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Serenes Forest: The Sitcom


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Filler episode...'cuz I was bored.

Zephrion has to run on an errand to the town to gather more tomes and items.

Zephrion: Blast. I hate having to walk all the way here. I mean, why doesn't Queen Fourth Fox do it? She's got a horse with four legs. Or Kiryn? She's got a pegasus with five legs. No, wait. Pegasi have four legs too. Ah!

*arrives at the shop*

Fireman: Welcome. I'm the keeper of this shop. How can I help you?

Zephrion: Don't I know you?

Fireman: 1,000.

Zephrion: What?

Fireman: 1,000 to answer your question.

*Zephrion pays 1,000 gold to Fireman*

Fireman: No.

Zephrion: No?

Fireman: Yes.

Zephrion: Yes to the no? Or yes as in yes?

Fireman: Moving on...What would you like?

Zephrion: I would like a...*gets out a long list*










There's more, but we can't afford the rest.

Fireman: That will be... some amount of gold. You do the math.

Zephrion: Okay. *pays gold* Where's the Rexbolt?

Fireman: Can't get it here. You can get it at Fireman's Black Market across from Bianchi's little shop in the forest. It has everything for only 100 gold.

Zephrion: Why didn't anyone tell me?

Fireman: I'm guessing they didn't feel like it.

*Zephrion leaves and heads to the Black Market, but the entrance is locked*

Zephrion: I'll just blow up the entrance. *casts Tornado, but the Tornado careens out of control and heads toward the base*

-back at the base-

Coolguyvaters: Hmmm...

*the sound of wind in the distance*

Coolguyvaters: My "about to be hit by a tornado" senses are tingling.

*Tornado appears in sight and heads toward CGV, but CGV stops it with his bare hands(even though that defies many rules of logic)*

Coolguyvaters: Not this time Zephrion!

*gets hit by a second tornado*

Coolguyvaters: Damn it, Zephrion!

-in front of Fireman's Black Market-

Zephrion: I wonder where that second Tornado I cast went...

*store opens*

Fireman: Welcome.

Zephrion: Aren't you the guy from the shop?

Fireman: I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.

Zephrion: But how did you- When did you- Never mind. I'd like to buy a Rexbolt.

Fireman: That will be 100 gold.

*Zephrion pays 100 gold*

Zephrion: There's a lock on this Rexbolt!

Fireman: Oooh. Sorry about that. The guy in the armory has the key to the lock.

Zephrion: Okay. Using my super-fast wind powers, I'll just get there via Tornado.

*Zephrion rides a Tornado towards the town, causing a path of destruction as he goes*

-in the armory-

Zephrion: Hello?

Fireman: Yes?

Zephrion: Fireman?! But you were- I just- How could- Never mind. I'd like to get the key to this lock.

Fireman: It's gonna cost you.

Zephrion: How much?

Fireman: 5,000.

Zephrion: For a key?

Fireman: It opens the Rexbolt lock.

Zephrion: Fine, but this better be worth it.

*pays 5,000 gold and uses the key to open the Rexbolt lock*

Zephrion: ...

Fireman: What is it.

Zephrion: Someone left a "magazine" in here... Along with an old taco...

Fireman: And the problem is?

*Zephrion gets into the fetal postition*

Zephrion: ...

Fireman: Hello?

Zephrion: I'm in a state of bewilderment right now.

Fireman: I know the perfect therapist.

-at the therapist-

Zephrion: Are you my therapist?

Fireman: Why yes I am.

Zephrion: ... I'm not even going to comment on that.

Fireman: So tell me, what is it about life that's bothering you right now?

Zephrion: It all started when I hit puberty...

-back at the base-

Fourth Fox: Where's Zephrion with our stuff?

Coolguyvaters: He'll be back eventually.

Fourth Fox: How do you know?

Coolguyvaters: I hired Fireman to keep Zephrion occupied and out of our hair for a little while.

