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Can’t speed this chapter up unfortunately. Marcia gets crappy EXP, even getting kills. Elincia can damage people with a staff. Leanne is easy to protect, most notably because Nealuchi doesn’t get doubled untransformed. Marcia killed everything but the boss.

Turns (chapter/total): 9/96

BEXP (chapter/current): 500/500

Funds: ???

Elincia	1.57	36	19	17	21	22	29	18	24	
Marcia	6.15	35	16	6	17	20	13	16	16	
Neal	22.08	53	10	4	9	36	24	10	10	
Leanne	5.6	25	0	3	1	6	27	2	11	
Haar	11.51	46	23	2	24	20	13	23	7	


You know what’s annoying? Enemies that don’t move on one turn and then move on the next for no apparent reason. Just saying. I picked up the Steel Axe on turn 1. Went and started beating the crap out of people after that. Neph crits help speed things up. Got the concoction and Spectre Card cause I could. So many misses. O_O Would’ve been done in 1-2 turns less if I could simply hit the boss. Planning ahead, Neph gets the boss kill.

Turns (chapter/total): 11/107

BEXP (chapter/current): 1464/1964

Funds: ???

Neph	2.6	32	15	6	19	21	12	15	14	
Brom	2.61	36	19	4	17	16	13	21	9	
Heather	7	32	15	9	21	25	16	10	14	


I hate FoW. Letting Lucia go wild with her Silver Sword in the top route. Everybody else blasted through the bottom route. Used whatever laguz stuff I felt like. And by that, I mean 2 laguz stones and 1 Olivi Grass. Wanted to clear guys out early, as the large number of enemies cause problems later for me. Also want to note that I got Lethe transformed twice in this chapter; once using a stone and once by using the bowgun guy. I wouldn't have had enough people to get the Secret Book otherwise. Of course, if I had remembered to get Neph a Steel Lance, I might not have needed to be so aggressive on player phases and had less transformation problems. Gave Neph this boss kill, too.

Turns (chapter/total): 6/113

BEXP (chapter/current): 1625/3589

Funds: ???

Lucia	14.14	38	18	10	27	27	19	14	15	
Lethe	21.08	51	9	6	13	12	18	9	10	
Mordi	16.11	57	14	1	9	9	15	16	4	
Neph	4.3	33	16	7	21	23	12	16	14	
Brom	3.37	37	19	4	18	17	13	21	10	
Heather	7.18	32	15	9	21	25	16	10	14	
Neal	22.14	53	10	4	9	36	24	10	10	
Leanne	6.2	26	0	4	1	6	28	2	12	

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I wouldn't go too crazy with the Laguz stones. You'll want to keep them for Reyson in Part 3.

I have 3 left with no intention of using them and Kyza will provide me 3 more in part 3. I'm not going to worry too much about them.

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Well, Ulki and Janaff can transform with Laguz Stone on turn 1 whereas they need to wait until turn 3 with Olivi Grass. Turn 2, I guess, if Reyson refreshes them. Who knows, you might find that one extra enemy phase handy.

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I bought the Hammer, Horseslayer, Killer Bow, and Killing Edge. Not too sure how useful that last one is going to be. Astrid isn’t deployed. Using the Yellow units as a screen to keep guys off me. Took a while to figure out placement to get everything to work. Geoffrey eventually gets a boss kill and sends the Brave Lance to Convoy. We’ll see how I can put that to use in part 3. Got the Arms Scroll. Cause my enemies suck so hard that my partner’s can kill them, 40 left alive.

Hugely important factoid (as far as I’m concerned): The spot to the right of the Armor in the center north starts the Speedwing Halb moving. Pretty much guarantees that you can kill him if you get him to start moving turn 3. (Hey, guess where Geoffrey can be on turn 3.)

