Manix 6. Elieson 7. Prims 8. Blitz 9. SB 10. Dorian 11. Freyjadour 12. Yoloswag Subs: 1. Gaius (after D2) 2. Marth (after April 11th) 3. Refa 4. Gilgamesh 5. BBM 6. Crysta
  13. So, I guess 2016 is just the year of eimms. You think there has been too many eimms and people are no longer hyped for them? then why do I have 17 sign ups already?!?!? Also, Monde is cohost. Game won't start until I die in Kirby mafia.... [spoiler=stolen from Paperblade which was stolen from Refa which was stolen from Paperblade] 1. Don't edit in thread posts. (personally, I don't care) 2. You can either post in thread or communicate via OC (please send all OC logs to me via your Role PM, thanks), just don't spam the thread.(I personally don't care if you spam the thread, but I want you all to add me and Monde to all convos) 3. Don't be a jerk outside of the usual confines of the game. 4. Night 1 is 48 hours, Night 2 and onwards are 24 hours. This is negotiable before the game starts but not after. 5. Once I receive all actions and publicly declare that, said actions are considered locked and the phase ends. If you don't submit any actions or announce your intent to idle, consequences may be dire. (I might be lazy and not uphold these rules though) 6. Everyone will have one Bullet Proof Vest (BPV) to start. All users have a base factional kill. You will be notified if your BPV has been hit. A BPV will only protect against one hit. If you are targeted by more killing actions than vests that you have during a night, you will still die. 7. You can't target yourself unless your role specifically states that you can. 8. You can target the dead, but I can't guarantee that will do anything. 9. Should your action fail for any reason, it will count as never having been done. Please ask me for clarification if you're not sure about this. 10. Every player is on the player list (see a list of them below). 11. This game uses aliases (see a list of them below). 12. Wincons and/or roles may be related to the characters, so I take no responsibility for that. 13. Alternate Win Conditions exist, however, loveirzers and cult does not. 14. Will add more stuff IF I feel the need to. [spoiler=Players Alive] 1 Paperblade 2 Euklyd 3 Refa 4 Makaze [spoiler=Aliases Alive] 1 Cipher 2 Cosmos 3 Fallacy 4 Neon [spoiler=Players signed up] 1 Paperblade 2 Reinfleche 3 Euklyd 4 Refa 5 Makaze 6 Clarinets 7 Knight of Argentum 8 Chen 9 Gaius 10 Reiyson 11 Lil Bean 12 Sylveon 13 Bizz 14 Xinnidy 15 Andrews 16 Proto 17 Marth 18 Izhuark 19 Elieson 20 Ars Nova 21 Hannah 22 Prims 23 SB 24 Zeonth 25 rssp1 26 Javelinlover 27 Sharp and Pointy 28 Mancer 29 Kirsche 30 vigvig 31 Dorian 32 Juliette 33 Koneko 34 Nightmare 35 Jiac 36 Faerie Knight 37 Redja12 [spoiler=full alias list] 1 Amber 2 Arboneow 3 Audible 4 Bourbon 5 Bridge 6 Chaton 7 Cipher 8 Cosmos 9 Crayola 10 Fallacy 11 Flapjack 12 Foucault 13 Glade 14 Grimm 15 Guilt 16 Hastur 17 Hope 18 Isabelle 19 Lackadaisical 20 Leaf 21 Magane 22 mediocre 23 Miracle 24 Mountain 25 Neon 26 Nightfall 27 nobody 28 Poutine 29 rhythm 30 Rundas 31 RX-93 ν Gundam 32 Several 33 Stan 34 Tharja 35 Tiramisu 36 Tuls 37 you [spoiler=players dead] [spoiler=aliases dead] Useful links Night 1 start End of Night 1 End of Night 2 End of Night 3 End of Night 4 End of Night 5
  14. Because everyone loves mafia games spawned from outdated jokes. [spoiler=RULES AND MECHANICS] RULES 1. I'm the host, and what I say goes. Edits to these rules may come at any time, although you will be informed if this occurs. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 4. Don't talk to dead people, don't talk to non-players who aren't hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots and posting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. 6. Don't edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, I'll see to it that it doesn't happen. 9. Don't be an asshole. Mafia is a game, not a place for you to scream at people. 10. Have fun. MECHANICS 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Days last for roughly 72 hours, while nights last for 24. These will probably be bent for my convenience. 3. After Day 1, a hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the number of players alive in order to hammer. 4. If two day phases pass with no lynch target (intentional or otherwise), universal loss will occur. 5. You will be informed if your action fails or hits an unintended target. 6. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential *YLO will not be. 7. Players who die will have their alignment and role flipped in thread, but the full role pm will remain hidden. 8. This game is not bastard. 9. Play against the setup at your own risk. Setup gaming is unlikely to take you very far. 10. There are at least two non-town factions in this game; the Mafia and the Werewolves. Others may also exist, but are not confirmed. Need 18 players to fill the playerlist. If somehow we get more I'll RNG it. Signups (0): -pls halp
