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Thane's guide to basic Fire Emblem Fates kanji


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I got you there bro

進撃準備: battle preparations

- 進撃 (shingeki): to advance, in a combat context (you may recognize this from Attack on Titan's Japanese name Shingeki no Kyojin)

- 準備 (junbi): prepare

戦闘開始: begin fight

- 戦闘 (sentou): battle, I think you have this already

- 開始 (kaishi): begin

指南 (shinan): guide, instruction

環境 (kankyou): environment (leads to 'Options' in this context)

決定 (kettei): decision (as in OK; what the A button usually does)

選択 (sentaku): select

配置 (haichi): arrangement (referring to your units' starting positions)

身支度 (mijitaku): outfit (i.e. inventory; was called outfit in some previous games)

支援会話: support conversations

- 支援 (shien): support

- 会話 (kaiwa): conversation

スキル着脱: equip skills

- 着脱 (chakudatsu): attaching and detaching

戻る (modoru): return

出撃 (shutsugeki): sortie

Edited by Bovinian
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環境 was used back in Awakening as well.

Thanks, I'll fix it.

Just out of curiosity, how does the meaning of 環境 tie into the options menu in this context? I want to understand x__x

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Well...imo it's mostly an arbitrary thing. You could say stuff like BGM volume and grid opacity are environmental settings, but then again, there's really no reason to not call it "Options" instead. IS wants to be the hipstah.

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Hey, thanks guys! I just missed two words, namely the "battle preparations" and "environment", or guide in this case. I couldn't make out the kanji in the video and I had to go to bed, so I appreciate your help!

I'll take a look at classes and terrain later, although I'm busy all day, so it'll be tomorrow at the earliest.

Do you guys think I should use the spoiler tags to organize things? The list is getting a bit long, so it might be for the best.

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Spoiler tags would definitely help, yeah. You could separate them into categories such as "classes", "weapons", "conversational", and so on.

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Spoiler tags would definitely help, yeah. You could separate them into categories such as "classes", "weapons", "conversational", and so on.

That's the idea since I've already structured it like that anyway, albeit in a more clumsy manner. I'll also add all the kanji details to all the words since I've skipped the ones I've already written up until now, which was very stupid in hindsight.

Ah well, tomorrow, I've got garden work to do today!

Edited by Thane
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Thanks, I'll fix it.

Just out of curiosity, how does the meaning of 環境 tie into the options menu in this context? I want to understand x__x

環境 = environment/surroundings

Maybe it's something like Map Tilt?

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I just updated the list. I added the kanji for "vein" for the ability "Dragon's Vein" and I made sure to include details for every kanji in a word and not just for those I hadn't previously covered. A bad idea to begin with, but at least I have corrected it now.

Things are actually looking pretty decent! Maybe I should add all the classes and maybe some environments but as it stands now this should help a lot of people, I hope.

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Wanted to add these:

In Awakening, the command for "Talk" (e.g. when recruiting Tharja) is 会話 (Kaiwa). I'm assuming this is unchanged in if.

Iirc, Magic is usually 魔法 (Mahou) instead of 魔道.

Hoshidan magic is called 呪 (Noroi, curses), and the weapon type is 呪術 (Noroijutsu, curse techniques). Hoshidan staves are 祓串 (Haraegushi, basically ceremonial sacred tree branches).

身支度 is correct.

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So this is my first Japanese import, so this guide here is going to be extremely useful. I can understand the language well enough to know what their saying but I can't read their writing at all.

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I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for this, but does anyone have the complete list of kanji/kana/whatever for everything?

Well everything might be a bit too much

There have been translations for the Chapter names, but I'd like the japanese as well.

There was a list of weapon names on FEIF wiki in japanese, but it's gone now, so it's a bit sad.

Plus Skills as well I think, so many problems.

It's not a complete priority though, except for cases where the english name is't known

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I've been thinking about expanding the list after I've played through both routes (I'm nearing the end of Nohr now and I finished Hoshido a few days ago). Certain kanji are repeated a LOT, so it should be a priority to learn them.

That said, this is not exactly a thread for understanding absolutely everything - we've got people who actually speak proper Japanese and work much, much harder than I for that. This is thread is partially for learning and partially for understanding the fundamentals, like weapons, stats and so on.