Turns (chapter/total): 6/119

BEXP (chapter/current): 6351/9940

Funds: 10350

Marcia	6.15	35	16	6	17	20	13	16	16	
Geof	16.1	37	24	8	24	20	19	19	16	
Kieran	11.26	41	21	6	20	20	16	18	11	
Makalov	7.03	37	18	5	17	18	20	17	9	
Danved	9.15	39	17	8	23	21	18	15	12	
Astrid	2	33	13	8	16	15	17	10	14	

I’m going to say this now, I think the only reason Marcia was worthwhile in this chapter was because I could keep my group connected and prevent clogging with the spot she took. She didn’t even get a chance to kill the Horseslayer guy because I didn’t have the time of day to kill the Bowgun Warriors. I just sacrificed a partner unit to the Horseslayer guy, who missed and took a counter because his hit rate sucks. Danved kills because he isn’t afraid of Bowgun dudes. Then I had to concoct a way to protect Marcia on turn 5 so she wouldn’t die. I suppose she was an extra unit to try and help kill the Speedwing Halb, if necessary, but I didn't need her in the end.

I was originally planning to do 2-E tonight too, but I'm tired as I've been trying to figure everything out for a while now.

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I bought the Hammer, Horseslayer, Killer Bow, and Killing Edge. Not too sure how useful that last one is going to be. Astrid isn’t deployed. Using the Yellow units as a screen to keep guys off me. Took a while to figure out placement to get everything to work. Geoffrey eventually gets a boss kill and sends the Brave Lance to Convoy. We’ll see how I can put that to use in part 3. Got the Arms Scroll. Cause my enemies suck so hard that my partner’s can kill them, 40 left alive.

Hugely important factoid (as far as I’m concerned): The spot to the right of the Armor in the center north starts the Speedwing Halb moving. Pretty much guarantees that you can kill him if you get him to start moving turn 3. (Hey, guess where Geoffrey can be on turn 3.)

Turns (chapter/total): 6/119

BEXP (chapter/current): 6351/9940

Funds: 10350

Marcia	6.15	35	16	6	17	20	13	16	16	
Geof	16.1	37	24	8	24	20	19	19	16	
Kieran	11.26	41	21	6	20	20	16	18	11	
Makalov	7.03	37	18	5	17	18	20	17	9	
Danved	9.15	39	17	8	23	21	18	15	12	
Astrid	2	33	13	8	16	15	17	10	14	

I’m going to say this now, I think the only reason Marcia was worthwhile in this chapter was because I could keep my group connected and prevent clogging with the spot she took. She didn’t even get a chance to kill the Horseslayer guy because I didn’t have the time of day to kill the Bowgun Warriors. I just sacrificed a partner unit to the Horseslayer guy, who missed and took a counter because his hit rate sucks. Danved kills because he isn’t afraid of Bowgun dudes. Then I had to concoct a way to protect Marcia on turn 5 so she wouldn’t die. I suppose she was an extra unit to try and help kill the Speedwing Halb, if necessary, but I didn't need her in the end.

I was originally planning to do 2-E tonight too, but I'm tired as I've been trying to figure everything out for a while now.

Did you get the wing to go to the convoy? I mean, with the CRK not appearing until turn 7 or 8 in the next chapter, your choices are to have a unit with full inventory KO the guy or get Marcia to do it.

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Did you get the wing to go to the convoy? I mean, with the CRK not appearing until turn 7 or 8 in the next chapter, your choices are to have a unit with full inventory KO the guy or get Marcia to do it.

Kieran killed the guy. Marcia took it. Bit of a nuisance, but no big deal. Guess you can tack that onto reasons fielding Marcia is okay.

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End of Part 2. Yay! Made Leanne + Neal support cause I could. Sending over lots of goodies to the GM. Less important stuff is on Lethe and Mordecai. Gave Neph the Talisman and leveled her to 8 with BEXP. No STR or DEF, but since she’s basically capped SKL/SPD/RES…

Goals are to get Nullify and Energy Drop. I’ll get the Dracoshield, too, if possible.

Haar gets the Speedwing off of Marcia and uses it. Haar and Calill combine to get Nullify. Haar has to survive an Elthunder mage, but whatever. Both Mordecai and Nealuchi grass on turn 1. They have to or I have no chance at 4 turns. Turn 2 I clear out the middle area (mostly). Turn 3 I finish clearing the area out and have Mordecai shift and tank at the right chokepoint, as he doubles and kills an armor to make room for the energy drop one to be able to attack. Haar blocks the stairs on the left and everyone gets into position for the Draco steal. Turn 4 Mordecai kills the Energy Drop armor, Neph trades for it and kills a priest for free EXP. Calill hits a Longbow dude to weaken him and Neal finishes. I needed to do this so Leanne could get to the right spot. Heather gets dropped and Haar gets into position, taking a free kill while he’s at it. Leanne vigors, Heather steals, Elincia makes a path for Haar, and Haar finishes the chapter. What’s great is that Ledveck is in Worst Bio and Haar is in Good Bio, leaving Haar at 95 hit and Ludveck at 46, greatly reducing the chances of getting crit killed on the attack or failing to kill Ludveck. Haar hit a Cancel to prevent the crit, making that a non-factor.

