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Rate/Rank/Critique the Events


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1.) Tempest Trials - Relatively easy to do. With 3 runs (on max difficulty) a day, I'm pretty sure you can collect all, if not most, of the rewards. You may need to do an extra run here and there, but overall, the rewards probably have the most variety. And I appreciate all the little fixes they've made to this. Plus it's a good opportunity to use characters you might not use otherwise. It's fun seeing them with buffs.

2.) Forging Bonds - I might switch TT and Forging Bonds if/when they make changes to this mode. Other than the kind of high stamina cost, I don't have a problem with it. The rewards aren't bad. I enjoy the support conversations and little chibi scenes. The battles are pretty chill, so even on the highest difficulty, I can use some of my "lower tier" characters. I can't wait to see more of these.

3.) VG - I put it in the middle because the salt is real, but I've just accepted that this event isn't going anywhere. They've made so many changes to this silly event that I don't know whether they've made it better or worse. lol If anything, I enjoy seeing random characters beat out main characters in the final hour. The tears of people who take this mode too seriously feed my existence. I really wish they'd do more silly themes like guys with long hair and gals with short hair. Maybe then there'd be a little less salt.

4.) Tap Battle - It's fine the first time. And then it's tedious. I put this mode below VG because it runs too often. I'm already tired of seeing it. If it lasted a few days, I'd be fine, but it never goes away. It doesn't help that there's no reason, except personal pride, to clear the higher difficulties, and the ending scene is always the same. 

5.) Grand Conquest - Don't like RD maps. Don't like this mode. People keep trying to tell me that what I do the entire round matters, but I still haven't been convinced. The rewards are fine, but they also feel pretty random. It takes more effort than VG, so I rank it lower. 

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1. Tempest Trials - It does include grinding but because of the long time it's active and the daily 2x chances, it doesn't feel that bad. I enjoy the current incarnation of it a lot and the only downside is that the units you get as rewards aren't always the best.

2. Voting Gauntlet - I know it tends to be a major salt mine for many players but I enjoy it. The rewards could be better but I just enjoy the gameplay aspect the most out of all the events. The main downside is that the mode doesn't favour us Europeans at all since the biggest multipliers are up when I'm asleep (or at least when I should be asleep, cough).

3. Forging Bonds - From what I've seen so far, this mode is very grindy. The convos are nice but it just takes too long to get them, even with the accessories. Also, it seems to be based on luck which character's points (or whatever they're called) you get. So far Libra just seems to hate me.

4. Grand Conquest - I used to dislike this mode a lot more because I don't like the RD style of maps but then I found an easy solution: just use the autobattle and do something more interesting in the meanwhile.

5. Tap Battle - I don't like rhythm games. The main issue I have with them is the sounds you get when you press a button with the correct timing, isn't in the song originally and my brain just goes "what is that sound, it doesn't belong there". Turning off the voices and having no feedback either isn't an answer either. But I suppose turning off some track from the song and having the player play that instead would be too hard (maybe, I'm not an expert on that front). Having to play the same song eight times isn't exactly my idea of fun either and I've liked maybe two songs they've chosen for the mode.

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1 Forging Bonds, only gets this spot because I like lore that much

2 Tempest Trials, good rewards and a good sp source

3 Tap Battles, has being short and easy going for it

4 Voting Gauntlet, the best feature of this mode is seeing players lead units, there's a nice variety

5 Grand Conquest, the maps are too long, and having it end when I go to sleep means all my efforts are a frail 5000 barrier compared to the multiple 100000 captures that happen final round

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1. Forging Bonds - So far, I'm really liking what I'm seeing with this mode. It's laid back, not overly difficult, and I love both the little chibi scenes and the conversations. The only drawback is it's likely going to be with newer units, and with the new female:male ratios, my favourite characters are likely going to be overlooked. The stamina cost also seems pretty high, but it seems doable in the time limit given.

2 - Tempest Trials - Lots of rewards and it has stories at the beginning and the end. My main issue with this is that if I really don't like the map selection (especially the final map), it can get a bit grindy. With this latest one, there was so little of interest to me - repeat character that I don't like, story focussing on two characters I don't particularly like and horrible map selection (really hated the final map)... only the seals, feathers and orbs got me right to the end of the 50k, but it was close. It was just dull this time round.