*Zephrion returns with a lance piercing in his chest*

Zephrion: You guys will not believe the day I've had...

Fourth Fox: Uhhh....Zephrion. You do know there's a lance in your chest?

Zephrion: I don't want to talk about it.

Fourth Fox: I'd heal him, but he looks like he's had a rough day. I'll wait until tomorrow.

Coolguyvaters: Judging by the edge of that lance, it doesn't like there will be a tomorrow.

Don't worry. Zephrion survives...for now....

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Damn. Why the hell did you forget me and my dragon. I don't even get mentioned and haven't these past couple of times. You guys are all bastards.

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I made a filler. It sucks and is unfunny so don't read it.

Dragonblader1: No one is paying attention to me...

Zephrion: Hi, are you new around here?

Dragonblader1: No you retard. It's me, you know...

Zephrion: Hmm... where did he go? He was just here...

Dragonblader1: I'm still here...

Zephrion: Hey Fireman! Have we ever had a Dragon Lord?

Fireman: No, why?

Zephrion: There was this guy here a minute ago who said he's been here.

Fireman: If you see him again tell him we've never met him.

Zephrion: Can do!

Dragonblader1: You guys are all bastards and I hate you.

Zephrion: What? Who said that? Are the voices in my head telling me to attack CoolGuyVaters with another Tornado and pretend it's an accident?

Dragonblader1: Retard.


Dragonblader1: Hey, pet dragon thing that I ride on! How can I get people to pay attention to me?

Dragon: Woof.

Dragonblader1: Nah, I've burnt down the forest multiple times already.

Dragon: Meow.

Dragonblader1: That's a great idea!

~Back at base~

Dragonblader1: Hey! Fourth Fox! Get over here!

Fourth Fox: What do you want person I've never met but strangely knows my name?

Dragonblader1: But... nevermind. Anyways...


Dragonblader1: The plan is going according to plan, dawg.

Dragon: Quack.

Dragonblader1: Don't get your throat in a knot, it'll be fine.

~In the forest~

Dragonblader1: Thank you for coming.

CoolGuyVaters: Uh-huh.

Bianchi: Yes?

Dragonblader1: Here, have a drink before we begin.

Bianchi: Thank you.

CoolGuyVaters: This tastes funny...

Bianchi: You didn't...

Dragonblader1: Yah I did.

CoolGuyVaters: You poisoned us you bastard!

Dragonblader1: That would've been better than just peeing in it... but...

Dragonblader1, after giving CoolGuyVaters and Bianchi the water with pee in it, burnt down the forest with them in it.

~At the grave site~

Zephrion: Hey Dragonblader1!

Dragonblader1: Hey Zephrion!

Zephrion: Too bad about them, isn't it?

Dragonblader1: Yeah. Let's leave now though, we're gonna get left behind.

As they left a hand came out of both graves...

Bianchi: This was bad and unfunny and you should feel bad and unfunny.

CoolGuyVaters: Also, we're gonna eat your brain.

Dragonblader1: Fuck you.

Dragonblader1 then pulled out a double barrel shot gun and shot both of their in tact brains, then pulled their hearts out with his bare hands.

Zephrion: This was still horrible and unfunny you know.

Dragon: Die bitch.

Zephrion was killed by Dragonblader1's pet dragon, who had coincidentally learned how to talk exactly 5 minutes after saying that.

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I have one!


(Mercenary Fort)

Metal Rabbit: 649.

Fireman: No.

Metal Rabbit: 2220!

Fireman: Nope.

Zephrion: What are you playing?

Fireman: Guess the number between 1 and 10.

Metal Rabbit: 55!


Zephrion: ._.

Fireman: ...later.

Zephrion: Hey! What about him?

Fireman: What about him?

Zephrion: He just f-ing collapsed.

Fireman: ...so?

Zephrion: MR? You there?

Metal Rabbit: ...nn... ..needs... moar... ketchup...........

Fireman: See? He's fine!




