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Favorite Character Designs

Favorite Character Designs  

81 members have voted

  1. 1. Which character design(s) is your favorite?

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Which character designs, visually, do you find the most appealing? I personally love Velouria's, Sakura's, Mozu's, Nina's, Jakob's, and Kaden's the best, though I think I'm forgetting some.

I would say Camilla too but... how is that woman still alive HOW DOES SHE FIGHT oh well I love her hair

Edited by interconnecteddream
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The more I draw Ryoma's mane the more I love it, it's such a pleasure to draw once you get the hang of it, the floof is so majestic and the key to it is drawing it like soft floof, like an actual lion's mane (saiyan style clashes with my more realistic art style)

But overall? Rinkah.

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Takumi - I love that they gave a character long grey hair that gives rise to pineapple memes and an outfit with tassles and still managed to make him look awesome. His whole aesthetic is great.

I also like Velouria's and Sakura's; Hinoka's, too. The short dress + thigh high boots is a great combination.

I also love Niles's cape. Apart from his cape and Velouria's whole outfit, though, I definitely prefer the Hoshidan characters' appearances.

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Mikoto's design is honestly really gorgeous. The cape just tops it off perfectly. Sakura donning that outfit in her Priestess class is a very sweet touch~ The short hair does feel a little off, though.

Velouria and Selkie also have really adorable outfits, too! I love the Little Red Riding Hood theme for Velouria, and Selkie's robe looks so comfortable~

A little shoutout to Arthur and Percy's designs as well. I love the feeling of Justice I get from the outfits.

Edited by CureRainbow
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Pure justice, prosperity, and the American way lives and breathes through Arthur's design. Bonus points for barely having a connection to the fucking atrocious generic fighter design. His custom Hero outfit only looks cooler.

Hinata's design looks to me like if one of the mercenaries of the older games class changed into a myrmidon, and I love it. The purple coat on his Swordmaster design reminds me of the Radiant Dawn long coat design of all the Swordmaster's, which is awesome.

I like Laslow's and Selena's too mostly because Mercenaries and Heros look great in the first place.

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Elise with her giant baguette hair, Sakura, Mikoto, Sumeragi, Hana with her ultra-stylish pink Swordmaster outfit... I probably forgot a few. Oh yeah, Forrest rocks the trap look.

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As you can tell by my avi I adore Kana's design. Too bad she doesn't keep the scarf when she promotes. ;~;

Hana is Sully and Sumia's love child. I really like the while and gold armor parts and her pink and purple robes. they go surprisingly well.

As someone who actually likes the Dark Mage's/Sorcerer's new female design when compared to Awakening where they literally wore just a bra, panties, shoes, and a cape, and gets sleeves when they promote, I like Ophelia's design. Mainly because I liked Lissa, and she shares a lot of Lissa's features that I like while looking more mature. The yellow and black palette also looks nice.

All of the Mercenaries have damn good designs. Selena disappoints me tho because she doesn't get a crimson Hero palette. That would've looked so nice with the new Hero design.

I like how Beruka's armor is the default armor design for the Malig Knight class. It was a really nice touch since it was Camilia's first armor and she's a Malig Knight.

All of the designs in Fates honestly have something about them that I like. I don't think I hate a single design.

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Soleil, Nina, Forrest, Velouria, and Selkie as far as kids go. Gen 1, I love Hinoka's design. A lot. Mikoto is insanely beautiful and I love all of her design. I also really like Beruka too...

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My favorite are:

The Kamui(s) and the Kana(s) - Surprisingly, I do like the main character's and their child's design. At least the armor, for Kamui. Particularly, female Kamui despite the flak the design receives for having thigh gaps. I honestly like the thigh gaps; it creates a visual balance to me. It is difficult to explain, honestly. While the Kana(s) aren't that popular for personality, I do find their designs to be very cute and I wish that one could choose the sex of their Kana because I kind of wanted a girl while playing as a girl (even though I prefer m!Kana).

Hinata and Tsubaki - These two represent two sides of a spectrum, in terms of design (and character portrait). Hinata represents the rough, scarred samurai while Tsubaki is the elegant and well-groomed pony knight. I do get a distinct ronin feel from Hinata, mostly because I have this weird viewpoint that ronin where sandals without tabi while the more wealthy/proper samurai wear tabi; I think Hinata is merely wearing sandals w/o tabi. At any rate, I like their designs.

Xander - I have a soft spot for the dark paladin armor. I also like Xander's aristocratic curly hair ends.

Sumeragi - I honestly feel Sumeragi pulls off the lobster lord look the best as he is the O.G. Lobster King. I also am fond of his quirky mustache and beard combo; it gives me a Koei Nobunaga Oda vibe. It's like he came straight out of Nobunaga's Ambition and I love that.