Skills and classes are definitely a priority, although the skills are already on this very site.

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They're not really a problem, more so like, trying to find the names of say, some of the weapons (though they're slowly being added in english)

99% of the reason though, is so that we have both the english and japanese name for the wiki, but that's not as important as the english name itself though

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They're not really a problem, more so like, trying to find the names of say, some of the weapons (though they're slowly being added in english)

99% of the reason though, is so that we have both the english and japanese name for the wiki, but that's not as important as the english name itself though

I stopped updating the weapons thread because Vincent would get around to all of them eventually (and has access to all of the numbers while I don't), but I can at least fill in all of the weapon names with their translations if it will come in handy.

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I'm on chapter 12 of Hoshido and I have no idea what the victory conditions are, OP's post didnt seem to help any

edit: figured it out.

had to stand on a certain spot for more than 1 turn. weird victory condition

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Yep, I knew the hono part, and I could recognise it, it's kind of obvious of sorts, but they definitely do talk about it a few times , though I can't recall exactly when, so plot!.

It's also because the term is always in brackets.

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  • 2 weeks later...
琴= こと= Koto
傷薬= きずぐすり= Kizu kusuri
上= でっち上げ= Detchiage
信頼の種= Shinrai no tane
Seed Of Trust
キー Toki
Chest key would be this syllable in the end meaning "Key"
主音= トニック
エリキシル Erikishiru
蚩= ばかな=Bakana
自由= Jiyu
Era, Peace
Shinjitsu= Truth
しめい shimei 使命 mission
Good Fortune
研修 - けんしゅう= Kenshuu
何 nani
Thank you




Words that will help with the Fire Emblem franchise as it often speaks of these words in the games.
*Sigh* Better yet...this is how I learn Japanese...