CGV: Okay ladies, keep it up!

*Zeph appears*

Zephrion: Dare I ask what you're up to?

CGV: I'm filming an excercise video for overweight women. I had Fox put on a fat suit to help out.

Fox: I'll kill you!

CGV: Blackmail is fun...

Zephrion: ...


(in the forest)

Bianchi: Kiryn, you know where we are?

Kiryn: ...in the forest?

Bianchi: ! How did you know!?

Kiryn: ...I'm wondering whether its you or MR who has more problems.

(in a bush near)

???: I'll jump out and take them out! That way everyone will know the name of dragon!

Fireman: Hello there.

Dragon: *topples over* WTF did you do that for?!

Fireman: Suprising people is fun. Who are you anyway?

Dragon: Its DRAGON!

Kiryn: Is that you Fireman? What are you doing out here?

Fireman: Taking a piss, move along.

Bianchi: Okay!

*they leave*

Dragon: Gah! I missed my oppurtunity!

*fireman begins to leave*

Dragon: Where do you think you're going?

Fireman: Gotta take a piss.



(In the fort)

Fox: ...im gonna fucking kill him in his sleep...

CGV: Hey, great job out there Fox! We'll make alot of gold doing this thing.

Zephrion: ...you gotta move your infantry west here.

Kiryn: What are they playing?

CGV: Advance Wars I guess.

Zephrion: Now you have that airport under controll! You know what to do!

Metal Rabbit: What's an airport?

(this is an advance wars reference, if you dont get it, you suck)

*someone smashes in the door*

Dragon: Do not fear mercenaries, I will not harm you!

*everyone draws a weapon and trains it on his head*

CGV: Get out.

Fox: Who the fuck are you anyway?

Dragon: What's with the fat suit?

Fox: *mutters obscenities very fast*

*Metal Rabbit pulls out a piece of cake*

Dragon: I'm Dragon! Don't forget it!

Metal Rabbit: You're a what now?

*Dragon throws his axe at MR*

*it hits his plate, causing the cake to spill*

Metal Rabbit: ...my cake... :(

CGV: Oh shit! Everyone take cover!

*all other mercenaries hide*

Dragon: What's going on?!

Metal Rabbit: I was saving that piece for exactly this time, of this day, of this year. You know how much planning it took?!

Dragon: Uh... well...

*Metal Rabbit fires an arrow through Dragon's shoulder*

Dragon: ! You fucking shot me! I can't use my axe!!


*MR cries*

Kiryn: There there, MR.

Zephrion: There will always be other cake.

Metal Rabbit: *sniff* I know...

Zephrion: You know what we should do?

Fireman: Noone cares.

*everyone goes and does something else*


(that next day)

Metal Rabbit: ._.

Bianchi: ._.

Kiryn: So whoever blinks first loses, right?

Zephrion: Yep.

CGV: 300 gold on Bianchi. Noone can best that blank mindless stare.

Fox: Not unless your MR.

*this goes on for another minute*


CGV: Who the fuck threw a flash bomb?!

Kiryn: Bianchi blinked!


Fireman: ...right.


*There's a knock on the door*

Fox: Yeah, what do you want?

Person: Yes, Is a mister Rabbit here?

Fox: Yep.

Person: Mr. Rabbit, on behalf of my client, Dragon, we're suing you for damages caused by your actions yesterday.

Kiryn: Who's Dragon?

Person: You've been served, we'll see you in court tommorow.


Bianchi: *rubs eyes*

Kiryn: Ouch... well what are you gonna do for defense MR?

Metal Rabbit: I have someone in mind!

Fox: Who?

Metal Rabbit: Pheonix Wright!

Zephrion: ...we've gone over this... he's not real.

Metal Rabbit: ._.


Zephrion: Ah... I guess its up to me.

*leaves to study case files*


(the next morning, in the court lobby)

Fox: Are you sure you're up to this Zeph?

Zephrion: I can do it...

