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Character Guide


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Hello fellow Fire Emblem fans. First, I want to say how great it is to have an engaged community with this series. I haven't seen this much love for the game since, well, ever.

That being said, one of the more helpful things in the past were Character Guides - guides that pretty much graded a character on a scale of 1 - 10, ie, Chrom is an 8.5 because of X and Y and Z. (example not official score).

In the past, this was helpful because I didn't know which characters would turn out to be studs or duds. For example, Rolf, from PoR and RD is a terrible character when you start off. And Shinnon was so much better. But, after reading some character guides I realized that Rolf was an absolute POWERHOUSE after he leveled.

That being said, I wanted to get a thread going on what characters are worth investing experience into. For example, the archer you start with (can't recall his name ATM), I'm wondering, should I give this guy EXP or hold off for someone better?

There are a lot of experienced players on this forum - some that imported the game some time ago. I was hoping you could share your opinions on characters you feel you have a strong grasp on and rate their pros and cons. I'll do the same, but I'm obviously behind.

That being said, please post away below. I'd like this thread to stay on topic. If you feel player X isn't as good as someone else said, then post your own rating rather than simply dismissing them. My goal is to make this an official character guide thread for the community.

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How are we supposed to do an RTU when every character technically has unlimited stats. And then there's the whole children character debocal that makes them broken. Don't get me started on the Morgan argument either. Either way to the question about Virion he is pretty good but prone to slight speed screw age from my experience.

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But the biggest issue with the whole thing is how do we do the children character when some of the parents make them broken and others make them awful.

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Buts that's where the difference in opinion comes into play. Some people think speed is the most important stat others think its strength, I personally like thwomps but I am in the minority so I say Kellam goes with sully for the best defensive stats possible others might argue vaike for better offense. That's the good part about the system but it complicates ratings IMO.

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Is it bad if I'm on Chapter 20 and have barely used any of the children so far?

No, the parents are still usable, just the children tend to have more potential due to better caps then their parents. (Each parent changes a child characters caps for each class varying amounts depending on who the father is for most kids, and who the mother is for Lucina and Female Morgan, and they also affect their growth rates.)

EX: When I paired my Avatar with Cordelia and made him a hero, (and capped every stat) Severa who was also a hero (again capped every stat) had higher stats than my Avatar for everything aside from Luck and Hp.

Edited by Zelos
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If you're worried about which characters will end up crap, don't be. There are no truly 'awful' characters in this game. Everyone has the potential to turn out decent, there are no Bantus or FE11!Arrans here.

This game seems to take a similar approach to FE4 with regards to characters, namely there are a lot less of them, but everyone has at least SOMETHING that makes them worth using. As opposed to FE12, which game you 70+ characters but well over half of them you'd never consider using unless everyone else died.

It seem the same for pairings too, the difference isn't quite so radical as it was in FE4. In that game you could render some of the children near-useless with awful pairings, (Claude or Azel fathering most non-mage children, for example) but in this game while there are 'better' pairings, per say, it's more a case of "Amazing vs. Still Pretty Good" rather than "Good vs. Terrible".

What I'm saying is you shouldn't worry too much about your characters sucking. Again, there are no Bantus or Jagens. (Frederick actually has really GOOD growths, and will probably turn out really well with reclassing)

There are some units who have less merit on an efficiency standpoint (poor Donnel... it's not his fault really, just his class), if you don't care about that (like me), you can get through the game just fine using whoever you want. Unless you're playing Lunatic.

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