Japanese Words
asa morning
inu dog
umi the sea
eki station
okane money
kasa umbrella
ki tree
kuruma car
kemuri smoke
koe voice
sakana fish
shio salt
sushi sushi
sekai world
sora sky
take bamboo
chi blood
tsuki moon
tenki weather
tokei watch, clock
namae name
nihon Japan
numa marsh
neko cat
nohara field
hata flag
hikari light
fune ship
heya room
hoshi star
makura pillow
mise store
mushi insect
me eye
momo peach
yama mountain
yuki snow
yoru night
rakuda camel
risu squirrel
rusu absence
rekishi history
rousoku candle
wata cotton
mon gate
Hajimemashite. How do you do?
Douzo yoroshiku. Nice to meet you.
Ohayou gozaimasu. Good morning.
Oyasuminasai. Good night.
Arigatou. Thank you.
Dou itashimashite. You are welcome.
Sumimasen. I am sorry, Excuse me.
amerika America
igirisu England
ukuraina Ukraine
ejiputo Egypt
oranda Holland
kanada Canada
kyanpu camp k
uizu quiz kenia
koohii coffee
sakkaa soccer
shawaa shower
suisu Switzerland
seetaa sweater
sofaa sofa
takushii taxi
chesu chess
tsuaa tour tenisu
tomato tomato
naifu knife
nyuusu news
nugaa nougat
nekutai tie
noruuee Norway
haapu harp
hinto hint
furansu France
heburai Hebrew
hoteru hotel
mareeshia Malaysia
myuujikaru musical
muudo mood
mekishiko Mexico
monako Monaco
yankii Yankee
yudaya Judea
yooroppa Europe
rajio radio
riigu league
rubii ruby
rebanon Lebanon
roketto rocket
wain wine
rondon London
Doitsu (Germany) 357,000 km²
Furansu (France) 547,000 km²
Igirisu (England) 244,000 km² Itaria (Italy) 301,000 km²
Nyuujiirando (New Zealand) 269,000 km²
Betonamu (Viet Nam) 330,000 km²
English is a subject-verb-object language. (so are French, Spanish, etc.) Japanese is a subject-object-verb language. (so are Korean, Turkish, etc.) Generally the subject comes first, then the object and the verb comes at the end of the sentence.
subject object verb
Tanaka-san wa
Mr. Tanaka ringo o
apple tabemasu.
Tom-san wa
Tom terebi o
TV mimashita.
"San" is a title of respect added to a name. (so it can not be used when referring to oneself.)
"Wa and "O" are particles. They are like English prepositions, but they always come after nouns. Particles are very important for proper Japanese sentence structure. I will introduce them gradually later.
Japanese uses subject, object, then verb in the japanese sentence here
English is used subject, verb, and object in the english sentences here
Composing questions in Japanese is easy! The word order remains the same, and a sentence becomes a question by adding the particle "ka" at the end. Question marks are not used in Japanese.
Tanaka-san wa ringo o tabemasu ka. Does Mr. Tanaka eat apples?
Tom-san wa terebi o mimashita ka. Did Tom watch TV?
Hiragana Lessons
Japanese writing systems
There are 46 hiragana characters for 46 different sounds. Hiragana are used for expressing "grammatical" elements such as particles, and endings of adjectives and verbs which show tenses, etc. Kanji are used for expressing "meaningful" elements such as nouns and stems of adjectives and verbs.
It is possible to write entire Japanese sentences in hiragana. If an adult forgets certain kanji which are rarely used, he/she may substitute hiragana for them. Since the basic 46 hiragana symbols and some modifications of the suffice for all Japanese sounds, Japanese children start to read and write Japanese all in hiragana before making an attempt to learn some of the two thousand kanji currently used.
gakkou school shogakkou elementary school chugakkou junior high school kotogakkou (koukou) high school daigaku university gakusei student
Katakana Lessons
Japanese writing systems
Katakana is used when writing down foreign names, places, and words of foreign origin (If you are not from Japan, your name can be written in katakana). Without knowing katakana, one might find it almost impossible to order fast food in Japan, or read billboards on the street. This is because Japan uses so many words borrowed from other languages The structure of katakana is similar to hiragana (if you know one the other is easy to learn). The main difference between the two is katakana is composed of straight lines, where hiragana uses curved lines.