Kiryn: But you're sweating bullets...

Zephrion: MR, If you get called to the witness stand, don't say anything that makes you seem guilty.

Metal Rabbit: ...did you say something about box springs?

Zephrion: ...

Fox: The trial is starting!


(in the court)

*bangs gavel*

Judge: Let's get this over with. Is everyone ready?

Lawyer: The Plaintiff is ready.

Zephrion: The defense is ready your honor.

Judge: Okay, so anyone mind telling me what happened?

Lawyer: Yes.

The defendent shot an arrow purposely through my clients arm, causing severe nerve damage. This means he can't wield an axe. Without that, he can't do his job.

Kiryn: Zeph, shouldn't you do one of those objection thingys?

Zeph: yeah!

(louder) Objection!

Zephrion: You say you can't do your job without an axe?

Dragon: That's right.

Zephrion: Well, you're class can also use lances, which are one handed as well.

Lawyer: However, lances suck dirty balls.

Zephrion: What?!

Judge: Agreed.

Zephrion: (we've already lost)

Judge: Let's call... um what's his name again?

Lawyer: It's... um... I wrote it down somewhere...

Dragon: It's fucking dragon!

Judge: very well mr. fucking dragon, please tell us about the injury.

Dragon: Very well. When the arrow pierced through my arm, it hurt like hell. I had to hold it the whole way back so i still knew it was there. I mean, I lost all feeling in that arm. I felt pain all through the night in that arm. Burning pain!

*clutches arm*

Judge: I've heard enough. He's clearly guilty.

Zephrion: Hold it! We have the right to cross examine the witness!

Judge: Okay, but if you don't do it right, you automatically lose.

Zephrion: (I'm already there...) Mr... witness. You say you felt burning pain in your arm, the same one you got shot in?

Dragon: Did i freaking stutter?

Zephrion: Objection! Your Honor, he couldn't have felt pain if he said he lost all feeling in the arm!

Dragon: What?!

Judge: ...I see no problem with that testimony.

Zephrion: What?

Judge: I'm ready to hand down my verdict.

Zephrion: (No, he can't go to jail... he's my friend!)

*looks at MR playing with a paper clip he found*

*just then a paper ball hit Zeph in the head*

Zephrion: What?


Zephrion: Of course! It's so obvious!

Your Honor, may I have one final statement?

Judge: whatever.

Zephrion: Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, that guy's attorney would certainly want you to believe that his client suffered severe nerve damage. And they make a good case. Hell, I almost felt pity myself! But, ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing! Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a borderline retard, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.

Judge: Hmm...

Lawyer: Oh no!

Dragon: What?

Lawyer: The Chewbacca Defense!

Dragon: So?

Lawyer: You don't understand! Noone can beat that!


Judge: very well, I find Metal Rabbit:



(in the lobby)

Fox: You did it!

Kiryn: That was brilliant Zeph! How'd you think of it?

Zeph: Someone threw a paper ball at me and it said "use the chewbacca defense".

*turns to MR*


Metal Rabbit: That's fine and all, but... Pheonix Wright really doesnt exist...

Zephrion: ...I wouldn't be so sure, take a look.

*MR reads the paper out loud*

"use the chewbacca defense, love Pheonix Wright*

Metal Rabbit: Yay! :D

*everyone leaves happy and all*

Fireman: Okay, but now we're even.

CGV: Kay. That was still nice of you to write that note, even if I was blackmailing you.

Fireman: The next moment you're alone, you're dead.


CGV: ...uh oh.



Lolz, that episode made no sense whatsoever...

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Awesome episode MR. Very much worth it.

Here's one of mine... I sort of just made up the plot as I went along, so it's not really that great.

Announcer: This game's winner is... Ike!

Zephrion: Yes, I win again! In your FACE!

Coolguyvaters: Oh, you cheated and we all know it.

Dragonblader: You have to be kidding... You know only losers spam Quick Draw.