3 - Tap Battle - It can be fun, although I hate that the dailies always revolve around the same two characters, and I wish it didn't force me to play on normal.

4 - VG - I don't mind this mode, but it can get annoying to get a million of the same colour units. At least you can now replay the battle with no downsides. The multiplier thing can be annoying, but it doesn't require much investment and you don't really lose out if you don't play it past getting the roundly orbs.

5 - GC. I hate it. It's the most boring mode of the game. The maps are too big and it requires far too much investment, which is dragged out by the fact that I loathe it. It doesn't help that it's the one mode you can't grind for the rewards, either, so you can't even go for an easier mode to make it slightly more bearable (you have to do pretty well on Lunatic on all maps to get to 25 - Hard does not do it). It's just not a mode I enjoy and I'd prefer to get the rewards another way, personally.

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1. Tempest Trials - reasonably fun maps on Infernal as the enemies get fairly juiced stats and full kits. Relatively easy/forgiving overall but that's fine. Some nice rewards. It's not the game's best content (that'd be GHBs/BHBs and Chain Challenges) but the best of the events and the only one I'm more or less unabashedly positive about.

2. Forging Bonds - I think this is where I rank this? May revisit this with time. I like that, like TT, it has a big reward for daily play and you're free to play more if you'd like. I think support conversations are a good idea though I'm not invested in the current set. The gameplay is basically just the Training Tower which isn't TOO interesting but... it's gonna get worse from here.

3. Tap Battle - Fun enough rhythm game. Not why I'm playing FEH, but it makes a decent diversion.

4. Voting Gauntlet - The community involvement with this one is fun, people making fanart and memes and so on. The actual gameplay is wretched. The battles are jokes, and the way the game encourages you to watch your phone for multiplier hours is terrible (it may surprise you, FEH, but I have a life and don't want to bend my play to your fickle hourly schedule).

5. Grand Conquests - Objectively better than VG outside the community stuff, but... there's no community stuff. You get assigned to a random team and you can't communicate, zzz. Past that, Rival Domains gameplay is bad, it's nothing like FE (individual unit death is at times almost meaningless and at times even useful!). You don't even get exp/SP/HM so I can't even use it to grow my units! Even tap battle does this better! The only mode I often use auto-battle for and I hate using auto-battle.

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1. Forging Bonds: Like others have mentioned, this is mode is relatively stress free, which is why I'm ranking it this high. Sure, the multiplier hours could have been better explained but it's a good way to use up stamina now that there aren't much things that need it. Gives decent HM on Lunatic. 

2. Tempest Trials: Team building is the hardest part for me but once I get a feel for the team composition, I am able to get A ranks on Lunatic 7 across the board most of the time. However, some maps can be a pain depending on the kind of enemies that are rolled. A consistent problem for me have been fast blue mages like Linde, Ishtar, and Delthea because they are fast enough that not much can reliably double them and if they're rolled on a later map, the extra stats can spell doom for one of your allied units if you're not careful. Of course, this mode is great for getting HM on healers and the rewards are great.  

3. Tap Battle: Sure, it's easy but the daily quests can make it chore to play since there isn't much variety to this game mode. At least for TT and FB, the enemies that we face are randomized so there's something new on each map. 

4. Voting Gauntlet: While I live in a time zone that is convenient for me to play during the last hours of each match, I don't like the fact that I have to keep coming back to it. As such, it feels like a chore to play this game mode.

5.Grand Conquest: I don't like this game mode. I'm not a fan of the big maps and there are too many things happening on the screen for my liking. Things change too quickly on these maps that it feels stressful to play rather than being a decent challenge. For example, if a few of your units go down, things go south very quickly. Not only do you have to play catch up, you also have to push the enemy forces back while having to defend your camps. All these factors just make it stressful and not fun for me to play.

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1. Tempest Trials: This was a no-brainer. Excellent, exciting rewards. Reasonable difficulty. Great for grinding HM. Even the stories can be somewhat intriguing. Enough said.