Kanji Lessons
Japanese writing systems
It is said that 50,000 kanji characters exist, though only about 5,000 to 10,000 are commonly used. After W.W.II, the Japanese government designated 1,945 basic characters as "Jooyoo Kanji (commonly used kanji)," which are used in textbooks and official writings. In Japan, one learns about 996 basic characters from "Jooyoo Kanji," in elementary school. A lot of time is spent at school to learn kanji.
From "Questions of the week": How many kanji do I need to learn to read Japanese?
How many kanji do I need to learn to read Japanese?
A. Japanese is written in a combination of three scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji, originated from Chinese characters. They were introduced to Japan nearly 2,000 years ago. Several centuries later, hiragana and katakana developed from kanji to express Japanese syllables phonetically.
If you wish to become proficient in reading and writing Japanese, you need to learn kanji. However if you are a beginner, I recommend you learn hiragana and katakana first, then kanji. Japanese schoolchildren also learn hiragana and katakana first. It is possible to write entire Japanese sentences in hiragana. Even after mastering kanji, when you forget or don't know the kanji characters for a word, you can write it in hiragana phonetically.
It is said that some 50,000 kanji exist. However, many kanji are not necessarily used in daily life. The Japanese Ministry of Education designated 1,945 characters as Jooyoo Kanji, which are the most frequently used characters. It would be very helpful to learn all Jooyoo Kanji, but the basic 1,000 characters are sufficient to read about 90% of the kanji used in a newspaper (about 60% with 500 characters). Since children's books use less kanji, they would be a good resource to practice your reading.
Kanji Lessons
Japanese writing systems
Each kanji character has at least two readings. One is the "on" (Chinese derived) reading, and the other is the "kun" (native Japanese) reading. For example: the word mountain in its "on" reading is "san," but the Japanese also use the native "kun" reading of "yama". Kanji's main use is as the roots of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
ambition (Yabou) beauty (Bi)
belief (Shinnen) bravery (Yuukan)
buddhism (Bukkyou) courage (Yuuki)
the code of the samurai (Bushidou) desire (Yokubou)
dragon (Ryuu) dream (yume)
enlightenment (Satori) eternity (Eien)
freedom (Jiyuu) friendship (Yuujou)
god (Kami) happiness (Koufuku)
honor (Meiyo) hope (Kibou)
ideal (Risou) illusion (Gensou)
justice (Seigi) legend (Densetsu)
love (Ai) loyalty (Chuujitsu)
meditation (Mokusou) moon (Tsuki)
nature (Shizen) ocean (Umi)
passion (Jounetsu) peace(Heiwa)
perfect (Kanzen) power (Chikara)
pride (Hokori) promise (Yakusoku)
rainbow (Niji) respect (Sonkei)
samurai secret (Himitsu)
sky (Sora) shogun
star (Hoshi) soul (Tamashii)
spirit (Seishin) success (Seikou)
sun (Taiyou) truth (Shinjitsu)
universe (Uchuu) victory (Shouri)
wisdom (Chie) zen
achievement (Tassei)
adventure (Bouken)
ancestor (Senzo)
art (Geijutsu)
bond (Kizuna)
cooperation (Kyouryoku)
creation (Souzou)
destiny (Unmei)
dignity (Igen)
elegance (Yuuga)
enviroment (Kankyou)
era (Jidai)
generosity (Kandai)
glory (Eikou)
gorgeous (Gouka)
hallucination (Genkaku)
harmony (Chouwa)
hero (Eiyuu)
imagination (Souzou)
jealousy (Shitto)
kaileidoscope (Mangekyou)
mercy (Jihi)
milky way (Ama no gawa)
miracle (Kiseki)
music (Ongaku)
myth (Shinwa)
patience (Nintai)
planet (Wakusei)
poem (Shi)
prosperity (Hanei)
pure (Junsui)
rebirth (Saisei)
religious faith
(Shinkou) ronin
self confidence (Jishin)
sentiment (Kanshou)
