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Am the only one who doesn't want to watch Game of Thrones.


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I just don't find any of the actors or characters compelling.

Except for the dwarf guy, and lady with the fucking dragons, I'm not drawn to it.

And my entire peer group is saying I have no cinematic taste despite me being the only one in the group to have seen Citizen Kane, Vertigo, etc.

I mean geezus dice, can't I like what I like without getting insulted for it. I read stuff like Dumas and Hemingway instead of fucking Stephanie Meyer or Hunger Games.

And just because I only enjoy softcore doesn't mean I'm impotent. fucking people

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I would watch it if my family didn't share a television, it looks interesting to me.

It's cool that you like all the classics but the thing about classics is you're always assured that they're good so you don't get the feeling of

joy when you gamble on something new and it turns out to be great as well.

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Same here. It looks interesting but I know I wouldn't enjoy all the porn and violence. Too much blood/realistic big wounds tends to make me queasy. And...I'm 23 and single, I admit I have lust. But that combined with stories that are supposed to be taken seriously is just meh.

Plus I was never much for TV epics. I read books and play video games and enjoy the occasional movie. That's about it.

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I don't have cable so I can't watch it, but I would check it out if I did. I love fantasy and scifi but I also like Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters. I also love Casablanca, but I love to watch the Hobbit as well. Everyone has different tastes and that's a good thing because life would be boring if the people that we talk to had the exact same taste as we do.

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I hear of it.

That's really it.

And the whole story about a teacher threatening his students with spoilers if they don't behave.

A Belgian math teacher threatened to reveal who died in Season 3 of "Game of Thrones" if his noisy classroom didn't start paying attention, the Telegraph reported. He asked his students if they watched "Game of Thrones," and when the majority said they did, he said, "Well, I’ve read all the books. If there is too much noise, I will write the names of the dead on the board."

According to the Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad, the teacher began writing names of dead characters on the board when the class refused to quiet down.

One student wrote about the incident on French forum DanstonChat.com (in an English translation of the original text), "My math teacher is a genius." After the teacher spoiled who died, the student described, "About 20 people sighed in disgust. Well I can tell you that there's been a religious silence during the last lesson."

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I hear of it.

That's really it.

And the whole story about a teacher threatening his students with spoilers if they don't behave.

I love that story.

I would watch it if my family didn't share a television, it looks interesting to me.

This always amuses me. My parents adore that show and its kind of a ritual in the household when a season is airing. Its an event. We all gather in the living room at 6pm on sundays with magnum ice creams, and then the familiar music begins playing. Oh yes...it is joy.

It looks interesting but I know I wouldn't enjoy all the porn and violence

porn? Where? I think the overstating of nudity and sex scenes in the show is fucking hilarious. Like, "Oh no! theres boobs on tv! PORN!!!! SHAMEFUL!" Hell, its got much less sexual content than Spartacus (Showtime) and Black Sails does. Game of Thrones has actually toned down some stuff in the last season. On the violence end of the spectrum, yeah that is a thing, ill admit. Its pretty damn gory.

One thing that lots of people dont really realize, is that a lot of the sex and violence is canon. Like, its in the books. Hell, a lot of season 2 and 3 stuff involving Tyrion and Shae was hella toned down in the show. Dany actually gets naked less in the show. I think the only character who gets naked more in the show than the books is Melisandre. /shrug

Also, Arya's whole character arc is a bit different. In the books, her arc gets kinda freaking violent in places. Moreso than what you see on the show.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I quit watching the show after S1 because whilst the raw events of the plot are covered acceptably, what made the books capture me initially was the well defined and interesting characters, and the monologues they were would have repeatedly. That's just the difference between a novel and a show I suppose, although I have watched series that made the leap well. Essentially, the TV show feels more event driven than the novels, and the reduced characterisation makes it a world less interesting.

Side note though, it started going downhill in book 4 and I'm pretty much done after book 5.

Edited by Irysa
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My parents adore that show and its kind of a ritual in the household when a season is airing. Its an event. We all gather in the living room at 6pm on sundays with magnum ice creams, and then the familiar music begins playing. Oh yes...it is joy.

My mom hates gory shows and games and doesn't like the idea of my younger brother (or anyone under 17) watching sex scenes. The living room, unfortunately, is the only place with a TV with HD and proper heat distribution and comfort. I never understood why she dislikes Shawn of the Dead so much but enjoys Hot Fuzz despite them being equally as gory. She also enjoyed Attack on Titan when my brother showed it to her. I don't have cable anymore either so...
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despite me being the only one in the group to have seen Citizen Kane, Vertigo, etc.

this viewpoint makes you literally the same as the thing you're raging against hth

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But that doesn't help explain why you think so.

friend sez: u dont like got therefore u have no taste

op sez: u havent watched citizen kane therefore u have no taste

EDIT: i mean its really simple, thing > thing is the same opinion as thing < thing essentially

EDIT2: and no "old thing > new thing" is not some sublime winning twist

Edited by Integrity
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friend sez: u dont like got therefore u have no taste

op sez: u havent watched citizen kane therefore u have no taste

EDIT: i mean its really simple, thing > thing is the same opinion as thing < thing essentially

EDIT2: and no "old thing > new thing" is not some sublime winning twist

I think you just started an intellectual revolution.

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