Fourth Fox: Like you're one to talk. You ran to the edge of the stage and spammed Aura Sphere the entire time.

Zephrion: Owned.

Dragonblader: Shut up Zephrion.

Metal Rabbit walks in.

Metal Rabbit: Hey guys, what are you doing?

Coolguyvaters: Playing Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Metal Rabbit: Never heard of it.

Fourth Fox: We just picked up today, along with a Wii.

Zephrion: It's awesome. Probably the best game ever.

Metal Rabbit: Better than Phoenix Wright?

Dragonblader: MUCH better than Phoenix Wright.

Metal Rabbit: ._.

Fourth Fox: What did you have to go and do that for!?

Dragonblader: I thought it would be funny. And it is! Look, he's having a nervous breakdown! I gotta go get my camera! *Runs off.*

Fourth Fox: Hmm...

Coolguyvaters: What's wrong?

Fourth Fox: Doesn't the fact the we live in the middle of a forest, and still have all this technology disturb you two at all?

Zephrion: Not really.

Fourth Fox: What about the fact that we have no generator of any sort, and here we are, having an action-packed no holds barred showdown?

Coolguyvaters: Why would we need a generator? That tree seems to be working just fine.

Just then, the game and TV shut off.

Coolguyvaters: What the... Damnit Ilyana, did we tell you to stop!?

Ilyana: You will all burn for this someday... *Casts Elthunder on the Tree.*


Dragonblader: Hey! Have you seen my camera? Metal Rabbit is having a nervous breakdown!

Kiryn: Ooooh, really? I think Fireman had it last. Maybe he knows where it is.

Dragonblader: Augh, Fireman!? We'll never find hi--

Fireman: Right here.

Dragonblader: What...How did you...Where did you...

Fireman: Yes, yes. I know I'm ninja. So you called?

Kiryn: Have you seen Dragonblader's camera. Metal Rabbit is having a nervous breakdown and we have to take record of it!

Fireman: 10,000.

Dragonblader: But we don't have that kind of money with us!

Fireman: I guess you'll have to find it yourselves then.

Kiryn: Wait! How about if we give you the pictures. Then you can use them to blackmail Metal Rabbit.

Fireman: Hmm... Good point. Alright, deal. Your camera is in your pocket, Dragonblader.

Dragonblader: .....................

Kiryn: Hurry up! I don't want to miss this!

Back at the game...

Announcer: This game's winner is... Ike!

Coolguyvaters: You gotta be f---ing kidding me.

Zephrion: Oh yeah! Can't touch this skill!

Fourth Fox: If you call spamming a skill.

Zephrion: It's a legitimate strategy!

Kiryn: Hey! Where's Metal Rabbit? We need to take embarrasing photos of him before it's too late!

Coolguyvaters: He's behind that tree over there, rocking back and forth and muttering something about objections.

Kiryn: Great! Did you bring the camera Dragonblader?

Dragonblader: I don't see why I couldn't have, seeing as it was in my pocket the entire freakin' time.

Kiryn: Great! Oh Metal Rabbit... How 'bout a picture?

Metal Rabbit: Objection... Overruled... Defense... Prosecuter... Phoenix... Wright... Chewbacca... Chewbacca... CHEWBACCA!

Zephrion: Huh. Well, who's up for a rematch!

Fourth Fox: ...

Coolguyvaters: ...

Zephrion: Fine! I'll just play by myself then!

A short time later...

Coolguyvaters: You know, it's funny.

Fourth Fox: What?

Coolguyvaters: The episode is almost over, and yet I haven't been horribly maimed or killed.

Fourth Fox: Miracles do happen.

Zephrion: AUGH! Damn you Duon!

Zephrion fires a Tornado at the television, which bounces off and heads straight in CGV's direction.

Coolguyvaters: WOAH! *Dodge.* ...I...I dodged it. YES! IN YOUR FACE! You thought you had me didn't you? Well not this time bitch! Ahahahaahaha!!! *Turns around to face the carnage that the Tornado had created upon missing CGV.* ...Oh.