2. Forging Bonds: I feel this mode has potential. The ceiling is a bit too high for the rewards, but I feel that’s a kink that should be ironed out in a month or two. I don’t mind the stamina cost, as stamina has been so trivialized in the past few months and I still have potions in the 200s. This is good opportunity to flesh out the less explored characters added into FEH, though whether that’s taken advantage of is yet to be seen. 

3. Voting Gauntlet: Personally, I feel as if people score this mode so low due to salt and bias. In my opinion, I feel this mode is underrated. First off, the rewards are pretty decent. In my mind, there’s something to be said about the suspense of the outcomes, for better or for worse. It’s a thrilling experience for me. Sure, it can be a complete crapshoot, but it’s not like it’s the only mood to have that factor (I’m looking at you, Grand Conquest). Plus, even if you’re on a losing team, one can still be rewarded nicely should they place high enough. Plus I like supporting the characters I personally like, whether or not they end up succeeding.

4. Grand Conquest: Before, I HATED this mode. With the changes they mode to this and Rival Domains (thank God the reinforcements can’t attack after teleporting... that was cancerous), I feel it is okay at best. It doesn’t help that I’m already lukewarm to its sister mode. While the rewards are decent, they’re given out at a very slow pace. I actually feel that this mode is more punishing to the losing team than VG is, as the feather distribution is much greater than just 500. I feel as if there’s a lot of emphasis of being in the right place at the right time for this one, and while people might argue saying that VG is the same way, at least there’s a strategy and suspense to it. This mode has neither. 

5. Tap Battle: I honestly don’t get why this mode gets a pass while everyone shits on Voting Gauntlet. It’s just so boring and rather out of place. Aside from orbs which all the other modes give, the only notable rewards given are Arena medals and badges. Thrilling. I hate the slow pace too, and I have no interest in repeating stages for it’s crummy rewards. It’s just a one and done ordeal. The other difficulties are just pointless. Even the music choices are usually disinteresting. The final nail in the coffin is the HM distribution is garbage unless the higher difficulties, but like... why? 

Edited by SilvertheShadow
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1. Tempest Trails - For lots of reasons:

  • Free 4* and 5* character. This alone is enough to rate this mode the highest, I'm always looking forward to who the new character is.
  • Diverse and easy to get rewards.
  • Good way to grind SP, HM, and Ally Support.
  • You can auto battle 5 maps at once, so it's easy to do while spending your time doing other things.
  • Bonus units give characters I don't use a lot a chance to shine.

It does get tedious to grind as the event moves on, but that's forgivable to me for all the points mentioned above. Am very happy they already took quite some steps to make it less tedious, OG TT was just undoable.

2. Tap Battle - I like rhythm games, so I do love this mode. Easy way to get some orbs too. The only thing I dislike is that there's no reason to do the higher difficulties, it would be more fun to get a reward for completing those too, or for completing everything on S rank or something. That would really make this mode perfect for me.

3. Grand Conquest - I don't care about the battling on big maps at all really, I just auto battle all of them. But the amount of feathers you get from this is amazing, which is really the only reason I like this event haha. And an easy way to earn some orbs too.

4. Voting Gauntlet - I like the idea of fighting for the characters I like, but the execution is quite meh. I especially dislike that you can only battle once every 30 minutes, cause I just keep forgetting to do it because of that. Being able to battle straight away again if you lose if a big improvement at least. I like the multipliers though, it's more fun that just expecting the most popular character to win, which is just boring. And you can get 4 orbs quite easily with each round, so that's a definite plus.

5. Forging Bonds - This is just boring and annoying:

  • I like support convos in the main games because it's two characters talking together and it's fun to see them interact and learn new things about them. One character simply telling me how awesome I am and how they want to be me? Ugh.
  • Sad rewards are sad. 1 orbs and 5 dew per character? Seriously? I guess there's the daily orb too but that just makes it more tedious, having to battle every single day for it.
  • I guess having to do only one battle makes it easier to do, but I prefer auto battling 5 maps at once like in TT, cause it makes it easier to do while doing other things. So the grinding is really more tedious for me with this event. And you have to wait for the 2x multiplier all day, or else grinding is just useless.

This whole thing just felt like a waste of time, if it wasn't for my love of accessories, I would've just skipped the whole thing.

