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Who is Your Favorite Paladin in Radiant Dawn?

Best Paladin  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite paladin in Radiant Dawn?

    • Fiona
    • Geoffrey
    • Kieran
    • Makalov
    • Astrid
    • Titania
    • Oscar
    • Renning

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I voted Geoffrey because he's, imo, the perfect archetype of a knight, a paladin, a caring gentleman: elegant, talented and majestic.

Pretty much this.

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I don't like using paladins in Radiant Dawn.I tried to use Oscar once,but he got RNG screwed.On other playthrough after Quick Save abusing I got a decent Astrid and Kieran,but I dropped them,because I had better units!I will try using Fiona next playthrough!


I started other playthrough and Fiona is pretty decent,while it was hard getting there she was a reliable unit at Endgame(Normal Mode). So she isn't totally bad as many people say

Edited by Ace Pelleas
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I love Titania, but Fiona is the queen of my heart in this game. I love her Daein insignia on third tier. I love the satisfaction i feel when i train her from total scrubdom to murdering things with her pike. Shes just my favorite.

Florina/Loki, I feel like you and I are the only Fiona fans in existence! She's my second favorite along with Oscar after Kieran.

I don't see what's to love about Titania other than that she's a good unit. I mean, she's cool, but she doesn't stand out a lot to me character-wise.

I like her too.

I don't like using paladins in Radiant Dawn.I tried to use Oscar once,but he got RNG screwed.On other playthrough after Quick Save abusing I got a decent Astrid and Kieran,but I dropped them,because I had better units!I will try using Fiona next playthrough!

A forged Iron Lance will be a big help (I'd at least give it the Mt of a Steel Lance, and consider a hit boost too).

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I actually really love all the Tellius cavalry as characters. Everyone other than the unfortunate beauty Fiona and poor, poor RD Astrid are reasonable to use.

Had to give it to Makalov, partially because he got no love on the poll, and partially because he's a really funny character. He's not the best by any means, but he's not frustrating to use either. Also love Marcia, and it gives me more reason to use her too.

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As a unit, Titania is amazing. Oscar is quite good. Kieran's also decent enough, his bases are strong enough that you can use him as Part 4 filler. Geoffrey's useful for two maps but then is junk when he returns, Makalov is kinda like Kieran with notably worse bases, Renning is fine on paper but I've never used him, and the other two... are terrible. At least Fiona's a fun project if you actually get her to the payoff (earth affinity! Canto! 34 speed cap!). Astrid's main use is if you want to see someone suck with the Double Bow.

As characters, Kieran is definitely my favourite; I do love his zany personality.

Design-wise, I like Titania. Badass-looking older female character, sign me up. I like Geoffrey a lot as well, hard to put my finger on why.

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I voted Geoffrey because he's, imo, the perfect archetype of a knight, a paladin, a caring gentleman: elegant, talented and majestic. I didn't use him that much in PoR, but I prefer him at RD despite his issues regarding availability and whatnot. He's usable in any mode tbh, although HM is more tough on him with EXP reduction, but in EM he'll reach Silver Knight by 2-3 and stomp everything, and on NM he'll keep wrecking enemies and will proc Sol quite often by 4-5.

Couldn't agree more. Him and Elincia also get one of the few partnered endings, and I love me some knight/queen romance. Never used him in PoR or RD HM however.

Paragon makes him ridiculously easy to train, and most of the units available when he joins aren't really endgame material anyway. If I'm not wrong, he also has the highest resistance growths of all of the paladins, which is obviously a huge plus for the last few chapters. His speed growths are another story, however.

Titania is probably overall the best unit though, can't argue with that. I voted Geoffrey bases on his knightlyness.

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Oscar get my vote: He always turns out amazing in every playtrough I do and because I like him both character and design-wise.

But if there wasn't Oscar, I would have chosen Geoffrey, mainly because he reminds me of Ephraim with his design, but also because he was the only one, along with Elincia, who was actually fun to use in part 2.

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Fiona is unusable on every mode. Geoffrey actually ends up really good if you exclusively use him in Part 2, and I used him because I wanted to focus more on my other units and because he was really good at the end of part 2.

The problem I have with that is that Geoffrey's first chapter has him gaining next to no exp from the enemies, and when he comes in midway through 2-E, he doesn't do too well thanks to not benefiting from authority stars and the enemies actually being able to put up a fight.

Paragon makes him ridiculously easy to train, and most of the units available when he joins aren't really endgame material anyway. If I'm not wrong, he also has the highest resistance growths of all of the paladins, which is obviously a huge plus for the last few chapters. His speed growths are another story, however.

Erm, I'm not really seeing it unless you leave it on him in 3-9 since in most of his chapters, he's ridiculously overleveled relative to the enemy units, meaning he doesn't get much EXP from mooks. And by the time he can get a non-trivial amount of exp from kills, whoops, endgame's right around the corner.

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I think doing 2-E for 12 turns long is not the best idea because enemies and reinforcements are swarming you.

Geoffrey will only have issues on HM where 4-5 enemies are stronger and he grows slower. But with the huge pool of BEXP he can get to Silver Knight, get a couple of level ups to ORKO enemies and throw him to the cats and tigers slowly while using Paragon and Sol for durability. Then by endgame he won't have trouble at all.

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I voted for Geoffrey because he normally ends up being god like for me with out much effort and I really like him as a character, but Titania reminds me of my mom(because of the red hair white horse and personality) so I really like her as a character and as a unit.

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The problem I have with that is that Geoffrey's first chapter has him gaining next to no exp from the enemies, and when he comes in midway through 2-E, he doesn't do too well thanks to not benefiting from authority stars and the enemies actually being able to put up a fight.

Erm, I'm not really seeing it unless you leave it on him in 3-9 since in most of his chapters, he's ridiculously overleveled relative to the enemy units, meaning he doesn't get much EXP from mooks. And by the time he can get a non-trivial amount of exp from kills, whoops, endgame's right around the corner.

Well, you're not wrong. I trained him once for endgame, and while it did get a bit tedious, I didn't actually dump all of the available EXP on him. I got him to a decent level with multiple stats capped before using BEXP.

He was actually unusable shit for endgame in NM. I just meant that it's entirely possible to use him if you really care to. I voted for him because of character and his ending with Elincia (why I used him). His stats will get him through the few chapters he's in without much trouble, just not beyond that.

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