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I love Camilla's design, because it's so sexy~ and her hair is so beautiful along with that face. The view from behind is 10/10 for sure!

I can't forget about female Corrin either, because them legs are so juicy looking and her feet looks soft and tender.

Charlotte's outfit is definitely one of my favorites, but i wish there was less... but still so devilish and deceiving and yet so true and naughty. The hair bow makes her so cute~!

Rinkah is my fourth favorite, because of them abs! Her hair piece also looks great with her hair, it makes her fiery! Her tanned skin is plus!

Remember that what you see someone as may not be what you assume them to be...

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I like some of the generic enemy designs. Especially the great master, dark knight, malig knight, great knight, wyervn lord and adventurer.Character designs include sumeragi, leo, oboro, laslow, beruka, corrin, midori, shiro, sigbert, perct and kana. Favorite capturable boss design is tarbal.

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I can't forget about female Corrin either, because them legs are so juicy looking and her feet looks soft and tender.

Charlotte's outfit is definitely one of my favorites, but i wish there was less...

From experience, your feet tends to be less soft and tender and more scarred and hared the more you walk without shoes. Also less? I don't know what you could mean by less tbh.

I like some of the generic enemy designs. Especially the great master, dark knight, malig knight, great knight, wyervn lord and adventurer.Character designs include sumeragi, leo, oboro, laslow, beruka, corrin, midori, shiro, sigbert, perct and kana. Favorite capturable boss design is tarbal.

Oh yes. Generics have some great designs.

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I'm quite partial to Izana's design. It's a shame his personality sucks.

I like a lot of the Corrinsexuals, actually - they're so much more unique in their own way.

Out of the capturable bosses, Tarba caught my eye the most.

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Mmmh, Design-wise there are quite a few that I like.

Soleil looks very cool for a fighter, and Rinkah looks bad-ass as hell (which is why I'm desperately trying to get her to be decent in my Revelation game, it's not easy xD).

I also love Rhajat design. I know that most is taken back from the original version, but first, that doesn't change anything about the fact that I love her design, and on top of that I like the changes they made in her outfit a lot.

My two other favourite female character designs are Orochi for her magnificient hair and ornaments and Kagero. I'm not quite sure why Kagero, It might be that she reminds me of my favourite pokemon xD

Oh and I forgot Reina, I love Reina, and Scarlet's armor is rad. That's it I think? Overall I was really into this FE's character design, especially on the Hoshidian side as you can see so there are very few that I actually don't like.

Now, as far as male character design are concerned, I like fewer of them. What comes to mind are those of Hayato who has a really cool clothing style and Takumi.

Special mention for NPCs: Mikoto and Zola are my favourites I think.

Edited by Arkayjiya
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Reina. Screw anime standards, and the more common aesthetic tropes. She still looks amazing.

Scarlet. You can tell her personality by looking at her.

Camilla. Nuff said.

Arthur. His look makes me laugh as much as his personality, and VA does, and I just cannot hate him as a character. That's a win.

Rhajat. Like her subtle changes to facial expressions saying as much as they do, and her personal diviner attire suits her nicely.

Elise. Can't say no to her.

Kaze. Nuff said.

Oboro. Makes spear fighters look good.

Soleil. I get serious 'main protagonist' vibes from her at times because of her style.

Velouria. Reminds me of Nah, and I like Nah.

Hinoka. Pulls off the boyish look just right, much like Scarlet.

fCorrin. Especially with short version of the 'canon' hairstyle, imo.

extra: Selkie is very cute. Like her design.

I'd like to mention Sophie, but that would probably be only because she's a discount Cynthia.

The one design I hate is Asugi. Everything about Giaus was better than him, from looks, to attitude, to voice work.

Edited by maninbluejumpsuit
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I love Niles's design. Kozaki did a fantastic job creating a gypsy-styled outlaw. He looks like he could have been a part of Esmeralda's gang from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. The hood and cloak combo reminds me of Radiant Dawn's Fire Mage design too.


Who knew that Oboro could rock the orange tunic(?) so well. Her black-blue hair looks amazing with her armor. Fantastic color scheme.

Edited by Leif
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...huh. I came into this thread ready to rock, but the more I read and think about it the more I realize that it'd be simpler to pick the ones I DON'T like, rather than the ones I do. Overall I think fates probably has my favorite aesthetic of any FE, it strikes a great balance for me between fantasy fare and quasi-realism. I'd probably settle on Camilla/Rinkah/Xander for my favorites if I had to pick though.

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