Turns (chapter/total): 4/123

BEXP (chapter/current): 1587/2047

Funds: 7500

Ch. 2-E										
Elincia	1.79	36	19	17	21	22	29	18	24	
Marcia	6.34	35	16	6	17	20	13	16	16	
Lethe	21.08	51	9	6	13	12	18	9	10	
Mordi	16.33	57	14	1	9	9	15	16	4	
Neph	8.48	34	16	7	25	27	13	16	18	
Brom	3.68	37	19	4	18	17	13	21	10	
Heather	7.28	32	15	9	21	25	16	10	14	
Neal	22.15	53	10	4	9	36	24	10	10	C Leanne
Leanne	6.6	26	0	4	1	6	28	2	12	C Neal
Haar	12.89	46	24	2	25	23	13	24	7	
Calill	6.21	23	9	19	18	18	16	11	17	

Might start Part 3 later. Depends on how I feel after dinner.

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Micaiah's speed may be good relative to her average, but she's still a billion years off doubling. 16AS is needed to double even the slower stuff like Armours and Fighters in 1-5, and 17 for the Soldiers, so even if you got speed every level up she'd need to be level 10 or something silly like that.

IN OTHER WORDS: Micaiah's speed sucks, even when she's blessed.

If you do manage to get lucky with her speed growth and giving her some more bonus exp, she should eventually double by endgame unless that it's HM that is.

EDIT: and buy some Grass for Volug.

Although that it suck that you cannot get Volug good EXP in Part 1 as you cannot remove his Wildheart skill until Part 3.

howcome you're shipping the Ashera icon? Just wondering.

Sell it for money.

I was going to say the same thing. Shouldn't Miccy's group keep the Icon as her groups war funds are less then in Ike's group?

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If you do manage to get lucky with her speed growth and giving her some more bonus exp, she should eventually double by endgame unless that it's HM that is.

I was going to say the same thing. Shouldn't Miccy's group keep the Icon as her groups war funds are less then in Ike's group?

Bold...replying to HM log... :facepalm:

No of course not, they don't want any money, they are just fine, GMs want money because you can make mia/shinnon/neph a forge, you can also but the dracoshield if you really want it.

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Although that it suck that you cannot get Volug good EXP in Part 1 as you cannot remove his Wildheart skill until Part 3.

Wildheart has absolutely nothing to do with EXP gain.

Why am I responding to Ayanami in the first place?

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Part 3. Here we go. Provoke on Ike, Adept on Mia. Turn 1, wonderful missing mishaps on the SM. It was funny. I favored people (namely Mia) and tried to work on adjacents. The laguz AI seemed to think blocking off the boss on Turn 7 so I couldn’t attack it was a good idea, so it took 8 turns.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/131

BEXP (chapter/current): 3208/3208

Funds: 5000

Ike	11.66	44	24	2	28	23	14	21	7	
Titania	16.35	36	25	10	22	21	19	29	14	
Soren	5.25	28	9	23	21	18	11	9	21	
Mist	1.78	28	9	13	13	15	16	7	16	
Rolf	1.62	32	17	3	20	19	13	13	9	
Boyd	8.81	45	22	1	20	18	13	15	8	
Oscar	12.44	38	20	7	22	21	18	17	13	
Shinon	13.33	43	21	7	28	24	15	20	14	
Gatrie	10.34	44	25	5	18	20	15	24	11	
Rhys	3.79	27	8	23	16	14	21	7	24	
Mia	8.76	35	17	5	26	29	19	14	8	


There were a couple of bumps in the road, but basically the same as 1-P. Had Lethe and Lyre help with the southwest reinforcements. Their turn reliably comes before the enemy's.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/139