  15. Welcome to the smallest large game of the year. This is a game for 16 players, checked by Kaoz. The rules are the following: [spoiler=Rules]1. This game is NOC, follow the spirit of the game and don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Being dead doesn't count as being given permission, so living players contacting dead players to comment on the game and viceversa are not allowed. Post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). If you don't want to talk about the game in public, you may also post your thoughts on your Role PM anytime. 2. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. You can't talk during the night. Please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting once every 24 hours, otherwise two prods will likely result in forced replacement. 3. Don't talk after the hammer, specially if you are the player being lynched. 4. Lynches require a majority of votes to happen. If there is no majority, the game will end in a universal loss. No lynch may be reached by 1/3 or more of alive players voting no lynch at phase end. 5. We will not announce potential mylo/lylo variants. Standard LyLo or MyLo will be announced. 6. You will be informed if your action is blocked or redirected. 7. No jesters or other bastard mod elements. 8. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a mod kill. Flavorspec is discouraged but allowed. 9. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon (a.k.a: throwing the game) will result in an automatic loss for the player involved regardless of alignment and potential consequences towards the ability to sign up for our future games. This includes powerlurking through several phases as town-aligned. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact us and ask. 10. Self targetting isn't allowed unless specified otherwise. 11. If you feel that a game or general forum rule was violated, please do not post about it in the game thread, but contact one of the following people instead: - Mitsuki - Vhaltz - Kaoz - Eclipse Game Start link Fighting for Batman (6/16): - YOLOSWAG - Lord Gaius Shin - JBCWK - J Elieson - Dreamer - Refa Batmurdered people: - Great Lord Diego - Lynched D1. Batprofile Checker, Town weak cop - Supershyguy (Clarinets) - Lynched D2. Shark Repellent Batspray, Town doc - Proto and Blitz - Killed N2. Batrobin! Arsonist Roleblocker - Izhuark - Killed N2. Batlucky Person, Town Jack of all Functional Vanillas - MancerNecro - Lynched D3. Batsignal, Town Morse announcer - Green Poet - Killed N3. The Batkid!!!!!!!!!! Town 2-shot friendly neighbour - Tiny Goddess - Lynched D4. The Joker, Mafia Jack of all Trades - Balcerzak- Killed N4. Batflanders, Town Neighbour - King Gilgamesh Baldrick - Lynched D5. The BATAGENT, Town Agent - The3rdCorinthian Sniper Knight - Killed N5. Batcop, Town Tracker Hosts: - Mitsuki - Vholtz
  16. Mafia sucks! This is pretty much just a 10p concept game. Roles are very manageable so new players are welcome, but veterans might find some fun with this game as well. Rules tl;dr: 72 hour days, 24 hour nights as usual. Days 1 and 2 can end with majority lynch. If you're noticeably inactive you're likely to be replaced out. The full stuff is down below. [spoiler=Rules]1. This game is NOC, follow the spirit of the game and don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Being dead doesn't count as being given permission, so living players contacting dead players to comment on the game and viceversa are not allowed. Post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). If you don't want to talk about the game in public, you may also post your thoughts on your Role PM anytime. 2. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. Please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting once every 24 hours, otherwise two prods will likely result in forced replacement. Days 3 onwards can be reduced to 48 hour length if the playerlist agrees on it before the start of the game. 3. Don't talk after the hammer, specially if you are the player being lynched. 4. Lynches require a majority of votes to happen from Day 3 onwards. If there is no majority, the game will end in a universal loss. No lynch may be reached by 1/3 or more of alive players voting no lynch at phase end. Days 1 and 2 don't require a hammer, so the player with the most votes at the end of the phase will be lynched. Deliberate or neglectful vote ties will result in bad things happening. 