Edited by Mau
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1.) Tempest Trials: This wins out for me solely because of free 5* units, it also gives the most orbs of any of the events.  Lately they've been doing less of the original TT and more of TT+, which improves it greatly.  It's also a very good way to grind HM. 

2.) Forging Bonds: This mode is actually quite easy and quick to max out under 2x bonus.  It doesn't give any units, but it does give a decent amount of orbs + loads of feathers, and more importantly...accessories.  The conversations aren't very interesting however and the gameplay itself is very boring.  It says a lot about FEH events that this is #2 on my list, but if they improve the conversations I could probably enjoy it more.

3.) Grand Conquests: While I do enjoy the bigger maps that this and Rival Domains use, if you want to do anything in Infernal you're pretty much forced to have +10 friends and just hope for the best.  It also becomes exhausting doing these long maps over and over again, so many opt to autobattle them...not much unlike TT really.  GC gives a wonderful amount of feathers, along with somewhat a dripfeed of rarer rewards like sacred coins and refining stones, but it gives even less orbs than FB, so third it is.

4.) Tap Battle: I don't have much to say about this one, there's really no reason not to mindlessly tap without regards for rhythm on the easiest difficulty.  It gives orbs, and quests give accessories.  It also requires no stamina.  But seriously...yawn.  It also annoys me that better events like GC don't last nearly as long as the one month this snoozefest is given.

5.) Voting Gauntlets: The cancer this unleashes upon the community coupled with the senseless multiplier system ruins any sort of joy given by the generous amount of orbs, feathers and sacred coins this brings.

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  1. Tempest Trials - Fun and challenging mode with tons of rewards. It's also a great opportunity to grind everyone to get HV from them.
  2. Forging Bonds - This is a good idea even if it needs a bit more improvemnt.The stamina cost is way too high. Also a good Way to grind everyone to get HV from them.
  3. Tap Battle - Since I like rhythm games I like this mode. But it's not sth. I could play for hours. Also playing on harder difficulty should be better rewarded.
  4. Grand Conquest  - Was my least favorite event till it became nerfed in this way that enemies couldn't teleport next to a fort and attack in the same turn anymore. I don't like these big maps, and I don't like the randomness that you don't know which enemy unit will spawn next. Also this event gives neither exp. nor HV iirc, which lowers my motivation to do this.
  5. Voting Gauntlet - Absoutely boring and technically unfair because of the unstable bonus that people might have not access to it because of different timezones. Even for an earlybird as I am I don't get up at like 4 AM to get highest bonus. Honestly this may die!
Edited by Jules
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1. Tempest Trials - great rewards, easily digestible, and doesn't require a huge time investment with the TT+ rework.

2. Voting Gauntlet - sure, the winners are no longer actually valid due to multipliers, but there is still a tension and community interaction to this mode that none of the others can claim. Also, the rewards are great. I just wish that it had longer score intervals. Someone with a job isn't going to be able to play every half hour.

3. Grand Conquests - hate the gameplay of Rival Domains, so this one is nothing but an autoplay to me. Still, the rewards are high and this event doesn't demand too much time commitment from the player.

4. Tap Battle - fun, if shallow and repetitive, but bite-sized enough to make it a light daily time waster with a small bump in rewards.

5. Forging Bonds - Fundamentally broken at current implementation. The random scoring and allocation makes for wildly inconsistent play times. I gave up after seeing one of my 4 stay at 500 points while one of the others got into the 1500+ range. Also, the reward tiers aren't satisfying. 

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2 hours ago, Etheus said:

sure, the winners are no longer actually valid due to multipliers,

Only if you still interpret the game mode as a popularity contest, which it isn't. It's a 45-hour-long marathon where each flag is actually a disguised tomato you throw at the opposing team's representative.


2 hours ago, Etheus said:

Fundamentally broken at current implementation. The random scoring and allocation makes for wildly inconsistent play times. I gave up after seeing one of my 4 stay at 500 points while one of the others got into the 1500+ range. Also, the reward tiers aren't satisfying.

The game will stop spawning hearts for a character once they max out, meaning it doesn't matter if one character reaches 3,500 points way faster than everyone else. As long as you get 1,000 points per day total across the four characters, you'll hit 3,500 points per character within the time limit.

The only time it matters who has how many points is if you really want to get the accessories in a particular order.

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