shooting star (Ryuusei)
silence (Chinmoku)
sincerity (Seijitsu)
solitude (Kodoku)
song (Uta)
talent (Sainou)
tear (Namida)
thought (Shisou)
tiger (Tora)
trust (Shinrai)
virtue (Kudoku)
wolf (Ookami)
accomplishment (Jouju)
baptism (Senrei)
blessing (Shukufuku)
buddha (Budda)
calligraphy (Shodou)
celebrated sword (Meitou)
century (Seiki)
civilization (Bunmei)
constellation (Seiza)
devotion (Kenshin)
discovery (Hakken)
effort (Doryoku)
emporor (Tennou)
enthusiasm (Nekkyou)
existence (Sonzai)
experience (Keiken)
fireworks (Hanabi)
friend (Tomodachi)
future (Mirai)
hobby (Shumi)
honesty (Shoujiki)
husband and wife (Fuufu)
importance (Juuyou)
independence (Dokuritsu)
invention (Hatsumei)
kindness (Shinsetsu)
leap (Hiyaku)
magic spell (Jumon)
martial arts (Budou)
martyrdom (Junkyou)
mirage (Shinkirou)
morality (Doutoku)
promotion (Shoushin)
proof (Shoumei)
religion (Shuukyou)
reputation (Hyouban)
responsibility (Sekinin)
revenge (Fukushuu)
sacred fire (Seika)
saint (Seijin)
smile (Bishou)
superstition (Meishin)
symbol (Shouchou)
sympathy (Doujou)
tradition (Dentou)
warrior (Bushi)
winner (Shousha)
world (Sekai)
wonder (Fushigi)
worship (Suuhai)
angel (Tenshi)
artist (Geijutsuka)
the art of stealth (Ninjutsu)
awe (Ikei)
balance (Kinkou)
bliss (Shifuku)
challenge (Chousen)
change (Henka)
chaos (Konton)
choice (Sentaku)
commitment (Genchi)
conqueror (Seifukusha)
creativity (Souzouryoku)
direction (Houkou)
enigma (Nazo)
equal (Doutou)
fairness (Kouhei)
family (Kazoku)
fighting spirit (Toushi)
focus (Shouten)
galaxy (Ginga)
geisha giri
goddess (Megami)
good and evil (Zenaku)
good fortune (Kouun)
instinct (Honnou)
journey (Tabi)
knowledge (Chishiki)
labyrinth (Meikyuu)
longevity (Chouju)
mist (Kiri)
mystery (Shinpi)
obedience (Juujun)
oblivion (Boukyaku)
optimism (Rakkan)
piety (Keiken)
prayer (Inori)
protection (Shugo)
sacred (Shinsei)
sacrifice (Gisei)
serenity (Seion)
spiritual strength (Seishinryoku)
survivor (Seizonsha)
thunder (Kaminari)
twilight (Reimei)
war (Sensou)
wave (Nami)
welcome (Kangei)
apocalypse (Mokushi)
beloved (Saiai no hito)
betrayal (Uragiri)
black panther (Kurohyou)
control (Shihai)
crisis (Kiki)
crystal (Suishou)
darkness (Ankoku)
demon (Akuma)
diligence (Kinben)
discipline (Tanren)
duty (Gimu)
essence (Honshitsu)
evil (Jaaku) (aku)
evolution (Shinka)
fairy (Yousei)
healing (Chiyu)
health (Kenkou)
heaven (Tengoku)
hell (Jigoku)
immortal (Fushi)
incarnation (Keshin)
integrity (Seiren)
intelligence (Chisei)
kamikaze karma (Innen)
misunderstanding (Gokai)
nirvana (Nehan)
outcast (Tsuihousha)
patriotism (Aikokushin)
perservance (Kennin-fubatsu)
phoenix (Fushichou)
poison (Doku)
princess (Hime)
prophecy (Yogen)
pure love (Junai)
qwest (Tankyuu)
rage (Gekido)
rebel (Hangyakusha)
romance (Renai)
shadow (Kage)
soul mate (Kokoro no tomo)
storm (Arashi)
strength (Tsuyosa)
supernatural power(Chounouryoku)
taboo (Kinki)
iron fist (Tekken)
temptation (Yuuwaku)
transience (Mujou)
wealth (Tomi)
allegiance (Chuusei)
arrogance (Gouman)
banzai bear (Kuma)
benevolence (Jintoku)
best friend (Shinyuu)
butterfly (Chou)
conscience (Ryoushin)
contentment (Manzoku)
courtesy (Reigi)
crime (Tsumi)
cruelty (Reikoku)
destruction (Hakai)
dusk (Tasogare)
dynasty (Ouchou)
eloquence (Yuuben)
fighting spirit(Toukon)
flame (Honoo)
fresh (Seishin)
ghost (Yuurei)
gift (Okurimono)
horror (Kyoufu)
innocence (Junketsu)
inspiration (Reikan)
intensity (Kyouretsu)
intuition (Chokkan)
invincibility (Muteki)
knight (Kishi)
lightning (Inazuma)
magic (Mahou)
masquerade (Kamen-butoukai)
master (Meijin)
memory (Kioku)
mentality (Chiryoku)
midnight (Mayonaka)
number one(Ichiban)
originality (Dokusouryoku)
prince (Ouji)
punishment (Batsu)
resilience (Kaifukuryoku)
rose (Bara)
surprize (Odoroki)
tragedy (Higeki)
tranquility (Heion)
twins (Futago)
unity (Touitsu)
vampire (Kyuuketsuki)
vanity (Kyoei)
will (Ishi)
acceptance (Younin)
cat (Neko)
charm (Miryoku)