5. LyLo or MyLo will be announced normally. 6. You will be informed if your action is blocked or redirected. 7. No jesters or other bastard mod elements. 8. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a mod kill. Flavorspec is discouraged but allowed. 9. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon (a.k.a: throwing the game) will result in an automatic loss for the player involved regardless of alignment and potential consequences towards the ability to sign up for our future games. This includes powerlurking through several phases as town-aligned. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact us and ask. 10. Self targetting isn't allowed unless specified otherwise. 11. If you feel that a game or general forum rule was violated, please do not post about it in the game thread, but contact one of the following people instead: - Mitsuki - Vhaltz - Kaoz - Eclipse - Balcerzak Player list (10/10) - Izhuark - NHG - Clarinets - Rapier - Gaius - Splodge - Poly - SB - Refa - Tiny Goddess subs for rapier: - Elieson
  17. [spoiler=rules]1. The game is non-bastard. 2. This game is NOC. Don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Please post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). 3. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. Prod-dodging posts will not be considered towards activity, please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting for long periods of time, otherwise two prods will result in forced replacement or modkill. 4. Lynches require hammering except during D1, where a majority lynch may happen. In the following phases failure to hammer will result in No Lynch, and the second no lynch in the game will result in a universal loss. Don't talk after the hammer. 5. LyLo will be anounced regardless of it being true LyLo, MyLo or potential MyLo/LyLo 6. You will be informed if your action fails or is redirected. 7. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a modkill. Flavorspec through character names and the sort is discouraged but allowed. 8. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon will result in automatic loss for the player involved regardless of the game outcome. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact me and ask. Player List (13/13) - kirsche - Boron Lord Gaius - Dandragon - Cosmicdude - Marth - Shinori - Junko - Refa - Disco Kawaii - Izhuark - Quote - Roxas - Terrador [spoiler=Deaded]- Terrador. Astrid, mafia 2-shot ninja w/ Paragon/Savior. Lynched Day 1. - Refa. Haar, VT w/ Guard/Provoke. Killed Night 1. - TheCosmicDude. Devdan, mafia Roleblocker w/ Serenity/Wrath. Lynched Day 2. - Quote. Tauroneo, Doctor w/ Resolve/Smite. Killed Night 2. - Izhuark. Nasir, Mass Caffeinator w/ Nihil. Killed Night 2. - Roxas. Sothe, VT w/ Thief. Lynched Day 3. - Marth. Lethe, Tracker w/ Halfshit/Fullshift. Killed Night 3. Subs - The3rdCorinthian - eclipse - Gilgamesh - Rapier - Blitz - Crysta - Gaius - zerosaber
  18. Vhaltz

    FE9 Mafia Signups

    [spoiler=rules]1. The game is non-bastard. 2. This game is NOC. Don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Please post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). 3. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. Prod-dodging posts will not be considered towards activity, please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting for long periods of time, otherwise two prods will result in forced replacement or modkill. 4. Lynches require hammering except during D1, where a majority lynch may happen. In the following phases failure to hammer will result in No Lynch, and the second no lynch in the game will result in a universal loss. Don't talk after the hammer. 5. LyLo will be anounced regardless of it being true LyLo, MyLo or potential MyLo/LyLo 6. You will be informed if your action fails or is redirected. 7. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a modkill. Flavorspec through character names and the sort is discouraged but allowed. 8. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon will result in automatic loss for the player involved regardless of the game outcome. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact me and ask. The rules are the same as those in Guitar Mafia, but this game has skills other than roles, which can give people stuff like modifiers, passive abilities or actual role-like powers. Fire emblem 9 was cool so I decided to make a cool setup for it, join the game! Player List (13/13) - kirsche - Boron - Dandragon - Cosmicdude - Marth - Shinori - Junko - Refa - Disco Kawaii - Izhuark - Quote - Roxas - Terrador Subs - The3rdCorinthian - eclipse - Gilgamesh - Rapier - Blitz - (Crysta (14th)) - (Gaius (17th)) - zerosaber?
