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I hate AP exams....


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actually you only get college credit if you pass the exam. the class influences in your GPA only.

It's also dependent on how the test is graded. For me, we had to get at least a 3/5 overall in three essay prompts.

I have no personal experience with being educated in a college environment but I am inclined to agree with you. I believe that the school classroom environment is ineffective for the teaching of some kinds of material. A teacher is forced to either match the pace of the slowest or least motivated students or neglect a portion of the class to make superior progress (an option that a teacher in the United States does not have available to him or her). The students as a whole suffer as a result. This is most pronounced in foreign language classes which I have found utterly useless when the number of students nears ten, and still inherently limiting even with a much reduced class size.

The problem lies in that school systems, like many of society's constructions, is based entirely on profit and standards. Lower-end schools are funded federally, and have precise standards they need to live up to--and if they don't, feds come in to teach or the school goes through some heavy reformation (U.S., at least). Some of the better teachers will set aside time for struggling students if you make your case to them personally, usually before or after class, but since the high school and under treat a class as a class, there is no individual aid. For college, it's much the same, but that's because it's not the job of the teachers, really, to educate you fully. It's to make available the knowledge. Again, if you've a nice teacher, they'll help you out. And if you get one like my English teacher for the past two, next three, semesters, she'll pamper you with office hours and home aid every second. the large difference is that there is no mandated cover date to meet for studying other than what the teacher sets. If they feel they aren't progressing well enough with the class, be prepared to get tons more info or to meet your new, smaller, and easier final.

Could you elaborate on how your college English course differs from AP English courses? I would assume that your class may have more leeway because it does not have to be taught according to a final exam, but that is an uneducated assumption.

In the case of English--and most all of the other classes, even, the finals aren't really finals to test all of your knowledge of the class. Save Math, of course. No, my finals have really been slightly elongated standard tests. For my English course, she's more interested in what we come up philosophical throughout the entire course. Last semester in English 2--basic college-entry English, we read various philosophers, both modern and ancient, and wrote about five essays the entire semester based on certain ideologies and principles we found along the way. We also had between 3~5 essay prompts every week or two, sometimes more, to go along with selected readings, with discussion in class. Her final for this and last semester is to watch a film the last week of school, and then write an essay in class on the subject's meanings.

So basically, it was just another essay. I'd actually say her final is easier than other essays in the class. For other classes, I've found them mostly just, as I said, elongated tests. Of course I'm sure classes like the sciences and the like, especially Biology, will be a lot more like a Math final, but on average, college really isn't as bad as high school mandated-information. Not to mention the schedule is a lot nicer too--I've seen in this thread the idea that taking AP classes will get you out of basic college classes. Well, a basic assessment can do the same thing, if you score high enough, and I'd assume most colleges won't let you register until you do so. Ours was a Math, Reading, and English literacy assessment, others may be different. In any case, you can do the same thing by a standard assessment test; and also, think of how many hours you already spend in a class. Now thing about the standards you're supposed to learn in class along with what some other company thinks a college education should offer. You now have that much work, and still pro'lly five or six hours a week of class in addition to some homework. For college currently, I've had my English 31 (Existentialism) from 12:30~1:50PM Mondays and Wednesdays. That's it, really. If you're in it because you think it would be wonderful not to have to deal with an English or Math class, yeah, you won't have to deal with it. But it's only going to get easier when you jump to the next level. If you're thinking of jumping directly into a university rather than a community college, I can see a reason to bother in high school, to save you costs--but you could also take a community college with the same education for an eight or even tenth of the price, in some areas. Hell, take an online class from a community college and other classes as your university, if it'll save you money :/

If that thing above here even made sense :x

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Ugh, I have to go in to school early tomorrow so I can take the computer science A ap test. I'm not too worried about the multiple choice, but I am freaking out about the free response. I've had nightmares where I go in and they tell me to right an entire program with thousands of lines of code in an hour and fourty-five minutes. Has anyone else taken this test before?

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Lucky, it's so much more stress than it's worth.

i imagine, i'm having a hard time as it is with english and calc and bio and physics and microecon and spanish

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i hate english literature....

i'm like, braindead right now because i just took the exam

that's probably whats going to happen to me cause i got to take the AP US History exam tomorrow... ugh i should probably get some sleep so i'm not half-asleep during the exam. Lesson: staying up til at least 11:30pm (often 12 or sometimes 1am) and getting up at 7am for most of the school year really, really, isn't a good idea. D=

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yep, biology and physics.....

i think i'll just shoot myself to be excused from the tests....

Oooh, biology. Took that one last year...I thought the test was hard, but my grade turned out pretty nice. ;) Don't worry too much, cuz we're here to support you! And we can all share the burden of APs.

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yep, biology and physics.....

i think i'll just shoot myself to be excused from the tests....

you could just hospitalize yourself. That'll work, too

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I just took my AP US History exam yesterday... even more fun was going to some of my classes afterwards.

Also, lol in the exam room some teacher wrote this on the board:

"You're going to totally pøwn this exam. <insert my school name here> is teh winzørz!".

Then there was some explanation of it on the side in case you don't understand 1337.

I just laughed when i read that lol. :lol:

Now i have to wait til the middle of July to get the results from this test... oh well i can certainly wait.

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