compassion (Doujou)
consciousness (Ishiki)
contradiction (Hitei)
curiousity (Koukishin)
dance (Buyou)
daughter (Musume)
the dark (Yami)
death (Shi)
dinosaur (Kyouryuu)
dragonfly (Tonbo)
excitement (Koufun)
fierceness (Doumou)
firefighter (Shouboushi)
fool (Baka)
fox (Kitsune)
genius (Tensai)
the grim reaper (Shinigami)
guardian deity (Shugoshin)
hatred (Zouo)
husband (Otto)
immutability (Fuhen)
infinity (Mugen)
iris (Ayame)
life and death (Seishi)
lifelong friend (Shougai no tomo)
lover (Aijin)
lunatic (Kyoujin)
messiah (Kyuuseishu)
pain (Kutsuu) (itami)
paradise (Rakuen)
perception (Chikaku)
self-awareness (Jikaku)
son (Musuko)
sweetheart (Koibito)
taoism (Doukyou)
theory (Riron)
uniqueness (Dokutoku)
vegetarian (Saishoku-shugisha)
vicious mind (Janen)
vigilance (Keikai)
vindictiveness (Shuunen)
wife (Tsuma)
witch (Majo)
young warrior (Wakamusha)
youth (Wakamono)
actor (Haiyuu)
athlete (Undouka)
apology (Shazai)
bad influence (Akueikyou)
comics (Manga)
congradulations (Kotobuki)
cousin (Itoko)
danger (Kiken)
disgrace (Chijoku)
dishonor (Fumeiyo)
dreamer (Musouka)
earth (Chikyuu)
excellence (Yuushuu)
explosion (Bakuhatsu)
fantasy (Kuusou)
fertility (Tasan)
fighter (Senshi)
forgiveness (Yousha)
grace of god (Kami no onchou)
grief (Hitan)
hunter (Karyuudo)
innovation (Kakushin)
jupiter (Mokusei)
kenpou (One of the Japanese martial arts)
leadership (Tousotsuryoku)
lone wolf (Ippiki-ookami)
marriage (Kekkon)
mars (Kasei)
mercury (Suisei)
modesty (Kenson)
neptune (Kaiousei)
nobility (Kouki)
nurse (Kangofu)
oni opportunity (Kikai)
pirate (Kaizoku)
pluto (Meiousei)
purity (Seijou)
revolution (Kakumei)
role model (Mohan)
saturn (Dosei)
self-control (Jisei)
swordsman (Kenkyaku)
transformation (Henshin)
treasure (Takara)
uranus (Tenousei)
venus (Kinsei)
vitality (Seimeiryoku)
worth (Kachi)
Abyss (Shinen)
Broken Heart (Shoushin)
Camouflauge (Meisai)
Cleanliness (Seiketsu)
Collision (Shoutotsu)
Comfort (Anraku)
Common Sense (Joushiki)
Communication (Dentatsu)
Crescent (Mikazuki)
Desert (Sabaku)
Degeneration (Daraku)
Disillusion (Genmetsu)
Drifter (Hyouryuusha)
Eagle (Washi)
Energy (Seiryoku)
Fatherland (Sokoku)
Fidelity (Teisetsu)
Fortress (Yousai)
Fulfillment (Suikou)
Gladiator (Kentoushi)
Hypnotism (Saiminjutsu)
Idealism (Risoushugi)
Improvement (Kaizen)
Indomitable (Fukutsu)
Instrument (Gakki)
Jewel (Houseki)
Judo Lizard (Tokage)
Nonviolence (Hibouryoku)
Pilgrim (Junrei)
Poet (Shijin)
Potential (Kanousei)
Rabbit (Usagi)
Railroad (Tetsudou)
Reiki Reverance (Suukei)
Shame (Haji) Slayer (Satsugaisha)
Soldier (Gunjin)
Stigma (Yakiin)
Struggle (Kutou)
Sunshine (Nikkou)
Tattooist (Irezumishi)
Thief (Tokoku) (Dorobou)
Unconditional (Mujouken)
Vow (Seiyaku)
Wing (Tsubasa)
ichigatsu January
ichido one time
ippan general
hitori one person
usetsu right turn
sayuu right and left
uyoku right wing
migite right hand
uki rainy season
fuuu wind and rain
amagumo rain cloud
ooame heavy rain
enshuu circumference
enman harmonious
senen 1000 yen
marusa roundness
oukoku kingdom ouza
throne joou queen
teiou monarch, emperor
hatsuon pronunciation
ongaku music ashioto
sound of footsteps
neiro tone
jouge top and bottom
chika underground
shitagi underwear
nesage reduction in price
kasai fire, conflagration
shouka fire fighting
kayoubi Tuesday
hanabi fireworks
(Get no.9 in Kanji of the day words)
kaibashira adductor
muscle kaigara shell
akagai arc shell
gyokairui marine products
(get no11)
kuuki air
tenki weather
genki energy, health
denki electricity
kyuujuu 90
kyuukai nine times
kugatsu September
kokonoka nine days, 9th of the month
kyuukei to rest
kyuujitsu holiday, day off
kyuukou temporary closure of school
natsuyasumi summer vacation
shugyoku jewel, gem
medama eyeball
tamatebako Pandora's box
juuendama 10-yen coin
kiniro golden color
genkin cash
kinyoubi Friday
okane money
kuukan space, room
kuukou airport
akikan empty can
karate karate
mangetsu full moon