  19. Because starting new threads is cool. [spoiler=RULES AND MECHANICS] 0. As the host, I have the right to edit these rules at any time. If this happens, you will be informed. 1. The game is NOC, meaning you don't talk about the game outside of this game thread while it is ongoing. 2. If you're dead, don't talk to anyone who doesn't have access to the graveyard quicktopic. You can ask to be informed, but please don't spoil the rest of the graveyard. 3. Screenshotting and quoting any information given by the host outside of the thread well result in a modkill. 4. Editing posts is banned, although depending on the severity of the edit punishment may be more lax. 5. Should you be modkilled through any fault of your own, you automatically lose. Tactical modkills are even lamer and will be dealt with accordingly. 6. Prods will go out to anyone who doesn't post for 24 hours. If I have to keep prodding players, they will be subbed out or modkilled, depending on the availability of subs. 7. Play to win, but don't spoil the enjoyment of others. 8. The game starts on Day 1. 9. Nights last for 24 hours, days last for 72 hours. You may not talk during the night phase. 10. If your action fails or is redirected, you will be informed as such. 11. A hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the total votes in order to hammer. Failure to achieve a lynch twice will result in universal loss. 12. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential or not will not be announced. 12a. *YLO is defined as when an anti-town faction can win after a no lynch/mislynch. Town may be outnumbered before this warning appears. 13. When players die, they flip in full - role pm and all. 14. There are no Vanilla Townies or Mafia Goons in the game. 15. This is not a Bastard Mod game. Players (4 Alive): -MancerNecro BBM -Omega -Prims -zerosabers Bluedoom -dandragon - Bombtracker, Town Rogue, was lynched D1 -Eurykins - The Ghost of Manix, Town Limited Treestump, was stumped N1 -Shinori - Elieson the Idling Serial Killer, The Wolf, was lynched D2 -King Gilgamesh - Weak Watcher Survivor, Mafia Self-Watcher/Jack of all Trades, was killed N2 -eclipse - Psych Outing His Team, Town Loud Tracker/Neighbour, was killed N2 -Hannah - Scumfriends, Town Neighbour, was lynched D3 -J - No Items, BBM Only, Final Destination, Town Ascetic/1-shot Lightningrod, was killed N3 -Lord Gaius - LTCing Mafia, Town Follower/Hammerer, lynched D4 -Gorf - Unlimited Vig Works, Town Insomniac/1-shot Public Nightvig, was killed N4 -Elieson - Kelsey Green, Mafia Stealth Mayor/Inspector/Hijacker, was lynched D5 -Weapons Snike - Negotiating With Neutrals, Town Third Party Cop, was killed N5 Links: Day 1 Night 1 Day 2 Night 2 Day 3 Night 3 Day 4 Night 4 Day 5 Night 5 Day 6
  20. Okay the title is kind of misleading it's more like memorable moments but that's nowhere near as catchy. Checked by Manix. [spoiler=RULES AND MECHANICS] 0. As the host, I have the right to edit these rules at any time. If this happens, you will be informed. 1. The game is NOC, meaning you don't talk about the game outside of this game thread while it is ongoing. 2. If you're dead, don't talk to anyone who doesn't have access to the graveyard quicktopic. You can ask to be informed, but please don't spoil the rest of the graveyard. 3. Screenshotting and quoting any information given by the host outside of the thread well result in a modkill. 4. Editing posts is banned, although depending on the severity of the edit punishment may be more lax. 5. Should you be modkilled through any fault of your own, you automatically lose. Tactical modkills are even lamer and will be dealt with accordingly. 6. Prods will go out to anyone who doesn't post for 24 hours. If I have to keep prodding players, they will be subbed out or modkilled, depending on the availability of subs. 7. Play to win, but don't spoil the enjoyment of others. 8. The game starts on Day 1. 9. Nights last for 24 hours, days last for 72 hours. You may not talk during the night phase. 10. If your action fails or is redirected, you will be informed as such. 11. A hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the total votes in order to hammer. Failure to achieve a lynch twice will result in universal loss. 12. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential or not will not be announced. 12a. *YLO is defined as when an anti-town faction can win after a no lynch/mislynch. Town may be outnumbered before this warning appears. 13. When players die, they flip in full - role pm and all. 14. There are no Vanilla Townies or Mafia Goons in the game. 15. This is not a Bastard Mod game. The roles in this game are all based off of memorable moments in previous SFMafia games and things that have happened in the community. While flavour knowledge isn't required to play, references might be lost on you. This game is fairly roleheavy, but theoretically balanced. Signups: 1. zerosabers 2. Elieson 3. Prims (after Wednesday) 4. WeaponsofMassConstruction 5. Hannah 6. KingGilgamesh 7. Lord Gaius 8. Omega 9. dandragon 10. Gorf 11. J 12. MancerNecro 13. Bluedoom 14. Randa (after Friday) 15. eclipse 16. Eurykins 17. Shinori Not accepting IO requests until after the game is underway. If I get over 15 signups, I'll RNG who gets into the game.