Zephrion: -Adept-

Coolguyvaters: Well damn. This is gonna take a while to fix. *Turns back around to see a Tornado right in front of him.* Oh... You gotta be shi-- *Tornado Pwnage.* Someone help! The Kool-Aid is back!

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I ought to write an episode....but I wouldn't know what to write about. And it wouldn't be very funny, I tend to automatically pull in plot and character development and make things dark.

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The first episode written by The Fourth Fox, a.k.a. redfoxoffire. I'm doing this in Microsoft Word, so the transfer may affect things. This may turn out more serious than normal. It's just the way I am.

~At the mercenary base~

Fox: Grab your weapons everyone. We've been given a job.

CGV: What is it? And tell me we don't have to escort another princess.

Zephrion: Will it involve me using Tornado? I'd really rather not risk it again….

Fox: Neither. Well, I don’t know about the tornado part… We’ll be doing some recon outside of the forest. I’ve heard tell of a rebel group that wants to infiltrate the forest.

Metal Rabbit: What is a “rebel”?

Kiryn: It means they don’t like us.

Fox: Thank you Kiryn. They appear to be lead by a mad-woman who thinks she is a queen. I already hired Fireman to help. He’s there now posing as a member.

CGV: Wow, how much did that cost?

Fox: I hired him from his discount store using my persuasive abilities….

Zephrion: So what do we do when we get there?

Fox: All will be explained on the way.

~Rebel base~

Bianchi: Haha!!!!! Bianchi is gaining more followers by the day!!!! And these exclamation points are Bianchi's highlight!!!!! Wait a minute. New recruit, what did you say your name was?

Fireman: It’s uh….Leila!

Bianchi: Isn’t that a girl’s name.

Fireman: Don’t remind me. Please.

Bianchi: Whatever you say, as long as you aren’t a spy.

~On the route to the rebel base~

Fox: Items-check. Weapons-check. Skills-check. Looks like we’re all ready.

CGV: Wait, I forgot something! *Runs back to mercenary base*

Zephrion: Ugh, again? That Bast-Oops, dastard!

Metal Rabbit: Where did he go?

Kiryn: He’s dead, Metal Rabbit.

Metal rabbit: That’s too bad. I feel so sorry for you, Fox.

Fox: Right…Anyway, let’s get down to business. I’ll fill in my brother when he gets back. You must do exactly as I say, or everything will have been for nothing. Got it?

Zephrion: Got it!

Kiryn: Got it!

Metal Rabbit: I don’t got it….

Fox: Good. Here’s the plan….

~Rebel base~

Bianchi: Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soon Bianchi will rule this world!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha-*coughcough* Ugh, Leila get Bianchi's *cough* fire extinguisher!

Fireman: Here. *Pulls fire extinguisher from nowhere*

Bianchi: That was fast. *Sprays into mouth* Much better. It’s like you’re a fireman or something.

Fireman: That’s the craziest thing I ever heard!

Bianchi: Bianchi knows, huh? Bianchi is going to take a nap.

Fireman: I must report to Fox…..

~On the route to the rebel base~

CGV: *Panting* I’m….back.

Fox: What did you forget?

CGV: Oh, just some…reading material, you know? *whispers to Zephrion* YOU know what I mean…*winks*

Zephrion: ….

Fox:…..I’ve explained the plan to everyone else. I’ll tell you as we go.

Metal rabbit: Plan? I never heard a plan!

Kiryn: Don’t you remember anything?

Metal rabbit: ,_,

Kiryn: Whatever. You’ll hear it again.

Zephrion: And I’m carrying a heal staff, just in case.

Fox: Uh…why don’t I hold onto that, just in case?

Zephrion: Are you sure? Ok….

CGV: Alright, what’s the plan?

Fox: Well, first off……

TO BE CONTINUED. And if you aren't in this, it's because I plan to introduce you later.

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