kongetsu this month
getsuyoubi Monday
maitsuki every month
banken watchdog
ryouken hunting dog
moudouken guide dog,
Seeing Eye dog
kaiinu house dog
iken opinion
hakken discovery
mihon sample
miokuru to see someone off
gojuu 50
gokai fifth floor
gogatsu May
itsuka five days, 5th of the month
kougo colloquial language
kuchibeni lipstick
iriguchi entrance
hijouguchi emergency exit
gakkou school
kousha school
kousoku school regulations
kousei proof reading
sasetsu left turn
sayoku left wing
hidarigawa left side
hidarite left hand
sankaku triangle
sankyaku tripod
mikazuki new moon
mikka three days, 3rd of the month
sanmyaku mountain range
tozan mountain climbing
fujisan Mt. Fuji
yamaba climax
youshi foster child
boushi cap, hat
oyako parent and child
musuko son
shikaku square
shigatsu April
shiki the four seasons
yoji four o'clock
basshi removal of stitches
keito woolen yarn,
kinuito silk thread
itoguchi beginning, clue
moji character, letter kanji
kanji, Chinese character
suuji figure, numeral
myouji surname
mimitabu earlobe
hatsumimi something heard of
for the first time
soramimi mishearing
mimizawari be harsh on the ear
shichigatsu July
juushichinichi 17 days, 17th of the month
nanahyaku 700
nanoka seven days, 7th of the month
densha train
jitensha bicycle
kurumaisu wheelchair
kataguruma piggyback
akushu handshake
shujutsu surgical operation
kashu singer
tekubi wrist
juuji ten o'clock
gojuu 50
juujika cross (religious)
tooka ten days, 10th of the month
shuppatsu departure
yushutsu export
shussan birth, delivery
deguchi exit
joyuu actress
joou queen
shoujo girl
megami goddess
daishou large and small
shougakkou elementary school
kotori small bird
ogawa brook, small stream
shinrin forest
mori no miyako tree-clad city
jinsei life
kojin individual
nihonjin Japanese (people)
hitogara personality
suidou tap water, water service
suiyoubi Wednesday
mizugi bathing suit
mizuiro sky blue, turquoise
seikai right answer
shougo noon
shoumen front
Seigi justice
seikatsu life, livelihood
seinengappi date of birth
daigakusei university student
nagaiki long life
seishun bloom of youth
seinen youth, young man
aozora blue sky
aoshingou green light, green signal
yuugata evening
yuuhi setting sun
yuushoku supper
yuukan evening edition of paper
houseki jewel
jishaku magnet,
compass kaseki
fossil sekitei rock
garden sekijuuji
Red Cross sekidou
equator sekigun
Red Army akachan baby
senen 1000 yen
nisen 2000 chiba Chiba (city)
chidoriashi tottering gait
kasen rivers
kawakami upstream, upriver
kawara dry riverbed
shinanogawa Shinano River
(the longest river in Japan)
sentou front, top
senpai senior, superior
senshuu last week
misesaki storefront
souchou early morning
souki early stage
hayaoki early rising
hayakuchi fast talking
sougen grassland, savannah
zassou weed
kaisou seaweed
kusawake pioneer, pathfinder
manzoku satisfaction
ashiato footprint
ashikubi ankle
tashizan addition
gyoson fishing village
sonraku village, hamlet
kanson deserted village
murabito villager
tairiku continent
taikin large sum of money
daitouryou president
daisotsu university graduate
dansei male, man
danjo men and women
chounan eldest son
otokonoko boy
chikurin bamboo groove
takegaki bamboo fence
takezaiku bamboo work
takeuma stilts
chuushin center
chuunen middle age
chuugakkou junior high school
nakayubi middle finger
konchuu (mushi) insect
kiseichuu parasite
kemushi caterpillar
mushiba decayed tooth
chouchou the mayor of a town
choumei town name
minatomachi port town
machiyakuba town hall
tenchi heaven and earth
seiten fine
weather tenshi
angel tensai genius
suiden paddy field
denen rural districts
yuden oil field
taue rice planting
dosha earth and sand
dodai foundation, base
tochi land doyoubi Saturday
nijuu 20
nigatsu February
nikai second floor
futari two people
mainichi every day
nichiyoubi Sunday
nihon Japan
asahi morning sun
shuunyuu income
nyuugaku entrance into a school