BEXP (chapter/current): 1504/4712

Funds: 5000

Ike	12.95	45	25	3	29	24	14	22	7	
Titania	16.9	36	25	10	22	21	19	29	14	
Soren	6.31	29	10	24	21	18	11	9	22	
Mist	2.41	28	9	14	14	15	17	7	16	
Rolf	2.36	33	18	3	21	20	13	13	10	
Boyd	9.7	45	23	1	20	18	13	16	8	
Oscar	12.54	38	20	7	22	21	18	17	13	
Shinon	14.12	44	21	7	29	24	15	21	14	
Gatrie	10.55	44	25	5	18	20	15	24	11	
Rhys	4.26	27	9	24	16	14	21	7	25	
Mia	9.45	35	17	5	27	30	19	14	9	

Will work on more later. Umm, how many forges should I make guys?

Edited by nflchamp
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Wildheart has absolutely nothing to do with EXP gain.

I chose to give her the benefit of the doubt. If you could get rid of wildheart then you could fight a little untransformed (counts as level 15 instead of 20/10) while 49 HP, 20 mt, 13 speed, 9 def aren't going to get you killed while tinking enemies. He wouldn't be good, obviously, but it would be much easier to do untransformed training of Volug that way.

Of course, level 15 killing level 11 is only getting 14 experience, so it wouldn't be great training even then.

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That's true, but if you want to get technical, that's not really Wildheart's fault. Wildheart itself just gives you the option to halfshift. You can blame the game designers for adding that stupid (or genius, whatever floats your boat) little feature that never lets Volug untransfrom in Part 1.

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Volug not being able to untransform is part of the storyline, if you were paying attention to his recruitment conversation.

yes, but when LEA joins why doesn't he gain ability to shift/unshift. I guess it's because they decided they couldn't keep it a good enough "secret" cause everyone is gonna be like durrrr that's just a random dog listening to orders and raping our enemies.

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First things first, I made some supports this chapter. Ike x Mia; Brom x Neph; Gatrie x Mist (that’s all I could do :)). Sold all the stuff I have for money purposes. Made Mia a Steel Sword forge (+5MT/+15CRIT) and Neph a Steel Lance forge (+5MT/+15CRIT). Arrow card gave Neph’s forge +10 hit. Titania used the Speedwing and Dracoshield, Neph used the Energy Drop and Seraph Robe. Bought a lot of generic stuff for use at a later date. Gave Mia Cancel, Neph Adept, Shinon Disarm, Titania Savior, Haar Celerity, Mist Shade. That’s it, I think. Ilyana didn’t get fielded. Haar beat the crap out of the top left, everyone else went down. Mia killed the boss with wyrmslayer.

Turns (chapter/total): 5/144

BEXP (chapter/current): 1875/6587

Funds: 3163

Ike	13.27	45	26	3	29	24	14	23	7	C Mia
Titania	17.07	37	25	10	23	24	19	22	14	
Soren	6.37	29	10	24	21	18	11	9	22	
Mist	2.86	28	9	14	14	15	17	7	16	C Gatrie
Rolf	2.45	33	18	3	21	20	13	13	10	
Boyd	9.89	45	23	1	20	18	13	16	8	
Oscar	12.94	38	20	7	22	21	18	17	13	
Shinon	14.25	44	21	7	29	24	15	21	14	
Gatrie	10.6	44	25	5	18	20	15	24	11	C Mist
Rhys	4.48	27	9	24	16	14	21	7	25	
Mia	10.54	36	18	5	28	30	19	14	9	C Ike
Neph	9.24	42	18	7	26	27	14	16	18	C Brom
Brom	3.76	37	19	4	18	17	13	21	10	C Neph
Heather	7.48	32	15	9	21	25	16	10	14	
Haar	14.64	46	25	2	26	23	15	25	7	
Ilyana	13.48	22	7	12	12	14	7	3	9	


Sold the Secrect Book that I thought about maybe using and bought a Dracoshield with the extra cash. Gave that to Neph. Established Titania x Oscar, Mist x Boyd, and Gatrie x Soren supports. Alright, basically, Haar did stuff. Killed senators cause they’re dumb. Neph doubling SM is ridiculously fun. Honestly, I almost routed this map. Neph got the boss kill. Really, I just wanted to see if I could get her close enough to a level for BEXP.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/152