  21. so, I want to play eimm, but, there hasn't been an eimm this time around. I wanna change that and therefore host one myself, lol (Kaoz says it is okay if I made a topic). The game will be basically eicyormm, as the one hosted by Paperblade, here mostly due to me liking it better popular opinion.The game will basically be hosted sometime around early July (depending on other games running, unfortunately). Since this will be my first hosting EVER!! please excuse the mistakes that I may make (which is very likely). Rules and Mechanics (mostly copied from buddycops and also eicyormm) General: -No deadtalking, no screenshotting. Please. - Edit posts at your own risk. I won't punish you for it, but other players might. -Posting in thread and communicating via Outside Contact is fine, just try not to spam the thread. You may start talking to others the moment you get a role PM -Once I receive all actions, and publicly declare it, actions are considered locked and phase ends. -If you're going to change actions, send me a new message as opposed to editing earlier messages, this will make action changes harder to miss. - Invite me to SF PMs, PM me Skype and IRC logs. - Don't invite people to PMs if they weren't originally a party to them, unless they are a host or co-host. - Talk to dead people / non-players at your own risk. -No being a jerk, beyond what is normal for EIMMs. That being said, play to win or just have fun~ -N1 and N2 are 48 hours each. N3 and onward are 24 hours. -Please do not abuse loopholes Basic Mechanics: -Everyone will have at least one Bullet Proof Vest (BPV) to start. All users have a base factional kill. You will be notified if your BPV has been hit because of a factional kill. A BPV will only protect against one hit. If you are targeted by more killing actions than vests that you have during a night, you will still die. - If you fail to submit an action during the night without prior warning, you also risk death. -This game uses aliases. -Every player is on the player list. -no subs or ios -You can't target yourself. -You can target the dead, but I can't guarantee that will do anything. -You win if you are one of the last members 6 remaining alive at the end of the game (edited yet again because I got even more people signed up than I expected at first. Basically, it is still 10% of the total number of players signing up rounded to 1 significant figures) -No players will have alternative win conditions -Win conditions cannot be changed to anything else -If your Role PM contradicts these rules, go with your Role PM (win condition will not be part of role PMs) -special rule, outing is not allowed, once you enter, your signed up character and alias will remain for the game Sign up rules (please read) -PM me a character (please also mention franchise/world character is from) and an alias (you may use old PMs, if you want). You do not need to post on thread. -You may also add a role that you want for said character's flavor. I may or may not give it to you, depending on how the other roles are, but it is more likely I will edit the roles -I will try to make every role in the game as close to something I would enjoy using which will not break the game -The PM will be used as the role PM -There are no limitations to the number of players (probably) I would like to have a lot of people to sign up, because I believe these games are more fun with more people. I may be quite slow at updating after phases end, so please be patient. The fact also remains that this game and a joke game at that. Games are meant to be enjoyed, so do not take it too seriously. I would also advise you to not hold a grudge if something bad happens and think of paying the person (you want to payback that is) next game. Also, forgive me for forgetting something I was not supposed to, if that is the case. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to post them here. People who signed up (Refa's request) [spoiler=full list] 1. Euklyd 2. Kirsche 3. Elieson 4. Lord Gaius 5. Prims 6. Koneko 7. Kinumi 8. Nightmare 9. Makaze 10. Monde 11. Febro 12. Crysta 13. BBM 14. Belisarius 15. Quote/Bizz 16. Refa 17. PKLucas531 18. Paperblade 19. Reinfleche 20. Snike 21. WoMC/Weapons of Mass Construction 22. Mitsuki 23. CT075/Cam 24. SB 25. Rapier 26. Sunwoo/Boron 27. Balcerzak 28. Chen 29. Ciraxis 30. Blackhawk Stinger/Poly 31. M'Goltan 32. Junko 33. Frosty Fire Mage/FFM 34. Juliette 35. Iris 36. Wasser 37. Dandragon 38. Dormio 39. Marth/Bluedoom/Magnificence Incarnate 40. Kay 41. Baldrick 42. Green Poet 43. Proto 44. Darros 45. j00 46. Xinnidy 47. Thrashmaximum 48. Kao 49. Summer/Jiac 50. Tonton 51. Agape 52. LuxSpecs 53. Hannah 54. Mancer 55. Vhaltz 56. Lexa 57. Trisitei/Shockmaster Player remaining 1 Euklyd 2 Elieson 3 Kinumi 4 Monde 5 Crysta 6 Refa 7 Balcerzak 8 