yunyuu import
iremono container
shinnen New Year
shounen boy
maitoshi every year
toshiyori (roujin) old person
hakujin Caucasian
hakuchou swan
hakushi blank sheet
kokuhaku confession
hachijuu 80
yaoya greengrocer
yaezakura double cherry blossoms
youka eight days,
8th of the month
hyakuen 100 yen
haykuten 100 points, full marks
hyakkaten department store
hyakkajiten encyclopedia
bunpou grammar
buntsuu correspondence
bungaku literature
bunka culture
taiboku gigantic tree
mokuzai wood, timber
mokuyoubi Thursday
ueki garden plant
kihon basis, foundation
honya bookstore
honsha head office
honmono real thing
meishi business card
meiyo honor
meisaku masterpiece
namae name
chuumoku attention
mokuteki object, purpose
mokuji table of contents
mejirushi mark, sign
dokuritsu independence
souritsu establishment
rikkouho candidacy
tachiba standpoint
tairyoku physical strength
juuryoku gravity
nouryoku ability, capacity
doryoku effort
ringyou forestry
shinrin forest, woodland
genshirin primeval forest
matsubayashi pine forest
rokuji six o'clock
rokugatsu June
dairokkan the sixth sense
muika six days,
6th of the month
inryoku gravitation
inyou quotation
hikizan subtraction
waribiki discount
umou feathers, plumage
haoto flapping of wings
ichiwa one bird
hanebuton feather quilt
unkai sea of clouds
amagumo rain cloud
kouen park
rakuen paradise
doubutsuen zoo
youchien kindergarten
ensoku excursion, hike
bouenkyou telescope
eien eternity
enryo reserve, hesitation
nanji what time
nando how many times
nannin how many people
nanbyaku several hundred, hundreds
kamoku school subject
geka (department of) surgery
kagaku science
zenka previous offense,
criminal record
geshi summer solstice
shoka early summer
natsuyasumi summer vacation
manatsu midsummer
kagu furniture
kazoku family
sakka writer, author
yachin rent
kashi lyrics of a song
kokka national anthem
kashu singer
komoriuta lullaby
gayoushi drawing paper
eiga movie
gaka painter
keikaku plan, project
kaifuku recovery
kaitou reply, answer
konkai this time
mawarimichi detour
kaiwa conversation
taikai mass meeting, rally
kaisha company
kaiin member
kaigai overseas, abroad
kaigun navy
koukai voyage
umibe seaside, beach
ehon picture book
enogu colors, paints
ehagaki picture postcard
aburae oil painting
gaiken outside appearance
gaishutsu going out
gaikoku foreign country
gaijin foreigner
chokkaku right angle
hougaku direction
yotsukado crossroad
shika no tsuno antler
goraku amusement, recreation
rakutenteki optimistic
gakufu musical score
gakki musical instrument
katsudou activity, action
katsuji printing type
fukkatsu rebirth, revival
jikatsu self-support
kuukan space, room
jikan time, hour
ningen human being
hiruma daytime
hinomaru Rising Sun Flag
marugao round face
kazangan volcanic rock, lava
iwayama rocky mountain
sengan washing one's face
kaoiro complexion
sugao face without makeup
egao smiling face
kisha steam train
kiteki steam whistle
kiji news, article
nikki diary
kioku memory
anki learning by heart
kitaku coming home
kaerimichi the way back, return trip
kyuudou Japanese archery
yumiya bow and arrow
gyuunyuu (cow's) milk
gyuuniku beef
kingyo gold fish
ningyo mermaid
nettaigyo tropical fish
sakanaya fish shop
toukyou Tokyo
kyouto Kyoto
kyouteki powerful enemy
kyoufuu strong wind
goutou robbery
benkyou study
kyouiku education, teaching
kyoushitsu classroom
kyoukai church
shuukyou religion
kinjo neighborhood
kinkyou recent situation
saikin recently
chikamichi shortcut
kyoudai sibling
fukei parents
seihoukei square
ningyou doll
keiyoushi adjective

Words that will give you an idea that you can discuss about by looking up the Hirgana and Kanji characters of them. Take a study on the first post to get an idea which all that it takes to enjoy the game! Look up online for the Kanji characters of each of these words.

Edited by Princess_Florina
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