BEXP (chapter/current): 3050/9637

Funds: 2210

Ike	14.35	46	26	3	30	24	14	23	7	C Mia
Titania	17.35	37	25	10	23	24	19	22	14	C Oscar
Soren	6.44	29	10	24	21	18	11	9	22	C Gatrie
Mist	3.52	28	9	14	14	16	17	7	16	C Boyd
Boyd	10.23	46	23	2	20	19	14	16	8	C Mist
Oscar	13.09	38	20	7	22	22	18	18	13	C Titania
Shinon	14.69	44	21	7	29	24	15	21	14	
Gatrie	10.79	44	25	5	18	20	15	24	11	C Soren
Mia	11.76	37	18	5	29	30	20	15	9	C Ike
Neph	10.75	42	18	7	26	27	14	19	18	C Brom
Haar	15.7	47	26	2	26	23	16	26	7	

So I'm batting around this idea of maybe trying to BEXP Haar to try and get a SPD proc and then Crown him. Problem being that SPD is tied with HP as 3rd highest growth and RES is on .1 behind both. I'm thinking I can wait. I'll probably BEXP Neph. Even though she's a bit further away, she's only level 10, so it should be relatively cheap.

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First things first, I made some supports this chapter. Ike x Mia; Brom x Neph; Gatrie x Mist (that’s all I could do :)). Sold all the stuff I have for money purposes. Made Mia a Steel Sword forge (+5MT/+15CRIT) and Neph a Steel Lance forge (+5MT/+15CRIT). Arrow card gave Neph’s forge +10 hit. Titania used the Speedwing and Dracoshield, Neph used the Energy Drop and Seraph Robe. Bought a lot of generic stuff for use at a later date. Gave Mia Cancel, Neph Adept, Shinon Disarm, Titania Savior, Haar Celerity, Mist Shade. That’s it, I think. Ilyana didn’t get fielded. Haar beat the crap out of the top left, everyone else went down. Mia killed the boss with wyrmslayer.

Turns (chapter/total): 5/144

BEXP (chapter/current): 1875/6587

Funds: 3163

Ike	13.27	45	26	3	29	24	14	23	7	C Mia
Titania	17.07	37	25	10	23	24	19	22	14	
Soren	6.37	29	10	24	21	18	11	9	22	
Mist	2.86	28	9	14	14	15	17	7	16	C Gatrie
Rolf	2.45	33	18	3	21	20	13	13	10	
Boyd	9.89	45	23	1	20	18	13	16	8	
Oscar	12.94	38	20	7	22	21	18	17	13	
Shinon	14.25	44	21	7	29	24	15	21	14	
Gatrie	10.6	44	25	5	18	20	15	24	11	C Mist
Rhys	4.48	27	9	24	16	14	21	7	25	
Mia	10.54	36	18	5	28	30	19	14	9	C Ike
Neph	9.24	42	18	7	26	27	14	16	18	C Brom
Brom	3.76	37	19	4	18	17	13	21	10	C Neph
Heather	7.48	32	15	9	21	25	16	10	14	
Haar	14.64	46	25	2	26	23	15	25	7	
Ilyana	13.48	22	7	12	12	14	7	3	9	


Sold the Secrect Book that I thought about maybe using and bought a Dracoshield with the extra cash. Gave that to Neph. Established Titania x Oscar, Mist x Boyd, and Gatrie x Soren supports. Alright, basically, Haar did stuff. Killed senators cause they’re dumb. Neph doubling SM is ridiculously fun. Honestly, I almost routed this map. Neph got the boss kill. Really, I just wanted to see if I could get her close enough to a level for BEXP.