Chen 9 Paperblade 10 LuxSpecs 11 Hannah 12 Mancer [spoiler=Players dead] N-1 Belisarius Quote Weapons of Mass Construction Cam SB Rapier FFM Iris j00 Thrashmaximum N-2 Makaze PKLucas Snike Mitsuki Reinfleche Vex Dandragon Dormio Kay Darros Xinnidy Jiac Vhaltz Shockmaster N-3 Kirsche Prims Koneko Junko Boron Poly M'Goltan Juliette Proto Kao Tonton Agape Lexa N-4 Lord Gaius Nightmare Febro BBM Ciraxis Marth Green Poet Baldrick Alias list [spoiler=full list] 1 Absolution 2 Acer 3 Aina 4 applesandoranges 5 Artemis 6 Ascendant 7 Athena 8 Baldy 9 Carpe Noctem 10 Catfish 11 Cesare 12 Eliosha 13 Estrellas 14 Falling Star 15 Foot 16 Geist 17 Gligarbro 18 Gold Experience 19 Goon1 20 Goon2 21 Gumby 22 Hoppo 23 Ike 24 Integral Calculus 25 Jabberwock 26 Judgement 27 July 28 Kosaku Kawajiri 29 Kuro 30 LocoBrickz 31 M 32 Marballs 33 Mario Kart 34 Marvel 35 MerelyASetback 36 Microphone 37 Mimesis 38 Monado Buster 39 MoreBalls 40 Naoya 41 not the illuminati 42 Orange 43 Philosoraptor 44 Pompom de Terre 45 Ragnar Danneskjöld 46 REDAlice 47 Ruby 48 Sherlock Holmes 49 Shia Labeouf 50 Space Dick 51 Sweg 52 Tailwind 53 THICK SKIN 54 Tom 55 Trayvon Martin 56 Wesker 57 ZIGLUDO-CHAN-SAN-SAMA-SENPAI-SAN-SAMA-SAN-CHAN-SAN-SEMPAI-CHAN Alias remaining 1 Acer 2 Artemis 3 Carpe Noctem 4 Estrellas 5 Jabberwock 6 Philosoraptor 7 Ragnar Danneskjöld 8 REDAlice 9 Ruby 10 Shia Labeouf 11 THICK SKIN 12 Tom [spoiler=Aliases removed] N-1 applesandoranges Gold Experience Gumby Ike LocoBrickz not the illuminati Sherlock Holmes Trayvon Martin Wesker ZIGLUDO-CHAN-SAN-SAMA-SENPAI-SAN-SAMA-SAN-CHAN-SAN-SEMPAI-CHAN N-2 Aina Athena Baldy Cesare Eliosha Falling star Foot Goon1 Hoppo Integral Calculus Judgement Kuro Moreballs Marvel N-3 Catfish Geist Goon2 July Kosaku Kawajiri M Marballs Microphone Monad Buster Naoya Orange Space Dick Tailwind N-4 Absolution Ascendant Gligarbro Mario Kart MerelyAsetback Mimesis Pompom de Terre Sweg Additional information regarding the game: 1. There are no bad roles. There are no weak roles. All of you who didn't get role PM will get what they have been told they will get. There maybe minor power ups, if I feel it was needed. 2. All roles have more than one part at the least 3. The priority of targets will be decided by me depending on what happens following the general rule of night actions from previous night>higher priority role>commute>hook>everything else>end of phase roles 4. though, the exception to the rule is that a hijacker can hijack a hook onto someone else, unless the hijacker was hooked. Similar stuff like that will be decided by me when I have to decide stuff 5. Redirects will not be announced unless your role says they will be 6. Trackers will get alias, while watchers will get player names 7. There are two kinds of trackers, one finds intended target, the other finds targets they were lead to. 8. Flavor in role PM after phase ends will most likely be of use, though, it may not be 9. Please share all your doings with me on skype (mine is flashranite), irc, sf PM, slack (if you haven't joined slack, do so by giving your email), or gmail (mine is <script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script>) 10. If you want any help with fake claims and strategies, let me know, I will try to help you out without outing stuff. Don't try to abuse this though 11. Please don't quote role PMs or screenshot or anything that confirms your role/alias. This will get you vanillized or modkilled. 12. Each night, everyone can respond to their role PM, ##Night-X shoot <alias>, shooting alias with their normal kill. 13. Each player also started with one BPV, unless extra BPV is mentioned in role. 14. Actions not sent in, will be turned to idling 15. No items 16. Theoretical thieves can only steal night kills and BPVs. Stealing has conditions applied though. 17. Thief stealing BPV counts as a shot on target 18. Destroying BPVs take place after kills though. Can be combined in if required, however. 19. All roles have some form of self protection, no matter how weak they maybe. 20. All limited time use actions will not be used up if the user failed to use them, unless specified. 21. Passive abilities cannot be stopped with hooking roles. 22. No walking dead or zombies. No fake deaths either. 23. All roles are unique. All parts are not. All characters are unique too. Anything I forgot to add in.... Useful links N2 flips N3 flips N4 flips