Turns (chapter/total): 8/152

BEXP (chapter/current): 3050/9637

Funds: 2210

Ike	14.35	46	26	3	30	24	14	23	7	C Mia
Titania	17.35	37	25	10	23	24	19	22	14	C Oscar
Soren	6.44	29	10	24	21	18	11	9	22	C Gatrie
Mist	3.52	28	9	14	14	16	17	7	16	C Boyd
Boyd	10.23	46	23	2	20	19	14	16	8	C Mist
Oscar	13.09	38	20	7	22	22	18	18	13	C Titania
Shinon	14.69	44	21	7	29	24	15	21	14	
Gatrie	10.79	44	25	5	18	20	15	24	11	C Soren
Mia	11.76	37	18	5	29	30	20	15	9	C Ike
Neph	10.75	42	18	7	26	27	14	19	18	C Brom
Haar	15.7	47	26	2	26	23	16	26	7	

So I'm batting around this idea of maybe trying to BEXP Haar to try and get a SPD proc and then Crown him. Problem being that SPD is tied with HP as 3rd highest growth and RES is on .1 behind both. I'm thinking I can wait. I'll probably BEXP Neph. Even though she's a bit further away, she's only level 10, so it should be relatively cheap.

shouldn't you be bexping Mia and Neph? It's what, around 750 bexp each? Also, wow, poor Mia. 4 levels, 1 str. Def proc'd more. Anyway, a bexp level should give hp + str + skl. And next best are def and luck, so you can't really go wrong. After capping spd, she's already down to 2.9 on average anyway. And she'll only be two away from hp cap and skill won't risk not procing.

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shouldn't you be bexping Mia and Neph? It's what, around 750 bexp each? Also, wow, poor Mia. 4 levels, 1 str. Def proc'd more. Anyway, a bexp level should give hp + str + skl. And next best are def and luck, so you can't really go wrong. After capping spd, she's already down to 2.9 on average anyway. And she'll only be two away from hp cap and skill won't risk not procing.

Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

And I finally figured out a support partner for Neph. Neph + Shinon. They'll probably both end up in endgame, too! Score!

Alright, in all honesty I was hoping to get a +MT support for Neph, but everyone not named Mia sucks, so it ain't happening.

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I chose to give her the benefit of the doubt. If you could get rid of wildheart then you could fight a little untransformed (counts as level 15 instead of 20/10) while 49 HP, 20 mt, 13 speed, 9 def aren't going to get you killed while tinking enemies. He wouldn't be good, obviously, but it would be much easier to do untransformed training of Volug that way.

Exact same here, lol. Ayanami does a great job of repeating debunked "facts" (rumors) over and over again, but it's really only worth responding to if she's being 100% false.

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Sold my new worthless items! Bought Shinon the Silencer with my newfound funds. BEXP both Mia and Neph a level, netting both +STR. Raise Ike x Mia to B. Ranulf is getting Pass + Celerity this chapter, while Haar is picking up Savior. Gatrie is benched for Mordecai. Haar gets a level and procs SPD. Yay! Haar does most of the heavy lifting, taking Ike up the cliffs. Neph and Shinon do most of the heavy lifting in helping Ranulf to the arrive square. Mordecai smites Ike onto the arrive square so Ranulf could finish the chapter. Might have been able to go faster, but this seemed safest.

Turns (chapter/total): 7/159

BEXP (chapter/current): 2964/11107

Funds: 9210

Ike	14.76	46	26	3	30	24	14	23	7	B Mia
Titania	17.79	37	25	10	23	24	19	22	14	C Oscar
Soren	6.44	29	10	24	21	18	11	9	22	C Gatrie
Mist	3.75	28	9	14	14	16	17	7	16	C Boyd
Boyd	10.24	46	23	2	20	19	14	16	8	C Mist
Oscar	13.13	38	20	7	22	22	18	18	13	C Titania
Shinon	15.39	44	22	8	30	25	15	22	14	
Mia	12.54	38	19	5	30	30	20	15	9	B Ike
Neph	12.31	44	19	7	26	27	16	20	18	C Brom
Haar	16.73	47	27	2	26	24	17	26	7	
Mordi	16.34	57	14	1	9	9	15	16	4	
Ranulf	26.04	55	14	6	16	15	23	13	10	


Made Titania x Oscar and Boyd x Mist B supports. Established a Neph x Shinon support. Titania got Pass, Heathe Shade, Reyson Celerity. Going to see if I can get the Energy Drop.

Haar (with Heather in tow), Titanaia, Oscar, and Reyson go straight down. Haar and Titania beat the crap out of stuff, while the other three stay out of the way. Ike, Gatrie, and Mia try to get as much EXP on the right side as possible. Neph and Shinon do the same on the left. No one else matters. Heather steals the energy drop and Titania and Haar combine for a guaranteed boss kill. I thought this was going to be difficult, but it ended up being the easiest chapters thus far.

Turns (chapter/total): 3/162

BEXP (chapter/current): 2000/13107

Funds: 9210

Ike	15.23	46	27	3	30	25	15	23	7	B Mia
Titania	18.54	38	26	10	24	25	19	22	14	B Oscar
Soren	6.44	29	10	24	21	18	11	9	22	C Gatrie
Mist	3.75	28	9	14	14	16	17	7	16	B Boyd
Boyd	10.3	46	23	2	20	19	14	16	8	B Mist
Oscar	13.68	38	20	7	22	22	18	18	13	B Titania
Shinon	15.83	44	22	8	30	25	15	22	14	C Neph
Mia	12.93	38	19	5	30	30	20	15	9	B Ike
Neph	12.91	44	19	7	26	27	16	20	18	C Shinon
Haar	17.97	47	28	2	26	24	17	26	7	
Gatrie	11.21	45	26	5	18	20	16	25	11	C Soren
Heather	7.58	32	15	9	21	25	16	10	14	
Reyson	15.21	40	3	5	5	11	31	6	17	


Haha, I can finally report on the 1-E stats (or the important ones anyways).

Micaiah	1	22	6	14	13	12	19	7	14	A Sothe
Sothe	5.19	36	19	4	24	22	18	15	11	A Micaiah
Volug	15.65	49	13	3	12	13	13	9	7	C Zihark
Nolan	17.2	43	15	0	16	14	11	10	5	B Aran
Laura	5.8	17	5	10	6	8	11	4	10	C Edward
Zihark	5.9	31	18	6	24	25	11	13	11	C Volug
Jill	18.24	32	11	1	13	16	16	18	4	
Aran	11.11	25	11	0	15	13	9	13	3	B Nolan

Anyways, first thing first, BEXP Nolan and Jill to 20 and promote. Might as well get whatever stats I can. I Sealed Aran, too, cause, well, I had an extra Seal. Made a Nolan x Jill support because, well, I doubt 10 avoid is going to change much for Nolan. He can tank 1 Tiger. Yeppers, so long as he’s in range of the new Laura support he has, even a 41MT tiger can’t kill him. Unless it doubles because Aran only has 14 SPD. Whoops.

Totally redid skills. Nolan has Vantage + Beastfoe, Sothe has Parity + Renewal, Volug has Resolve + Wrath, Jill has Paragon, Zihark has Cancel + Imbue.

Unsurprisingly, this chapter is annoying when anyone worthwhile is RNG screwed. Jill and Nolan became good after a little while and were able to handle the right side. Volug and Sothe handled the top gap, with help from the BK and a first turn screen of allies. And damn it, Leo rocks. Reliable 2-range FTW! Difference between getting a KO and not for my STR-screwed Jill. Oh yeah, got the Brave Bow.

Turns (chapter/total): 11/173

BEXP (chapter/current): 2308/3338

Funds: ???

Micaiah	3.04	23	6	16	15	12	21	7	16	A Sothe
Sothe	7.28	36	19	4	26	22	19	15	11	A Micaiah
Volug	16.98	50	14	3	13	13	14	10	7	C Zihark
Nolan	5.52	49	18	5	23	21	15	14	8	C Jill
Laura	6.56	18	5	11	6	8	12	4	10	C Aran
Zihark	6.38	31	18	6	24	25	12	13	11	C Volug
Jill	11.42	43	17	4	18	24	23	23	11	C Nolan

Yeah, I finally am leaving out the scrubs. Not worth mentioning them.

And I'm serious, Leonardo is the best untrained scrub ever. He probably made it possible for something like an 11 turn rather than 13-14 turns. Oh yeah, just in case anyone cared, Jill is below average in every stat other than HP and DEF.

EDIT: Which of Janaff/Ulki should I use my energy drop on?

Edited by nflchamp
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EDIT: Which of Janaff/Ulki should I use my energy drop on?

I think Jannaff, because he starts with higher strength so it gives him ability to ORKO almost anything, Ulki puts it to nice use, but it makes him the same as jannaff in terms of MT, which is not consistant ORKO's. however, Tear on either one makes energy drop unnecessary.

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