  22. If it matters to anyone, flavour is roughly similar to canon but might have some changes here and there. Similarly to FE11 mafia, don't rely on flavour to the game for you. Remember to read rule stuff before signing up. [spoiler=RULES AND MECHANICS] Rules: 0. As the host, I have the right to edit these rules at any time. If this happens, you will be informed. 1. The game is NOC, meaning you don't talk about the game outside of this game thread while it is ongoing. 2. If you're dead, don't talk to anyone who doesn't have access to the graveyard quicktopic. You can ask to be informed, but please don't spoil the rest of the graveyard. 3. Screenshotting and quoting any information given by the host outside of the thread well result in a modkill. 4. Editing posts is banned, although depending on the severity of the edit punishment may be more lax. 5. Should you be modkilled through any fault of your own, you automatically lose. Tactical modkills are even lamer and will be dealt with accordingly. 6. Prods will go out to anyone who doesn't post for 24 hours. If I have to keep prodding players, they will be subbed out or modkilled, depending on the availability of subs. 7. Play to win, but don't spoil the enjoyment of others. Mechanics: 1. The game starts on Day 1. 2. Nights last for 24 hours, days last for 72 hours. You may not talk during the night phase. 3. If your action fails or is redirected, you will be informed as such. 4. A hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the total votes in order to hammer. Failure to achieve a lynch twice will result in universal loss. 4a. This includes intentional no lynches. 5. (Potential) *YLO will be announced if an anti-town faction is capable of achieving their win condition before the start of the next day phase. Town may lose majority before this is announced, however. 6. The town of the game is Britannia, and the mafia are the Black Knights. 7. There is at least one Britannian Vanilla (Vanilla Townie) in the game. There are fourteen playerslots. First comes first served, in the event that I somehow get more than that. I probably won't accept IOs until the game begins, but feel free to ask after that happens. Alive (11/14): 1. Radiant Dragon Randa 2. Baldrick/Paperblade 3. Refa 4. Elieson 5. Polydeuces 7. Blitz 10. Junko 11. Boron/eclipse 12. Green Poet/Mitsuki 13. Eurykins 14. Kay Weapons Dead (3): 8. kirsche - Rivalz Cardemonde, Britannian Vanilla, lynched Day 1! 9. Proto - Andreas Darlton, Britannian Cop, lynched Day 2! 6. Bluedoom - Lelouch vi Britannia, Black Knights Jack of all Trades, killed Night 2! Other People: Manix (Checker/IO) Events: Day 1 Night 1 Day 2 Night 2 Day 3
  23. Because "Shitty Filler Mafia" probably isn't allowed. Co-hosted by Boron. Rules: 0. As the host, I have the right to edit these rules at any time. If this happens, you will be informed. 1. The game is NOC, meaning you don't talk about the game outside of this game thread while it is ongoing. 2. This game is anonymous, and it's supposed to stay that way. Do NOT reveal your identity while you are playing the game. 3. If you're dead, don't talk to anyone who doesn't have access to the graveyard quicktopic. You can ask to be informed, but please don't spoil the rest of the graveyard. 4. Screenshotting and quoting any information given by the host outside of the thread well result in a modkill. 5. Editing posts is banned, although depending on the severity of the edit punishment may be more lax. 6. Should you be modkilled through any fault of your own, you automatically lose. Tactical modkills are even lamer and will be dealt with accordingly. 7. The game starts on Day 1. 8. Nights last for 24 hours, days last for 72 hours. You may not talk during the night phase. 9. If your action fails or is redirected, you will be informed as such. 10. A hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the total votes in order to hammer. Failure to achieve a lynch twice will result in universal loss. 10a. This includes intentional no lynches. 11. *YLO will not be announced, as you should be able to figure it out for yourselves. 12. Play to win, but don't spoil the enjoyment of others. Setup: 1x Town Rolecop 1x Town 1-Shot Roleblocker 5x Vanilla Townie 1x Mafia 1-Shot Roleblocker 1x Mafia 1-Shot Rolecop -If town/scum Roleblocker cross-target while the mafia RB is on the kill, the mafia RB has higher priority and uses up the 1-shot. -Limited shot roles are not expended if roleblocked otherwise. -Scum can act and kill. Living Players (1): 7. Sanaki, Mafia 1-shot Roleblocker, survived. Dead Players (8): 2. A True Friend, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 1. 1. 2hu porn star, Vanilla Townie, killed Night 1. 3. dondont151, Mafia 1-shot Rolecop, lynched Day 2. 9. Wadatsumi, Town Rolecop, killed Night 2. 8. Supreme Intelligence, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 3. 5. Noerin, Town 1-shot Roleblocker, killed Night 3. 4. Jaraxxus, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 4. 6. Phantom of the Opera, Vanilla Townie, endgamed Day 4. --- While the game isn't starting until Sunday evening, role pms will go out now. Please confirm in thread that you have access to your anon account by posting with it.
  24. The World. A place where you live, and also a video game that many people play. But what happens when suddenly the game becomes more than just a game. People are mysteriously falling into comas in the real world from actions that happen inside the game. Suddenly this world has become a lot more dangerous than previously expected. The easiest solution would be simply to avoid the game but some people just can't do that. Better find out what's wrong before everyone falls into a coma and before the issues happening in this game expand further from just the game. More than you know is at risk. Can you save your friends? Can you save "The World"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIrc0UGuV-w This game will be hosted here and will only involve one thread, unlike the last .hack game that was anonymous and across two separate threads. Just so people know. The game is scheduled to start on a Thursday or a Friday. Most likely next week but if we have enough for it this week then we can start it then. [spoiler=rules]1. This is a limited OC game using an "Email" system. Other than that this game is by all means a NOC game, so don't talk outside of either game thread unless by use of the "Email" system. 2. No quoting anything I tell you outside of thread, this means no quoting role pms, night results, Emails, and definitely no Screenshots. 2a. You may claim your character name and paraphrase your role. 3. Be active. If I don't feel you are active enough I will sub you out or modkill you. 3a. Bare minimum is more posts than the hosts and never missing actions. 4. If someone is modkilled, they lose no matter what. 4.5. You can't break this rule. 5. Don't directly interfere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP. 6. Don't edit posts. 7. Don't post after hammer. 8. Don't break the game by abusing loopholes and what not. If you are unsure, ask, or I will just assume you did it with malicious intent. 9. I'm the mod, my word is law and I reserve the right to add things here if need be. [spoiler=mechanics]1. Not all inspection results are accurate 1.5. Don't trust everything you read. 2. Vote in ##VERB:USER. If you wish to unvote ##Unvote first. 3. If you intend to idle please respond to your role pm with: Night X - Idle. 4. This is a hammer game. A hammer is required for a lynch. If there is no hammer then the first time will result in a no lynch, the second time will be a universal loss. 4a. Hammer is a simple majority. 50%+1 4b. Day one lynch is the only exception to this rule. At the end of day one whoever has the most votes will be lynched. 5. There are no hidden players, there is exactly 19 players in this game. 6. Each day last for 72 hours or until a majority has been reached. Nights are 24 hours long. If I have all night actions in, nights may end early. 7. Hammers and any theoretical day abilities will be used as soon as a mod has seen the action/hammer. 8. You can't target yourself or dead people. 9. This game will start on Day 1. 10. If your role PM contradicts any of these rules, your role PM is right. 11. There are a non-zero number of vanillas in this game. 12. LYLO and MYLO will be announced. 13. Death may not be the end. [spoiler=Email system]This game uses a Limited Outside Contact system called "The Email System". This system allows players to send an anonymous message through the mods to any other player in the game. 1. To send an email please reply to your role PM with "Emailing USER: <MESSAGE GOES HERE>". There is no limit on what can be in the message as long as it abides by all game rules. 2. You can send a message at any time to any player, and it will happen as soon as a mod has seen request. 3. Each user can send two messages each day/night phase. So for Day 1 and night 1 you would have a total of 2 emails to send. 4. Each email has a limit of 500 characters or the email will fail to send. 5. Emails are not anonymous. 5. These emails do not roll over, if they are not used, they are gone forever starting the following day. Sign ups: 1. Radiant Dragon 2. Eurykins 3. Bluedoom 4. Paperblade 5. Mancernecro 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. Subs: 1. Blackhawk stinger 2. Blitz Informed Observers: I'm only going to be taking a very limited amount of these. Pretty much reserved for people who absolutely cannot play or sub at all. 1. Junk
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